Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects
As of 2014, all Graduate Center dissertations, theses, and capstone projects are posted to Academic Works. Some are immediately available to read and download, and some become available after an embargo period set by the author. All pre-2014 dissertations and doctoral capstone projects are available to the CUNY community via our Retrospective Dissertations, 1965-2013 database (CUNY Login required).
Some pre-2014 works have been added to this collection at the author's request. If you graduated before 2014 and would like to add your own GC dissertation, or for information about changing your embargo settings, please email deposit@gc.cuny.edu.
Dissertations, theses, and capstone projects are listed by year below. To browse by program, go to the Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects by Program page.
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Structural Insights into Bacterial Helicase Loading at a Replication Origin by Cryogenic Electron Microscopy, Abhipsa Shatarupa
Biomolecular Crystals as Functional Materials, Fahmeed Khan Sheehan
Evaluating the Reliability and Accuracy of Alchemical Binding Free Energy Methods and Calculations, Fnu Sheenam
Beyond the Madwoman in the Attic: Representations of Female Madness in Victorian Popular Literature, Beth Sherman
Performing Ero Guro: Erotic-Grotesque Bodies and Normativity in Post-WWII Japanese and Korean Theatre, Dohyun Shin
Gendering Diaspora Across Generations: Lebanese Motherhood and Daughterhood Post-Emigration, Janan Shouhayib
Interracial Instagram: Depictions of Interracial Couples on Instagram, Christie Sillo
Strike a Pose: Performing Gestures of Female Madness Across Media Circa 1900, Elyse S. Singer
The BlackGIRL Project: Examining the Impact and Manifestation of Colorism among Black Adolescent Girls in the United States: A Critical Participatory Action Research Approach, Gina (Diagou) R. Sissoko
The Mystic Chords of Memory: The Civil War Musical as Historiography, Christine Snyder
Essays on Cryptocurrency Assets, Minwoo Song
Stop the Madness: Small Arms Related Internal Violence: Improving Micro-disarmament and Human Rights in Post Conflict Reconstruction, Paulette A. Southall
A Multilevel Approach to the Analysis and Visualization of Timbral Brightness in Post-Tonal Music, Stephen Spencer
United States Foreign Policy Towards South Africa: From Constructive Engagement to Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, Jennifer J. Squires
“Hattak Vpi Homma” mvt Miha Nanta Fehna? What Does “Native American” Really Mean?, Alex R. Steers-McCrum
Defining Resilience in Young People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Theory Informed Approach, Barbara Storch
Play in the Undercommons: The Transformative Power of Fugitive Practice in a Multiracial, International Teacher Inquiry Collective, Kushya Sugarman
Regulation of the Intracellular Trafficking of Ajuba by Cell Density and Cell Cycle-Dependent Mechanisms, Huanhuan Sun
Speeding Up Coded Distributed Machine Learning, Xian Su
Metric Schemas and Projections in Three Colombian Folk Genres, Lina S. Tabak
Claiming the Right to Belong: Diversity and the Politics of Inclusion in Queens, New York, Susan J. Tanenbaum
Systematics and Comparative Genomics of the Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera), Ethan R. Tolman
The Beautiful and the Bullshit: Speaker and Listener Mental Representations Influence Bullshit Receptivity, Ryan Tracy
God, Fatherland, Family: Integralismo and the Making of the Far-Right in Twentieth Century Brazil, Daniela M. Traldi
Prosodic Marking of Focus in Autistic and Neurotypical Adults, Nishtha N. Trivedi
Synthesis of C-Di- and C-Tri- Saccharides from Glycosyl Crotylating Agents, Steven Truong
Fashion, Freedom, and Feminism: The Transcendent Work of Rosa Genoni and Her "Tanagra Dress" Reimagined, Christina Trupiano
On the Lower Levels of the Ivory Tower: What Color Collars do Adjunct Faculty Wear?, Frederick Tucker
Development and Application of Magnus Expansion based Propagators for Problems in Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics, Taner M. Ture
Desire Lines: An Annotated Screenplay, Alexandra Tydings
Maternal Subjectivities in the 18th and 19th Century British Novel, Anastasia Vahaviolos Valassis
Deep Learning-Based Human Action Understanding in Videos, Elahe Vahdani
The Role of Language Ideologies in Curriculum Design: Possibilities in Computational and Digital Literacies Integration in Teacher Education, Jessica Velez Tello
Frenetic Journey Toward Muddledness: An Experimental Short Film, Fernando Vieira
Altruistic Imperialism: The Co-optation of Mutual Aid by the Nonprofit Industrial Complex, Kelly T. Waltz
Context in Computer Vision: A Taxonomy, Multi-stage Integration, and a General Framework, Xuan Wang
Employment Outcomes in Higher Education, Yunxia Wei
Black Horror Film and the Role of Mood in Race Perception, Nicholas P. Whittaker
Neurochemical Signaling of Reward-Based Learning in Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons, Kyla F. Wholley
Framing Teacher Migration: An Analysis of Jamaican Media Coverage from 2016–2023, Denise Wiley
Normative Orientations to Housing Activism and the Uneven Path to Nonprofitization in New York City, 1964–1989, Andrew Wilkes
The Black MAP Project: A Black People’s Epistemology of Healing, Britton Williams
Black Women and Social Movements: A Narrative Analysis, Nantasha Williams
Building Networks, Producing Spaces for Play: Local Geographies and National Organizing in the History of Adventure Playgrounds in the United States, 1949-1999, Reilly B. Wilson
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Population Social Vulnerability and Risk: A Spatial Analysis Based on the 2015-16 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) of India, Paradorn Wongchanapai
Empirical Essays on Corporate Financing Behaviors, Joonsung Won
Digital Rhetoric of the Invisible: Bisexual Literacy Practices on TikTok, 2020–2021, Olivia Wood
Response Styles in Multiscale Measures, Zebing Wu
How Do We Learn What We Cannot Say?, Daniel Yakubov
Empirical Essays on Retail Investors, Institutional Investors, and Anomalies, Yuqing Yang
Spain's Vision of Empire through Conquest, Ideology, and Law in the Sixteenth Century, Penelope Yau-Wen
We Cannot Labor Our Way Out of Oppression: An Exploratory Study of Wealth Through Black Women’s Lived Experience, Tiffany N. Younger
New Algorithmic Support for the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Vitaly Zaderman
Shaping Art Cinema Canon: The Venice Film Festival's Evolution and Influence (1946–1968), Luca Zamparini
The Application of Bayesian Meta-Analytic Models in Cognitive Research on Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Nic Zapparrata
Multilayered Harmonic Structure in Elliott Carter’s Clarinet Quintet, Xiangyu Zhou
Challenging Beliefs: Examining the Efficacy of Corrections for Conspiratorial and Partisan Misinformation, Ava Zwolinski
Liberal Attitude Reports, Tomasz Zyglewicz
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2023
Examining the Prevalence and Psychopathological Correlates of Paraphilic Interests in a Non-clinical Sample, Dylan H. Abrams
Neo-Nazi Postmodern: Right-Wing Terror Tactics, the Intellectual Neue Rechte, and the Destabilization of Memory in Germany since 1989, Esther E. Adaire
Synthesis of Biologically Active Tropolones and Stereochemically Rich Compounds via Cross-Coupling Reactions, Nana B. Agyemang
Writing the Unwritten: Politicians, Celebrities and Activists on Lebanese Twitter, May Ahmar
International Student Orientations: Indian Students at American Universities Around the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Param S. Ajmera
Writing as Liberation: Challenging Yemeni Patriarchal Practices, Sheema Alamari
Entextualización del Discurso Político en Colombia. Análisis Glotopolítico Del Proceso de Escritura de la Constitución de 1991, Jorge Luis Alvis-Castro
Phantom Shootings, Allan Ambris
Conservative and Cultural Clashes with Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Bryan Z. Anderson
Extinction of Threat Memory via Reconsolidation Interference: A Behavioral Intervention Meta-Analysis, Chris M. Andrae
Unsung Heroines in Black and White: Sixties Girl Groups as Sonic Rock Rebellion, Hilarie Ashton
There’s No Space in History: Affiliation, Eros and Colonial Entanglements in North American Nuclear Poetry, 1945-Present, Marguerite Daisy Atterbury
Navigating the Unprecedented: A Behavioral Theory of the Firm's Perspective on COVID-19's Impact on Workplace Practices, Jeffrey Augugliaro
Redrawing the Contours of Care: Ethical Commitments and Gendered Politics in the Work of Government Psychological Counsellors in Sri Lanka, Nadia Augustyniak
It Has Always Been the “Business Model”: Racism and Sexism in Creative Arts Therapy Higher Education, Yasmine J. Awais
Social Capital, Social Support, and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in Ghana and South Africa: The Moderating Role of Country, Paul K. Ayernor
Structural Basis of Signal Transduction within Environmental Sensing PAS Regulated Ser/Thr Kinases, Roksana Azad
Establishing a Mouse Model of Glioblastoma (GBM) And Developing Strategies to Eliminate Cancer Cells., Juliet N.E. Baidoo-Kanneh
Witnessing Climate Change in the United States Virgin Islands: Emotional Responses and Calls for Action, Thomas Bane
The Myth of Measure in American Poetry, Joshua M. Barber
Searching for Mami & Abuelita: Reimagining Ethnic Studies Praxis Through Women of Color Feminisms, Art, and Archiving, Wendy S. Barrales
The Gilded Tropics: Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent in Florida, 1886-1917, Theodore W. Barrow
Older Adults in the Great Recession: Labor Force Transitions, Perceived Workplace Ageism and Life Satisfaction, Duygu Başaran Şahin
Examining Factors Related to Tobacco Treatment Engagement Among Tobacco Dependent Black/African American; Hispanic/Latino Cancer Patients: An Analysis of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Tobacco Treatment Program, Gleneara E. Bates-Pappas
Is Gifted Education and Its Program a Brand?, Farzana Begum
Naming Venus: An Exploration of Goddesses, Heroines, and Famous Women, Kavya Beheraj
Diggin’ in the Racial Literacy and Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Crates, Jordan Bell
Separation of Zr from Complex Matrices for Isotope Harvesting Applications, Jake A. Bence
music lessons, Cecilia-Rose Louise Bender
One-Loop Corrections to Dihadron Production in DIS at Small x, Filip Bergabo
Synthesis and Analysis of Novel Troponoid-Based Chemical Probes, Alex Berkowitz
Konohana, Jean-Patrick Besingrand
Ways of Silence and Other Absences in the Music of George Crumb, Jean-Patrick Besingrand
Justice, Pandemics, and Museums in Cyberspace: Archaeology Museums’ Decolonization Projects During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Samuel Besse