Publications and Research


The Publications and Research series consists of scholarly and creative works (journal articles, book chapters, conference presentations, datasets, etc.) by Graduate Center faculty, students, and professional staff.

Note to Graduate Center students: Do not submit your GC dissertation, thesis, or capstone project to this section of Academic Works. Submit those works to the Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects section. See the library’s deposit guide for instructions.


Works from 2013


Effortless awareness: using real time neurofeedback to investigate correlates of posterior cingulate cortex activity in meditators' self-report, Kathleen A. Garrison, Juan F. Santoyo, Jake H. Davis, Thomas A. Thomhill IV, Catherine E. Kerr, and Judson A. Brewer


Translations from ALLADA and EXPERIENCE D'EDWARD LEE, VERSAILLES by Gérard Gavarry, Gérard Gavarry and Katina Rogers


Communication and Common Interest, Peter Godfrey-Smith and Manolo Martínez


CREATE Cornerstone: Introduction to Scientific Thinking, a New Course for STEM-Interested Freshmen, Demystifies Scientific Thinking through Analysis of Scientific Literature, Alan J. Gottesman and Sally G. Hoskins


Attentional capture by emotional faces in adolescence, Jillian Grose-Fifer, Andrea Rodrigues, Steven Hoover, and Tina Zottoli


Polydnaviral Ankyrin Proteins Aid Parasitic Wasp Survival by Coordinate and Selective Inhibition of Hematopoietic and Immune NF-kappa B Signaling in Insect Hosts, Gwenaelle Gueguen, Marta E. Kalamarz, Johnny Ramroop, Jeffrey Uribe, and Shubha Govind


Students Teaching Students: A Method for Collaborative Learning, Jean Halley, Courtney Heiserman, VIctoria Felix, and Amy Eshleman


Signatures of Rapid Evolution in Urban and Rural Transcriptomes of White-Footed Mice (Peromyscus leucopus) in the New York Metropolitan Area, Stephen Edward Harris, Jason Munshi-South, Craig Oberfell, and Rachel O'Neill


Taxonomic revision of the olingos (Bassaricyon), with description of a new species, the Olinguito, Kristofer M. Helgen, C. Miguel Pinto, Roland Kays, Laura E. Helgen, Mirian T. N. Tsuchiya, Aleta Quinn, Don E. Wilson, and Jesús E. Maldonado


End-Point Variability Is Not Noise in Saccade Adaptation, James P. Herman, C. Phillip Cloud, and Josh Wallman


Black hole formation at the correspondence point, Norihiro Izuka, Daniel N. Kabat, Roy Shubho, and Debajyoti Sarkar


Black hole formation in fuzzy sphere collapse, Norihiro Izuka, Daniel N. Kabat, Roy Shubho, and Debajyoti Sarkar


The Role of Power in Organizational Corruption: An Empirical Study, David Jancsics and István Jávor


Infant Mortality in American Indians and Alaska Natives 1995–1999 and 2000–2004, Patrik Johansson, Weston Williams, and Ayman El-Mohandes


Le nature degli American Studies, Cindi Katz


Network Firewall Dynamics and the Subsaturation Stabilization of HIV, Bilal Khan, Kirk Dombrowski, Mohamed Saad, Katherine McLean, and Samuel Friedman


A new versatile primer set targeting a short fragment of the mitochondrial COI region for metabarcoding metazoan diversity: application for characterizing coral reef fish gut contents, Matthieu Leray, Joy Y. Yang, Christopher P. Meyer, Suzanne C. Mills, Natalia Agudelo, Vincent Ranwez, Joel T. Boehm, and Ryuji J. Machida


Stepwise acquisition of vocal combinatorial capacity in songbirds and human infants, Dina Lipkind, Gary F. Marcus, Douglas Bemis, Kazutoshi Sasahara, Nori Jacoby, Miki Takahashi, Kenta Suzuki, Olga Feher, Primoz Ravbar, Kazuo Okanoya, and Ofer Tchernichovski


Magnetoelectricity in CoFe2O4 nanocrystal-P(VDF-HFP) thin films, Xiaohua Liu, Shuangyi Liu, Myung-Geun Han, Lukas Zhao, Haiming Deng, Jackie Li, Yimei Zhu, Lia Krusin-Elbaum, and Stephen O'Brien


Wave Function for Time-Dependent Harmonically Confined Electrons in a Time-Dependent Electric Field, Yu-Qi Li, Xiao-Yin Pan, and Viraht Sahni


Democratizing Indian Popular Music: From Cassette Culture to the Digital Era, Peter L. Manuel


Music Cultures of Mechanical Reproduction, Peter L. Manuel


Retention and invention in Bhojpuri diasporic music culture: Perspectives from the Caribbean, India, and Fiji, Peter L. Manuel


Transcriptome Deep-Sequencing and Clustering of Expressed Isoforms from Favia Corals, Shaadi F. Pooyaei Mehr, Rob DeSalle, Hung-Teh Kao, Apurva Narechania, Zhou Han, Dan Tchernov, Vincent A. Pieribone, and David F. Gruber


Conservation genetics of extremely isolated urban populations of the northern dusky salamander (Desmognathus fuscus) in New York City, Jason Munshi-South, Yana Zak, and Ellen Pehek


Synesthesia: a colorful word with a touching sound?, Myrto I. Mylopoulos and Tony Ro


Hemispheric processing of vocal emblem sounds, Yael Neumann-Werth, Erika Levy, and Loraine Obler


Endogenous Human MDM2-C Is Highly Expressed in Human Cancers and Functions as a p53-Independent Growth Activator, Danielle R. Okoro, Nicoleta Arva, Chong Gao, Alla Polotskaia, Cindy Puente, Melissa Rosso, and Jill Bargonetti


‘What’s in the NIDDK CDR?’—public query tools for the NIDDK central data repository, Huaqin Pan, Mary-Anne Ardini, Vesselina Bakalov, Michael DeLatte, Paul Eggers, Laxminarayana Ganapathi, Craig R. Hollingsworth, Joshua Levy, Sheping Li, Joseph Pratt, Norma Pugh, Ying Qin, Rebekah Rasooly, Helen Ray, Jean E. Richardson, Amanda Flynn Riley, Susan M. Rogers, Sylvia Tan, Charles F. Turner, Stacie White, and Philip C. Cooley


TR-2013003: Polynomial Evaluation and Interpolation: Fast and Stable Approximate Solution, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013004: Transformations of Matrix Structures Work Again, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013006: Polynomial Evaluation and Interpolation and Transformations of Matrix Structures, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013010: Transformations of Matrix Structures Work Again II, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013011: Fast Approximation Algorithms for Cauchy Matrices, Polynomials and Rational Functions, Victor Y. Pan


TR-2013015: Estimating the Norms of Random Circulant and Toeplitz Matrices and Their Inverses, Victor Y. Pan and Guoliang Qian


TR-2013016: Supporting GENP with Random Multipliers, Victor Y. Pan, Guoliang Qian, and Xiaodong Yan


TR-2013001: Randomized Augmentation and Additive Preprocessing, Victor Y. Pan, Guoliang Qian, and Ai-Long Zheng


TR-2013012: New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-Finding, Victor Y. Pan and Ai-Long Zheng


TR-2013013: New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-Finding, Victor Y. Pan and Ai-Long Zheng


TR-2013014: New Structured Matrix Methods for Real and Complex Polynomial Root-Finding, Victor Y. Pan and Ai-Long Zheng


Comment on "Density and Physical Current Density Functional Theory", Xiao-Yin Pan and Viraht Sahni


On Kripke's puzzle about time and thought, Rohit J. Parikh


Project Safe Flight: Making New York Safe for Migratory Birds, Kaitlyn L. Parkins, Susan B. Elbin Ph.D., Adriana Palmer, Darren Klein, and Elle Barnes


Lexical retrieval in discourse: An early indicator of Alzheimer’s dementia, Seija Pekkala, Debra Wiener, Jayandra Himali, Alexa Beiser, Loraine Obler, Yulin Liu, Ann McKee, Sanford Seshadri, Philip Wolf, and Rhonda Au


Unconscious Priming Requires Early Visual Cortex at Specific Temporal Phases of Processing, Marjan Persuh and Tony Ro


Exposure to Advertisement Calls of Reproductive Competitors Activates Vocal-Acoustic and Catecholaminergic Neurons in the Plainfin Midshipman Fish, Porichthys notatus, Christopher L. Petersen, Miky Timothy, D. Spencer Kim, Ashwin A. Bhandiwad, Robert A. Mohr, Joseph A. Sisneros, and Paul M. Forlano


Local Connections to Global Collections: The Power of Interlibrary Loan Services, Beth Posner


Reid on olfaction and secondary qualities, Jake Quilty-Dunn


Tarrying with the "Private Parts", Robert F. Reid-Pharr


Cholinergic enhancement of brain activation in mild cognitive impairment during episodic memory encoding, Shannon L. Risacher, Yang Wang, Heather A. Wishart, Laura A. Rabin, Laura A. Flashman, Brenna C. McDonald, John D. West, Robert B. Santulli, and Andrew J. Saykin


Sexual Orientation and Functional Pain in U.S. Young Adults: The Mediating Role of Childhood Abuse, Andrea L. Roberts, Margaret Rosario, Heather L. Corliss, David Wypij, Jennifer R. Lightdale, and S. Bryn Austin


Survey on Humanities Graduate Education and Alternative Academic Careers (Employer Survey), Katina Rogers


Survey on Humanities Graduate Education and Alternative Academic Careers (Main), Katina Rogers


Biomarkers for Brain Disorders Electrochemically Detected By BRODERICK PROBE Microelectrodes/Biosensors, Waqas Saleem and Patricia A. Broderick


TR-2013008: Information Transmission in Communication Games Signaling with an Audience, Farishta Satari


Strengths and Limitations of Qualitative Approaches to Research in Occupational Health Psychology, Irvin Sam Schonfeld and Joseph J. Mazzola


Androgen activity and markers of inflammation among men in NHANES III, Mary Schooling


The effect of statins on testosterone in men and women, a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Mary Schooling, Shiu Lun Au Yeung, Guy Freeman, and Benjamin J. Cowling


Robust training attenuates TBI-induced deficits in reference and working memory on the radial 8-arm maze, Veronica Sebastian, Aissatou Diallo, Douglas S. F. Ling, and Peter A. Serrano


Acute Physiological Stress Promotes Clustering of Synaptic Markers and Alters Spine Morphology in the Hippocampus, Veronica Sebastian, Jim Brian Estil, Daniel Chen, Lisa M. Schrott, and Peter A. Serrano


PKMζ Differentially Utilized between Sexes for Remote Long-Term Spatial Memory, Veronica Sebastian, Tatyana Vergel, Raheela Baig, Lisa M. Schrott, and Peter A. Serrano


The Passiflora tripartita (Banana Passion) Fruit: A Source of Bioactive Flavonoid C-Glycosides Isolated by HSCCC and Characterized by HPLC–DAD–ESI/MS/MS, Mario J. Simirgiotis, Guillermo Schmeda-Hirschmann, Jorge Bórquez, and Edward J. Kennelly


Transformation of Stimulus Correlations by the Retina, Kristina D. Simmons, Jason Prentice, Gašper Tkačik, Jan Homann, Heather K. Yee, Stephanie E. Palmer, Philip C. Nelson, and Vijay Balasubramanian


Queer Housing Nacional Google Group: A Librarian’s Documentation of a Community-Specific Resource, Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz


Friendship, Education, and Justice Teaching: The Professional Development of Two Teacher-Friends, Debbie Sonu


Revisiting the evolution of mouse LINE-1 in the genomic era, Akash Sookdeo, Crystal M. Hepp, Marcella A. McClure, and Stéphane Boissinot


Horizontal cooling towers: riverine ecosystem services and the fate of thermoelectric heat in the contemporary Northeast US, Robert J. Stewart, Wilfred M. Wollheim, Ariel Miara, Charles J. Vorosmarty, Balázs M. Fekete, Richard B. Lammers, and Bernice Rosenzweig


From Toxic Tours to Growing the Grassroots: Tensions in Critical Pedagogy and Community Development, Celina Su and Isabelle Jagninski


Conjuring the Close from Afar A Border-Crossing Tale of Vieques’ Activism and Obama-Empire, Víctor M. Torres-Vélez, Sarah Molinari, and Katharine Lawrence


Microfluidic generated EGF-gradients induce chemokinesis of transplantable retinal progenitor cells via the JAK/STAT and PI3kinase signaling pathways., Uchenna J. Unachukwu, Moira Sauane, Maribel Vazquez, and Stephen Redenti


Capital accumulation with and without land market liberalization: beyond the “Win-Win” situation, George Vachadze


Assessing Regional and Interspecific Variation in Threshold Responses of Forest Breeding Birds through Broad Scale Analyses, Yntze van der Hoek, Rosalind Renfrew, and Lisa L. Manne


Bartolomé LEONARDO DE ARGENSOLA. Relación del torneo de a caballo con que la imperial Zaragoza solemnizó la venida de la serenísima reina de Hungría y de Bohemia... año 1630. Ed. Sandra M.ª Peñasco González. A Coruña: Ediciones del SIELAE, 2012. 167 pp., Almudena Vidorreta


El vicio de la utopía. Un acercamiento a la poética de Emilio Gastón, Almudena Vidorreta


Enfermedad y sátira contra los médicos en las Poesías varias de José Navarro (1654), Almudena Vidorreta


Age-Period-Cohort Projections of Ischaemic Heart Disease Mortality by Socio-Economic Position in a Rapidly Transitioning Chinese Population, Irene O.L. Won, Benjamin J. Cowling, Gabriel M. Leung, and Mary Schooling


Multiscale modeling of the causal functional roles of nsSNPs in a genome-wide association study: application to hypoxia, Li Xie, Clara Ng, Thahmina Ali, Raoul Valencia, Barbara L. Ferreira, Vincent Xue, Maliha Tanweer, Dan Zhou, Gabriel G. Haddad, Philip E. Bourne, and Lei Xie


testosterone, cardiovascular, men, trial, Lin Xu, Guy Freeman, Benjamin J. Cowling, and Mary Schooling


Moderate Alcohol Use and Cardiovascular Disease from Mendelian Randomization, Shiu Lun Au Yeung, Chaoqiang Jiang, Kar Keung Cheng, Benjamin J. Cowling, Bin Liu, Weisen Zhang, Tai Hing Lam, Gabriel M. Leung, and Mary Schooling


Chimeric Rhinoviruses Displaying MPER Epitopes Elicit Anti-HIV Neutralizing Responses, Guohua Yi, Mauro Lapelosa, Rachel Bradley, Thomas M. Mariano, Denise Elsasser Dietz, Scott Hughes, Terri Wrin, Chris Petropoulos, Emilio Gallicchio, Ronald M. Levy, Eddy Arnold, and Gail Ferstandig Arnold

Works from 2012


Sex and vision II: color appearance of monochromatic lights, Israel Abramov, James Gordon, Olga Feldman, and Alla Chavarga


Sex & vision I: Spatio-temporal resolution, Israel Abramov, James Gordon, Olga Feldman, and Alla Chavarga


Gene flow on ice: the role of sea ice and whaling in shaping Holarctic genetic diversity and population differentiation in bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus), S Elizabeth Alter, Howard C. Rosenbaum, Lianne D. Postma, Peter Whitridge, Cork Gaines, Diana Weber, Mary G. Egan, Melissa Lindsay, George Amato, Larry Dueck, Robert L. Brownell, Mads-Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Kristin L. Laidre, Gisella Caccone, and Brittany L. Hancock


Hyphens for disambiguating phrases: Effectiveness for young and older adults, Inge Anema and Loraine Obler


TR-2012010: Explicit Generic Common Knowledge, Evangelia Antonakos


TR-2012011: Binding Modalities, Sergei N. Artemov and Tatiana Yavorskaya (Sidon)


The Search for Pan: Difference and Morality in D. H. Lawrence’s St. Mawr and The Woman Who Rode Away, Ria Banerjee


The Social Life of Musical Instruments, Eliot Bates


What Studios Do, Eliot Bates


Delegated Peformance: Outsourcing Authenticity, Claire Bishop


Accumulation and Rapid Decay of Non-LTR Retrotransposons in the Genome of the Three-Spine Stickleback, Eryn Blass, Michael Bell, and Stéphane Boissinot


Risk Factor Detection as a Metric of STARHS Performance for HIV Incidence Surveillance Among Female Sex Workers in Kigali, Rwanda, Sarah L. Braunstein, Janneke H. van de Wijgert, Joseph Vyankandondera, Evelyn Kestelyn, Justin Ntirushwa, and Denis Nash


History, Interactive Technology and Pedagogy: Past Successes and Future Directions, Stephen Brier


Where’s the Pedagogy? The Role of Teaching and Learning in the Digital Humanities, Stephen Brier


Where From Here? Ideological Perspectives on the Future of the Civil Rights Movement, 1964-1966, Kristopher B. Burrell


Midgut and Fat Body Bacteriocytes in Neotropical Cerambycid Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), Olga Calderon and Amy Berkov


Isolation and Biophysical Study of Fruit Cuticles, Subhasish Chatterjee, Sayantani Sarkar, Julia Oktawiec, Zhantong Mao, Olivia Niitsoo, and Ruth E. Stark


A Librarian's Defense of the Practicable over the Perfect in Scholarly Communication, Jill Cirasella


From Art on the Wall to Something for All: How an Academic Library Turned Its Art Collection into a Campus Attraction, Jill Cirasella and Miriam Deutch


Do You Know Your Rights About What You Write? Understanding Authors’ Rights and Open Access, Jill Cirasella, Mariana Regalado, Alycia Sellie, Beth Evans, and Frans Albarillo