Publications and Research
Works from 2002
Laboratory Response to Anthrax Bioterrorism, New York City, 2001, Michael B. Heller, Michel L. Bunning, Martin E.B. France, Debra M. Niemeyer, Leonard Peruski, Tim Naimi, Phillip M. Talboy, Patrick H. Murray, Harald W. Pietz, John Kornblum, William Oleszko, Sara T. Beatrice, Joint Microbiological Rapid Response Team, New York City Anthrax Investigation Working Group, and Denis Nash
Anti-Minority Riots in Unified Germany: Cultural Conflicts and Mischanneled Political Participation, Roger Karapin
On the ‘‘Misogyny’’ of Jean-Jacques Rousseau: The Letter to d’Alembert in Historical Context, Helena Rosenblatt
Mercury exposure and malaria prevalence among gold miners in Pará, Brazil, Ellen K. Silbergeld, Denis Nash, Circey Trevant, G. Thomas Strickland, Jose Maria de Souza, and Rui S.U. da Silva
Works from 2001
The Outbreak of West Nile Virus Infection in the New York City Area in 1999, Denis Nash, Farzad Mostashari, Annie Fine, James Miller, Daniel O'Leary, Kristy Murray, Ada Huang, Amy Rosenberg, Abby Greenberg, Margaret Sherman, Susan Wong, and Marcelle Layton
0920+3517_NIR_SpeX, Maria Teresa Ruiz
Hip-Hop/Scotch: "Sounding Francophone" in French and United States Cultures, Francesca Sautman
Works from 2000
1237+6526_OPT_LRIS, Adam J. Burgasser
Nutritional Therapies for Ulcerative Colitis: Literature Review, Chart Review Study, and Future Research, Joel S. Edman, William (Bill) H. Williams, and Robert C. Atkins
0539-0058_OPT_DIS, Xiaohui Fan
Epitope-Tagged P0Glycoprotein Causes Charcot-Marie-Tooth–Like Neuropathy in Transgenic Mice, Stefano C. Previtali, Angelo Quattrini, Marina Fasolini, Maria Carla Panzeri, Antonello Villa, Marie T. Filbin, Wenhui Li, Shing-Yan Chiu, Albee Messing, Lawrence Wrabetz, and M. Laura Feltri
The Role of Pathology in an Investigation of an Outbreak of West Nile Encephalitis in New York, 1999, Wun-Ju Shieh, Jeannette Guarner, Marci Layton, Annie Fine, James Miller, Denis Nash, Grant L. Campbell, John T. Roehrig, Duane J. Gubler, and Sherif R. Zaki
Works from 1999
Outbreak of West Nile-Like Viral Encephalitis -- New York, 1999, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Denis Nash
Update: West Nile-Like Viral Encephalitis — New York, 1999, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Denis Nash
Update: West Nile Virus Encephalitis — New York, 1999, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Denis Nash
The Politics of Immigration Control in Britain and Germany: Subnational Politicians and Social Movements, Roger Karapin
Works from 1998
Explaining Far-Right Electoral Successes in Germany: The Politicization of Immigration-Related Issues, Roger Karapin
Radical-Right and Neo-Fascist Political Parties in Western Europe, Roger Karapin
The Guillain-Barre syndrome and the 1992-1993 and 1993-1994 influenza vaccines, Tamar Lasky, Gina J. Terracciano, Laurence Magder, Carol Lee Koski, Michael Ballesteros, Denis Nash, Shelley Clarke, Penina Haber, Paul D. Stolley, Lawrence B. Schonberger, and Robert T. Chen
Performance Indices for Multivariate Ice Hockey Statistics, William (Bill) H. Williams and David A. Williams
WHO WON THE 1996 NHL PLUS-MINUS AWARD?, William (Bill) H. Williams and David A. Williams
Works from 1997
Responses to Teacher Feedback on Errors Differ by Age and Gender, Sandra P. Clarkson and William (Bill) H. Williams Ph.D
On Epistemology, Whiteness, and Sexual Politics: Personal Reflections on Standpoint and White Supremacist Discourse, Jessie Daniels
White Supremacist Movement(s) in a White Supremacist Context, Jessie Daniels
Myelin-associated Glycoprotein Interacts with Neurons via a Sialic Acid Binding Site at ARG118 and a Distinct Neurite Inhibition Site, Song Tang, Ying Jing Shen, Maria Elena DeBellard, Gitali Mukhopadhyay, James L. Salzer, Paul R. Crocker, and Marie T. Filbin
Effects of a Sugar-Free Hypoallerdenic Diet and Nutrtional Supplementation on Ulcerative Colitis, William (Bill) H. Williams, Robert C. Atkins MD, and Joel S. Edman
Are Salaries in the National Hockey League Related to Nationality?, William (Bill) H. Williams and David A. Williams
Works from 1996
On epidemiology and geographic information systems: a review and discussion of future directions, K. C. Clarke, S. L. McLafferty, and B. J. Tempalski
Devil, Not-Quite-White, Rootless Cosmopolitan: Tsuris in Latin America, the Bronx, and the USSR, Marc Edelman
Stochastic Approximation Methods for Systems Over an Infinite Horizon, Harold J. Kushner and Felisa Vázquez-Abad
Works from 1995
Performance Indices for On-Ice Hockey Statistics, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1994
How Much Does Poor Reading Lower Math Scores?, William (Bill) H. Williams and Sandra P. Clarkson Ph.D
Works from 1991
Dispensable Statistics, William (Bill) H. Williams
Generating Unbiased Ratio and Regression Estimators, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1990
Collecting Folk Narratives in New York City Today, Francesca Sautman
Teaching French with the Fairy Tale: Folk Tales Written by Students of French, Francesca Sautman
Works from 1989
Le conte 425B: rites de mariage et parcours magique, Francesca Sautman
Works from 1988
Ni(II) (dioxo[16]aneN5)-Induced Methane Formation from Methyl Coenzyme M, Charles Michael Drain, Barry B. Cordon, and David B. Sable
Works from 1987
Reversible oxygenation of oxygen transport proteins, Charles Michael Drain and Barry B. Cordon
Works from 1986
Dora María Téllez interview, Marc Edelman
Works from 1981
An Integrated Information Capability for Policy Analysis, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1979
0435-1606_OPT_GoldCam, W. J. Luyten
Works from 1978
How Bad Can Good Data Really Be?, William (Bill) H. Williams
Selection Biases in Fixed Panel Studies, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1976
Aggregate Versus Subaggregate Models in Local Area Forecasting, D. M. Dunn, William (Bill) H. Williams, and T. L. DeChaine
Works from 1974
The Statistical Development of an Index of Office Performance, William (Bill) H. Williams and Hwei Chen
Works from 1973
Ambiguities in the Cross-Section Analysis of Per Share Financial Data, E G. Davis, D M. Dunn, and William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1972
Neural Organization of the Median Ocellus of the Dragonfly: I. Intracellular electrical activity, Richard L. Chappell and John E. Dowling
Neural Organization of the Median Ocellus of the Dragonfly: II. Synaptic structure, John E. Dowling and Richard L. Chappell
Works from 1971
Analysis and Prediction of Telephone Demand in Local Geographic Areas, Douglas M. Dunn, William (Bill) H. Williams, and W. Allen Spivey
A Statistical Grouping of Corporations by their Financial Characteristics., William (Bill) H. Williams and Michael L. Goodman
A Simple Method for the Construction of Empirical Confidence Limits for Economic Forecasts, William (Bill) H. Williams and M. L. Goodman
Works from 1970
The Systematic Bias Effects of Incomplete Responses in Rotation Samples, William (Bill) H. Williams
Systematic Biases in Panel Surveys Due to Differential Nonresponse., William (Bill) H. Williams and Colin L. Mallows PhD
Works from 1968
Analysis of Time Usage in Bell System Business Offices, William (Bill) H. Williams and Hwei Chen
Works from 1966
A Linear Model Approach to Time and Cost Analysis, William (Bill) H. Williams
An Analysis of Time and Cost Studies by Frequency Counts, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1964
Sample Selection and the Choice of Estimator in Two-Way Stratified Populations, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1962
The Variance of an Estimator with Post-Stratified Weighting.pdf, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1961
On the Order of a Bias, William (Bill) H. Williams
Works from 1954
Life Insurance?, William (Bill) H. Williams