Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2023
Los Barrios Populares en el imaginario de América Latina durante el periodo neoliberal: La construcción de los mitos de las Villas, Favelas y Colonias populares en Argentina, Brasil y México, Roberto Elvira Mathez
The Impact of Perceived Social Support on Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Elizabeth Eng
Quantifying Temperature-, Pressure-, and Nuclear Quantum Effects on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Water-Mediated Interactions, Justin T. Engstler
Water Ways, Naoufal Enhari
Etiology of Injustice, Susan Erck
The Role and Impact of the Communications Department and Investor Relations Functions on the Process of Privatization, Iulia Erhan
Extraction, Property, and Rights in Southeastern Arabian Seascapes c.1820–present, Scott Erich
Social Impacts of Robotics on the Labor and Employment Market, Kelvin Espinal
“This Little Patch of Earth is Inexhaustible”: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and the Outdoors Movements, Erica Evans
The Devil Is in the Details: Witchcraft Materiality and Systems of Belief in Early Modern France, Ryan Evelyn
Association Strength between Concepts as the Origin of the "Foreign Language Effect", Emilia Ezrina
Fuglede's Conjecture in Some Finite Abelian Groups, Thomas Fallon
Grouping Against the Groove: Metrical Dissonance in Hiromi's "Voice", Sam Falotico
The Impact of Overseas Study Experiences on Chinese Students’ Attitudes Toward the United States, Xufeng Fang
Genetic Determinants Involved in Acquisition of Iron in the Opportunistic Pathogen Mycobacterium abscessus, Manal F. Farhat
Hair and Drugs: The Impact of Dry Shampoo and Gel on Cocaine-Contaminated Hair, Marialejandra Faure Betancourt
Teach Me How, Asmy Fayad
Tunable Linear and Nonlinear Metasurfaces Based on Hybrid Gold-Graphene Plasmons, Matthew Feinstein
An Application of the Coercive Control Framework to Cults, Sarah E. Feliciano
Robotic Inspection and Data Analytics to Localize and Visualize the Structural Defects of Civil Infrastructure, Jinglun Feng
The Punitive Laboratory of Neoliberalism: A Cross-national Examination, Beth A. Fera
A Stronger Strong Schottky Lemma for Euclidean Buildings, Michael E. Ferguson
Comparison of Hydrolysis Efficiency and Performance of Four Recombinant β- glucuronidase Enzymes for the Detection of Opioids in Urine Samples by LC-MS/MS, Christina Fernandez
Beyond The Songs on The Vistula: Chopin and Poland, a Mythical Construction, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Nieto
Fighting the Invisibility of Domestic Violence, Yesenny Fernandez
The Promise of Universalism Deferred: Political Economy of Social Policy in 21st Century Latin America, Juan C. Ferre
Automatic Analysis of the Frequency, Vigor, and Complexity of Spontaneous Locomotion Bouts of Mice with Loss and Gain of Function of the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Smoothened in Cholinergic Neurons, Aleksandra Feshchenko
An Offer You Cannot Refuse: Understanding the Elusive Construct of "Voluntary" Plea Decisions, Melanie B. Fessinger
Experienced and Anticipated Stigma among People with Mental Illness when Interacting with Healthcare Workers, Shaindel Feuer
From Allegory to Revolution: The Inca Empire in the Eighteenth-Century French Imagination, Agnieszka A. Ficek
Method Development and Validation of Controlled Substances on a Gas Chromatography - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer, Regina E. Filus
Publishing Inequality in LGBTQIA+ Research in Psychology: A Content Analysis, Mackenzie L. Fingerhut
Evolutions in Suicide Bombing: Exploring the Relationship Between the Tactic and Its Application by Non-state Armed Groups Across Various Conflict Zones Over Time, David E. Firester
Preserving Caribbean Culture Through Dance: Featuring the Trinidadian dance troupe, Zante — Sesame Flyers Intl., Aaliyah T. Fisher
Beat Construal, Tempo, Metric Dissonance, and Transgressing the Groove in Heavy Metal, Drew Fleming
Diagnosis and Management of Adults with Hidden Hearing Loss: A Scoping Review, Chana Flohr
Situating the Corrido in Diego Rivera’s Murals at the Ministry of Public Education, Calla Flood Tardino
For What Is a Man?: Towards Languaging Contemporary Dance in a Black, Queer, Male-presenting Body, Thomas Ford
Inequality and Violence: The Case of Brazil, Kimberly Forsyth
Language And Conjuncture in Populist Strategy: Podemos And Contemporary Spanish Political Thought, Francisco J. Fortuño Bernier
Shifting Frontiers Economic Consequences of the Polish Partitions, Andrew J. Fox
Completive 'todo': Implications for Possessives, Existentials, and Locative Expressions, Carolina Fraga
Syntactic Parsing of Relative Clauses and Wh-Questions in L2 Italian, Pamela Franciotti
The Persephone Series: Storytelling, Art, and Making Sense of Myself, Katie M. Frank
Structural Perspectives: Mitigating Information Poverty among Afro-Caribbean Immigrant Populations in the Queens Public Library System, Richelle L. Frederick
The Makings of Creativity and Empathy: Maps of Maternal Representations, Anielle M. Fredman
Settling Into Inequality: Resettled Afghans in the Washington DC Metro Area, Harry Frey
(Not) Knowing, Jared Friedman
Where Did All the Bed Bugs Go?, Lauren Friedman
Muscling Through: Athletic Women in Victorian Popular Representation, 1864–1915, Julia G. Fuller
Every Force Evolves A Form, Nicholas Fusaro
Somos Boricuas y Estamos Despertando: Decolonial Education, Collective Identity, and the Struggle for Puerto Rican Studies, Ricardo Gabriel
Exposing the Governmental Amnesia of the Human Rights Violations that Occurred in the Magdalene Laundries, Sarah G. Gallagher
The Lives and Afterlives of the Arenberg Gospels: Materializing Medieval Oaths, Sarah Ganzel
Hands. Words. Mirrors. A letter to my mother., Iliana Emilia García
“Here in America”: Broadway Musicals and the Making of Jewish Americans, Barrie Gelles
dulce sueños de tierra, sweet dreams of earth, Jordany Genao
Fluidity of Ptolemaic Tomb Architecture: Third to Second Centuries BCE, Caroline Gerkis
Population Genomics, Ecology and Conservation of Asterias Sea Stars in the North Atlantic, Melenia I. Giakoumis
Green is the New Black: Exploring How a Philosophical Approach to the Fashion Industry Will Reduce Its Environmental Impact, Darion A. Gibbs
Social Identities and Campus Belonging as Predictors of Flourishing Among College Students, Christine Gilchrist
“Delicious Libation”: The Art of the Coffee Trade from Brazil to the United States, 1797-1888, Caroline L. Gillaspie
Whose Imagination Are We Living In?: An Examination of Feminist Utopia through the Lens of Pragmatism, Mia A. Gindis
Made in Italy: Gli effetti della musica italiana (t)rap sulla società e sulla lingua, Paraskevi Z. Gkana-Alberico
Audible Futures: Scenes of Sonic Encounter in Cold War Kurdistan, 1923–2023, Nicholas S. Glastonbury
Health Care Providers' Attributions of Blame for Unintended Pregnancy and HIV Acquisition Among Cisgender Women, Alison J. Goldberg
Political Theatre After Occupy: Participation, Interpellation, and the Search for New Subjectivities in the Theatre, Andrew J. Goldberg
Urban Plateaus: Alienation, Disappearance, and the Random Encounter in Post-1945 Literature and Film, Ethan Goldberg
Paper, Clay, and Thread: Tools of Decolonization in the work of Guadalupe Maravilla, Juan Javier Salazar, and Julieth Morales, Alexandra J. Goldman
The Cost of the Crunch: Ethical Chocolate in New York City, Rachel J. Goldman
CEO Narcissism: An Unconventional Approach to Understanding the Importance of Further Research, Melissa Goldsmith
The Landscape of Daughterhood: A Redefinition, Sarah Goldstone
The Effect of Race on Housing Stratification Among Latinos, Julia T. Gomez
Form in Hip-Hop Music: Sections, Songs, and History, Stephen M. Gomez
Economic Factors and Theories of Decline and Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire C. 1789–1911, Peter S. Gomori
Making and Taking: Evaluating the Ethnographic Gaze in Graciela Iturbide’s Los que viven en la arena, Lauren Gonzales
La historia de Felix: qué ha pasado con los migrantes del Roosevelt Hotel, Eduardo A. Gonzalez Quintero
Examining Indigenous Engagement in the Formulation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs): A Comparative Study of Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, and Bolivia, Viviana K. Gonzalez
To Love, and To Be Loved: The Art and Relationships of Gwen John (1876-1939), Karina Grady
Slow Speed Rail: The Social, Psychological and Environmental Benefits of Long-Distance Train Travel, Vincent Gragnani
Avoiding Success: How Does Fear of Success Impact Today's Workforce?, Bradley E. Gray
The Construction of Marijuana Possession Laws and Policies: How Policymaking and Enforcement Racialized the War on Marijuana, Edwin Grimsley
Staying, Flowing, Resounding: Children's Interactions and Space-Based Attachments on a Manu'a Island, Mariapaola Gritti
Queer Aesthetics in Dancehall Lyrical Content: 2013-2023, Robert Guchinov
Seasonal Crop Foraging Habits of Asian Elephants and the Response of Farmers Near the Salakpra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi, Thailand, Scott J. Gulizio
Social and Cultural Processes that Impact Physical Activity among South Asian Americans Managing Hypertension: A Mixed Methods Study, Sugandha Gupta
Delta-9-Tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol Effect on Dopamine Transporter Expression and Function, Delia M. Guzman
Phase Transitions and Thermal Stability of the Magnetic Dual Chiral Density Wave Phase in Cold, Dense QCD, William G. Gyory
Diasporic Women’s Mutability in South Asian Postcolonial Literature, Tasnim S. Halim
The Rise of the Recap: How Recapping Changed the Game of Television Criticism, Caroline S. Handel
“For ‘Their Own Good’”: Education, The Performing Arts, and Social Justice at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1915–2023, Anna S. Harb
Broadcasting La Presencia Latina: Tracing Identities Across Fields of Interaction in Rural Minnesota, Anthony J. Harb
For the Love of Culture, Shanaé Harte
Metabolic Reprogramming in KRAS-driven Cancer Cells, Ahmet Hatipoglu
A Critical Study of Contemporary Palestinian Musical Culture, Karl H. Hausmann