Publications and Research
Works from 2009
Teaching a Foreign Language with Video Podcast Assignments: Examples from an American Sign Language Course, Shiao-Chuan Kung and Elaine Gale
A Role for the IgH Intronic Enhancer E mu in Enforcing Allelic Exclusion, Fubin Li and Laurel A. Eckhardt
Reactome knowledgebase of human biological pathways and processes, Lisa Matthews, Gopal Gopinath, Marc Gillespie, Michael Caudy, David Croft, Bernard de Bono, Phani Garapati, Jill Hemish, Henning Hermjakob, Bijay Jassal, Alex Kanapin, Suzanna Lewis, Shahana S. Mahajan, Bruce May, Esther Schmidt, Imre Vastrik, Guanming Wu, Ewan Birney, Lincoln Stein, and Peter D’Eustachio
In Vivo Colocalisation of oskar mRNA and Trans-Acting Proteins Revealed by Quantitative Imaging of the Drosophila Oocyte, Musa M. Mhlanga, Diana P. Bratu, Auguste Genovesio, Agata Rybarska, Nicolas Chenouard, Ulf Nehrbass, and Jean-Christophe Olivo-Marin
Academic Library Services for Users with Developmental Disabilities: Partnership of Access and Syracuse University Libraries, Adina Mulliken and Ann Atkins
Controlling the Environment: the Australian phytotron and postcolonial science, David Munns
Subchronic infusion of the product of inflammation prostaglandin J2 models sporadic Parkinson's disease in mice, Sha-Ron Pierre, Marijke AM Lemmens, and Maria E. Figueiredo-Pereira
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Widely Available 3-D Visualization Tools in Support of Public Participation, Laxmi Ramasubramanian, Jennifer L. Weeks, and Tim Case
0829+2646_NIR_SpeX, John T. Rayner
1655-0823_NIR_SpeX, John T. Rayner
Alcohol and cardio-respiratory deaths in Chinese: a population-based case-control study of 32,462 older Hong Kong, Mary Schooling, Tai Hing Lam, Sai Yin Ho, Yao He, Kwok Hang Mak, and Gabriel M. Leung
Unexpected Events in Interstate Wars, Zachary C. Shirkey
Trust in the Balance: Asymmetric Information, Commitment Problems and Balancing Behavior, Zachary Shirkey and Ivan Savic
Re-Visioning into Third Space: Autobiographies on Losing Home-and-Homeland, Debbie Sonu and Seungho Moon
Specifying Reusable Aspects, Neelam Soundarajan and Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Optimizing Taq Polymerase Concentration for Improved Signal-to-Noise in the Broad Range Detection of Low Abundance Bacteria, Rudolph Spangler, Noel L. Goddard, and David S. Thaler
Interpretation of Absorption Bands in Airborne Hyperspectral Radiance Data, Karl H. Szekielda, Jeffrey H. Bowles, David B. Gillis, and W. David Miller
Nowhere to go: How stigma limits the options of female drug users after release from jail, Juliana van Olphen, Michele J. Eliason, Nicholas Freudenberg, and Nicholas Freudenberg
Works from 2008
Forgetting the Subject, Christa Davis Acampora
A Requirement List for Geo-ontology Tools, Jochen Albrecht
Ferry Parking and Landside Access Study: implementing public outreach and impact assessment, Jochen Albrecht, Stephanie Camay, Laxmi Ramasubramanian, Brandon Derman, Eric Bohn, William Milczarski, Maria Boile, and Sotiris Theofanis
Geo-Ontology Tools – the missing link, Jochen Albrecht, Laxmi Ramasubramanian, and Brandon Derman
Blood Collection from the American Horseshoe Crab, Limulus Polyphemus, Peter Armstrong and Mara Conrad
Ferry Parking and Landside Access Study: Implementing Public Outreach and Impact Assessment, Stephanie Camay, Laxmi Ramasubramanian, Brandon Derman, Eric Bohn, Jochen Albrecht, William Milczarski, Maria Boile, and Sotiris Theofanis
Race, Civil Rights, and Hate Speech in the Digital Era, Jessie Daniels
The Impact of Corporate Practices on Health: Implications for Health Policy, Nicholas Freudenberg and Sandro Galea
Changing Corporate Practices to Reduce Cancer Disparities, Nicholas Freudenberg, Sandro Galea, and Marianne Fahs
Reframing High School Dropout as a Public Health Issue [Response to Letters], Nicholas Freudenberg and Jessica Ruglis
The Electronic Workplace: To Live Outside the Law You Must Be Honest, William A. Herbert
Workplace Electronic Privacy Protections Abroad: The Whole Wide World Is Watchin, William A. Herbert
The Impact of Emerging Technologies in the Workplace: Who's Watching the Man (Who's Watching Me)?, William A. Herbert and Amelia Tuminaro
Young Infants' Neural Processing of Objects Is Affected by Eye Gaze Direction and Emotional Expression, Stefanie Hoehl, Lisa Wiese, and Tricia Striano
Birth Weight, Infant Growth, and Childhood Body Mass Index: Hong Kong’s Children of 1997 Birth Cohort, L. L. Hui, Mary Schooling, Shirley Sze Lee Leung, Kwok Hang Mak, Lai Ming Ho, Tai Hing Lam, and Gabriel M. Leung
Enforcing Behavioral Constraints in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Programs, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Johan Dovland, and Neelam Soundarajan
On the Assessment of Pointcut Design in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Phil Greenwood, and Awais Rashid
Pointcut Rejuvenation: Recovering Pointcut Expressions in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Phil Greenwood, Awais Rashid, and Guoqing Harry Xu
Rejuvenate Pointcut: A Tool for Pointcut Expression Recovery in Evolving Aspect-Oriented Software, Raffi T. Khatchadourian and Awais Rashid
2148+4003_NIR_FOCAS, Dagny L. Looper
2244+2043_NIR_SpeX, Dagny L. Looper
The 3′ processing factor CstF functions in the DNA repair response, Nurit Mirkin, Danae Fonseca, Samia Mohammed, Murat A. Cevher, James L. Manley, and Frida E. Kleiman
Wide Distribution of a High-Virulence Borrelia burgdorferi Clone in Europe and North America, Wei-Gang Qiu, John F. Bruno, William D. McCaig, Yun Xu, Ian Livey, Martin E. Schriefer, and Benjamin J. Luft
Geographic Information Science and Public Participation, Laxmi Ramasubramanian
Does economic development contribute to sex differences in ischaemic heart disease mortality? Hong Kong as a natural experiment using a case-control study, Mary Schooling, Tai Hing Lam, Sai Yin Ho, Kwok Hang Mak, and Gabriel M. Leung
Moderate Alcohol Use and Mortality from Ischaemic Heart Disease: A Prospective Study in Older Chinese People, Mary Schooling, Sun Wenji, Sai Yin Ho, Wai Man Chan, May Ked Tham, Kin Sang Ho, Gabriel M. Leung, and Tai Hing Lam
Myosin II has distinct functions in PNS and CNS myelin sheath formation, Haibo Wang, Ambika Tewari, Steven Einheber, James L. Salzer, and Carmen V. Melendez-Vasquez
Works from 2007
Dynamic GIS, Jochen Albrecht
Key Concepts and Techniques in GIS, Jochen Albrecht
A Rotating Panel Survey to Assess Quality of Hunter College Education, Jennifer Sousa Brennan and William (Bill) H. Williams
0004-4044BC_NIR_SpeX, Adam J. Burgasser
From Lifestyle to Social Determinants: New Directions for Community Health Promotion Research and Practice, Nicholas Freudenberg
Public Health Campaigns to Change Industry Practices That Damage Health: An Analysis of 12 Case Studies, Nicholas Freudenberg, Sarah Picard Bradley, and Monica Serrano
Reframing School Dropout as a Public Health Issue, Nicholas Freudenberg and Jessica Ruglis
NorthEast Under/graduate Research Organization for Neuroscience (NEURON): Our Third New York City Meeting, Sharon Ramos Goyette, Kassandra L. Edinger, Vicki Luine, Jason Young, and Cheryl A. Frye
Bio::NEXUS: a Perl API for the NEXUS format for comparative biological data, Thomas Hladish, Vivek Gopalan, Chengzhi Liang, Weigang Qiu, Peter Yang, and Arlin Stoltzfus
Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Enumerated Types, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Jason Sawin, and Atanas Rountev
Automated Refactoring of Legacy Java Software to Enumerated Types, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Jason Sawin, and Atanas Rountev
Rely-Guarantee Approach to Reasoning about Aspect-Oriented Programs, Raffi T. Khatchadourian and Neelam Soundarajan
Home telehealth: connecting care within the community, Dennis L. Kodner
The 2006 NESCent Phyloinformatics Hackathon: A Field Report, Hilmar Lapp, Sendu Bala, James P. Balhoff, Amy Bouck, Naohisa Goto, Mark Holder, Richard Holland, Alisha Holloway, Toshiaki Katayama, Paul O. Lewis, Aaron J. Mackey, Brian I. Osborne, William H. Piel, Sergei L. Kosakovsky Pond, Art F.Y. Poon, Wei-Gang Qiu, Jason E. Stajich, Arlin Stoltzfus, Tobias Thierer, and Albert J. Vilella
1139-3159_NIR_SpeX, Dagny L. Looper
1245-4429_NIR_SpeX, Dagny L. Looper
Nectin-like proteins mediate axon–Schwann cell interactions along the internode and are essential for myelination, Patrice Maurel, Steven Einheber, Jolanta Galinska, Pratik Thaker, Isabel Lam, Marina B. Rubin, Steven S. Scherer, Yoshinuri Murakami, David H. Gutmann, and James L. Salzer
Medical Treatment and Weight Gain, Eileen McGinn
Boron and Nitrogen Doped Single walled Carbon Nanotubes as Possible Dilute Magnetic Semiconductors, Frank J. Owens
Placeworx: A model to foster youth engagement and empowerment, Laxmi Ramasubramanian and Atanacio Gonzalez
Growth Environment and Sex Differences in Lipids, BodyShape and Diabetes Risk, Mary Schooling, Tai Hing Lam, G. Neil Thomas, Benjamin J. Cowling, Michelle Heys, Edward D. Janus, and Gabriel M. Leung
Reasoning about the Behavior of Aspect-Oriented Programs, Neelam Soundarajan, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, and Johan Dovland
Tempo-Spatial Patterns of Land Use Changes and Urban Development in Globalizing China: A Study of Beijing, Yichun Xie, Chuanglin Fang, George C.S. Lin, Hongmian Gong, and Biao Qiao
Works from 2006
On Sovereignty and Overhumanity Why It Matters How We Read Nietzsche's Genealogy 11:2, Christa Davis Acampora
Pyrite-induced hydroxyl radical formation and its effect on nucleic acids, Corey A. Cohn, Steffen Mueller, Eckard Wimmer, Nicole Leifer, Steven Greenbaum, Daniel R. Strongin, and Martin AA Schoonen
1021-0304_MIR_IRS, Michael C. Cushing
Constructing Whiteness in Health Disparities Research, Jessie Daniels and Amy J. Schulz
How the presentation of electronic gateway pages affects research behavior, Lisa Finder, Valdeda Dent, and Brian Lym
No Direction Home: Will the Law Keep Pace With Human Tracking Technology to Protect Individual Privacy and Stop Geoslavery, William A. Herbert
0141-4633_NIR_SpeX, J. Davy Kirkpatrick
Community Reactions to Campaigns Addressing Crystal Methamphetamine Use Among Gay and Bisexual Men In New York City, Jose Nanín, Jeffrey T. Parsons, David S. Bimbi, Christian Grov, and Justin T. Brown
Rousseau's Gift to Geneva, Helena Rosenblatt
Obesity, Physical Activity, and Mortality in a Prospective Chinese Elderly Cohort, Mary Schooling, Tai Hing Lam, Zhi Bin Li, Sai Yin Ho, Wai Man Chan, Kin Sang Ho, May Ked Tham, Benjamin J. Cowling, and Gabriel M. Leung
Works from 2005
Implementing a New Data Model for Simulating Process, Jochen Albrecht and Femke Reitsma
0539-0058_NIR_SpeX, Michael C. Cushing
Public Health Advocacy to Change Corporate Practices: Implications for Health Education Practice and Research, Nicholas Freudenberg
Advancing integrated care for older people through EU policy & a European research agenda on integrated care for older people, Dennis L. Kodner
Works from 2004
0423-0414_NIR_SpeX, Kelle L. Cruz
Health Education’s New Frontier in Addressing Corporate Influences on Health: An Interview With Nicholas Freudenberg, Nicholas Freudenberg, Ellen Jones, and Lori Dorfman
0610-2152B_NIR_STIS, D. A. Golimowski
When James Bond Enters the Workplace: Uses and Abuses of Technology, William A. Herbert
Following the logic of long-term care: toward an independent, but integrated sector, Dennis L. Kodner
Is it justifiable to treat chronic patients by nurse specialists? Evaluation of effects on quality of care, Dennis L. Kodner
Single-Payer National Health Insurance: Physicians' Views, Danny McCormick, David U. Himmelstein, Stephanie Woolhandler, and David H. Bor
Works from 2003
Demos Agonistes Redux: Reflections on the Streit of Political Agonism, Christa Davis Acampora
0415-0935_OPT_LRIS, Adam J. Burgasser
0937+2931_OPT_LRIS, Adam J. Burgasser
0320+1854_OPT_GoldCam, Kelle L. Cruz
0746+2000_OPT_R-C Spec, Kelle L. Cruz
2234+4041_OPT_GoldCam, Kelle L. Cruz
Protest and Reform in Asylum Policy: Citizen Initiatives versus Asylum Seekers in German Municipalities, 1989-1994, Roger Karapin
Consumer-directed services: lessons and implications for integrated systems of care, Dennis L. Kodner
Persistence of Virus-Reactive Serum Immunoglobulin M Antibody in Confirmed West Nile Virus Encephalitis Cases, John T. Roehrig, Denis Nash, Beth Maldin, Anne Labowitz, Denise A. Martin, Robert S. Lanciotti, and Grant L. Campbell
The Race for Globalization: Modernity, Resistance and the Unspeakable in Three African Francophone Texts, Francesca Sautman
Superior Protection against Malaria and Melanoma Metastases by a C-glycoside Analogue of the Natural Killer T Cell Ligand α-Galactosylceramide, John Schmieg, Guangli Yang, Richard W. Franck, and Moriya Tsuji