Dissertations from 2016
Value Congruence and Unethical Decision-Making: The Dark Side of Person-Organization Fit, Chad C. Parson
Psychological Perspectives on the Under-Representation of African Americans and Females in Entrepreneurship: The Relationship between Perceptions of Fit and Intentions to Leave, Rachel Pascall-Gonzalez
Ways of Thinking about Illness Representations of Cancer, Ian Zachary Pervil
The Effects of Goal Orientation and Learning Strategies on Managerial Job Performance, Raphael Y. Prager
Intraindividual Variability as a Predictor of Cognitive Decline in Elderly, Wendy S. Ramratan
Gendered Expression Online: Exploring Gendered Communication on Facebook and in a Collaborative Editing Task, Christina M. Shane-Simpson
Perceptions of Money: Relationships between Remembered Parental Rejection, Extrinsic Life Aspirations and Maladaptive Attitudes toward Money, Rebecca J. Smith
Community Violence, School Climate, and Social-Emotional Well-Being in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Leighann Starkey
Object Relations in Children's Projective Testing: Applying the Mutuality of Autonomy Scale to the Thematic Apperception Test, Lily A. Thom
The Effects of Descriptions and Images of Antecedent Stimuli and Outcomes to Correct Responses in Task Analysis Instruction, Bryan C. Tyner
Stress and Suicidal Behavior: A Cognitive, Behavioral, and Biological Integrative Approach, Jorge Valderrama
Real Gender: Identity, Loss, and the Capacity to Feel Real, Hannah Wallerstein
Computerized Cognitive Intervention in Cognitively Normal Very Elderly Individuals, Rebecca K. West
Early Relational Experiences and Poor Psychological and Social Outcomes as Mediated by Internalized Heterosexism in Sexual Minority Women: Illustration of a Theoretical Model, Katharine Williams
Evaluating the Effectiveness of Supervision on Trauma Training Outcomes for Assertive Community Treatment Teams, Sacha Zilkha
Dissertations from 2015
"I Shall not Fear:" Secure Attachment to G-d as a Buffer against Anxiety, Peryl Agishtein
The Insanity Defense, Public Anger, and the Potential Impact on Attributions of Responsibility and Punishment, Chioma Ajoku
Development Of A Naturalistic Observational Parenting Practice Assessment Tool For Externalizing Behavior Research, Thailyn L. Alonso
Electrophysiological Markers of Short-term Visual Adaptation: An Examination Across the Schizophrenia Spectrum, Gizely N. Andrade
Guilty Stereotypes: The Social Psychology Of Race And Suspicion In Police Interviews And Interrogations, Sara C. Appleby
The Role of Dependence in Alcohol Reinforcement: Neurobehavioral Mechanisms, Michal Atzram
A Long-Term Follow-Up of Crossover Youth: Young Adult Outcomes for Maltreated Youth in the Juvenile Justice System, Carly Lyn Baetz
Molecular-Genetic and Behavioral Analysis of the Functionality of Patterning in the Trigeminal Neuraxis, Dana Bakalar
The Sensitive Psychopath: Assessing Construct Overlap Between Secondary Psychopathy and Borderline Personality Disorder, Trevor H. Barese
Effects of Reproductive Experiences on Age-related Neural and Behavioral Changes in Female Rats, Saranna Belgrave
Developmental Coordination Disorder: The Relationship Between Gait And Attention With Possible Implications For Early Identification And Intervention, Yocheved Bensinger-Brody
Parentification and Separation-Individuation in Siblings of Individuals with a Chronic Illness or Disability, Danielle Benveniste Stevens
Eyewitness Identification Jury Instructions: Do They Enhance Evidence Evaluation?, Marlee Kind Berman
Factors that Affect Treatment Compliance among Individuals with Mental Illness, Marsha Brown
Use of the Modified Emotional Stroop Task to Detect Suicide Risk in College Students, Yeunjoo Chung
The Role of Perineuronal Nets in Regulating Barrel Cortex Physiology, Philip Chu
The Relationship Between Maternal Depression And Negative Outcomes In Children: Parenting Deficits' Impact On Children's Emotional Regulation And Behavioral Expression, Gabrielle Francesca Cione
Tonic And Phasic Inhibitory Mechanisms Mediating Sensorimotor Decision-Making In The Goldfish Auditory Startle Circuit, Paul C.P. Curtin
Improving Investigative Interviews: Facilitating Disclosure of Information through Implicit Means, Evan Crawford Dawson
Art as Communication: Employing Gricean Principles of Communication as a Model for Art Appreciation, Melissa June Dolese
The Relationship between Social-Emotional Development, Academic Achievement and Parenting Practices in Young Children who Attend Head Start, Emily A. A. Dow
The Reciprocal Relationship Among Object Relations, Attention, and Language in a Sample of School-Aged Children, Katherine Ann Eiges
Archiving the City: A Guide to the Art of Urban Interventions, Olatokunbo Adeola Enigbokan
Held And Dropped: A Study Of Metaphor And Subjective Experience In A Psychoanalytic Treatment, Alison Michele Ferst
Neural Mechanisms Underlying the Perception of Three-Dimensional Shape from Texture: Adaptation and Aftereffects, Carole Filangieri
Beauty Practices Among Latinas: The Impact of Acculturation, Skin Color and Sex Roles, Angelica Flores
Maternal Substance Use Disorder, Difficult Temperament And Child Psychopathology: Examining A Biopsychosocial Model For The Intergenerational Transmission Of Vulnerability, Wendy Carolina Franco
Three Potential Mediators of the Effects of Child Abuse and Neglect on Smoking in Middle Adulthood, Miriam Ghirmay
Nepantla and Ubuntu Ethics Para Nosotros: Beyond Scrupulous Adherence Toward Threshold Perspectives of Participatory/Collaborative Research Ethics, Monique Antoinette Guishard
Employee Environmentally Friendly Behaviors in and out of Organizations and across Cultures, Lilia Hayrapetyan
Do cultural and perceptual factor matter?: An investigation of factors impacting intelligence test scores of Latinos/Hispanics in the United States, Mary E. Ignagni
Sex-dependent Role of Interleukin-1 Signaling in Emotional and Cognitive Behaviors in Mice: Phenotyping Male and Female IL1-R1 Null Mutant Mice, Jennifer Anne Johnson
Sensitizing Jurors to Factors Influencing the Accuracy of Eyewitness Identification: Assessing the Effectiveness of the Henderson Instructions, Angela M. Jones
Black Like Me? A Narrative Study of Non-Anglophone Black U.S. Immigrant Selves in the Making, Yvanne Joseph
Whistles of Sympatric Species of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and Spotted Dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in the Bahamas: Acoustic Characteristics and Contextual Use, Jennifer Daisy Kaplan
The Role of the VTA NMDA Receptors, VTA DA Cells and VTA Terminal Regions in Reward-Related Learning, Karen Kest
Psychosocial Sequelae Of Homicide Among Murder Victims' Family Members: An Appraisal Of Depression, Grief, And Posttraumatic Stress, Sarah Kopelovich
Attenuation Of Methamphetamine And Nmda-Induced Toxicity By Leptin In Murine Striatum, Nawshin Hoque Kutub
Deception as forgery: The role of reference information in honesty and deceit, Timothy John Luke
Effectiveness of Psychological Techniques in Increasing Deviant Sexual Fantasy Self-Disclosures, Christian Maile
The effects of mood and perceived cost on self-disclosure of deviant sexual fantasies and behavior, Jordan S. Maile
The Influence Of A Child's Learning Disability On A Parent's Psychological Experience: A Comparison Of Parents With And Without Learning Disabilities, Alice Varley Mangan
Rethinking Internal Working Models from a Developmental Perspective: Clarifying the Concept and Making a Case for a Sensitive Period of Attachment, Leah Bothe Manning
`We Are All Stories in the End, I Want Mine to be a Good One': College Students' Work-Family Expectations and the Role of Educational Experiences, Chandra D. Mason
Maternal Dissociation, Emotional Acceptance and Child Emotion Regulation: A Study of Residents in a Family Homeless Shelter for Victims of Domestic Violence, Brian S. Mueller
The neurophysiology of intersensory selective attention and task switching, Jeremy W. Murphy
The 'in-Group Advantage' For Perceiving Emotion Across Demographic Groups And Communication Channels, Thomas Myers
Investigating the effects of intervention intensity on skill acquisition and task persistence in children with Down syndrome, Nicole Marie Neil
The Mechanisms Of Transmission: Examining The Effects Of Childhood Interpersonal Violence Across Generations, Amber Nemeth
Affecting Neoliberal Public Health Care: Interdependent Relationality between Disabled Care Recipients and their Care Providers, Akemi Nishida
Effects of Job Type and Culture on Relationships Between Job Characteristics and Worker Outcomes: A Multilevel Analysis, Justina Oliveira
Physiological and Subjective Aspects of Positive Mood in Relation to Executive Functioning: The Potential Moderating Role of Personality, Luz Helena Ospina
Intergroup contact and evaluations of interracial exclusion in offline and online settings among adolescents and young adults, Henry C. Park
The Role of Posterior Parietal Cortex in Episodic Memory Retrieval: Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Studies (tDCS), Denise Pergolizzi
Singing Motherhood: First time mothers' experiences singing to their infants, Margaret Mia Pixley
Interleukin-1 (IL-1) as a potential contributor to the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's Disease, Sara Nicole Resch
Juror Target Monitoring Errors in Multiple Defendant Trials, Lindsey M. Rhead
Self-Esteem as a Predictor of Posttraumatic Growth and Adaptation among Maltreated Early Adolescents, Hadar Schwartz
Assumptions underlying behavioral linkage revisited: A multidimensional approach to ascertaining individual differentiation and consistency in serial rape, Marina Sorochinski
A Cognitive-Based Indicator of Deviant Sexual Arousal: Concurrent Validation of the Emotional Stroop, Ashley H. Spada
The Importance of Bioacoustics for Dolphin Welfare: Soundscape Characterization with Implications for Management, Heather Ruth Spence
The intrinsic and synaptic properties of inverted pyramidal cells within the neocortex, Robert Michael Steger
Senescent Changes in Orientation, Frequency, and 3-D Slant and Shape Perception, Danny Tam
Policy Implications of a Predictive Validity Study of the Specialized High School Admissions Test at Three Elite New York City High Schools, Jonathan James Taylor
The Effect of Retention Interval on Temporal Control of Responding in Rats on the Peak Interval Procedure, Catherine Tsiris
Working Memory Deficits and Emotion Dysregulation in Youth with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Understanding Relationships and Treatment Implications, Jodi Zehava Uderman
Attention in HIV, Kathleen Marie Van Dyk
Object Categorization in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Jaime Vitrano
Emotion Dysregulation: A Predictor For Cbt Treatment Outcomes In A Comorbid Ptsd And Sud Population, Jennifer Robin Wallach
Triple Stigma in Forensic Psychiatric Patients: Mental Illness, Race, and Criminality, Michelle Leigh West
The Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Parenting, Erin Ann Williams
Tales Of Language Loss And Language Maintenance: Elicited Ancestral Language Use In Lazuri-Turkish And Turkish-German Caregiver-Child Dyads During Structured Play, Peri Ozlem Yuksel-Sokmen
Dissertations from 2014
The Developmental Trajectory of Contour Integration in Autism Spectrum Disorders, Ted S. Altschuler
Supraspinal And Spinal Mechanisms Of Morphine-Induced Hyperalgesia, Caroline A. Arout
Attention shapes our expectations and perceptions: The neural mechanisms of top-down attention during adulthood and development, Snigdha Banerjee
Minorities' Perceptions of Minority-White Biracials: The Role of Identification for Cognitive, Affective, and Behavioral Responses, Sabrica Barnett