Dissertations from 2006
Maze Learning and Recall in Weakly Electric Fish, Mormyrus rume proboscirostris Boulenger 1898 (Teleostei, Mormyridae): Sensory Bases, Alice G. Walton
Dissertations from 2005
Represent: The New York City Public Housing Resident Alliance and Its Struggle Against the Imposition of the Neoliberal Agenda, Gretchen Susi
Collaborating in Care: Developing a Model of Dialogic Empathy in Nursing Education, Kimberlee Jean Trudeau
Dissertations from 2004
The Role of Dopamine in Motivational and Receptive Aspects of Female Mouse Sexual Behavior, Amber Bradshaw Hodges
Dissertations from 2003
Women's Envy in the Workplace: Contexts and Consequences, Para Ambardar
Dissertations from 2002
Urban Youth Reimagine Trauma: Making Meaning of Experiences with Chronic Community Violence Through the Arts, Stephanie Urso Spina
Vigilance or Tolerance?: Ambivalence and Attitude Accessibility in Response to Terrorist Threats, Julie Tison
Dissertations from 2001
Clinical Process Related to Outcome in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy for Panic Disorder, Cara F. Klein
Dissertations from 1999
The Development of the Meanings of Think and Know Through Conversation, Lea Kessler Shaw
Dissertations from 1998
Adult Attachment and Maternal Representations of Gender During Pregnancy: Their Impact on the Child's Subsequent Gender Role Development, Leslie A. Gibson
The Relationship Between Internal Object Representations and Affective Style: A TAT study, Robin B. Kerner
Dissertations from 1993
Psychoanalysis and Constructionalism: Clinical and Metapsychological Implications, Richard H. Loewus
Dissertations from 1991
Pygmalion Goes to School: The Effects of Goal Setting, the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy and Self-Efficacy on Trainee Performance, James Michael Benton
Dissertations from 1990
Visual-Spatial and Set-Shifting Functions in Patients with Parkinson's Disease, Sarah A. Raskin
Dissertations from 1989
Serial, Parallel and Delay Strategies in the Processing of Structurally Ambiguous Language Constructions, Harvey Slutsky
Dissertations from 1988
Attitudes about Disabled People and Evaluations of a Disabled or Nondisabled Task Partner after Success or Failure, Joan Weisenfeld Bailey
A Comparison of the Symbolic Function in Delicate Self-Mutilators with Joyce Mcdougall's Conceptualization of the Symbolic Function in Psychosomatic Illness and Sexual Perversion, Thomas Richard Negron
Prediction of Treatment Response in Chronic Pain Patients: The Relationship Between Illness Behavior and Self-Concept, Andrew Bruce Rosenblum
Dissertations from 1987
The Experience of Public Art in Urban Settings, Roberta Degnore
Israeli, Palestinian and Egyptian Explanations of Political Actions in the Middle East, Bethamie Horowitz
Precursors of Creativity: Metaphor, Symbolic Play and Categorization in Early Childhood, Jay A. Seitz
Dissertations from 1986
Working at Home and Being at Home: The Interaction of Microcomputers and the Social Life of Households, Jamie Horwitz
Working at Home and Being at Home: The Interaction of Microcomputers and the Social Life of Households, Jamie L. Horwitz
Dissertations from 1983
The Utilization of Communicational Cues by One- and Two-Year-Old Children, Rhianon Allen
Dissertations from 1982
Capgras' Syndrome, Robert J. Berson
Neighborhood Change in New York City: A Case Study of Park Slope, 1850 - 1980, Timothy James O'Hanlon
Dissertations from 1980
Rules of Order: Or So to Speak, Arthur Emanuel Blank
Dissertations from 1979
Mother and Infant at Play: Reciprocity in Gazing Behavior, Goldie Alfasi-Siffert
Minority Group Blame-Orientation and Reactions to Social Protest, David W. Greene
Dissertations from 1978
Modes of Representation, the Epistemic Subject and Developmental Word Association Phenomena, Ellen M. Gerschitz
Dissertations from 1974
The Favorability of Person Perception as a Function of Perceiver and Target Person Personality Style, Alfred D. Kornfeld
Dissertations from 1972
Stability of Visual Fixation With and Without Feedback, Antoinette Ruth Appel
The Effect of Periodicity Instability on the Detection of Interaural Time-of-Arrival Difference, Roy F. Sullivan
Dissertations from 1969
Click-Intensity Discrimination in Relation to the Statistics of the N1 Response, Harvey B. Taub
Dissertations from 1966
Post-Discrimination Generalization in Human Subjects of Two Different Ages, Jeffrey S. Landau