Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Trust but Verify: The Influence of Social Media and Core Values on Consumer Trust in Business, Zoie M. Lagoudis
Defining Twice Exceptional Learners: A Study of Self-Concept, Alyssa D. Landau
Incarceration-Related Stigma and Caring Self-Efficacy Among Long-Term Care Nurses, Sandra D. Langston
Topics for He but not for She: Quantifying and Classifying Gender Bias in the Media, Tyler J. Lanni
The Effect of an Elephant Conservation Education Program on the Knowledge Base of Children in Thailand, Angela Larios
Posthuman Lessons for Writing and Well-Being: Reparative Practices, Anna A. Larsson
Losses and Gains of Teletherapy: The Impact of the Pandemic on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Dan-Bi Lee
Visualizing Dopamine Activity in Deletion of D2 Receptors in Medium Spiny Neurons, Kunhee Lee
Examining the Effect of Training Using Natural and Noise-Vocoded Sentences on Noise-Vocoded Speech Perception in Normal-Hearing Listeners, Alexis Leiderman
124 Notebooks, Andrea Lerner
Social Media in the Corporate World, Linelle C. Lestrade
Los Días de la Calle Gabino Barreda: The Social Circle of Remedios Varo and Benjamin Péret in Mexico, 1941-1947, Esther R. Levy
The Greatest Show on Earth: Is Trinidad’s Carnival perpetuating a society of elitism and class struggle?, Charisse A. Lewis
The Queer Life of Lorena Hickok, Samantha D. Leyerle
From Prostitution to Sex Trafficking: Dilemmas of Victim Service Workers Helping Chinese Immigrant Women at the Courts, Yen-Chiao Liao
Lidar remote sensing of aerosol and ozone profiles and application to air quality studies in New York City area, Dingdong Li
The Effects of Glycolytic Mutations in Drosophila melanogaster Muscle Development, Coco Lim
Essays on Tax Impacts on Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance and Regional Disparity, Mei Li
But Is It Material? A Case Study Evaluating Climate Risk’s Place in Financial Disclosures, Matilda Lindberg
Don't Look Away, Joseph V. Lingad
Understanding the Impacts of Freshwater Fluxes on the Biogeochemistry of the Coastal Arctic: A Case Study of Prudhoe Bay, Francesca Lingo
Essays on Structural Transformation and Inequality, Yaoqi Lin
Audiological Management of Children with Down Syndrome: A Toolkit for Caregivers, Natalie Lisiewicz
Essays in Health Economics, Chuxin Liu
A Race-Police Regime: NYPD Technology and Urban Governance in New York City, Elliott Liu
Classifying Sidewalk Materials Using Multi-Modal Data, Jiawei Liu
Evaluation of Symmetric Functions and Boolean Functions over Stochastic Input, Naifeng Liu
Structural Identification of Pair Trades, Yi Liu
Seeing Africans in China: Defining Race and Racial Hierarchy in Contemporary China, Xuemeng Li
Rewiring the Spokes: The Future of U.S. Bilateralism in Asia, Gian Marc Lombardo
Advancing the Accuracy of Watershed Analysis Across Diverse Hydrometeorological and Geologic Regimes via Classification and Analysis of GPM-IMERG Products, Jake M. Longenecker
Fantasmas compartidos: Posmemoria, herencia y reescritura de la Guerra Civil española en México y España, Mayte Lopez Sanchez
Understanding Victim-Offender Overlap Among Youth in Custody in the United States and Taiwan, Tzu-Ying Lo
Identification of Different Hair Dyes in Dyed Hair using Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR FT-IR), Surface Enhancing Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Techniques, Nicholas Lovera
Variations in Family Child Care: Providers' Experiences Crafting Spaces In-Between School and Home, Eleanor Luken
Devil in the Details: Witchcraft in Reformation England, Angela A. Luna
Structural Anomaly Detection, Shoufu Luo
Don't Say Gay: Love Language in Coriolanus, Patrick Lynch
Leveraging Bio-Inspired Molecules for Cancer Theranostics, Douglas S. MacPherson
Haunted Homelands: Mary Hunter Austin's Search For Belonging in California's Central Valley, Aimee M. Maddalena
Birthing, Nursing, and Grieving: An Anthropological Archaeology of Healing Shrines in North Lebanon, Sarah Mady
Storytelling in Modernist Fiction: A “Method of Presence”, Laura Malhotra
Immigrant Therapists’ Perceptions Of Transference, Countertransference, And Racial Experiences In The United States, Lian Malki-Schubert
Towards an Unsupervised Bayesian Network Pipeline for Explainable Prediction, Decision Making and Discovery, Daniel Mallia
Environmental Drivers of Dispersal in Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata), Amanda Mancini
Engineered PLGA Nanofibers for Drug Delivery, Andrew Mancuso
Misogyny in Contemporary Populist Authoritarianism, Maxine Mannheim
Reclaiming Narratives of Sexual Assault: An Examination of the #MeToo Movement and Social Media, Katherine V. Marano
Optimized Peptide Nanomaterials as Delivery Vehicles for Hydrophobic Metal-Based Anticancer Agents, Yaron Marciano
Urban Space, Genre and Subjectivity in African and Latin American Cinema, Matthew Marcus
The Final Straw: The Battle for Puerto Rico, Samantha N. Marrero
The Matriarchs of ecuavoley femenino, Mariana Martinez
Mental Illness and Ethnic Identity and Their Relationship with Internalized Stigma Among Individuals Identifying as Latinx and Diagnosed with a Mental Illness, Melissa V. Martinez
60 Años del New York Graphic Workshop, Maria Dolores Martinez Perez
Algorithmic Sovereignty: Machine Learning, Ground Truth, and the State of Exception, Matthew Martin
Analysis of Electrophysiological Markers and Correlated Components of Neural Responses to Discourse Coherence, Kurt M. Masiello
The Wehrmacht Experience in World War II, Tyler Masterson
New York’s unclear evacuation plans have Rockaway feeling abandoned, Michael Matteo
Evaluating Neural Networks as Cognitive Models for Learning Quasi-regularities in Language, Xiaomeng Ma
How Do Authoritarian Regimes Win Re-Election During an Economic Recession?, Mst Sarmin Akter Mazumder
The Lived Experience of Using Opiates Among Young Adults, Catherine Mbewe
Using Bayesian Generalized Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Latent Agreement, Sydne T. McCluskey
"How" as a Signal of an Invariant Meaning, Andrew S. McCormick
Brainwaves, Memory, and Reward, Rebecca McCune
“Once that ball goes flat, what are you gonna do?” How being a student-athlete uniquely affects Black men, Amaya S. McDonald
Characterization of Pathological Tau Mutants, Charles J. McDonald
Children and the Cold War: Race & Hypocrisy Amid Fear of Nuclear War, Richard D. McTaggart Jr.
Mediated Locality: Assembling the Independent Music Scene in Brooklyn, New York, Frank Meegan
Leveraging Local Perturbations to Map Allosteric Networks of Phosphatases, Tamar (Skaist) Mehlman
Late Talkers: Maternal Input and Attention Allocation in Mother–Child Dyad Play, Toby B. Mehl
"I Stayed There the Whole Night": Exploring Caregivers' Experiences With the Healthcare System When Caring for a Parent at the End of Life, Lillian Mehran
Skilled Workers’ Mobility and Attrition: The Case of Florida Emergency Medicine Physicians, Vassina Hassane Meite
The Nawat Language Revitalization in El Salvador and How Its Digital Activism Transcends Borders, Sergio J. Mendoza Gallardo
Monarch Butterflies, Ralph Mendoza
Transnational Ritual Poetics of Blackness in Performance, Nina A. Mercer
White Supremacist Print Culture and the Creation of White Working-Class Ideology in 1860s New York City, Anna Meyer
Evidence of mirror self-recognition in beluga whales, Alexander Mildener
Hypo-Cathexis and Impotence in the Facilitating Environment of the Anthropocene: Towards Digital Humanities, Brian W. Millen
Illness Intrusiveness and Psychosocial Adjustment Among Older Adults with Multimorbidity, Irina Mindlis
Improving Microbiome Research Through Enhanced Reporting and Modeling the Effects of Antibiotic Usage, Chloe A. Mirzayi
Internalized Gender Role Stereotypes Within Young Women and The Presentation of Somatic Symptomatology of Major Depressive Disorder, Michelle Miselevich
Electrophysiological Signatures of Stress Adaptability in the BNST-VTA Pathway, Yuka Miura
A Digital Toolkit for Teachers About Artificial Intelligence, Benjamin Moerch
Dynamics of Spin and Charge of Color Centers in Diamond under Cryogenic Conditions, Richard G. Monge
The Method Development and Validation of Designer Benzodiazepines in Oral Fluid using Solid Phase Extraction and LC-MS/MS, Jenna L. Monsell
Soundness and Completeness Results for the Logic of Evidence Aggregation and its Probability Semantics, Eoin Moore
From Voting Rights to Voter Turnout: Three Papers on the Interplay of Racial Resentment, Racial Threat, and Politics, Kevin Morris