Works from 2025
The Role of Mentorship in the Advancement of Black Women in Higher Education Administrative Roles, Kimberley Colclough
Building a Professional Learning Community to Improve Technical Services Librarians' Teaching Preparedness, Junli Diao
Bibliographic Instruction and the Need for “Librarian-First” OER Repositories, Michael Kirby
Minds, Made Up or Malleable? Covert Commands at the Eclipse of Vaccine Communications, David H. Lee
Vaccines and Publics: A Variety of Engagement Experiences, David H. Lee
Atorvastatin alters neuronal morphology data set, Carolyn L. Pytte
Synergizing TQM, JIT, and Green Supply Chain Practices: Strategic Insights for Enhanced Environmental Performance, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, and Noor Aina Amirah
Introducing Justice and Rights to Students of Economics, Mark D. White
Cultural Relativism: Addressing Diversity and Expression of Culture Through Dress, Robert L. Woods, Maureen Archer-Festa, Rachel Raskin, and Alyssa Dana Dana Adomaitis
Works from 2024
Distortion and Subversion: Punk Rock Music and the Protests for Free Public Transportation in Brazil [Book review], Mariel Acosta
Ethics in climate AI: From theory to practice, Viviana Acquaviva, Elizabeth A. Barnes, David John Gagne II, Galen A. McKinley, and Savannah Thais
Synthesizing the Global English-Language Abortion Narrative: A Comparative Analysis of Media Discourse, Amy L. Adamczyk and Lindsay J. Lerner
Analysis of the Relationship Between Religion, Abortion, and Assisted Reproductive Technology: Insights into Cross-national Public Opinion, Amy L. Adamczyk, Brittany Suh, and Lindsay Lerner
Alternatives to Commission on New Technology Uses of Copyrighted Works (CONTU) in Practice, Tokunbo A. Adeshina Jr and Silvia Cho
CUNY/SUNY Alma Resource Sharing: A review from two CUNY Campuses, Tokunbo Adeshina and J. Silvia Cho
Immunomodulation of Macrophages in Diabetic Wound Individuals by Structurally Diverse Bioactive Phytochemicals, Krishnendu Adhikary, Riya Sarkar, Sriparna Maity, Ishani Sadhukhan, Riya Sarkar, Krishnendu Ganguly, Saurav Barman, Rajkumar Maiti, Sanjoy Chakraborty, Tandra R. Chakraborty, Debasis Bagchi, and Pradipta Banerjee
Threading Unity Throughout ITAA: A Collaboration of Fashion Academics Across Content Threading Unity: Apparel, Marketing, Beauty and Interior Design within the Fashion Industry, Alyssa Dana Adomaitis, Carter Gabriel Averbeck, Kendel Bolton, and Denise Sutton
Optimizing Indoor Environment Quality, Anjum B. Ahmmed, Christopher Gabriel Lopez, Jennifer Garcia, Marti Tapia, Nick Antoine, and Alexander Aptekar
Leveraging AI Tools in University Writing Instruction: Enhancing Student Success While Upholding Academic Integrity, Daisuke Akiba and Rebecca Garte
Study Abroad Angst: A Literature Review on the Mental Health of International Students During COVID-19, Daisuke Akiba, Michael Perrone, and Caterina Almendral
NASA Microgreen Cultivation in Space Utilizing PEGDA Hydrogels, Thomas Alarcon Ali, Zohaib Gabriel Khan, Ariel Marroquin, Samuel Martinez, Fabiha Samiha, and Emily Yong
The PRISMA Statement in Enviropreneurship Study: A Systematic Literature and a Research Agenda, Muath Maqbool Albhirat, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Shahid Rasool, Siti Nur Atikah Zulkiffli, Hafiz Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, and Al Montaser Mohammad
The Use of Repurposed Whole Textiles to Modify the Mechanical and Hydrogeological Properties of Green Roof Media and Granular Soils, Angelis Almanzar-Chevalie, Yehya Elfgeeh, and Calvin O. Walters Jr.
Veggie Meat Alternatives: A Virtue-Ethical View, Carlo Alvaro
Machine Learning: Face Recognition, Mohammed E. Amin
Fostering a Safety Culture in Manufacturing Industry through Safety Behavior: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach, Noor Aina Amirah, Nik Fadhilah Nik Him, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Tengku Noor Zaliha, and Asyraf Afthanorhan
Straw Bale Net Zero: Sustainable Building Solutions, Nick Antoine, Michael Ray Malonjao, Mohamed Hassan, Fareda Elsherif, and Brailyn Ventura
Evaluation of Undergraduate Research Topic Skill Development, Vanessa Arce and Katelyn Angell
Pioneering plant metabolomic library of Indonesian plants for research, conservation, capacity building and economic development, Isabel Armas, Ernawati Sinaga, Nonon Saribanon, Noverita, Alvira Noer Effendi, Chairil Rohadi, Hanifa Nur Adilah, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, and Ilya Raskin
Herding Cats: The Benefits and Challenges of a Large Research and Development Team, Xin Bai and Leslie Keiler
Using Poetics and Technology to Inform Pre-Service Educators’ Transformative Pedagogy via Innovative Sociocultural Interactivities, Lindamichelle Baron and Xin Bai
Mixed Feelings: The Emotional Appeals of Zitkala-Ša’s American Indian Stories, Kayla Joan Baur
CLACLS Reportage Vol. 1, Pierina Pighi Bel, Phoenix Paz, and Ana Maria Granados Romero
New York City’s Puerto Rican Population Experienced a Sharp Decline Between 2012 and 2022 While The Dominican Population Increased, Laird W. Bergad
Gender and Peer Review, Monica Berger
Introduction, Predatory Publishing and Global Scholarly Communications (Chapter 1), Monica Berger
Library Publishing in the Global South: Research in Progress, Monica Berger
Using Smartphones to Innovate Laboratories in Introductory Physics Courses, E. Bernardini, M. Carli, M.Y. Elkhashab, Andrea Ferroglia, Miguel C. N. Fiolhais, L. Gabelli, H. Jessen Munch, Darya Krym, P. Mastrolia, Giovanni Ossola, O. Pantano, J. Postiglione, J.S. Poveda Correa, C. Sirignano, and F. Soramel
Advances in Bone and Orthopedics 2024 Edition, Jean-Philippe Berteau and Laurent Pujo-Menjouet
Burnout: Half a century of controversy, Renzo Bianchi and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Rachel Franks, Double Agent: A Librarian and a Crime Author - William Blick Interviews Rachel Franks (January 2024), William Blick
Restorative Materials and Maintenance Protocols, Renata Budny and Khrystyna Vyprynyuk
Restorative Materials and Maintenance Protocols, Renata Budny and Khrystyna Vyprynyuk
Indo-Caribbean Youth and Suicidal Behavior: A Systematic Review, Raul Ruiz Camacho and Shiryn D. Sukhram
‘A storm is coming:' The New York Times coverage of the COVID-19 pandemic in American prisons, Katarzyna Celinska and Amina Cheboubi
Using IFMs to Pay for Lost Items, J. Silvia Cho
Describing DICTEE, Seo-Young J. Chu
Differentially Unwell: On Mimi Khúc's "dear elia", Seo-Young J. Chu
Survivor-Shaped Specters and Gaps, Seo-Young J. Chu
Notes From the Field - Conference Proceedings, Center for Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies (CLACLS)
Metabarcoding the Mycobiome: An analysis of the gut Mycobiome of babies, Daniel B. Colon and Jeremy Seto
Leveraging the Dual Role of the OER Practitioner/Administrator: 'Making it Count' at an Individual and Institutional Level, Cailean Cooney
Standard & Poor's Capital IQ NetAdvantage Revised, Michele Costello
The Pleasure in Cruelty is the Point: Reflections on The Souls of White Jokes, Jessie Daniels
Library Faith, Self-Care, and Academic Librarianship, John P. DeLooper
Examining Galaxy Bulge Regions with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Sarah E. Draves and Ariyeh Maller
Reconstructing Cosmic Filaments around Dwarf Galaxies with the Rubin Observatory, Sarah E. Draves, Charlotte Welker, and Charlotte Olsen
Review of the book The Fight against Book Bans: Perspectives from the Field, John A. Drobnicki
Proceedings of the CUNY Games Conference 10.0, Robert O. Duncan, Grace Axler-DiPerte, Joe Bisz, Christina Boyle, Devorah Kletenik, and Carolyn Stallard
Coding with Those Who Show Up: Two Methodologies on Technical Committee Work, Mark E. Eaton
The Elusive Endonym, Thomas Eccardt
eBook management in Ex Libris’ Alma: A tale of two workflows, Michelle Ehrenpreis and Sonali Sugrim
Gender-responsive Classification of Women in Prison: A Typology Based on Mental Health Symptoms and Coping Strategies, Irina Fanarraga and Katarzyna Celinska
Unshackling Our Youth through Love and Mutual Recognition: Notes from an Undergraduate Class on School Discipline Inspired by Ta-Nehisi Coates and bell hooks, Gene Fellner, Mark Comesañas, and Tahjuan Ferrell
Spanning Literacy Instruction: A Wikipedia Editing Assignment in an Upper-Level Biochemistry Course, Iris Finkel and Frida E. Kleiman
Bringing the Library into Brightspace, Stephen Francoeur, Rebecca Hyams, John DeLooper, Robin Naughton, and Eric Silberberg
Prevalence of drifting osteons distinguishes human bone, Katherine M. French, Sophia R. Mavroudas, and Victoria M. Dominguez
Bridging Implementation Science and Human-Centered Design: Developing Tailored Interventions for Healthier Eating in Restaurants, Melissa Fuster, Shelby Hipol, Terry TK Huang, Uriyoán Colón-Ramos, Cara Conaboy, Rosa Abreu, Lourdes Castro Mortillaro, and Margaret A. Handley
The Golden Age of Mexican Cinema, Daniel Galindo
Momentech - Modern Explorations of the Impulse-Momentum Theorem, Todd Gelbord
Investigating Efficiency of Free-For-All Models in a Matchmaking Context, Emil Gensby, Bryan S. Weber, and Anders H. Christiansen
A validation study of the Occupational Depression Inventory in Poland and Ukraine, Krystyna Golonka, Karine O. Malysheva, Dominika Fortuna, Bożena Gulla, Leon T. De Beer, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Renzo Bianchi
A validation study of the Occupational Depression Inventory in Poland and Ukraine, Krystyna Golonka, Karine O. Malysheva, Dominika Fortuna, Bożena Gulla, Serhii Lytvyn, Leon T. De Beer, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Renzo Bianchi
Using a translanguaging framework to examine language production in a trilingual person with aphasia, Mira Goral, Katarina Antolovic, Zahra Hejazi, and Franziska M. Schulz
Review of The Williamsburg Avant-Garde: Experimental Music and Sound on the Brooklyn Waterfront, by Cisco Bradley, Theodore B. Gordon
PLTL Develops Scholars for Majors in the Built-Environment, Shpat Halili and Calvin O. Walters Jr.
From a Traditional City to a Smart City: The Measurement of Cities’ Readiness for Transition, Egypt as a Case Study, Ahmed Hassebo, Mohamed Tealab, and Mosaad Hamouda
A Review of Consanguinity in the Iraqi Population: A Call to Action to Prevent a Future Health Catastrophe, Zaid Ali Hawi, Kealan Pugsley, Atefeh Namipashaki, Walied Samarrai, and Ziarih Hawi
Enhance students’ learning outcomes by redesigning individual learning activities into group activities for introductory level Physics courses, Kalani Hettiarachchilage and Neel Haldolaarachchige
Circular Economy: The 4Rs reduce-reuse-recycle-recover, Kevin Hom
The News Is History: Building News Literacy Skills with Historic Primary Sources, Jen Hoyer
It’s So Liberating To Do The Work: Education In Archives Creates Space For People With Disabilities, Jen Hoyer and Julia Pelaez
OER Presentation to KCC English Department, Rachel Ihara
Transatlantic Literary Networks, 1949-1972, Cristina Iuli and Stefano Morello
Bulgarian clitics are sensitive to number attraction, Tanya Ivanova-Sullivan, Irina A. Sekerina, and Sol Lago
VoiceThread Case Study, Curtis Izen
Chatbots adoption intention in public sector in Malaysia from the perspective of TOE framework. The moderated and mediation model, Ramizatunnisah Jais, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Samar Rahi, Aamir Rashid, Syed Zamberi Ahmad, and Safiek Mokhlis
Change is Possible: Implementing Assessment of Library Instruction with the Help of Change Management Theories, Carrie Jedlicka
Creating a Homemade Mobile Augmented Reality Game in a Community College Library: An Open Source Approach, Carrie Jedlicka and Mark E. Eaton
ReLESS: A Framework for Assessing Safety in Deep Learning Systems, Nan Jia, Anita Raja, and Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Description of Gastrophryne elegans (Boulenger, 1882) tadpole from the rainforest of Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, Mexico, Víctor H. Jiménez-Arcos, Rafael Alejandro Calzada-Arciniega, Bruno Cortés-OrtIz, and Christopher Blair
Phenotypic mismatch between suspects and fillers but not phenotypic bias increases eyewitness identifications of Black suspects, Jennifer M. Jones, Jacqueline Katzman, and Margaret Bull Kovera
Cellular signatures in human blood track bone mineral density in postmenopausal women, Kaichi Kaneko, Jefferson Tsai, Deniece Meñez, Brian Oh, Andrew Junwoo Suh, Seyeon Bae, Masataka Mizuno, Akio Umemoto, Eugenia G. Giannopoulou, Takayuki Fujii, Yaxia Zhang, Emily M. Stein, Richard S. Bockman, and Kyung-Hyun Park-Min
Kaleidoscopic Federalism, Roger Karapin
Adapting for Anti-Racism: Collaboratively diversifying faculty open professional development, Stacy Katz and Sherry L. Deckman
Using Computational Thinking to Explore and Support Equity and Social Justice, Leslie Keiler, Sherone Smith-Sanchez, Zena Cooper, Natasha Cox-Magno, Lisa Dunn-Lockhart, Kara Hudon, Clare Pawson, and Xin Bai