Dissertations and Theses
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Revolution, Reform, and Class Conflict in Rebecca Harding Davis’s Life in the Iron-Mills, Thomas Collins
A Consideration of Kafka's Platonic Influences in The Trial, Shana N. Creaney Ms.
"The Hazards of Being Free": Thinking About Not Thinking in Infinite Jest, Josh Cunningham
"Dawn and doom was in the branches": Eros Revisited in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God, Fernando M. Duran
La Cofradía de Artes y Artesanos Hispánicos: 1978 to 1983 Redefining Tradition in the New Mexican Art Market, Ethel Mercedes Everett
Understanding and Modeling Taxi Demand Using Time Series Models, Sabiheh Faghih
Multi-locus phylogenetic inference of the howler monkey (Alouatta) radiation in South America., Esmeralda Ferreira
The Embodiment of Theory in Maggie Nelson's The Argonauts, Julie A. Ficks
Carbonatites as a record of the carbon isotope composition of large igneous province outgassing, Ellen Gales
Representation of Young People both Domestically and at the International Level, Juan Pablo Celis Garcia
Do Saproxylic Curculionids Affect the Fitness of Co-occurring Cerambycids?, Sheila R. Heath
Microfluidic Study of Gravity-Driven Drainage and Coalescence of Aqueous Two Dimensional Foams, Justin D. Heftel
Modification of Lipid Microenvironments on Solid Support Structures for Use in Transmembrane Protein Assays, William J. Houlihan
Characterizing Chromosomal Aberrations in Cells Deficient for Both ATM and MSH2, Yeliz Inalman
"Beyond Consolation": Or Strangeness, Estrangement, and Strange-ing in the Elegy for the Black Body, 1955-Present, Naomie Jean-Pierre
Suffering and the Black Female Narrative in the Twentieth Century, Aquilah Jourdain
Mental Illness and Psychiatry in the Victorian Era: An Analysis of the Prevailing Power Dynamics Between Women and Male Authority Figures Through Gilman and Freud., Rumaisa Nasim Jumana
Electrical Conductivity and Resistivity Study of Heterogeneous Sediment in Inwood Hill Park, Manhattan, NY, Rea A. Khaleda
Optimizing CRISPR/Cas9 Gene Targeting to Investigate Cone Photoreceptor Development in the Chick Retina, Diana Y. Kim
UN Peacebuilding Efforts in Post-Conflict Situations, Zag Legrand Kimpolo-Nkaya
Senegal’s unsustainable economic growth., Amadou Konteye
The Effect of Outward Foreign Direct Investment on Exports in Japan during The Lost Decade, 1985-2005, Alexandros Ladas
Software Defined Radio For Hybrid Beamforming Applications, JianYet Lee
Diversification and biogeography of pantropical grass yellow butterflies (Pieridae: Coliadinae), Jing V. Leong
Improving Retrievals of Crop Vegetation Parameters from Remote Sensing Data, Nathaniel Levitan
Designing Particle Tracking Software for a Theoretical Understanding of Magnetic Janus Particle Aggregation, Thomas W. Long
Controlled Migration of Retinal Progenitor Cells Within Electro-Chemotactic Fields, Shawn Mishra
Foreign Intervention and the Process of State Failure Case Study on Libya, Islam Mohamed Goher Mohamed
Role of MOA-1, an Anti-phosphatase, and APL-1, an APP-related Protein, in Morphogenesis and Mating Behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans, Valerie C. Moscoso
"Excellent Propaganda" Zbigniew Brzezinski's Narrative for the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, Matt Mulhern
Designing an On-Demand Dynamic Crowdshipping Model and Evaluating its Ability to Serve Local Retail Delivery in New York City, shirin najaf abadi
Global Food Security Under Climate-Water-Energy Nexus, Ehsan Najafi
Hydroclimate Drivers and Atmospheric Dynamics of Floods, Nasser Najibi
Void fraction measurements in a large (0.3 m) diameter bubble column using Wire Mesh Sensors and Pressure Transducers: Effect of Spargers, Afolabi G. Ojo
Void fraction measurements in large (0.3 m) diameter bubble column using Wire Mesh Sensor and Pressure transducers- Effect of sparger, Afolabi Gabriel Ojo
Electrochemical properties of crystalline polymorphs of MnO2 in aluminum and zinc metal batteries, Subhadip Pal
Towards Improving Accuracy and Interpretability of Deep Learning based on Satellite Image Classification, Yamile Patino Vargas
Collective Behavior of Drosophila Melanogaster Neural Progenitor and Imaginal Disc Cells within Controlled Microenvironments, Caroline D. Pena
Comparison of gold extraction yields by cyanide treatment vs. bioleaching procedure, Yilman Steven Pineda
Effect of hypoxia on spontaneous neural activity in the cortex of neonate mouse pups, Krithikka Ravi Ms
Effect of hypoxia on spontaneous neural activity in the cortex of neonate mouse pups, Krithikka Ravi Ms
A Dynamic Risk Management Framework for Water and Environmental Sustainability, Arun Ravindranath
Cyclophosphamide and doxorubicin contribute to onset of chemobrain by altering epigenetic factors DNMT1, DNMT3A, Tet1, Mecp2, and CBP, Joshua Reiser
Pressure, temperature, and stress conditions of Southern Alpine Fault (New Zealand) mylonites, Jake T. Reitman
Exploring obesity, ADHD severity, and disordered eating behavior among college students, Carolina Rozario
Air Ingress and Heat-Driven Flow Relaminarization in a Very High Temperature Reactor (VHTR), Apoorva Rudra
ICT-Enabled Control and Energy Management of Community Microgrids for Resilient Smart Grid Operation, Mahmoud Saleh
The Importance of Property Rights In The Developing World: A study and comparison of Zimbabwe and Botswana, Luke A. Scarpa