Dissertations from 2019
Inheritances of Injustice/Transference of Freedom: An Intimate Project on Black Women's Intergenerational Relationships and the Consequences of the Punishment System, Whitney Richards-Calathes
Estradiol and Daily Affective Experiences in Trauma-Exposed Women, Jenna Rieder
Mindfulness in Medicine: Modified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Program among Future Doctors, Virtue Sankoh
Captives of a New Alcatraz: The New York City Department of Correction from 1954 to 1990, Jarrod Shanahan
“We are all the decline”: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Presbyterian Clergywomen’s Talk About Denominational Decline, Miriam Shelton
Childhood Neglect and Risk of Revictimization by an Intimate Partner: A Prospective Investigation of Mediational Pathways, Rebecca M. Spizzirri
Investigating the Feasibility of Advanced Law Enforcement Resilience Training (A.L.E.R.T.): An Innovated and Practical Intervention to Enhance Police Mindfulness and Resilience, Stephanie B. Stern
Dissertations from 2018
Dietary Curcumin Promotes Resilience to Chronic Social Defeat Stress in a Highly Susceptible Mouse Strain, Antonio V. Aubry
Parents Frame Childhood for the World to See in Digital Media Postings, Aysenur Benevento
The Effect of a Voice Treatment on Facial Expression in Parkinson’s Disease: Clinical and Demographic Predictors, Amanda D. Bono
Curcumin Inhibits the IKK:NF-kappa B Pathway in Neural Fear Circuits, Miguel A. Briones
Educational Relevance as a Motivating Operation for Equivalence Class Formation: Implications for Application, Julia Brodsky
The Inter-Subject Correlation of EEG in Response to Naturalistic Stimuli, Samantha S. Cohen
A Narrative Approach to Investigating the Contextual Nature of Adolescent Self-Regulation, Kelly Conover
A Qualitative, Phenomenological Study of Psychotherapists’ Perception of Ethnic Identity Shifts in Immigrant Patients, Ricardo Corbetta
Leadership Ineffectiveness: The Interactive Effects of Leader Personality, Job Demands, and Job Resources on Ethical Climate and Employee Turnover Intentions, Michelle D. Corman
A Comparison of Quiz Grading Criteria, Exam Question Type and Novelty, and their Effects on Exam Scores, Samantha Dalfen
Bias-Motivated Homicides: Toward a New Typology, Lindsey Sank Davis
The Relationship Between Parenting and Child Trauma: An Intergenerational Investigation, Miriam A. Dreyer
Determinants of the Acquisition and Display of Behaviors Associated with “Guilt” (Appeasement Behaviors) by Companion Dogs, Parvene Farhoody
Beyond the Binary: Gender Identity and Mental Health Among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults, Chassitty N. Fiani
Resting-State Functional Connectivity in Youth With Gender Dysphoria, Felix L. Garcia
The Relationship Between Cognitive and Neural Bases of Metamemory Judgments, Alexandra M. Gaynor
Perceived Knowledge and Defense of Political Attitudes, Matthew H. Goldberg
The Development of Affect and Defense in Childhood and Adolescence, Kari Gray
A Preliminary Program Evaluation of a Narrative Therapy Intervention for Persons Incarcerated for Violent Crime, Brooke C. Greene
A Comparison of the Effects of Various Feedback Presentations on Typing Accuracy and Speed, Julieanne Guadalupe
The Narration of Conflicting Accountabilities in the Era of High-Stakes Teacher Evaluation, James Christopher Head
The Effect of an Extinction Procedure on Level of Responding to Visual Stimuli in an Evaluative Conditioning Procedure, Allison Hirsch
Absences and Epistemologies of Ignorance: A Critical Multi-Sited Study on the Teaching of the Danish Colonial and Slave Trading Past, Naja B. Hougaard
Socialization Trajectories of Civic Development: Examining Variation Among Children in Black Immigrant and African American Families, Juliana Karras-Jean Gilles
Broad Skill Focused Job Seeking: A Study of Intervention and Employment Outcomes, Eric A. Knudsen
Delivering Justice: Food Delivery Cyclists in New York City, Do J. Lee
The Effects of Pyramidal Training on Staff Acquisition of Five Behavior Analytic Procedures, Lindsay M. Maffei-Almodovar
Neural Underpinnings of Walking Under Cognitive and Sensory Load: A Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Approach, Brenda R. Malcolm
Colorism in Assessor Ratings: Exploring the Roles of Social Dominance Orientation, Metaphorical Associations and Skin Tone Stereotypes, Tiwi D. Marira
Adults’ Perceptions of Children with Mental Illness Labels Who Tell Truths and Lies, Jessica Lynn McCurdy
Statistical Regularities in Melodic Phrases: Effects on Aesthetic Ratings, Daniel Meredith
Impact of Neurodevelopmental Genes on the Trajectory of ADHD Severity: A Pilot Study, Agnieszka Mlodnicka
Testing the Efficacy of Interventions to Decrease Racial Bias in Jury Selection, Karima Modjadidi
The Effects of a Voice Treatment on Facial Emotional Expression in Parkinson's Disease: Expressivity, Experience, and Gender, Elizabeth M. Murray
Biological Signatures of Emotion Regulation in Children, Sarah Myruski
Manipulating Goal States and Brain States: Using EEG and HD-tDCS to Investigate Mechanisms Underlying the Influence of Achievement Goals on Declarative Memory, Yuliya Ochakovskaya
Stereotype Threat and Racial Disparities at the Front End of the Criminal Justice System, Megan J. O'Toole
A Functional Neuroimaging Study of Self-Regulatory Control in Adults with Gambling and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Nidhi Parashar
Casualties of Racism: Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Emerging Adults, Lillian Anais Polanco
Unveiling Chaim Shatan: An Analyst Unveiling War Wounds, Andrea Recarte
Event-Related Potential Studies of Error Monitoring to Affective and Non-Affective Stimuli in Adolescents and Emerging Adults, Rebecca K. Reed
Stereotype Threat as an Explanation for Sexual Risk Taking Behavior in Gay Men: A Multi-Study Exploration of Mechanisms, Inna Saboshchuk
Persistence of Cultural Heritage in a Multicultural Context: Examining Factors that Shaped Voting Preferences in the 2016 Election, Anna M. Schwartz
The Nature of Defenses Used by School-Aged Children with ADHD, Laurie G. Slodounik
The Role of Self-Disclosure in Improving Workplace Cross-Race Mentoring Outcomes, Christine R. Smith
Subthreshold PTSD and Associated Psycholgical Distress in Trauma Exposed Male and Female Veterans, Matthew A. Southard
“I Am Going to College…Now What?!”: Becoming a College Student, Renata Strashnaya
What’s Your Story? Assessing Childhood Maltreatment Using the Thematic Apperception Test in An Adult Inpatient Population., Thachell C. Tanis
Linking Hostile/Helpless Maternal Representations in Pregnancy and Later Child Protection Involvement: A Pilot Study, Madeleine Terry
The College Application Essay Mediating Inequality Along the Path to Higher Education, Ralitsa S. Todorova
The Prediction of Personal Narrative on Features of Recovery Among People with Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorders, Beth Vayshenker
Cross-Race Effect of African-Americans and Caucasians, Bianca Vidal
Detecting Cognitive, Functional and Behavioral Response to Donepezil in Alzheimer’s Disease: The Role of Attention Tasks, Clara Vila-Castelar
The Impact of Defendant Gender and Attractiveness on Juror Decision-Making in a Sexual Offense Case, Georgia M. Winters
Neural Hypervigilance in Trauma-exposed Women, Seungyeon A. Yoon
Parent Childhood Abuse and Neglect and Offspring Mental Health: An Examination of Potential Mediators, Joanna Young
Can Mindfulness Training Reduce Stress Reactivity in First-Year College Students?, Liat Zitron
Dissertations from 2017
Dreams and the Maternal Imaginary: From Nostalgic Intersubjectivity to Mourning, Julie Ackerman
Narrating the Future: Understanding How Student Narratives Relate to Outcomes in Community College, Tanzina Ahmed
Minding the Baby®: Maternal Adverse Childhood Experiences and Treatment Outcomes in a Mother-Infant Home Visiting Program, Jessica G. Albertson
Patterns of Injury in Homicide Relationships: Clinical, Psychological, and Investigative Implications, Shea L. Alvarez Cussen
Why Some Take Pleasure in Other People’s Pain: The Role of Attachment, Competition, and Cooperation on Schadenfreude, Alison Baren
Harm and Victim Age as Factors in the Determination of Intentionality and Culpability, Donal David Barnard Jr.
Spatial-Relational Learning and Memory Deficits Associated with NMDAR Autoantibodies in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Brittany L. Bascetta
The Long-Term Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect in Men, Robert A. Beattey Jr.
Diversity's Impact on the Quality of Deliberations, Amanda N. Bergold
Persistent Pleasures: Agency, Social Power, and Embodiment in Women's Solitary Masturbation Experiences, Christin P. Bowman
Personalizing an Implicit Measure of Job Satisfaction, Brittany Boyd
Semantic Attention: Effects of Modality, Lexicality and Semantic Content, David Britton
Expanding Intersectionality Praxis: Informing Culturally-Responsive Programming for Black and Latino Gay and Bisexual Young Men, Justin T. Brown
The Effects of Presession Attention on the Acquisition of Tacts and Intraverbals, Mirela Cengher
Psychoanalysis and Modernity: A Failure to Find Relief from Existential Terror, Erin Liat Claridge
Preventing Sexual Violence Where It Most Often Occurs: An Investigation of the Situational and Structural Components of Child Sexual Abuse in Residential Settings, Nicole Colombino
Women’s Sexual Fantasies in Context: The Emotional Content of Sexual Fantasies, Psychological and Interpersonal Distress, and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships, Sarah Constantine
Automatically Guilty: Associations Between Evidence and Guilt, William E. Crozier IV
The Effects of Social Power Bases Within Varying Organizational Cultures, Ayanna Cummings
Racial Microaggressions and Health Status: The Moderating Effect of Emotion Regulation, Kristin C. Davidoff
The Role of Language in the Development of Temporal Cognition in 6- to 10-Year-Old Children, Danielle DeNigris
Thinking About the Self While Talking to Someone Else: Investigating Self-Focus in Conversation, Carrie DiMatteo
The Nucleus Accumbens Core Dopamine D1 and Glutamate AMPA/NMDA Receptors Play a Transient Role in the Performance of Pavlovian Approach Behavior, Veronica Dobrovitsky
Coping, Accommodations, and Strategies: An Interview Study on Academic and Employment Experiences with Adults with Dyslexia, Rita W. El-Haddad