Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Complicity, Eliana Luxemburg-Peck
Who’s Afraid of Employer Sanctions?: Political and Institutional Dynamics of Workplace Enforcement, Michael C. Macher
Housing Displacement in Corlears Hook: From Naghtongh to One Manhattan Square, Don MacLeod
Equality, Solidarity, and Exploitation: An Essay on the Philosophical Foundations of Socialism, Callum Zavos MacRae
Scattered Fragments: Art, Architecture, and Archives in Revolutionary Urban Cairo, Mounira M. Makar
“Intimacy in the End Means Trouble”: Interracial Relationships in Britain from Interwar to Windrush, Stephanie Makowski
Toolkit for Users of Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids, Sabrina Malasarte
Project MapLemon: Peeling Back the Secrets of Queer Writing Through Stylometric Demographic Identification, Theodore D. Manning
Beautiful Resistance: Nonfiction Theatre Rehearsal Processes, Politics, and Prefiguration in War, Ash Marinaccio
Twisted Alexander Polynomials and Ptolemy Varieties of Knots and Surface Bundles, Michael R. Marinelli
Just Transitions: Critical Exploration of Environmental Policy and Decision-Making Through the Lens of Lived Stories, Mariya Marinova
Unpacking Normative Change: The United Nations at its 60th Anniversary, Giovanna Marques Kuele
Final Report: Media Intern Position at CLAGS, Nicolle Marquez
STAGES: Social Dance Forms as Catalyst for Recovery, R. Austin Marquez
Sexual Selection and Mate Preference in Astatotilapia Burtoni, Anastasia Martashvili
“Baking Inclusion into Everything”: Internal Communication and Black and Latina Women’s Stories of Intersectionality, Natalie Martell-Concepcion
Unnatural Issue: Gendered Adaptations of “Peau d’Âne” in Contemporary French and English Texts, Amy M. Martin
Discourse Analysis of Ethnonyms for Black Italians on YouTube, Kaithlyn Massiah
Blurring the Boundaries: The Filmmaking Approach Toward Remission, John M. Mastriano
Pan Shot!, Samuel Robert Gaston Mattax
Envelope of Ruin : Material and Spatial Responses of New York City Homeless to the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kyle C. Maxey
Developing Autonomy and Identity on TikTok Among Recently Arrived Latin American Migrants to the United States, Camille D. May
Identification of Mandibular and Maxillary Molars of Old World Monkeys (Primates, Cercopithecidae) Using 3D Geometric Morphometrics, Eric John Mazelis
Best Practices for Healthcare Providers When Communicating with Individuals with Hearing Loss: A Systematic Review, Ashley McCaig
Social Workers Working with Intimate Partner Violence Survivors: The Influence of Trauma Work on the Social Worker’s Intimate Relationships, Claire T. McCue
Making and Unmaking Multiethnic Black Neighborhoods: Immigration, Race, and Gentrification in New York and Paris, Maura McGee
Making Sense of Making Parole in New York, Alexandra McGlinchy
Consciousness and Physicalism, Brian McGowan
Mapping Urban Tree Canopy Using Publicly Available Satellite Data, Rosemary McGuinness
Relationship Interventions for Autistic Children and their Non-Autistic Siblings, Susan Vanessa McHugh
Archaeomalacological Studies in the North Atlantic Islands, Kelly A. McLafferty
Just Save Me, Terrence McManus
Political Power at the City University of New York: A Case Study of Meritocracy vs. Democracy – Open Admissions and the Imposition of Tuition, 1969–1976, Douglas A. Medina
Toward Otherworlding the Teaching-Learning of Psychology With Community College Students, Francisco Medina
Flanker Task Performance in Young and Older Adults: A Behavioral and ERP Study, Fatima Medrano
Applying an Intersectional and Multi-Systemic Level Approach to ADEI Institutional Assessments in Social Work Higher Education, Diana A. Melendez
Free Will and Meaningful Action: Expressions of the Self, Alex J. Mendez
Integration of Field- and Space-Based Observations Toward Assessing Drivers of Biogeochemical Variability Across Vulnerable Coastal Ecosystems, Alana B. Menendez
Pipecolic Acid and Novel Insights Into Cerebral Malaria, Akua E. Mensah
Helpful Intentions? Impact of Intentionality on Children's Memory for Forensically-Relevant Information, Ella P. Merriwether
A Spatial Decision Support System for Rent Estimation of Retail Spaces in Manhattan Using Geographically Weighted Regression and Spatial Regression, Andie M. Migden Miller
Musical Semiotics in Kate Soper’s Ipsa Dixit (2010–2016), Scott A. Miller
String Quartet, Scott A. Miller
Suspicion and the Witch’s Tit, Shayna R. Miller
Higher Diffeology Theory, Emilio Minichiello
Bridge the Gap: Using Advocacy to Bridge the Gender Wage Gap in Sports - A Comparative Analysis of Venus Williams and the US Women’s National Team, William E. Mitchell
Stolen Valor: Mapping the Style Subcultures of the Left, Lydia Mokdessi
Design and Characterization of De Novo Photoactivated Charge Separating Proteins, Paul M. Molinaro
Variability in Associations Among Seabirds and Marine Mammals: Causes and Consequences, Samantha A. Monier
Extractivism and the Defense of Life and Territories: An Account of Latin American Environmental Thought, Pedro Monque
Routed Through Rubber: Ulises Carrión and Marginal Media (1972–1980), Mary-Elisabeth Moore
Future Land, Futures Lost: Planning the Crisis on the Louisiana Coast, Sheehan Moore
Defying Normativity: Reclaiming a Narrative of Queer Resistance in Young Adult Literature, Christopher Morabito
Repeat After Me, Bonnie Morano
Me and Mathematics: “Doing What You’re Talking About”: In Dialogue with My Family, Eden Morris
The Defense and Propagation of a Doctrine in New Spain: Images of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception in Franciscan Religious Establishments, 1550–1700, Jocelyn Mosquera
Failure to Mourn: Challenges to the Work of Mourning in Twentieth-Century Italian Literature, Mattia Mossali
Inadvertent Exit: Divorce in the Haredi Community, Miriam R. Moster
The Construction of Victimhood in Human Trafficking Intervention Courts, Lauren Moton
Algorithmic Love: Twenty-First Century Organizations of the Romantic, Sandra Moyano Ariza
"A Spirit of Disobedience": Black Women Freedom Runners and the Collective Practice of Abolition, Delice Mugabo
Assessing Comprehension and Competence in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) on the Concept: Do Something Different, Charlotte M. Mulligan
Dreaming of Gladiators, Jenna Murray
Going Nuclear: Conflict Transformation in Asia, Hariharan Murugesan
How do Teachers Make Sense of New Learning about Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Education?, Kristine Mustillo
‘Coca Mestiza’: Small Farmers, Multiculturalism, and the War on Drugs in Colombia, Miryam Nacimento
Explicit Composition Identities for Higher Composition Laws in the Quadratic Case, Ajith A. Nair
Impact of Exposure to Coal Plants on Birth Weight: Evidence from India Coal Plant Capacity, Deborah Nakkungu
Effects of BRCA1-Mediated Ubiquitination of HuR on RNA Metabolism in Breast Cancer, Devorah Mincha Natelson
Essays on Macroeconomics and Banking, Christopher Naubert
Interplay of Magnetic Impurities and Superconductivity in Topological Materials, Didier Ndengeyintwali
Identity-Focused Therapist Self-Disclosure in Matched Sexual/Gender Minority Dyads: A Longitudinal Therapy Process-Outcome Study, Brian Thomas Neff
“As Blind Men Learn the Sun”: Towards a Poetics of Queer Mysticism in American Literature, 1860-1960, Bradley M. Nelson
Self-Perceived Cognitive Functioning in Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome: Enhancing Risk Detection in Health Disparity Older Adults, Caroline O. Nester
Assembly of PPSU-Oligomers, Mariam Nesterov
The Role of Glutamate in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in the Acquistion and Expression of Conditioned Approach, Rudolf Nisanov
Adverse Selection in Online Auctions: A Study of eBay Motors, Ilanith Nizard
Erase the Record, Anne Sofie Noerskov
Overlooked Psychometrics: An Examination of the Construct Validity of the Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI), Agnieszka M. Nogalska
Contemporary World-Novels and their Collective Protagonists, Leonardo Nolé
Living Color: Aesthetic Surfaces and Political Life in Brazil, Samuel E. Novacich
Modeling and Dynamics of Capillary Bridges, Moyosore Odunsi
Working on Stage: Spectacularization of Labor in Contemporary US Theatre, Hansol Oh
Essays on Real Estate, Flood Risk, and Political Sentiment, John P. Orellana
Park Use, Urban Environmental Justice, and Place Attachment in Parks in Low-Income Neighborhoods in New York City, Javier Eduardo Otero Peña
Visualizing Ancient Empire in Tudor England: Imperial Monarchy, Reformation, and the Antique Soldier in the Title Page to Richard Grafton’s Large Chronicle (1569), Peter Nicholas Otis
Where the Under and the Over Meet and Disappear, Louisa Owen
“Liberté, Égalité, Sororité”: The Revolutionary All-Female Studio of Adélaïde Labille-Guiard, Julia Oxman
Ordinary Care: Affective Politics of Migration and the Everyday Lives of Syrian Refugees in Istanbul, Yasemin Ozer
Border Confinement and Assistance Markets in Tijuana: Mexican Deportees’ Experiences of Labor and Violence Between Mexico and the United States, Christian Pacheco-Gómez
Prurient Nature: Sex Work and Ethics at the Margins of Finance, Esra S. Padgett
Understanding Climate Change Adaptation and Gentrification through the Framework of Uneven Coastal Development in Keansburg, New Jersey, Zachary Paganini
Parabolic and Non-Parabolic Surfaces with Small or Large End Spaces via Fenchel-Nielsen Parameters, Michael Antony Pandazis
Molecular Origins of Phase Stability in Phase-Change Nano-Emulsions for Thermal Energy Storage by NMR Spectroscopy, Jungeun Park
As Mundane as Possible, Minah Park
Assessment of Tripeptides Self-assembly & ER stress on Cell Viability and Exosome Secretion in MDA-MB231, Azmat Parveen