Dissertations from 2025
Synchronizing Work and Teaching Practices with the Spatial DNA of Distributed Work and Learning, Manju Aishwarya Adikesavan
The Elephant (and Donkey) in the Room: The Effects of Political Ideology on Diversity Training Effectiveness, Luke P. Kayga
Tracing Reverberations: Vietnamese Refugee Mothers' Adaptations to Complex Structural Forces and Intergenerational Engagements, Kim Khanh Nguyen-Nalpas
Proximity in Pixels: The Moderating Roles of Structural and Psychological Distance on Behavioral Leadership Effectiveness, Ethan J. Ray
Psychosocial Adjustment to Stigma among Young Adults with Chronic Visible Skin Disease, Caroline Faye Zimmermann Stuhlmann
The Perspectives of Play Advocates on Children’s Unstructured Play in Turkey, Bengi Sullu
Dissertations from 2024
Seeing Safety in Red: Expressions of Interpersonal Gratitude Affects Conservatives’ Political Attitudes in the United States, Kyle M. Anderson
Original vs. Simplified Miranda Rights: The Impact on Miranda Rights Comprehension and Subsequent Waiver Decisions, Sydney Baker
Complicating Confidence: A Critical Analysis of Confidence in a Girls' Empowerment Organization, Kimberly M. Belmonte
Relationship Quality, Predictors, and Outcomes in Adolescent Age-Gap Relationships: An Exploratory Study, Alexandra Bonagura
Imaging Markers of Future Neurodegeneration Following Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury, Daniel Brennan
Examining Visual Processing of Hierarchical Figures through Behavioral Measures and Pupillometry in Relation to Autistic Traits in Adults, Chloe Brittenham
The Effects of Mood and Anxiety Sensitivity on Attentional Engagement and Disengagement in Sleep Disturbance, Kara L. Buda
Measuring Intersectional Strength and Stigma Among Racially Minoritized Gender Diverse Young Adults, Joseph Carter
Enhancing the Accuracy of the Mild Cognitive Impairment Diagnosis in Community-Based, Racially/Ethnically Diverse Older Adults, Katherine H. Chang
A Candidate Needs Approach to Job Advertisements, Yuliya M. Cheban-Gore
In My Softest & Most Liberatory Dreams: Reflections on Holding Complexity & Decentering Whiteness, Richard C. Clark
Intimate Partner Violence and Negotiation During COVID-19: Stressors, Resources, and Perception, Victoria P. Diamond
Religious Communication in Interfaith Romantic Relationships: Positive Approaches to Improve Relationship Outcomes, Jaclyn K. Doherty
Late-Life Depression: The Interplay Between Cerebrovascular Risk, Cortical and Subcortical Atrophy, and Treatment Response, Dakota Egglefield
Creatively Addressing the Employment Gap: Using Creativity and the Arts to Help Autistic Adolescents and Young Adults Build Skills for Employment, Eliana Rachel Grossman
Unpacking the Contested State of Public Housing in New York City, Kristen Hackett
Individual Differences in Wild Asian Elephant Behavior: Links Between Innovation and Responses to Novelty Across a Mosaic Landscape, Sarah L. Jacobson
The Impact of Playing as a Non-Stereotypical Woman in a Role-Playing Video Game on Players’ Real World Gender Role Attitudes, Hunter Kincaid
Supporting Social Equity Through Informal Spaces on an Urban Campus, Eve B. Klein
Brain Injury and Psychosocial Trauma: Outcomes Among Justice-Involved Individuals, Mahathi D. Kosuri
In-Work Recovery Among Hybrid Employees: Examining the Relationships Between Stressors, Recovery Experiences, and Strains, Stefanie Larsen
The Cultural Complexity of Immigrants and the Implications for Personality Assessment: Exploring the Role of Frame Switching, Patrick Jay Lee
Staying Power: The Struggle for Space and Place in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Erin E. Lilli
Health Behaviors and Physical Health Among Young Adults with Varying Psychometric Schizotypy, Christopher Liong
Just Transitions: Critical Exploration of Environmental Policy and Decision-Making Through the Lens of Lived Stories, Mariya Marinova
Relationship Interventions for Autistic Children and their Non-Autistic Siblings, Susan Vanessa McHugh
Helpful Intentions? Impact of Intentionality on Children's Memory for Forensically-Relevant Information, Ella P. Merriwether
Self-Perceived Cognitive Functioning in Motoric Cognitive Risk Syndrome: Enhancing Risk Detection in Health Disparity Older Adults, Caroline O. Nester
The Role of Glutamate in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex in the Acquistion and Expression of Conditioned Approach, Rudolf Nisanov
Park Use, Urban Environmental Justice, and Place Attachment in Parks in Low-Income Neighborhoods in New York City, Javier Eduardo Otero Peña
Values in Evidence-Based Policy: Bridging Socio-Political, Moral, and Epistemic Domains, Karyna Pryiomka
The Effect of Working Memory Performance Under Stress on the Relationship Between Trauma History, PTSD Symptoms, and Intimate Partner Violence, Gabriella Robinson
LGBTQ+ Employees’ Disclosure and Selective Incivility Experiences: Implications for Their Health and Well-Being, Wiston A. Rodriguez
Investigating the Impact of Affect in Suicide-Specific Attentional Biases, Beverlin Rosario-Williams
Computerized Cognitive Training in the Treatment of Depression: Individual Differences and Perceptions of CCT, Sophie Schiff
Gendering Diaspora Across Generations: Lebanese Motherhood and Daughterhood Post-Emigration, Janan Shouhayib
The BlackGIRL Project: Examining the Impact and Manifestation of Colorism among Black Adolescent Girls in the United States: A Critical Participatory Action Research Approach, Gina (Diagou) R. Sissoko
Defining Resilience in Young People with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Theory Informed Approach, Barbara Storch
The Beautiful and the Bullshit: Speaker and Listener Mental Representations Influence Bullshit Receptivity, Ryan Tracy
Building Networks, Producing Spaces for Play: Local Geographies and National Organizing in the History of Adventure Playgrounds in the United States, 1949-1999, Reilly B. Wilson
Challenging Beliefs: Examining the Efficacy of Corrections for Conspiratorial and Partisan Misinformation, Ava Zwolinski
Dissertations from 2023
Examining the Prevalence and Psychopathological Correlates of Paraphilic Interests in a Non-clinical Sample, Dylan H. Abrams
Social Identity, Scientific Practice, and the Production of Social Knowledge: An Ethnographic Investigation of American Social Psychology Laboratories, Donald V. Brown Jr
Epistemic Virtue and Receptivity to Science in Policing, Braden L. Campbell
Understanding the Experiences and Associated Symptomology of Disclosers and Non-disclosers of Sexual Victimization, Kaitlin Carson
Wanting Under Surveillance: A Critical Analysis of Young Women’s Sexual Desire, Jennifer Chmielewski
Salty: A Diffractive Inquiry of Visceral Knowing and Embodied Aesthetics, Mei Ling Chua
The Role of Intersectional Stigma and Social Anxiety in Black, Latino, and Multiracial Young Sexual Minority Men, Jorge L. Cienfuegos Szalay
Understanding the Relationship Between Working Memory and Long-Term Memory, Kelly Cotton
Examinations of the Close Relationship Processes and Health Framework Among Adult and Adolescent Sexual Minority Men, Trey Victor Dellucci
Motor Milestone Acquisition and Sleep-Related Learning and Development in Infancy, Aaron DeMasi
Abuse Victimization and Impulsivity in Incarcerated Males: Examining the Roles of Affective Instability and Trauma Symptoms, Jacqueline K. Douglas
Association Strength between Concepts as the Origin of the "Foreign Language Effect", Emilia Ezrina
An Offer You Cannot Refuse: Understanding the Elusive Construct of "Voluntary" Plea Decisions, Melanie B. Fessinger
Health Care Providers' Attributions of Blame for Unintended Pregnancy and HIV Acquisition Among Cisgender Women, Alison J. Goldberg
Avoiding Success: How Does Fear of Success Impact Today's Workforce?, Bradley E. Gray
Social and Cultural Processes that Impact Physical Activity among South Asian Americans Managing Hypertension: A Mixed Methods Study, Sugandha Gupta
Tongues Out of Place: Narratives of Hereness and Images of Be(long)ing, Christopher Hoffman
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Studies Investigating the Role of the DLPFC in Memory and Metamemory, Casey M. Imperio
Concerned Student: Institutional Violence and Embodied Abolition in the University of Missouri Protests, Gaurav Jashnani
Examining the Role of Evidence-Based Suspicion in Racial Disparities in Wrongful Convictions, Jacqueline Katzman
Does the APOE-ε4 Allele Differentially Influence Cognition: A Longitudinal Investigation in Healthy Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, Aditya Kulkarni
Losses and Gains of Teletherapy: The Impact of the Pandemic on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Dan-Bi Lee
Variations in Family Child Care: Providers' Experiences Crafting Spaces In-Between School and Home, Eleanor Luken
Illness Intrusiveness and Psychosocial Adjustment Among Older Adults with Multimorbidity, Irina Mindlis
Artists, Activists, and Therapists Making Meaning of Collective Violence in Lebanon: A Community-Engaged Participatory Research Study, Nawal Muradwij
Extreme E-Service Learning: Remote Learning for Undergraduate Students and Telehealth Intervention for Children with Autism, Madiha S. Muzammal
A Consecutive Case Series Evaluation of Tummy Time With and Without Preferred Items, Rika Ortega
The Neural Correlates of Bodily Self-Consciousness in Virtual Worlds, Evan A. Owens
Wild Women of Anatolia: The Critical Construct Validity of the Liberation of Women in Turkey, Sedef Ozoguz
The Effects of Isolated Affordances on Preschool Counting Improvement when Using a Digital Coloring App, Katherine Papazian
The Impact of Political Affiliation on Performance Judgements, Kajal Patel
Attenuated Typicality Effect in Category-based Inferences: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Janani Rajagopalan
Observers' Perceptions of Rapport in Accusatorial Interrogations, Gabriela Rico
Statistical and Biological Analyses of Acoustic Signals in Estrildid Finches, Moises Rivera
Voiding the Unwanted Self: An Examination of Racialized Violence in the United States, Benjamin Stark
A Gift To My Self: A Psychoanalytic Approach To Understanding The Experiences of Women Who Choose Not To Have Children, Irina D. Tchania
How Smoking Became a Moral Issue: A Complex Systems Perspective on Moralization, Matthew Vanaman
Bargaining in the Shadow of the Truth: How Client Assertion, Perception of Guilt, and Predictive Inaccuracy Influence Plea Recommendations, Anna D. Vaynman
An Affective Technology of Heimat: Whiteness, Nation Building and Social Media in Germany, Friederike Windel
Effects of Genes and Gene-Environment Interactions on Work-Family Conflict and Enrichment, Peter Yu
Dissertations from 2022
Investigating Young Adult Cancer Survivors' Perspectives on their Future and Interpersonal Relationships, Zeba N. Ahmad
Intelligence Testing in the New (Langu)age: Effects of Item-Type and Assessment Medium Features on Fluid Intelligence Test Linguistic Group Score Differences, Paige R. Alenick