Publications and Research


The Publications and Research series consists of scholarly and creative works (journal articles, book chapters, conference presentations, datasets, etc.) by Graduate Center faculty, students, and professional staff.

Note to Graduate Center students: Do not submit your GC dissertation, thesis, or capstone project to this section of Academic Works. Submit those works to the Dissertations, Theses, and Capstone Projects section. See the library’s deposit guide for instructions.


Works from 2022


Llegir, escriure, escoltar: els paisatges sonors de Guillem Frontera, Antoni Pizà


Lliçons magistrals, Antoni Pizà


Més enllà dels tòpics d’Espanya. Tete Montoliu en context, Antoni Pizà


Qui té por dels ‘Rosalía studies’? Guia de perplexos, Antoni Pizà


Rupturismes: Art sonor a Mallorca, un poc de context, Antoni Pizà


The Double Silence: Reflections on Music and Musicians, Antoni Pizà


Eukaryotic initiation factor 4F promotes a reorientation of eukaryotic initiation factor 3 binding on the 5 and the 3 UTRs of barley yellow dwarf virus mRNA, Paul Powell, Usha Bhardwaj, and Dixie Goss


Supporting women’s research in predominantly undergraduate institutions: Experiences with a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award, Vita C. Rabinowitz and Virginia Valian


Artificial Intelligence and the Situational Rationality of Diagnosis: Human Problem-Solving and the Artifacts of Health and Medicine, Michael W. Raphael


Theorizing, Bounded Rationality, and Expertise: Cognitive Sociology and the Quasi-Realism of Problem-Solving as a Course of Activity, Michael W. Raphael


Perspectives on Determinism in Quantum Mechanics: Born, Bohm, and the 'Quantal Newtonian' Laws, Viraht Sahni


Perspectives on determinism in quantum mechanics: Born, Bohm, and the “Quantal Newtonian” laws, Viraht Sahni


The 'Quantal Newtonian' First Law: A Complementary Perspective to the Stationary-state Quantum Theory of Electrons, Viraht Sahni


Copyright Enforcement in Content-Sharing Platforms, Kameshwari Shankar


On Power’s Doorstep: Gays, Jews, and Liminal Complicity in Reproducing Masculine Domination, Andrew J. Shapiro


Libraries and the Problem of Digital Humanities Discovery, Roxanne Shirazi


Ten Steps to Organize a Virtual Scientific Symposium and Engage Your Global Audience, Jiye Son, Jasmine Sabio, Ankit Jain, and Rein V. Ulijn


How Many Mutex Bugs Can a Simple Analysis Find in Go Programs?, Fumi Takeuchi, Hidehiko Masuhara, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Youyou Cong, and Keisuke Ishibashi


A Tool for Rejuvenating Feature Logging Levels via Git Histories and Degree of Interest, Yiming Tang, Allan Spektor, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, and Mehdi Bagherzadeh


Borders: A Story of Political Imagination, Miriam Ticktin


Intersecting Mobilities: Beyond the Autonomy of Movement and Power of Place, Miriam Ticktin and Rafi Youatt


Asian hate speech detection on Twitter during COVID-19, Amir Toliyat, Sarah Ita Levitan, Zeng Peng, and Ronak Etemadpour


"Prophecies of Loss": Debating Slave Flight During Virginia's Secession Crisis, Evan Turiano


Attending to and Transforming Power Dynamics in Translanguaged Research Relationships and Methodology, Sara Vogel


Health effects of Indigenous language use and revitalization: a realist review, D. H. Whalen, Melissa E. Lewis, Stefanie Gillson, Brittany McBeath, Bri Alexander, and Kate Nyhan


Black Feminist Citational Praxis and Disciplinary Belonging, Bianca C. Williams


Characterizing changes in extreme ozone levels under 2050s climate conditions: An extreme-value analysis in California, Bradley Wilson, Mariah Pope, Jeremy R. Porter, Edward Kearns, Evelyn Shu, Mark Bauer, Neil Freeman, Mike Amodeo, David Melecio-Vazquez, Ho Hsieh, and Maggie Tarasovitch


Rhetoric of the Invisible (Or, How Bisexual People Demand To Be Seen), Olivia Wood


Deep learning prediction of chemical-induced dose-dependent and context-specific multiplex phenotype responses and its application to personalized alzheimer’s disease drug repurposing, You Wu, Qiao Liu, Yue Qiu, and Lei Xie


Treatment of Gravitational Pulling Sensation in Patients With Mal de Debarquement Syndrome (MdDS): A Model-Based Approach, Sergei B. Yakushin, Theodore Raphan, and Catherine Cho


Markovnikov alcohols via epoxide hydroboration by molecular alkali metal catalysts, Guoqi Zhang, Haisu Zeng, Shengping Zheng, Michelle C. Neary, and Los Alamos National Laboratory

Works from 2021


Lives in Musicology: My Life in Writings, Kofi Agawu


O tonalismo como força colonizadora na África, Kofi Agawu and José H. Padovani


Philosophy in the Narrative Mode: Alexander the Great as an ethical character from Roman to medieval Islamicate literature, Anna Ayşe Akasoy


Innovative Virtual Role Play Simulations for Managing Substance Use Conversations: Pilot Study Results and Relevance During and After COVID-19, Glenn Albright, Nikita Khalid, Kristen Shockley, Kelsey Robinson, Kevin Hughes, and Bethany Pace-Danley


Sanctuary Says, Alexandra Délano Alonso, Abou Farman, Anne McNevin, and Miriam Ticktin


Oligomerization of Mutant p53 R273H is not Required for Gain-of-Function Chromatin Associated Activities, George K. Annor, Nour Elshabassy, Devon Lundine, Don-Gerard Conde, Gu Xiao, Viola Ellison, and Jill Bargonetti


Dimers, orientifolds and anomalies, Riccardo Argurio, Matteo Bertolini, Sebastían Franco, Eduardo Garcia-Valdecasas, Shani Meynet, Antoine Pasternak, and Valdo Tatitscheff


Dimers, orientifolds and stability of supersymmetry breaking vacua, Riccardo Argurio, Matteo Bertolini, Sebastían Franco, Eduardo García-Valdecasas, Shani Meynet, Antoine Pasternak, and Valdo Tatitscheff


Sonic Femininity: The Ronettes' Transgressive Gender Performance, Hilarie Ashton


Learning of Food Preferences: Mechanisms and Implications for Obesity & Metabolic Diseases, Hans-Rudolf Berthoud, Christopher D. Morrison, Karen Ackroff, and Anthony Sclafani


Occupational depression, cognitive performance, and task appreciation: A study based on Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices, Renzo Bianchi and Irvin Sam Schonfeld


Who needs to be “burned-out”? Time for a new approach to job-related distress, Renzo Bianchi and Irvin Sam Schonfeld


Is burnout a depressive condition? A 14-sample meta-analytic and bifactor analytic study, Renzo Bianchi, Jay Verkuilen, Irvin S. Schonfeld, Jari J. Hakanen, Markus Jansson-Fröjmark, Guadalupe Manzano-García, Eric Laurent, and Laurenz L. Meier


How/Can Gestalt Therapy Promote Liberation from Anti-Black Racism?, Michelle Billies


How Communications That Portray Unhealthy Food Consumption Reduce Food Intake Among Dieters, Mia M. Birau, Diogo Hildebrand, and Carolina O.C. Werle


Phylogenomics of alligator lizards elucidate diversification patterns across the Mexican Transition Zone and support the recognition of a new genus, Christopher Blair, Robert W. Bryson Jr, Uri O. García-Vázquez, Adrián Nieto-Montes De Oca, David Lazcano, John E. McCormack, and John Klicka


Covid-19 and Racial Justice in Urban Education: NYC Parents Speak Out, Kelly Brady, Mieasia Edwards, Whitney Hollins, José Luis Jiménez, Wendy Luttrell, William Orellana, David Rosas, and Nga Than


Crowd Salience Heightens Tolerance to Healthy Facial Features, Mitch Brown, Ryan E. Tracy, Steven G. Young, and Donald F. Sacco


Intra-participant and Inter-analyst Cacophony: Working the Hyphen Between Modalities Using Provocative Reflexivity, David A. Caicedo, Andrea Nikté Juarez Mendoza, and Miguel Pinedo


Exploration of Dark Chemical Genomics Space via Portal Learning: Applied to Targeting the Undruggable Genome and COVID-19 Anti-Infective Polypharmacology, Tian Cai, Li Xie, Muge Chen, Yang Liu, Di He, Shuo Zhang, Cameron Mura, Philip Boume, and Lei Xie


Arthur Cravan, Mary Ann Caws


Gap junction-mediated glycinergic inhibition ensures precise temporal patterning in vocal behavior, Boris P. Chagnaud, Jonathan T. Perelmuter, Paul M. Forlano, and Andrew H. Bass


Shhh-tereotypes: A Conversation among Librarians with Hearing Loss, Jill Cirasella, Lee Ann Fullington, Monica Berger, and William Gargan


Case 3847 – Simopithecus oswaldi Andrews, 1916 (currently Theropithecus oswaldi; Mammalia, Primates, CERCOPITHECIDAE), proposed conservation by reversal of precedence with Cynocephalus atlanticus Thomas, 1884., Eric Delson, David M. Alba, Stephen R. Frost, Dagmawit Abebe Getahun, and Christopher C. Gilbert


Notas para una teoría glotopolítica, José del Valle


On the future of IJSL: trans-collaboration and how to overcome the structural constraints on knowledge production, distribution and dissemination, José del Valle


Autorretrato de un idioma: metalenguaje, glotopolítica e historia, José del Valle, Daniela Lauria, Mariela Oroño, and Darío Rojas


Telomeric and Sub-Telomeric Structure and Implications in Fungal Opportunistic Pathogens, Raffaella Diotti, Michelle Esposito, and Chang Hui Shen


Public Knowledge, Emily Drabinski


How Drawing to Distract Improves Mood in Children, Jennifer E. Drake


Resuming On-site Services: Final Report and Recommendations of the CUNY Libraries COVID-19 Task Force (April 2021), Kathleen M. Dreyer, Jeffrey Delgago, Karen Okamoto, Steven Ovadia, Roxanne Shirazi, Michael Waldman, Haruko Yamauchi, and Simone Yearwood


Color charge correlations in the proton at NLO: Beyond geometry based intuition, Adrian Dumitru, Heikki Mäntysaari, and Risto Paatelainen


The Effects of Late Spring Frost on Forest and Landscape Health and Recovery of the Black Rock Forest, New York, Caroline Eco, Oliver Imhans, Aaron Davitt, and Andrew B. Reinmann


Minerva Cuevas: Disidencia, Alaina Claire Feldman, Clayton Press, Solange Farkas, and Gabriel Bogossian


Sites of Circadian Clock Neuron Plasticity Mediate Sensory Integration and Entrainment, Maria P. Fernand, Hannah L. Pettibone, Joseph T. Bogart, Casey J. Roell, Charles E. Davey, Ausra Pranevicius, Khang V. Huynh, Sara M. Lennox, Boyan Kostadinov, and Orie T. Shafer


Assessment of judgment ability in a Brazilian sample of patients with mild cognitive impairment and dementia, Patrícia Helena Figueirêdo do Vale-Britto, Laura Rabin, Livia Spindola, Ricardo Nitrini, and Sonia Maria Dozzi Brucki


Testimonio and Counterstorytelling by Immigrant-Origin Children and Youth: Insights That Amplify Immigrant Subjectivities, Ariana Mangual Figueroa and Wendy Barrales


Extracellular vesicles released by human retinal pigment epithelium mediate increased polarised secretion of drusen proteins in response to AMD stressors, Miguel Flores-Bellver, Jason Mighty, Silvia Aparicio-Domingo, Kang V. Li, Cui Shi, Jing Zhou, Hannah Cobb, Patrick McGrath, German Michelis, Patricia Lenhart, Ganna Bilousova, Søren Heissel, Michael J. Rudy, Christina Coughlan, Andrew E. Goodspeed, S. Patricia Becerra, Stephen Redenti, and M. Valeria Canto-Soler


Calabi-Yau products: graded quivers for general toric Calabi-Yaus, Sebastián Franco and Azeem Hasan


JLSC Board Editorial 2021, Anne Gilliland, Rebekah Kati, Jennifer Solomon, Dave S. Ghamandi, Jill Cirasella, David Lewis, and DeDe Dawson


Aphasia in multilingual patients, Mira Goral and Zahra Hejazi


Ensuring Survey Research Data Integrity in the Era of Internet Bots, Marybec Griffin, Richard J. Martino, Caleb LoSchiavo, Camilla Comer-Carruthers, Kristen D. Krause, Christopher B. Stults, and Perry N. Halkitis


O Espaço e o Tempo do Valor, David Harvey and Artur Renzo


The ‘Global South’ in the study of world politics: examining a meta category, Sebastian Haug, Jacqueline Braveboy-Wagner, and Günther Maihold


A cross-level information transmission network forhierarchical omics data integration and phenotypeprediction from a new genotype, Di He and Lei Xie


Graduate Student Employee Unionization in the Second Gilded Age, William A. Herbert and Joseph van der Naald


A Comparative Perspective on Three Primate Species’ Responses to a Pictorial Emotional Stroop Task, Lydia M. Hopper, Matthias Allritz, Crystal L. Egelkamp, Sarah M. Huskisson, Sarah L. Jacobson, Jesse G. Leinwand, and Stephen R. Ross


Changes in Histone H3 Acetylation on Lysine 9 Accompany Aβ 1-40 Overexpression in an Alzheimer’s Disease Yeast Model, Muna M. Hugais, Samantha N. Cobos, Seth A. Bennett, Jailene Paredes, Genevieve Foran, and Mariana P. Torrente


Ecological Selectivity and the Evolution of Mammalian Substrate Preference Across the K–Pg Boundary, Jonathan J. Hughes, Jacob S. Berv, Stephen G. B. Chester, Eric J. Sargis, and Daniel J. Field


The Case for Public Investment in Higher Pay for New York State Home Care Workers: Estimated Costs and Savings, Isaac Jabola-Carolus, Stephanie Luce, and Ruth Milkman


A new vine snake (Reptilia, Colubridae, Oxybelis) from Peru and redescription of O. acuminatus, Robert C. Jadin, Michael J. Jowers, Sarah A. Orlofske, William E. Duellman, Christopher Blair, and John C. Murphy


Single-locus species delimitation and ecological niche modeling provide insights into the evolution, historical distribution, and taxonomy of the Pacific Chorus Frogs, Robert C. Jadin, Sarah A. Orlofske, Tereza Jezkova, and Christopher Blair


Partisanship and the Politics of COVID Vaccine Hesitancy, David Jones and Monika L. McDermott


Light-ray moments as endpoint contributions to modular Hamiltonians, Daniel Kabat, Gilad Lifschytz, Phuc Nguyen, and Debajyoti Sarkar


A Systematic Review of Diet Quality Index and Obesity among Chinese Adults, Isma'il Kadam, Sudeep Neupane, Jingkai Wei, Lee Ann Fullington, Tricia Li, Ruopeng An, Li Zhao, Amy Ellithorpe, Xinyin Jiang, and Liang Wang


COVID‑19, Race/Ethnicity, and Age: the Role of Telemedicine to Close the Gaps on Health Disparities, Andreas Kakolyris, Juan J. DelaCruz, and Christos I. Giannikos


Agency Rescues Competition for Credit Assignment Among Predictive Cues from Adverse Learning Conditions, Mihwa Kang, Ingrid Reverte, Stephen Volz, Keith Kaufman, Salvatore Fevola, Anna Matarazzo, Fahd H. Alhazmi, Inmaculada Marquez, Mihaela D. Iordanova, and Guillem R. Esber


How Phantom Networks, Provider Qualities, and Poverty Sway Medicaid Dental Care Access: A Geospatial Analysis of Manhattan, Destiny Kelley and Shipeng Sun


Open-source computational framework for studying Drosophila behavioral phase, Boyan Kostadinov, Hannah Lee Pettibone, Evardra Valerie Bell, Xiaona Zhou, Ausra Pranevicius, Orie Thomas Shafer, and Maria Paz Fernandez


New Skull Material of Taeniolabis taoensis (Multituberculata, Taeniolabididae) from the Early Paleocene (Danian) of the Denver Basin, Colorado, David W. Krause, Simone Hoffman, Tyler R. Lyson, Lindsay G. Dougan, Holger Petermann, Adrienne Tecza, Stephen B. Chester, and Ian M. Miller


A Fused Radar–Optical Approach for Mapping Wetlands and Deepwaters of the Mid–Atlantic and Gulf Coast Regions of the United States, Brian T. Lamb, Maria A. Tzortziou, and Kyle C. McDonald


Can Investment shocks helps to explain the US business cycles?, Swapnil Landge


Public Debt, Its Impact on GDP & Crowding out effect: Evidence from the USA, Swapnil Landge


Strengthening the semantic verb network in multilingual people with aphasia: within- and cross-language treatment effects, Aviva Lerman, Mira Goral, Lisa Edmonds, and Loraine K. Obler


Ultrafast thermal modification of strong coupling in an organic microcavity, Bin Liu, Vinod M. Menon, and Matthew Y. Sfeir


COVID-19 Multi-Targeted Drug Repurposing Using Few-Shot Learning, Yang Liu, You Wu, Xiaoke Shen, and Lei Xie


Safety and Belonging in Immigrant-Serving Districts: Domains of Educator Practice in a Charged Political Landscape, Rebecca Lowenhaupt, Dafney Blanca Dabach, and Ariana Mangual Figueroa


Luminescence properties of hexagonal boron nitride powders probed by deep UV photoluminescence spectroscopy, Nikesh Maharjan and Mim Lal Nakarmi


The Rosalía Polemic: Defining Genre Boundaries and Legitimacy in Flamenco, Peter L. Manuel