Publications and Research
Works from 2023
BE: The Summer Issue, BE: A Journal of Black Experimental and Interdisciplinary Work
BE: Fall/Winter 2023–2024 Issue, BE: A Journal of Black Experimental and Interdisciplinary Work
Effects of Climate Change on Human Health, Sara El Houzaly and Richa Gupta
In Plain Sight: Oppressive Dynamics and Learning Challenges in Adult ESOL Programs in the United States, David A. Housel
Romancing the University: BIPOC Scholars in Romance Novels in the 1980s and Now, Jayashree Kamble
Works from 2022
Your Discomfort Is Valid: Big Feelings and Open Pedagogy, Liz Pearce, Silvia L. Lin Hanick, Amy R. Hofer, Lori Townsend, and Michaela Willi Hooper
What Faith Teaches Us: An Essay on Faith Adiele, Rochelle Spencer
Feeding Memories: A Conversation with Writers who Write About Food, Rochelle Spencer, Tara Christina, Dera R. Williams, and Shannon Holbrook
Henry James's "Poor Sensitive Gentlemen" and the Quest for Meaning (and Happiness) in Three Late Tales: "The Altar of the Dead," "The Beast in the Jungle," and "The Jolly Corner", Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2021
Depression, Depression Literacy, and Sociodemographic Characteristics of Korean Americans: A Preliminary Investigation, Kunsook Bernstein, Young-Me Lee, Philmon N. Gona, ShinHi Han, Soonsik Kim, and Sun S. Kim
Navigating the Pass: Distance, Dislocation and the Viva, David Channon, Maria Savva, and Lynn P. Nygaard
Dynamics of the Meromorphic Families $f_\lambda=\lambda \tan^pz^q$, Tao Chen and Linda Keen
Resuming On-site Services: Final Report and Recommendations of the CUNY Libraries COVID-19 Task Force (April 2021), Kathleen M. Dreyer, Jeffrey Delgago, Karen Okamoto, Steven Ovadia, Roxanne Shirazi, Michael Waldman, Haruko Yamauchi, and Simone Yearwood
Factors Influencing Academic Self-efficacy among Nursing Students during COVID-19: A Path Analysis, ShinHi Han, Koun Eum, Hee Sun Kang, and Kathleen Karsten
Impacts of Hurricane Maria on Land and Convection Modification Over Puerto Rico, Nathan Hosannah, Prathap Ramamurthy, J. Marti, Jonathan Munoz, and Jorge E. González
A Trauma-Informed Inquiry of COVID-19’s Initial Impact on Students in Adult Education Programs in the United States, David A. Housel
A Party Platter of Peer-Reviewed OER Assignments, Elizabeth Jardine, Ece Aykol, and Justin Rogers-Cooper
Large scale Open Educational Resources (OER) initiative in mathematics, Alioune Khoule, Abderrazak Belkharraz Idrissi, and Sandra Sze
Academic Literacy for Deaf Postsecondary Students through Integrated Reading and Writing Instruction, Sue Livingston
Feeding into Complicit Bias or Promoting Agents for Change: A Reflection on Pedagogy-Where’s the Justice?, Michele Mills and May Tom
Adult Education Amidst Dual Pandemics: Community College Survival, Wendy Nicholson and Tameka S. Battle
Understanding the Personal Significance of Our Academic Choices, Maria Savva
Belonging and Becoming in Academia: A Conceptual Framework, Maria Savva and Lynn P. Nygaard
The ‘Peripheral’ Student in Academia: An Analysis, Maria Savva and Lynn P. Nygaard
The Provocative Strangeness of Camus's L'Etranger and Coetzee's Disgrace, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2020
Making Connection with Students in the First Year Seminar, Ahmed Abdelhalim, Javier Serna, and Sada Jaman
Evaluation of Health Literacy and Depression Literacy Among Korean Americans, Kunsook Bernstein, ShinHi Han, Young-Me Lee, and OiSaeng Hong
From Diversity to Inclusion: Challenges and Opportunities at an Urban Community College, Vanessa Marie Bing, Jason Hendrickson, and Wendy Nicholson
ePortfolio and Service-Learning: A Tale of Two Cities Connected by Two High-Impact Practices, Monika Ciesielkiewicz, Clarence Chan, and Guiomar Nocito
Fourteen Recommendations to Create a More Inclusive Environment for LGBTQ+ Individuals in Academic Biology, Katelyn M. Cooper, Anna Jo J. Auerbach, Jordan D. Bader, Amy S. Beadles-Bohling, Jacqueline A. Brashears, Erica Cline, Sarah L. Eddy, Deanna B. Elliott, Elijah Farley, Linda Fuselier, Heather M. Heinz, Madison Irving, Tanya Josek, A. Kelly Lane, Stanley M. Lo, Jeffrey Maloy, Michelle Nugent, Erika Offerdahl, Juan Palacios-Moreno, Jorge Ramos, Joshua W. Reid, Rachel A. Sparks, Ashley L. Waring, Mike Wilton, Cara Gormally, and Sara E. Brownell
Is Feedback on Grammar Harmful or Helpful? Questionable Answers and Unanswered Questions, Kristen di Gennaro and Monika Ekiert
Resuming On-site Services: Final Report and Recommendations of the CUNY Libraries COVID-19 Task Force, Kathleen Dreyer, Jeffrey Delgado, Karen Okamoto, Steven Ovadia, Roxanne Shirazi, Michael Waldman, Haruko Yamauchi, and Simone Yearwood
Water in Your Neighbourhood: A Model for Implementing a Semester-Long Course-Based Undergraduate Research Project in Introductory Biology, Ana Lucia Fuentes and Maria Entezari
Learning to use Mathematics vs Mastering Basics, Bukurie Gjoci
Fishbowl Discussions: Promoting Collaboration between Mathematics and Partner Disciplines, Stella K. Hofrenning, Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves, Tao Chen, Afroditi Vennie Filippas, Rhonda Fitzgerald, John Hearn, Lori J. Kayes, Joan Kunz, and Rebecca Segal
When Knowledge Breaks, Elizabeth Jardine
When Wuxia Met Romance: The Pleasures and Politics of Transculturalism in Sherry Thomas’s My Beautiful Enemy, Jayashree Kamble
Anti-LGBTQ Hate: An Analysis of Situational Variables, Jill Kehoe
"Clavis Aurea": An Augmented Reality Game for the Teaching of Local History, George Koutromanos, Theodora Pittara, and Christopher Tripoulas
Integrative and Contextual Learning in College Algebra: An Interdisciplinary Collaboration with Economics, Choon Shan Lai, Glenn Henshaw, Tao Chen, and Soloman Kone
Lessons from New York City’s Struggle Against Amazon HQ2 in Long Island City, Steve Lang and Filip Stabrowski
Good Teachers Borrow, Great Teachers Steal: A Case Study in Borrowing for a Teaching Project, Mike May, Rebecca Segal, Victor Piercey, and Tao Chen
It's About Time: Open Educational Resources and the Arts, Ian McDermott
Open To What? A Critical Evaluation of OER Efficacy Studies, Ian McDermott
Oxomanganese(II)-Arsine Oxide Complexes from o-R₂AsC₆H₄CO₂H Ligands: Role of Inductive Effect and Reaction Conditions in Stabilizing Manganese(II)-Arsine Complexes, S. S. Parmar, Amit Aggarwal, M. L. Sehgal, Sunaina Singh, and Midas Tsai
Using Site Visits to Strengthen Collaboration, Victor Piercey, Rebecca Segal, Afroditi Vennie Filippas, Tao Chen, Soloman Kone, Rosalyn Hobson Hargraves, Jack Bookman, John Hearn, Debbie Pike, and Kathy S. Williams
Book Review: Routledge Handbook of NGOs and International Relations, Edited by Thomas Davies, Maria Savva
Book Review: The Making of Black Lives Matter: A Brief History of an Idea, Joni Schwartz
Advancing College Students’ Thesis Writing Ability: A Case Study of an Online Library Instruction Course, Derek Stadler and Dianne Gordon Conyers
Supporting Institutional Objectives by Embedding Mission-Critical Competencies in Credit-Bearing Library Instruction: A Review and Case Study, Derek Stadler and Alexandra Rojas
From ACE2 to COVID-19: A Multiorgan Endothelial Disease, Richard A. Stein and Lauren M. Young
Responding to Xenophobia: Politics, Populisms and Our Teaching, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Works from 2019
Addressing Extremism Through Literature: An Online Cross-Cultural Conversation on Mahi Binebine's Horses of God, Habiba Boumlik and Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Visualizing Archives and Library Collections, Thomas Cleary
“My Books Will Be Read By Millions of People!”: The LaGuardia Community College Octavia E. Butler Project on Wikipedia.”, Ximena Gallardo C. and Ann Matsuuchi
Listening to What Students Are Asking: The Role of an Academic Library in Institution-Wide Knowledge Management, Elizabeth Jardine
Japanese American Internment, 1942-1946 (book chapter), Ann Matsuuchi
Teaching Students to Critically Evaluate Textbooks, Christopher McHale, Ian McDermott, and Steven Ovadia
Addressing the Technical Challenges of Open Educational Resources, Steven Ovadia
Works from 2018
The Library Leading: Knowledge Management Supporting Community College Institutional Strategy, Elizabeth Jardine
A How-To Guide on Bringing Undergraduate Research to Community and Technical Colleges, Angelo Kolokithas and Olga Calderón
"The Shoe Is Too Small and Not Made for You!": Racial "Covering" and the Illusion of Fit, Silvia L. Lin Hanick
Effect of X-Word Grammar and Traditional Grammar Instruction on Grammatical Accuracy, Sue Livingston, Andi Toce, Cyndi Casey, Fernando Montoya, Bonny R. Hart, and Carmela O'Flaherty
Proceedings of the CUNY Research Summit: Creativity in STEM, Malgorzata Marciniak and Bronislaw Czarnocha
A Disk Origin for the Monoceros Ring and A13 Stellar Overdensities, Allyson A. Sheffield, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Anastasios Tzanidakis, Kathryn V. Johnston, Chervin F.P. Laporte, and Branimir Sesar
Advancing Information Literacy in a Semester-Long Library Instruction Course: A Case Study, Derek Stadler and Ian McDermott
Early Career Exploration as a Strategy to Reduce Loan Debt, Karen Abigail Williams
Works from 2017
Supergroups in Critical Dimensions and Division Algebras, Čestmir Burdik, Sultan Catto, Yasemin Gürcan, Amish Khalfan, Levent Kurt, and V. Kato La
Awakening Mindfulness in Science Education, Olga Calderón
Bacterial diversity impacts as a result of combined sewer overflow in a polluted waterway, Olga Calderón, Holly Porter-Morgan, Joby Jacob, and Willis Elkins
Degree of twisting and duration of symptoms are prognostic factors of testis salvage during episodes of testicular torsion, Adam S. Howe, Vinaya Vasudevan, Michael Kongnyuy, Kevin Rychik, Lisa A. Thomas, Maria Matuskova, Steven C. Friedman, Jordan S. Gitlin, Edward F. Reda, and Lane S. Palmer
Open Access and Global Inclusion: A Look at Cuba, Elizabeth Jardine, Maureen Garvey, and J. Silvia Cho
Disk Heating, Galactoseismology, and the Formation of Stellar Halos, Kathryn V. Johnston, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Maria Bergemann, Chervin F. P. Laporte, Ting S. Li, Allyson A. Sheffield, Steven R. Majewski, Rachael S. Beaton, Branimir Sesar, and Sanjib Sharma
Academic Library Innovation through 3D Printing Services, Galina Letnikova and Na Xu
DSJ Editors’ Introduction to the Mass Incarceration Issue: Adult Educators, Prison, and Re-Entry Education, Rodney Maiden and Joni Schwartz
Connecting Wikipedia and the Archive: Building a Public History of HIV/AIDS in New York City., Ann Matsuuchi
The heat shock response and humoral immune response are mutually antagonistic in honey bees, Mia McKinstry, Charlie Chung, Henry Truong, Brittany A. Johnston, and Jonathan W. Snow
Book Review: Rethinking Prison Reentry: Transforming Humiliation into Humility, Joni Schwartz
Learning to Disclose: A Post Colonial Autoethnography of Transracial Adoption, Joni Schwartz and Rebecca Schwartz
Promoting Information Resources to Students: Using Wordpress to Maintain Library Data Sets, Derek Stadler
Works from 2016
Understanding differences in HIV/HCV prevalence according to differentiated risk behaviors in a sample of PWID in rural Puerto Rico, Roberto Abadie, Melissa Welch-Lazoritz, Camila Gelpi-Acosta, Juan Carlos Reyes, and Kirk Dombrowski
Embedded Librarianship in Action at CUNY, Nora Almeida, Barbara Gray, and Ann Matsuuchi
Conscientization & Third Space: A Case Study of a Tunisian Activist, Habiba Boumlik and Joni Schwartz
Unifying Ancient and Modern Geometries Through Octonions, Sultan Catto, Yasemin Gürcan, Amish Khalfan, and Levent Kurt
Clifford Algebras and Their Decomposition into Conjugate Fermionic Heisenberg Algebras, Sultan Catto, Yasemin Gürcan, Amish Khalfan, Levent Kurt, and V. Kato La
One Right Answer: A Community College Library's Leap into Knowledge Management, Elizabeth Jardine and Loretta Capuano-Vella
Encyclopedia entries: "LGBTQ Asian Americans" & "George Takei", Ann Matsuuchi
Japanese American Internment (encyclopedia entry), Ann Matsuuchi
The Technological Enhancement of Normally Occurring Radioactive Materials in Red Mud Due to the Production of Alumina, Maurice O. Miller and Dionne A. Miller
Testing the Efficacy of MyPsychLab to Replace Traditional Instruction in a Hybrid Course, Kasey L. Powers, Patricia J. Brooks, Magdalena Galazyn, and Seamus Donnelly
Discovery and characterisation of a novel toxin from Dendroaspis angusticeps, named Tx7335, that activates the potassium channel KcsA, Ivan O. Rivera-Torres, Tony B. Jin, Martine Cadene, Brian T. Chait, and Sébastien F. Poget
Women of Color in Academia and the Influence of Religious Culture on Self-Promotion: A Collaborative Autoethnography, Joni Schwartz, Emam Mosharafa, and S. Lenise Wallace
The Modernization of the Long Island Rail Road, Derek Stadler
The Outsider Within: Béla Tarr and Hungarian National Cinema, Lilla Tőke
Identifying threshold concepts for information literacy: A Delphi study, Lori Townsend, Amy R. Hofer, Silvia L. Lin Hanick, and Korey Brunetti
BEN domain protein Elba2 can functionally substitute for linker histone H1 in Drosophila in vivo, Na Xu, Xingwu Lu, Harsh Kavi, Alexander V. Emelyanov, Travis J. Bernardo, Elena Vershilova, Arthur I. Skoultchi, and Dmitry V. Fyodorov
Moments Method for Shell-Model Level Density, V. Zelevinsky, M. Horoi, and Roman A. Sen′kov
The Invisible Hand of the Lyric: Emily Dickinson’s Hypermediated Manuscripts and the Debate over Genre, Dominique Zino
Works from 2015
Core and Shell Song Systems Unique to the Parrot Brain, Mukta Chakraborty, Solveig Walloe, Signe Nedergaard, Emma E. Fridel, Torben Dabelsteen, Bente Pakkenberg, Mads F. Bertelsen, Gerry M. Dorrestein, Steven E. Brauth, Sarah E. Durand, and Erich D. Jarvis