Dissertations from 2022
Serial Position Effect Profiles and Their Neuroanatomical Correlates: Predictors of Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease, Isabelle K. Avildsen
Exploring Social and Emotional Functioning in Emerging Adult Survivors of Adverse Childhood Experiences, Sara Babad
Exploring the Effectiveness of Multiple-Exemplar Training for Visual Analysis of AB-Design Graphs, Verena S. Bethke
Falling Forward: The Governance of School Reform, Race, and the Contest for a Dignified Future in Newark, N.J., Claire Cahen
The Impossible Situation? Impasse as Psychotherapeutic Paralysis, Possibility, and Progress, Leo Cancelmo
Coercive Control and Trauma-Coerced Attachment in Commercial Sexual Exploitation: A Mixed-Method Examination, Kendra Doychak
A Polypharmacological Approach to Relapse Prevention in an Animal Model of Heroin Addiction, Scott T. Ewing
Reducing Fear Overgeneralization with Safety Learning: Attention Bias as a Moderator, Boyang Fan
Integrating Social-Emotional Learning and School Climate with a Sociocultural Narrative Inquiry Approach, Isabella Fante
Exploring Social Identity Threat and Safety Cues for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Pansexual, and Queer Cisgender Women in OB/GYN Care, Rachel Fikslin
Fathers Are Fathers Are Fathers: How Sociocultural Context and Sexual Orientation Influence the Gendering of Children, Sarah M. Frantz
Cerebrovascular Impairment as a Potential Target for Neuromodulation Therapy in Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Naomi L. Gaggi
Effects of Chronic Stress on Safety Processing and Physiology in the Medial Prefrontal-Amygdala-Basal Forebrain Circuit, Itamar S. Grunfeld
Acculturation Patterns in Childhood/Adolescence, Cultural Stress in Young Adulthood, and Exploring the Moderating Role of Skin Tone Among Puerto Rican Youth in Two Contexts, Marjorine Henriquez-Castillo
Antisocial Behavior and Callous Unemotional Traits in Youth: A Biosocial Approach, Yong Lin Huang
Mapping Learning Ecologies: A Diffractive Exploration of the Emergence of Learning, Laurie Hurson
Is Less More? Examining the Effects of Predictor Method Factors on Mobile SJT Scores and Test-Taker Reactions, Anne E. Kato
The Impact of Personal Resources, Job Resources and Job Demands on Nurse Engagement, Michael J. Kern
Microaggressions, Imposter Phenomenon, and People of Color: A Quantitative Analysis, Rukiya King
The Effects of False Heartbeat Feedback on Moral Judgment, Scott Koenig
Examining the Buffering Effect of Mindfulness on the Relationship Between Stress and Ethical Decision Making, Irina Kuzmich
The Bright and Dark Sides of Upward Social Comparison: Knowledge Sharing and Knowledge Hiding Directed at High Performers, Soohyun (Ashley) Lee
Tell Me a Story: Exploring the Use of Narratives to Reduce Backlash to Organizational Diversity Initiatives, Desmond W. Leung
Problematic Social Media Use, Social Comparison, and Defeat: An Intensive Longitudinal Investigation, Natalia Macrynikola
Anomalous Self-Experiences and Aberrant Salience in Schizotypy, Victoria Martin
Discrimination, Psychological Well-Being, and Racial Importance in U.S. Native-Born and Caribbean Black Americans, Jaime E. McCaw
Dietary Regulation of Silent Synapses in the Dorsolateral Striatum, Allison M. Meyers
Unraveling the Double-Bind: An Investigation of Black and Latina Women in STEM, Katlyn L. Milless
A Pilot Feasibility Trial of Mindfulness and Modification Therapy for Males Who Use Aggression, Jenny Mitchell
Natural Striatal Signaling Dynamics During Food Approach, Devry Mourra
The Differential Effects of Acoustic Discriminations on Operant Learning Performance and Neurogenesis in Male and Female Zebra Finches, Kristena L. Newman
Oxytocin, a Lover and a Fighter: Maternal Trauma Exposure and Mother-Child Coregulation, Patricia M. Pehme
Stereotypes, Dehumanization, and Disciplining Disability: Psychological Mechanisms that Fuel the School-to-Prison Pipeline, Alexandra Ponce de Leon-LeBec
How Useful Do You Think This Diversity Training Is? The Impact of Training Type and Individual Differences on Pre-Training Perceived Utility of Diversity Training, Nicolette A. Rainone
Adapting Small Unmanned Aerial Systems for Behavioral Research with Coastal Marine Mammals, Eric Angel Ramos
Investigation of Behavioral Responses Including Visual Side Biases to Social Stimuli in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Jennifer R. Savoie
"A Fallen Woman": The Use of Metaphor in Psychoanalysis, Matthew Schneider
A Solitary Solidarity: Conditions for Attunement in the "Migration Crisis" in Greece, Katherine Sheese
The Role of Mortality Salience and Social Identity in Police Officers and Students Reporting Misconduct, Anna M. Stenkamp
The Impact of Cannabis Use on Neuropsychological and Neural Biomarkers of Treatment Response in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Melanie B. Thies
SSRI-Induced Emotional Blunting: A Study of Cognitive Changes in Pharmaceutically Treated Depression, Carly Tocco
In the Eye of the Beholder: A Daily Diary Investigation of Appraisals of Illegitimate Tasks, Danielle Robyn Wald
Teaching Siblings to Encourage and Praise Play: Supporting Interactions When One Sibling has Autism, Holly R. Weisberg
Countertransference and the Patient's Experience: Exploring How Engagement with Affect is Related to Short-Term Psychotherapy Outcomes, Ariel R. Westerman
An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Epistemic Value of Moral Ambiguity, Jordan Wylie
Linguistic Abstractions in Children’s Very Early Utterances, Qihui Xu
Dissertations from 2021
Mitigating Resurgence in Functional Communication Training: Teaching Varied and Complex Responses, Charlene N. Agnew
Telehealth Caregiver Training: Treating Food Selectivity without Extinction, Christina M. Alaimo
Barriers and Bridges to Intimacy: A Constellation of Same-Sex Female Couples’ Experiences, Struggles and Strengths, Jenna K. Bennett
Smartphones and Somatizing, Jonathan Berkowitz
Environmental Cues and the Sociospatial Imaginary: An Examination of Spatial Perception and Meaning-Making in a Gentrifying Neighborhood, Todd Levon Brown
The Effects of Constant and Descending Criterion-Level Frequencies on Skill Acquisition Outcomes, Anna Budd
Early Emotion Regulation in the Children of Superstorm Sandy, Jessica L. Buthmann
The Space Love Maps: A Blackgirl Legend in Three Plots, Loren S. Cahill
The Influence of Prosecutorial Overcharging on Defendant and Defense Attorney Plea Decision Making: Documenting and Debiasing the Anchoring Effect, Stephanie Aurora Cardenas
Connect or Protect: The Impact of Ghosting on Potential Partner Perception and Pursuit, Maureen Coyle
Food Restriction and Body Image Distortion in Pregnant Mothers: Outcomes for Exposed Children, Kathryn M. Dana
An Evaluation of An Application Designed for the iPad® to Measure Stimulus Overselectivity for Future Use in Autism Research, Adrienne A. Fitzer
Reimagining What it Means to be Black in the United States: Family Cultural Socialization Practices that Shape Racial Identities among Diverse Young Adults, Latifa T. Fletcher
The Influence of Evidence-Based Sex Discrimination Policies on Women’s Perceptions of Organizational Climate, Sexism, and Identity Safety, Maya A. Godbole
Improving the Accuracy of Juror Self-Reports of Bias During Rehabilitative Voir Dire, Natalie Gordon
Traces of Absence: How the Trauma of the Yemenite, Mizrahi and Balkan Kidnapped Children Affair Is Present in Photographs and Home Movies, Natalie Haziza
The Psychological Allure of Alford: Why Innocents Plead Guilty, Johanna Hellgren
Childhood ADHD, Impulsivity, and Alcohol-Related Impairment Among Diverse College Students, Mariely Hernandez
An Interdisciplinary Investigation of Infant Sleep: How We Study It, What It Means for Other Areas of Development, and Where Methodological Creativity Can Take Us, Melissa Noel Horger
Social Production of Intellectual Disability and the Mechanics of Moral Exclusion: Past, Present, and Future, Emese Ilyes
The Role of Perceived Warmth and Competence in Civil Trials with Corporate Litigants, Alexander C. Jay
The Online Impossible Anagram Task: Development and Testing of a Novel Online Cheating Paradigm, Emily Joseph
The Effect of Psilocybin on Personality, Ravital LaBua
Semantic Network Activation Contributes to the Relationship between Mood and Inhibition, James S. Maniscalco
The Relationship of Pathological Narcissism to Empathic Functioning, Antonia M. McMaster
Antecedents of Borderline Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder: An Examination of Gene X Environment Interactions, Amy L. Medina
Illegitimate Tasks and Performance Outcomes: The Moderating Role of the Perception of Coworker Sharing Illegitimate Tasks Experiences, Marino Mugayar-Baldocchi
Training and Individual Predictors of Attitudes Toward Serious Mental Illness Amongst Clinical Psychology Doctoral Students, Lauren K. O'Connor
The Relationship Between Arts Education and Beliefs About Equality and Social Action, Naomi B. Podber
Effects of Prenatal Cannabis Exposure on Offspring Emotional Development and Stress Response, Alexandra Pritchett
Improving the Assessment of Practical Judgment Ability in Older Adults, Crystal G. Quinn
Treatment, Diagnostic, Demographic, and Historical Factors Affecting Mental Health Diversion Outcomes, Amanda L. Reed
Examining the Transient Neural Dynamics Underlying Working Memory Maintenance for Complex Visual Stimuli, Chelsea Reichert Plaska
A Comparison of Simulated Schizophrenia in Mental Health Experts and Genuine Schizophrenia in Psychiatric Patients, Amanda Rosinski
Exploring the Effects of Coworker Ostracism on Feedback Inquiry and Voice: The Mediating Role of Proactive Motivation, Ethan G. Rothstein
Motivation of Networking Behavior: A Study of Novel Interventions, Jeremy D. Rothstein
Pilot Study Of The Effects Of Mobile Based Resonant Frequency Breathing On Cognitive Performance In Healthy Young Adults With Elevated Stress, Daniel Saldana
A Randomized Controlled Trial of Psychological Outcomes of Mobile Guided Resonant Frequency Breathing in Young Adults with Elevated Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Al Amira Safa Shehab
Information Justice: The Histories and Futures of Technology and Social Categories, Patrick Sweeney
Young People’s Perception of Opportunities to Participate in Democratic Governance, Jennifer Nga Yu Tang
How Psychotherapists Practice In the Digital Era, Josh Weinstein
From Psychology to Phylogeny: Bridging Levels of Analysis in Cultural Evolution, Mason Youngblood
Targeting AMPA Receptor Modulation during Early Life Adversity: A Mediator for Threat Associated Memories, Roseanna M. Zanca
How Frustration Impacts the Relationship Between Potential for Child Physical Abuse Perpetration and Emotion Processing, Amanda L. Zwilling