Theses and Dissertations
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Simone Martini's St. Louis Altarpiece: Materiality, Franciscan Propaganda, and Sacral Angevin Dynastic Object, Charles Morrow
Benjamin Franklin: America’s First ‘Modern American’, Christopher Motta
Armenian Painterly Modernity and the Union of Armenian Artists, 1916–1921, Sato Moughalian
Nonlinear and Time-Modulated Metamaterials: Applications at Microwave Frequencies, Hady Mohammed Saied Sayed Moussa
Examining Metacognitive Access to Low-Level Ensemble Representations, Vladimir Mudragel
Only for the Pleasure of Telling: Filling the Void in Pasolini's Trilogia della vita, Courtney Munson
Artists, Activists, and Therapists Making Meaning of Collective Violence in Lebanon: A Community-Engaged Participatory Research Study, Nawal Muradwij
Africa’s Coastal Archaeological Record and Climate Change, Michael Murphy
Understanding and Navigating Asylum in NYC, Divya Murthy
Extreme E-Service Learning: Remote Learning for Undergraduate Students and Telehealth Intervention for Children with Autism, Madiha S. Muzammal
Dendritic Spine Density and Morphology in the Dorsolateral Striatum Following a High Fat Diet, Tikva Nabatian
Determined to Be American: Regulating Immigration and Citizenship in the Early American Republic, 1783–1815, Cody E. Nager
“Unsanitary, rundown, everything is broken”: the reality of queer homeless shelters, Sunjum Nagpaul
Confusion of Tongues: Translation and Transfers of Attachment in a Post-monolingual Condition, Hiji Nam
Deconstructing Biopolitical and Performative Modes of Gender in Spanish Science Fiction, Emma Navarro
Data Journalism Portfolio, MRINALINI NAYAK
Hoops Recruitment: Can NYC Regain Glory Days with “TheProgramNYC”?, Christian I. Nazario
A Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease: Sex-Dependent Mechanisms Altered by the HDAC Inhibitor RG2833 in a Transgenic Rat Model, Kelechi Ndukwe
A Field of Relations: A Mixed Analysis of Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” with Voyant, a Text Analysis Tool, Asma A. Neblett
English Learners In NYC, Raquel Neris
Going Green to Sell, N'dja D. N'guessan
Cost-Effective and Performance-Preserving Secured Application Management in Cloud Environments, Minh Nguyen
Creative Figures: Portraiture and the Making of the Modern American Artist, 1918-1930, Sasha Nicholas
Inequalities in Infant Birthweight by Social Position and Residential Neighborhood Characteristics in New York City, 2012-2018, Christina I. Nieves
Colonial Investments: The Global Coordinates of the English Political Imaginary, 1628–1668, Nathan D. Nikolic
Tied Together, Eiko Nishida
Revolutionary Women, Fredgy Noël
Speakers and Addressees as Creative Interpreters, Svitlana Novikova
The Effects of Lower Speed Limits on Fatalities and Serious Injuries, Naufa Nuha
Marriage Stories: Legal Reform and the Novel in France and Britain, 1780–1860, Tatiana Nunez-Bright
Sit Less, Move More: A National Study of Physical-Activity Behavior and Cancer, Stella O. Nwogugu
Investigation into the utility of the submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B (SMR3B) as a normalizing factor in oral fluid, ALEJANDRO OCAMPO
Essays on Entrepreneurship, Yoshiko Oka
Impact of Blood Preservatives and Anticoagulants on Cannabinoid Quantitative Analysis, Bridget O'Leary
Machine Learning Approach to Predict tDCS-induced Electric Current in the Human Brain, Chikako Olsen
Barriers to Optimal Audiological Care for Members of the Deaf Community, Joyce Orenshein
A Consecutive Case Series Evaluation of Tummy Time With and Without Preferred Items, Rika Ortega
Bozo the Clown: An Icon as American as an Apple Pie in the Face, Gregory Kent Oswald
The Neural Correlates of Bodily Self-Consciousness in Virtual Worlds, Evan A. Owens
Wild Women of Anatolia: The Critical Construct Validity of the Liberation of Women in Turkey, Sedef Ozoguz
Mechanically driven In vivo Osteocyte Ca2+ Signaling: Aging and Pharmacologic Effects, James Padgett
Detection of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol In Utero Exposure by Umbilical Cord Analysis, Emily Pagano
The Anti-Plantation Uprising: Indigenous Kinship, Territories, and Communal Politics in Guatemala, 1966-1982, Sergio G. Palencia Frener
Never-Ending Parenting: Challenges Experienced by Caregivers of Adults with Severe Autism, Andrea Palerino
Language of the Enemy: Impacts of the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War on Linguistic and National Identity Paradigms in Ukraine, Julia Panter
The Language of Legal Violence: The State’s Role in Silencing Capitalist Dissent, 1877-1915, Jaclene Paolucci
Frontier Precarities: Inequality and Exclusion in Tech, Spiros M. Papadantonakis
The Effects of Isolated Affordances on Preschool Counting Improvement when Using a Digital Coloring App, Katherine Papazian
Examining Past, Present, and Future of Agricultural Labor: From the Bracero Program to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Francesca Paradiso
Synthesis and Biomedical Applications of Hollow Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Aloka S. Paragoda Arachchilage
Sustainable to the Core: Essays on Strategy and Sustainability, Junghoon Park
The Impact of Political Affiliation on Performance Judgements, Kajal Patel
Queer Mother, Hybrid Monster: Serpentine Hybridity and Monstrous Motherhood in D’Arras and Spenser, Farah R. Paterson-Cisco
Lead Self to Lead Others: Intersection of Courage, Self-Awareness, & Leadership Communication for Self-Leadership & Development, Maribel Paulino
MOOD: A Zine Exploring the Value of Youth-Oriented Media, Patricia K. Paul
Nosotras no somos Ayotzinapa: Transfiguraciones feministas del México contemporáneo (2000–2022), Laura Pavón Aramburú
doc/u/ment: Affinities in 20th and 21st-Century Documental Poetics, Katherine Payne
Feminismos del exilio: devenir mass media y militancia de las escritoras republicanas en Buenos Aires (1938–1963), Lorena Paz Lopez
The Possibilities and Limitations of Parent Organizations to Advance Equity, Nildania Perez
Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) For Frontline Healthcare Workers In Contact With COVID-19 Patients, Michael Perez Sosa
Human Rights Gone Wrong, Frances E. Perozo
The New New Yorkers, Frances E. Perozo
Raphael Montañez Ortiz and Alternative Art Spaces, 1966–1971: From Repulsion to Exaltation, Ana Cristina Perry
The Numbers Don’t Lie: A Quantitative Examination of Trauma Outcomes Among Black Homeless Women, Lisa Marie Persad
The Dissonant History of Tristan and Isolde, Amanda Persaud
David versus Goliath: The Power of Weakness in Asymmetric Warfare—Lessons from History, Nicholas K. Petaludis
Reflections on the Digital Memory of Trans-Atlantic Slavery, Vinh T. Pham
The Development of Novel Radioscandium and Hydroxypyridinonate Based Radiopharmaceuticals, Michael Phipps
Expanding the Role of the Temporal Dimension in Ecological Niche Models: A Study on Mexican Montane Small Mammals, Gonzalo E. Pinilla Buitrago
Stock Stories Versus Counterstories: A Contemporary Retelling and Centering of Disenfranchised Narratives, Karen C. Pitt
DIY The Process of Healing from Trauma through Woodworking, and Living Off Grid, Rachel A. Pollock
Design and Applications of Fmoc-Histidine and Aspartic Acid Tripeptides as Proton Conductive Materials, Shejla S. Pollozi
Sonorous Movement: Cellistic Corporealities in Works by Helmut Lachenmann, Simon Steen-Andersen, and Johan Svensson, John Popham
Rotation Period Distributions and Light Curve Morphologies of Low Mass Stars and Young Associations, Mark Popinchalk
Three Essays on Substructural Approaches to Semantic Paradoxes, Brian C. Porter
Neurodivergent Artists in NYC, Brianna R. Poulos
The Switch: Understanding the Perception of African American Linguistic Repertoires, Alyssa Powell
The Effect of Word Predictability on Proofreading Accuracy and Reading Time, Sam Prasad
Keeping it Real: The Evolution of the Black American Sitcom, Ebony E. Prescod
Dynamics in Designed Elastins and Enzymes, Jonathan M. Preston
Covering the Beatles: Tribute, Tradition, and Transformation, Alexander J. Prezzano
Exploration to Brand Communication on TikTok, Victoria M. Priola
Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis: Politics, Race, Culture, and Citizenship in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, Guido A. Proano
Clean Energy Transition Threatens Indigenous Land Rights, Jonnathan M. Pulla
Machine Learning driven Resource Allocation in Edge Cloud, Arslan Qadeer Dr
Drug Repurposing Using Gene Expression Data Mining, Yue Qiu
Millenial & Gen Z Experience- A Meta-Analysis, Karrine S. Rahman
Auditory Processing Deficits in MSH2-KO mice are linked to Aberrant Inhibitory Neuron Function in the Thalamic Reticular Nucleus, Sadia N. Rahman
Attenuated Typicality Effect in Category-based Inferences: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Janani Rajagopalan
A Female Pharaoh and The Emperor’s Wife: Hatshepsut, Julia Domna, and Female Authority in Antiquity, Gabriella E. Ramalho
Self-Employment Industry Selection: An Evaluation of Wealth and Demographics on Industry Choice in the U.S., Samuel Ramirez
Mechanisms of Bacterial Charity, Reima S. Ramsamooj
Celestial Bodies, Rebecca L. Rand and Mark Popinchalk
Future Trash, Xinan Ran
Beyond Punishment: A Critical and Interpretive Phenomenology of Accountability, Cameron Rasmussen