Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Cross-Linguistic Differences in Neural Encoding and Processing of Stop Consonants: The Impact of Language Experience on Attention Allocation, Aline dos Santos Oliveira
Three Essays Applying Dynamic Models in Economics, Finance, and Machine Learning, Lucas C. Dowiak
Mourning Before Death: Ferdinand Hodler and Valentine Godé-Darel, Nicolas Dowling
Comprehension and Production of Contrastive Reference in Autism, Georgia Drakopoulou Kalantzi
The Art of Mathematics: Modernizing K-12 Mathematics Education in the USA, Lirak Drenica
Communication Challenges in Underwater Wireless Networks: MAC Protocols and Software Solutions, Dmitrii Dugaev
Attribute-Based fine-grained Access Control using Verifiable Credentials, Srinivasa Dumpa
Meconium: A Potential Means to Predicting Later-Life Cognition, Leah Duran
Modeling Hydroxide in Classical Proton Hopping Simulations and Amyloid beta Membrane Pores, Ankita Dutta
Essays in Macroeconomics and Finance, Archil Dvalishvili
Impressions from Nadezhda Stolpovskaya, Curtis Eckley
The Village on the Stage: Dramaturgies of Modernity in African Concert Dance, Margit N. Edwards
Late-Life Depression: The Interplay Between Cerebrovascular Risk, Cortical and Subcortical Atrophy, and Treatment Response, Dakota Egglefield
Divorce as a Growth Process: Marital Separation and Separation-Individuation in Adulthood, Anna Egleson
Past and Future Winds, Alicia Ehni
Protein-Protein Interactions in Cell Cycle Proteins: An In silico Investigation of Two Important Players, Andriele Eichner
Newly Synthesized Pyroglutamate Amide and its Neuroprotective Effect Against Neurotoxicity Induced Cell Death in Alzheimer's Disease, Nourelhouda Joutey Elamrani
Fornix Integrity and Reaction Time to Novel Scenes and Objects in Visual Recognition Memory, Melissa Elder
Sentencing Outcomes in Educator Sexual Misconduct Cases: Factors and Implications, Halima El Fituri
Preschoolers’ Generation of Quantity Implicatures, André Eliatamby
Understanding the Knowledge Production Function of the United Nations: The Case of the Sahel Crisis, Hussein E. Elshaar
Cinema and Ritual: Decolonial Feminist Approaches to Image-Making in the Americas and the Caribbean, Natalie M. Erazo
Sexual Selection, Sexual Conflict, and the Coercive Pair Bond in a Primate Multilevel Society, Katarina D. Evans
A Mute Pleasure: Novelistic Poetics in the Nineteenth-Century, Ryan Everitt
Notes on Steel, Rachel Faeth
Epistemic Theatres: The Dramaturgy of Knowledge in Twenty-First Century Theatre, Amir Farjoun
Language Play and Racial Dysphemism in the Marrakchi Language Space, Spencer Fausel
Law's Legitimacy: Lon Fuller in a Consequentialist Frame, Daniel L. Feldman
The Effect of Personal Listening Devices on Subjective Hearing Status, Esther Feldman
Dancing in the Heart of the Empire, Talisa Feliciano
The Role of the Infralimbic-Basal Forebrain Pathway in Fear Extinction, Carolina Maria Fernandes Henriques
Looking for a Better Chair: The L Word and Learning How to Sit, Beans Fernandez
Más allá de la crisis y la emergencia: aproximaciones a los movimientos migratorios contemporáneos a través de la traducción y la comedia, Fabiola Fernandez Peer
Teach them how to say goodbye: student therapist termination at a psychodynamic training clinic, Michael Ferrara
Computational Study of the Degradation of Ambrein from Ambergris, Emma Fetman
Examining Book Banning Trends in the U.S., Amanda D. Filchock
A Municipal Modernity: Women, Architecture, and Public Health in Working-Class New York, 1913–1950, Jessica Fletcher
Human Trafficking Screening Tools Amongst Migrants and Refugees: Current Tools and Future Outlooks, Audra Fox
Interviews and Perspectives Among Community Members Working With Undocumented Female Border Crossers in the States Along the United States-Mexico Border, Melissa M. Frasco
The Influence of Environmental Change on Genetic Diversity Across Spatial and Taxonomic Scales, Connor M. French
Heirloom, Mercedes P. Frias
Vast Planetary Abstraction: On the Impossible Modernist Epic, Caleb Shao-Ning Fridell
Changing the Narrative: Athinai, an Illustrated Periodical for Modern Greece, 1934–35, Julie Fry
The Unitary Executive and Power in the Modern American Presidency, Maxwell J. Fuerderer
The Animated Cinema of Bruno Bozzetto, Emilia Gambardella
The Role of Transit Countries in Global Wildlife Trafficking, Joseph Gangi
K-12 School Shootings: A Visualization Throughout History, Elizabeth T. Garrison
RGB Root Matriz Color Dance, Danielle E. Gauthier
Wuwei Praxis, Zachary L. Gelnaw-Rubin
Adult Play and its Relations to the Working Alliance and Psychosocial Dysfunction in Short-Term Psychotherapy, Charlotte B. Gendron
Faunal Use and Distribution at the Site of Nixtun-Ch'ich', Petén, Guatemala, Jemima Georges
Italians Inside American Government: New York Politicians & Black Equality in the United States, from the 1920s-1950s, Nathanael Geraci
The Effect of Alpha Binaural Beats on Virtual Reality Experiences, Andronikki C. Gerohristodoulos
Stereospecific Cross-Coupling Reactions of Vinyl Triflates and An Investigation of the Synthesis and Reactivity of Activated Alkyltricyclohexylstannanes, Pejman Ghaemimohammadi
Protein and Water Modeling in Computer-Aided Drug Discovery, Mossa Ghattas
Effects of the Automatic Enrollment Provision of the Pension Protection Act of 2006 on Labor Market Outcomes of Older Americans, Yannis Giannoulakis
Dyslexia and Proofreading: Examining Error Detection and Cognitive Compensation, Gillian Glasser
A Grid and a Shadow, Henry Glavin
Lutz Bacher: 1975-2019, Jeremy Gloster
Void Ecologies: Resistance, Commoning and Pleasure in the Discard Space, Zoe R. Goldstein
Understanding Family Experiences of IEP Meetings and Building Skills to Empower Families at the IEP Meeting, Elizabeth J. Golini
Struggles, Aspirations, and Survival Strategies: The Intersectionality of Lived Experiences of Migrant “Integration” into Lisbon, Lais Gomes Duarte
Crime Prediction Using Agent-Based Modeling, Yifei Gong
Wordflight, Joey Gonnella
Authenticity in Fashion and Beauty: Influencer Marketing and the Development of Parasocial Relationships on Social Media, Catherine Goodheart
Sigma_n-correct Forcing Axioms, Benjamin P. Goodman
Of Method: A Propaedeutic to Coleridge's Prose Works, Michael A. Granger
Cognitive Reserve in Individuals with Frontotemporal Dementia and Primary Progressive Aphasia, Lauren A. Grebe
Adaptations and Transformations: Perceptions of Change in Academic Motivation, Resilience, and COVID-19 Stress, Ella V. Gregorio
The Divided Self: Internal Conflict in Literature, Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience, Yulia Greyman
Cancer in Pajamas: Radio, Podcasts, and the Politics of Free Time in the Digital Age, Daniel Grjonko
Creatively Addressing the Employment Gap: Using Creativity and the Arts to Help Autistic Adolescents and Young Adults Build Skills for Employment, Eliana Rachel Grossman
The For-Profit Immigration Surveillance State: How Surveillance Capitalism Took Over ICE, Maurizio Guerrero
Heterogenous Household Expectations, Consumption Choices and Trust, Justine Guillochon
Southern and Caribbean Transnational Black Feminist Dialogues in Contemporary Art, Adria Gunter
What the Debate about Spanish Gender-Inclusive Forms Reveals Regarding Ideological Beliefs about Language and Authority, Jalitza Gutierrez
Crucifixion Can Happen To Anyone: Embodying Christ Through The Queer Artist, Xander Guyer
“Here’s my Brown Soul!”: Identity and Transformation in Tejano Music, Joseph Guzman
Wrapped Insights: A Data-Driven Approach to Personalizing User Experiences in a Digital Tipping Platform, Hamza Habeeb
Unpacking the Contested State of Public Housing in New York City, Kristen Hackett
Landscape As Vanitas, C'naan Hamburger
Bengal Memory, Fahim Hamid
Enforcement Through Voluntary Participation: The Impact of Non-Binding Informal Groups on the International Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime, Claudia M. V. Hampton
Consonant (De)gradation in Ingrian?, Andrea M. Harrison
My SAUCE! Living in the Polyrhythm, Zakiya Harris
The Migration of South Asians from India to Guyana: The Journey, Struggles in a New Land, Reasons for Changes Over Time and Their Cultivation of a New Culture., Cynthia C. Harry
The Reciprocal Interaction of Musical Performance and Analysis, Gregory Hartmann
Sex Differences in the Diets of Forest-dwelling Baboons (Papio anubis), Kara Hartunian
Atm-/-Ung-/- Mice Present Reduced Levels of Switched Immunoglobulin Isotypes IgG1 and IgG3, Lyric M. Haughton
Singing Petrarch in the Cinquecento: Embodied Reading and the Italian Madrigal, Thomas A. Hedrick III
Beyond Me: Class, Sexuality, and the Work of the Autobiographical Fragments of Audre Lorde, Dorothy Allison, and Eileen Myles, Erin E. Heiser
An Analysis of Relationships Between Demographics in Vermont’s Court Diversion Participants, Jennifer Hill
Audiological Evaluation of Persons with Dementia: A Systematic Review, Yehudis Hoch
Mentalized Affectivity Among Adolescents in Wilderness Therapy: An Initial Exploration, William Holland
Unconventional Computing With Photonic Oscillator Networks, Mostafa Honari Latifpour
Power and the Press: Reimagining the World by Producing Information Together, Jen Hoyer