Works from 2024
Offshore Wind In New York City: Is Brooklyn Tilting at Windmills?, Nathan Kensinger and Alex Diaz-Casos
Editorial for “Automated Breast Density Assessment in MRI using Deep Learning and Radiomics: Strategies for Reducing Inter-observer Variability”, Pegah Khosravi
AI-Enhanced Detection of Clinically Relevant Structural and Functional Anomalies in MRI: Traversing the Landscape of Conventional to Explainable Approaches, Pegah Khosravi, Saber Mohammadi, Fatemeh Zahiri, Masoud Khodarahmi, and Javad Zahiri
AI-Enhanced Detection of Clinically Relevant Structural and Functional Anomalies in MRI: Traversing the Landscape of Conventional to Explainable Approaches, Pegah Khosravi, Saber Mohammadi, Fatemeh Zahiri, Masoud Khodarahmi, and Javad Zahiri
SREBP2 restricts osteoclast differentiation and activity by regulating IRF7 and limits inflammatory bone erosion, Haemin Kim, In Ah Choi, Akio Umemoto, Seyeon Bae, Kaichi Kaneko, Masataka Mizuno, Eugenia Giannopoulou, Tania Pannellini, Liang Deng, and Kyung-Hyun Park-Min
Assessing Progress in Reducing Racial Disparities in New York City Law Enforcement, 2013-2022, Stephen Koppel and Michael Rempel
Failure to Appear Across New York Regions, Stephen Koppel, René Ropac, and Michael Rempel
Racial Disparities in New York City Civil Summonses, 2019-2022, Stephen Koppel and Anna Stenkamp
A Model for Embedding Nature-Based Learning Across Disciplines: A Pilot Study at an Urban Community College, Nicole Kras
Island blue spaces: A deeper exploration, Nicole Kras
The Breakdown of Soviet-American Relations After World War II: Changes in the Historiography, Angelina K. Lambros
Legacy of Labour: The Impact of Parental Occupations on Children’s Careers Choices and Income Inequality, Swapnil Landge
Parents, Paths, and Paychecks: Examining Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and Career Choices, Swapnil Landge
Securing securities: political risk, sovereign debt, and the Anglo-American financial power transition, Michael Lee
Email Invitation and Survey for Faculty Whose Experience Has Mostly Been With Actual Vertical Transfer Students, Alexandra W. Logue, Vita Rabinowitz, Yoshiko Oka, Nayeon Yoo, Rhina Torres, Kerstin Gentsch, and David Wutchiett
Valve Train Design and Material Testing, Luis Luna
Evaluating the Impact of Desk Appearance Ticket Reform in New York State, Olive Lu and Michael Rempel
Local-Classical Singers Speak: Interviews with Trinidadian, Guyanese, and Surinamese Singers, Peter L. Manuel
We didn't know it was that bad: Unearthing parent perspectives on Universal Pre-K policy, Maria S. Mavrides Calderon
It’s Not a Few, It’s All: How Political Elites Create and Construct the Meaning of Terrorism and Apply it to an Entire Group, Jamarne McGill
Comparative Analysis of Polyphenol Content, Antioxidant Activity and Antimicrobial Properties in Endemic and Widespread Allium Species of Tajikistan, Fazila Mirzoeva, Saidbeg Satorov, Salomuddin Usufi, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, and Shukhratdzhon Shukhratdzhon
‘I know it when I see it’– Developing Quality Schedules Considering Subjective or Unspecified Criteria, Douglas L. Moody
Scene transatlantiche: eco italiane nella Beat Generation, Stefano Morello
Cultural Barriers and Communication: South Asian Experiences in Health Care Settings, Sabahat Moughal
Prediction in bilingual sentence processing: Is it linked to production?, Meir Natalia, Olga Parshina, and Irina A. Sekerina
Librarians Need Accomplices!, Robin Naughton Ph.D and Simone L. Yearwood
Could It Be that Healthcare Systems are Putting Profits Before Patients?, Majida Naz
Flying to your home yard: the mediation and moderation model of the intention to employ drones for last-mile delivery, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Ramayah Thurasamy, Samar Rahi, Nurul Izni Kamalrulzaman, Aamir Rashid, and Fei Long
Time Preferences and Lunar New Year: An Experiment, Tam L. Nguyen, Bryan S. Weber, and Luu Duc Toan Huynh
The Simple Pendulum: Motion, Mechanics, and Applications, Margaret N. Okonya and Maryann Leshaj
Beyond the Library: The Role of Academic Libraries’ Chat Reference in Answering Campus Questions, Erin Owens, Vanessa Arce, Darcy Del Bosque, Robin Fowler, and Silvia Sheffield
Costumed Culture: Influences and Preservation on Broadway, Amanda L. Padilla
Effects of Surface Treatment on Adhesive Performance of Composite-to-Composite and Composite-to-Metal Joints, Nikhil Paranjpe, Md. Nizam Uddin, Akm S. Rahman, and Ramazan Asmatulu
Gene Flow and Isolation in the Arid Nearctic Revealed by Genomic Analyses of Desert Spiny Lizards, Carlos J. Pavón-Vázquez, Qaantah Rana, Keaka Farleigh, Erika Crispo, Mimi Zeng, Jeevanie Liliah, Daniel Mulcahy, Alfredo Ascanio, Tereza Jezkova, Adam D. Leaché, Tomas Flouri, Ziheng Yang, and Christopher Blair
Frontera de Valldemosa’s Equinotación and the Nineteenth-Century Textbook Controversies It Sparked, Antoni Pizà
Bite-Size Market Research Tools: Micro Surveys and Usability Studies, Mark Aaron Polger
Reflecting on 10 years of the PR Xchange, Mark Aaron Polger
The Information Literacy Class as Theatrical Performance: A Qualitative Study of Academic Librarians’ Understanding of Their Teacher Identity, Mark Aaron Polger
The Mazdakites, the ʿAyyārs and the Mithraists, Parvaneh Pourshariati
Our Journey to Valuing Computational Thinking as a Tool to Address Inequity and Cultivate Well-Being in Urban Education, Malgorzata Powietrzynska Ph.D. and Linda Noble
Analysis of Library School Syllabi Reveals Poor Design and Limited Content about Disability and Accessibility, Nandi Prince
Whispers of AI: Unveiling the Paradox of GPT Titans, Faria R. Promi and Qing Qing Zhuo
Mass exodus? Police officer turnover intention and organizational commitment in New York City, Kenneth M. Quick and Kevin T. Wolff
Breaking into the black box of customer perception towards robot service: Empirical evidence from service sector, Samar Rahi, Mazuri Abd Ghani, Manaf Al-Okaily, Aamir Rashid, Mahmoud Alghizzawi, and Fadi Shehab Shiyyab
New York State Climate Impacts Assessment: 04 Buildings, Nicholas B. Rajkovich, Carrie Brown, Ilya Azaroff, Erik Backus, Shannon Clarke, Jared Enriquez, Bethany Greenaway, Meghan T. Holtan, Jamal Lewis, Ozgem Ornektekin, and Laurie Schoeman
Integrating Environmental and Entrepreneurship Advocacy into Enviropreneurship through Green Supply Chain Management, Waste Management, and Green Innovation: A Study on SMEs of US, Rizwana Rasheed, Aamir Rashid, Noor Aina Amirah, and Rashid Hashmi
Future behavioural of console gamers and mobile gamers: are they differ?, Aamir Rashid
Big data analytics-artificial intelligence and sustainable performance through green supply chain practices in manufacturing firms of a developing country, Aamir Rashid, Neelam Baloch, Rizwana Rasheed, and Abdul Hafaz Ngah
Logistics Service Quality and Product Satisfaction in E-Commerce, Aamir Rashid and Rizwana Rasheed
Greening Manufacturing: The Role of Institutional Pressure and Collaboration in Operational Performance, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, and Nezih Altay
Role of Leadership Styles to Foster Innovative Capabilities and Green Purchasing, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, and Abdul Hafaz Ngah
Unleashing the Power of Cloud Adoption and Artificial Intelligence in Optimizing Resilience and Sustainable Manufacturing Supply Chain in the USA, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, and Noor Aina Amirah
A Nexus of Multiple Integrations and Business Performance through Supply Chain Agility and Supply Flexibility: A Dynamic Capability View, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, and Rob Kim Marjerison
Role of Information Processing and Digital Supply Chain in Supply Chain Resilience through Supply Chain Risk Management, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Abdul Hafaz Ngah, Samar Rahi, and Muhammad Nawaz Tunio
Disruptive factors of vendor-managed inventory in the manufacturing industry, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Samar Rahi, and Noor Aina Amirah
Mediation of Integrations in Supply Chain Information Management and Supply Chain Performance: An Empirical Study from a Developing Economy, Aamir Rashid, Rizwana Rasheed, Umair Tanveer, Shamaila Ishaq, and Noor Aina Amirah
Enhanced rate capability and capacity of LIB full cells achieved through aerosol jet printing, Rodrigo Rodriguez, L. Jay Deiner, Bang-Hung S. Tsao, and Joseph P. Fellner
“Be Yo’self. It’s Just a Show”: Performing Community through the Comic Grotesque in Branden Jacobs-Jenkins’s Neighbors, Annette Saddik
Preservice Teachers as Learners, Designers and Implementers of Computational Thinking (LDI-CT), LIne Saint-Hilaire and Daisuke Akiba
La voz del autor en el discurso médico y sus implicaciones en ELE, David Sanchez-Jimenez
Retórica intercultural en el discurso académico universitario: las funciones retóricas de la citación en los Trabajos de Fin de Máster escritos en español y en inglés por hablantes nativos y no nativos, David Sanchez-Jimenez
Caracterización lingüístico-discursiva de los mecanismos de despersonalización y posicionamiento del autor en el género médico Ficha Clínica, David Sanchez-Jimenez and Paulina Meza
A desirable advancement but not without concern for black blood sequences: vessel wall imaging may not be blindly done, Subhendra N. Sarkar
Compton scattering of mammographic soft X-ray beams by alkali and transition metal salt filters produce x-ray interference zones that may have treatment potential for localized cancer lesions, Subhendra N. Sarkar, Eric Lobel, Sabina Rakhmatova, Derbie Desir, Somdat Kissoon, Daler Djuraev, and Katie Tam
Recent evolution in thermochemical transformation of municipal solid wastes to alternate fuels, Tumpa R. Sarker, Lucky Khatun, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Rostom Ali, Shariful Islam, Sagor Chowdhury, Kazi Sakibur Rahman, Nafis Sadique Sayem, and Akm S. Rahman
Efficacy of Ferula L. species extracts from Tajikistan against influenza viruses, Saidbeg Satorov, Sulhiy Mavlonazarova, Ahdrey P. Bogoyavlenskiy, Salomuddin D. Yusufi, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Measurement invariance of the Pandemic Anxiety Inventory in different demographic groups, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Tasmyn Prytherch, Mark Cropley, Jay Verkuilen, and Renzo Bianchi
Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies, Ian Scoones, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Amita Baviskar, Marc Edelman, Nancy Peluso, and Wendy Wolford
Attention-language interface in Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives (MAIN), Irina A. Sekerina, Olga Parshina, Vladislava Staroverova, and Natalia Gagarina
Regulatory Issues in Electronic Health Records for Adolescent HIV Research: Strategies and Lessons Learned, Sara Ali Shaw Green, Sung-Jae Lee, Samantha Chahin, Meardith Pooler-Burgess, Monique Green-Jones, Sitaji Gurung, Angulique Y. Outlaw, and Sylvie Naar
Re-thinking L1-L2 similarities and differences in English proficiency: Insights from the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) project., Noam Siegelman, Irina A. Sekerina, and Victor Kuperman
Reacciones de los docentes ante las prohibiciones y biblioclastia de los nuevos libros de texto gratuitos de México en 2023: Un estudio cualitativo descriptivo, Eric Silberberg, Armida Liliana Patrón Reyes, Pedro Chagoyán García, and Eric Manuel Benjamín Sánchez Barragán
Teachers’ reactions to the bans and biblioclasm of Mexico’s national free textbooks in 2023: A descriptive qualitative study, Eric Silberberg, Armida Liliana Patrón Reyes, Pedro Chagoyán García, and Eric Manuel Benjamín Sánchez Barragán
A randomized double blind placebo controlled trial to assess the safety and efficacy of a patented fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) seed extract in Type 2 diabetics, Rajinder Singh Gupta, Amarjit Singh Grover, Pawan Kumar, Apurva Goel, Samudra P. Banik, Sanjoy Chakraborty, Mehul Rungta, Manashi Bagchi, Partha Pal, and Debasis Bagchi
Performance Outcomes in Introductory Statistics: R vs. SPSS Usage at a Community College, Venessa Singhroy Ph.D. and Bianca Sosnovski
Amazed: Teaching Architectural Design Styles with a Board Game, Monisha Sooklall
Racial and Neighborhood Disparities in New York City Criminal Summons Practices, Anna Stenkamp and Michael Rempel
Play Time: Gender, Anti-Semitism and Temporality in Medieval Biblical Drama by Daisy Black (review), Christopher B. Swift
Whiteness as the standard: Shifting ideologies, race, and social context, Kelsey Swift
Testing Routine Activity Theory: Behavioural Pathways Linking Temperature to Crime, Christopher Thomas, Jinuk Jeong, and Kevin T. Wolff
Securing Kubernetes Services Exposed to Public Networks from Cyber Attacks, Kaung Myat Thu
Climate Change Impacts On Bridge Scour Risk In New York State, Alexis Torres
Factors Affecting CSR Practices in Entrepreneurship: Case of Female Entrepreneurs in Pakistan, Muhammad Nawaz Tunio, Iffat Sabir, Aamir Rashid, and Faheem Gul Gilald
Entrypoints for Integrating Computing and Tech into Teacher Education: Addressing Problems and Opportunities with the EnCITE Framework, Sara E. Vogel, Aman Yadav, David Phelps, and Aankit Patel
Preserving Oral Health, Khrystyna Vyprynyuk and Renata Budny
Palimbiosis, Leila Walker
Quality Assurance and Quality Control for Reinforced Concrete Inspections, Calvin O. Walters Jr.
The Sharing Economy And Urban Crime, Bryan S. Weber
Punishment and Resources, Mark D. White
Informed consent: vetting research software for privacy, Noreen Y. Whysel
Consumer Attitudes Towards Product Safety: Physical Consumer Goods vs. Internet Connected Products, Noreen Y. Whysel and Lisa LeVasseur
Beyond the Reach of Legal Process – Lessons From United States v Rafiekian, Vivian M. Williams
Oil and a Slippery Path to Conflict: ConocoPhillips, Guyana, and the Hostile Elephant in the Room, Vivian M. Williams
The Brink of War: How Courts Avoid Injudicious Aggravation of Tension Between Nations, Vivian M. Williams
Architectural Solutions to a Better Quality of Life for the NYCHA Queensbridge Houses Community, Cheriyah Wilmot, Sofia Bilbao, Kaylynn Daoud, and Kevin Valencia