Publications and Research
Submissions from 2019
Adolescent obesity in the past decade: A systematic review of genetics and determinants of food choice, Eleanor T. Campbell, Alexis T. Franks, and Paule V. Joseph
Hidden bias in the DUD-E dataset leads to misleading performance of deep learning in structure-based virtual screening, Lieyang Chen, Anthony Cruz, Steven Ramsey, Callum J. Dickson, Jose S. Duca, Viktor Hornak, David R. Koes, and Tom Kurtzman
Hidden bias in the DUD-E dataset leads to misleading performance of deep learning in structure-based virtual screening, Lieyang Chen, Anthony Cruz, Steven Ramsey, Callum J. Dickson, Jose S. Duca, Viktor Hornak, David R. Koes, and Tom Kurtzman
MicroRNA-4719 and microRNA-6756-5p Correlate with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Progression through Interleukin-24 Regulation, Dibash K. Das, Leah Persaud, and MOIRA SAUANE
Youth Researchers Wrestling with Gender and Sexuality, Tiffany A. DeJaynes
Transforming School Hallways Through Critical Inquiry: Multimodal Literacies for Civic Engagement, Tiffany A. DeJaynes and Christopher Curmi-Hall
Say You Want a Renovation: Using Instagram to Document a Library Renovation at Lehman College, John P. DeLooper and Michelle Ehrenpreis
An early modern human outside Africa, Eric Delson
Microdamage as a Bone Quality Component: Practical Guidelines for the Two‐Dimensional Analysis of Linear Microcracks in Human Cortical Bone, Victoria M. Dominguez and Amanda M. Agnew
Suicide among persons who entered same-sex and opposite-sex marriage in Denmark and Sweden, 1989–2016: a binational, register-based cohort study, Annette Erlangsen, Sven Drefahl, Ann Haas, Charlotte Bjorkenstam, Merete Nordentoft, and Gunnar Andersson
Effects of vitamin D3 and its chemical analogs on the growth of Hodgkin’s lymphoma, in vitro, Rajendra Ghardbaran, Bo Zhang, Luis Valerio, Onyekwere Onwumere, Madeline Wong, Jason Mighty, and Stephen Redenti
Why Doula Services Should Become an Essential Health Benefit in New York State, Jalisha Hanshaw and Amy White
A Critical Evaluation of the Biological Construct Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy: Size Matters but So Does the Measurement, Cody T. Haun, Christopher G. Vann, Brandon M. Roberts, Andrew D. Vigotsky, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Michael D. Roberts
Cytotoxic Xanthones from Hypericum stellatum, an Ethnomedicine in Southwest China, Yuanyuan Ji, Ruifei Zhang, Chen Zhang, Xingyu Li, Adam Negrin, Chaonan Yuan, Edward J. Kennelly, and Chunlin Long
Opening the Conversation: Getting Started, Stacy Katz
Student textbook purchasing: the hidden cost of time, Stacy Katz
Biotransformed Metabolites of the Hop Prenylflavanone Isoxanthohumol, Hyun Jung Kim, Soon-Ho Yim, Fubo Han, Bok Yun Kang, Hyun Jin Choi, Da-Woon Jung, Darren R. Williams, Kirk R. Gustafson, Edward J. Kennelly, and Ik-Soo Lee
What Influences Language Impairement in Bilingual Aphasia? A Meta-Analytic Review, Ekaterina Kuzmina, Mira Goral, Monica Norvik, and Brendan S. Weekes
Scythes, sickles and other blades: defining the diversity of pectoral fin morphotypes in Pachycormiformes, Jeff J. Liston, Anthony E. Maltese, Paul H. Lambers, Dominique Delsate, William E.H. Harcourt-Smith, and Anneke H. van Heteren
Readability of online-patient based information on bariatric surgery, Zoë Meleo-Erwin, Corey Basch, Joseph Fera, Danna Ethan, and Philip Garcia
A molecular reconstruction approach to sitebased 3D-RISM and comparison to GIST hydration thermodynamic maps in an enzyme active site, Crystal Nguyen, Takeshi Yamazaki, Andriy Kovalenko, David A. Case, Michael K. Gilson, Tom Kurtzman, and Tyler Luchko
“In the Beginning was Body Language” Clowning and Krump as Spiritual Healing and Resistance, Sarah S. Ohmer
The Making and Silencing of “Axé-Ocracy” in Brazil: Black Women Writers’ Spiritual, Political and Literary Movement in São Paulo, Sarah S. Ohmer
Resenhando Autoras Negras: Feministas, Plurais e Diásporicas/ Reviewing Black Authors: Feminists, Plurals, and Diasporic, Sarah S. Ohmer and Alexandra Lima da Silva
Inclusion of enclosed hydration effects in the binding free energy estimation of dopamine D3 receptor complexes, Rajat Kumar Pal, Satishkumar Gadhiya, Steven Ramsey, Pierpaolo Cordone, Lauren Wickstrom, Wayne W. Harding, Tom Kurtzman, and Emilio Gallicchio
Mind-muscle connection: effects of verbal instructions on muscle activity during bench press exercise, Antonio Paoli, Laura Mancin, Matteo Saoncella, Davide Grigoletto, Francesco Q. Pacelli, Paola Zamparo, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Giuseppe Marcolin
Engaging the Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education as a Lens for Assessment in ePortfolio Social Pedagogy Ecosystem for Science Teacher Education, Wesley Pitts and Alison Lehner-Quam
Mean Propulsive Velocity Is a Viable Method for Adjusting the Resistance-Training Load at Moderate Altitude, Lara Rodríguez-Zamora, Paulino Padial, Brad Jon Schoenfeld, and Belén Feriche
Inadequate Data Limit the Analysis of Health Disparities and Causes: A Call for Research on Youth Interpersonal Violence, Maria Isabel Roldós and Tilda Farhat
Creating and Deploying USB Port Covers at Hudson County Community College, Lotta Sanchez and John P. DeLooper
Resistance Training Volume Enhances Muscle Hypertrophy but Not Strength in Trained Men, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, James Krieger, Jozo Grgic, Kenneth DelCastillo, Ramon Belliard, and Andrew Alto
Calculating Set-Volume for the Limb Muscles with the Performance of Multi-Joint Exercises: Implications for Resistance Training Prescription, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Jozo Grgic, Cody Haun, Takahiro Itagaki, and Eric R. Helms
Associations of hemoglobin A1c with cognition reduced for long diabetes duration, Jeremy M. Silverman, James Schmeidler, Pearl G. Lee, Neil B. Alexander, Michal Schnaider Beeri, Elizabeth Guerrero-Berroa, Rebecca K. West, Mary Sano, Martina Nabozny, and Carolina Rodriguez Alvarez
HIV Prevention Via Mobile Messaging for Men Who Have Sex With Men (M-Cubed): Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, Patrick Sean Sullivan, Ryan J. Zahn, Sarah Wiatrek, Cristian J. Chandler, Sabina Hirshfield, Rob Stephenson, Jose A. Bauermeister, Mary Ann Chiasson, Martin J. Downing, Deborah J. Gelaude, Aaron J. Siegler, Keith Horvath, Erin Rogers, Ana Alas, Evelyn J. Olansky, Heather Saul, Eli S. Rosenberg, and Gordon Mansergh
POLYDOPAMINE AS A BIOMATERIAL FOR HYDROGELS, Abdulhaq Syed, Elena Dermendzhieva, Josiah Hicks, Madeline Wong, and Naphtali O'Connor
The Role of the Literacy Coach: Where We Were and Where We’re Going, Adam Ulenski and Jennifer Van Allen
Collaborating Online: Tools for Improving Teacher Preparation in Literacy, Jennifer Van Allen and Lenora Forsythe
Developing Open Practices in Teacher Education: An Example of Integrating OER and Developing Renewable Assignments, Jennifer Van Allen and Stacy Katz
Supporting the Development of Upper Elementary School Students’ Online Research and Comprehension Skills Through a Reframed Guided Reading Framework, Jennifer Van Allen and Vassiliki Zygouris-Coe
Tamoxifen activity against Plasmodium in vitro and in mice, Ada Weinstock, Julio Gallego-Delgado, Cláudia Gomes, Julian Sherman, Cyrus Nikain, Sandra Gonzalez, Edward Fisher, and Ana Rodriguez
A Mixed-Methods, Randomized Clinical Trial to Examine Feasibility of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Management and Diabetes Risk Reduction Intervention for African Americans with Prediabetes, Cheryl L. Woods-Giscombe, Susan A. Gaylord, Yin Li, Carrie E. Brintz, Shrikant I. Bangdiwala, John B. Buse, John D. Mann, Chanee Lynch, Pamela Phillips, Sunyata Smith, Karyn Leniek, Laura Young, Saada Al-Barwani, Jeena Yoo, and Keturah Faurot
Integrating Ligand-Receptor Interactions and In Vitro Evolution for Streamlined Discovery of Artificial Nucleic Acid Ligands, Hasan E. Zumrut, Sana Batool, Kimon V. Argyropoulos, Nicole Williams, Roksana Azad, and Prabodhika R. Mallikaratchy
Submissions from 2018
Readability of Prostate Cancer Information Online: A Cross-Sectional Study, Corey H. Basch, Danna Ethan, Sarah A. MacLean, Joseph Fera, Phillip Garcia, and Charles E. Basch
Association of the Haptoglobin Gene Polymorphism With Cognitive Function and Decline in Elderly African American Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Findings From the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes–Memory in Diabetes (ACCORD-MIND) Study, Michael Beeri, Hung-Mo Lin, Mary Sano, Ramit Ravona-Springer, Xiaoyu Liu, Barbara B. Bendlin, Carey E. Gleason, Elizabeth Guerrero-Berroa, Laili Soleimani, Lenore J. Launer, Scott Ehrenberg, Orit Lache, Yaakov K. Seligman, and Andrew P. Levy
Responsible Use of Materials for OER: A Hands-On Workshop for Faculty, Madeline Cohen
The impact of sarcopenic obesity on inflammation, lean body mass, and muscle strength in elderly women, Dahan da Cunha Nascimento, Samuel da Cunha Oliveira, Denis Cesar Leite Vieira, Silvana Schwerz Funghetto, Alessandro Oliveira Silva, Renato Valduga, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Jonato Prestes
Numbers are Just Not Enough: A Critical Analysis of Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Elementary and Middle School Health Textbooks, Sherry L. Deckman, Ellie Fitts Fulmer, Keely Kirby, Katharine Hoover, and Abena S. Mackall
“What Makes Me Who I Am?”: Using Artifacts as Cosmopolitan Invitations, Tiffany A. DeJaynes
Resistance training-induced gains in muscle strength, body composition, and functional capacity are attenuated in elderly women with sarcopenic obesity, Alessandro de Oliveira Silva, Maurílio Tiradentes Dutra, Wilson Max Almeida Monteiro de Moraes, Silvana Schwerz Funghetto, Darlan Lopes de Farias, Paulo Henrique Fernandes dos Santos, Denis Cesar Leite Vieira, Dahan da Cunha Nascimento, Vânia Silva Macedo Orsano, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Jonato Prestes
IOPScience, Michelle Ehrenpreis
Promoting Aphasia Awareness, Yvonne M. Faria, Fiona McNulty, Veronica C. Gonzalez, and Peggy S. Conner
Evolution of the modern baboon (Papio hamadryas): A reassessment of the African Plio-Pleistocene record, Christopher C. Gilbert, Stephen R. Frost, Kelsey D. Pugh, Monya Anderson, and Eric Delson
Are the Hypertrophic Adaptations to High and Low-Load Resistance Training Muscle Fiber Type Specific?, Jozo Grgic and Brad J. Schoenfeld
Depressive Symptoms Are Associated with Cognitive Function in the Elderly with Type 2 Diabetes, Elizabeth Guerrero-Berroa, Ramit Ravona-Springer, James Schmeidler, Anthony Heymann, Laili Soleimani, Mary Sano, Derek Leroith, Rachel Preiss, Ruth Zukran, Jeremy M. Silverman, and Michal Schnaider Beeri
Quantification of HIV-1 RNA Among Men Who Have Sex With Men Using an At-Home Self-Collected Dried Blood Spot Specimen: Feasibility Study, Sabina Hirshfield, Richard A. Teran, Martin J. Downing Jr., Mary Ann Chiasson, Hong-Van Tieu, Laura Dize, and Charlotte A. Gaydos
Designing a Summer Transition Program for Incoming and Current College Students on the Autism Spectrum: A Participatory Approach, Emily Hotez, Christina Shane-Simpson, Rita Obeid, Danielle DeNigris, Michael Siller, Corinna Costikas, Jonathan Pickens, Anthony Massa, Michael Giannola, Joanne D'Onofrio, and Kristen Gillespie-Lynch
Water Pharmacophore: Designing Ligands using Molecular Dynamics Simulations with Water, Sang Won Jung, Minsup Kim, Steven Ramsey, Tom Kurtzman, and Art E. Cho
Translation Control by p53, Justina Kasteri, Dibash K. Das, Xuelin Zhong, Leah Persaud, Ashleigh Francis, Hilal Muharam, and Moira Sauane
Open Educational Resources: Why Libraries Are Incentivizing Open Content Creation, Curation, and Adaptation, Stacy Katz
Hip extensor mechanics and the evolution of walking and climbing capabilities in humans, apes, and fossil hominins, Elaine E. Kozma, Nicole M. Webb, William Harcourt-Smith, David A. Raichlen, Kristiaan D’Août, Mary H. Brown, Emma M. Finestone, Stephen R. Ross, Peter Aerts, and Herman Pontzer
Brownfields to Greenfields: Environmental Justice Versus Environmental Gentrification, Juliana A. Maantay
Comparison of the acute effects of traditional versus high velocity resistance training on metabolic, cardiovascular, and psychophysiological responses in elderly hypertensive women, Vânia Silva Macedo Orsano, Wilson Max Almeida Monteiro de Moraes, Nuno Manuel Frade de Sousa, Felipe Carmo de Moura, Ramires Alsamir Tibana, Alessandro de Oliveira Silva, Silvana Schwerz Funghetto, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Jonato Prestes
Classical Philosophical Approaches to Lying and Deception, James E. Mahon
Contemporary Approaches to the Philosophy of Lying, James E. Mahon
Secrets vs. Lies: Is There A Moral Asymmetry?, James E. Mahon
Using physical contact heterogeneity and frequency to characterize dynamics of human exposure to nonhuman primate bodily fluids in central Africa, Victor Narat, Mamdou Kampo, Thibut Heyer, Stephanie Rupp, Philippe Ambata, Richard Njouom, and Tamara Giles-Vernick
Dextran hydrogels by crosslinking with amino acid diamines and their viscoelastic properties, Naphtali A. O’Connor, Mihaela Jitianu, Greisly Nunez, Quentin Picard, Madeline Wong, David Akpatsu, Adam Negrin, Rajendra Gharbaran, Daniel Lugo, Sundus Shaker, Andrei Jitianu, and Stephen Redenti
Jenyffer Nascimento’s Epic Poetry of Black Female Empowerment Jenyffer Nascimento: a Poesia Épica de Empoderamento da Mulher Negra, Sarah S. Ohmer
IL-24 Promotes Apoptosis through cAMP-Dependent PKA Pathways in Human Breast Cancer Cells, Leah Persaud, Jason Mighty, Xuelin Zhong, Ashleigh Francis, Marifer Mendez, Hilal Muharam, Stephen M. Redenti, Dibash Das, Bertal Huseyin Aktas, and Moira Sauane
Student responses to an animated character in information literacy instruction, Jennifer Poggiali
How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution, Brad Jon Schoenfeld and Alan Albert Aragon
Collective adhesion and displacement of retinal progenitor cells upon extracellular matrix substrates of transplantable biomaterials, Ankush Thakur, Shawn Mishra, Juan Pena, Jing Zhou, Stephen Redenti, Robert Majeska, and Maribel Vazquez
Collective adhesion and displacement of retinal progenitor cells upon extracellular matrix substrates of transplantable biomaterials, Ankush Thakur, Shawn Mishra, Juan Pena, Jing Zhou, Stephen Redenti, Robert Majeska, and Maribel Vazquez
Methods matter: the relationship between strength and hypertrophy depends on methods of measurement and analysis, Andrew D. Vigotsky, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Christian Than, and J. Mark Brown
The impact of nursing students on the health-related quality of life and perceived social support of a rural population in Ecuador: effects of a service-based learning course, Rebecca L. Walcott, Angela M. Murcia, Gloria M. Berry, Christian F. Juna, and María Isabel Roldós
Eukaryotic Translation Initiation Factor 4A Down-Regulation Mediates Interleukin-24-Induced Apoptosis through Inhibition of Translation, Xuelin Zhong, Leah Persaud, Hilal Muharam, Ashleigh Francis, Dibash Das, Bertal Huseyin Atkas, and Moire Sauane
Retinal progenitor cells release extracellular vesicles containing developmental transcription factors, microRNA and membrane proteins, Jing Zhou, Alberto Benito-Martin, Jason Mighty, Lynne Chang, Shima Ghoroghi, Hao Wu, Madeline Wong, Sara Guariglia, Petr Baranov, Michael Young, Rajendra Ghardbaran, Mark Emerson, Milica Tesic Mark, Henrik Molina, M. Valeria Canto-Solar, Hector Peinado Selgas, and Stephen Redenti
Submissions from 2017
The Greatest Metaphor Ever Mixed: Gold in the British Bible, 1750–1850, Timothy Alborn
Thickness-properties synergy in organic–inorganic consolidated melting-gel coatings for protection of 304 stainless steel in NaCl solutions, Mario Amapricio, Andrei Jitianu, Gabriela Rodriguez, Kutaiba Al-Marzoki, Mihaela Jitianu, Jadra Mosa, and Lisa C. Klein
International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition, Alan A. Aragon, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Robert Wildman, Susan Kleiner, Trisha VanDusseldorp, Lem Taylor, Conrad P. Earnest, Paul J. Arciero, Colin Wilborn, Douglas S. Kalman, Jeffrey R. Stout, Darryn S. Willoughby, Bill Campbell, Shawn M. Arent, Laurent Bannock, Abbie E. Smith-Ryan, and Jose Antonio
Readability of Colorectal Cancer Online Information: A Brief Report, Corey Basch, Danna Ethan, Sarah A. MacLean, Philip Garcia, and Charles E. Basch
Engineered Aptamers to Probe Molecular Interactions on the Cell Surface, Sana Batool, Sanam Bhandari, Shanell George, Precious Okeoma, Nabeela Van, Hazan E. Zümrüt, and Prabodhika Mallikaratchy
Effects of leucine supplementation and resistance training on myopathy of diabetic rats, Carlos Eduardo C. Martins, Vanessa B. de S. Lima, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Julio Tirapegui
Learning the basics of scholarly communication: A guide for new subject liaison librarians, Madeline Cohen
Managing Race and Race-ing Management: Teachers’ Stories of Race and Classroom Conflict, Sherry L. Deckman
The chief learning officer: A model role for integrating HR and strategic planning functions in libraries, Robert Farrell
Unafraid and Unapologetic, Still, Alyshia Gálvez
Isokinetic Dynamometry and 1RM Tests Produce Conflicting Results for Assessing Alterations in Muscle Strength, Paulo Gentil, Fabricio Boscolo Del Vecchio, Antonio Paoli, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Martim Bottaro
Morpho-phonemic analysis boosts word reading for adult struggling readers, Susan H. Gray, Linnea C. Ehri, and John C. Locke
29Si NMR and SAXS investigation of the hybrid organic-inorganic glasses obtained by consolidation of the melting gels, Andrei Jitianu, Sylvian Cadars, Fan Zhang, Gabriela Rodriguez, Quentin Picard, Mario Aparicio, Jadra Mosa, and Lisa C. Klein
Opening the conversation: An introduction to open educational resources, Stacy Katz
International society of sports nutrition position stand: nutrient timing, Chad M. Kerksick, Shawn Arent, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Jeffrey R. Stout, Bill Campbell, Colin D. Wilborn, Lem Taylor, Doug Kalman, Abbie E. Smith-Ryan, Richard B. Krieder, Darryn Willoughby, Paul J. Arciero, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, Michael J. Ormsbee, Robert Wildman, Mike Greenwood, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, Alan A. Aragon, and Jose Antonio
The Effect of Different Resistance Training Load Schemes on Strength and Body Composition in Trained Men, Charles Ricardo Lopes, Marcelo Saldanha Aoki, Alex Harley Crisp, Renê Scarpari de Mattos, Miguel Alves Lins, Gustavo Ribeiro da Mota, Brad Jon Schoenfeld, and Paulo Henrique Marchetti
The Noble Art of Lying, James E. Mahon
Evolution of Complex Target SELEX to Identify Aptamers against Mammalian Cell-Surface Antigens, Prabodhika R. Mallikaratchy
Leading from the Library Loo: An Illustrated, Documented Guide to New York CIty Academic Library Bathrooms, Stephanie M. Margolin and Jennifer Poggiali
"Where Are the Bathrooms?": Academic Library Restrooms and Student Needs, Stephanie Margolin and Jennifer Poggiali
Executive Control Mechanisms in Bilingualism: Beyond Speed of Processing, Klara Marton, Mira Goral, Luca Campanelli, Jungmee Yoon, and Loraine K. Obler