Publications and Research
Submissions from 2017
A systematic review, meta-analysis and metaregression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults, Robert W. Morton, Kevin T. Murphy, Sean R. McKellar, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Menno Henselmans, Eric Helms, Alan A. Aragon, Michaela C. Devries, Laura Banfield, James W. Krieger, and Stuart M. Phillips
20th Century Bronx Childhood: Recalling the Faces and Voices, Janet Butler Munch
Gene coexpression network analysis of fruit transcriptomes uncovers a possible mechanistically distinct class of sugar/acid ratio-associated genes in sweet orange, Liang Qiao, Minghao Cao, Jian Zheng, Yihong Zhao, and Zhi-Liang Zheng
Cognitive Sociology, Michael W. Raphael
Medical innovation and social externality, Chul-Young Roh and SangHeon Kim
How much are Ecuadorians Willing to Pay to Reduce Maternal Mortality? Results from a Pilot Study on Contingent Valuation, Maria-Isabel Roldos, Phaedra Corso, and Justin Engel
A Cost-effectiveness Study of the Quadrivalent HPV6/11/16/18 Vaccination in a Two-dose Scheme in Girls of 9-11 Years Old Compared to Bivalent HPV 16/18 Vaccination in Ecuador and Challenges for Public Health and Screening, Maria-Isabel Roldos, Isabel Espinosa, Amit Kulkarni, Matthew Pillsbury, Andrew Pavelyev, Homero A. Monsanto, Diego Guarin, and Miguel Cashat-Cruz
Developing local health policy: Profiling needs and opportunities in the Municipality of Quito, Ecuador, Maria Isabel Roldós, Claudia Hopenhyan, Fernando Sacoto, and Kathy Bustamante
Pre- versus post-exercise protein intake has similar effects on muscular adaptations, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Alan A. Aragon, Colin Wilborn, Stacie L. Urbina, Sara E. Hayward, and James Kriegor
Evaluating causes of error in landmark-based data collection using scanners, Brian M. Shearer, Siobhan B. Cooke, Lauren B. Halenar, Samantha L. Reber, Jeannette E. Plummer, Eric Delson, and Melissa Tallman
How to Support Online Research and Comprehension in the Content Areas, Jennifer Van Allen
Submissions from 2016
Evidence for a Mixed Mass Composition at the ‘ankle’ in the Cosmic-ray Spectrum, A. Aab, P. Abreu, M. Aglietta, E. J. Ahn, I. Al Samarai, I. F. M. Albuquerque, I. Allekotte, P. Allison, A. Almela, J. Alvarez Castillo, J. Alvarez-Muniz, M. Ambrosio, G. A. Anastasi, Luis Anchordoqui, B. Andrada, S. Andringa, C. Aramo, F. Arqueros, N. Arsene, and H. Asorey
750 GeV diphotons from closed string states, Luis Anchordoqui, Ignatios Antoniadis, Haim Goldberg, Xing Huang, Dieter Lüst, and Tomasz R. Taylor
Update on 750 GeV Diphotons from Closed String States, Luis Anchordoqui, Ignatios Antoniadis, Haim Goldberg, Xing Huang, Dieter Lüst, and Tomasz R. Taylor
Collaboration Between the Library and Office of Student Disability Services: Document Accessibility in Higher Education, Rebecca Arzola
Apps in Higher Education: Criteria and Evaluation, Rebecca Arzola and Stefanie Havelka
Mobile App Usage Assessment in the Academic Library, Rebecca Arzola and Stefanie Havelka
An Analysis of Electronic Cigarette and Cigarette Advertising in US Women’s Magazines, Corey Hannah Basch, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Clarke Hillyer, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
An Advertisement and Article Analysis of Skin Products and Topics in Popular Women’s Magazines: Implications for Skin Cancer Prevention, Corey H. Basch, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Clarke Hillyer, MD Fullwood, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
Association of a PAI-1 Gene Polymorphism and Early Life Infections with Asthma Risk, Exacerbations, and Reduced Lung Function, Seong H. Cho, Jin-Young Min, Dong Young Kim, Sam S. Oh, Dara R. Torgerson, Maria Pino-Yanes, Donglei Hu, Saunak Sen, Scott Huntsman, Celeste Eng, Harold J. Farber, William Rodriguez-Cintron, Jose R. Rodriguez-Santana, Denise Serebrisky, Shannon M. Thyne, Luisa N. Borrell, L. Keoki Williams, William DuPont, Max A. Seibold, Esteban G. Burchard, Pedro C. Avila, and Rajesh Kumar
A Study of Flipped Information Literacy Sessions for Business Management and Education, Madeline Cohen, Alison Lehner-Quam, Jennifer Poggiali, and Robin Wright
Flipping the classroom in business and education one-shot sessions: a research study, Madeline Cohen, Jennifer Poggiali, Alison Lehner-Quam, Robin Wright, and Rebecca K. West
Physical separation from the mate diminishes male’s attentiveness towards other females: a study in monogamous prairie voles Microtus ochrogaster, Christine J. Delevan, Natalia A. Rodriguez, Karine M. Legzim, Fayeza Aliou, Jamie T. Parker, and Maryam Bashad
The data do not seem to support a benefit to BCAA supplementation during periods of caloric restriction, Brad P. Dieter, Brad Jon Schoenfeld, and Alan A. Aragon
An Analysis of Weight Loss Articles and Advertisements in Mainstream Women’s Health and Fitness Magazines, Danna Ethan, Corey H. Basch, Grace Clarke Hillyer, Alyssa Berdnik, and Mary Huynh
An Advertisement Analysis of Alcohol Products in Popular Women’s Magazines, M Dottington Fullwood, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Hillyer, Corey H. Basch, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
Improving landslide hazard and risk mapping in Guatemala using terrain aspect, Yuri Gorohkovich, Elia Axinia Machado, Luis Ivan Giron Melgar, and Mahta Ghahremani
Adopting Universal Design in Libraries: Collaborating for Student Success, Stefanie Havelka and Rebecca Arzola
Integrated Systems Biology Analysis of Transcriptomes Reveals Candidate Genes for Acidity Control in Developing Fruits of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), Dingquang Huang, Yihong Zhao, Minghao Cao, Liang Qiao, and Zhi-Liang Zheng
Locality, bulk equations of motion and the conformal bootstrap, Daniel N. Kabat and Gilad Lifsch
Asymmetric interiors for small black holes, Daniel N. Kabat and Gilad Lifschytz
Electrochemical Properties of Melting Gel Coatings, Lisa C. Klein, Ahmad Dengah, Kutaiba Al-Marzoki, Gabriela Rodriguez, Andrei Jitianu, Jadra Mosa, and Mario Amapricio
Abortion and the Right to not be Pregnant, James E. Mahon
Muscle Activation Differs between Three Different Knee Joint-Angle Positions during a Maximal Isometric Back Squat Exercise, Paulo Henrique Marchetti, Josinaldo Jarbas da Silva, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Priscyla Silva Monteiro Nardi, Silvio Luis Pecoraro, Julia Maria D'Andrea Greve, and Erin Hartigan
Third-party reproductive practices: legislative inertia and the need for nuanced empirical data, Susan Markens
Integrating Social Determinants of Health With Treatment and Prevention: A New Tool to Assess Local Area Deprivation, Andrew R. Maroko, Thao M. Doan, Peter S. Arno, Megan Hubel, Shirley Yi, and Deborah Viola
In vitro formation of neuroclusters in microfluidic devices and cell migration as a function of stromal-derived growth factor 1 gradients, Sean McCutcheon, Uchenna Unachukwu, Ankush Thakur, Robert Majeska, Stephen Redenti, and Maribel Vazquez
When Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Extending the Reach of Qualitative Data Collecting, Justine M. McGovern
Electro-Chemotactic Fields Induce Cooperative Movement of CNS Cells, Shawn Mishra, Stephen Redenti, and Maribel Vazquez
Characteristics of medication advertisements found in US women’s fashion magazines, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Clarke Hillyer, Corey H. Basch, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
AfroReggae and Grupo Cultural Afro Reggae: A Study of the Early Years, Sarah S. Ohmer
Leaf Protein and Mineral Concentrations across the “Miracle Tree” Genus Moringa, Mark E. Olson, Renuka P. Sankaran, Jed W. Fahey, Michael A. Grusak, David Odee, and Wasif Nouman
Mechanism of Action and Applications of Interleukin 24 in Immunotherapy, Leah Persaud, Dayenny De Jesus, Oliver Brannigan, Maria Richiez-Paredes, Jeannette Huaman, Giselle Alvarado, Linda Riker, Gissete Mendez, Jordan Dejoie, and Moira Sauane
Incorporating Ethical Consumption into Electronic Device Acquisition: A Proposal, Jennifer Poggiali
Caricature and Hyperbole in Preservice Teacher Professional Development, Mica Pollock, Candice Bocala, Sherry L. Deckman, and Shari Dickstein-Staub
The Complicated Process of Caregiving: The Case of Mr. S (James) and Ms. Q (Sherry), Nicole Saint-Louis
A Comparison of Increases in Volume Load Over 8 Weeks of Low-Versus High-Load Resistance Training, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Dan Ogborn, Bret Contreras, Tom Cappaert, Alex Silva Ribeiro, Brent A. Alvar, and Andrew D. Vigotsky
Review Paper: The Shape of Phylogenetic Treespace, Katherine St. John
Predicted molecular signaling guiding photoreceptor cell migration following transplantation into damaged retina, Uchenna John Unachukwu, Alice Warren, Ze Li, Shawn Mishra, Jing Zhou, Moira Sauane, Hyungsik Lim, Maribel Vazquez, and Stephen Redenti
Teaching Online Research and Comprehension Skills through Guided Reading, Jennifer H. Van Allen
Prevent Predatory Publishing, Megan Wacha and Monica Berger
Characterization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Microvesicle Genesis, Morphology and Pluripotent Content, Jing Zhou, Shima Ghoroghi, Alberto Benito-Martin, Hao Wu, Uchenna John Unachukwu, Linda Saxe Einbond, Sara Guariglia, Hector Peinado, and Stephen Redenti
Submissions from 2015
Search for patterns by combining cosmic-ray energy and arrival directions at the Pierre Auger Observatory, A. Aab, P. Abreu, M. Aglietta, E. J. Ahn, I. Al Samarai, I. F. M. Albuquerque, I. Allekotte, J. Allen, P. Allison, A. Almela, J. Alvarez Castillo, J. Alvarez-Muñiz, R. Alves Batista, M. Ambrosio, A. Aminaei, L. Anchordoqui, S. Andringa, C. Aramo, V. M. Aranda, F. Arqueros, and T. Paul
The Phytoene synthase gene family of apple (Malus x domestica) and its role in controlling fruit carotenoid content, Charles Ampomah-Dwamena, Nicky Driedonks, David Lewis, Maria Shumskaya, Xiuyin Chen, Eleanore T. Wurtzel, Richard V. Espley, and Andrew C. Allan
Corrosion Protection of 304 Stainless Steel with Melting Gels Coatings, Mario Aparicio, Andrei Jitianu, Gabriela Rodriguez, Ahmad Dengah, Kutaiba Marzoki, Jadra Mosa, and Lisa C. Klein
Apps and Technology Share - A Student Disability Services and Library Collaboration, Rebecca Arzola
Xenopus! Spiraling Scientific Journal Articles with High School Science English Language Learners, Gillian Bayne and Cristie Peralta
Homo naledi, a new species of the genus Homo from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa, Lee R. Berger, John Hawks, Darryl J. de Ruiter, Steven E. Churchill, Peter Schmid, Lucas K. Delezene, Tracy L. Kivell, Heather M. Garvin, Scott A. Williams, Jeremy M. DeSilva, Matthew M. Skinner, Charles M. Musiba, Noel Cameron, Trenton W. Holliday, William Harcourt-Smith, and et al.
Effects of different resistance training frequencies on flexibility in older women, Nelson H. Carneiro, Alex S. Ribeiro, Matheus A. Nascimento, Luís A. Gobbo, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Abdallah Achour Júnior, Sebastião Gobbi, Arli R. Oliveira, and Edilson S. Cyrino
Communication between family carers and health professionals about end-of-life care for older people in the acute hospital setting: a qualitative study, Glenys Caswell, Kristian Pollock, Rowan Harwood, and Davina Porock
Electromechanical Magnetization Switching, Eugene M. Chudnovsky and Reem Jaafar
The Flipped Classroom as a Tool for Engaging Discipline Faculty in Collaboration—A Case Study in Library-Business Collaboration, Madeline Cohen
Engage Students Through Flipped Classroom Strategies: A Lesson Planning Guide, Madeline Cohen, Alison Lehner-Quam, and Robin Wright
Engage Students Through Flipped Instruction: A Lesson Creation Lab, Madeline Cohen, Alison Lehner-Quam, and Robin Wright
"Flipped Classroom" Information Literacy in Business Management Courses--What Have We Learned?, Madeline Cohen and Deborah Sanders
A comparison of two gluteus maximus EMG maximum voluntary isometric contraction positions, Bret Contreras, Andrew D. Vigotsky, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Chris Beardsley, and John Cronin
‘‘Where I’m From’’ and belonging: A multimodal, cosmopolitan perspective on arts and inquiry, Tiffany A. DeJaynes
Youth as Cosmopolitan Intellectuals, Tiffany A. DeJaynes and Christopher Curmi
Situating Information Literacy in the Disciplines: A Practical and Systematic Approach for Academic Librarians, Robert Farrell and William Badke
Improving Motivation, Engagement and Differentiation in Lesson Development Using an Interactive White Board, Jenelle Fiori and Leslie Lieman
Teaching Self-Management Skills Through Social Studies Content Lessons, Christy Folsom, Marietta Saravia-Shore, Karvelee Adu, and Hector Cabrera
The Hand of Cercopithecoides williamsi (Mammalia, Primates): Earliest Evidence for Thumb Reduction among Colobine Monkeys, Stephen R. Frost, Christopher C. Gilbert, Kelsey D. Pugh, Emily H. Guthrie, and Eric Delson
Medical Crises in Older People: cohort study of older people attending acute medical units, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist geriatric medical intervention for high-risk older people; cohort study of older people with mental health problems admitted to hospital, developmental work and randomised controlled trial of a specialist medical and mental health unit for general hospital patients with delirium and dementia; and cohort study of residents of care homes and interview study of health-care provision to residents of care homes, John Gladman, Rowan Harwood, Simon Conroy, Pip Logan, Rachel Elliot, Rob Jones, Sarah Lewis, Jane Dyas, Justine Schneider, Davina Porock, Kristian Pollock, Sarah Goldberg, Judi Edmans, Adam Gordon, Lucy Bradshaw, Matthew Franklin, Katherine Whittamore, Isabella Robbins, Aidan Dunphy, Karen Spencer, Janet Darby, Lukasz Tanajewski, Vladislav Berdunov, Georgios Gkountouras, Pippa Foster, and Nadia Frowd
Políticas de precios y comercialización agrícola durante la transición: Experiencias y lecciones para Cuba, Mario A. Gonzalez-Corzo
Opening up the Dialogue Across Disciplines: Making Room for Inquiry and Creativity from Pre-Kindergarten through University, Amanda Nicole Gulla, Limor Pinhasi-Vittorio, and Alison Lehner-Quam
The foot of Homo naledi, W. E. H. Harcourt-Smith, Z. Throckmorton, K. A. Congdon, B. Zipfel, A. S. Deane, M. S. M. Drapeau, S. E. Churchill, L. R. Berger, and J. M. DeSilva
Mobile Apps in Collection Development: Supporting a Mobile Learning Environment, Stefanie Havelka and Rebecca Arzola
Phylogenetic Co-Occurrence of ExoR, ExoS, and ChvI, Components of the RSI Bacterial Invasion Switch, Suggests a Key Adaptive Mechanism Regulating the Transition between Free-Living and Host-Invading Phases in Rhizobiales, Mary Ellen Heavner, Wei-Gang Qiu, and Hai-Ping Cheng
Hybrid Sol–Gel Glasses with Glass-Transition Temperatures below Room Temperature, Andrei Jitianu, Guadalupe Gonzalez, and Lisa C. Klein
'The Rhythm of Our Time is Jazz': Popular Entertainment during the Weimar Republic, Sharon L. Jordan
Bulk equations of motion from CFT correlators, Daniel N. Kabat and Gilad Lifschytz
Using Literacy to Create Individualized Instruction Plan for a Struggling Learner, Anna Leighton
Improving Motivation, Engagement and Differentiation in Lesson Development Using an Interactive White Board: 10-hour Workshop Cycle Toward Professional Development Certificate, Leslie Lieman, Jenelle Fiori, and Naliza Sadik
Infusing Locally Relevant Video to Support Teacher Learning, Leslie Lieman, Aliex Ross, Jeanne Peloso, Nancy Cubetz, and Laura Baecher
Lessons Learned From Lesson Study: Focusing on Differentiation for ELLs and Students with Special Needs, Anne Marie Marshall and Khalilah Arrington
Chemotactic Migration of Clustered Central Nervous System Progenitor Cells, Sean McCutcheon, John Uchenna Unachukwu, Stephen Redenti, and Maribel Vazquez
A model microfluidics-based system for the human and mouse retina., Shawn Mishra, Ankush Thakur, Stephen Redenti, and Maribel Vazquez
At Home in the Bronx: Children at the New York Catholic Protectory 1865-1938, Janet Butler Munch
Boundary conditions as dynamical fields, V. Parameswaran Nair and Dimitra Karabali
Thermodynamics of Water in an Enzyme Active Site: Grid-Based Hydration Analysis of Coagulation Factor Xa, Crystal N. Nguyen, Anthony Cruz, Michael K. Gilson, and Tom Kurtzman
Cuba's Agricultural Transformations, Armando Nova Gonzalez and Mario A. Gonzalez-Corzo
Virtual Office Hours Using Blackboard Collaborate, Natasha Nurse
Matrix Multiplication, Trilinear Decompositions, APA Algorithms, and Summation, Victor Pan
Random Multipliers Numerically Stabilize Gaussian and Block Gaussian Elimination: Proofs and an Extension to Low-rank Approximation, Victor Pan and Xiaodong Yan
You're No Fun Anymore: The Ethics of Acquiring Electronic Devices in Light of E-Waste, Sweatshops, and Globalization, Jennifer Poggiali
White Paper on Research Opportunities and CUNY Library Faculty: The Need for Annual Leave Parity, PSC CUNY Library Faculty Committee (2014-2015), Jay H. Bernstein, Jill Cirasella, John A. Drobnicki, Francine Egger-Sider, Lisa Ellis, Robert Farrell, William Gargan, Bonnie Nelson, Mariana Regalado, Sharon Swacker, and Tess Tobin
Collecting & Infusing Locally Relevant Video to Support Teacher Learning, Aliex Ross, Jeanne Peloso, Nancy Dubetz, Laura H. Baecher, Leslie Lieman, and Naliza Sadik
The Nurtured Heart Approach: An Odyssey of Discovery and Implementation, Mary Sanford and Alexandria Pacheco
Radical Librarian-Technologists, John Schriner