Theses from 2025
Modernity and the Promise of Democracy: A Democratic Reading of Machiavelli and Hobbes, Gabriel Garber
The U.S. Grand Strategy Toward the Pacific Islands, Angela Vasovic
Theses from 2024
Analysis of Victim/Villain Narratives Presented Under Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing Frameworks: The Kosovo Case, Kristi Allaj
Hagia Sophia: Politics of Space and Hauntology, Hazal Demir
Electoral Competitiveness and Legislator Responsiveness, Joseph Donza
Understanding the Knowledge Production Function of the United Nations: The Case of the Sahel Crisis, Hussein E. Elshaar
Cancer in Pajamas: Radio, Podcasts, and the Politics of Free Time in the Digital Age, Daniel Grjonko
Socially Racialized and Statistically Invisible: U.S. Census Recognition of The Middle Eastern and North African Diaspora, Aliana J. Jabbary
Examining the Factors that Contribute to the Survival and Resilience of the Al-Shabaab Terrorist Organization, Kevisha R. Kellar
Heteronormativity and Fair Housing: Comparing Housing Opportunities Among Cisgender and Transgender Women, Joseph E. Lara
Israel's Foreign Policy Toward Asia, Eli Lebto
Who’s Afraid of Employer Sanctions?: Political and Institutional Dynamics of Workplace Enforcement, Michael C. Macher
Bodies for Catastrophe: A Montage Study of Palestinian Digital Labor, Francisco Ramos
Framing the Fight: Revolutionary Feelings in Virtual Communities, James Reilly
The Intellectual Roots of Hindutva: Influences from Early German Romantics and Mahatma Gandhi, Johannes Scheuer
Theses from 2023
The Relationship between Democratic Measures, LGBTIAQ* Rights Acceptance, and U.S. Foreign Aid Allocation in the Global South, Jacqueline Biergans
Freedom Song: Uncovering a Politics of Dignity in Black Feminist Thought and Praxis, Abegail M. Dobson
The Impact of Overseas Study Experiences on Chinese Students’ Attitudes Toward the United States, Xufeng Fang
Finding Autonomy Under the Russian Bear: Explaining Central Asia’s Response to the Invasion of Ukraine, Ryan Hitch
Public Privacy and Info-Liberal Authoritarianism, Christopher Hongach
Power and Authority in Karl Marx, Niccoló Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes, Ekim Kilic
Rewiring the Spokes: The Future of U.S. Bilateralism in Asia, Gian Marc Lombardo
Misogyny in Contemporary Populist Authoritarianism, Maxine Mannheim
Algorithmic Sovereignty: Machine Learning, Ground Truth, and the State of Exception, Matthew Martin
How Do Authoritarian Regimes Win Re-Election During an Economic Recession?, Mst Sarmin Akter Mazumder
Ethnic Tensions in the Western Balkans and the Experience of Ethnic Minorities, Nadina Resulani
The Impact of Utilitarian Public Policies on Minority Communities: A Comparison of New York City and New South Wales, Australia., Nicholas Reyes
Grand Strategy at the End of History: Chinese Strategic Thought in the 21st Century and its Western Perceptions, Daniel A. Rogers
Notes on Insurgent Universality In Ambedkar’s Social and Political Thought: A Critique Of Postcolonial Anti-Universalism, Sitharthan Sriharan
Theses from 2022
The Effects of Syrian Refugees on Jordanians’ Political Attitudes, Suna Buse Agkoc
American Intervention in the "New World Order", Julie N. Benson
Drag, Drugs, and Demonstrations: Cultural Subversion under Capitalism, Nicholas Kade Edwards
A Multilevel Analysis of Political Risk, Marlon J. Guzman Valdera
The Campaign to End U.S. War-Making in Yemen: Strategies of Congressional Advocacy, 2015–2020, Zachary Laub
Janus v. AFSCME, Revisited, Benjamin Derek Morse
No Excuses Yet No Solutions: The Inherent Anti-Blackness of the No-Excuses Charter School Model, Tshala A. Pajibo
Comparing the Environmental and Social Factors of UK and US Firms: A Case for Stringent Disclosure Regulation, Jasmine Pybas
Towards a Multi-Polar International System: An Analysis of the BRICS Countries’ Growth as Economic and Political Actors, Damla Senlik
Democratic Processing of Waste: European Federalism and Decentralized Waste Management in Navarra and Basque Country, Michael Stinavage
Navigating the Multiple Streams: The Strategic Use of Sunset Provisions, David F. Wall
Theses from 2021
Reimagining Post-Secondary Training, Community College, and Welfare Supports, Aaron Azerad
On the Woman Question: A Defense of Alexandra Kollontai against Liberal Critics, Nicole Baltzer
Nuances in Bottom-Up Interpretations: Colombia's and Guatemala's Radically Different Approaches to Transitional Justice, Chelsea L. Carrick
Optimism of the Intellect, Pessimism of the Will? A Gramscian Analysis of Two New York Police Reform Campaigns, Christian Covington
The Politics of Hip Hop: A Political Analysis of Hip Hop’s History and Its Complicated Relationship with Capitalism, Danielle Garcia
The Palestinian’s Venison: John Locke, Colonialism and Liberal Zionism, Benjamin Geier
The Second Kashmir (Informational) War of 1965, Navdip Hans
A Lasting Impression: Higher Education’s Effects on Mass Polarization in the US, Bradley Highfield
El Pueblo Unido: How Threats Increased Latinx Turnout in Arizona’s 2020 General Election, Conner Martinez
The Federalist Papers' Account of Human Nature, Jeffrey P. Smith
The Role of Authoritarianism in the 2020 Election, Brandon Vigil
The LinkNYC Kiosk: Phone Booths, Urban Culture, and the Neoliberal Dream for New York City, Michael A. Villanova
Theses from 2020
False Cures of U.S. Nationalism: The Border Wall – A Raucous Call from the Silent Center, Tatiana N. Browne-Kai
Black Parental Involvement in a Suburban School District, Walter L. Fields
Class Based Contestations in Neoliberal France, Sam Goodson
Modernity in Miniature: Maoism and the Beijing Department Store, Samuel M. Hellmann
Who Governs the Sea? An Analysis of the Regime Complex in International Shipping, Brent Landon
Repairing the U.S.–South Korea Alliance: THAAD as an Appeasement Measure, Jane Lee
Shock, Stimulus, and Upheaval: The Great Recession, The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, and Mayoral Coalitions in Brooklyn, NY 2009–2013, Charles Linsmeier
Unpaid Care Work and Civic Engagement: A Review of Literature Suggesting Unpaid Care Work as Civic Engagement, William Novello
Ascriptive Nationalism, Demagoguery, and the Modern Presidency: A Case Study in Constitutional Decay, Christopher J. Putney
Aesthetic Redemption: Psychedelia, Film, and Walter Benjamin’s Sensory Revolution, Alexander C. Redlins
Building for Culture: How Municipal Ownership of Cultural Facilities Influences Annual Arts Funding in American Cities, Adam M. Sachs
Theses from 2019
Afghanistan: The Crossroads of Conflicting Regional Interests, Sabera Azizi
The Role of Women in Terrorism, Zeynep Bayar
Sounds of Alter-destiny and Ikonoklast Panzerist Fabulations, Mette Christiansen
Youth Voice and the Promise and Peril of Affirmative Governmentality: An Analysis of New York City’s Borough Student Advisory Councils, Hillary R. Donnell
Presidential Power: Assessing the Unitary Executive as the Strongest Determinant of Presidential Success, Maxwell J. Fuerderer
Why is the Black Population of Central Brooklyn, the Mecca of Black NYC, Diminishing?, Jamell N.A. Henderson
American Digital Election Infrastructure: Policy, Risks, Options, Tyson S. Himes
The Growing Middle Class and the Absence of Democracy in China, Danni Mei
Cyborgean Horizons: Gender, Disability and Technology in Olympic and Paralympic Sport, An Intersectional Approach, Stephanie O'Neill
A Politics of Boundlessness, Fernando Orellana
Swedish Migration Politics: Have the Sweden Democrats Taken Over the Political Agenda?, Sofia Sedergren
The Jihadist Marketplace: Understanding Competition between al Qaeda and ISIS, Hristo Voynov
Theses from 2018
Out of the Shadows: Women of the FMLN Guerrilla Army in El Salvador’s Civil War, 1979–1992, Erica Gonzalez
The Study of Soft Power: China’s Presence in African Region, Jessica Huang
Angelenos, Vivian Liang
We Refugees, Again, Aaron Linas
Economics, Politics and the Environment, Ron Mandelbaum
The Dictators’ Dilemma: Repression or Concessions in the Face of Resistance, Chris Massaro
Digesting Democracy: A Theoretical Analysis of American Food Regimes, Angela R. Moore
The State and Future of Autonomous Vehicle Regulation in the United States, Nikolay Nyashin
The State of Hate in America: A Study of Hate Group Permeation in the United States by State, Michelle Rogers
The Politics of Service: Affectivity, Social Relations, and the Power of Tipping in the Restaurant Industry, Jacqueline A. Ross
Gendered Violence: An Analysis of State Legal Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Amongst Refugee Women, Maria Sigalas
Politics as Loot: Reflections on Theories of Decline in Political Thought, Milo Ward
Theses from 2017
Capitalism and Unfreedom: Louis D. Brandeis and a Liberty of the Left, Eric L. Apar
The Technocratic Politics of the Common Core State Standards in History, Kate Duguid
Toward a Reoriented Radicalism: Black Marxism and Orientalism, Alexandros Orphanides
Underrepresentation of Women in Politics: Focus on New York City, Yuliya Szczepanski
Terrorism: A Tool For Shaping Public Opinion, Jonathan E. Voisich
Theses from 2016
Neighborhood and Community Change in Brooklyn's Sunset Park, Anthony G. Aggimenti