Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Structural Insights into Bacterial Helicase Loading at a Replication Origin by Cryogenic Electron Microscopy, Abhipsa Shatarupa
Biomolecular Crystals as Functional Materials, Fahmeed Khan Sheehan
Evaluating the Reliability and Accuracy of Alchemical Binding Free Energy Methods and Calculations, Fnu Sheenam
Beyond the Madwoman in the Attic: Representations of Female Madness in Victorian Popular Literature, Beth Sherman
Stourhead in Arcadia Ego: The English Countryside and the Expanding British Empire in Eighteenth-Century, Rachel C. Sherr
Performing Ero Guro: Erotic-Grotesque Bodies and Normativity in Post-WWII Japanese and Korean Theatre, Dohyun Shin
Gendering Diaspora Across Generations: Lebanese Motherhood and Daughterhood Post-Emigration, Janan Shouhayib
An Antisemitism Academia Crisis: Communication Failure on Three Ivy League College Campuses, Rickardo W. Shuzzr
Youth Literacy and Social Practices in a Gaming Club, Abdul R. Siddiqui
A Qualitative Exploration of Psychodynamic Therapist's Experiences When Working with Parents in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy, Marie-Clair Siegman
Interracial Instagram: Depictions of Interracial Couples on Instagram, Christie Sillo
Strike a Pose: Performing Gestures of Female Madness Across Media Circa 1900, Elyse S. Singer
The BlackGIRL Project: Examining the Impact and Manifestation of Colorism among Black Adolescent Girls in the United States: A Critical Participatory Action Research Approach, Gina (Diagou) R. Sissoko
Art In The Age Of Algorithmic Automation and Artificial Intelligence, Milly Skellington
The Search for Unenumerated Fundamental Rights, Alina Sluzhyvenkova
Go Big or Go Flat: Life satisfaction after mastectomy with or without reconstruction, Susan T. Smith
The Mystic Chords of Memory: The Civil War Musical as Historiography, Christine Snyder
Developing coexpression systems to introduce hydroxyproline into protein engineered collagen peptides utilizing hydroxylase from Acanthamoeba polyphaga mimivirus, Jennifer Soldatich
Essays on Cryptocurrency Assets, Minwoo Song
The Effects of Pre-Abortion Restrictions on Women's Well-Being, Reesa Sooklall
Effect of Plumbagin on Chemo-Resistant Metastatic Retinoblastoma, John J. Soto
Stop the Madness: Small Arms Related Internal Violence: Improving Micro-disarmament and Human Rights in Post Conflict Reconstruction, Paulette A. Southall
A Multilevel Approach to the Analysis and Visualization of Timbral Brightness in Post-Tonal Music, Stephen Spencer
United States Foreign Policy Towards South Africa: From Constructive Engagement to Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, Jennifer J. Squires
Examination of Practices Employed in Correctional Facilities Concerning Transgender Women, Nivu Srinivasan
“Hattak Vpi Homma” mvt Miha Nanta Fehna? What Does “Native American” Really Mean?, Alex R. Steers-McCrum
Sweating the Small Stuff: Exploring Consequence Assignments and Academic Outcomes in a No-Excuses Charter Network, John G. Stevens
Defining Resilience in Young People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Theory Informed Approach, Barbara Storch
Gold, Victoria Storm
Genere e l’identità femminile in Ariosto e Castiglione, Patricia Stumpp
Play in the Undercommons: The Transformative Power of Fugitive Practice in a Multiracial, International Teacher Inquiry Collective, Kushya Sugarman
Regulation of the Intracellular Trafficking of Ajuba by Cell Density and Cell Cycle-Dependent Mechanisms, Huanhuan Sun
Speeding Up Coded Distributed Machine Learning, Xian Su
Metric Schemas and Projections in Three Colombian Folk Genres, Lina S. Tabak
The Set Falls Apart, Thomas F. Tait
Claiming the Right to Belong: Diversity and the Politics of Inclusion in Queens, New York, Susan J. Tanenbaum
The Shadow of Grief: Understanding Grief Among Ethnoracially Diverse Young Adults, Rona R. Tarazi
to do is to deny what spirit the sense is, Allie Taylor
Corporate Social Advocacy: A Study of Brand and Consumer Activism in the Era of Social Media, Christa L. Taylor
Vision, Repetition and Redemption: Envisioning Universal Salvation in a group of Six Carolingian Ivory Book Covers, Valerie Thai
Ākāśā, Ramya Thiyagarajan
A Year as a Monk Parakeet, Eric Thompson
Apple Of My Eye, Lili Tobias
Systematics and Comparative Genomics of the Petaluridae (Odonata: Anisoptera), Ethan R. Tolman
BRICS Currency and Dollar Hegemony: Passing of the Torch?, Sami Tomaihi
The Beautiful and the Bullshit: Speaker and Listener Mental Representations Influence Bullshit Receptivity, Ryan Tracy
God, Fatherland, Family: Integralismo and the Making of the Far-Right in Twentieth Century Brazil, Daniela M. Traldi
Prosodic Marking of Focus in Autistic and Neurotypical Adults, Nishtha N. Trivedi
Synthesis of C-Di- and C-Tri- Saccharides from Glycosyl Crotylating Agents, Steven Truong
Fashion, Freedom, and Feminism: The Transcendent Work of Rosa Genoni and Her "Tanagra Dress" Reimagined, Christina Trupiano
On the Lower Levels of the Ivory Tower: What Color Collars do Adjunct Faculty Wear?, Frederick Tucker
Development and Application of Magnus Expansion based Propagators for Problems in Spectroscopy and Quantum Dynamics, Taner M. Ture
Desire Lines: An Annotated Screenplay, Alexandra Tydings
Maternal Subjectivities in the 18th and 19th Century British Novel, Anastasia Vahaviolos Valassis
Deep Learning-Based Human Action Understanding in Videos, Elahe Vahdani
New York City’s Health Governance and Activism From the 1950s to the 1970s, Andres Valcarcel
Influential Nature of Empathy in the Relationship Between Psychopathy and Aggression, Alessia M. Valentino
Effect of Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator (CFTR) Loss in Lung Adenocarcinoma (LUAD), Marilyn G. Vallejo Alvarez
The Role of Language Ideologies in Curriculum Design: Possibilities in Computational and Digital Literacies Integration in Teacher Education, Jessica Velez Tello
Frenetic Journey Toward Muddledness: An Experimental Short Film, Fernando Vieira
AGUAAAA!!!, Cory Villegas
The Black Arts and Black Power Movements in the Artwork of John T. Riddle, Jr., Isabella Vitti
This House Is for Laughing, Sam Walsh
Altruistic Imperialism: The Co-optation of Mutual Aid by the Nonprofit Industrial Complex, Kelly T. Waltz
Context in Computer Vision: A Taxonomy, Multi-stage Integration, and a General Framework, Xuan Wang
“I’m Especially Sorry to Those Impacted”: Conventional Visions of Leadership in the 2022/2023 Tech Layoffs, Jared J. Watkins
Narcissus Goes Digital: The Impact of Zoom’s Self-View Feature on Cognitive Load and Zoom Fatigue Among Those with High and Low ADHD Symptoms, Abigail Aris Weir
Employment Outcomes in Higher Education, Yunxia Wei
Black Horror Film and the Role of Mood in Race Perception, Nicholas P. Whittaker
Neurochemical Signaling of Reward-Based Learning in Ventral Tegmental Area Dopamine Neurons, Kyla F. Wholley
Framing Teacher Migration: An Analysis of Jamaican Media Coverage from 2016–2023, Denise Wiley
Normative Orientations to Housing Activism and the Uneven Path to Nonprofitization in New York City, 1964–1989, Andrew Wilkes
The Black MAP Project: A Black People’s Epistemology of Healing, Britton Williams
Open, Erin R. Williams
Affectionate Facsimiles, Julio C. Williams
Perceptions of Secondary Trauma and Memory Accuracy in Criminal Justice Professionals, Kimberley D. Williams
Black Women and Social Movements: A Narrative Analysis, Nantasha Williams
Welcome to the Apocalypse, Demetrius E. Wilson
Building Networks, Producing Spaces for Play: Local Geographies and National Organizing in the History of Adventure Playgrounds in the United States, 1949-1999, Reilly B. Wilson
Low Elevation Coastal Zone (LECZ) Population Social Vulnerability and Risk: A Spatial Analysis Based on the 2015-16 National Family Health Survey (NFHS-4) of India, Paradorn Wongchanapai
The Development of a Computerized Text Analysis Measure of Differentiation Relatedness: A Pilot Study, Liang Yi Wong
Empirical Essays on Corporate Financing Behaviors, Joonsung Won
Digital Rhetoric of the Invisible: Bisexual Literacy Practices on TikTok, 2020–2021, Olivia Wood
Response Styles in Multiscale Measures, Zebing Wu
LUCA (Last Universal Common Ancestor), Tansy Xiao
How Do We Learn What We Cannot Say?, Daniel Yakubov
Empirical Essays on Retail Investors, Institutional Investors, and Anomalies, Yuqing Yang
Women’s Empowerment Campaigns in East Asia: Case Study of SK-II, Huan Yao