Publications and Research
Works from 2015
Toward a Deeper Understanding of Disability: Physical Therapy Educators’ Reflections, Clarence Chan, Debra Engel, and Jacqueline Ross
Electromechanical Magnetization Switching, Eugene M. Chudnovsky and Reem Jaafar
LaGuardia/Chile Study Abroad Program, Hugo Fernandez
Foregrounding the Research Log in Information Literacy Instruction, Louise R. Fluk
Prescription Drug Diversion: Predictors of Illicit Acquisition and Redistribution in Three U.S. Metropolitan Areas, Shana Harris, Valentina Nikulina, Camila Gelpi-Acosta, Cory Morton, Valerie Newsome, Alana Gunn, Heidi Hoefinger, Ross Aikins, Vivian Smith, Victoria Barry, and Martin J. Downing Jr.
Can Group Discussions And Individualized Assignments Help More Students Succeed In Developmental Mathematics?, Reem Jaafar
(-)-Oleocanthal rapidly and selectively induces cancer cell death via lysosomal membrane permeabilization, Onica LeGendre, Paul A. S. Breslin, and David A. Foster
CUNY's LILAC as a Model for a Large Urban University Professional Development Organization, Galina Letnikova
Drosophila Muller F Elements Maintain a Distinct Set of Genomic Properties Over 40 Million Years of Evolution, Wilson Leung, Christopher D. Shaffer, Laura K. Reed, Sheryl T. Smith, William Barshop, William Dirkes, Matthew Dothager, Paul Lee, Jeannette Wong, David Xiong, Han Yuan, James E. J. Bedard, Joshua F. Machone, Seantay D. Patterson, Amber L. Price, Bryce A. Turner, Srebrenka Robic, Erin K. Luippold, Shannon R. McCartha, Tezin A. Walji, Karim A. Sharif, Tenzin Choeying, Jason S. Macias, Fareed Sanusi, Karvyn Torchon, Yuying Gosser, Shubha Govind, Nicole Clarke-Medley, Leslie Guadron, Dawn Lau, Alvin Lu, Cheryl Mazzeo, Mariam Meghdari, Simon Ng, Brad Pamnani, Olivia Plante, Yuki Kwan Wa Shum, Roy Song, Gerard P. McNeil, Adeola Adebayo, Kate Bagaeva, Justina Chinwong, Chrystel Dol, Eunice George, Kirk Haltaufderhyde, Joanna Haye, Manpreet Kaur, Max Semon, Dmitri Serjanov, Anika Toorie, and Christopher Wilson
"Happily Ever After": The Tragic Queer and Delany's Comic Book Fairy Tale, Ann Matsuuchi
The Doctor's Original Face: Watching Doctor Who Episodes As Buddhist Koans, Ann Matsuuchi and Alexander Lozupone
Structuring Online & Hybrid College Courses, Janet Michello
Monitoring the Progression of Spontaneous Articular Cartilage Healing with Infrared Spectroscopy, Megan P. O'Brien, Madhuri Penmatsa, Uday Palukuru, Paul West, Xu Yang, Mathias P. G. Bostrom, Theresa Freeman, and Nancy Pleshko
More Than Just Cat Pictures: Reddit as a Curated News Source, Steven Ovadia
A re-interpretation of the Triangulum-Andromeda stellar clouds: a population of halo stars kicked out of the Galactic disk, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Kathryn V. Johnston, Allyson A. Sheffield, Chervin F. P. Laporte, and Branimir Sesar
White Paper on Research Opportunities and CUNY Library Faculty: The Need for Annual Leave Parity, PSC CUNY Library Faculty Committee (2014-2015), Jay H. Bernstein, Jill Cirasella, John A. Drobnicki, Francine Egger-Sider, Lisa Ellis, Robert Farrell, William Gargan, Bonnie Nelson, Mariana Regalado, Sharon Swacker, and Tess Tobin
Solar and Conservative Energy, Md Zahidur Rahman and Jonathan Anspike
Early Detection and Monitoring of Malaria, Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, Abdelhamid Kadik, Howard Miller, and Dilara A. Rosy
Numeracy Infusion Course for Higher Education (NICHE), 1: Teaching Faculty How to Improve Students' Quantitative Reasoning Skills through Cognitive Illusions, Frank Wang and Esther I. Wilder
Toxins in Newtown Creek, Burl Yearwood, Cho Cho Aung, Ridima Pradhan, and Jennifer Vance
This Week in Digital Humanities and Pedagogy, Dominique Zino
Works from 2014
Supervisor Use of Video as a Tool in Teacher Reflection, Laura H. Baecher, Bede McCormack, and Shiao-Chuan Kung
Nuclear Structure Aspects of Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay, B. Alex Brown, Mihai Horoi, and Roman A. Sen′kov
Consciousness doesn't overflow cognition, Richard Brown
Algebraic Formulation of Hadronic Supersymmetry Based on Octonions: New Mass Formulas and Further Applications, Sultan Catto, Yasemin Gürcan, Amish Khalfan, and Levent Kurt
The Catholic schoolgirl & the wet nurse: On the ecology of oppression, trauma and crisis, Jade E. Davis
Inhibition of extracellular HMGB1 attenuates hyperoxia-induced inflammatory acute lung injury, Maria Entezari, Mohammad Javdan, Daniel J. Antoine, Dympna M.P. Morrow, Ravikumar A. Sitapara, Vivek Patel, Mao Wang, Lokesh Sharma, Samir Gorasiya, Michelle Zur, Wenjun Wu, JianHua Li, Huan Yang, Charles R. Ashby, Douglas Thomas, Haichao Wang, and Lin L. Mantell
Core Strategies for Scaling Up: 1-5, Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino, and Judit Torok
Core Strategies for Scaling Up: 6-10, Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino, and Judit Torok
Inquiry, Reflection, and Integration: Catalyst Design Principles, Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino, and Judit Torok
Professional Development - Effective Strategies in the C2L Network, Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino, and Judit Torok
Reflection, Integration, and ePortfolio Pedagogy, Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino, and Judit Torok
What it takes for ePortfolio to Make a Difference: The Catalyst Framework, Student Learning & Institutional Change, Bret Eynon, Laura M. Gambino, and Judit Torok
LILAC: Planted at CUNY Ten Years Ago and Still Blooming, Galina Letnikova
A Central Support System Can Facilitate Implementation and Sustainability of a Classroom-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) in Genomics, David Lopatto, Charles Hauser, Christopher J. Jones, Don Paetkau, Vidya Chandrasekaran, David Dunbar, Christy MacKinnon, Joyce Stamm, Consuelo Alvarez, Daron Barnard, James E. J. Bedard, April E. Bednarski, Satish Bhalla, John M. Braverman, Martin Burg, Hui-Min Chung, Randall J. DeJong, Justin R. DiAngelo, Chunguang Du, Todd T. Eckdahl, Yuying Gosser, Shubha Govind, Gerard McNeil, and Karim A. Sharif
Automate the Internet With “If This Then That” (IFTTT), Steven Ovadia
Linux for Academics, Part II: The Advantages of Free and Open-Source Software, Steven Ovadia
Markdown for Librarians and Academics, Steven Ovadia
ResearchGate and Academia.edu: Academic Social Networks, Steven Ovadia
Teaching an Electrical Circuits Course Using a Virtual Lab, Md Zahidur Rahman
Teaching Electrical Circuits Using a Virtual Lab, Md Zahidur Rahman
Reduction of the Long-Term Inaccuracy from the AVHRR–Based NDVI Data, Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, and M. Nazrul Islam
Environmental Data Analysis and Remote Sensing for Early Detection of Dengue and Malaria, Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, Abdelhamid Kadik, and Dilara A. Rosy
The Observer in the Picture: Surface and Depth in a Passage from Proust, Noam Scheindlin
A Course-Based Research Experience: How Benefits Change with Increased Investment in Instructional Time, Christopher D. Shaffer, Consuelo J. Alvarez, April E. Bednarski, David Dunbar, Anya L. Goodman, Catherine Reinke, Anne G. Rosenwald, Michael J. Wolyniak, Cheryl Bailey, Daron Barnard, Christopher Bazinet, Dale L. Beach, James E. J. Bedard, Satish Bhalla, John Braverman, Martin Burg, Vidya Chandrasekaran, Hui-Min Chung, Kari Clase, Randall J. DeJong, Shubha Govind, Gerard McNeil, and Karim Sharif
Works from 2013
CUNY's Critical Thinking Skills Initiative: Redesigning workforce education through information literacy learning, Irene Gashurov and Ann Matsuuchi
TOWARD TARGET 2 OF THE GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR PLANT CONSERVATION: AN EXPERT ANALYSIS OF THE PUERTO RICAN FLORA TO VALIDATE NEW STREAMLINED METHODS FOR ASSESSING CONSERVATION STATUS, James S. Miller, Gary A. Krupnick, Hannah Stevens, Holly Porter-Morgan, Brian Boom, Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez, James Ackerman, Duane Kolterman, Eugenio Santiago, Christian Torres, and Jeanine Velez
Decentralized Expertise: The Evolution of Community Forums in Technical Support, Steven Ovadia
Digital Content Curation and Why It Matters to Librarians, Steven Ovadia
Linux for Academics, Part I, Steven Ovadia
The Role of Big Data in the Social Sciences, Steven Ovadia
When Social Media Meets Scholarly Publishing, Steven Ovadia
Refining Environmental Satellite Data Using a Statistical Approach, Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, and Abdelhamid Kadik
Marketing Library Workshops: A Model for Achieving Popular and Critical Success, Catherine Stern, Alexandra Rojas, and Elizabeth Namei
Data assimilation for stratified convection, Andreas Svedin, Milena C. Cuéllar, and Axel Brandenburg
Isabel Archer's "Delicious Pain": Charting Lacanian Desire in The Portrait of a Lady, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2012
Midgut and Fat Body Bacteriocytes in Neotropical Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Olga Calderon and Amy Berkov
Using the ePortfolio to Complement Standardized Testing in a Healthcare Professional Program: Better Education or More Busy Work?, Clarence Chan
Wonder Woman Wears Pants: Wonder Woman, Feminism and the 1972 'Women's Lib' Issue., Ann Matsuuchi
A Brief Introduction to Web-Based Note Capture, Steven Ovadia
Staying Informed With Really Simple Syndication (RSS), Steven Ovadia
Syncing Bookmarks: An Overview of Current Options, Steven Ovadia
Cost Effective Malaria Risk Control Using Remote Sensing and Environmental Data, Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, and Abdel Hamid Kadik
Faculty as undergraduate research mentors for students of color: Taking into account the costs, Joni Schwartz
Research and Transfer: A Teaching Project, Catherine Stern and Cecilia Macheski
Temporal Changes in Collagen Cross-Links in Spontaneous Articular Cartilage Repair, Masahiko Terajima, Sheela Damle, Madhuri Penmatsa, Paul West, Mathias Bostrom, Chisa Hidaka, Mitsuo Yamauchi, and Nancy Pleshko
Works from 2011
Little ecological divergence associated with speciation in two African rain forest tree genera, Thomas LP Couvreur, Holly Porter-Morgan, Jan J. Wieringa, and Lars W. Chatrou
Twitter: A Collection Development Discovery Tool for and By the People, Daisy V. Domínguez and Steven Ovadia
Bundles, Big Deals, and the Copyright Wars: What Can Academic Libraries Learn from the Record Industry Crash?, Edward P. Keane
An Early Introduction to the Google+ Social Networking Project, Steven Ovadia
Managing Citations With Cost-Free Tools, Steven Ovadia
Open-Access Electronic Textbooks: An Overview, Steven Ovadia
Quora.com: Another Place for Users to Ask Questions, Steven Ovadia
A statistical Method to Correct Radiometric Data Measured by AVHRR Onboard the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES), Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, and Abdelhamid Kadik
The Role of Audiobooks in Academic Libraries, Catherine Stern
Was the Black Death in India and China?, George D. Sussman
Works from 2010
Location of modulatory β subunits in BK potassium channels, Guoxia Liu, Xiaowei Niu, Roland S. Wu, Neelesh Chudasama, Yongneng Yao, Xin Jin, Richard Weinberg, Sergey I. Zakharov, Howard Motoike, Steven O. Marx, and Arthur Karlin
Finding Data Sets Online, Steven Ovadia
Navigating the Challenges of the Cloud, Steven Ovadia
The Trouble With Logins: The Challenges of Online Identity, Steven Ovadia
The Viability of Google Wave as an Online Collaboration Tool, Steven Ovadia
An Application of Statistical Technique to Correct Satellite Data Due to Orbit Degradation, Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, and Run Jesmin
Welcome to the Land of Super-Service: A Survivor's Guide. . .and Some Questions, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2009
The Messy Teaching Conversation: Toward a Model of Collegial Reflection, Exchange, and Scholarship on Classroom Problems, Heidi L. Johnsen, Michelle Pacht, Phyllis E. VanSlyck, and Ting Man Tsao
Controlling the Environment: the Australian phytotron and postcolonial science, David Munns
Exploring the Potential of Twitter as a Research Tool, Steven Ovadia
The Most Effective Statistical Approach to Correct Environmental Satellite Data, Md Zahidur Rahman and Leonid Roytman
Works from 2008
Removing Long-Term Errors from the AVHRR Observation Based on Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, Atiqur Rahman, Felix Kogan, and Runa Jesmin
Tintoretto and James: Exposing the Shattered Subject, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2007
The Impact of Receiver Aperture Design and Telescope Properties on LIDAR Signal-to-Noise Ratio Improvements, Yasser Hassebo and Khaled El Sayed
Advocacy Begins at Home: Methods of Promoting Faculty Awareness of Open Access Publishing at the Brooklyn Campus of Long Island University, Edward P. Keane
Digg.com and Socially-Driven Authority, Steven Ovadia
Removing Long-Term Errors from the AVHRR–Based Brightness Temperature (BT), Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, and Felix Kogan
Works from 2006
Community Reactions to Campaigns Addressing Crystal Methamphetamine Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men In New York City, Jose Nanín, Jeffrey T. Parsons, David S. Bimbi, Christian Grov, and Justin T. Brown
Cationic amino acid transport across the blood-brain barrier is mediated exclusively by system y+, Robyn L. O'Kane, Juan R. Viña, Ian Simpson, Rosa Zaragozá, Ashwini Mokashi, and Richard A. Hawkins
Learning Communities and the Future of the Humanities, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2005
A handheld polarimeter for aerosol remote sensing, James W. Frost, Fouad Nasraddine, J. Rodriguez, I. Andino, and Brian Cairns
Oy Science Fiction: On Genre, Criticism, and Alien Love: An Interview with Marleen S. Barr, C. Jason Smith, Ximena C. Gallardo, and Marleen S. Barr
Charting an Ethics of Desire in "The Wings of the Dove”, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2003
The Face of the Future: Engaging in Diversity at LaGuardia Community College, Gail O. Mellow, Phyllis E. VanSlyck, and Bret Eynon