Publications and Research



Works from 2021


Guidance for management of free-roaming community cats: a bioeconomic analysis, Valeria A. Benka, John D. Boone, Philip S. Miller, Joyce R. Briggs, Aaron M. Anderson, Christopher Slootmaker, Margaret Slater, Julie K. Levy, Felicia B. Nutter, and Stephen Zawistowski


The Effect of Body Mass Index on Brain Volume and Cognitive Function in Relapsing – Remitting Multiple sclerosis: A CombiRx Secondary Analysis, Aliza Bitton Ben-Zacharia, Malvin N. Janal, Abraham A. Brody, Jerry Wolinsky, Fred Lublin, and Gary Cutter


Exploration of Dark Chemical Genomics Space via Portal Learning: Applied to Targeting the Undruggable Genome and COVID-19 Anti-Infective Polypharmacology, Tian Cai, Li Xie, Muge Chen, Yang Liu, Di He, Shuo Zhang, Cameron Mura, Philip Boume, and Lei Xie


Information Literacy Session Attendance and Library Website Visit Frequency: Impacts on Awareness of LibGuides among Undergraduate and Graduate Health Professions Students at an Urban Campus, John Carey, Ajatshatru Pathak, and Sarah C. Johnson


Case 3847 – Simopithecus oswaldi Andrews, 1916 (currently Theropithecus oswaldi; Mammalia, Primates, CERCOPITHECIDAE), proposed conservation by reversal of precedence with Cynocephalus atlanticus Thomas, 1884., Eric Delson, David M. Alba, Stephen R. Frost, Dagmawit Abebe Getahun, and Christopher C. Gilbert


Geoprivacy, Convenience, and the Pursuit of Anonymity in Digital Cities, Jerome Dobson and William A. Herbert


Role Played by Edge-Defects in the Optical Properties of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons, Thi-Nga Do, Godfrey Gumbs, Danhong Huang, Bui D. Hoi, and Po-Hsin Shih


Changes in Utilization of Birth Control and PrEP During COVID‑19 in the USA: A Mixed‑Method Analysis, Rachel A. Fikslin, Alison J. Goldberg, Amanda N. Gesselman, Mora A. Reinka, Omaima Pervez, Elissia T. Franklin, Olivia Ahn, and Devon M. Price


At What Cost: Modern Capitalism and the Future of Health (Preface), Nicholas Freudenberg


Nonsovereign Racecraft: How Colonialism, Debt, and Disaster are Transforming Puerto Rican Racial Subjectivities, Isar Godreau and Yarimar Bonilla


A cross-level information transmission network forhierarchical omics data integration and phenotypeprediction from a new genotype, Di He and Lei Xie


A New Morning in Higher Education Collective Bargaining, 2013-2019, William A. Herbert


Graduate Student Employee Unionization in the Second Gilded Age, William A. Herbert and Joseph van der Naald


Intergenerational Differences in Dietary Acculturation among Ghanaian Immigrants Living in New York City: A Qualitative Study, Margrethe F. Horlyck-Romanovsky, Terry T.-K Huang, Ramatu Ahmed, Sandra E. Echeverria, Katarzyna Wyka, May May Leung, Anne E. Sumner, and Melissa Fuster


Innovative social work field placements in public libraries, Sarah C. Johnson


Fostering information literacy: A call for collaboration between academic librarians and MSW instructors., Sarah C. Johnson, Margaret Bausman, and Sarah Ward


An Examination of Coping Strategies and Intent to Leave Child Welfare During the COVID 19 Pandemic, Francie J. Julien‑Chinn, Colleen C. Katz, and Eden Wall


Remission of Type 2 Diabetes with Very Low-Calorie Diets —A Narrative Review, Susan Juray, Kathleen V. Axen, and Steven Trasino


How Phantom Networks, Provider Qualities, and Poverty Sway Medicaid Dental Care Access: A Geospatial Analysis of Manhattan, Destiny Kelley and Shipeng Sun


COVID-19 Multi-Targeted Drug Repurposing Using Few-Shot Learning, Yang Liu, You Wu, Xiaoke Shen, and Lei Xie


How Social Work Librarians Connect Social Justice To Information Literacy., Stephen Maher, Carin Graves, and Sarah C. Johnson


An “Anti-Handbook Handbook” for Unexpected Changes in a Library Organization, Stephanie M. Margolin and Malin Abrahamsson


Caregiver decision-making concerning involuntary treatment in dementia care at home, Vincent RA Moermans, Angela MHJ Mengelers, Michel HC Bleijlevens, Hilde Verbeek, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle, Koen Milisen, Elizabeth Capezuti, and Jan PH Hamers


Elevated growth and biomass along temperate forest edges, Luca L. Morreale, Jonathan R. Thompson, Xiaojing Tang, Andrew B. Reinmann, and Lucy R. Hutyra


Feminist Abolitionist Nursing, Martha Paynter, Keisha Jefferies, Leah Carrier, and Lorie Goshin


How Can I Get COVID?: Understanding Diferences in American Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Men’s Risk Perception, Devon M. Price, Amanda N. Gesselman, Rachel A. Fikslin, Alison J. Goldberg, Omaima Pervez, Mora A. Reinka, and Elissia Franklin


Examining inequities in rates of undiagnosed HIV and rectal STIs in a large nationwide cohort study of sexual minority men, H Jonathon Rendina, Ali Talan, K Marie Sizemore, Nicola F. Tavella, Brian Salfas, Ore Shalhav, Drew Westmoreland, Brian Mustanski, and Carlos E. Rodríguez- Díaz


Critical Dialogue: The Stupidity of War: American Foreign Policy and the Case for Complacency and American Dove: US Foreign Policy and the Failure of Force, Zachary C. Shirkey and John Mueller


A full-factorial randomized controlled trial of adjunct couples HIV testing and counseling components addressing drug use and communication skills among sexual minority male couples, Tyrel J. Starks, Kory D. Kyre, Christine B. Cowles, Juan Castiblanco, Catherine Washington, Jayelin N. Parker, Erin M. Kahle, and Rob Stephenson


An Empirical Study of Refactorings and Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems, Yiming Tang, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Rhia Singh, Ajani Stewart, and Anita Raja


An Empirical Study of Refactorings and Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems, Yiming Tang, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Rhia Singh, Ajani Stewart, and Anita Raja


Automated Evolution of Feature Logging Statement Levels Using Git Histories and Degree of Interest, Yiming Tang, Allan Spektor, Raffi Khatchadourian, and Mehdi Bagherzadeh


Will my imbalance end?, Wendy W. Tan


Teachers' Perceptions of Anti-bullying Training, ELIZABETH TAVERAS RIVERA, Leonell Torres Pagan, Ajatshatru Pathak, and Nicole M. Velez Agosto


Public Library-Based Social Work Field Placements: Guidance for Public Libraries Planning to Become a Social Work Practicum Site, Elizabeth A. Wahler, Jacob D. Ressler, Sarah C. Johnson, Colleen Rortvedt, Tasha Saecker, John Helling, Michael A. Williams, and Danielle Hoover


The Origins of the Pledge of Allegiance, Paul T. Zurheide

Works from 2020


CoV Genome Tracker: tracing genomic footprints of Covid-19 pandemic, Saymon Akther, Edgaras Bezrucenkovas, Brian Sulkow, Christopher Panlasigui, Li Li, Wei-Gang Qiu, and Lia Di


Philosophical Perspectives, Jochen Albrecht


Actor Concurrency Bugs: A Comprehensive Study on Symptoms, Root Causes, API Usages, and Differences, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Nicholas Fireman, Anas Shawesh, and Raffi T. Khatchadourian


Postdisaster Futures: Hopeful Pessimism, Imperial Ruination, and La futura cuir, Yarimar Bonilla


The coloniality of disaster: Race, empire, and the temporal logics of emergency in Puerto Rico, USA, Yarimar Bonilla


Collection Development at Two Armenian University Libraries: A Conversation with Librarians and Faculty, John Carey, D. Aram Donabedian, and Arshak Balayan


Use, Perceptions, and Awareness of LibGuides among Undergraduate and Graduate Health Professions Students, John Carey, Ajatshatru Pathak, and Sarah C. Johnson


The Cost Effectiveness of Mental Health Treatment in the Lifetime of Older Adults with HIV in New York City: A Markov Approach, Juan J. DelaCruz, Mark Brennan-Ing, Andreas Kakolyris, and Omar Martinez


Childhood Memories of Playful Antics and Punishable Acts Risking an Imperfect Future of Teaching and Learning, Lisa Farley, Debbie Sonu, Julie Garlen, and Sandra Chang-Kredl


Tests of Revisions to the Norbeck Social Support Questionnaire, Eileen Gigliotti and William Ellery Samuels


COVID-19 in Prisons and Jails in the United States, Laura Hawks, Steffie Woolhander, and Danny McCormick


You've Been with the Professors: An Examination of Higher Education Work Stoppage Data: Past and Present, William A. Herbert and Jacob Apkarian


2020 Supplementary Directory of New Bargaining Agents and Contracts in Institutions of Higher Education, 2013-2019, William A. Herbert, Jacob Apkarian, and Joseph van der Naald


2020 Supplementary Directory of New Bargaining Agents and Contracts in Institutions of Higher Education, 2013-2019, William A. Herbert, jacob Apkarian, and Joseph van der Naald


A Different Set of Rules? NLRB Proposed Rule Making and Student Worker Unionization Rights, William A. Herbert and Joseph van der Naald


A Different Set of Rules? NLRB Proposed Rule Making and Student Worker Unionization Rights, William A. Herbert and Joseph van der naald


From Brooklyn to “Brooklyn” The Cultural Transformations of Leisure, Pleasure, and Taste, Emily Holloway


Social Work Librarians Promoting Social Justice through Critical Information Literacy, Sarah C. Johnson and Stephen Maher MLIS


Federalism as a Double-Edged Sword: The Slow Energy Transition in the United States, Roger Karapin


Household Costs and Resistance to Germany's Energy Transition, Roger Karapin


The Political Viability of Carbon Pricing: Policy Design and Framing in British Columbia and California, Roger Karapin


The Political Viability of Carbon Pricing: Policy Design and Framing in British Columbia and California, Roger Karapin


Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Yiming Tang, and Mehdi Bagherzadeh


An Empirical Study on the Use and Misuse of Java 8 Streams, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Yiming Tang, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Baishakhi Ray


An Empirical Study on the Use and Misuse of Java 8 Streams, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Yiming Tang, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Baishakhi Ray


Preliminary Efficacy of Motivational Interviewing on Problem Drinkers 55 and Older compared to Younger Counterparts, Alexis Kuerbis, Sijing Shao, Nehal Vadhan, and Jon Morgenstern


Beyond the Market: A “Public-Commons-Partnership” for Housing, Arielle Lawson


Involuntary treatment in dementia care at home: Results from the Netherlands and Belgium, Angela M. H. J. Mengelers, Vincent R. A. Moermans, Michel H. C. Bleijlevens, Hilde Verbeek, Elizabeth Capezuti, Frans Tan, Koen Milisen, and Jan P. H. Hamers


Lake Volume Data Analyses: A Deep Look into the Shrinking and Expansion Patterns of Lakes Azuei and Enriquillo, Hispaniola, Mahrokh Moknatian and Michael Piasecki


Leveraging Technology to Blend Large-Scale Epidemiologic Surveillance With Social and Behavioral Science Methods: Successes, Challenges, and Lessons Learned Implementing the UNITE Longitudinal Cohort Study of HIV Risk Factors Among Sexual Minority Men in the United States, H. Jonathon Rendina, Ali J. Talan, Nicola F. Tavella, Jonathan Lopez Matos, Ruben H. Jimenez, S. Scott Jones, Brian Salfas, and Drew Westmoreland


Teaching World Communities as Cultural Translation: A Third Grade Unit of Study, Hanadi Shatara and Debbie Sonu


"Review of Stephen Huggins America's Use of Terror: From Colonial Times to the A-Bomb," 2020. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 51(2): 328--29., Zachary C. Shirkey


Making racial difference: A Foucauldian analysis of school memories told by undergraduates of color in the United States, Debbie Sonu


Playing Slavery in First Grade: When “Developmental Appropriateness” Goes Awry in the Progressive Classroom, Debbie Sonu


An Empirical Study of Refactorings and Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems, Yiming Tang, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Rhia Singh, Ajani Stewart, and Anita Raja


A positive impact during COVID-19 pandemic: a virtual cataloger's experiences, Wendy W. Tan


Daerim Dong as a Chinatown: Setbacks and Challenges, Wendy W. Tan


NY Food 20/20: Vision, Research, and Recommendations During COVID-19 and Beyond, The Hunter College NYC Food Policy Center; The Laurie M. Tisch Center for Food, Education & Policy; and The CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute


A role for retinoids in the treatment of COVID-19?, Steven E. Trasino


Definitions of Language and Language Learning., Virginia Valian


Yes, You Can Get a Job With That Major! Goal 5 Strategies for Facilitating, Assessing, and Demonstrating Psychology Students’ Professional Development, Kristin M. Vespia, Karen Z. Naufel, Jerry Rudmann, Jaye F. Van Kirk, Deborah Briihl, and Jason Young


Social Work/Public Library Partnerships: Patron needs addressed by MSW students, Beth Wahler Ph.D.; Mary Provence MSW, LCSW; and Sarah C. Johnson MLIS, LMSW


A kinesin adapter directly mediates dendritic mRNA localization during neural development in mice, Hao Wu, Jing Zhou, Tianhui Zhu, Ivan Cohen, and Jason Dictenberg

Works from 2019


Going Big: A Large-Scale Study on What Big Data Developers Ask, Mehdi Bagherzadeh and Raffi T. Khatchadourian


Abrogation of Endogenous Glycolipid Antigen Presentation on Myelin-Laden Macrophages by D-Sphingosine Ameliorates the Pathogenesis of Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis, Yi Ban, Wenjuan Dong, Lixing Zhang, Tian Zhou, Ahmad Sabri Altiti, Khaleel Ali, David R. Mootoo, Victoria A. Biaho, Timothy Hla, Yi Ren, and Xiaojing Ma


Nuclear Tau, p53 and Pin1 Regulate PARN-Mediated Deadenylation and Gene Expression, Jorge Baquero, Sophia Varriano, Martha Ordonez, Pawel Kuczaj, Michael R. Murphy, Gamage Aruggoda, Devon Lundine, Viktoriya Morozova, Ali Elhadi Makki, Alejandra del C. Alonso, and Frida E. Kleiman


Navegando hacia lo desconocido, Yarimar Bonilla


Puerto Rico: Necrópolis, Yarimar Bonilla


The Leaked Texts at the Heart of Puerto Rico’s Massive Protests, Yarimar Bonilla


Minimalistic supramolecular proteoglycan mimics by co-assembly of aromatic peptide and carbohydrate amphiphiles, Alexandra Brito, Yousef M. Abul-Haija, Diana Soares de Costa, Ramon Novoa-Carballal, Rui L. Reis, Rein V. Ulijn, Ricardo A. Pires, and Iva Pashkuleva


MSG-Fast: Metagenomic shotgun data fast annotation using microbial gene catalogs, Stuart M. Brown, Hao Chen, Yuhan Hao, Bobby P. Laungani, Thahmina A. Ali, Changsu Dong, Carlos Lijeron, Baekdoo Kim, Claudia Wultsch, Zhiheng Pei, and Konstantinos Krampis


Implementation Science Research Examining the Integration of Evidence-Based Practices Into HIV Prevention and Clinical Care: Protocol for a Mixed-Methods Study Using the Exploration, Preparation, Implementation, and Sustainment (EPIS) Model, April Idalski Carcone, Karin Coyle, Sitaji Gurung, Demetria Cain, Rafael E. Dilones, Laura Jadwin-Cakmak, Jeffrey T. Parsons, and Sylvie Naar


Racism in Modern Information and Communication Technologies, Jessie Daniels


Peculiar optical properties of bilayer silicene under the influence of external electric and magnetic fields, Thi-Nga Do, Godfrey Gumbs, Po-Hsin Shih, Danhong Huang, Chih-Wei Chiu, Chia-Yun Chen, and Ming-Fa Lin


The United Nations Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas, Marc Edelman and Priscilla Claeys


Venom Diversity and Evolution in the Most Divergent Cone Snail Genus Profundiconus, Guilia Fassio, Maria Vittoria Modica, Lou Mary, Paul Zaharias, Alexander E. Fedosov, Juliette Gorson, Yuri I. Kantor, Mandë E. Holford, and Nicolas Puillandre


College Students and SNAP: The New Face of Food Insecurity in the United States, Nicholas Freudenberg, Sara Goldrick-Rab, and Janet Poppendieck


Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Palliative Care: A Systematic Scoping Review, Daniel Gardner, Meredith Doherty, Gleneara Bates, Aliza Koplow, and Sarah C. Johnson


Janus v AFSCME, Council 31: Judges Will Haunt You in the Second Gilded Age, William A. Herbert


Public Workers, William A. Herbert


Comments from the National Center for the Study of Collective Bargaining in Higher Education and the Professions in Response to Proposed NLRB Rule Concerning Graduate Assistants and Other Student Employees, William A. Herbert and Joseph van der Naald


Innovative collaborations: Social work student interns at public libraries, Sarah C. Johnson


Partnering For Social Justice: MSW Interns in Public Libraries, Sarah C. Johnson


Partnering for Social Justice: Social Work Students’ Placement at Public Libraries, Sarah C. Johnson