Dissertations from 2017
The Contributions of Child and Romantic Attachment to Sleep Quality, Karen Estefane
Estradiol, Substance P, and the PI3K-Akt-mTOR Pathway in the Dorsal Horn of the Spinal Cord During Inflammatory Pain, Zane Ferguson
Sex Differences in the Anxiety Effects of Cannabinoids, Helen T. French
Dopamine D1 and D3 Receptor Polypharmacology in Cocaine Reward and Cocaine Seeking, Ewa J. Galaj
The Effects of Pre-Trial Event Stimulus Properties on Timing in the Peak Interval Procedure, Daniel A. Garces
Are You With Me? The Impact of Losing a Conversation Partner’s Attention to a Mobile Device, Zachary A. Geller
Mental Illness Stigma and Community Integration: Linking Perceived Experiences with Reported Behavior, Lauren L. Gonzales
The Role of Glutamate Neurotransmission in the Ventral Tegmental Area in the Expression of Conditioned Approach Learning, Priscila Hachimine-Merli
Behavioral Responses to Pulses of Light in the Longfin Inshore Squid, Doryteuthis pealeii (Lesueur, 1821), Stavros P. Hadjisolomou
From Targets to Agents: Women's Perceptions of Their Vulnerability and the Strategies They Use to Resist, Alexis Halkovic
The Transgenerational Transmission of Emotion Regulation: The Effect of Maternal Coping on Child Executive Functioning, Devon J. Harrison
The Effects of Childhood Irritability on Adolescent Outcomes and Treatment Response in Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Estrella Heber
Development of Authoring and Agency in Early Childhood Through Play, Pi-Chun Grace Ho
Song Rhythm Development in Zebra Finches, Julia Hyland Bruno
The Impact of Spirituality and Trauma on Appraisals of Psychotic-Like Experiences, Kathleen Isaac
Narrating Power and Injustice: How Young People Make Sense about Fairness, Svetlana Jovic
Words of Change: How Linguistic Shifts Over the Course of a Short-Term Exposure Therapy Represent Movement Towards Psychological Health, Zachary A. Kahn
Criminal Responsibility: Meta-analysis and Study Space, Lauren E. Kois
Who Am I to You? Using Function Words as a Measure of Transference, Jon William P. Lentz
Cruising Borders, Unsettling Identities: Toward a Queer Diasporic Asian America, Wen Liu
The Relationships Among Different Traits of Masculinity and Intimate Partner Violence, Jennifer E. Loveland
Cognitive and Affective Control Deficits in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Melissa-Ann Mackie
Why Do Negative Employment Outcomes for Workers with Disabilities Persist?: Investigating the Effects of Human Capital, Social Capital, and Discrimination, Martine Maculaitis
Latino/a Adolescents and Young Adults Coping with Parental Cancer within a Cultural Context, Amanda Mia Marin-Chollom
The Effects of Parametrically Manipulating the Ratio of Complimentary to Constructive Feedback Statements on Performance, Amanda Mentzer
The Under-Explored Role of Tiredness in Alcohol Use and Sexual Risk-Taking Among Gay and Bisexual Men, Brett M. Millar
Exploring the Relationship between Sequence Learning, Motor Coordination, and Language Development, Rita Obeid
An Examination of Therapeutic Alliance During Prolonged Exposure in the Treatment of a Comorbid PTSD and SUD Population, Annelisa Pedersen
Cortical Thickness Abnormalities Within the Salience and Reward Networks in Older Depressed Adults with Apathy, Monique A. Pimontel
Encountering Place, Pedagogy, and Culture: Study Abroad and Experiential Learning in Morocco and Indonesia, Jennifer M. Pipitone
Social Media Use and Media Literacy in Relation to Adolescents' Understanding of the Internet, Kasey L. Powers
Stress as a Cultural Tool in Higher Education, Nadia Ramjit
Making Sense of Missing Sessions: Attendance Patterns in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Substance Use Disorder Treatments, Margaret Rauen
A Conceptualization of the Body in Psychodynamic and Body-Based Psychotherapies: Areas of Overlap and Possibilities for Integration, Aleksandra Rayska
Brief and Extended Experimental Analysis of Spelling Deficits, Kimberly Reyes-Giordano
Letter to the President: Longitudinal Critical Discourse Analysis of Academic and Hip Hop Genres in a Rap Narrative Program, Debangshu Roygardner
Embodying Rhythm Nation: Multimodal Hip Hop Dance as a Site for Adolescent Social-Emotional and Political Development, Lauren M. Roygardner
A Playful Context Enhances Bilingual and Monolingual Preschoolers’ Mastery Motivation and Private Speech, Jeremy Sawyer
The Conceptualization of a Crime Event as a Process to Analyze Crime Commission and Behavioral Consistency in Serial Sexual Assaults, Kimberley R. Schanz
Evaluative Mind: Extraneous Influences on Morality, Aesthetics, and Perception, Angelika Luiza Seidel
Examining the Concurrent and Predictive Relations of Working Memory in Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Ashley N. Simone
An Experimental Investigation of Emotional Labor Display Rules and Performance in a Human Resources Sexual Harassment Interview Simulation, Jolie M.B. Terrazas
Physiological Correlates of Affective Decision-Making in Anxiety and Depression, Louisa I. Thompson
Mechanisms of Navigation in Fiddler Crabs: An Analysis of Allocentric and Egocentric Contributions, Stephen G. Volz
Understanding the Role of the Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex in Emotional Memory using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, R. Rachel Weintraub-Brevda
Dissertations from 2016
The Effects of Alpha Oscillations on Touch Perception and Visuo-tactile Integration, Lei Ai
(Dis)entangling Gender Expression and Race in Antigay Discrimination: An Intersectional Approach, Steph M. Anderson
The Effect of the Long Anchor Duration on Performance in the Temporal Bisection Procedure, Sho Araiba
Transactive Knowledge Systems, Shared Leadership Style, and Team Effectiveness, Christine L. Baker
A Behavior Analytic Intervention to Teach Exploratory Motor Behavior to Infants with Down Syndrome, Sara M. Bauer
Maternal History of Neglect, Mind-Mindedness, and The Cycle of Neglect, Karin N. Belser
Assessing Higher- and Lower-Order Processing in Children With and Without ADHD: A Prospective Longitudinal Study, Adina T. Bitton
Death Priming in Investigations: The Effects on Worldview Threat, Out-Group Derogation, and Stereotyping, Laure Brimbal
The Discursive Functioning of Knowledge Claims in Research Studies on Children’s Conceptual Knowledge of Number, Patrick D. Byers
Alien, Illegal, Undocumented: Labeling, Context, and Worldview in the Immigration Debate and in the Lives of Undocumented Youth, David A. Caicedo
United in Political Solidarity: How Multicultural Endorsement and Group Identity Inspire Intergroup Political Solidarity Among Members of Lower Status Groups, Justine Calcagno
Observational Assessment of Empathy in Parent-Child Verbal Exchanges and Their Influence on Child Behavior, Patty Carambot
Negotiating and Navigating Invisible Food Deserts: An Exploratory Study on Foodways of Adults on the Autism Spectrum, JungJa Park Cardoso
The Words and Worlds of Disability: Discourses on Disablement Within the Situated Practices of Service Providers, Enitza C. Carril
Social Cognitive Processes in the Priming of Mental Illness Stereotypes by the Media, Ginny Chan
Exploring the Uses of Cultural Funds of Knowledge Among Ethnic Minority Immigrant College Students in Their Constructions of Learning Identities Within a Collaborative Photovoice Project, Stacey Jennell Cooper
Providing Care for Many in the Context of Few Resources: Secondary Traumatic Stress, Burnout and Moral Distress Experienced by Healthcare Providers in Rural Uganda, Lauren Michelle Dewey
Beaches, People, and Change: A Political Ecology of Rockaway Beach after Hurricane Sandy, Bryce B. DuBois
African American Young People's Views of Youth Participation and its Implications for Addressing Community Problems, Isabelle M. Elisha
Possible Underlying Mechanisms of Hyperactivity in Children with ADHD, Nicole Feirsen
Status Signaling and the Characterization of a Chirp-Like Signal in the Weakly Electric Fish Steatogenys elegans, Caitlin E. Field
The Impact of Affect on Neural Mechanisms Underlying Orientation Perception, Michelle L. Fowler
The Role of Individual Cognitive and Behavioral Ontogeny in Organization and Evolution of Social Systems, Andrew G. Fulmer
Participation Strategies in Low-Resource Settings and Their Impact on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills: A Study in Four Different Geographical Regions, Magdalena Galazyn
The Effect of Attitudes Towards the Death Penalty on Forensic Clinical Judgments of Competency for Execution, Eugenia Garcia-Dubus
Feminine Ideology, Relational Self-Concept, and Internalizing Symptoms in Women, Anjali George
Medication Management in Pediatric Chronic Illness: Should Patient Anxiety be Considered?, Claire J. Hoogendoorn
A Developmental Perspective on Parental Cognitions and Emotions in the Context of a Parent-Mediated Intervention for Children with ASD, Emily R. Hotez
Boundaries and Belonging: Asian America, Psychology, and Psychoanalysis, Natalie C. Hung
REPETITION: A Study in Visual Form Using Selected Artworks by Edward Hopper, Lauren Irwin
Investigating the Construct of Psychopathy in Lebanese and American Adults, Marie-Anne Issa
The Conflicts of Coexistence: Contested Meanings of Carnivore Management and Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Hannah F. Jaicks
Does Intergroup Threat Cause Distinct Contact Orientations for High and Low Status Groups?, Brian M. Johnston
The Effect of Cognitive Load on Liars and Truth Tellers: Exploring the Moderating Impact of Working Memory Capacity, Sarah Jordan
Delusional Disorder: Treatment and the Restoration of Adjudicative Competence, Martin Kassen
Identity in Sociocultural Context: Life Stories of Korean Youth in New York City, Hannah Hyunkyung Kim
ThisCollegeStory.com: How Interactive Writing Media Influenced the Way First-Year Students Made Sense of their College Transition, Philip Kreniske
Vocal Rhythm Coordination and Preterm Infants: Rhythms of Dialogue in a High-Risk NICU Sample, Adrianne E. Lange
Masculine Identities Among Asian American Men: Negotiating Varying Masculine Ideals for the Self and Others, Elisa J. Lee
An Exploration of the Paradox of Bisexuality in Women: The Dawn Research Study, Anna Levy-Warren
Becoming Serpent: Mapping Coils of Paranoia in a Neocolonial Security State, Rachel J. Liebert
Targeting Efficiency: The Effects of Video Modeling and Feedback on Instructors’ Acquisition and Generalization of Behavior Analytic Skills, Maya S. Madzharova
My Mother Needs Me! Is It Possible to Stay Connected While Being My Own Person? The Object Relations of the Latina “Dutiful Daughter”, Juliana Martinez
The Remembrance of Things Past: Does Self-Report Moderate the Impact of Childhood Sexual Abuse on Long-Term Psychiatric Consequences?, Christina N. Massey
Role of Humor in Emotion Regulation: Differential Effects of Adaptive and Maladaptive Forms of Humor, Lindsay Mathews
Emotion Regulation in Relation to Cognitive Functioning in the Preclinical Stages of Dementia, Erica P. Meltzer
Series of Intermittent Heroin Injections Enhances Acquisition of Operant Responding for Cues Paired with Natural Rewards, Jennifer Morrison
An Exploration of Target Event Encoding in a Predictive Learning Task with Humans: Integrated or Separable Processing?, Natasha B. Nadler
Understanding the Glass Cliff Effect: Why Are Female Leaders Being Pushed Toward the Edge?, Yael S. Oelbaum
Let Fall: Hysteria and the Psychoanalytic Act, Matthew W. Oyer