Theses and Dissertations
Dissertations/Theses/Capstones from 2025
Synchronizing Work and Teaching Practices with the Spatial DNA of Distributed Work and Learning, Manju Aishwarya Adikesavan
Judicial Reasonings & Decision-Making: An Observational Study of Judges and Court Actors in Post-Criminal Justice Reform Detention Hearings in New Jersey during COVID-19, Diba Ahmadirouzbahani
The Influence of Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities (I/DD) Curriculum Content on Career Interests for Social Work Students, Sabretta G. Alford
Taming Biological Complexity Through the Use of Symmetries, Luis A. Álvarez-García
Does Treatment Setting in ATI Matter? An Examination of Completion Rates and the Role of Violent Charges Among Individuals with Co-occurring Disorders, George J. Anderson
Mineral Landscapes: British Art and Extraction, 1937–1975, Tobah Aukland-Peck
Novel Alchemical Methodologies for Modeling Molecular Binding, Solmaz Azimi
Studies on the Synthesis, Function, and Properties of Troponoids, John-Charles A. Baucom
Development of Soil Survey Methods for Urban Areas, Kohinoor Begum
Investigating DNA Damage Caused by Reactive Oxygen and Nitrogen Species via Guided-Ion-Beam Scattering and Computational Techniques, Jonathan Benny
Myth, Mayhem, and Pseudo-Democracy: The Role of Political Myths in Mobilizing Nationalist Populist Movements and Political Extremists, Stephon J. Boatwright
Deuce Redemption: Grindhouse Cinema, Moral Panic, And Urban Renewal, Robert Brenner
American Realists and Magic Realists: MoMA’s 1943 Wartime Show, Viviana Bucarelli
Navigating Climate Action: The River as Teacher for Eco-Literacy, Educational Regeneration and Creative Participation, Bibi (Silvina) Calderaro
The Double Victimization of Black Women at the Crossroads of Oppression, Carmerina Carrero
The Material Folklore of Occult Zines, Jacqueline G. Coffey
Food and the Social Body in US Performance Art, 1962–1980, Janine DeFeo
Ética del cuidado y solidaridad feminista en la producción literaria y fílmica de mujeres en Perú, Guatemala y El Salvador, 1994–2019, Rocio del Pilar Del Aguila Gracey
Biophysical Principles Governing HP1a-DNA Condensate Properties: Regulatory Roles of Histone Tails and RNA, Priyasha Deshpande
An ERP Study of Attentional Blink and Inhibition of Return, Caesar Ekya
Destabilizing the Nuyorican: Rivera’s Women and Nuyorican Cinema, Judith R. Escalona
Vote for the CCRB in 2025: A Data Visualization Analysis of Police Oversight Under Three Mayoral Administrations, Thomas Fagin
A Meta-Analysis of Intimate Partner Violence Treatment Programs: The Role of Risk-Need-Responsivity in Treatment Effectiveness, Irina Fanarraga
A Historical Analysis of Saturday Night Live's Engagement in American Presidential Politics, Isabel Fox
Constructing a Parameterized Stimuli Space Suitable to Induce Controlled Changes in Human and Machine Perceptual Systems, Andrew Frankel
Predicting the Dynamics of Complex Networks from Structural Phenomena, George Furbish
Modernity and the Promise of Democracy: A Democratic Reading of Machiavelli and Hobbes, Gabriel Garber
Filmology, Richard N. Gladstein
Back to the Margins: The Re-Marginalization of Feedback Research in Composition and Rhetoric, Robert A. Greco
The Psychophysiology of Primary and Secondary Variants of Psychopathic Traits in Youth, Ines Guariguata
Category Learning Reorganizes Internal Representations of Visual Artworks, Aishwarya Gurung
Woman Naturally is Ambitious: Sarah Josepha Hale, Gender, and Success in Antebellum America, Jeanne G. Gutierrez
Unifying Comprehension and Competence Through Merge: A New Linking Hypothesis Connecting Electrophysiological Data to Linguistic Intuitions, Kevin Patrck Guzzo
Embracing Language Diversity: An Exploration of Elementary Teachers' Perception of African American English, Manijeh Hart
From IT-Startups to Tech Giants: How Social Connections Influence Investors’ Perspective on Valuations in the Technology Space, Linmei Huang
Banking and the Wider Economy: Essays on Capital and Cross-Border Risks, Morgan Hunt
A Benjaminian Rumination of Grasses and Tomatoes in Contemporary Anatolian Film, Ceren Izci
Navigating Precarity and Pushing for Protections in South Florida's Ride-Hail Sector, Pamela Izvanariu
Making Waves: Comfort Women Justice Movements Across Generations, Julia A. Jacobellis
Palimpsests of the Mind: Memory, Anamnesis, Temporality, Selin Kalostyan
The Elephant (and Donkey) in the Room: The Effects of Political Ideology on Diversity Training Effectiveness, Luke P. Kayga
Telomere length as a biomarker of mortality among US adults, Hanish P. Kodali, Luisa N. Borrell, Heidi E. Jones, Linda Valeri, and Katarzyna E. Wyka
Creating School: Writing and Reading Texts for Children, Carlyn Kolker
When College is Not Working Out: Obstacles to Community College Completion, Elisabeth Lackner
À la poursuite de Céline à New York, Gabriel Maginier
Storming the Sky: Literature and Landscape of the Italian Front, Dario Marcucci
On the Ambiguity of Wh-Expressions in Thai, Naparat Meechanyakul
Underlying Mechanisms of Quantum Emission in Hexagonal Boron Nitride, Enrique Alejandro Mejia IV
The Jamaica Now Leadership Council: A Study of Stakeholder Participation in the Revitalization of Downtown Jamaica, Queens, Melva M. Miller
Consequences of Oxidative DNA Damage: Base-Pair Dissociation, Singlet Oxygenation and DNA-Protein Crosslinking, May Myat Moe
Spin High-Harmonic Generation Through Terahertz Laser-Driven Phonons, Negin Moharrami Allafi
Solvation Thermodynamic Mapping Approaches for Computer-Aided Drug Discovery, Vjay Molino
Whose Innovation? Philanthropic and School-Based Visions of High School in the XQ Super School Competition, Brett G. Murphy
Images of Truth: True Doxa in Plato's Republic, Sai Ying Ng
Tracing Reverberations: Vietnamese Refugee Mothers' Adaptations to Complex Structural Forces and Intergenerational Engagements, Kim Khanh Nguyen-Nalpas
Toward More Intelligible Simultaneous Multi-channel Speech Enhancement and Recognition, Zhaoheng Ni
Freedom Dreams of Young Black Boys: A Qualitative Study Among Black Male Elementary School Learners, Lamar Ok
The Spontaneous Flora of New York City; and Systematics of Larix (Pinaceae), Lydia T. Paradiso
Vertex-Based Analysis of Cerebral Blood Flow and Fractional Amplitude of Low-Frequency Fluctuations (CBF-fALFF) Coupling in Moderate-to-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury During the First Year Post-Injury, Vaidehi Hemkumar Patel
Proximity in Pixels: The Moderating Roles of Structural and Psychological Distance on Behavioral Leadership Effectiveness, Ethan J. Ray
Cueing Motions in a String Quartet, An Exploratory Study of Motion Trajectories, Maren Rothfritz
Speculative Networks: From Political Protest to the Neoliberal Market in Feminist Video Art in the US, 1970-85, Helena Shaskevich
Psychosocial Adjustment to Stigma among Young Adults with Chronic Visible Skin Disease, Caroline Faye Zimmermann Stuhlmann
The Work of Morning: Administrative Ecologies & Institutional Poetics, Kendra M. Sullivan
The Perspectives of Play Advocates on Children’s Unstructured Play in Turkey, Bengi Sullu
The Alphaproteobacterial General Stress Response: Investigating Protein Structure, Dynamics, and Regulatory Mechanisms, Danielle Swingle
Essays on the Impact of Monetary Policy Shocks, Rubaiyat Tasnim
Inherited Wounds: Generational Trauma in Postcolonial Film and Narrative Fiction of the Global South, Sabrina Testi Melgarejo
Differential Mechanisms of Access in Working Memory: Comparing Global and Selective Retrieval, Jade M. Turbides
Lishmah: An Exploration of Syntactic Ambiguity and Biblical Exegesis Through the Jewish Calendar Year, Shani Tzoref
Improving Low-Resource Translation with Finite State Grammars, Nicholas J. Uva
The U.S. Grand Strategy Toward the Pacific Islands, Angela Vasovic
The Last Stand of Angraecum: Biogeographic and Evolutionary History of Darwin's Muses, Simon Verlynde
My Wings Are Not Broken: Black Males, Carcerality, and Education, Crystal M. Welch-Scott
The Role of Secondary and Tertiary Structure in the Cap-Independent Translation of FGF-9 and HIF-1-alpha, Amanda Michelle Whittaker
Where the Landscape Inspires the Lines: Python-based Workbooks and Digital Tools for Reading Yoshino ki, Miaoling Xue
Expression and Transcriptional Regulation of APL-1, a Caenorhabditis elegans APP Ortholog, Ji-Sup Yang
Tiny Square Artificial Intelligence, Chunyu Yuan
The Effects of Irrelevant Parameters in Language Acquisition, Yukun Zhang
Theses from 2024
Hairry Potter World: Are gel and oil the sorcerers magic to altering external cocaine and BE concentrations in hair, Esther Abady
Essays on Empirical Economics, Dorian Abreu
The Effects of Environmental Changes on the Biodiversity and Macroecological Patterns of Bird Assemblages in the United States, Marlen Acosta Alamo
la VIDA: Towards a Motivated Goal Reasoning Agent, Ursula Addison
What Exactly Does Identity Have to do with Teaching? Exploring the Connection Between a Teacher's Racialized Identity and their Teacher Identity, Lizette Aguilar
Targeting Strategies to Optimize the Therapeutic Potential of Gold Compounds Against HER2-Positive Breast Cancers, Afruja Ahad
Re-Envisioning Electric Railway Power Systems in Dense Urban Regions, Rohama Ahmad
Lost in the Times of Yesterday and Other Stories, Anes Ahmed
Essays in Health Economics and Applied Econometrics: Assessing Recreational Marijuana Laws, Dragos Ailoae
Controlling Emotional Text to Speech Using Complex Adverbial Phrases, Zainab T. Akande
Essays in Applied Microeconomics, Ege Aksu