Works from 2021
CIS 440 UNIX, George A. Nossa
Introduction to Video Technology, ENT 1190, Course Outline, Steven Olswang
Discrete Mathematical Structures, Tugce Ozdemir
Virginia Woolf and her World, Václav Paris
ANT-3700 - Introduction to Anthropology, Igor Pashkovskiy
Introduction to World Music, Antoni Piza
Immigration Stories: Final Project for Spanish for Heritage Speakers Class, Sarah S. Pollack
Witchcraft, Magic, Religion: ANTH 1102 OER Syllabus, Lisa Pope Fischer
Freshman Inquiry Writing Seminar: Creative Expression, Kathleen Potts
New Play Collaborations, Kathleen Potts
Physiological Processes, Chirag B. Raval
A Simplified APA Referencing Style for Your Management Course Essay, Isabel Rechberg
DATA 334: Applied Research Syllabus (Sociology Department), Holly E. Reed
Museum Exhibition Assignment, Matthew Reilly
Black Women Novelists, Trevar Riley-Reid
Syllabus: Equity, Elitism, and Public Higher Education, Katina Rogers and Matt Brim
LG 111 Elementary German 1 FNET, Monica ROSSI-MILLER
LG 111 Elementary German 1 FNET (Fully Online), Monica ROSSI-MILLER
Critical Reviews & The New York Times Assignment, Thomas L. Rothacker
Group Playwriting Project, Thomas L. Rothacker
[Insert Play Title Here] COLLAGE Assignment, Thomas L. Rothacker
Interprofessional Collaboration in Healthcare: Case Studies Lab, Amanda L. Rotondo
Native App UX with a Social Design Emphasis, Katya Rozanova
Developmental Psychology Syllabus, Rodina Sadek
ENGL 110 (College Writing I): Controversy in Literature, Language, and Literacy, D. Salazar Monarrez
SPN 11x: Spanish for Healthcare Professionals I, Francisco Salgado-Robles
Global Perspectives, Cecilia Salvi
Introduction to Discrete Mathematics: An OER for MA-471, Mathieu Sassolas
Learning to Disclose: A Journey of Transracial Adoption Teaching Resource, Joni Schwartz
Vibration of a Cantilever Laboratory, Mark D. Shattuck
Theatre History I, Dohyun Shin
Web Design 1, Broderick Shoemaker
ANT-37 Open Assignments, Jill L. Siegel
Biol 4010W/7190G/CISC2810W: Macromolecular structure and bioinformatics, Shaneen Singh
SPE-29 - Voice & Articulation (Advanced assignment), Laura Spinu
SPE-29 - Voice & Articulation (Intro assignment), Laura Spinu
SPE-41 - Language Development (Intro assignment), Laura Spinu
Laboratory Techniques in Public Health: BI-520 Introduction to Public Health Lab Manual, Anuradha Srivastava
Physical Chemistry, Ruth E. Stark
FIQWS Composition: People, David Stoler
Curriculum and Assessment for Secondary Schools, Despina Stylianou
Teaching and Learning Mathematics in Secondary Schools, Despina Stylianou
Global Social Theory, Dora Suarez
ENGL 152W Readings in American Literature, Weiheng Sun
Internship in Developmental Disabilities, Patricia H. Sutherland-Cohen
Modern Europe, Barbara Syrrakos
What Is Jazz?: Exploring The Question, Dominick Tancredi
SWK 600: Research Methods I, Barbra Teater
Intentional Group Curation of Information (Open Pedagogy Example), Dorina Tila
Intentional Individual Curation of Information (Open Pedagogy Example), Dorina Tila
Unintentional Group Curation of Information (Open Pedagogy Example), Dorina Tila
Evaluating Brain Performance Enhancing Drugs, Kristina Toropova
Introduction to Sociology Textbook, Amy Traver
ARTH 100: Introductory Survey of Art, Vanessa Troiano
ARTH 100: Introductory Survey of Art: Discussion Board Prompts, Vanessa Troiano
Introductory Art History Essay Assignments, Vanessa Troiano
HUM1: Modern Humanities: Arts & Ideas, Michelle Turnbull, Paul Ricciardi, Matthew Forman, Maria Rosario, Monica Walker, and Andrew Wilder
ECO 230 / MGT 230 Introduction to Economic and Managerial Statistics, George Vachadze
Lightning Design, ENT 4450, Course Outline, Miguel A. Valderrama
MATH 111: Introduction to Statistics and Probability, Yu Wang
MUS 121: Writing About Music (syllabus, zero cost), Emily Wilbourne
Tissue Engineering Pre-Reads, Ryan M. Williams
African American History to Emancipation, AKA: History in the Early Modern Atlantic World, Laurie Woodard
ART 3700: Politics of Display, Approaches to Non-Western Art, Midori Yamamura
Creative Non-Fiction Prose Workshop, Laura Yan
Introduction to Computers and Programming using Python: A Project-based Approach, Esma Yildirim, Daniel Garbin, Mathieu Sassolas, and Kwang Hyun Kim
Math 120 Precalculus Review, York College Math 120 Students and Virginia L. Thompson
Digital Storytelling as Community Practices by Early Childhood Teacher Candidates, Ting Yuan
EDC 310 The Teaching of Reading and Writing in the Primary Grades: Introductory Week, Ting Yuan
Narrating the Battle of Ciudad Juárez: An OER term project for a Latin American/border studies course, Oswaldo Zavala
Public Interest Technology – Exploring COVID-19 Health Data, Sarah Zelikovitz
Works from 2020
CSC 511: Special Topics in Advanced Web Development (Syllabus), Shane Afsar and NYC Tech-in-Residence Corps
African Heritage and African-American Experience, Tanzeem S. Ajmiri
DevOps: Architecting your infrastructure (syllabus), Jeremy Andrews and NYC Tech-in-Residence Corps
DevOps: Lecture 1 - "Overview", Jeremy Andrews and NYC Tech-in-Residence Corps
Exhibit Curriculum for Fighting for Democracy: Unit One, Sarah Aponte and Martin Toomajian
Exhibit Curriculum for Fighting for Democracy: Unit Three, Sarah Aponte and Martin Toomajian
Exhibit Curriculum for Fighting for Democracy: Unit Two, Sarah Aponte and Martin Toomajian
EECE 702 Social Foundations of Early Childhood Education, Andrew Aprile
Adolescence & Emerging Adulthood, Lisa Babel
Group Dynamics - Group Counseling, Lisa Babel
Parent-Infant Relationships, Lisa Babel
Psychology of Politics, Lisa Babel
21st Century Ecopoetics (Selected Topics in Literature and Science), Robert Balun
Freshman English Composition, Kerryanne A. Bell
Photography & Visual Perception, Rachel Leigh Bell
Sociology of Sexualities, Kyla Bender-Baird
HIST 101 Early Modern Europe, Tracey L. Billado
Brave New World - An Introduction to Cryptocurrency Part 2, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World - “CMR” Index and the U.S. Congressional Smart Cities Caucus, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World - Connectivity, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World - Emerging Threats in Cybersecurity, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World: Ethical Considerations and Risks, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World - Future of Work and Automation, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World - Innovation 2.0 and Public Private Partnerhips (P3s), Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World - Internet of Things, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World - Mobility, Rhonda S. Binda
Brave New World: Privacy, Data Sharing and Evidence Based Policy Making, Rhonda S. Binda