Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Spain's Vision of Empire through Conquest, Ideology, and Law in the Sixteenth Century, Penelope Yau-Wen
Individual Concepts and Personal Identity Judgement, Molly M. Ye
Resilience and Advocacy: A Narrative Analysis of Disability Campaigns in the United States, Jennifer-Lyn B. Youberg
We Cannot Labor Our Way Out of Oppression: An Exploratory Study of Wealth Through Black Women’s Lived Experience, Tiffany N. Younger
Suicidal Ideation Among Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: The Role of Shame and Sexual Grooming, Aysegul Yucel
Human Experience in the Immersive Experience Economy, Beliz Yuksel Inal
Educator Sexual Misconduct: Prevalence and Characteristics in Disciplinary Actions, Yan Shan Yu
New Algorithmic Support for the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, Vitaly Zaderman
Shaping Art Cinema Canon: The Venice Film Festival's Evolution and Influence (1946–1968), Luca Zamparini
The Application of Bayesian Meta-Analytic Models in Cognitive Research on Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Nic Zapparrata
Multilayered Harmonic Structure in Elliott Carter’s Clarinet Quintet, Xiangyu Zhou
Challenging Beliefs: Examining the Efficacy of Corrections for Conspiratorial and Partisan Misinformation, Ava Zwolinski
Liberal Attitude Reports, Tomasz Zyglewicz
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
The Role of Developmental Stage, Compensatory Support, and Coping in the Relationship Among Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mental Health, and Resilience in Emerging Adults, Melanie Abbondola
An Experimental Study of the Impinging and Freezing Dynamics of a Colloidal Droplet on Solid Surfaces, Andro Fayek Abdelmalek
Blockchain Framework for Secured On-Demand Patient Health Records Sharing, Meryem Abouali
Examining the Prevalence and Psychopathological Correlates of Paraphilic Interests in a Non-clinical Sample, Dylan H. Abrams
Neo-Nazi Postmodern: Right-Wing Terror Tactics, the Intellectual Neue Rechte, and the Destabilization of Memory in Germany since 1989, Esther E. Adaire
Building Bridges in the Bronx, Hari Adivarekar
Synthesis of Biologically Active Tropolones and Stereochemically Rich Compounds via Cross-Coupling Reactions, Nana B. Agyemang
Writing the Unwritten: Politicians, Celebrities and Activists on Lebanese Twitter, May Ahmar
International Student Orientations: Indian Students at American Universities Around the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Param S. Ajmera
Writing as Liberation: Challenging Yemeni Patriarchal Practices, Sheema Alamari
Techniques for Tree Species Classification with Hyperspectral Imagery at NEON Science Sites, Anthony T. Albanese
Analysis of Polymer-Coated Bullets Using Spectroscopic Methods, Liana R. Albano
Ernesto Deira, Rogelio Polesello, and the Esso Salons of 1964–65, Jonas Albro
The Effect of Resource Quality and Species Interactions on Dermestes maculatus, Sarah Aliahmad
Information, Communication, and Technology in Developing Countries: The Impediment to Nigeria Economic Growth, Fatima Ali Muhammed
For What Cannot Be Reached, Yasmeen Alkishawi
Desde la fiesta, hasta la costa, Dashiell M B Allen
The Seasonality and Climate Predictability of the Frequency of Extreme Flood Events Across the Contiguous United States, Ololade S. Alonge
Entextualización del Discurso Político en Colombia. Análisis Glotopolítico Del Proceso de Escritura de la Constitución de 1991, Jorge Luis Alvis-Castro
Phantom Shootings, Allan Ambris
someone will remember us / I say / even in another time, Paul Anagnostopoulos
Identifying Socially Sensitive Populations Susceptible to New York City’s Coastal and Pluvial Flooding: A Vulnerability Analysis, Gowri A. Anand
Microfluidic Dual-Gel Cell Culture Model For Studying Cell Migration Under Controlled Interstitial Flow, Alimohamamd Anbari
On My Father, Anita Anburajan
The Backdoor Lobby: Israel Interest Groups and Middle East Policy, Andrew Ancheta
Exploring Friendships in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Novels and Adaptations: A Study in Social Media, Fandoms, and Variations, Ashley D. Anderson
Conservative and Cultural Clashes with Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Bryan Z. Anderson
Extinction of Threat Memory via Reconsolidation Interference: A Behavioral Intervention Meta-Analysis, Chris M. Andrae
Embodying Compassion: Striving Towards Sensitivity, Inclusion and Synergy, Arva N. Anees
Understanding Influenza Vaccine Hesitancy And Uptake Among U.S. Hispanic Adults During The Covid-19 Pandemic, HELEN J. Arteaga
Unsung Heroines in Black and White: Sixties Girl Groups as Sonic Rock Rebellion, Hilarie Ashton
There’s No Space in History: Affiliation, Eros and Colonial Entanglements in North American Nuclear Poetry, 1945-Present, Marguerite Daisy Atterbury
Navigating the Unprecedented: A Behavioral Theory of the Firm's Perspective on COVID-19's Impact on Workplace Practices, Jeffrey Augugliaro
Redrawing the Contours of Care: Ethical Commitments and Gendered Politics in the Work of Government Psychological Counsellors in Sri Lanka, Nadia Augustyniak
It Has Always Been the “Business Model”: Racism and Sexism in Creative Arts Therapy Higher Education, Yasmine J. Awais
Social Capital, Social Support, and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in Ghana and South Africa: The Moderating Role of Country, Paul K. Ayernor
Structural Basis of Signal Transduction within Environmental Sensing PAS Regulated Ser/Thr Kinases, Roksana Azad
Heterogeneous Effects in the Prospects of Upward Mobility Hypothesis: The Roles of Risk and Political Beliefs., Nathaniel Badalov
Tractatus de herbis, Botanical Guide to the Universe: A Case Study for Morgan MS M.873, Darya Badikova
A Turkish-American Dream, Hilal Bahcetepe and Hilal Bahcetepe
Establishing a Mouse Model of Glioblastoma (GBM) And Developing Strategies to Eliminate Cancer Cells., Juliet N.E. Baidoo-Kanneh
Witnessing Climate Change in the United States Virgin Islands: Emotional Responses and Calls for Action, Thomas Bane
A Place Under The Sun, Maya B. Baran
The Myth of Measure in American Poetry, Joshua M. Barber
The Face in the Dogwood, Joshua Barnett
Searching for Mami & Abuelita: Reimagining Ethnic Studies Praxis Through Women of Color Feminisms, Art, and Archiving, Wendy S. Barrales
The Gilded Tropics: Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent in Florida, 1886-1917, Theodore W. Barrow
Communication Use in Non-Profit Maternal Health, Marliatou Barry
Excerpt from Novel, The House of Bad Spirit, Balim Barutcu
Older Adults in the Great Recession: Labor Force Transitions, Perceived Workplace Ageism and Life Satisfaction, Duygu Başaran Şahin
Examining Factors Related to Tobacco Treatment Engagement Among Tobacco Dependent Black/African American; Hispanic/Latino Cancer Patients: An Analysis of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Tobacco Treatment Program, Gleneara E. Bates-Pappas
Is Gifted Education and Its Program a Brand?, Farzana Begum
Naming Venus: An Exploration of Goddesses, Heroines, and Famous Women, Kavya Beheraj
Fine Characterization of Leafing Phenology in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest by Optical and Microwave Remote Sensing, James B. Bell
Diggin’ in the Racial Literacy and Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Crates, Jordan Bell
Separation of Zr from Complex Matrices for Isotope Harvesting Applications, Jake A. Bence
music lessons, Cecilia-Rose Louise Bender
One-Loop Corrections to Dihadron Production in DIS at Small x, Filip Bergabo
Synthesis and Analysis of Novel Troponoid-Based Chemical Probes, Alex Berkowitz
The Cosmicomica, Corinne Bernard
Konohana, Jean-Patrick Besingrand
Ways of Silence and Other Absences in the Music of George Crumb, Jean-Patrick Besingrand
Justice, Pandemics, and Museums in Cyberspace: Archaeology Museums’ Decolonization Projects During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Samuel Besse
Linguistic Predictors of Engagement on Anti-Incel Forums, Daniel Beutler
Untenable Spaces and Inconceivable Futures in the 21st Century Anglophone Indian Novel, Shoumik Bhattacharya
Development of Chemical Probes for Two Pro-Metastatic Enzymes: Cysteine Cathepsins and Nek2 Kinase, Ashif I. Bhuiyan
The Relationship between Democratic Measures, LGBTIAQ* Rights Acceptance, and U.S. Foreign Aid Allocation in the Global South, Jacqueline Biergans
The Relationship between The National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) and Help Received by the Elder Population, Symone Biggerstaff
Short documentary: "Masha, where is your home?", Anastasiia Bilous
Sanitary Government: AICP, Public Baths, and the Battle To Clean New York City, Micah Blaichman
Realisms and the Body after War: Document, Truth, and Critique in Postrevolutionary Mexico and Weimar Germany, Eliana Blechman
“Bending the Law” – Weimar Judiciary and the Political Bias Paradox of the Legal System, Irit Bloch
Stokes Vector Modulation of Optical Signals; Coherence, Noise, and Digital Signal Processing, Mario Bnyamin
Our Weird Living World, Saugat Bolakhe
Type of Glossing Affects Cognitive Load and Retrieval of Meaning During L2 Reading, Camilo Andrés Bonilla Carvajal
An Analysis of Feminist Care Networks in the Editorial Intern Position at Women's Studies Quarterly, Angela G. Boscarino