Publications and Research
Works from 2015
Effectiveness of a Leadership Development Program that Incorporates Social and Emotional Intelligence for Aspiring School Leaders, Maria Trinidad Sanchez-Nunez, Janet Patti, and Allison Holzer
Blocking anaplerotic entry of glutamine to TCA cycle sensitizes K-Ras mutant cancer cells to cytotoxic drugs, Mahesh Saqcena, Suman Mukhopadhyay, Carol Hosny, Arwa Alhamed, Amrita Chatterjee, and David A. Foster
Identifying Individual Risk Factors and Documenting the Pattern of Heat-Related Illness through Analyses of Hospitalization and Patterns of Household Cooling, Michael T. Schmeltz, Grace Sembajwe, Peter J. Marcotullio, Jean A. Grassman, David U. Himmelstein, and Stephanie Woolhandler
A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985–2009, Sapna Sharma, Derek K. Gray, Jordan S. Read, Catherine M. O’Reilly, Philipp Schneider, Anam Qudrat, Corinna Gries, Samantha Stefanoff, Stephanie E. Hampton, Simon Hook, John D. Lenters, David M. Livingstone, Peter B. McIntyre, Rita Adrian, Mathew G. Allan, Orlane Anneville, Lauri Arvola, Jay Austin, John Bailey, Jill S. Baron, and Nihar R. Samal
Emerging Roles of Health Care Providers to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts: A Perspective from East Harlem, New York, Perry E. Sheffield, Kathleen T. Durante, Elena Rahona, and Christina Zarcadoolas
Hot Spot Mutation in TP53 (R248Q) Causes Oncogenic Gain-of-Function Phenotypes in a Breast Cancer Cell Line Derived from an African American Patient, Nataly Shtraizent, Hiroshi Matsui, Alla Polotskaia, and Jill Bargonetti
New Insights into the Evolution of the Human Diet from Faecal Biomarker Analysis in Wild Chimpanzee and Gorilla Faeces, Ainara Sistiaga, Richard Wrangham, Jessica M. Rothman, and Roger E. Summons
Improving antenatal care in prisons, Molly Skerker, Nathaniel Dickey, Dana Schonberg, Ross MacDonald, and Homer Venters
Acute Cocaine Differentially Induces PKA Phosphorylation Substrates in Male and Female Rats, Wei-Lun Sun, Luyi Zhou, Arbi Nazarian, Vanya Quinones-Jenab, and Shirzad Jenab
Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Older Chinese: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, Yangbo Sun, Chao Qiang Jiang, Kar Keung Cheng, Wei Sen Zhang, Gabriel M. Leung, Tai Hing Lam, and Mary Schooling
Nut Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk in Older Chinese: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, Yangbo Sun, Chao Qiang Jiang, Kar Keung Cheng, Wei Sen Zhang, Gabriel M. Leung, Tai Hing Lam, and Mary Schooling
Libraries as gateways of learning and librarians as capable facilitators, Wendy W. Tan
BAYESIAN NONPARAMETRIC CROSS-STUDY VALIDATION OF PREDICTION METHODS, Lorenzo Trippa, Levi Waldron, Curtis Huttenhower, and Giovanni Parmigiani
Birth Outcomes of Latin Americans in Two Countries with Contrasting Immigration Admission Policies: Canada and Spain, Marcelo L. Urquia, Zoua M. Vang, and Francisco Bolumar
Parity of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Women in Brazil: Does the Reported Number of Children Born Depend upon Who Answers National Census Questions?, Ricardo Ventura Santos, João Luiz Bastos, Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz, Luciene Aparecida Ferreira de Barros Longo, Nancy May Flowers, and Nilza de Oliveira Martins Pereira
Critical Time Intervention for People Leaving Shelters in the Netherlands: Assessing Fidelity and Exploring Facilitators and Barriers, Renee de Vet, Danielle A. M. Lako, Marielle D. Beijersbergen, Linda van den Dries, Sarah Conover, Albert M. van Hemert, Daniel Herman, and Judith R. L. M. Wolf
Pathway and Network Approaches for Identification of Cancer Signature Markers from Omics Data, Jinlian Wang, Yiming Zuo, Yan-gao Man, Itzhak Avital, Alexander Stojadinovic, Meng Liu, Xiaowei Yang, Rency S. Varghese, Mahlet G. Tadesse, and Habtom W. Ressom
Hidden in Plain Sight: The Story of the Hunter College Collection of Puerto Rican Graphic Arts, Sarah Laleman Ward
A Wider Pelvis Does Not Increase Locomotor Cost in Humans, with Implications for the Evolution of Childbirth, Anna G. Warrener, Kristi L. Lewton, Herman Pontzer, and Daniel E. Lieberman
Developing multi-target therapeutics to fine-tune the evolutionary dynamics of the cancer ecosystem, Lei Xie and Philip E. Bourne
Alcohol Use and Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Using a Mendelian Randomization Design in the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, Lin Xu, Chao Qiang Jiang, Kar Keung Cheng, Shiu Lun Ryan Au Yeung, Wei Sen Zhang, Tai Hing Lam, and Catherine Mary Schooling
Alcohol Use and Gamma-Glutamyltransferase Using a MendelianRandomization Design in the Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, Lin Xu, Chao Qiang Jiang, Kar Keung Cheng, Shiu Lun Ryan Au Yeung, Wei Sen Zhang, Tai Hing Lam, and Mary Schooling
Environmental Enrichment Increases Glucocorticoid Receptors and Decreases GluA2 and Protein Kinase M Zeta (PKMζ) Trafficking During Chronic Stress: A Protective Mechanism?, Roseanna M. Zanca, Stephen H. Braren, Brigid Maloney, Lisa M. Schrott, Victoria N. Luine, and Peter A. Serrano
PARN deadenylase is involved in miRNA-dependent degradation of TP53 mRNA in mammalian cells, Xiaokan Zhang, Emral Devany, Michael R. Murphy, Galina Glazman, Mirjana Persaud, and Frida E. Kleiman
Genetically Predicted Testosterone and Systemic Inflammation in Men: A Separate-Sample Mendelian Randomization Analysis in Older Chinese Men, Jie Zhao, Chaoqiang Jiang, Tai Hing Lam, Bin Liu, Kar Keung Cheng, Lin Xu, Shiu Lun Au Yeung, Weisen Zhang, Gabriel M. Leung, and C. Mary Schooling
Works from 2014
In What Senses are Free Spirits Free?, Christa Davis Acampora
Wigner High-Electron-Correlation Regime of Nonuniform Density Systems: A Quantal-Density-Functional-Theory Study, Douglas Achan, Lou Massa, and Viraht Sahni
Indicator Analysis for Unpacking Poverty in New York City, Jochen Albrecht and Mimi Abramovitz
Intramolecular Nitrogen Delivery for the Synthesis of C-Glycosphingolipids. Application to the C-Glycoside of the Immunostimulant KRN7000, Ahmad Sabri Altiti and David R. Mootoo
Sample Limited Characterization of a Novel Disulfide- Rich Venom Peptide Toxin from Terebrid Marine Snail Terebra variegata, Prachi Anand, Alexandre Grigoryan, Mohammed H. Bhuiyan, Beatrix Ueberheide, Victoria Russell, Jose Quiñonez, Patrick Moy, Brian T. Chait, Sébastien F. Poget, and Mandë Holford
Species-level view of population structure and gene flow for a critically endangered primate (Varecia variegata), Andrea L. Baden, Sheila M. Holmes, Steig E. Johnson, Shannon E. Engberg, Edward E. Louis, and Brenda J. Bradley
Supervisor Use of Video as a Tool in Teacher Reflection, Laura H. Baecher, Bede McCormack, and Shiao-Chuan Kung
Adaptive Markov Chain Monte Carlo Sampling and Estimation in Mata, Matthew J. Baker
1424+0917_NIR_SpeX, Daniella C. Bardalez Gagliuffi
1539-0520_NIR_SpeX, Daniella C. Bardalez Gagliuffi
Comparative Population Assessments of Nautilus sp. in the Philippines, Australia, Fiji, and American Samoa Using Baited Remote Underwater Video Systems, Gregory Jeff Barord, Frederick Dooley, Andrew Dunstan, Anthony Ilano, Karen N. Keister, Heike Neumeister, Thomas Preuss, Shane Schoepfer, and Peter D. Ward
Beyond Satisfaction: Understanding and Promoting the Instructor-Librarian Relationship, Margaret Bausman, Sarah Laleman Ward, and John Pell
Nancy Huston's Danse Noire, Elizabeth Klosty Beaujour
Freeze Dried Blueberry Powder Fortification Improves the Quality of Gluten Free Snacks, Sikha Bhaduri and Khursheed Navder
Methamphetamine-induced short-term increase and long-term decrease in spatial working memory affects protein Kinase M zeta (PKMζ), dopamine, and glutamate receptors, Stephen H. Braren, Damian Drapala, Ingrid K. Tulloch, and Peter A. Serrano
Maternal overweight and obesity and risk of congenital heart defects in offspring, Jennifer Brite, Sarah Katherine Laughon, James Troendle, and James Mills
Inferring the Provenance of an Alien Species with DNA Barcodes: The Neotropical Butterfly Dryas iulia in Thailand, Noah A. Burg, Ashman Pradhan, Rebecca M. Gonzalez, Emely Z. Morban, Erica W. Zhen, Watana Sakchoowong, and David J. Lohman
Postmodern Fuzzy System Theory: A Deconstruction Approach Based on Kabbalah, Gabriel Burstein, Constantin Virgil Negoita, and Menachem Kranz
Lesions of lateral or central amygdala abolish aversive Pavlovian-to-instrumental transfer in rats, Vincent D. Campese, Jeanny Kim, Gabriel Lázaro-Muñoz, Lashawn Pena, Joseph E. LeDoux, and Christopher K. Cain
Minerals in the Foods Eaten by Mountain Gorillas (Gorilla beringei), Emma C. Cancelliere, Nicole DeAngelis, John Bosco Nkurunungi, David R. Raubenheimer, and Jessica M. Rothman
Engagement with Health Care Providers Affects Self- Efficacy, Self-Esteem, Medication Adherence and Quality of Life in People Living with HIV, Wei-Ti Chen, Dean Wantland, Paula Reid, Inge B. Corless, Lucille S. Eller, Scholastika Iipinge, William L. Holzemer, Kathleen Nokes, Elizbeth Sefcik, Marta Rivero-Mendez, Joachim Voss, Patrice Nicholas, J. Craig Phillips, John M. Brion, Caro Dawson Rose, Carmen J. Portillo, Kenn Kirksey, Kathleen M. Sullivan, Mallory O. Johnson, and Lynda Tyer-Viola
Tax structure and revenue instability: the Great Recession and the states, Howard Chernick, Cordelia Reimers, and Jennifer Tennant
From Crisis Pregnancy Centers to Teenbreaks.com: Anti-abortion Activism's Use of Cloaked Websites, Jessie Daniels
A Vision for Inclusion: An LGBT Broadband Future, Jessie Daniels and Mary L. Gray
Pioneering Digital Sociology, Jessie Daniels and Heidi Knoblauch
Engaging Academics and Reimagining Scholarly Communication for the Public Good: A Report, Jessie Daniels and Polly Thistlethwaite
BorreliaBase: a phylogeny-centered browser of Borrelia genomes, Lia Di, Pedro E. Pagan, Daniel Packer, Che L. Martin, Saymon Akther, Girish Ramrattan, Emmanuel F. Mongodin, Claire M. Fraser, Steven E. Schutzer, Benjamin J. Luft, Sherwood R. Casjens, and Wei-Gang Qiu
Characteristics and comprehensiveness of adult HIV care and treatment programmes in Asia-Pacific, sub-Saharan Africa and the Americas: results of a site assessment conducted by the International epidemiologic Databases to Evaluate AIDS (IeDEA) Collaboration, Stephany N. Duda, Amanda M. Farr, Mary Lou Lindegren, Meridith Blevins, C William Wester, Kara Wools-Kaloustian, Didier K. Ekouevi, Matthias Egger, Jennifer Hemingway-Foday, David A. Cooper, Richard D. Moore, Catherine C. McGowan, and Denis Nash
Food Sovereignty: Forgotten Genealogies and Future Regulatory Challenges, Marc Edelman
Ciclos de acaparamiento de tierras en Centroamérica: Un argumento a favor de historizar y un estudio de caso del Bajo Aguán, Honduras, Marc Edelman and Andrés León
Introduction: critical perspectives on food sovereignty, Marc Edelman, Tony Weis, Amita Baviskar, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Eric Holt-Giménez, Deniz Kandiyoti, and Wendy Wolford
The Future of Public Health Informatics: Alternative Scenarios and Recommended Strategies, Margo Edmunds, Lorna Thorpe, Martin Sepulveda, Clem Bezold, and David A. Ross
Mercy, Stuart Ewen Ph.D.
Lethal but Legal: Corporations, Consumption, and Protecting Public Health (Preface), Nicholas Freudenberg
1207-3900_NIR_SpeX, Jonathan Gagné
1207-3900_OPT_MagE, Jonathan Gagné
Evolutionary cognitive therapy versus standard cognitive therapy for depression: a protocol for a blinded, randomized, superiority clinical trial, Cezar Giosan, Oana Cobeanu, Cristina Mogoase, Vlad Muresan, Loretta S. Malta, Katarzyna Wyka, and Aurora Szentagotai
The Health Advantage of a Vegan Diet: Exploring the Gut Microbiota Connection, Marian Glick-Bauer and Ming-Chin Yeh
Strongly Localized Image States of Spherical Graphitic Particles, Godfrey Gumbs, Antonios Balassis, Andrii Iurov, and Paula Fekete
Mafia or Farmer? Coevolutionary consequences of retaliation and farming as predator strategies upon host nests by avian brood parasites, Mark E. Hauber
Functionally distinct PI 3-kinase pathways regulate myelination in the peripheral nervous system, Bradley A. Heller, Monica Ghidinelli, Jakob Voelkl, Steven Einheber, Ryan Smith, Ethan Grund, Grant Morahan, David Chandler, Luba Kalaydjieva, Filippo Giancotti, Rosalind H. King, Aniko Naray Fejes-Toth, Gerard Fejes-Toth, Maria Laura Feltri, Florian Lang, and James L. Salzer
C. elegans CEP-1/p53 and BEC-1 Are Involved in DNA Repair, Sandy Hoffman, Daniel Martin, Alicia Meléndez, and Jill Bargonetti
Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Weather Forcing Data Analysis for Streamflow Simulation, José Alberto Infante Corona, Tarendra Lakhankar, Soni M. Pradhanang, and Reza Khanbilvardi
Billing and insurance-related administrative costs in United States’ health care: synthesis of micro-costing evidence, Aliya Jiwani, David Himmelstein, Steffie Woolhandler, and James G. Kahn
Acupuncture and Multiple Sclerosis: A Review of the Evidence, H. I. Karpatkin, D. Napolione, and B. Siminovich-Blok
Rapid kinetics of iron responsive element (IRE) RNA/iron regulatory protein 1 and IRE-RNA/eIF4F complexes respond differently to metal ions, Mateen A. Khan, Jia Ma, William E. Walden, William C. Merrick, Elizabeth C. Theil, and Dixie J. Goss
Systems Biology of Cancer: A Challenging Expedition for Clinical and Quantitative Biologists, Ilya Korsunsky, Kathleen McGovern, Tom LaGatta, Loes Olde Loohuis, Terri Grosso-Applewhite, Nancy Griffeth, and Bud Mishra
BxPC3 pancreatic cancer cells express a truncated Smad4 protein upon PI3K and mTOR inhibition, Onica Legendre, Ayisha Sookdeo, and David A. Foster
Pregnancy Intent Among a Sample of Recently Diagnosed HIV-Positive Women and Men Practicing Unprotected Sex in Cape Town, South Africa, Joanne E. Mantell, Theresa M. Exner, Diane Cooper, Dan Bai, Cheng-Shiun Leu, Susie Hoffman, Landon Myer, Jennifer Moodley, Elizabeth A. Kelvin, Debbie Constant, Karen Jennings, Virginia Zweigenthal, and Zena A. Stein
Sorting Sheep and Goats in Medieval Iceland and Greenland Local Subsistence, Climate Change, or World System Impacts?, Thomas McGovern, Ramona Harrison, and Konrad Smiarowski
Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA) of Toxoplasma gondii expression datasets links cell cycle progression and the bradyzoite developmental program, Matthew McKnight Croken, Weigang Qiu, Michael W. White, and Kami Kim
A Good Compromise: Rapid and Robust Species Proxies for Inventorying Biodiversity Hotspots Using the Terebridae (Gastropoda: Conoidea), Maria Vittoria Modica, Nicolas Puillandre, Magalie Castelin, Yu Zhang, and Mandë Holford
Chronic Corticosterone Exposure Persistently Elevates the Expression of Memory-Related Genes in the Lateral Amygdala and Enhances the Consolidation of a Pavlovian Fear Memory, Melissa S. Monsey, Lara M. Boyle, Melinda L. Zhang, Caroline P. Nguyen, Hope G. Kronman, Kristie T. Ota, Ronald S. Duman, Jane R. Taylor, and Glenn E. Schafe
Naïve hosts of avian brood parasites accept foreign eggs, whereas older hosts fine-tune foreign egg discrimination during laying, Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, and Mark E. Hauber
Engagement with Care, Substance Use, and Adherence to Therapy in HIV/AIDS, Patrice K. Nicholas, Suzanne Willard, Clinton Thompson, Carol Dawson-Rose, Inge B. Corless, Dean J. Wantland, Elizabeth F. Sefcik, Kathleen M. Nokes, Kenn M. Kirksey, Mary Jane Hamilton, William L. Holzemer, Carmen J. Portillo, Marta Rivero Mendez, Linda M. Robinson, Maria Rosa, Sarie P. Human, Yvette Cuca, Emily Huang, Mary Maryland, and John Arudo
Low risk of attrition among adults on antiretroviral therapy in the Rwandan national program: a retrospective cohort analysis of 6, 12, and 18 month outcomes, Harriet Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha, Aleksandra Jakubowski, Veronicah Mudisha, Paulin Basinga, Anita Asiimwe, Denis Nash, and Batya Elul
The effect of menu labeling with calories and exercise equivalents on food selection and consumption, Charles Platkin, Ming-Chin Yeh, Kimberly Hirsch, Ellen Weiss Wiewel, Chang-Yun Lin, Ho-Jui Tung, and Victoria H. Castellanos
Capping Amyloid β‑Sheets of the Tau-Amyloid Structure VQIVYK with Hexapeptides Designed To Arrest Growth. An ONIOM and Density Functional Theory Study, Joshua A. Plumley, Jorge Ali-Torres, Gabor Pohl, and J. J. Dannenberg
Nesting behaviour influences species-specific gas exchange across avian eggshells, Steven J. Portugal, Golo Maurer, Gavin H. Thomas, Mark E. Hauber, Tomáš Grim, and Phillip Cassey
Lineage-specific interface proteins match up the cell cycle and differentiation in embryo stem cells, Angela Re, Christopher T. Workman, Levi Waldron, Alessandro Quattrone, and Søren Brunak
Review: Zinc’s Functional Significance in the Vertebrate Retina, Harris Ripps and Richard L. Chappell
Long-Distance Retinoid Signaling in the Zebra Finch Brain, Tina C. Roeske, Constance Scharff, Christopher R. Olson, Arpik Nshdejan, and Claudio V. Mello
Accelerated repair of demyelinated CNS lesions in the absence of non-muscle myosin IIB, Tomasz Rusielewicz, Jennifer Nam, Evangelos Damanakis, Gareth R. John, Cedric S. Raine, and Carmen V. Melendez-Vasquez
Host responses to interspecific brood parasitism: a by-product of adaptations to conspecific parasitism?, Peter Samas, Mark E. Hauber, Phillip Cassey, and Tomáš Grim
Sexual Motivations and Ideals Distinguish Sexual Identities within the Self-Concept: A Multidimensional Scaling Analysis, Celeste Sangiorgio, Warren A. Reich, Andrea C. Vial, and Mirko Savone
Is representativeness the right question?, C Mary Schooling and Heidi E. Jones
Nest destruction elicits indiscriminate con- versus heterospecific brood parasitism in a captive bird, Rachel C. Shaw, William E. Feeney, and Mark E. Hauber
Impedimetric Detection of Mutant p53 Biomarker-Driven Metastatic Breast Cancers under Hyposmotic Pressure, Menglu Shi, Nataly Shtraizent, Alla Polotskaia, Jill Bargonetti, and Hiroshi Matsui
Commitment Problems as a Cause of War Severity, Zachary C. Shirkey
Milk Consumption and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Older Chinese: The Guangzhou Biobank Cohort Study, Yangbo Sun, Chaoqiang Jiang, Kar Keung Cheng, Weisen Zhang, Gabriel M. Leung, Tai Hing Lam, and Mary Schooling
Design and Development of a Linked Open Data-Based Health Information Representation and Visualization System: Potentials and Preliminary Evaluation, Binyam Tilahun, Tomi Kauppinen, Carsten Keßler, and Fleur Fritz
Expensive Errors or Rational Choices: the Pioneer Fringe in Late Viking Age Iceland, Orri Vesteinsson, Mike Church, Andrew Dugmore, Thomas McGovern, and Anthony Newton
Rational strategy for shaped nanomaterial synthesis in reverse micelle reactors, Zengyan Wei and Hiroshi Matsui
Breast cancer incidence and mortality in a transitioning Chinese population: current and future trends, O. L. Wong, Mary Schooling, Benjamin J. Cowling, and Gabriel M. Leung