The Publications and Research series collects scholarly and creative work by the faculty and professional staff of the City University of New York. To find works from a specific college or school, browse by Colleges, Schools, Centers.


Works from 2013


The American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Standards for the 21st Century Learner Lesson Plan Database, Christina Miller


TOWARD TARGET 2 OF THE GLOBAL STRATEGY FOR PLANT CONSERVATION: AN EXPERT ANALYSIS OF THE PUERTO RICAN FLORA TO VALIDATE NEW STREAMLINED METHODS FOR ASSESSING CONSERVATION STATUS, James S. Miller, Gary A. Krupnick, Hannah Stevens, Holly Porter-Morgan, Brian Boom, Pedro Acevedo-Rodríguez, James Ackerman, Duane Kolterman, Eugenio Santiago, Christian Torres, and Jeanine Velez


Neural Activations during Visual Sequence Learning Leave a Trace in Post-Training Spontaneous EEG, Clara Moisello, Hadj Boumediene Meziane, Simon Kelly, Bernardo Perfetti, Svetlana Kvint, Nicholas Voutsinas, Daniella Blanco, Angelo Quartarone, Giulio Tononi, and Maria Felice Ghilardi


Inter- and intra-specific pan-genomes of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato: genome stability and adaptive radiation, Emmanuel F. Mongodin, Sherwood R. Casjens, John F. Bruno, Yun Xu, Elliott Franco Drabek, David R. Riley, Brandi L. Cantarel, Pedro E. Pagan, Yozen A. Hernandez, Levy C. Vargas, John J. Dunn, Steven E. Schutzer, Claire M. Fraser, Wei-Gang Qiu, and Benjamin J. Luft


Multiple Breast Cancer Cell-Lines Derived from a Single Tumor Differ in Their Molecular Characteristics and Tumorigenic Potential, Goar Mosoyan, Chandandeep Nagi, Svetlana Marukian, Avelino Teixeira, Anait Simonian, Lois Resnick-Silverman, Analisa DiFeo, Dean Johnston, Sandra R. Reynolds, Daniel F. Roses, and Arevik Mosoian


Origins of power-law degree distribution in the heterogeneity of human activity in social networks, Lev Muchnik, Sen Pei, Lucas C. Parra, Saulo D. S. Reis, José S. Andrade Jr, Shlomo Havlin, and Hernán A. Makse


Working with the Plateaued Employee, Janet Butler Munch


Conservation genetics of extremely isolated urban populations of the northern dusky salamander (Desmognathus fuscus) in New York City, Jason Munshi-South, Yana Zak, and Ellen Pehek


Synesthesia: a colorful word with a touching sound?, Myrto I. Mylopoulos and Tony Ro


On the Gauge-invariant Functional Measure for Gauge Fields on CP^2, V. Parameswaran Nair


The Isospin Asymmetry in Anomalous Fluid Dynamics, V. Parameswaran Nair, Dario Capasso, and Juraj Tekel


Changes in Natural Killer Cell Activation and Function during Primary HIV-1 Infection, Vivek Naranbhai, Marcus Altfeld, Salim S. Abdool Karim, Thumbi Ndung’u, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, and William H. Carr


Flurbiprofen benzyl nitrate (NBS-242) inhibits the growth of A-431 human epidermoid carcinoma cells and targets β-catenin, Niharika Nath, Xiaoping Liu, Lloydine Jacobs, and Khosrow Kashfi


Hemispheric processing of vocal emblem sounds, Yael Neumann-Werth, Erika Levy, and Loraine Obler


Reflections On VAWA's Strange Bedfellows: The Partnership Between The Battered Immigrant Women's Movement And Law Enforcement, Alizabeth Newman


Ih Tunes Theta/Gamma Oscillations and Cross-Frequency Coupling In an In Silico CA3 Model, Samuel A. Neymotin, Markus M. Hilscher, Thiago C. Moulin, Yosef Skolnick, Maciej T. Lazarewicz, and William W. Lytton


Law Enforcement and the Mentally Ill: Thirty Years of Police Literature, Jennifer Noe


Like a Hurricane: A Citation Analysis of Emergency Management Scholarly Literature, Jennifer Noe and Julia M. Furay


The Choral Works of Hamish MacCunn (1868–1916), Jennifer Oates


Iterative feature removal yields highly discriminative pathways, Stephen O’Hara, Kun Wang, Richard A. Slayden, Alan R. Schenkel, Greg Huber, Corey S. O’Hern, Mark D. Shattuck, and Michael Kirby


Gender and Resistance: Afro-Brazilian Women's Anti-Naming as Recovery From Trauma in Conceição Evaristo' "Eu-Mulher" and Ponciá Vicencio, Sarah S. Ohmer


Making Higher Education More Affordable, One Course Reading at a Time: Academic Libraries as Key Advocates for Open Access Textbooks and Educational Resources, Karen Okamoto


Landau-Zener dynamics of a nanoresonator containing a tunneling spin, Michael F. O'Keeffe, Eugene M. Chudnovsky, and Dmitry A. Garanin


Endogenous Human MDM2-C Is Highly Expressed in Human Cancers and Functions as a p53-Independent Growth Activator, Danielle R. Okoro, Nicoleta Arva, Chong Gao, Alla Polotskaia, Cindy Puente, Melissa Rosso, and Jill Bargonetti


Cohort study of prevalence and phenomenology of tremor in dementia with Lewy bodies, Marco Onofrj, Sara Varanese, Laura Bonanni, John-Paul Taylor, Angelo Antonini, Enza Maria Valente, Simona Petrucci, Fabrizio Stocchi, Astrid Thomas, and Bernardo Perfetti


Label Retention Identifies a Multipotent Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Like Population in the Postnatal Thymus, Masako Osada, Varan J. Singh, Kenmin Wu, Derek B. Sant’Angelo, and Mark Pezzano


Decentralized Expertise: The Evolution of Community Forums in Technical Support, Steven Ovadia


Digital Content Curation and Why It Matters to Librarians, Steven Ovadia


Linux for Academics, Part I, Steven Ovadia


The Role of Big Data in the Social Sciences, Steven Ovadia


When Social Media Meets Scholarly Publishing, Steven Ovadia


Particularizing Universal Education in Postcolonial Sierra Leone, Grace Pai


‘What’s in the NIDDK CDR?’—public query tools for the NIDDK central data repository, Huaqin Pan, Mary-Anne Ardini, Vesselina Bakalov, Michael DeLatte, Paul Eggers, Laxminarayana Ganapathi, Craig R. Hollingsworth, Joshua Levy, Sheping Li, Joseph Pratt, Norma Pugh, Ying Qin, Rebekah Rasooly, Helen Ray, Jean E. Richardson, Amanda Flynn Riley, Susan M. Rogers, Sylvia Tan, Charles F. Turner, Stacie White, and Philip C. Cooley


TR-2013003: Polynomial Evaluation and Interpolation: Fast and Stable Approximate Solution, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013004: Transformations of Matrix Structures Work Again, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013006: Polynomial Evaluation and Interpolation and Transformations of Matrix Structures, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013010: Transformations of Matrix Structures Work Again II, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013011: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Cauchy Matrices, Polynomials and Rational Functions, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013015: Estimating the Norms of Random Circulant and Toeplitz Matrices and Their Inverses, Victor Y. Pan and Guoliang Qian


TR-2013016: Supporting GENP with Random Multipliers, Victor Y. Pan, Guoliang Qian, and Xiaodong Yan


TR-2013001: Randomized Augmentation and Additive Preprocessing, Victor Y. Pan, Guoliang Qian, and Ai-Long Zheng


TR-2013012: New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-Finding, Victor Y. Pan and Ai-Long Zheng


TR-2013013: New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-Finding, Victor Y. Pan and Ai-Long Zheng


TR-2013014: New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-Finding, Victor Y. Pan and Ai-Long Zheng


Comment on "Density and Physical Current Density Functional Theory", Xiao-Yin Pan and Viraht Sahni


On Kripke's puzzle about time and thought, Rohit J. Parikh


The Queer Dialectic of Whitman’s Nation: "Let" in “Respondez”, Václav Paris


Uncreative Influence: Louis Aragon’s Paysan de Paris and Walter Benjamin’s Passagen-Werk, Václav Paris


Project Safe Flight: Making New York Safe for Migratory Birds, Kaitlyn L. Parkins, Susan B. Elbin Ph.D., Adriana Palmer, Darren Klein, and Elle Barnes


Explorations of object and location memory using fMRI, Andrew D. Passaro, L. Caitlin Elmore, Timothy M. Ellmore, Kenneth J. Leising, Andrew C. Papanicolaou, and Anthony A. Wright


Factors associated with loss to clinic among HIV patients not yet known to be eligible for antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Mozambique, Rituparna Pati, Maria Lahuerta, Batya Elul, Mie Okamura, Maria Fernanda Alvim, Bruce Schackman, Heejung Bang, Rufino Fernandes, Americo Assan, Josue Lima, and Denis Nash


Serine Proteolytic Pathway Activation Reveals an Expanded Ensemble of Wound Response Genes in Drosophila, Rachel A. Patterson, Michelle T. Juarez, Anita Hermann, Roman Sasik, Gary Hardiman, and William McGinnis


Lexical retrieval in discourse: An early indicator of Alzheimer’s dementia, Seija Pekkala, Debra Wiener, Jayandra Himali, Alexa Beiser, Loraine Obler, Yulin Liu, Ann McKee, Sanford Seshadri, Philip Wolf, and Rhonda Au


An Integrative Framework for Bayesian Variable Selection with Informative Priors for Identifying Genes and Pathways, Bin Peng, Dianwen Zhu, Bradley P. Ander, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Fuzhong Xue, Frank R. Sharp, and Xiaowei Yang


Power Girls Before Girl Power: 1980s Toy-Based Girl Cartoons, Katia Perea


Unconscious Priming Requires Early Visual Cortex at Specific Temporal Phases of Processing, Marjan Persuh and Tony Ro


Exposure to Advertisement Calls of Reproductive Competitors Activates Vocal-Acoustic and Catecholaminergic Neurons in the Plainfin Midshipman Fish, Porichthys notatus, Christopher L. Petersen, Miky Timothy, D. Spencer Kim, Ashwin A. Bhandiwad, Robert A. Mohr, Joseph A. Sisneros, and Paul M. Forlano


The Use of Statistics in Experimental Physics, Thomas J. Pfaff, Maksim Sipos, M. C. Sullivan, B. G. Thompson, and Max Tran


Associations between the legal context of HIV, perceived social capital, and HIV antiretroviral adherence in North America, J Craig Phillips, Allison Webel, Carol Dawson Rose, Inge B. Corless, Kathleen M. Sullivan, Joachim Voss, Dean Wantland, Kathleen Nokes, John Brion, Wei-Ti Chen, Scholastika Iipinge, Lucille Sanzero Eller, Lynda Tyer-Viola, Marta Rivero-Méndez, Patrice K. Nicholas, Mallory O. Johnson, Mary Maryland, Jeanne Kemppainen, Carmen J. Portillo, and Puangtip Chaiphibalsarisdi


Development and Validation of the Weight Control Strategies Scale, Angela Marinilli Pinto, Joseph L. Fava, Hollie A. Raynor, Jessica Gokee LaRose, and Rena R. Wing


Who's spinning the library? Responsibilities of academic librarians who promote, Mark Aaron Polger and Karen Okamoto


Library Facelift: Syncing Library Signage with a College’s New Brand, Mark Aaron Polger and Amy F. Stempler


Trends in Citations to Books on Epidemiological and Statistical Methods in the Biomedical Literature, Miquel Porta, Jan P. Vandenbroucke, John P. A. Ioannidis, Sergio Sanz, Esteve Fernandez, Raj Bhopal, Alfredo Morabia, Cesar Victora, and Tomàs Lopez


Local Connections to Global Collections: The Power of Interlibrary Loan Services, Beth Posner


Winsor & Newton original handbooks: asurface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) andRaman spectral database of dyes from modernwatercolor pigments, Federica Pozzi, John R. Lombardi, and Marco Leona


Anxiety and error monitoring: the importance of motivation and emotion, Greg H. Proudfit, Michael Inzlicht, and Douglas S. Mennin


A Phylogeny and Revised Classification of Squamata, Including 4161 Species of Lizards and Snakes, R. Alexander Pyron, Frank T. Burbrink, and John J. Wiens


Reid on olfaction and secondary qualities, Jake Quilty-Dunn


Refining Environmental Satellite Data Using a Statistical Approach, Md Zahidur Rahman, Leonid Roytman, and Abdelhamid Kadik


A new look at the Dynamic Similarity Hypothesis: the importance of swing phase, David A. Raichlen, Herman Pontzer, and Liza J. Shapiro


Multiple Chronic Conditions and Limitations in Activities of Daily Living in a Community-Based Sample of Older Adults in New York City, 2009, Nancy L. Ralph, Thelma J. Mielenz, Hilary Parton, Anne-Marie Flatley, and Lorna E. Thorpe


Factors associated with smoking among adolescent males prior to incarceration and after release from jail: a longitudinal study, Megha Ramaswamy, Babalola Faseru, Karen L. Cropsey, Marvia Jones, Karisa Deculus, and Nicholas Freudenberg


Long-term effects of weak electrical stimulation on active neuronal networks, Davide Reato, Marom Bikson, and Lucas C. Parra


Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Accelerates Human Sleep Homeostasis, Davide Reato, Fernando Gasca, Abhishek Datta, Marom Bikson, Lisa Marshall, and Lucas C. Parra


Effects of weak transcranial alternating current stimulation on brain activity—a review of known mechanisms from animal studies, Davide Reato, Asif Rahman, Marom Bikson, and Lucas C. Parra


Ethical issues in knowledge management: Conflict of knowledge ownership, Isabel D. W. Rechberg and Jawad Syed


Tarrying with the "Private Parts", Robert F. Reid-Pharr


Cholinergic enhancement of brain activation in mild cognitive impairment during episodic memory encoding, Shannon L. Risacher, Yang Wang, Heather A. Wishart, Laura A. Rabin, Laura A. Flashman, Brenna C. McDonald, John D. West, Robert B. Santulli, and Andrew J. Saykin


The Future of the Student Anti-Sweatshop Movement: Providing Access to U.S. Courts For Garment Workers Worldwide, Allison Robbins


Sexual Orientation and Functional Pain in U.S. Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Childhood Abuse, Andrea L. Roberts, Margaret Rosario, Heather L. Corliss, David Wypij, Jennifer R. Lightdale, and S. Bryn Austin


Extinction hazards in experimental Daphnia magna populations: effects of genotype diversity and environmental variation, John D. Robinson, John P. Wares, and John M. Drake


Thirteen False Blackbirds, Ruthann Robson


Survey on Humanities Graduate Education and Alternative Academic Careers (Employer Survey), Katina Rogers


Survey on Humanities Graduate Education and Alternative Academic Careers (Main), Katina Rogers


The 2012 Economic Burden of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Ecuador: Setting the Agenda for Future Research and Violence Prevention policies, Maria-Isabel Roldos and Phaedra Corso


19th century literature reflects modern life, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


America still fascinated by its own Civil War, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Barnett directs the University Museum at SIUE, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Carter teaches effects of inequalities in society, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Chemist breaks with the usual stereotypes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Clothing tells important story for anthropologist, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Colloquium focuses on books, meaning, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Cuban scientist discusses exchange with SIUE, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Cuba trip presents surprises for SIUE student, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Expert: Reasons for debt partly cultural, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Forensics far more than what’s seen on TV, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Former ESTL mayor gives back to alma mater, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Frick teaches about women in the renaissance, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Genetics answers questions and raises more, Aldemaro Romero Jr.


Health communication closely tied to culture, Aldemaro Romero Jr.