Dissertations from 2025
Images of Truth: True Doxa in Plato's Republic, Sai Ying Ng
Examining Relatability, Alexia Papigiotis
Dissertations from 2024
Fragmentation and Some Applications, Joseph Bendana
Law's Legitimacy: Lon Fuller in a Consequentialist Frame, Daniel L. Feldman
Perceptual Expectation, Rebecca Keller
Language, Legitimacy, and the Law: The Social Roots of Legal Obligation, Joshua Keton
Complicity, Eliana Luxemburg-Peck
Equality, Solidarity, and Exploitation: An Essay on the Philosophical Foundations of Socialism, Callum Zavos MacRae
Free Will and Meaningful Action: Expressions of the Self, Alex J. Mendez
Extractivism and the Defense of Life and Territories: An Account of Latin American Environmental Thought, Pedro Monque
Intuitionism, Justification Logic, and Doxastic Reasoning, Vincent A. Peluce
Navigating Uncertainty in the Medically Unexplained: A Conceptual and Ethical Analysis, Jenny Clark Schiff
“Hattak Vpi Homma” mvt Miha Nanta Fehna? What Does “Native American” Really Mean?, Alex R. Steers-McCrum
Black Horror Film and the Role of Mood in Race Perception, Nicholas P. Whittaker
Liberal Attitude Reports, Tomasz Zyglewicz
Dissertations from 2023
Theorizing Racial Democracy, Teófilo de Souza Carmo Reis
Etiology of Injustice, Susan Erck
Demarcating Psychopathologies: Nosology, Validity, and the Taxonomic Problem in Psychiatric Medicine, Julia Zentz Kolak
Speakers and Addressees as Creative Interpreters, Svitlana Novikova
Three Essays on Substructural Approaches to Semantic Paradoxes, Brian C. Porter
Dissertations from 2022
Decolonizing Genderqueer: An Inquiry into the Gender Binary, Resistance, and Imperialistic Social Categories, Lauren E. Abruzzo
Recovering Authenticity: Care, Conversation and Value, Shannon M. Brick
Epistemic Priors, Social Justice, and the Ethics of Humor, Paul Butterfield
Tell Me A Story: The Normative Power of Storytelling, Zoe Cunliffe
Facing the Fringe, Laura Gradowski
Necessity, Essence and Analyticity: Toward an Analytic Essentialist Account of Necessity, Dongwoo Kim
Actual Causation: Apt Causal Models and Causal Relativism, Jennifer R. McDonald
Pervasive Nonarbitrariness: Meaning from Form in Natural Language, David J. Neely
Marx, Race, Black Radicalism, and Racial Justice, Gregory Slack
Dissertations from 2021
Rethinking Thinking About Thinking: Against a Pedagogical Imperative to Cultivate Metacognitive Skills, Lauren R. Alpert
Collective Intention and Class Consciousness, Aaron T. Bentley
Climbing The Mountain When There Is No Mountain To Climb: Pragmatism and the Reconstruction of Moral Philosophy, Ryan Marshall Felder
Pictorial Communication, Nada Gatalo
Legal Purgatory: Why Some Animals are Neither Persons nor Property, Sharisse Kanet
Desire, Culture, and the Body, Zoey Lavallee
Cooperation: The Ethics of Shared Agency, Jules F. Salomone-Sehr
Perceiving the Body: On the Bodily Senses and the Nature of Perception, Fiona C. Schick
Essays on Communication, Shawn M. Simpson
Informed Consent: Foundations and Applications, Joanna Smolenski
Fighting Words: Slurs, Semantics, and the Law, Richard Stillman
What We Owe to Our Audience: The Hermeneutical Responsibility of Fiction Creators, Kathryn Wojtkiewicz
Dissertations from 2020
Production, not Dependence: The Metaphysics of Causation and its Role in Explanation, Responsibility, and the Law, Yuval Abrams
Identity and Counterparthood in a Many Worlds Universe, Sophia A.M. Bishop
Logical Pluralism and Vicious Regresses, Daniel Boyd
The Police and the State, Brandon del Pozo
In and Out of Character: Socratic Mimēsis, Mateo Duque
Metaethical Intentionalism and the Intersubjectivity of Morals, Kyle Ferguson
An Eco-Political Theory of Territory, Jonathan Kwan
Ethical Validity: An Ethical Validity Claim for Discourse Ethics, Jamie B. Lindsay
Emotion in Mind, Kathryn E. Pendoley
Environmental Transformative Justice: Responding to Ecocide, Manuel Rodeiro
Continuity as Crisis: Two Traditions of Theorizing about Animal Minds, Adam See
A Modelist Proposal, Jian Shen
The Coherence of Left-Libertarianism: A New Approach to Reconciling Libertarianism and Socialism, Jesse E. Spafford
Epistemic Injustice and Sexual Violence Intervention Advocacy, Jennifer Ware
Freedom, Markets, and Equality in Eighteenth Century Philosophy, Nicole Whalen
Dissertations from 2019
How Racial Injustice Causes Ignorance, Eric Bayruns
Mentality and Fundamentality, Christopher D. Brown
A Volitional Theory of Aesthetic Value, John Dyck
Who Needs Blame?: Answerability Without Expressed Blame, Sarah Gokhale
A Defense of Pure Connectionism, Alex B. Kiefer
The Origin of Power in the Need to Cooperate: Parallels Between Political and Economic Power, David Nagy
Quantum Uncertainty Reduction (QUR) Theory of Attended Access and Phenomenal Consciousness, Anatoly V. Nichvoloda
Some Non-Human Languages of Thought, Nicolas J. Porot
How We Act Together, Matthew Rachar
Intention and Interpretation in Law, Cosim J. Sayid
Frontiers of Conditional Logic, Yale Weiss
Basic-Acceptance Teleosemantics, Esteban Withrington
Dissertations from 2018
Toward a Science of Morals, Ross Taylor Colebrook
A Philosophical Defense of Judicial Minimalism, Cory A. Evans
On A and B Theories of Time, Edward Freeman
Demystifying the Placebo Effect, Phoebe Friesen
The Fragmented Mind: Working Memory Cannot Implement Consciousness, Javier Gomez-Lavin
Experimental Philosophy and Feminist Epistemology: Conflicts and Complements, Amanda Huminski
The Philosophical Foundations of PLEN: A Protocol-theoretic Logic of Epistemic Norms, Ralph E. Jenkins
Morality as Social Software, Jongjin Kim
The Psychology of Plato's Republic: Taking Book 10 into Account, Daniel Mailick
Essence, Explanation, and Modal Knowledge, Antonella Mallozzi
The Syndrome of Romantic Love, Arina Pismenny
Unarticulated Constituents and Theories of Meaning, Jesse Rappaport
The Two Inexical Uses Theory of Proper Names and Frege's Puzzle, Daniel S. Shabasson
Infodynamics: A Naturalistic Psychosemantics, Daniel E. Weissglass
Scanlon's Contractualism and Its Critics, Kenneth R. Weisshaar
Theories of Perception and Recent Empirical Work, Philip Zigman
Dissertations from 2017
W.E.B. Du Bois: Freedom, Race, and American Modernity, Elvira Basevich
Evil and the Ontological Disproof, Carl J. Brownson III
Scientifically Responsible Metaphysics: A Program for the Naturalization of Metaphysics, Amanda Bryant
A Normative Account of Political Representation, Kenneth R. Courtney
The Proscriptive Principle and Logics of Analytic Implication, Thomas M. Ferguson
Meaning Through Things, Marilynn Johnson
Toward a Social Ontology of the Family, Laura W. Kane
Grounding, Causation and the Unity of Ontological Structure, Thomas Kivatinos
Syntax and Semantics of Perceptual Representation, James K. Quilty-Dunn
The Nature of Introspection, Adriana Renero
Aspects of Biological Explanation, Derek J. Skillings
For Narrativity: How Creating Narratives Structures Experience and Self, Natallia Stelmak Schabner
Dissertations from 2016
Art as Display, Frank M. Boardman
Virtue’s Web: The Virtue of Empathic Attunement and the Need for a Relational Foundation, Georgina D. Campelia
Darwinian Debunking Reconsidered, Amanda J. Favia