Publications and Research



Works from 2019


The Burgeoning Information Universe: Implication for Social Work Education and Practice, Sarah C. Johnson MSLIS, LMSW; Margaret Bausman LCSW-R, MSLIS; and Sarah Laleman Ward MLIS, MA


Rigidity and Adaptation, Roger Karapin and Leonard Feldman


POSITIVE OUTCOMES OF INVOLVING UNDERGRADUATE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN BROADER ASPECT OF EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCE THROUGH PEER MENTORING AND RESEARCH ACTIVITIES, Nazrul I. Khandaker, Shuayb Siddique, Matthew Khargie, Juanpablo Rodriguez, Adacia Teemal, Krishna Mahabir, Michael Robinson, Ality Aghedo, Zachary A. Sanichar, Sol De Leon, Tamzid Mubin, and Elton Selby


Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Yiming Tang, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Syed Ahmed


Safe Automated Refactoring for Intelligent Parallelization of Java 8 Streams, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Yiming Tang, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Syed Ahmed


Examining Motivational Interviewing's Effect on Confidence and Commitment Using Daily Data, Alexis Kuerbis, Kevin Lynch, Sijing Shao, and Jon Morgenstern


Daily Factors Driving Daily Substance Use and Chronic Pain Among Older Adults with HIV: A Study Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, Alexis Kuerbis, M. Carrington Reid, Jordan Lake, Suzanne Glasner-Edwards, Jessica Jenkins, Diana Liao, Jury Candelario, and Alison A. Moore


Direct Action Housing: Exploring the History of Tenant-led Housing Struggles—on Film—in NYC, Arielle Lawson


Populism or Embedded Plutocracy? The Emerging World Order, Michael Lee


Shifting the Balance of Power: Asking Questions about the Comics-Questions Curriculum, Stephanie M. Margolin, Sarah Laleman Ward, and Mason Brown


Historical Ecology and Longitudinal Research Strategies around Lake Mývatn Iceland, Thomas McGovern, George Hambrecht, and Megan Hicks


Influence of Stimulus Intensity on Multimodal Integration in the Startle Escape System of Goldfish, Camille McIntyre and Thomas Preuss


Effects of AM80 Compared to AC261066 in a High Fat Diet Mouse Model of Liver Disease, Marta Melis, Xiao-Han Tang, Steven E. Trasino, Viral M. Patel, Daniel J. Stummer, Jose Jessurun, and Lorraine J. Gudas


Gender Disparities in Awards to Neuroscience Researchers, David Melnikoff and Virginia Valian


Eighteen Blind Library Users’ Experiences with Library Websites and Search Tools in U.S. Academic Libraries: A Qualitative Study, Adina Mulliken


Adolescent Trials Network for HIV-AIDS Scale It Up Program: Protocol for a Rational and Overview, Sylvie Naar, Jeffrey T. Parsons, and Bonita F. Stanton


Model-Based Methods to Translate Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions Findings Into Policy Recommendations: Rationale and Protocol for a Modeling Core (ATN 161), Anne M. Neilan, Kunjal Patel, Allison L. Agwu, Ingrid V. Bassett, K. Rivet Amico, Catherine M. Crespi, Aditya H. Gaur, Keith J. Horvath, Kimberly A. Powers, H. Jonathon Rendina, Lisa B. Hightow-Weidman, Xiaoming Li, Sylvie Naar, Sharon Nachman, Jeffrey T. Parsons, Kit N. Simpson, Bonita F. Stanton, Kenneth A. Freedberg, Audrey C. Bangs, Michael G. Hudgens, and Andrea L. Ciaranello


Mechanisms of hepatocellular carcinoma progression, Olorunseun O. Ogunwobi, Trisheena Harricharaan, Jeannette Huaman, Anna Galuza, Oluwatoyin Odumuwagun, Yin Tan, Grace X. Ma, and Minhhuyen T. Nguyen


Inclusion of enclosed hydration effects in the binding free energy estimation of dopamine D3 receptor complexes, Rajat Kumar Pal, Satishkumar Gadhiya, Steven Ramsey, Pierpaolo Cordone, Lauren Wickstrom, Wayne W. Harding, Tom Kurtzman, and Emilio Gallicchio


Clinic-Based Delivery of the Young Men’s Health Project (YMHP) Targeting HIV Risk Reduction and Substance Use Among Young Men Who Have Sex with Men: Protocol for a Type 2, Hybrid Implementation-Effectiveness Trial, Jeffrey T. Parsons, Tyrel Starks, Sitaji Gurung, Demetria Cain, Jonathan Marmo, and Sylvie Naar


Validity evaluation of the genetics and genomics in nursing practice survey, Alexandra Plavskin, William E. Samuels, and Kathleen A. Calzone


Geoarchaeological Evidence of Middle-Age Tsunamis at Stromboli and Consequences for the Tsunami Hazard in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea, M. Rosi, S. T. Levi, M. Pistolesi, A. Bertagnini, D. Brunelli, V. Cannavo, A. Di Renzoni, F. Ferranti, A. Renzulli, and D. Yoon


Advances in geometric techniques for analyzing blebbing in chemotaxing Dictyostelium cells, Zully Santiago, John Loustau, David Meretzky, Devarshi Rawal, and Derrick Brazill


Examination of Human Health Impacts Due to Adverse Climate Events Through the Use of Vulnerability Mapping: A Scoping Review, Michael T. Schmeltz and Peter J. Marcotullio


Changes in Functional Connectivity Following Treatment With Emotion Regulation Therapy, Matthew A. Scult, David M. Fresco, Faith M. Gunning, Conor Liston, Saren H. Seeley, Emmanuel Garcia, and Douglas S. Mennin


Bilingualism, executive function, and beyond: Questions and insights, Irina A. Sekerina, Lauren Spradlin, and Virginia V. Valian


'Constructing Global Order: Agency and Change in World Politics' by Amitav Acharya (review), Zachary C. Shirkey


Social Justice, Debbie Sonu


The Outsider Within: Thoughts and Musings on Exclusion as Stranger-Making, Debbie Sonu


Effects of the KCNQ channel opener ezogabine on functional connectivity of the ventral striatum and clinical symptoms in patients with major depressive disorder, Aaron Tan, Sara Costi, Laurel S. Morris, Nicholas T. Van Dam, Marin Kautz, Alexis E. Whitton, Allyson K. Friedman, Katherine A. Collins, Gabriella Ahle, Nisha Chadha, Brian Do, Diego A. Pizzagalli, Dan V. Iosifescu, Eric J. Nestler, Ming-Hu Han, and James W. Murrough


Dominion Road in Auckland, New Zealand and Chinese Community, Wendy W. Tan


Incheon Chinatown: Cultural Heritage of this Korea's First Chinatown, Wendy W. Tan


Crowd wisdom enhanced by costly signaling in a virtual rating system, Ofer Tchernichovski, Lucas C. Parra, Daniel Fimiarz, Arnon Lotem, and Dalton Conley


Extreme events reveal an alimentary limit on sustained maximal human energy expenditure, Caitlin Thurber, Lara R. Dugas, Cara Ocobock, Bryce Carlson, John R. Speakman, and Herman Pontzer

Works from 2018


Fair Use as Creative Muse: An Ongoing Case Study, Malin Abrahamsson and Stephanie Margolin


GIS Project Management, Jochen Albrecht


Open Source Foundations for Spatial Decision Support Systems, Jochen Albrecht


Enabling precision medicine via standard communication of HTS provenance, analysis, and results, Gil Alterovitz, Dennis Dean, Carole Globe, Michael R. Crusoe, Stiam Soiland-Reyes, Amanda Bell, Anais Hayes, Anita Suresh, Anjan Purkkayastha, Charles H. King, Dan Taylor, Elaine Johanson, Elaine E. Thompson, Eric Donaldson, Hiroki Morizono, Hsinyi Tsang, Jeet K. Vora, Jeremy Goecks, Jianchao Yao, Jonas S. Almeida, Jonathon Keeney, KanakaDurga Addepalli, Konstantinos Krampis, Krista M. Smith, Lydia Guo, Mark Walderhaug, Marco Schito, Matthew Ezewudo, Nuria Guimera, Paul Walsh, Robel Kahsay, Srikanth Gottipati, Timothy C. Rodwell, Toby Bloom, Yuching Lai, Vahan Simonyan, and Raja Mazumder


Chronic voluntary oral methamphetamine induces deficits in spatial learning and hippocampal protein kinase Mzeta with enhanced astrogliosis and cyclooxygenase-2 levels, Jorge A. Avila, Roseanna M. Zanca, Denis Shor, Nicholas Paleologos, Amber A. Alliger, Maria E. Figueiredo-Pereira, and Peter A. Serrano


A description of nesting behaviors, including factors impacting nest site selection, in black‐and‐white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata), Andrea L. Baden


Facilitating Video Analysis for Teacher Development: A Systematic Review of the Research, Laura H. Baecher, Shiao-Chuan Kung, Sarah Laleman Ward, and Kimberly Kern


Bad Bunny, Good Scapegoat: How 'El Conejo Malo' Is Stirring a 'Moral Panic' in Post-Hurricane Puerto Rico, Yarimar Bonilla


Leveraging PET to image folate receptor α therapy of an antibody-drug conjugate, Christian Brand, Ahmad Sadique, Jacob L. Houghton, Kishore Gangagari, Jose F. Ponte, Jason S. Lewis, Naga Vara Kishore Pillarsetty, Joseph A. Konner, and Thomas Reiner


A systematic review of non-pharmacological interventions to improve nighttime sleep among residents of long-term care settings, Elizabeth Capezuti, Rana Sagha Zadeh, Kevin Pain, Aleksa Basara, Nancy Ziyan Jiang, and Ana C. Krieger


Target engagement imaging of PARP inhibitors in small-cell lung cancer, Brandon Carney, Susanne Kossatz, Benjamin H. Lok, Valentina Schneeberger, Kishore K. Gangangari, Naga Vara Kishore Pillarsetty, Wolfgang A. Weber, Charles M. Rudin, John T. Poirier, and Thomas Reiner


Primordial origin and diversification of plasmids in Lyme disease agent bacteria, Sherwood R. Casjens, Lia Di, Saymon Akther, Emmanuel F. Mongodin, Benjamin J. Luft, Steven E. Schutzer, Claire M. Fraser, and Weigang Qiu


Prostaglandin D2/J2 signaling pathway in a rat model of neuroinflammation displaying progressive parkinsonian-like pathology: potential novel therapeutic targets, Chuhyon Corwin, Anastasia Nikolopoulou, Allen L. Pan, Mariela Nunez-Santos, Shankar Vallabhajosula, Peter A. Serrano, John Babich, and Maria E. Figueiredo-Pereira


The algorithmic rise of the “alt-right”, Jessie Daniels


W.E.B. DuBois for the Twenty‐First Century: On Being a Scholar‐Activist in the Digital Era, Jessie Daniels


When the Far-Right Attacks Faculty Online, They are Attacking Public Higher Education, Jessie Daniels


White Women, U.S. Popular Culture, and Narratives of Addiction, Jessie Daniels


Single olfactory receptors set odor detection thresholds, Adam Dewan, Annika Cichy, Jingji Zhang, Kayla Miguel, Paul Feinstein, Dmitry Rinberg, and Thomas Bozza


Use and Awareness of Library Services among Faculty at Two Armenian Universities, D. Aram Donabedian, John Carey, and Arshak Balayan


Discriminating radiation injury from recurrent tumor with [18F]PARPi and amino acid PET in mouse models, Patrick L. Donabedian, Susanne Kossatz, John A. Engelbach, Stephen A. Jannetti, Brandon Carney, Robert J. Young, Wolfgang A. Weber, Joel R. Garbow, and Thomas Reiner


‘Haciendas and Plantations’: History and limitations of a 60-year-old taxonomy, Marc Edelman


Using Drosophila behavioral assays to characterize terebrid venompeptide bioactivity, Anders Eriksson, Prachi Anand, Juliette Gorson, Corina Grijuc, Elina Hadelia, James C. Stewart, Mandë Holford, and Adam Claridge-Chang


LIM Protein Ajuba associates with the RPA complex through direct cell cycle-dependent interaction with the RPA70 subunit, Sandy Fowler, Pascal Maguin, Sampada Kalan, and Diego Loayza


Ten Years of Food Policy Governance in New York City: Lessons for the Next Decade, Nicholas Freudenberg, Nevin Cohen, Janet Poppendieck, and Craig Willingham


Disparities in pulmonary fibrosis care in the United States: an analysis from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample, Adam W. Gaffney, Steffie Woolhander, David Himmelstein, and Danny McCormick


TMSOTf assisted synthesis of 2’-deoxy-2’-[18F] fluoro-β-D-arabinofuranosylcytosine ([18F] FAC), Kishore K. Gangangari, John L. Humm, Steven M. Larson, and Naga Vara Kishore Pillarsetty


Evolution of the modern baboon (Papio hamadryas): A reassessment of the African Plio-Pleistocene record, Christopher C. Gilbert, Stephen R. Frost, Kelsey D. Pugh, Monya Anderson, and Eric Delson


Building Brand Kurdistan: Helly Luv, the Gender of Nationhood, and the War on Terror, Nicholas S. Glastonbury


Jerome Lefkowitz: A Pragmatic Intellect and Major Figure in Taylor Law HistoryTaylor Law History, William A. Herbert


Total Eclipse of the Court? Janus v. AFSCME, Council 31 in Historical, Legal, and Public Policy Contexts, William A. Herbert, Sarah Cudahy, and John Wirenius


BpWrapper: BioPerl-based sequence and tree utilities for rapid prototyping of bioinformatics pipelines, Yözen Hernández, Rocky Bernstein, Pedro Pagan, Levy Vargas, William McCaig, Girish Ramrattan, Saymon Akther, Amanda Larracuente, Lia Di, Filipe G. Vieira, and Weigang Qiu


A new insight into underlying disease mechanism through semi-parametric latent differential network model, Yong He, Jiadong Ji, Lei Xie, Xinsheng Zhang, and Fuzhong Xue


An Interview with Cesare Montecucco, Mandë Holford and Andreas Rummel


Thrive With Me: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial to Test a Peer Support Intervention to Improve Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Among Men Who Have Sex With Men, Keith J. Horvath, K. Rivet Amico, Darin Erickson, Alexandra M. Ecklund, Aldona Martinka, James DeWitt, Jeffrey McLaughlin, and Jeffrey T. Parsons


Designing a Summer Transition Program for Incoming and Current College Students on the Autism Spectrum: A Participatory Approach, Emily Hotez, Christina Shane-Simpson, Rita Obeid, Danielle DeNigris, Michael Siller, Corinna Costikas, Jonathan Pickens, Anthony Massa, Michael Giannola, Joanne D'Onofrio, and Kristen Gillespie-Lynch


Comparing Microbiome Sampling Methods in a Wild Mammal: Fecal and Intestinal Samples Record Different Signals of Host Ecology, Evolution, Melissa R. Ingala, Nancy B. Simmons, Claudia Wultsch, Konstantinos Krampis, Kelly A. Speer, and Susan L. Perkins


Disequilibrium, Adaptation, and the Norse Settlement of Greenland, Rowan Jackson, Jette Arneborg, Andrew Dugmore, Christian Madsen, Tom McGovern, Konrad Smiarowski, and Richard Streeter


MSW Interns at Public Libraries: Fostering Collaboration For Change, Sarah C. Johnson


Social science perspectives on drivers of and responses to global, Andrew K. Jorgenson, Shirley Fiske, Klaus Hubacek, Jia Li, Tom McGovern, Torben Rick, Juliet B. Schor, William Solecki, Richard York, and Ariela Zycherman


Not Waiting for Washington: Climate Policy Adoption in California and New York, Roger Karapin


Proactive Empirical Assessment of New Language Feature Adoption via Automated Refactoring: The Case of Java 8 Default Methods, Raffi T. Khatchadourian and Hidehiko Masuhara


Proactive Empirical Assessment of New Language Feature Adoption via Automated Refactoring: The Case of Java 8 Default Methods, Raffi T. Khatchadourian and Hidehiko Masuhara


A Tool for Optimizing Java 8 Stream Software via Automated Refactoring, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Yiming Tang, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Syed Ahmed


The Relationship Between In-session Commitment Language and Daily Self-reported Commitment to Reduce or Abstain from Drinking, Alexis Kuerbis, Jessica Houser, Paul Amrhein, Hayley Treloar Padovano, and Jon Morgenstern


Exploration of Treatment Matching to Problem Drinker Characteristics With Motivational Interviewing and Non-directive Client-centered Psychotherapy for Problem Drinkers, Alexis Kuerbis, Jessica Houser, Svetlana Levak, Sijing Shao, and Jon Morgenstern


More Than Taking a Chair: The Perceived Group Social Dynamics of Alcoholics Anonymous Related to Changes in Spiritual Practices, Alexis Kuerbis and J. Scott Tonigan


Comparing Daily Drivers of Problem Drinking Among Older and Younger Adults: An Electronic Daily Diary Study Using Smartphones, Alexis Kuerbis, Hayley Treloar Padovano, Sijing Shao, Jessica Houser, Frederick Muench, and Jon Morgenstern


The effectiveness of critical time intervention for abused women leaving women’s shelters: a randomized controlled trial, Danielle A. M. Lako, Marielle D. Beijersbergen, Irene E. Jonker, Renee de Vet, Daniel B. Herman, Albert M. van Hemert, and Judith R. L. M. Wolf


Oxytocin and cancer: An emerging link, Ben Lerman, Trisheena Harricharran, and Olorunseun O. Ogunwobi


The International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine (ICIBM) 2018: bioinformatics towards translational applications, Xiaoming Liu, Lei Xie, Zhijin Wu, Kai Wang, Zhongming Zhao, Jianhuan Ruan, and Degui Zhi


Structure-activity profiling of alkaloid natural product pharmacophores against a Schistosoma serotonin receptor, Jonathan S. Marchant, Wayne W. Harding, and John D. Chan


Comics, Questions, Action! Engaging Students and Instruction Librarians With the Comics-Questions Curriculum, Stephanie Margolin, Mason Brown, and Sarah Laleman Ward


Adolescent Medicine Trials Network for HIV/AIDS Interventions Data Harmonization: Rationale and Development of Guidelines, Micah McCumber, Demetria Cain, Sara LeGrand, Kenneth H. Mayer, Debra A. Murphy, Matthew A. Psioda, Arlene C. Seña, Tyrel J. Starks, and Michael Hudgens


Burning Libraries: A Community Response, Thomas H. McGovern


What is it all for? Archaeology and Global Change Research, Thomas H. McGovern


To switch or not to switch: Intentions to switch to injectable PrEP among gay and bisexual men with at least twelve months oral PrEP experience, Kathrine Meyers, Yumeng Wu, Atrina Brill, Theodorus Sandfort, and Sarit A. Golub


Day-Level Associations Between Substance Use and HIV Risk Behavior Among a Diverse Sample of Transgender Women, Brett M. Millar, Devin English, Raymond L. Moody, H. Jonathon Rendina, Demetria Cain, Nadav Antebi-Gruszka, Joseph A. Carter, and Jeffrey T. Parsons


Precocious development of self-awareness in dolphins, Rachel Morrison and Diana Reiss


Unravelling the structure of glycosyl cations via cold-ion infrared spectroscopy, Eike Mucha, Mateusz Marianski, Fei-Fei Xu, Daniel A. Thomas, Gerard Meijer, Gert von Helden, Peter H. Seeberger, and Kevin Pagel


Review of Recent Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Ion Transport in Polymer Electrolytes, Stephen Munoz and Steven Greenbaum


“Our lab is the community”: Defining essential supporting infrastructure in engagement research, Donald E. Nease Jr., Dee Burton, Sarah L. Cutrona, Lauren Edmundson, Alex H. Krist, Michael Barton Laws, and Montelle Tamez


Developmental transitions in amygdala PKC isoforms and AMPA receptor expression associated with threat memory in infant rats, Maya Opendak, Roseanna M. Zanca, Eben Anane, Peter Serrano, and Regina M. Sullivan


Age-Tastic! An Evaluation of an Evidence-Based Intervention for Older Adults, Manoj Pardasani, Jackie Berman, and Mebane Powell


Empowering With PrEP (E-PrEP), a Peer-Led Social Media–Based Intervention to Facilitate HIV Preexposure Prophylaxis Adoption Among Young Black and Latinx Gay and Bisexual Men: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial, Viraj V. Patel, Zoë Ginsburg, Sarit A. Golub, Keith J. Horvath, Nataly Rios, Kenneth H. Mayer, Ryunh S. Kim, and Julia H. Arnsten


Use and Awareness of Reference Management Software Among Community College Students, Ajatshatru Pathak and Sarah Johnson,


African trypanosomes evade immune clearance by Oglycosylation of the VSG surface coat, Jason Pinger, Dragana Nešić, Liaqat Ali, Francisco Aresta-Branco, Mirjana Lilic, Shanin Chowdhury, Hee-Sook Kim, Joseph Verdi, Jayne Raper, Michael A. J. Ferguson, F. Nina Papavasiliou, and C. Erec Stebbins