Dissertations from 2014
A Behavioral and Biopsychological Investigation of the Role of the Illusion of Control and Perseverative Chasing Between Problem and Non-problem Gamblers, Brett Evan Bauchner
The Neurodevelopment Of Basic Sensory Processing And Integration In Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alice Brown Brandwein
Between sites: Critical convergences at the personal, interpersonal, and institutional levels in a service learning course, Kendra Rashaun Brewster
Child Development Theory as a Mediator of Novice Teachers' Ethnotheories to Increase Learning and Justice in the Classroom, Nancy Michele Cardwell
Re-Considering Female Sexual Desire: Internalized Representations Of Parental Relationships And Sexual Self-Concept In Women With Inhibited And Heightened Sexual Desire, Eugenia Cherkasskaya
Changing gender: Gender role, class and the experience of Chinese female immigrants, Doris Cheung
Characterization of Somatosensory Processing in Relation to Schizotypal Traits in a Sample of Nonclinical Young Adults, Maureen Patricia Daly
Striving for Integration: Referential Activity and Object Relational Level in a Sample of Bisexual Women, Lauren DeMille
Mental Representations, Social Exclusion, And Neurobiological Processes In Borderline Personality Disorder: A Multi-Level Study, Jeffrey K. Erbe
Inter-Religious Relationships and Anxiety in the Regulation of Automatic Inter-Religious Prejudice, Karla J. Felix
Multimodal Emotion Perception in Borderline Personality Disorder, Virginia Fineran
LGBTQ Experiences with the Courts: The Role of Gender Nonconformity and Assertiveness, Alexis Forbes
The Knowing Body: Participatory Artistic-Embodied Methodologies for Re-Imagining Adolescence, Madeline Fox
Cisgenderism in Gender Attributions: The Ways in Which Social, Cognitive, and Individual Factors Predict Misgendering, Erica Jayne Friedman
Yes we can: A dyadic investigation of cognitive interdependence, relationship communication, and optimal behavioral health outcomes among HIV serodiscordant same-sex male couples, Kristine Elizabeth Gamarel
Place Connections: A Study of the Dynamics and Planning Process of Remigration in Trinidadians and Tobagonians, Lystra Huggins
The Influence of an Appetitive Conditioned Stimulus on Interval Timing Behavior, Joseph Daniel Jacobs
Successful Aging: Use Of Communication Technology In An Adult Day Program, Wendy Johnson
Telework and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: The Underexplored Roles of Social Identity and Professional Isolation, Lauren Mondo Kane
Biological motion processing in typical development and in the autism spectrum, Aaron Krakowski
Psychometric Properties of a Multichannel Battery for the Assessment of Emotional Perception, William H. Krause
Teaching Gaze Shifting in the Context of Requesting and Joint Attention to Toddlers with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Ivana Krstovska-Guerrero
An Investigation of Factors that Create and Mitigate Confirmation Bias in Judgments of Handwriting Evidence, Jeffrey Paul Kukucka
Conflict and Playmaking: The impact of a recess enhancement program on elementary school playgrounds in New York City, Elizabeth Lake
The Influence of Naive and Media-Informed Beliefs on Juror Evaluations of Forensic Science Evidence, Victoria Zoe Lawson
Exploring The Illusion Of Transparency When Lying And Truth-Telling: The Impact Of Age, Self-Consciousness, And Framing, Jason Mandelbaum
How Childhood Obesity Predicts Academic Achievement: A Longitudinal Study, Rachel Lynn Manes
A psychoanalytic exploration into the memory and aesthetics of everyday life: Photographs, recollections, and encounters with loss, Dimitrios Mellos
In and Out of Uniform: The Transition of Iraq and Afghanistan War Veterans into Higher Education, Vienna Messina
Physiological Correlates of Emotion Regulation in Depersonalization Disorder, Kai-Mosadi Monde
Executive Dysfunction and Reward Dysregulation: Interactions in Drug Addiction, Kristen Paula Morie
Age-related Aspects of Mirror-use by Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Rachel A. Morrison
"When I Heard about the March": Testimonies and Participatory Archiving in Peacebuilding, Carolina Muñoz Proto
The Meaning, Experience, and Value of 'Common Space' for Women and Children in Urban Poor Settlements in India, Anupama Reddy Nallari
Conditional Discriminative Functions of Meaningful Stimuli and Enhanced Equivalence Class Formation, Roxana I. Nedelcu
Intracellular Mechanisms Associated with Cocaine Induced Conditioned Place Preference, Stephanie K. Nygard
On the role of neuronal oscillations in auditory cortical processing, Monica Noelle O'Connell
Changing attention to emotion: A biobehavioral study of attention bias modification using event-related potentials, Laura O'Toole
The Effects of Environmental Enrichment on Abstinence and Relapse Using an Animal Conflict Model, Joshua Alan Peck
Risk assessment of sexually abusive clergy: Utility of sex offender risk instruments with a unique offender subgroup, Anthony Perillo
Women's experiences of privacy, publicness and place in mediated space, Nelida Quintero
Developing a Culture of Citizenship in Elementary School Classrooms: How Democratic Schools Teach Children About Rules, Rights and Responsibilities, Mindi Reich-Shapiro
Hot And Bothered: The Role Of Arousal And Rejection Sensitivity In Dual Process Sexual Decision Making For Gay And Bisexual Men, H Jonathon Rendina
The Influence of Advanced Cognitive Ability on the Development of Psychological Defenses and in Understanding and Managing Affect: A Study of Latency-aged Gifted Students, Kahlila Ife Robinson
Neuroimmune Crosstalk: A Role for Neuropeptide Y in Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Henry H. Ruiz
Quantitative Evaluation of Microglial Activation and Vascularization in Suicide, Tatiana Pavlovna Schnieder
The Legal System and Memory for Analogue Traumatic Experiences, Daisy A. Segovia
Verbal Behavior In Individuals With Generalized Anxiety Disorder And Depressive Disorders, Tzachi Slonim
Facial Affect Recognition and Social Functioning in Individuals at Risk for Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders, Marta Ewa Statucka
Adolescents' and young adults' moral thinking in typical everyday-life moral dilemmas, Yoko Takagi
Emotional Expression and Perception in Three Ethnic Groups: Is There an In-group Advantage?, Ella Björt Teague
(de)VOICED: Human Rights Now. (An Environmental Community-Based Participatory Action Research Project), Lauren J. Tenney
Exploring the role of perceived religiosity on daily life, coping, and parenting for Jewish parents of children with autism, Frances Rebecca Victory
The relationship of adaptive and pathological narcissism to attachment style and reflective functioning, Petra Vospernik
The Effect Of Malintent On Visual Attention, David Brian Wallace
Cognitive and Emotional Abnormalities in People with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Philip Watson
Affective Language and Attitudes Toward Public Policy, Rachel A. Wolitzky
Psychic Collapse and Traumatic Defense: How the Mind Mediates Trauma Living in the Body, Patricia Kim Yoon
Voir Dire Efficacy In Highly Publicized Criminal Cases, David Zimmerman
Dissertations from 2013
Dissociation and Potential Space on the Rorschach as Predictors of Concurrent PTSD and Substance Dependence Treatment Outcomes, Stephen John Anen
Producing Bodies, Knowledge, and Community in Everyday Civilian Struggle over Surveillance, Michelle C. Billies
Pathways to High-Lethality Suicide Attempts, Megan Schaffer Chesin
Reflective Functioning and Differentiation-Relatedness During Pregnancy and Infant Attachment Outcomes at One Year, Amy Elizabeth Daley
MyDigitalFootprint.ORG: Young People and the Proprietary Ecology of Everyday Data, Gregory Thomas Donovan
From Property Abandonment to Predatory Equity: Writings on Financialization and Urban Space in New York City, Desiree Justina Fields
Unexpected Work Intrusions into Employees' Personal Lives: Investigation, Measure Development, and Exploration of Causes and Consequences, Angela R. Grotto
Pathways of Activity: Lessons from Dominican College Students, Monika L. Son
Blogging Chronic Illness and Negotiating Patient-hood: Online Narratives of Women with MS, Collette Sosnowy
(In)Justice on the Streets: The Long Housing Crisis in Hungary from Above and Below, Éva Tessza Udvarhelyi
Script Fading for Children with Autism: Generalization of Social Initiation Skills from School to Home, Alison Marie Wichnick
Dissertations from 2012
Social Aspects of Developing and Sustaining Voluntarily Reduced Consumption Activity in New York City, Kirsten B. Firminger
Criminal, Antisocial, and Temporal Patterns in the Histories of Serial and Non-Serial Sexual Murderers, Victoria Blair Mesa
Facebook: Shifting Privacy, Identity, and Power Online, Rachel Verni
Dissertations from 2011
Getting into Character: Cultivating Identities in a Teen-theatre Peer-education Program, Valerie A. Futch
Re-locating Recycling: A Contextual Analysis of Recycling Behavior in the USA and Germany, Tsai-Shiou Hsieh
The Impact of Trial Consultants on Perceptions of Procedural Justice and Juror Verdicts: An Empirical Investigation, Jennifer Burke Katz
The Interpersonal Foundations of Anti-Atheist Prejudice, Michael W. Magee
Dissertations from 2010
Children's Tolerance of Word-Form Variation, Paul Reeves Breuning
The Impact of Mood Disorders on Cognitive Function in Post-menopausal Women Undergoing Treatment for Early-stage Breast Cancer, Margery E. Frosch
The Effect of Teaching Attending to a Face on Joint Attention Skills in Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tina Rovito Gomez
Semi-Supervised Learning for Connectionist Networks, Rebecca Robare
"Because I'm Neither Gringa nor Latina, Because I Am Not Any One Thing": Children of Colombian and Dominican Immigrants Negotiating Identities Within (Trans)National Social Fields, Debora Upegui-Hernandez
Dissertations from 2009
Youth in Out-of-Home Care: The Question of Psychological Agency, Lauren M. Polvere
Dissertations from 2008
Predicting Within-Source Agreement in Multisource Feedback Ratings: An Examination of Characteristics of the Rater Group and the Focal Manager, Christine Schrader Fernandez
The Impact of a Home-Based Intervention Program on Maternal Reflective functioning in First-Time Mothers, Maia Rebecca Miller
Dissertations from 2007
Provocative Enactments as Regulators of Underarousal and Its Associated Affects, Steven Bashkoff
Post-error Slowing in Preschool Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Olga G. Berwid
The Romantic Unconscious: Conflict and Compromise in the Research of Romantic Love, Joseph S. Reynoso
Dissertations from 2006
The Technical Fix or the Systemic Solution for Urban Water Quality? A Case Study of Grassroots Activism on Behalf of New York City's Drinking Water, Mirele B. Goldsmith
The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Class in Social Transitions: Caribbean Immigrant Women Negotiating United States Higher Education, Tracy A. McFarlane