Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2025
Differential Mechanisms of Access in Working Memory: Comparing Global and Selective Retrieval, Jade M. Turbides
Lishmah: An Exploration of Syntactic Ambiguity and Biblical Exegesis Through the Jewish Calendar Year, Shani Tzoref
Improving Low-Resource Translation with Finite State Grammars, Nicholas J. Uva
The U.S. Grand Strategy Toward the Pacific Islands, Angela Vasovic
The Last Stand of Angraecum: Biogeographic and Evolutionary History of Darwin's Muses, Simon Verlynde
My Wings Are Not Broken: Black Males, Carcerality, and Education, Crystal M. Welch-Scott
The Role of Secondary and Tertiary Structure in the Cap-Independent Translation of FGF-9 and HIF-1-alpha, Amanda Michelle Whittaker
3BB: Loss and Remembrance in the Anthropocene, Amanda J. Woolsey
The Role of Confined Hydration and Water Reorganization in Molecular Binding, Joe Z. Wu
Where the Landscape Inspires the Lines: Python-based Workbooks and Digital Tools for Reading Yoshino ki, Miaoling Xue
Beyond the Sum: A Network Analysis of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Behavioral Outcomes in Justice-Involved Youth, Jennifer Yang
Expression and Transcriptional Regulation of APL-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans APP Ortholog, Ji-Sup Yang
Tiny Square Artificial Intelligence, Chunyu Yuan
The Effects of Irrelevant Parameters in Language Acquisition, Yukun Zhang
Theses from 2024
Hairry Potter World: Are gel and oil the sorcerers magic to altering external cocaine and BE concentrations in hair, Esther Abady
Essays on Empirical Economics, Dorian Abreu
The Effects of Environmental Changes on the Biodiversity and Macroecological Patterns of Bird Assemblages in the United States, Marlen Acosta Alamo
la VIDA: Towards a Motivated Goal Reasoning Agent, Ursula Addison
What Exactly Does Identity Have to do with Teaching? Exploring the Connection Between a Teacher's Racialized Identity and their Teacher Identity, Lizette Aguilar
Targeting Strategies to Optimize the Therapeutic Potential of Gold Compounds Against HER2-Positive Breast Cancers, Afruja Ahad
Re-Envisioning Electric Railway Power Systems in Dense Urban Regions, Rohama Ahmad
Lost in the Times of Yesterday and Other Stories, Anes Ahmed
Essays in Health Economics and Applied Econometrics: Assessing Recreational Marijuana Laws, Dragos Ailoae
Controlling Emotional Text to Speech Using Complex Adverbial Phrases, Zainab T. Akande
Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Ege Aksu
Optimizing the Protein Yield of the Collagen Mimetic Peptide: Col108, Fahmida Akter
The Menstrual Cycle in Psychotherapy: Interventions, Therapist Engagement, and Blind Spots, Rozita Alaluf
Optogenetic Induction of Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress as a Potential Model to Study Non-Hereditary ALS, Samia Alam
Computational Approaches to Linguistic Challenges in Arabic Speech Recognition, Enas Albasiri
Migrant Children and Legislation: Integrating Knowledge about Trauma into Policy, Yolennys E. Albornoz
Beyond The Rational: Exploring Transrational And Embodied Knowledge Through Ceremony And Nature, Dimitris A. Alexakos
Towards a New Role of Mitochondrial Hydrogen Peroxide in Synaptic Function, Cliyahnelle Z. Alexander
A Praxis of Radical Collectivity: Centering Justice and the Poetics of Racialized Progressive Leadership, Alisa Algava
The Mailroom, Davis Alianiello
Rebetiko in NYC: New Ideas of Greek Diaspora, Mihalis Alisandratos
Analysis of Victim/Villain Narratives Presented Under Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing Frameworks: The Kosovo Case, Kristi Allaj
Policing With A Double-Edged Sword: The Associations Between Neighborhood Deprivation, Coping & Substance Use Among Black & Latiné Families, Neil M. Allicock
Evaluating Differences in Expression of Neuroticism in Individual Homed Cats and Feral Cat Colonies Across Varying Degrees of Human Settlement, Sophie Ambrosino
Haruspex, Seth Amos
Seeing Safety in Red: Expressions of Interpersonal Gratitude Affects Conservatives’ Political Attitudes in the United States, Kyle M. Anderson
Learning from One’s Own Errors vs from Observing Other People's Errors: Ego Engagement vs Ego Threat, Viktoriya Andreevskaya
Road Gives Way: Transiting Indigenous Reconnection, Rosalind Aparicio-Ramírez
Bad Becomings: Autobiographical Writing, Queer/Trans Theory, Melancholia, Jacob Elias Aplaca
Teaching in the “Home Language” Is not Enough: Navigating Spanish Raciolinguistic Ideologies in a Dual Language Bilingual Program, Gladys Yacely Aponte
Proud Men, Jacob Appet
Synthesis And Characterization of Donor-Acceptor Fluorescent Conjugated Polymers by Acyclic Diene Metathesis (ADMET) and Suzuki Polycondensation (SPC), Hamid Ardolic Jr.
Evolution of the Extant and Fossil Colobinae (Primates, Cercopithecidae), Julia L. Arenson
Frankly, I Thought the Emptiness in Me Would Take Shape as Better Music, Jesse Arnholz
Structural, Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Vanadium Doped Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMDs), Qudsia Ashraf
Place-Conscious vs. Place-Bound, Julie Avetisyan
Development of the Hearing Emotion/Activity Restrictions on Teenagers (Heart), Robin G. Axelrod
Trends and Predictors of Internet Use for Health-Related Purposes Among Adults in the United States of America, Paul Ayamah
Strengthening U.S. Jail Systems’ Response to Infectious Diseases: An Evaluation of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Erinn Bacchus
Recognizing Elder Abuse in Mongolia: Experiences of Family Physicians, Ariunsanaa Bagaajav
Studying Lake Surface Temperature Variabilities at Regional and Global Scales Using Remote Sensing and In-situ Observations, Abdou Rachid Bah
Ethnic Minorities and Family Health History: An Autoethnography of Guyanese Americans and Kidney Disease, Dhaneesha R. Bahadur
Original vs. Simplified Miranda Rights: The Impact on Miranda Rights Comprehension and Subsequent Waiver Decisions, Sydney Baker
Motherhood in Crisis: A Qualitative Study of First-Time Mothers Diagnosed with Breast Cancer, Tamzin M. Baker
Electrifying Choices: Decoding Electric Vehicle Adoption and Policy Incentives in America, William T. Ball
Not Sanitized for Your Protection: AIDS and the Politics of Trash, Emma Banks
Hypotheticals, Sophia Bannister
Mentalized Affectivity and its Role in Acculturative Adjustment and Well-Being, Bassem Barada
Parasympathethic Nervous Activity and Social Exclusion in Borderline Personality Disorder, Rebecca E. Barnes
Factors Affecting Pretonic Deletion in English Syllables: A Corpus Study, Whitney Barnett-Rhodes
Mind Your Business or Be Your Brother's Keeper? Managing Vulnerability in the New York City Subway, Maria Barrera-Vilert
An Investigation of Continued Contact Between Victim and Perpetrator After Sexual Violence, Maria Bates
Listening for Lemurs: Translating Black-and-White Ruffed Lemur (Varecia variegata) Vocalizations into Conservation Insights Through Acoustic Monitoring, Carly H. Batist
Spending the Peace Dividend: NATO and the Failures of American Diplomacy, Caleb Batman
Analyzing the Enduring White Reception of Raisin in the Sun: Defining and Reexamining the “Universal” Label, Kayla J. Baur
Counter-Archives in Digital Spaces, Patricia Belen
Complicating Confidence: A Critical Analysis of Confidence in a Girls' Empowerment Organization, Kimberly M. Belmonte
Fragmentation and Some Applications, Joseph Bendana
Hebraic Puritans: Old Testament Politics in Early New England, Israel Ben-Porat
Establishing a Murine Model of Malaria-Associated Acute Kidney Injury and Demonstrating the Contribution of Extrinsic Apoptosis to Tubular Necrosis, Johanna Bensalel-Lyampe
Nanoparticles for Applications in Specific Diagnostics and Precision Medicine, Naxhije Berisha
Load Reduction Leadership: A Cognitive Load Theory-Based Framework Differentiating Performance Patterns in NYC Schools, Kristopher C. Bertoglio
Active Galactic Nuclei - The Arrhythmic Beat of a Galactic Heart, Henry James Best V
The Redemption of History: Poetics and Politics in the Modern Epic, Giacomo R. Bianchino
Integrating In Vitro and In Silico Approaches to Gain Insight into the Mechanism of Amyloid Fibrillogenesis, Marvin M. Bilog
Stereospecific Cross-Coupling Reactions of Enantioenriched Secondary Alkyltricyclohexyltin Nucleophiles, Meruyert Binayeva
Repurposing BT-11 to Treat Alzheimer’s Disease: Exploring the Glutathione-s-transferase LANCL2 as a Target, Emily Birnbaum
Papering over Colonial Legacies: Chinoiserie, Chinese Wallpaper, and Exotic Obfuscation at Harewood House, Carolyn J. Bishop
Resilience, Resistance, and Nation-Building Among Internally Displaced Persons: Kites as a Means of Transcending Displacement, Michelle Black
Expanding the Corpus of Vocalized Hebrew Text: Compiling an Unvocalized Text Corpus and Building an Online Interface for Vocalization Annotation, Rachel Shanblatt Bloch
Relationship Quality, Predictors, and Outcomes in Adolescent Age-Gap Relationships: An Exploratory Study, Alexandra Bonagura
Diaspora Documentation of West Albay Bikol, Nhia Borja
Quantics Tensor Trains: The Study of a Continuous Lattice Model and Beyond, Aleix Bou Comas
Racial-Sexual Normativity in/as Narratives of “the Human”, Jeri Brand
The History of “Having It All”: Black and White Women and Work-Life Balance, 1890s-2010s, Amanda W. Brennan
Imaging Markers of Future Neurodegeneration Following Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Daniel Brennan
Examining Visual Processing of Hierarchical Figures through Behavioral Measures and Pupillometry in Relation to Autistic Traits in Adults, Chloe Brittenham
A Journey to a Black Woman’s (Read Black Girl’s) Joy and Her Story of Coming Home, Brittany Lauren Brock