Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
On Deformation Rings of Residual Galois Representations with Three Jordan–Hölder Factors, Xiaoyu Huang
Ethnoracial Inequality in Egalitarian Sweden: Swedish Exceptionalism and Racial Legacies, Beiyi Hu
A Pearl Ravaged: The Paradox of Haiti and Its Socioeconomic Origins, Isabel Ishibe Exel
The Efficacy of Using Machine Learning Techniques for Identifying and Classifying “Fake News”, Muhammad Islam
Mutations of Grief: Pathological Loss and the Psychoanalytic Journey in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, Sazia Islam
Socially Racialized and Statistically Invisible: U.S. Census Recognition of The Middle Eastern and North African Diaspora, Aliana J. Jabbary
Race and police violence: The role social disorganization plays in police use of force, Marcia J. Jackson
Rehearsing Attention: Contemporary Dance as a Practice of Sustained Focus, Eve J. Jacobs
Individual Differences in Wild Asian Elephant Behavior: Links Between Innovation and Responses to Novelty Across a Mosaic Landscape, Sarah L. Jacobson
Incorporating Solvation Thermodynamic Mapping in Computer-Aided Drug Design, Yeonji Ji
Avian Symbionts of Sulawesi: Identifying and Correlating Malaria Parasites and the Microbiome in Communities of Endemic Avian Hosts, Rachael Joakim
Reconciling Macro- and Micro-Levels in the First Movement of Brahms’s Piano Concerto in D Minor, op. 15: A Schenkerian Reading, Alexandra Joan
Character Strengths in Applied Behavior Analysis and the Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study, Michael G. Johansen
Fibersheds: Textiles as the Basis for a New World, Rebecca John
Timbres oubliés: The Forgotten Sounds of Loeffler's Octet, Graeme Steele Johnson
Conceptual Representation and Schemas: Perceived Gender Differences Among Kinds and Shared Properties, Kathryn G. Johnson
Arrival of Spring, Ryan Johnson
Choreographing a Journey of Self-Discovery: An Exploration of Dance, Embodied Knowledge, and Identity, Francie Johnson-Sealey
Movimento de Arte Pornô (1980–84): Poetry, Performance, and Pansexuality, Tie Jojima
US Theatre and Cosmopolitics: Imperfect Reimagining of US–Asia Relations on Stage Since 1945, Kyungjin Jo
Notes on Woke and Other Problematic Essays, Elz Cuya Jones
A Biography and Case Study on Marthe Wéry Her Ceaseless Exploration of the Components of Painting: Tracing Journeys in the Artist’s Life and Work, Sarah Grace Jones
Race, Rebellion, and Counterinsurgency: California's Supermax Prisons, Stephen Jones
Is the European Union (EU) a normative power?: an in-depth look at its actions and policies on refugees, asylum seekers and forced migrants, Rumaisa N. Jumana
Understand The Structure-Water-Responsive Relationship by Engineering Silk Materials, Yeojin Jung
The Epigenetic Impact of Dietary Choline on Growth Outcomes of Children Exposed to Gestational Diabetes Mellitus, Ismail Kadam
Knowing the Patient as a Person: Social Media Listening and Gadamerian Analysis of Nurses’ Expressions Shared During the COVID-19 Global Health Pandemic, Janusz A. Kaleta
Invisible Hand of Socioeconomic Factors in Rising Trend of Maternal Mortality Rates in the U.S., Disha Kanada
Competitive and Noncompetitive Credit Assignment to Reward Cues in the Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex, Mihwa Kang
Incarceration vs Treatment: Is One More Effective Than the Other in Preventing Recidivism for Drug Abuse?, Scott G. Kang
The Rise of Domestic Travel Imagery During Isolation: Looking at the Seclusion of Japan and England, Tiffany I. Kang
"My First Best Love": Women's Writing on College Friendships 1880–1905, Alyssa J. Kayser-Hirsh
Examining the Factors that Contribute to the Survival and Resilience of the Al-Shabaab Terrorist Organization, Kevisha R. Kellar
Perceptual Expectation, Rebecca Keller
Time's Radiant Keepers, Tara Aliya Kesavan
Language, Legitimacy, and the Law: The Social Roots of Legal Obligation, Joshua Keton
Advanced Predictive Analytics on Financial Donations to Nonprofit Organizations, Fhamida Keya
Contesting 'Black,' Negotiating 'Asian’: Second-Generation Indo-Caribbean Identities in New York City and Toronto, Cristine S. Khan
Pre-Stimulus Anticipation and Unconscious Fear Learning Disparities in Individuals with Varying Levels of Anxiety, Anastasiya Rumyantseva Kharlamova
Reimagining Haydn’s Seven Last Words for String Quartet: Recasting, Retelling, and Reorchestrating for a Modern Audience, Jeremy J. Kienbaum
Oblique, Edward Kijowski
Dear Dad,, Kimin Kim
Mental Health Stigma Related to Depression and Suicidal Behavior in Korean-Americans, Soo Min Kim
The Impact of Playing as a Non-Stereotypical Woman in a Role-Playing Video Game on Players’ Real World Gender Role Attitudes, Hunter Kincaid
Land Surface Temperature Change in New York City, 1985-2023: A Historical Analysis, Andrew Kittredge
Supporting Social Equity Through Informal Spaces on an Urban Campus, Eve B. Klein
Socially Safe on Smartphones: How Smartphone Use Reduces Social Risk Taking, Diogo Koch Alves
Determination of Common Drugs of Abuse and Metabolites in Oral Fluid: Comparison of Different Extraction Procedures, Melissa Koffer
Exploration of Phenomenological Geospatial Analysis for the Late Archaic in the Esopus Drainage of the Hudson Valley, Glenn Kolyer
When do States Outsource Repression: Evidence from Hong Kong, Ming Kong
Container Film, Dena Kopolovich
Autophagy and Meiotic Fidelity in C. elegans, Kaitlin E. Kosinski
Brain Injury and Psychosocial Trauma: Outcomes Among Justice-Involved Individuals, Mahathi D. Kosuri
Queer Impersonality: Compulsory Visibility and the Politics of Form in Modernist Women's Life Writing, Margot Kotler
Legislating the Taboo: Taboo Subcultures, Political Communication, and Public Policy, Rebecca S. Krisel
Belonging in the Psychic Nowhere: Racial Trauma, Racial Melancholia and Related Mental Health Outcomes Amongst South Asian Immigrants in the US, Anusha M. Kumar
The Early Late Miocene Cessation of Deep and Intermediate Water Circulation through the Central American Seaway, Benjamin Stanley Kwiatkowski
Mandatory ESG Disclosure and Executive Compensation: Evidence from the Europe Union Non-Financial Reporting Directive, Dana LaCondre Nugent
Making Sense of the Space Between: A Qualitative Study of Therapist’s Experience and Use of Therapeutic Enactments, Paul Ballantyne LaFreniere
Poison in Marie Laveau’s New Orleans: A Cultural History of Food, Freedom, and White Supremacy, 1718-1946, Madeline Lafuse
The Great Synthesizer: Yuji Agematsu’s Map Works, Rare Objects and Affinities to Fluxus, Renāte Lagzdiņa
Claiming Missing Inheritance, Jack Lancaster
Bifurcations and Resultants for Rational Maps and Dynatomic Modular Curves in Positive Characteristic, Colette LaPointe
Mechanistic, Biochemical, and Theoretical Studies of Phototoxicity and Photobluing, Lloyd M. Lapoot
Heteronormativity and Fair Housing: Comparing Housing Opportunities Among Cisgender and Transgender Women, Joseph E. Lara
Antisocial Femininity: Writing the Relational in Isolation, Chelsea K. Largent
In-Work Recovery Among Hybrid Employees: Examining the Relationships Between Stressors, Recovery Experiences, and Strains, Stefanie Larsen
Building Black Manhattan: Architecture, Art, and the Politics of Respectability, 1857–1914, Jessica Larson
Math Anxiety and Avoidance of Mathematics at The College Level: Undergraduate and Their Sense of Not Belonging in Math Classrooms, Kay C. Lashley
Using Gaussian Processes to Measure M-Dwarf Rotation Periods from Ground-Based Light Curves, Ryan J. Lebron
Israel's Foreign Policy Toward Asia, Eli Lebto
Reflections of Little Red Dot: An Interactive Mixed Reality Archival Experience, Chloé Lee
Last Gold, Minna Lee
The Cultural Complexity of Immigrants and the Implications for Personality Assessment: Exploring the Role of Frame Switching, Patrick Jay Lee
High MDMX (MDM4) in Mutant p53 Expressing Breast Cancer Cells Activates the CXCL12-CXCR4 Metastasis Signaling Axis, Rusia H. Lee
Bystander Intervention in the Workplace Sexual Harassment, Yunjung Lee
4 Sketches, Teté Leguía
An Internal Validation of the ANDE Rapid DNA Instrument for Bone, Tissue, and Blood Samples, Alexandra Leichnam
L'Univers mélancolique de Patrick Modiano, Blondie Natacha Lekemo Ngatchi Epse Pawa
Vestibular Correlates of Cochlear Implantation, Danielle Lewis
When Critics Are Artists: Ekphrasis in Erotic Art Criticism, Joanna A. Ligon
Staying Power: The Struggle for Space and Place in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Erin E. Lilli
Health Behaviors and Physical Health Among Young Adults with Varying Psychometric Schizotypy, Christopher Liong
Articulatory Activity of the Tongue, Jaw, and Lips During the Second Passaggio Transition of the Soprano Voice, Richard C. Lissemore
Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Metamemory Vary by Task Difficulty, Tiffanie T. Li
The Fuller the Bucket is, the Harder It is To Fly, Jacob Littlejohn
Exploring the Correlation Between Google Trends and Crime Statistics: A Focus on Motor Vehicle Theft in the United States, Yu-Hsuan Liu
Between Mirrors: Comparative Visions of Uncanny Doubles, Emma R. Lloyd
Reporting on UN Security Council: Decoding Media Bias, Alessandra Loiero