Dissertations from 2020
Young Children's Play in High-rise Housing: A Window into the Changing Lives of Urban Middle-class Families in Pune Metropolitan Area, Sruthi Atmakur-Javdekar
A Grounded Theory Investigation of the Subjective Responses From Partners in Couples Where Infidelity Has Occurred, Malika Bhowmik
Psychoanalytic Determinates of the Love/Work Balance in a Cohort of African-American Men, Joseph Ellison Brown
The Functional Role of the Anterior Insular Cortex in Cognitive Control, Yu Chen
Tamalin/GRAS-1 Connects Glutamate Receptor Activity to the Insulin/IGF Signaling Cascade to Regulate Neuroprotection in a Nematode Model of Excitotoxicity, Ayesha Chowdhury
Exploring Psychological Mechanisms Underlying Plea Bargain Decisions, Melanie Close
Integrating Affect Perception Tasks from the New York Emotion Battery into a Comprehensive Measure of Neuropsychological Change across the Lifespan, Melinda A. Cornwell
An Affective Events Theory Analysis of Conflict Perception Emergence, Michael J. Covell
Intra-familial Microaggressions, Object Relations, and Racial Identity Formation in Multiracial Individuals, Ashley Danies
Developmental Predictors of Adolescent Mental Health Stigma and a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial of "Ending the Silence" in New York city, Joseph S. DeLuca
Do Criminal and Successful (Non-Institutionalized) Psychopaths Differ on Internal, Environmental, and Contextual Characteristics?, Ahmed E. Enaitalla
The Temporal Dynamics of Ensemble Perception, Michael L. Epstein
Taking It to Heart: Trauma and Cardiovascular Risk in Court-Involved People of Color, Tanya Erazo
Extra-Legal Information Transfer During Eyewitness Identification, Andrew J. Evelo
Using Brief Session Duration During Functional Analysis to Inform the Treatment of Problem Behavior in 13 Consecutive Cases, Theresa Fiani
Attachment, Exploration, and Internalized Homonegativity, Gregory J. Gagnon
Sex/Gender Differences in Serial Position Profiles in Patients With Mild Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Controls, Emnet Z. Gammada
The Squeaky Wheel Gets the Oil? On the Interpersonal Effects of Boredom Expression, Manuel F. Gonzalez
Grassroots Tales: Journeys of Inward Healing and Outward Movement Building – “A story of youth development and healing”, Andrew Cory Greene
Mobile Cognitive Training for the Cognitive Symptoms of Depression in Young Adults: A Double-Blind, Randomized Pilot Study with Active Control, Alice Grinberg
From One Period to the Next... : Menstruation and the Psychoanalytic Process of Working through to the Feminine, Loryn L. Hatch
The Role of Mentalized Affectivity in Romantic Love and Relationship Satisfaction, Camilla P. Hegsted
Overcoming Challenges in the Assessment and Treatment of Problem Behavior in Adults with Autism, Julia A. Iannaccone
Misuse of Social Behavior in Down Syndrome: Caregiver Conducted Functional Analysis, Sally M. Izquierdo
Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms of Adverse Trauma Outcomes in Emerging Adulthood, Olena Kleshchova
Investigating the Neural Mechanisms of Unconscious and Illusory Touch Perception, Lua Koenig
New Tower of Babel: Probing the Antecedents and Consequences of Linguistic Ostracism, Julia N. Leone
Can a Growth Mindset Intervention Increase Individuals’ Intentions to Engage in Intergroup Dialogue?, Noelle A. Malvar
Compulsive Doubting: Self and Other in the Psychology of Judgment, Certainty, and Indecision, Michael Marcus
The Role of Attentional Processes in the Associations Between Syndemics and HIV Risk, Raymond L. Moody
The Contribution of Trait Emotional Intelligence to the Relationship Between Childhood Adversity and Pscyhiatric Symptoms in Adulthood, Aura-Maria Morales
Self-Determination in Transportation: The Route to Social Inclusion for People with Disabilities, Jessica Murray
#Fired: Survivor Reactions to Facebook Firing in Organizations, Rachel Omansky
Therapist Mentalization and Patient Outcomes in the First Year of Psychotherapy, Michael Palumbo
Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Factors Predicting Distress and End-of-Life Planning among Individuals with Advanced Cancers, Aliza A. Panjwani
Age-Related Effects on Gait Parameters in Healthy Normal Aging Adults, Jamie C. Park
Bilingual Reading Fluency and Prediction: Heritage Language versus Second Language, Olga Parshina
Exploring Influences on Autistic Identity Development in Adolescence and Early Adulthood, Ariana Riccio
Object Relations, Identity Formation, and Transitional Space in Religious Conversion, Arielle Rubenstein
Wrongful Conviction Documentaries: Influences of Crime Media Exposure on Mock Juror Decision-Making, Patricia Y. Sanchez
Gender Differences in Personality: An Item-Level Analysis, Casey C. Smith
The Effects of Two Kinds of Stereotype Threat on Implicit Racial Bias in African-Americans, Brad Thomas
A Comparison of Strain, Social Learning, Control, and Trauma Theories of Crime, Nicole Trauffer
Stalking and Attachment Theory: Causes and Management, Zoe Turner
Experience-Dependent Changes in Nucleus Accumbens Activity Predict Cued Approach Learning: Contribution of NMDA Receptors, Mercedes Vega Villar
Mapping the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Visual Percepts Elicited by a Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation Technique, Kelly Webster
PrEP Use and Barriers to Use Among Adult and Young Sexual Minority Men in the United States, Thomas Whitfield
Diversity Rhetoric and Practice: A Critical Examination of “Diversity” in Graduate Education, Tellisia M. Williams
Affect, Behavior and (Dys)Regulation: Integrating Youth's Projective Tests and Self-Reports, Laurel Wright
Dissertations from 2019
Environmental Adaptations and Agency: An Ecological Reframing of Design and Implementation Practices for Disability, Jennifer Adler
Different Strokes for Different but Reasonable Folks: Comparison of Legally Relevant Observers’ Perceptions of Custody, Fabiana Alceste
Post-Synaptic Mechanisms of Early and Late Prepulse Inhibition in the Goldfish, Daniel Bronson
Memory-Guided Selective Attention: An Instance Theory of Automatic Attentional Control, Nicholaus Paul Brosowsky
Training as Restructuring: Cases from Entry-Level Healthcare and Manufacturing Workforce Training in Eastern Connecticut, Shelley Buchbinder
Recognition by Flickering Components: The Effect of Temporal Modulation on Image Recognition, Alla Chavarga
Examining the Effects of a Multi-Component Neurocognitive Intervention for School-Aged Children with Co-Occurring ADHD and Reading Difficulties, Alyssa L. Chimiklis
The Social Cost of Pain: Rejection Sensitivity, Social Rejection, and Cannabis Use in Young Adults, Naomi Dambreville
Relational Processes in Support-Related Communication Among Young Adults with Cancer, Kathleen Darabos
Novel Biobehavioral Methods for Assessing the Anxiety-Related Attention Bias, Samantha Denefrio
The Development and Validation of an Ideal Point Measure of Work Engagement, Michael M. DeNunzio
Neural Correlates of Automatic Emotional Processing and Emotion Regulation in Empathy and Psychopathy-Related Coldheartedness, Danielle diFilipo
Contested Development: A Poor People's Movement for a Better Los Angeles, 1960–2018, Deshonay R. Dozier
Assessment of Third Wave Therapy Assumptions about the Relation between Emotional Schemas and Psychoemotional Functioning, Emily Rachel Edwards
Internal and External Attention in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tehila Eilam-Stock
Emotion Processing Deficits in Psychopathy: Does Cueing to Relevant Facial Features Increase Cognitive and Emotional Empathy?, Shawn E. Fagan
Systems Analysis of Faculty Hiring Process Within Academia, Nicole P. Farrell
Impact of Religiosity and Level of Acculturation on Cultural Alignment: An Exploration of Terror Management Mechanisms among Muslim American Women, Farah T. Goheer
Examining the Use of Hebephilia and Paraphilia Non-consent in Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Evaluations, Nicole Graham
Visual Entrainment of Perception-Related Neural Oscillations as a Mechanism for Maintaining Rhythmic Temporal Expectations Across a Wide Range of Frequencies, Michael James Gray
The Impact of Mentalization and Self-Compassion on Psychological Adjustment in Adolescents, Jaleh Hamadani
The Use of Infographics to Assess Context Processing, Beliz Hazan
Racial Becoming: How Agentic (Self-Initiated) Encounter Events Inform Racial Identity Refinement, Devin A. Heyward
Electroencephalographic Asymmetry, Emotion Regulation, and Their Relationships with Depression Risk, Aliza Jacob
The Development of Face Morphing Task to Assess Self Other Differentiation, Esen Karan
Officers’ and Community Members’ Evaluations of Police–Civilian Interactions, Mawia Khogali
Components of Fluency-Based Instruction in the College Classroom, Jennifer Kourassanis Velasquez
Murine Genetic Variance in Sugar and Fat-Conditioned Flavor Preferences: Roles of Dopamine, Opioid and NMDA Receptors and Nutritive Sensing, Tamar T. Kraft
A Meta-Analysis of Information Processing Measures of Intelligence, Performance, and Group Score Differences, Elliott C. Larson
Facial Identification: A Meta-Analysis of 50 Years of Research, Jungwon Lee
The Impact of Racial Microaggressions and Major Discriminatory Events on Mental Health, Florence Lui
Cognitive Models of Defense Behaviors in Hosts of Brood Parasites, Thomas J. Manna
Getting the Benefit of the Doubt: The Effect of Randomization Ratio on the Placebo Response, Taiki Matsuura
Perceptions of Sexual Violence: An Investigation of Sexual Harassment, Sexual Coercion, and Sexting, Jennifer J. McMahon
Dermatoglyphic Measures in Relation to Depressive Symptoms Among Non-Clinical Adolescents and Young Adults, Yosefa A. Modiano
The Interaction of Attention and Memory on the Reorienting Negativity, John C. Moses
Clinical Characteristics and Neuroanatomical Predictors of Acute Antidepressant Outcome for Patients with Comorbid Depression and Mild Cognitive Impairment, Jeffrey N. Motter
Structure and Function of Dopamine in the Inner Ear and Auditory Efferent System of a Vocal Fish, Jonathan T. Perelmuter
Neurogenesis is Altered Between and Across Brain Regions After Neurodegeneration and Injury, Alice Perez
Diet, Inflammation, Gut Microbiome, and Mental Health, Ashley R. Polokowski
Does Ethnic Identity, In-group Preference, and Acculturation Protect Latinas with a History of Interpersonal Trauma From Developing Symptoms of PTSD?, Evelyn M. Ramirez