Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects
As of 2014, all Graduate Center dissertations, theses, and capstone projects are posted to Academic Works. Some are immediately available to read and download, and some become available after an embargo period set by the author. All pre-2014 dissertations and doctoral capstone projects are available to the CUNY community via our Retrospective Dissertations, 1965-2013 database (CUNY Login required).
Some pre-2014 works have been added to this collection at the author's request. If you graduated before 2014 and would like to add your own GC dissertation, or for information about changing your embargo settings, please email deposit@gc.cuny.edu.
Dissertations, theses, and capstone projects are listed by year below. To browse by program, go to the Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects by Program page.
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2014
Scheduling And Resource Allocation In Wireless Sensor Networks, Yosef Alayev
Ridiculous Geographies: Mapping the Theatre of the Ridiculous as Radical Aesthetic, Kelly Aliano
Marvel Comics and New York Stories: Anti-Heroes and Street Level Vigilantes Daredevil and The Punisher, Jesse Allen
Formative Assessment Through Written Feedback: Examining Elementary School Teachers' Written Feedback Beliefs and Practices, and the Effect of Models on Written Feedback, Caterina Almendral
Effects of Phonological Neighborhood Density on Lexical Access in Adults and Children with and without Specific Language Impairment, Diana Almodovar
Latinas Converting to Islam in New York: Habitus’ influence in modern identity formation, Amalia Alonzo
Synthesis of Biologically Important C-glycosides from Simple C-glycosyl Alkenes, Ahmad Sabri Altiti
The Developmental Trajectory of Contour Integration in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Ted S. Altschuler
Computational Insights Into The Oxygen Evolving Complex Of Photosystem ΙΙ, Muhamed Amin
For Love and for Justice: Narratives of Lesbian Activism, Kelly Anderson
Supraspinal And Spinal Mechanisms Of Morphine-Induced Hyperalgesia, Caroline A. Arout
An algorithmic approach to the differential Galois theory of second-order linear differential equations with differential parameters, Carlos Eduardo Arreche Aguayo
Corticospinal Integration in Healthy Humans, Amanda Asmar, Leandra Manfredini, Kerri McLean, and Christina Scannapieco
Diaspora As Development Actors: A Source Of Human And Social Capital For Local Development In Turkey, Meryem Senay Ataselim
An Equine-Facilitated Prison-Based Program: Human-Horse Relations And Effects On Inmate Emotions And Behaviors, Keren Bachi
Conformational features of the human U2-U6 snRNA complex, Ravichandra Bachu
Women in Foreclosure: Social Reproduction & Mortgage Strain in the Subprime Era, Amy Baker
Attention shapes our expectations and perceptions: The neural mechanisms of top-down attention during adulthood and development, Snigdha Banerjee
Reclaiming Space: Buildings in Modernist Literature and Film, Sreenjaya Ria Banerjee
Minorities' Perceptions of Minority-White Biracials: The Role of Identification for Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Responses, Sabrica Barnett
Benefit and Quality of Life Improvement in Older Adult Cochlear Implant Recipients: A Review of the Literature, Theresa Bartoldus
Don't Push Me Over the (Knowl)Edge: The Social Correlates of Latino High School Dropouts, Robert Charles Baskerville
A Behavioral and Biopsychological Investigation of the Role of the Illusion of Control and Perseverative Chasing Between Problem and Non-problem Gamblers, Brett Evan Bauchner
Sovereign Debt and Tax Collection Dynamics in Argentina, Kyle Royal Bauser
Examining the association of medication complexity with health-related quality of life in older adults receiving community-based long term services and supports, Claudia Ann Beck
Cortical Modulation of Spinal Reflexes in Healthy Humans, Caitlin Bedell, Joseph Capogrosso, Kristin Thomas, and Charlotte Westmoreland
Consonantal voicing effects on vowel duration in Italian-English bilinguals, Ylana Beller-Marino
Evolution And Ethics, Franklin Roy Bennett
Policy Partners in the Neoliberal Age: Corresponding School and Prison Reforms Since 1970, Jeremy Paul Benson
Dominican Gaga Music and Dance: The Remaking of a Spiritual Performance in the City of New York, Marimer Berberena
Clinical Implications of Binaural Interference: A Systematic Review of the Literature, Michael Bergen
A Comparison of Vocabulary Learning From Joint Reading of Narrative and Informational Books With Dual Language Learner Children, Deborah Bergman Deitcher
Bureaupathology and Organizational Fraud Prevention: Case Studies of Fraud Hotlines, Chelsea Ann Binns
Straight Record and The Paper Trail: From Depression Reporters to Foreign Correspondents, Magdalena Bogacka-Rode
Candida Albicans Als5p Amyloid In Host-Microbe Interactions: A Ceanorhabditis Elegans Study, Michael Bois
Message Passing Techniques For Statistical Physics And Optimization In Complex Systems, Lin Bo
The Interchange of Plain Velar and Aspirate in Kronos/Chronos: A Case for Etymological Equivalence, Roberto Peter Bongiovanni
Manuel de la Cruz Gonzalez: Transnationalism and the Development of Modern Art in Costa Rica, Lauran Bonilla-Merchav
A Chant of Dilation: Walt Whitman, Phrenology, and the Language of the Mind, Anton Borst
The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Savings and Investment, Andrew A. Bossie
The Relationship of Nursing Career Perception Congruence and Perceived Social Support on Hispanic Middle School Female Nursing Career Choice, Karen Vicino Bourgeois
Ecology of Terrorism: Cross-National Comparison of Terrorist Attacks, Katharine A. Boyd
The Long-Term Effects of Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) Combined with Complex Decongestive Therapy (CDT) in the Treatment of Breast Cancer Lymphedema: A Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study, Olivia Bramlett, Igor Daysudov, Toshi Odaira, and Bethany Rodriguez
The Influence of Pseudo-relatives on Attachment Preferences in Spanish, David Branco-Moreno
The Neurodevelopment Of Basic Sensory Processing And Integration In Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alice Brown Brandwein
For Right and Might: The Militarization of the Cold War and the Remaking of American Democracy, Michael Brenes
Between sites: Critical convergences at the personal, interpersonal, and institutional levels in a service learning course, Kendra Rashaun Brewster
Historical Relationships between Land Elevation and Socioeconomic Status in New York City: A Mixed Methods GIS Approach, Jennifer Brisbane
Comparing NMES Stimulation Intensity at Various Lengths of the Tibialis Anterior, Brent Brookbush, Maya Hakami, Jennifer Wolff, and Amy Zelin
Financial Reporting Differences and Debt Contracting, Anna B. Brown
Collective Memory, Women's Identity and the Church, Jo Ana Elise Brown
Politics as a Sphere of Wealth Accumulation: Cases of Gilded Age New York, 1855-1888, Jeffrey D. Broxmeyer
The Vastness of Small Spaces: Self-Portraits of the Artist as a Child Enclosed, Matthew John Burgess
The New Deal in Puerto Rico: Public Works, Public Health, and the Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration, 1935-1955, Geoff G. Burrows
The Fight Over John Q: How Labor Won and Lost the Public in Postwar America, 1947-1959, Rachel Burstein
Property Enhancements of Dielectric Nanoparticles via Surface Functionalization, Andrew Byro
Characterization of wide band gap semiconductors and multiferroic materials, Bo Cai
Dynamics and Manipulation of Nanomagnets, Liufei Cai
Transformative Science Education Through Action Research And Self-Study Practices, Olga Calderon
A Parent at War and the "Invisible Wounds" They Carry Home: PTSD in Military Veterans and a Review of Psychosocial Family System Challenges, Melina Sofia Calle
The Gawain-Poet and the Textual Environment of Fourteenth-Century English Anticlericalism, Ethan Campbell
"If She Can Do It, So Can I": An Ethnography of a Supportive Living Environment for Women in the Criminal Justice System and their Children, Regina Cardaci
Child Development Theory as a Mediator of Novice Teachers' Ethnotheories to Increase Learning and Justice in the Classroom, Nancy Michele Cardwell
Structure and Function in Bacteriophage Phi6, James Carpino
From the BX to a BA: Latino Male Students and the Transition from High School to College, Alejandro Eduardo Carrion
The Effects of School Autonomy on Students' Reading Achievement in Early Grades: A Dose-Response Treatment Approach, Esther Ferreira dos Santos Carvalhaes
Temporal Information Extraction and Knowledge Base Population, Taylor Cassidy
Sharps, Squares, and Scalpers: Gambling in the Urban Underground, AnneMarie Cesario
The Status of Languages in Post-Independent Morocco: Moroccan National Policies and Spanish Cultural Action, Khalid Chahhou
National Child Maltreatment Response and Foster Care Entries: 2005-2010, Zeinab Chahine
Committee Decision Making in Monetary Policy, Hyungju Cha
A Role of Yeast Adhesin Amyloids in Force-Dependent Adhesion and Biofilm Formation, Cho Xiao Juan Chan
Non-standard Italian Dialect Heritage Speakers' Acquisition of Clitic Placement in Standard Italian, Lionel Chan
Randomized Search of Graphs in Log Space and Probabilistic Computation, Wen-Ju Cheng
Dynamics of Nanoparticles in Fluids and at Interfaces, Weikang Chen
Second quantum state transition in GaAs/AlGaAs resonant Bragg structure probed by modulation reflectance spectroscopy, Yuechao Chen
Re-Considering Female Sexual Desire: Internalized Representations Of Parental Relationships And Sexual Self-Concept In Women With Inhibited And Heightened Sexual Desire, Eugenia Cherkasskaya
Changing gender: Gender role, class and the experience of Chinese female immigrants, Doris Cheung
Bicultural Social Identity: Do Biculturals Assess Workplace Deviance Differently Across Different Ethnicities?, Andy Y. Chiou
Falls Prevention Training at New York Presbyterian Hospital: Does Education Regarding Fall Prevention Reduce Incidence of Falls after Discharge to Home from an Acute Rehabilitation Facility?, Yuning Chiu, Michelle Frager, Hyunseok Lee, and Solange Wong
Motor Imagery and Action Observation as an Alternative Gait Training Intervention for the Elderly, Matthew F. Cirelli, Brian Fettner, Lindita Ismaili, and Danielle Jordan
The Performance of Dancers on the Lower Quadrant Y Balance Test, Heather Cole, Jinny McGivern, Anna Morejon, and Tiffany Sudol
The Bronx: Creating Fashion Identity through Race, Class, Hip-Hop Culture and J.Lo, Milesska Jordana Contreras-Hernandez
Gravity Modeling of Casinos in the United States: A Case Study of Philadelphia, Moira Conway
Understanding Workplace Reciprocity of Emergency Nurses: A Qualitative Study, Christine M. Corcoran
Yang-Mills Theories as Deformations of Massive Integrable Models, Axel Cortes Cubero
The Inner Workings of Text Summarization Systems, Hope Cotton
Suburban Heat Islands: The Influence Of Residential Minimum Lot Size Zoning On Surface Heat Islands In Somerset County, New Jersey, Jennifer Renee Cox
The Sound Patterns Of Camuno: Description And Explanation In Evolutionary Phonology, Michela Cresci
The Role of Water in the Rise, Prominence, and Decline of Nabataean Petra, Dennis Cummins
(Remember) The Future: The Preemptive Governance of Memory in the Age of Mass Catastrophe, Kimberly J. Cunningham
The Lived Experiences of Nurses Caring for Dying Pediatric Patients, Danna Leigh Curcio
The Effect Of Morphological Awareness On Reading Comprehension: A Study With Adolescent Spanish-English Emergent Bilinguals, Rebecca Curinga
Integration or Interrogation? Franco-Maghrebi Rap and Hip-Hop Culture in Marseille, Jenna Catherine Daley