Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Prurient Nature: Sex Work and Ethics at the Margins of Finance, Esra S. Padgett
Understanding Climate Change Adaptation and Gentrification through the Framework of Uneven Coastal Development in Keansburg, New Jersey, Zachary Paganini
Parabolic and Non-Parabolic Surfaces with Small or Large End Spaces via Fenchel-Nielsen Parameters, Michael Antony Pandazis
Molecular Origins of Phase Stability in Phase-Change Nano-Emulsions for Thermal Energy Storage by NMR Spectroscopy, Jungeun Park
As Mundane as Possible, Minah Park
Assessment of Tripeptides Self-assembly & ER stress on Cell Viability and Exosome Secretion in MDA-MB231, Azmat Parveen
“After being equals, is this the sequel?”: Vivian Fine’s Memoirs of Uliana Rooney as Artistic Commentary on Shifting Reactions to American Women’s Music, Tonia L. Passwater
Harnessing Neural Activity to Prevent Non-Apoptotic Spinal Neurons from Microglial Phagocytosis After Motor System Injury, Jasmine L. Pathan
Design, Fabrication, and Spectroscopy of Photocatalytic Materials in Visible Spectrum, Yamuna Paudel
Cognitive Flexibility and Stability in Bilingual Older Adults, Lia Pazuelo
Uncovering the Mimicry of Online Review Breadth and Depth and its Subsequent Effect on Consumer Responses, Andrea Pelaez Martinez
Intuitionism, Justification Logic, and Doxastic Reasoning, Vincent A. Peluce
Subterranean Daydreams, Jack Perry
Synthesis of Novel 5-Aryl 2’-Deoxyuridine and 2’-Deoxycytidine Analogues, Kevin E. Persaud
Essays on Monopoly Power in Housing Rental Markets, Goncalo Filipe Pessa Figueiredo Costa
Wampanoag Culture Keepers Oral History Archive, Majel Peters
Teacher Perceptions of Restorative Justice Practices in New York City Schools, Brian Pew
Categorical Chain Conditions for Étale Groupoid Algebras, Sunil Philip
The Mental Health of Southeast Asian American LGBTQIA+ Adults, Phetsamone P. Phoummavong
Default, Noah Pica
Is Aggression In The Eye Of The Beholder?: An Eye-Tracking Study, Kemar P. Pickering
Restoring, Protecting, and Expanding Abortion Access in the United States: Seeking Consensus through the Delphi Method, Sarah Pickering
Using rapid protein degradation to determine the effect of RUNX1 loss-of- function on DNA damage accumulation and repair., Jackriel Pina Morales
The Body of God: The Experience of Eleventh Century Churches in France, Henry B. Piper
Shear Viscosity of Quasi One-Dimensional BEC Tubes and Entanglement Negativity Conditions, Camilla Polvara
Historiography of The Body and Corporeality in Indonesian Theatre: The Search for Decolonial Aesthetics, Mohamad Ugoran Prasad
Implementing the Reconsolidation Paradigm in Treating Misophonia, Angel Prats
Values in Evidence-Based Policy: Bridging Socio-Political, Moral, and Epistemic Domains, Karyna Pryiomka
Trees in Urban Environments: How Soil Quality Impacts Tree Performance, Saidan Qi
Representaciones ideológicas de la lengua, la conversación y la comunicación en manuales de urbanidad del siglo XIX en México: guías para la civilización, el orden y el progreso nacional, Luis B. Quesada Nieto
Chipping the Blue Wall: The Effect of Dogs on Police Officer Receptivity to an Employee Assistance Program, Kenneth M. Quick
No ELA Without Ella: Understanding the Naming and Crafting of Gendered Subjectivities in Puerto Rico, Carmín Quijano Seda
Without Us There Is No Britain: Black British Photography and Film Networks, 1950-1989, Maria T. Quinata
Resting-State EEG Microstate Features for Major Depressive Disorder Classification, George M. V. Quinn
The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health- A Comparison between Gender & Race, Taliyah Quinn
Reviving Hysteria: The Nineteenth Century at the End of the Twentieth, Christina Quintana
Using Leaf Spectra to Elucidate the Taxonomy and Ecology of Living and Dried Plants, Natalia L. Quinteros Casaverde
Essays on Textual Analysis in Economics and Finance, Helia Rabie
Regulation of p21 Function by a Sense Long Non-Coding RNA Generated by Alternative Polyadenylation, Anthony Ramadei
Explaining the U.S Failure in Afghanistan, Edwar Ramirez
Bodies for Catastrophe: A Montage Study of Palestinian Digital Labor, Francisco Ramos
Understanding Virulence Mechanisms of Parasitoid Wasps of Drosophila: A Comparative Approach Across Clades, Christina Ramsarran
Decoding the Little Skate Retina: Structural Variants and Developmental Dynamics, Chetan Rangachar
The Impact of Early Teacher Bias and Academic Risk on Children’s Current and Future Academic Achievement, Damira S. Rasheed
Uses of the Intuition: The Role of Intuition in Birth Work (Towards An Intuitive Epistemology), Kayla R. Reece
Investigating the Relationship Between Malingering and Institutional Misconduct: Is Psychopathy the Link?, Lily A. Reed
Framing the Fight: Revolutionary Feelings in Virtual Communities, James Reilly
Aspects of Parity Breaking in Classical and Quantum Fluids, Dylan J. Reynolds
The Crisis of Market Society and the Fascist Solution in the Work of Karl Polanyi, Nicholas E. Reynolds
Defining Faculty’s Role in Supporting Student Mental Health Needs in Higher Education, Erica B. Riba
Understanding Tax Progressivity as a Mechanism of Gender Difference in Tax Payment Patterns and Post-Tax Income, Morgan A. Richards-Melamdir
Old Mac Donald's Party Farm, Aida P. Riddle
Anticipatory Behaviors and Vocal Expression in a Group of Captive African Elephants (Loxodonta africana), Matthew B. Rios
The Effect of the Lunar Cycle on the Demographics of Asian Elephants Observed in Open Areas in a Protected Wildlife Sanctuary and Surrounding Crop Fields, Serene K. Rivera
Limit Theorems for L-functions in Analytic Number Theory, Asher Roberts
“Community Thinking Spaces”: Exploring the Openings and Possibilities of a School-Based Intergenerational Community of Practice, Lucy A. Robins
Mechanism of Host Recognition by the Bacteriophage Cystoviridae, Charles F. Robinson IV
The Effect of Working Memory Performance Under Stress on the Relationship Between Trauma History, PTSD Symptoms, and Intimate Partner Violence, Gabriella Robinson
"This Unshakable Dandy": The Life and Work of Heinrich Maria Davringhausen (1894–1970), Jacob M. Robinson
Francesco Clemente: In One's Self Lies the Whole World, Lorraine Robinson
Enhancing the Visual Environment of Indoor Housed Laboratory Cynomolgus Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) to Reduce Stress and Maladaptive Behavior, Jeannine C. Rodgers
Cuerpos Manchados: Rethinking Racial Difference Through the Grotesque Birthmark, Paloma Rodrigo Gonzales
Exploiting the Heavy Chain Glycans for the Improvement of Radioimmunoconjugates, Cindy Rodriguez
Dante’s Volgare and the Pastoral Presence: An Analysis of the Concept of Language in the Divina Commedia, Paola M. Rodriguez
LGBTQ+ Employees’ Disclosure and Selective Incivility Experiences: Implications for Their Health and Well-Being, Wiston A. Rodriguez
From the Outside Looking In: Transmasculine Narrative Identity, Experiences, and Larger Narratives on Social Media, Micah Roldan
The Seat of Singular Gene Choice: Dissecting the Role of Odorant Receptor Enhancer Elements That Lead to Mammalian Olfactory System Expression, Alessandro M. Rosa
Investigating the Impact of Affect in Suicide-Specific Attentional Biases, Beverlin Rosario-Williams
Critical-Race Elementary Schooling: Critical-Race Teacher Change Agents Are Challenging Whiteness in Elementary Schools, David R. Rosas
So Many Ways to Die the Butt of the Joke, Alison Rosenberg
The Film, the Stadium and the Jail: The Post-Industrial Transformation of Downtown Durham, Seth Rose
Love in the Time of Dating Apps: Exploring Latino Young Adults’ Experiences Constructing Online Identity, Partner Preferences, and Plans for Happily Ever After, Dakota Z. Ross-Cabrera
Time Ripens on the Counter: A Literary History of the Americas, Judah Rubin
Moving Pictures of the Past: Nostalgia for Classical Hollywood in the Broadway Musical, 1960–1990, Curtis Russell
Towards Sociobiogeochemistry: Critical Perspectives on Anthropogenic Alterations to Soil Nitrogen Chemistry via U.S. Urban and Suburban Development, Christopher D. Ryan
A Causal Inference Approach for Spike Train Interactions, Zach Saccomano
The Relationship Between Pornography Usage, Victim Characteristics, and Paraphilia Diagnosis in a Sample of Individuals Who Offend Sexually., Tanya Sadowski
A Study of Gender Apartheid: Afghanistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran, Golazin Safaeimojarad
Building Bridges An Inclusive Practices Toolkit to Empower Neurodivergent Adults in the Workplace, Gloria Saldana
Lamb of Wrath, Dana Schein
Winning the War While Losing their Souls: The Crisis of Honor and Discipline Within the French Army in Algeria, Thomas A. Schellhammer
The Intellectual Roots of Hindutva: Influences from Early German Romantics and Mahatma Gandhi, Johannes Scheuer
Studies of Oxidopyrylium Ylide Dimers and Their Utility in the Synthesis of Densely Functionalized Troponoids, Daniel V. Schiavone
Navigating Uncertainty in the Medically Unexplained: A Conceptual and Ethical Analysis, Jenny Clark Schiff
Édouard Manet’s Defense of Modernity: Recontextualizing the Cat in Olympia, Rebecca Schiffman
From “Total Destruction” to “Total Dictatorship”: The Influence of Ernst Jünger’s Visionary Fascism, Nick Schiff
Computerized Cognitive Training in the Treatment of Depression: Individual Differences and Perceptions of CCT, Sophie Schiff
An Exploratory Research on the Sexualization of Young Women on TikTok, Grace Schmerz
This Life is a Constant Rehearsal, Alex Schmidt
44Ti/44Sc Generator Development and Radiolabeling Optimization for Medical Applications, Christine E. Schmidt-Kennelty
Bringing Recess Music Indoors: How Attention to Musical Play in the Classroom Impacts a School Community, Angelina B. Scolari
Online Communities and Offline Criminal Justice: The Digital Fallout of Major Criminal Incidents, Jacqueline M. Scott
Social Determinants of Psychosis: An examination of loneliness, stress, discrimination, and neighborhood cohesion in psychotic disorders, Alexandria Selloni
Family Fragments: Pressure and Proximity in First-Episode Psychosis, Cassandra B. Seltman
Exploring Spatial Operations of Distractor Suppression in the Sense of Touch, Nicole A. Serino
Radical Co-teaching: How Building Relationships Creates Radical Co-teaching Partnerships, Meagan L. Serrano
Voltage Set Points for Sodium Channel Inactivation: Intrinsic and Modulatory Mechanisms, Akshay Sharma