Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2024
Questionable Intelligence: Secrecy and Espionage in Richard Nixon’s Life, Maayan Brodsky
The Four Seasons: Integrating the Big Four Sports, Joseph S. Brody
Assessing Job Vulnerability and Employment Growth in the Era of Large Language Models (LLMs), Prudence P. Brou
Effect of Magnetic Draping on Satellite Galaxies in Clusters, Vanessa Brown
Henry James and the Act of Speech from Drama to Dictation, Mary Claire Brunelli
A Machine Learning Approach to Discovering Physical Models of Galaxy Formation, Festa Bucinca
The Effects of Mood and Anxiety Sensitivity on Attentional Engagement and Disengagement in Sleep Disturbance, Kara L. Buda
“Back from Cuba with Machetes and Cameras” Feminist Contour Lines through the Venceremos Brigade: 1969-1971 and Today, Nicolette Bull
"White Slaves of California": Race, Religion, and the Railroad in Maria Amparo Ruiz de Burton's The Squatter and the Don, Katie Buonanno
Will This Make You Happy, Tanya Bush
Reviewing Inclusive Sex Education Curriculum: A Policy Analysis of California’s Healthy Youth Act (2015), Patrick P. Buzzell
Alianzas Antimodernas: Estudios del Cine Español del Proceso 15M, Pedro Cabello del Moral
Chaucer’s Contradictory Representations of Fourteenth Century Knighthood in The Canterbury Tales, Nicholas Cabrera
Ekphrasis: An Exploration of Poetry Inspired by Art, Caitlin Cacciatore
'Since No Expressions Do': Queer Tools For Studying Literature, Filipa G. Calado
The Charge Forward: An Assessment of Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure in New York City, Christopher S. Cali
Examining Mental Health Differences Between Traditional and Nontraditional College Students from 2017-2022, Terrence A. Calistro Jr.
Thinking Sculpturally: The Implications of Sculptural Space in the work of Charles Ray, AD Canter
"This Other Way": Photography at Black Mountain College, Kyle Canter
Turning Movements into Markets: How Corporations Co-Opt Cultural Values for Profit, Anthony J. Capote
Molecular Roles of Two Small Inner Membrane Proteins in E. coli Lipid Homeostasis, Andrea L. Cardenas Arevalo
Twenty Years of Community-Based College Success: Oral Histories from Practitioners, Partners, and Peer Mentors Supporting City University of New York (CUNY) Students, Benjamin J. Carey
Depression In African American Males And The Mental Health Stigma, Deanna Carrington
Measuring Intersectional Strength and Stigma Among Racially Minoritized Gender Diverse Young Adults, Joseph Carter
Witnessing Eyewitness Coercion and Familiarity Affects Defense Attorneys’ Evaluations of Trial Prospects, Jason Carty
A Taste for the Distasteful: The Aesthetics of Gore in the Giallo and Horror Films of Mario Bava, Thais Casado Bignardi-Engstrom
The role of the Vibrio cholerae Type VI secretion system during kin cell interaction, biofilm formation and priority effects, Karen A. Castro
Ghost Bikes of Queens, Brianna Caszatt
From Stars to Moons: Investigating Stellar Rotations, Planetary Interactions, and Exoplanetary Prospects, Rosario Cecilio-Flores-Elie
The Impact of Sport-Related Concussions on the Vestibular System Utilizing the Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening (VOMS) Tool: A Systematic Review for Audiologists, Tina M. Ceriello
Comparative Animal Mucomics, Antonio R. Cerullo
Digital Environments of Reception and Governance: A Landscape Analysis of Immigration-Related Webpages on U.S. State Websites, Orunima Chakraborti
Dynamic Difficulty Adjustment for Combat Systems in Role-Playing Genre Video Games, Cheuk Man Chan
Exciton Dynamics, Interaction, and Transport in Monolayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Saroj Chand
Enhancing the Accuracy of the Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis in Community-Based, Racially/Ethnically Diverse Older Adults, Katherine H. Chang
Swallow Your Medicine: Marisol’s Saca la Lengua from the Peace Portfolio II, A. E. Chapman
Pricks and Pills, Anna A. Charles
Development of Collagen Mimetic Mini-Fibrils with Tunable Collagenase Susceptibility, Jui Chaugule
A Candidate Needs Approach to Job Advertisements, Yuliya M. Cheban-Gore
Identifying Graduate Students’ Instructional Strategies and Approaches Towards Teaching Employable Skills, Elizabeth S. Che
Unveiling Iolanta: Blindness in Nineteenth-Century Opera, Nafset Chenib
Budget Capping Health Care: Its Impact on Health, Susan Chen
The Routes, Wei-Ta Chen
Ripe Spoils, Yan Cynthia Chen
The Sound of Complicity: Fascism, Colonialism, and Music in Novels, Michele Chinitz
Back To The Office: US Employee Reluctance And Re-Engagement Strategies, Khin Thaw Ta Chit
Bodies that Traverse: Colonial Fantasies of Oriental Incorporations in Late Medieval England, Soojung Choe
Some New Properties of Random Groups in the Density and Few-Relator Models, Anastasiia Chorna
Feeble Transmitters, Indranil Choudhury
Placemaking and Placewashing in Manhattan's Chinatown: Capitalist vs. Community Interests, Mary Chu
Evaluating Climate Sentiment in SEC 10-K Filings: S&P 50 Companies, Ruby Chu
A Comparison of Temporary Threshold Shifts in Dentists, Hygienists, and Dental Assistants, Sabina E. Ciaccio
Clustering of Patients with Heart Disease, Mukadder Cinar
Modeling of COVID-19 Clinical Outcomes in Mexico: An Analysis of Demographic, Clinical, and Chronic Disease Factors, Livia Clarete
In My Softest & Most Liberatory Dreams: Reflections on Holding Complexity & Decentering Whiteness, Richard C. Clark
Mechanistic and Engineering Studies of LOV Photoreceptors in Yeast, Matthew M. Cleere
The Criminal Trajectory of Paraphilic Noncontact Sexual Offenders: An Exploratory Study in an Incarcerated United States Sample, Emma F. Collie
Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Usage of Hearing Protection in Volunteer Firefighters, Rachel S. Combs
Loneliness and the Urban American (Non-)Romantic, Sarah C. Cook
Culturally and Socially Responsive Teacher Professional Learning at the American Museum of Natural History, Jessica Correa
Turf War: Interstate Banking and Industry Consolidation, 1965–1998, Erin Cully
間, LeLe Dai
Learning from Their Flocks: Analyses of Power on Hudson River Valley Livestock Farms, Mark D. D'Alessandro
Careful Compositions and Careless Constructions, Timothy Dalton
Rational Design of Peptide-Based Materials Informed by Multiscale Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Dhwanit Rahul Dave
A Comparison of the Islamophobic Experiences of the Female Convert and Immigrant Muslims in America, Aliaa Dawoud
The Core of it All: From the Forest to the Concrete Jungle, Ayo Andra J. Deas
Worldbuilding: A Theory of Resilience in Transgender and Gender Expansive Young People, Jennifer DeBower
Through the Digital Lens: Examining Beliefs About Online Child Sexual Abuse, Kendhyl Delacour
The J in Danger, Zachary Delamater
Positron Emission Tomography in Oncology and Environmental Science, Samantha Delaney
Hagia Sophia: Politics of Space and Hauntology, Hazal Demir
Mechanisms for regenerative intervertebral disc healing during early growth in mice, Danielle N. D'Erminio
Who Are You Rooting For? T20 Cricket World Cup 2024, USA & WI, Purvesh Desai
Greek Tongues: Tragic Histories in Early Modernity, Nicholas Devlin
The Morbs, Jennifer L. Diamond
Intimate Partner Violence and Negotiation During COVID-19: Stressors, Resources, and Perception, Victoria P. Diamond
Grieving: A Record of My Becoming, Neyshka Diaz Maldonado
Melancholic Maestrae: Gender, Genius, and Self-Fashioning in Baroque Female Archetypes, Rebecca DiGiovanna
Illustris-TNG Simulated Central Black Mass(MBH) and Galaxy Properties Correlations with a Machine Learning Approach, Imani L. Dindy
Tarot Fabula: Radical Digital Cards, Shuffled Narrative Structures, and Playing the Future in an Era of Algorithms, Rachel M.L. Dixon
Galina Ustvolskaya's Writing for Violin and Piano, 1952–1964, Patrick Doane
The True and Only Technic: Technological Ubiquity and its Critics, Heretics, and Zealots, Hampton A. Dodd
Religious Communication in Interfaith Romantic Relationships: Positive Approaches to Improve Relationship Outcomes, Jaclyn K. Doherty
The Effects of Social Media Attention on Retail Investors’ Non-GAAP Trading, Huy Nguyen Do
The Truth and Other Fictions: The Nuance of Truth in Medieval Literature, Mark-Allan Donaldson
The Complete Sight and Sound Greatest Films of All Time Database, Katie Donia
Electoral Competitiveness and Legislator Responsiveness, Joseph Donza
Chemical Meadows, Nate Dorr
Misrecognition and Misrepresentation: A Critical Analysis of the Trajectory of Migrant Students - F1 Students, in the U.S., Domitila dos Santos Bicudo