Publications and Research
Works from 2024
Pioneering plant metabolomic library of Indonesian plants for research, conservation, capacity building and economic development, Isabel Armas, Ernawati Sinaga, Nonon Saribanon, Noverita, Alvira Noer Effendi, Chairil Rohadi, Hanifa Nur Adilah, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, and Ilya Raskin
Comparative Analysis of Polyphenol Content, Antioxidant Activity and Antimicrobial Properties in Endemic and Widespread Allium Species of Tajikistan, Fazila Mirzoeva, Saidbeg Satorov, Salomuddin Usufi, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, and Shukhratdzhon Shukhratdzhon
Efficacy of Ferula L. species extracts from Tajikistan against influenza viruses, Saidbeg Satorov, Sulhiy Mavlonazarova, Ahdrey P. Bogoyavlenskiy, Salomuddin D. Yusufi, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Works from 2023
Taking Advantage of Opportunities for Informal Leadership, LINDA MILES and Susanne Markgren
Pulling It All Together: Teaching Genre, Disciplinary and Career Literacies, and the Framework for Information Literacy in an Associate Degree Capstone Course, LINDA MILES and Elisabeth Tappeiner
Artificial Intelligence: moving forward to a new era of education, SALFARINA RAMLI and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Works from 2022
Botanicals as Prospective Agents Against SARS-CoV-2 Virus, Vyacheslav Dushenkov and Anna Dushenkov
LGBTQ+ and dental education: Analyzing the present and recommendations for the future, Colin M. Haley, Diana V. Macri, Herminio L. Perez, and Scott B. Schwartz
Precision Dentistry in Practice, Diana V. Macri
LGBTQ+ and dental education: Analyzing the present and recommendations for the future, Diana V. Macri, Colin Haley DDS, Herminio Perez DMD, and Scott Schwartz DDS
Combating Burnout: Positive/Transformational Leadership and Organizational Culture, Linda Miles and Susanne Markgren
Bigger Dreams, Majolyn N. Nunez
Maintain the Sharp Cutting Edge of Periodontal Instruments, Khrystyna Vyprynyuk and Annie Chitlall
Works from 2021
Resuming On-site Services: Final Report and Recommendations of the CUNY Libraries COVID-19 Task Force (April 2021), Kathleen M. Dreyer, Jeffrey Delgago, Karen Okamoto, Steven Ovadia, Roxanne Shirazi, Michael Waldman, Haruko Yamauchi, and Simone Yearwood
Insights Into Using Plants in Management of Viral Diseases., Vyacheslav Dushenkov and Anna Dushenkov
DNA Barcoding of The High-Altitude Artemisia and Nepeta Species, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, Csanad Gurdon, and Shukhratdzhon Satorov
Cultivating Leadership Potential, Diana V. Macri
Oral Manifestations of Tuberculosis, Diana V. Macri, Sandra Castellanos, and Elvir Dincer
Efficacy of Hand Instrumentation vs Power Instrumentation, Khrystyna Vyprynyuk and Annie Chitlall
Works from 2020
I Was Called, Too: The Life and Work of Coretta Scott King, Kristopher B. Burrell
When It Comes to Racial Justice, Why Is It Wrong to Demand the "Impossible"?, Kristopher B. Burrell
Impact of OER in Teacher Education, Denise Cummings-Clay
Resuming On-site Services: Final Report and Recommendations of the CUNY Libraries COVID-19 Task Force, Kathleen Dreyer, Jeffrey Delgado, Karen Okamoto, Steven Ovadia, Roxanne Shirazi, Michael Waldman, Haruko Yamauchi, and Simone Yearwood
Host Modulation and the Inflammatory Response, Carleigh Fraley, Jennifer Knox-Rodriguez, and Diana V. Macri
Creating and Using Open Educational Resources (OER) in Reading and Writing Classes, Christine E. Hutchins
Gathering and Lending Support: Relationships, Linda Miles and Susanne Markgren
Getting Your Bearings: Understanding Organizational Culture, Linda Miles and Susanne Markgren
Antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant activity and polyphenol content of aerial parts and bulbs of Allium schugnanicum., Saidbeg Satorov, F. Mirzoeva, Sh. Kurbonbekova, Sh. Satorov, M. Vakhidova, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Metabolomic differences between invasive alien plants from native and invaded habitats, Sarah A. Skubel, Xiaoyang Su, Alexander Poulev, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, and Ilya Raskin
Community College Incoming Freshman Mathematics Course-taking, Anders J. Stachelek and Alexandra Logue
Works from 2019
But What Do The Students Think: Results of the Cross-Campus Zero-Textbook Cost Student Survey, Shawna M. Brandle, Stacy Katz, Anne Hays, Amy Beth, Cailean Cooney, Linda Miles, Jacqueline DiSanto, and Abigail Morrison
Black Women as Activist Intellectuals: Ella Baker and Mae Mallory Combat Northern Jim Crow in New York City's Public Schools during the 1950s, Kristopher B. Burrell
The Dilemma of Black Citizenship: Perpetual Partiality and Patriotism, Kristopher B. Burrell
My preferred pronoun is she: Understanding transgender identity and oral health care needs, Diana V. Macri and Kate Wolfe
Oral Rapid HIV Testing in the Dental Setting: Experiences from Three Dental Hygiene Clinics, Anthony J. Santella, Petal Leuwaisee, Susan H. Davide, Hanna Horowitz, and Bhuma Krishnamachari
Comparative Characteristics of Antibacterial Activity of Plants Growing in the Central Part of the Republic Of Tajikistan., Saidbeg Satorov, F. Mirzoeva, Sh. Satorov, M. Vakhidova, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Etiology and Clinical Patterns of Uveitis at Three Ophthalmic Clinics in Tajikistan, Sayyora Yuldasheva, Saidbeg Satorov, Shekhratdzon Satorov, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Works from 2018
An impact evaluation of two rounds of mass drug administration on the prevalence of active trachoma: A clustered cross sectional survey, Asrat G. Amnie
Emerging themes in coping with lifetime stress and implication for stress management education, Asrat G. Amnie
Whispering Together in the Dark: Rereading Samuel Beckett's Homosociality through Harold Pinter, Aaron Botwick
"How Mature Are We? The Enduring Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 'Beyond Vietnam' Speech", Kristopher B. Burrell
"Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Greater Vision: Manually Bending the Arc of Time Towards Justice", Kristopher B. Burrell
Antioxidants and Cancer: Theories, Techniques, and Trials in Preventing Cancer, Gloria M. Calaf, Francisco Aguayo, Consolato M. Sergi, Angeles Juarranz, and Debasish Roy
Implementing a Multifaceted Approach to Caries Prevention, Diana V. Macri
Proceedings of the CUNY Research Summit: Creativity in STEM, Malgorzata Marciniak and Bronislaw Czarnocha
Symptomatic Leadership in Business Instruction: How to Finally Teach Diversity and Inclusion for Lasting Change, LINDA L. RIDLEY
Rapid, field-deployable method for collecting and preserving plant metabolome for biochemical and functional characterization, Sarah A. Skubel, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, Brittany L. Graf, Qingwei Niu, Alexander Poulev, Hetalben Kalariya, Llewellyn C. Foxcroft, and Ilya Raskin
R program for estimation of group efficiency and finding its gradient. Stochastic data envelopment analysis with a perfect object approach, Alexander Vaninsky
Urban Information Specialists and Interpreters: An Emerging Radical Vision of Reference for the People, 1967–1973, Haruko Yamauchi
Works from 2017
Information Literacy and Institutional Effectiveness: A Longitudinal Analysis of Performance Indicators of Student Success, Miriam Laskin and Lucinda Zoe
Worldwide use of triclosan: Can dentistry do without this antimicrobial?, Diana V. Macri
Caries Classification, Diana V. Macri and Annie Chitlall
Polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of Artemisia sieversiana willd. in Western Pamir, Gulazor Miravalova, Sh. Kurbonbekova, Sh. Satorov, Akobir Mirzorahimov, Dovudsho Navruzshoev, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, and M. Vakhidova
Pulling the Plug on Microscopes in the Anatomy and Physiology Laboratory, Zvi Ostrin and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Can Avicenna Help Manage the Diabetes Epidemic in Central Asia?, Mizhgona Sharofova, Yusuf Nuraliev, Parviz Sukhrobov, Shoista Sagdieva, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Influence of the interaction of calcium carbonate particles with surfactants on the degree of water pollution in small rivers, Petry Spataru, Francisco Fernandez, Joseph W. Sista, Tudor Spataru, Oxana Spinu, and Igor Povar
Educational Neuroscience, Educational Psychology, and Classroom Pedagogy as a System, Alexander Vaninsky
Teaching and learning mathematics in the AR/VR environment, Alexander Vaninsky
Case Study of Undergraduate Research Projects in Vector Analysis, Alexander Vaninsky, Willy Baez Lara, Madieng Diao, and Analilia Mendez
Works from 2016
Supplemental Instruction for Developmental Mathematics: Two-Year Summary, Olen Dias, Alice W. Cunningham, and Loreto Porte
Biodiversity of medicinal plants in the highlands: problems and perspectives, Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Botanical therapeutics in the modern world, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, Brittany L. Graf, and Mary Ann Lila
Awareness of rabies and response to dog bites in a Bangladesh community, Sumon Ghosh, Sukanta Chowdhury, Najmul Haider, Rajub K. Bhowmik, Md. S. Rana, Aung S. Prue Marma, Muhammad B. Hossain, Nitish C. Debnath, and Be-Nazir Ahmed
Should We Be Teaching Sport Skills to 5-7 Year-olds in Physical Education? NOT SO FAST!, Michael Gosset
The Benefits of Multicultural Eclectic Service Delivery, Eugena Griffin
Implementing a Minimally Invasive Approach, Diana V. Macri
Pain Management in Dentistry, Diana V. Macri
The expert advice: Dental patient compliance hinges on effective communication strategies, Diana V. Macri
Getting to Great: Transitioning from a Special to an Academic Library, Linda Miles
The Pedagogical Value of Mobile Devices and Content-Specific Application Software in the A&P Laboratory, Zvi Ostrin and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Symptomatic Leadership: The Impact of Changing Demographics on Global Business, LINDA L. RIDLEY
Losing It: The Construction and Stigmatization of Obesity on Reality Television in the United States, Alisa Roost
Hostos Online Learning Assessment: A Survey of Student Perceptions, Kate Wolfe, Sarah Hoiland, Kate Lyons, Carlos Guevara, Kristopher B. Burrell, Jacki DiSanto, Sandy Figueroa, Aaron Davis, Iber Poma, Wilfredo Rodriguez, and Linda L. Ridley
Where Should These Books Go?, Haruko Yamauchi
Works from 2015
A Reader's Beheading: Nabokov's Invitation and Authorial Utopia, Aaron Botwick
Striking the balance: Challenges and perspectives for the protected areas network in northeastern European Russia, Svetlana V. Degteva, Vasily I. Ponomarev, Sasha W. Eisenman, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Pedagogical Aspects of Using Mobile Devices in the Biology Classroom, Vyacheslav Dushenkov and Zvi Ostrin
Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: the challenge ahead, William H. Goodson, Leroy Lowe, David O. Carpenter, Michael Gilbertson, Abdul Manaf Ali, Adela Lopez de Cerain Salsamendi, Ahmed Lasfar, Amancio Carnero, Amaya Azqueta, Amedeo Amedei, Amelia K. Charles, Andrew R. Collins, Andrew Ward, Anna C. Salzberg, Annamaria Colacci, Ann-Karin Olsen, Arthur Berg, Barry J. Barclay, Binhua P. Zhou, Carmen Blanco-Aparicio, and Debasish Roy
In Her Own Words: Make a (Mission) Statement, Diana V. Macri
Strategies for Improving Patient Compliance, Diana V. Macri
Utilizing Dental Hygienists to Improve Health Outcomes in Long-Term Care, Diana V. Macri
Make a (Mission) Statement, Diana V. Macri
The Mathematics and Applications behind Image Warping and Morphing, Tanvir Prince, Maria Malik, Ildefonso Salva, Ariel Mazor, and Sakhr Aldaylam
Anthology and Absence: The Post-9/11 Anthologizing Impulse, Anne Lovering Rounds
Telomere DNA recognition in Saccharomycotina yeast: potential lessons for the co-evolution of ssDNA and dsDNA-binding proteins and their target sites, Olga Steinberg-Neifach and Neal F. Lue
Combinatorial recognition of a complex telomere repeat sequence by the Candida parapsilosis Cdc13AB heterodimer, Olga Steinberg-Neifach, Kemar Wellington, Leslie Vazquez, and Neal F. Lue
New functionally-enhanced soy proteins as food ingredients with anti-viral activity, Aizhan Sabirzhanovna Turmagambetova, Nadezhda Sergeevna Sokolova, Andrey Pavlinovich Bogoyavlenskiy, Vladimir Eleazvich Berezin, Mary Ann Lila, Diana M. Cheng, and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Works from 2014
Andragogy vs Pedagogy: Teaching the Adult Learner in an Online Environment, Tonina Aragona
Vimentin and Notch as biomarkers for breast cancer progression, Gloria M. Calaf, Adayabalam S. Balajee, Maria T. Montalvo-Villagra, Mariana Leon, Navarrete M. Daniela, Raúl González Alvarez, Debasish Roy, Gopeshwar Narayan, and Jorge Abarca-Quinones
Developing and Facilitating a Successful Hybrid Statistics Course, Ruslan Flek
The Use of On-Line Computer adaptive Testing to raise Standardized Test Scores, Edward L. King, Kathleen Ronca, and Nieves Aguilera
Service Learning: A Tool to Develop Employment Competencies for College Students, Amy J. Ramson
EdTech Innovator Chase: Rewarding Faculty Innovation through badges, Wilfredo Rodriguez, Kate Lyons, and Carlos Guevara
This is your brain on the iPad, Azizi Seixas and Kate Wolfe
Interactive Lightning Session: Game-based Learning in Higher Education, Rees Shad, Maura A. Smale, Joe Bisz, and Linda Ridley
Harvard World Health News, from the Harvard School of Public Health, Elisabeth Tappeiner
Using Clickers to Teach Biology-Based Material in a Developmental Psychology Class, Antonio Varelas
Podcasting Oral Presentations, Sandra V. Williams
Works from 2013
Flying off the Shelf: e-Books go Mobile, Madeline Cohen, Stefanie Havelka, Jennifer Poggiali, Kate Lyons, and Elisabeth Tappeiner
Beyond physical space: Implementing a virtual learning commons at an urban community college, Heba Elsayed, Carlos Guevara, Rebecca Hoda-Kearse, Isabel Li, Kate Lyons, George Rosa, and Varun Sehgal