Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects
As of 2014, all Graduate Center dissertations, theses, and capstone projects are posted to Academic Works. Some are immediately available to read and download, and some become available after an embargo period set by the author. All pre-2014 dissertations and doctoral capstone projects are available to the CUNY community via our Retrospective Dissertations, 1965-2013 database (CUNY Login required).
Some pre-2014 works have been added to this collection at the author's request. If you graduated before 2014 and would like to add your own GC dissertation, or for information about changing your embargo settings, please email deposit@gc.cuny.edu.
Dissertations, theses, and capstone projects are listed by year below. To browse by program, go to the Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects by Program page.
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2015
To be or not to be a Math Person: Math Identity Dissonance in Ninth Grade Students, Noah Samuel Heller
Women Are Like Silk and Men Are Like Gold: A Cross-Country Comparison of Institutional Responses to Honor Violence, Alana Michele Henninger
Floral Interactions in Van Cortlandt Park, Bronx, New York, Jack Henning
Immigration & Naturalization Policy Innovation Through Bureaucratic Reorganization, Neil Hernandez
Essays on International Payout, Governance, and Information, Richard Clifton Herron
The Effects of Cooling During Gait on Gait Endurance in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis Using the Six Minute Walk Test, Meghan Higgins, Esther Sosowsky, and Elisheva Zinberg
The Audiometric Profile of Young Adults Who Report Difficulty with Speech Perception in Noise, Michael R. Higgins
Highly-selective Chemiresistive Sensing and Analysis of Vapors Using Functionalized Nanotubes, Deon Hines
Another One Busts The Dust, Keiko Hiranaka
Dangerous Spaces: The Structural Context of Violence against Foreign Nationals in South Africa, Alexandra Hiropoulos
Attitudes Towards Music Levels at Orthodox Jewish Weddings, Evan Hirschhorn
On the Threshold: Breadwinning, Capitalism and the Absent/Present Father in the Works of Three Late 20th-Century U.S. Novelists, Nancy J. Hoch
Negotiating limits: Boundary management in the Bondage/Discipline/Sadomasochism (BDSM) community, Karen Marie Holt
"To organize the sovereign people": Political Mobilization in Pennsylvania, 1783-1808, David William Houpt
Friction, Avalanches and phase transitions in granular media., Aline Hubard
Maturation of Speech Discrimination and Attentional Requirements in Late Childhood, Judith Ann Iannotta
Do cultural and perceptual factor matter?: An investigation of factors impacting intelligence test scores of Latinos/Hispanics in the United States, Mary E. Ignagni
Explorations of Perceived Product Efficacy, Veronika Ilyuk
A Critique of Western Liberalism, Siddhant Issar
Pierre Matthieu en España. La biografía política en las traducciones de Juan Pablo Mártir Rizo y Lorenzo Van der Hammen., Adrian M. Izquierdo
A Gender Approach to Vulnerability and Natural Disasters, Ema Izquierdo
The Ecology Of Winter Flounder From An Otolith Perspective, George William Jackman
Labor Market Trajectories of Black Women in the United States, 1980 to 2010, Danielle Jackson
Variability, Stability, and Flexibility in the Speech Kinematics and Acoustics of Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutter, Eric S. Jackson
Climate-Smart Agriculture: Farmer's Bane Or Boon?, Jeeva Mary Jacob
Musical Regularity And Rhythmic Patterns: A Quantitative Analysis Of Birdsong Structure, Eathan Ezra Janney
No Rush To Motherhood: The Lived Experience Of African American Never Pregnant Sexually Active Female Teens, Monique Jenkins
Bad Apple: Complexities of New York City Food Aid Programs, Rose Meagan Jimenez
Sex-dependent Role of Interleukin-1 Signaling in Emotional and Cognitive Behaviors in Mice: Phenotyping Male and Female IL1-R1 Null Mutant Mice, Jennifer Anne Johnson
Law Enforcement Innovation and Diffusion: A Network Analysis of Police Accreditation, Jeremiah Paul Johnson
Mental Discipline and Musical Meaning, Alice Harriet Jones
Sensitizing Jurors to Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Eyewitness Identification: Assessing the Effectiveness of the Henderson Instructions, Angela M. Jones
Accessing Medicinally-Relevant Scaffolds Via Organocatalyzed Cascade Reactions, Joshua Hadley Jones
The Voting Rights Act Under Siege: The Development of the Influence of Colorblind Conservatism on the Federal Government and the Voting Rights Act, Melanie Adrienne Jones
The Impact of French Opera in Nineteenth-Century New York: The New Orleans French Opera Company, 1827–1845, Jennifer C. H. Jones Wilson
Black Like Me? A Narrative Study of Non-Anglophone Black U.S. Immigrant Selves in the Making, Yvanne Joseph
Cultural Evolution In Natural Populations: A Quantitative Bioacoustic Analysis, Chenghui Ju
Technological Revolution in Astronomy, Michael Julio
Participatory Action Research As Professional Development In Multicultural Education: What Are The Effects On A Staff In A New York City Public School?, Jimmy Ivan Kalamaras
Geometry and Statistics of Jammed Granular Matter, Mark Robert Kanner
Whistles of Sympatric Species of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the Bahamas: Acoustic Characteristics and Contextual Use, Jennifer Daisy Kaplan
Olfaction As The Paradigm For Perceptual Philosophy, Andreas Keller
The Role of the VTA NMDA Receptors, VTA DA Cells and VTA Terminal Regions in Reward-Related Learning, Karen Kest
The Role of ATP and Cleavage Factor Phosphorylation in pre-mRNA 3' Cleavage Reaction, Asya Khleborodova
Vocabulary Through Affixes and Word Families - A Computer-Assisted Language Learning Program for Adult ELL Students, Magdalena Kieliszek
Gender and Trauma from World War I to the War in Iraq: Narrative in the Aftermath of Loss, Jenny Young Kijowski
Death and Photography in East Asia: Funerary Use of Portrait Photography, Jeehey Kim
The Odyssey of North Korean Defectors: Issues and Problems in the Migration Process, You Gene Kim
The Ties that Bind: Gender, Race, and Empire in Caribbean Indenture Narratives, Alison Joan Klein
The Effects of Maximal Strength Training on Gait and Balance in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis: A Pretest Posttest Pilot Study, Janet Klein, David Park, Charles Wright, and Michael Zervas
Regulation of the Vacuolar ATPase activity, Paulina Konarzewska
Psychosocial Sequelae Of Homicide Among Murder Victims' Family Members: An Appraisal Of Depression, Grief, And Posttraumatic Stress, Sarah Kopelovich
Development of Instructional Competencies for Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk for Baccalaureate Nursing Education, Abigail Kotowski
Interactions Between Descending and Somatosensory Inputs in Humans, Lisa Krivis, Ann Mackey, Maureen McDonough, and Denise Uttaro
TCR Alpha LCR and non-LCR cis-elements contributing to tissue specific expression of the TCR Alpha gene in thymic and peripheral T cells, Martina Kucerova-Levisohn
Attenuation Of Methamphetamine And Nmda-Induced Toxicity By Leptin In Murine Striatum, Nawshin Hoque Kutub
Effecting Moral Change: Lessons from the First Emancipation, Howard Landis
Supporting Collaborative Learning in Computer-Enhanced Environments, Shalva S. Landy
"Young Men of the Stones": Gendering the First Palestinian Intifada, Karen Lauria
Turning to Culture in Times of Crisis: Global Toolkits and Urban Reinvestment in Buenos Aires, Jacob H. Lederman
The Role of Financial Reporting Quality in the Selection of New Audit Committee Member, Dongliang Lei
Rebellion under the Palm Trees: Memory, Agrarian Reform and Labor in the Aguán, Honduras, Andres Leon
Bank Monitoring: Impact on Equity REIT Risk and Return, Mariya Letdin
Changes in Economic Well-Being of the Elderly, Mei Liao
Juan Bautista Aguirre (1725-1786) y los orígenes de la nación ecuatoriana, Alex Paul Lima
Strongly-correlated 2D Electron Systems in Si-MOSFETs, Shiqi Li
Low-rank Based Algorithms for Rectification, Repetition Detection and De-noising in Urban Images, Juan Liu
Order and Asymmetry in Jammed Systems, Zhusong Li
The Lived Experience of Family Nurse Practitioners Performing Sexual Health Assessments, Madeleine Mary Lloyd
Pragmatics and Semantics in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Karece Lopez
Proton Pumping in Cytochrome c Oxidase, Jianxun Lu
Deception as forgery: The role of reference information in honesty and deceit, Timothy John Luke
The New York Philharmonic Strike of 1973, Kuan Cheng Lu
Exploring Non-Equilibrium Dynamics in Time Dependent Density Functional Theory, Kai Luo
Some Common Sense For The Common Core, Katherine M. Maciaszek
Hybridized Criticality and Elementary Excitations in LiHoF4, Haifu Ma
Effectiveness of Psychological Techniques in Increasing Deviant Sexual Fantasy Self-Disclosures, Christian Maile
The effects of mood and perceived cost on self-disclosure of deviant sexual fantasies and behavior, Jordan S. Maile
Essays on Exchange Rate Pass-Through, Michael Malenbaum
Syntactic Constraints and Social Uses of Greek-English Intrasentential Codeswitching, Despina Stefanou Malliaroudakis
Large-pore mesoporous organosilicas and related polymer nanocomposites, Amanpreet Singh Manchanda
Metasurfaces for photon sorting and selective absorption, Isroel Moshe Mandel
The Influence Of A Child's Learning Disability On A Parent's Psychological Experience: A Comparison Of Parents With And Without Learning Disabilities, Alice Varley Mangan
Rethinking Internal Working Models from a Developmental Perspective: Clarifying the Concept and Making a Case for a Sensitive Period of Attachment, Leah Bothe Manning
Polymer Pen Printing: A Tool for Studying 2D Enzymatic Lithography and Printing 3D Carbon Features, Zhantong Mao
Optimal Targeting Regimes and Instrument Rules in the Basic New Keynesian Model, Luc Marest
Essays in the Economics of Education and Health, Jesse Margolis
Hearing Conservation Attitudes and Behaviors at Orthodox Jewish Weddings, Audrey Margulies
Privilege in Haiti: Travails in Color of the First Bourgeois Nation-State in the Americas, Philippe-Richard Marius
`We Are All Stories in the End, I Want Mine to be a Good One': College Students' Work-Family Expectations and the Role of Educational Experiences, Chandra D. Mason
The Impact of Police Misconduct in Kings County on New York City's Civil Liability 2006-2010, Brian A. Maule
No Shortcuts: The Case for Organizing, Jane Frances McAlevey
Middle School Girls in Postfeminist Times, Susan McCullough
Virtue: A Life of Mary Wollstonecraft, Jessica McGivney
Disrupting the Narrative: Labor and Survivance for the Montauketts of Eastern Long Island, Allison Manfra McGovern