Student Theses

Date of Award

Summer 6-15-2018

Document Type




First Advisor

Prof. Ismael Garcia Colon


After the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, returning veterans battle a severe form of moral trauma that is recently recognized by psychologists and analysts as “moral injury”. This moral and psychological wound has a deep impact on these veterans who return home emotionally wrecked, changed and in need for urgent care, emotional support and medical intervention. The term “moral injury” has social, emotional and psychological effects on returning veterans, and it has its distinct qualities from PTSD. Despite the mediocre academic debate about the existence of the term or its prevalence among veterans, enough evidence has been provided to elicit the significance of acknowledging this ethical crisis not only as a moral disorder, but also as a medical issue that deserves attention and requires a clinical intervention. In recent years, moral injury has been widely identified and more clinicians have proposed a wide array of healing methods that helped returning veterans in facing their fears and admitting the necessity of seeking social and medical help regardless the social stigma.



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