Content Posted in 2018
100 Years Ago: The Death of Quentin Roosevelt, Keith J. Muchowski
100 Years: The Death of John Purroy Mitchel – New York City’s Boy Mayor, Keith J. Muchowski
19th century literature reflects modern life, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
2001 and future of higher education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
2006 proves to be year of achievements for A-State, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
2016 can be a year of opportunity for higher ed, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
29Si NMR and SAXS investigation of the hybrid organic-inorganic glasses obtained by consolidation of the melting gels, Andrei Jitianu, Sylvian Cadars, Fan Zhang, Gabriela Rodriguez, Quentin Picard, Mario Aparicio, Jadra Mosa, and Lisa C. Klein
2nd Option: Overseas, Malik Edwards and Gregory Alcala
500 años de impacto ambiental en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
50 años de evolución en los estudios lingüísticos transculturales: de la Retórica Contrastiva a la Retórica Intercultural, David Sánchez-Jiménez
50 years after Sputnik, for science education future is now, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
911 Dispatchers: Their Role as Evidence Collectors, Brittany P. Kassis
A 3D Characteristics Database of Land Engraved Areas with Known Subclass, EnTni Lin
A Blueprint on Self-Exploration to Justice: Introduction to “Referencing Audre Lorde” & “Lesbian Librarianship for All”, Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz
Abnormal tau induces cognitive impairment through two different mechanisms: synaptic dysfunction and neuronal loss, J. Di, L. S. Cohen, C. P. Corbo, Greg R. Phillips, Abdeslem El Idrissi, and Alejandra D. Alonso
Absences and Epistemologies of Ignorance: A Critical Multi-Sited Study on the Teaching of the Danish Colonial and Slave Trading Past, Naja B. Hougaard
Academia is now facing a lot of gray rhinos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Academia is running for Congress, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Academia needs to be more of a leader, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Academic advising a key to student success, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Academic Interests, Career Choices and Job Opportunities, Doyel Pal and Praveenkumar Khethavath
Academy honors two ASU professors, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A call for Second-Generation Cryptocurrency Valuation Metrics, Edward Lehner, Louis Carter, and John Ziegler
A Caprine Carnival: Goats at the vālaikkāl vāyil, Madhini Nirmal
A Cardiology Exhibit at a Science Museum, Viewed as Speech Acts in Sequence, David H. Lee
A Catch-22 for Illinois Higher Ed, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Acceptance, Communication Mode and Use of Audio Computer- Assisted Self Interview Using Touchscreen to Identify Risk Factors among Pregnant Minority Women, Jutta S. Thornberry, Kennan B. Murray, M. Nabil El-Khorazaty, and Michele Kiely
A Chair in the Woods, Victoria Dolloff
Achievement Goal Task Framing and Fit With Personal Goals Modulate the Neurocognitive Response to Corrective Feedback, Jennifer A. Mangels, Sylvia Rodriguez, Yuliya Ochakovskaya, and Belén Guerra-Carrillo
“A Christian World Order:” Protestants, Democracy and Christian Aid to Germany, 1945-1961, Ky N. Woltering
Ackad uses power computers to solve problems, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Closer Look at Water Quality, Illegal Dumping and Community Engagement in the Coney Island Creek, Molly Nugent
A Collaborative Intervention: Measuring the Impact of a Flipped Classroom Approach on Library One-shots for the Composition Classroom, Maureen Garvey, Anne Hays, and Amy F. Stempler
A Colony’s State of Sovereignty: Decolonization Has Yet to Take Place In Rwanda, Mahalia Mehu
A Comparative Analysis of the Use of GitHub by Librarians and Non-Librarians, Mark E. Eaton
A Comparison of Increases in Volume Load Over 8 Weeks of Low-Versus High-Load Resistance Training, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Dan Ogborn, Bret Contreras, Tom Cappaert, Alex Silva Ribeiro, Brent A. Alvar, and Andrew D. Vigotsky
A Comparison of Quiz Grading Criteria, Exam Question Type and Novelty, and their Effects on Exam Scores, Samantha Dalfen
A Comparison of the Effects of Various Feedback Presentations on Typing Accuracy and Speed, Julieanne Guadalupe
A Computational Assessment of Target Engagement in the Treatment of Auditory Hallucinations with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, Won Hee Lee, Nigel I. Kennedy, Marom Bikson, and Sophia Frangou
A Concept for Implementation of Lessons Learned Capability for Presidentially-Declared Disasters, Charles R. Jennings
A Concise Workbook for College Algebra, Fei Ye
A Contribution Toward a Global Monograph of Gyroporus: Taxonomy, Phylogeny, Biogeography, Naveed Davoodian
A Convergence of Surrealism and Realism: Why Spirituality, Folklore, and the Supernatural Saturate the Work of Toni Morrison, Kevon K. Harvey
A Country That Ain’t Really Belong To Me’: Dominicanyorks, Identity and Popular Music, Angelina Tallaj
A CR Group for Jewish Women, Annette Kolodny
A Critical Assessment of the Internship at the NGO Committee on the Status of Women, New York, Ching-Kang Wang
Acta Científica Venezolana, Aldemaro Romero Jr., A. Ignacio Agudo, and Ana Mayayo
Acute memory and psychotomimetic effects of cannabis and tobacco both ‘joint’ and individually: a placebo-controlled trial, C. Hindocha, T. P. Freeman, J. X. Xia, N. D. C. Shaban, and H. V. Curran
Adaptation: Behavioural, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Adaptive behavior of Astyanax fasciatus (Cuvier) (Pisces: Characidae) and of Brachyrhaphis rhabdophora (Regan) (Pisces: Poecilidae) associated with subterranean waters, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Addictions, Behavioral Addictions, and Pathological Internet Use as Internet Addiction - A Literature Review, Vy K. Nguyen
Addition: La Mujer: En Pie De Lucha, The Feminist Press
A Decision Model for Recommending Which Building Occupants Should Move Where During Fire Emergencies, Norman E. Groner
A Democratic Conundrum: A Study of Online Student Performance at Community Colleges, Lavita McMath Turner
“A Desperate Pioneerism:” Laura Márquez’s Art and Social Engagement in 1960s Paraguay, Susan Breyer
Adherence to antiretroviral therapy in a clinical cohort of HIV-infected children in East Africa, Rachel C. Vreeman, Samuel O. Ayaya, Beverly S. Musick, Constantin T. Yiannoutsos, Craig R. Cohen, Denis Nash, Deo Wabwire, Kara Wools-Kaloustian, and Sarah E. Wiehe
Adiestrados para matar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Adiós a las mariposas andinas?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Adipokine levels during the first or early second trimester of pregnancy and subsequent risk of gestational diabetes mellitus: a systematic review, Wei Bao, Aileen Baecker, Yiqing Song, Michele Kiely, Simin Liu, and Cuilin Zhang
A Discourse of True and False: An Analysis of the Publications of the AFL-CIO Between 1955-1965 as Archived in the Tamiment Library, John J. Gorham Jr.
Adjunctive Phosphodiesterase-4 Inhibitor Therapy Improves Antibiotic Response to Pulmonary Tuberculosis in a Rabbit Model, Selvakumar Subbian, Liana Tsenova, Jennifer Holloway, Blas Peixoto, Paul O'Brien, Veronique Dartois, Vikram Khetani, Jerome B. Zeldis, and Gilla Kaplan
Administering a Women's Studies Program, Juanita H. Williams
Adults’ Perceptions of Children with Mental Illness Labels Who Tell Truths and Lies, Jessica Lynn McCurdy
Advanced Stress Analysis, Benjamin Liaw
Advertisements: Interpreting Images Used to Sell to Young Adults, Alyssa Dana Dana Adomaitis and Johnson P. Kim
Advice for the new president, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Advice from a Chinese Revolutionary, The Feminist Press
Adviser nomination spurs questions, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Advocate, Vol. 29, Spring No. 1-2 (2018), Advocate
Advocate, Vol. 29, Spring No. 3-4 (2018), Advocate
A Dynamic-Trend Exponential Smoothing Model, Don Miller and Dan Williams
A Feminist Approach to Sex Education in the High School, Peggy Brick
A Feminist Extraterrestrial Special Forces Commander Causes Trump to Become Gone With the Wind, Marleen S. Barr
Affect bleeds in feminist networks: an "essay" in six parts, Alexandra Juhasz
Affecting Civil War: The Poetics of Fear in Lucan’s Bellum Civile, Irene R. Morrison-Moncure
Affirmative Action Debates in American Government Introductory Textbooks, Sherrie L. Wallace and Marcus D. Allen
Affirmative Action: Process or Product?, Paul Lauter
Affirmative Action under Attack, Sheila Tobias
‘Affluent’ Justice: The Role of SES in Sentencing Severity, Sonia Pappachan
Afghanistan: The Crossroads of Conflicting Regional Interests, Sabera Azizi
A first linkage map and downy mildew resistance QTL discovery for sweet basil (Ocimum basilicum) facilitated by double digestion restriction site associated DNA sequencing (ddRADseq), Robert M. Pyne, Josh Honig, Jennifer Vaiciunas, Adolfina R. Koroch, Christian Wyenandt, Stacy Bonos, and James Simon
A fresh look at “O Captain…”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Africa has a need for higher education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
African-American lit a window into culture, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
African American Performers in Stalin’s Soviet Union: Between Political Promise and Racial Propaganda, Christopher E. Silsby
“After-Ozymandias”: The Colonization of Symbols and the American Monument, H. R. Membreno-Canales
A Functional Neuroimaging Study of Self-Regulatory Control in Adults with Gambling and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Nidhi Parashar
Against Criminalization and Pathology: The Making of a Black Achievement Praxis, Charles M. Green Sr.
A Gal-MS Device to Evaluate Cell Migratory Response to Combined Galvano-Chemotactic Fields, Shawn Mishra and Maribel Vazquez
Age and Employee Green Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis, Brenton M. Wiernik, Stephan Dilchert, and Deniz S. Ones
Age and Employee Green Behaviors: A Meta-Analysis, Brenton M. Wiernik, Stephan Dilchert, and Deniz S. Ones
A Global Study of GPP Focusing on Light-Use Efficiency in a Random Forest Regression Model, Suhua Wei, Chuixiang Yi, Wei Fang, and George Hendrey
A Grand Illusion: Continuing the Debate on General Education, Joan Hoff Wilson
A Guatemalan Trans Woman Navigates New York City in Hopes of a Better Future, Manolo Morales
Agua, vida y sociedad moderna, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
a guerra sísmica ha comenzado, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Ana Mayayo
A higher education degree is good for your health, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A History of Employee Ownership in the United States, Christopher Michael
A Human-Centered Platform for HIV Infection Reduction in New York: Development and Usage Analysis of the Ending the Epidemic (ETE) Dashboard, Ashish Joshi, Chioma Amadi, Benjamin Katz, Sarah Kulkarni, and Denis Nash
Airborne Infectious Agents and Other Pollutants in Automobiles for Domestic Use: Potential Health Impacts and Approaches to Risk Mitigation, Syed A. Sattar, Kathryn E. Wright, Bahram Zargar, Joseph R. Rubino, and M. Khalid Ijaz
Air Pollution [Liberal Arts: Math and Science/Natural Science], Ian Alberts
A Journalist's Personal View of the NWSA Convention, Ann Colbert
A Leak in the Pipeline: College in Jail from the Participants’ Perspective, Kathy Mora
Algebraic Formulation of Hadronic Supersymmetry Based on Octonions: New Mass Formulas and Further Applications, Sultan Catto, Yasemin Gürcan, Amish Khalfan, and Levent Kurt
Algorithmically complex residually finite groups, Olga Kharlampovich, Alexei Myanikov, and Mark Sapir
Alice M. Lord: Labor Organizer, Erika Gottfried
A Literary Argument Developed with Scholarly Research for ENG102 [Composition], Robin Bromley
A Literature of Survivors: On Teaching Canada's Women Writers, Cathy N. Davidson
A Little Known Trade Deal Could Soon Derail America's Booming Solar Industry, Sam Donnenberg
All about Indiana, Jean Robinson
All-cause mortality in HIV-positive adults starting combination antiretroviral therapy: correcting for loss to follow-up, Nanina Anderegg, Leigh F. Johnson, Elizabeth Zaniewski, Keri N. Althoff, Eric Balestre, Matthew Law, Denis Nash, Bryan E. Shepherd, Constantin T. Yiannoutsos, and Matthias Egger
Allomaternal Care by Conspecifics Impacts Activity Budgets of Colobus guereza Mothers, Dominique L. Raboin
Alterations in gray matter volume due to unilateral hearing loss, Xingchao Wang, Pengfei Xu, Peng Li, Zhenmin Wang, Fu Zhao, Zhixian Gao, Lei Xu, Yue-jia Luo, Jin Fan, and Pinan Liu
Alternative Futures: The Creative Reconsideration of Fashion Objects, Kathryn Roberts
Alternative venues: An EFL writing center outside the university, Brooke R. Schreiber and Snezana Djuric
Aluminum-26: A Canonized Cosmochemical Conundrum, John Anton
Alumni of the arts are often happier than most, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Alzheimer-related protein APL-1 modulates lifespan through heterochronic gene regulation in Caenorhabditis elegans, Collin Y. Ewald, Vanessa Marfil, and Chris Li
A mechanism for biologically induced iodine emissions from sea ice, A. Saiz-Lopez, Christopher S. Blaszczak-Boxe, and L. J. Carpenter
A Mendelian randomization study of testosterone and cognition in men, Jie Zhao, Tai Hing Lam, Chaoqiang Jiang, Stacey S. Cherny, Bin Liu, Kar Keung Cheng, Weisen Zhang, Gabriel M. Leung, and C Mary Schooling
American Indian Women Meet in Lawrence, Rayna Green
American Kathaks: Embodying Memory and Tradition in New Contexts, Anisha Muni
America still fascinated by its own Civil War, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Mission at 311, Nan Li
A Model of Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Vaso-Vagal Responses Produced by Vestibulo-Sympathetic Activation, Theodore Raphan, Bernard Cohen, Yongqing Xiang, and Sergei B. Yakushin
Amount Superlatives and Measure Phrases, E. Cameron Wilson
A Multi-Functional View of Moral Disengagement: Exploring the Effects of Learning the Consequences, C. Justice Tillman, Katerina Gonzalez, Marilyn V. Whitman, Wayne S. Crawford, and Anthony C. Hood
An Advertisement Analysis of Alcohol Products in Popular Women’s Magazines, M Dottington Fullwood, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Hillyer, Corey H. Basch, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
An Advertisement and Article Analysis of Skin Products and Topics in Popular Women’s Magazines: Implications for Skin Cancer Prevention, Corey H. Basch, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Clarke Hillyer, MD Fullwood, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
An Alternative View of Education for Deaf Children: Part I, Sue Livingston
An Alternative View of Education for Deaf Children: Part II, Lil Brannon and Sue Livingston
Analysis and Simulation of Convolution Reverb using City Tech’s New Auditorium, Tian Leng
Analysis of enzyme-responsive peptide surfaces by Raman spectroscopy, Jugal Kishore Sahoo, Narayana M.S. Sirimuthu, Anne Canning, Mischa Zelzer, Duncan Graham, and Rein V. Ulijn
Analysis of Land Surface Temperature Over Urban Landcover Types Using Satellite Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Applications, Makini Valentine and Justine Ginchereau
Analysis of Risk Signaling Through Bank Dividends, Justin Rhoda
Analysis of synthetic opioids in postmortem blood, vitreous humor, and brain tissue, Rachel K. Chesser
Analysis of the Relative Merits of College Readiness Reading Programs in Addressing the Achievement Gap, Tonya L. Johnson
Analyzing Genre in Post-Millennial Popular Music, Thomas Johnson
Analyzing Housing Demand and Its Role in the U.S. Economy, Irina Ayzenberg
Analyzing Physical Education for Equality, Jean L. Ambrose
Analyzing the Influence of Micro-Level Factors on CCTV Camera Effect., Eric L. Piza, Joel M. Caplan, and Leslie W. Kennedy
An Analysis of Ebrary Academic Complete at Adelphi University, Kimberly R. Abrams
An Analysis of Electronic Cigarette and Cigarette Advertising in US Women’s Magazines, Corey Hannah Basch, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Clarke Hillyer, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
An Analysis of Innovate Training with Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Raymond John Van Steyn
An Analysis of Self-Reported Suicide Attempts and Ideation in a National Sample of Incarcerated Sex Offenders, Kseniya Katsman
An Analysis of Successful and Unsuccessful Terrorist Assassinations: Informing Counterterrorism Through Situational Crime Prevention, Marissa Mandala
An Analysis of Weight Loss Articles and Advertisements in Mainstream Women’s Health and Fitness Magazines, Danna Ethan, Corey H. Basch, Grace Clarke Hillyer, Alyssa Berdnik, and Mary Huynh
An Anthropometric Risk Index Based on Combining Height, Weight, Waist, and Hip Measurements, Nir Y. Krakauer and Jesse C. Krakauer
A Narrative Approach to Investigating the Contextual Nature of Adolescent Self-Regulation, Kelly Conover
A Narrative of Resilience: Margaret Morton's Photographs of Homelessness in New York City, Sara Rappa
An Asian-American Perspective on the NWSA Convention, Krishna Lahiri
An Asian-American Woman's View of the CR Sessions, Alice Chai
Ancestry Rates Among the Latino Population in New York City, 1980 - 2015, Sebastian Villamizar-Santamaria
A Neglected Problem in Burnout Research, Renzo Bianchi, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
A Network Theoretical Approach to Real-World Problems: Application of the K-Core Algorithm to Various Systems, Kate Burleson-Lesser
A new age in AquaMedicine: unconventional approach in studying aquatic diseases, Michael Gotesman, Simon Menanteau-Ledouble, Mona Saleh, Sven M. Bergmann, and Mansour El-Matbouli
A New Estimate for Neanderthal Energy Expenditure, Stephen J. Venner
A New Keynesian Approach to Estimating Welfare Losses Under Strict and Flexible-Targeting Regimes, Shawn Weber
A New Long Island: Demographic, Economic, and Social Transformations in New York City's Historic Suburbs, 1990 - 2016, Lawrence Cappello
A New Newsletter for Women's Studies in India, The Feminist Press
A New Nonlinear Analytical Model for Canopy Flow over a Forested Hill, Weiguo Wang and Chuixiang Yi
An Examination of the Relationship Between Childhood Abuse, Anger and Violent Behavior Among a Sample of Sex Offenders, Stephanie R. Ramirez, Elizabeth L. Jeglic, and Cynthia Calkins
An Examination of the Relationships Between Stressors, Correctional Burnout, and Job Outcomes, Erin Rogers
An Expanded View of Translanguaging: Leveraging the Dynamic Interactions Between a Young Multilingual Writer and Machine Translation Software, Sara Vogel, Laura Ascenzi-Moreno, and Ofelia García
An Experimental Study of the Differences Between "Just" and "Only": NPI Licensing and Modal Scope, Taletha Callahan-Kanik
An Exploration and Analysis of the Unaccompanied Viola Sonatas of Günter Raphael, Gregory K. Williams
Angelenos, Vivian Liang
Anguilliformes (eels and morays), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
An illustrated checklist of the genus Elymnias Hübner, 1818 (Nymphalidae, Satyrinae), Chia-Hsuan Wei, David J. Lohman, Djunijanti Peggie, and Shen-Horn Yen
An Improved Method for the Analysis of Fiber Evidence Using Polarized Light Microscopy, Samuel F. Kaplan
An Information Theory Approach to Hypothesis Testing in Criminological Research, Gohar A. Petrossian and Mike Maxfield
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Science Communication Education: A Case Study, Amy R. Pearce, Aldemaro Romero Jr., and John B. Zibluk
An intravaginal ring that releases three antiviral agents and a contraceptive blocks SHIV-RT infection, reduces HSV-2 shedding, and suppresses hormonal cycling in rhesus macaques, Nina Derby, Meropi Aravantinou, Jessica Kenney, Shweta R. Ugaonkar, Asa Wesenberg, Jolanta Wilk, Larisa Kizima, Aixa Rodriguez, Shimin Zhang, Olga Mizenina, Keith Levendosky, Michael L. Cooney, Samantha Seidor, Agegnehu Gettie, Brooke Grasperge, James Blanchard, Michael Piatak Jr., Jeffery D. Lifson, José Fernández-Romero, Thomas M. Zydowsky, and Melissa Robbiani
An Investigation of the Phylogenetic Affinities of Sivaladapidae within Adapoidea, Kathleen Rust
An Investigation of Vocal Learning Propensity in Zebra Finch (Taeniopygia guttata), Tatsuya Hayashi
Anomaly Detection in Host Signaling Pathways for the Early Prognosis of Acute Infection, Kun Wang, Stanley Langevin, Corey S. O'Hern, Mark D. Shattuck, Serenity Ogle, Adriana Forero, Juliet Morrison, Richard Slayden, Michael G. Katze, and Michael Kirby
A Nonparametric Method for Separating Photosynthesis and Respiration Components in CO2 Flux Measurements, Chuixiang Yi, Runze Li, Peter S. Backwin, Ankur Desai, Daniel M. Ricciuto, Sean P. Burns, Andrew A. Turnipseed, Steven C. Wofsy, J. William Munger, Kell Wilson, and Russell K. Monson
A Note on Jewish Women's Studies in the United States, S. F.
A Note on the Perils of Publicity: The Feminist Studies Program at Stanford, Estelle B. Freedman and Michelle Z. Rosaldo
A Note on Women's Studies at Houston, Phyllis Palmer
A Novel Approach for Library Materials Acquisition using Discrete Particle Swarm Optimization, Daniel A. Sabol
A Novel Compressed Sensing Method for Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Exponential Wavelet Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm with Random Shift, Yudong Zhang, Jiquan Yang, Jianfei Yang, Aijun Liu, and Ping Sun
A novel microRNA-1207-3p/FNDC1/FN1/AR regulatory pathway in prostate cancer, Dibash K. Das and Olorunseun O. Ogunwobi
An Overview of the Third Annual NSWA Convention: A Time for Confrontation, Deborah S. Rosenfelt
Ansiedades épico-criollas y el mecenazgo de Indias en el Arauco domado de Pedro de Oña, Andrea L. Fernandez
Antebellum Black Coeds at Oberlin College, Ellen Henle and Marlene Merrill
Anthocyanin Characterization, Total Phenolic Quantification and Antioxidant Features of Some Chilean Edible Berry Extracts, Anghel Brito, Carlos Areche, Beatriz Sepúlveda, Edward J. Kennelly, and Mario J. Simirgiotis
Anthropologist sees how cultures use medicine, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Anti-Proliferative Effects of Garcinia Fruits in Breast Cancer Cells, Harini Anandhi Senthilkumar
Ant predation of blow flies during decomposition and its potential impact on PMI estimations, Vincent J. Nappi
Ants can jump farther, faster than others, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Tanja McKay
Ants said to use ‘odometers’, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Tanja McKay
Any Change in Sexist Texts? Feminist Press Staff Survey Education Publishers, The Feminist Press
A Pedagogical Study of the "Four Lauds for Solo Violin" by Elliott Carter, Heesun Shin
A Performer’s Guide to Astor Piazzolla's Tango-Études pour flûte seule: An Analytical Approach, Asis Reyes
Apertura del Simposio sobre Evolución Molecular y Biológica, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Philosophical Defense of Judicial Minimalism, Cory A. Evans
A Phylogenetic and Environmental Analysis of Brazilian Placosoma Lizards, Kai A. Farje-Van Vlack
A Place-Based Community Health Worker Program: Feasibility and Early Outcomes, New York City, 2015, Priscilla M. Lopez, Nadia Islam, Alexis Feinberg, Christa Myers, Lois Seidl, Elizabeth Drackett, Lindsay Riley, Andreas Mata, Juan Pinzon, Elisabeth Benjamin, Katarzyna Wyka, Rachel Dannefer, Javier Lopez, Chau Trinh-Shevrin, Karen Aletha Maybank, and Lorna E. Thorpe
A Plague on Both Your Houses? Risks, Repeats, and Reconsiderations of Urban Residential Burglary, William D. Moreto, Eric L. Piza, and Joel M. Caplan
Appearance Discrimination: Lookism and the Cost to the American Woman, Alyssa Dana Dana Adomaitis, Rachel Raskin, and Diana Saiki
Applications of Complex Network Analysis in Electric Power Systems, Mahmoud Saleh, Yusef Esa, and Ahmed Mohamed
Applications of discoveries range from leveling rice fields to anti-terrorism defenses, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Susan D. Allen
Applying Feminist Approaches to Learning and Research: A Practical Curriculum Model, Ann C. Carver
Applying Instructional Design Principles to an Internship Curriculum, Lee Ann Fullington and Matthew Harrick
A Preliminary Program Evaluation of a Narrative Therapy Intervention for Persons Incarcerated for Violent Crime, Brooke C. Greene
A Preservationist’s Guide to #100hardtruths-#fakenews: One Fake News Preserve, Alexandra Juhasz
A Pretargeted Approach for the Multimodal PET/NIRF Imaging of Colorectal Cancer, Pierre Adumeau, Kathryn E. Carnazza, Christian Brand, Sean D. Carlin, Thomas Reiner, Brian J. Agnew, Jason S. Lewis, and Brian M. Zeglis
A Primate APOL1 Variant That Kills Trypanosoma brucei gambiense, Anneli Cooper, Paul Capewell, Caroline Clucas, Nicola Veitch, William Weir, Russell Thompson, Jayne Raper, and Annette MacLeod
A Primer for Atonal Set Theory, Joseph N. Straus
A Process Archive: The Grand Circularity of Woman's Building Video, Alexandra Juhasz
A profile in courage in higher education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Prospective Study of Frequency of Eating Restaurant Prepared Meals and Subsequent 9-Year Risk of All-Cause and Cardiometabolic Mortality in US Adults, Ashima K. Kant and Barry I. Graubard
A P-value model for theoretical power analysis and its applications in multiple testing procedures, Fengqing Zhang and Jiangtao Gou
A Qualitative Case Study: Jamaican Nurses Intent to Migrate Internationally, Mabel Lewis
A Qualitative, Phenomenological Study of Psychotherapists’ Perception of Ethnic Identity Shifts in Immigrant Patients, Ricardo Corbetta
A Race of Angels and Their Nameless Longings, Andrew Van Dinh
A randomized controlled trial of a video-conferencing smoking cessation intervention for Korean American women: preliminary findings, Sun S. Kim, Somporn Sitthisongkram, Kunsook Bernstein, Hua Fang, Won S. Choi, and Douglas Ziedonis
A randomized controlled trial of a videoconferencing smoking cessation intervention for Korean American women: preliminary findings, Sun S. Kim, Somporn Sitthisongkram, Kunsook Bernstein, Hua Fang, Won S. Choi, and Douglas Ziedonis
Archaeology not much like Indiana Jones, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Arctic cut-off high drives the poleward shift of a new Greenland melting record, M. Tedesco, T. Mote, X. Fettweis, E. Hanna, J. Jeyaratnam, James F. Booth, R. Datta, and K. Briggs
Are Fireworms Venomous? Evidence for the Convergent Evolution of Toxin Homologs in Three Species of Fireworms (Annelida, Amphinomidae), Aida Verdes, Danny Simpson, and Mandë Holford
A reflection upon the Socratic Oath as a faculty, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Report on Research Sessions at the 1980 NWSA Convention, Charol Shakeshaft
A Resistance from Within: An Experience of Pakistani Migrant Women, Ramsha Begum
“Are They Supposed to Be Heugin?": Negotiating Race, Nation, and Representation in Korean Musical Theatre, Ji Hyon Yuh
Are They the First Two Women's Studies Ph.D.'S?, Sally Wagner and Karen Rotkin
A review of air–ice chemical and physical interactions (AICI): liquids, quasi-liquids, and solids in snow, T. Bartels-Rausch, H-W Jacobi, T. F. Kahan, J. L. Thomas, E. S. Thomson, J. P. D. Abbatt, M. Ammann, J. R. Blackford, H. Bluhm, Chris Boxe, F. Domine, M. M. Frey, I. Gladich, M. I. Guzmán, D. Heger, Th. Huthwelker, P. Klán, W. F. Kuhs, M. H. Kuo, S. Maus, S. G. Moussa, V. F. McNeill, J. T. Newberg, J. B. C. Pettersson, M. Roeselová, and J. R. Sodeau
A Revisited Phylogeography of Nautilus Pompilius, Lauren E. Vandepas, Frederick D. Dooley, Gregory J. Barord, Billie J. Swalla, and Peter D. Ward
Are we overestimating the niche? Removing marginal localities helps ecological niche models detect environmental barriers, Mariano Soley-Guardia, Eliécer E. Gutiérrez, Darla M. Thomas, José Ochoa-G, Marisol Aguilera, and Robert P. Anderson
Arkansas’ aquatic cave fauna being threatened by pollution, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Arkansas State University students examine Calif. seal, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Arkansas State University students prepare manatee exhibit, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Arkansas wildlife gets report card at conference, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Roundup Report on 1979 Summer Institutes in Women's Studies, Shirley Frank
“Art-A-Thon” celebrates importance of arts, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Art by Women Made Accessible through Slides, Estella Lauter
Articulating Identity: Refining Postcolonial and Whiteness Perspectives on Race within Communication Studies, Gordon Alley-Young
Art of Jerusalem: Power and Piety in the Holy Land, Abby M. Kornfeld
Art of the Harlem Renaissance, Joshua I. Cohen
Art since 1980, Craig Houser
Arts & Issues brings international diversity, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Arts & Issues chief Andree has had adventures, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Sampling of Regional and Caucus Reports to the February CC Meeting, The Feminist Press
Asesinando la verdad ambiental, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Severe Case of Neutropenia Secondary to Clopidogrel, Harrynauth Persaud and William B. Chung
Asexual People’s Experience with Microaggressions, Tamara Deutsch
A shutdown’s effect on higher ed, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A Small Survey of Introductory Courses in American Literature, Paul Lauter
A Species-Level Phylogeny of Extant Snakes with Description of a New Colubrid Subfamily and Genus, Alex Figueroa, Alexander D. McKelvy, L. Lee Grismer, Charles D. Bell, and Simon P. Lailvaux
As puffball season approaches, it pays to know your mushroom, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Assault on peer review a new threat, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Assessing the Ordinality of Response Bias with Item Response Models: A Case Study Using the PHQ-9, Venessa N. Singhroy
Assessing the Outcomes of a Jail-Based Substance Abuse Treatment Program: A Quasi-Experimental Approach, Laura Lutgen
Assessment of a Single Decoupling Alchemical Approach for the Calculation of the Absolute Binding Free Energies of Protein-Peptide Complexes, Denise Kilburg and Emilio Gallicchio
Assessment of the Socio-Environmental Impacts of the Urban Expansion using GIS and Remote Sensing in the City of Guayaquil, Ecuador., Erika P. Jimenez Rivera
Assistive Utensil: A Spork for Hand Tremors and Spatial Awareness, Ana Font Hernandez, Jacob Kabariti, and Troy Taylor
Associated Production of a Top Pair and a Higgs Boson Beyond NLO, Alessandro Broggio, Andrea Ferroglia, Ben D. Pecjak, Adrian Signer, and Li Lin Yang
Associated Production of a Top Pair and a W boson at Next-to-next-to-leading Logarithmic Accuracy, Alessandro Broggio, Andrea Ferroglia, Giovanni Ossola, and Ben D. Pecjak
Associate professor makes mark composing, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Association of a PAI-1 Gene Polymorphism and Early Life Infections with Asthma Risk, Exacerbations, and Reduced Lung Function, Seong H. Cho, Jin-Young Min, Dong Young Kim, Sam S. Oh, Dara R. Torgerson, Maria Pino-Yanes, Donglei Hu, Saunak Sen, Scott Huntsman, Celeste Eng, Harold J. Farber, William Rodriguez-Cintron, Jose R. Rodriguez-Santana, Denise Serebrisky, Shannon M. Thyne, Luisa N. Borrell, L. Keoki Williams, William DuPont, Max A. Seibold, Esteban G. Burchard, Pedro C. Avila, and Rajesh Kumar
Association of Body Shape Index (ABSI) with cardio-metabolic risk factors: A crosssectional study of 6081 Caucasian adults, Simona Bertoli, Alessandro Leone, Nir Y. Krakauer, Giorgio Bedogni, Angelo Vanzulli, Valentino Ippocrates Redaelli, Ramona De Amicis, Laila Vignati, Jesse C. Krakauer, and Alberto Battezzati
Associations of Birth Order with Early Adolescent Growth, Pubertal Onset, Blood Pressure and Size: Evidence from Hong Kong’s “Children of 1997” Birth Cohort, Man Ki Kwok, Gabriel M. Leung, and C. Mary Schooling
Associations of the Medial Olivocochlear Reflex and Speech-In-Noise Abilities in Normal Hearing Adult Listeners: A Systematic Review, Imari J. Greaves
A-State aims to improve science communication, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Amy R. Pearce, and John B. Zibluk
A-State Biology Department sees new library dedicated, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A-State Biology faculty to publish adventure book, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Joy Trauth
A-State celebrates contributions to science by Darwin, Lincoln, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A-State faculty using ‘clickers’, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Alan D. Christian
A-State launches electronic journal of biological articles, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A-State offering students courses on marine mammals, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A-State plans to host World summit in 2008, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Robyn Hannigan
A-State slates activities for ’09 Year of Science, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and John M. Pratte
A-State students research species in Mammoth Cave, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
A-state to celebrate Year of Science 2009 with several activities. Celebration will include whale dissection, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and John M. Pratte
A Student's Journal: On Menstruation, Yolette Garaud
ASU course will teach scientists how to communicate their ideas, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Amy R. Pearce, and John B. Zibluk
ASU honors distinguished faculty member, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Martin Huss
ASU launches new course on science and Hollywood, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and John M. Pratte
ASU plans ‘Science Flicks’, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and John M. Pratte
ASU researchers investigate subterranean fishes of China, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
ASU’s best-kept secret: Half-million plant and animal specimens, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
ASU slated to host summit on environmental studies, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Alan Christian, and Robyn Hannigan
A Sustainable “No Excuses” Charter School Model, Kelly Lerash
ASU’s teaching biology lab incorporates sophisticated technologies, approaches, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
ASU students play dolphin name game, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
ASU students study unusual cause of sea otter’s death, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Kaylynne Glover
ASU to offer marine mammal course in Bahamas, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Michel Conner
Asymmetric interiors for small black holes, Daniel N. Kabat and Gilad Lifschytz
A systematic review, meta-analysis and metaregression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults, Robert W. Morton, Kevin T. Murphy, Sean R. McKellar, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Menno Henselmans, Eric Helms, Alan A. Aragon, Michaela C. Devries, Laura Banfield, James W. Krieger, and Stuart M. Phillips
A Tale of Two Seasons, Fran Kilinski
A Third World Woman's View of the Convention, Nupur Chaudhuri
At Home in the Bronx: Children at the New York Catholic Protectory 1865-1938, Janet Butler Munch
At Last, a Good, Long Look at Open Access for the Humanities, Jill Cirasella
Atomistic Corrective Scheme for Supercell Density Functional Theory Calculations of Charged Defects, Tengfei Cao and Angelo Bongiorno
A Tool for Optimizing Java 8 Stream Software via Automated Refactoring, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Yiming Tang, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, and Syed Ahmed
A tour of country programs, Ron Nigh, Liliana Madrigal, Juan Carlos Navarro, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Ernesto Barriga, Teresa Ortiz, Carlos Ponce, and John E. Earhart
Atracción fatal: ambientalismo y estatismo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Attention Strongly Modulates Reliability of Neural Responses to Naturalistic Narrative Stimuli, Jason J. Ki, Simon P. Kelly, and Lucas C. Parra
Attitudes Towards Racism in KKK Forums: Denouncement, Avoidance, and Neutralization, Natasha R. Wood
Audiometric Status, Self-Perception of Hearing Disorders, and Noise Dose in Audio Post-Production Engineers, Laura M. Sinnott
Auditoría Ambiental de Venezuela 1990. Reporte de la situación ecológica del país hasta el 31 de Diciembre de 1990, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Auditoría Ambiental de Venezuela 1991. Reporte de la situación, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Aurality as Methexis and the Rise of Castilian Literature: The Case of the Siete Partidas, Maristela Verastegui
Authoritarians don’t like higher ed, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Autonomic and Brain Responses Associated with Empathy Deficits in Autism Spectrum Disorder, Xiaosi Gu, Tehila Eilam-Stock, Thomas Zhou, Evdokia Anagnostou, Alexander Kolevzon, Latha Soorya, Patrick R. Hof, Karl J. Friston, and Jin Fan
A view of the universe from SIUE’s campus, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Awakenings: Developing a Regional Identity through Women's Writings, Sally Brett
Awareness and Knowledge among Internal Medicine House-staff for Dose adjustment of Commonly Used Medications in Patients with CKD, Sikander Surana, Neeru Kumar, Amita Vasudeva, Gulvahid Shaikh, Kenar D. Jhaveri, Hitesh Shah, Deepa Malieckal, Joshua Fogel, Gurwinder Sidhu, and Sofia Rubinstein
A Working-Class CR Group: One Facilitator's View, Gayle Lauradunn
A year to remember for science at A-State, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and John M. Pratte
Ayer fue inaugurado el X Congreso de la FIAQCT, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Babbitt and Stravinsky under the Serial "Regime", Joseph N. Straus
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Back Matter, The Feminist Press
Bacterial LPS at the Immune Modulating Component in Juzen-taiho-to, Diego Montenegro
Bad Girls Video Come and Go, But a Lying Girl Can Never Be Fenced In, Alexandra Juhasz
Bait questions as source of misinformation in police interviews: does race or age of the suspect increase jurors' memory errors?, Matilde Ascheri
Bancos de medicamentos gratuitos en el reino vegetal, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Band gap engineering of N-alloyed Ga2O3 thin films, Dongyu Song, Li Li, Bingsheng Li, Yu Sui, and Aidong Shen
Band students learn music and culture on trip, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Barnett directs the University Museum at SIUE, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Barriers to and Facilitators of Help-Seeking Behavior Among Men Who Experience Sexual Violence, Martina Delle Donne, Joseph DeLuca, Pavel Pleskach, Christopher Bromson, Marcus P. Mosley, Edward T. Perez, Shibin G. Matthews, Rob Stephenson, and Victoria Frye
Baryons and Interactions in Magnetic Fields, Amol Deshmukh
Basics Texture Map Setup Presentation, Mi Tsung Chang
Bathymetry Data for Lakes Azuei and Enriquillo, Michael Piasecki and Mahrokh Moknatian
BAYESIAN NONPARAMETRIC CROSS-STUDY VALIDATION OF PREDICTION METHODS, Lorenzo Trippa, Levi Waldron, Curtis Huttenhower, and Giovanni Parmigiani
Behavioral and cognitive changes after early postnatal lesions of the rat mediodorsal thalamus, Zakaria Ouhaz, Saadua B-M'hamed, Anna S. Mitchell, Abdeslem Elidrissi, and Mohamed Bennis
'Behold the Dreamers' Raises Issues of Class, Immigration, and Color, Elizabeth Toohey
Being a Scholar in the Digital Era: Transforming Scholarly Practice for the Public Good, Polly Thistlethwaite and Jessie Daniels
"Being in a CR Group for One": A Man's Experience at the 1981 NWSA Convention at Storrs, John Schilb
Being in Performance: A Philosophical Account of the Embodied Actor, Brad M. Krumholz
Belize offers opportunities for A-State faculty, students, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Colin Young
Bell teaches students art of music conducting, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Berkeley "Freshwomen" Look at Women's Studies, Renate Duelli-Klein
Berkshire Conference Report, Jane Williamson
Better Than Before, Makia Harper
“Better Unmentioned:” An Assessment of Reagan Administration Aid to Pakistan, Panama, and Zaire., Charles G. Sherrard
Betty Friedan and Juliet Mitchell: Critiques of Ideology and Power, Jennie Eagle
Between Settlers and Sovereignty: Literary Solidarity and Anti-Colonial Discourse in Territorial Hawai‘i, 1887–1959, Trevor J. Lee
Between The Alarm Clock and The Cell Phone, Sam Bornstein
Between the first blind cave fish and the Last of the Mohicans: the scientific romanticism of James E. DeKay, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Between war and poverty: whaling in eighteenth century Bermuda, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
"Betwixt the World Destroyed and World Restored": Subjectivity and Paradisal Recovery in John Milton's Late Poems, Chihping Ma
Beware of false prophets in higher education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Beyond God the Father: An Essay Review, Anne Barstow Driver
Beyond the Binary: Gender Identity and Mental Health Among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults, Chassitty N. Fiani
Bias-Motivated Homicides: Toward a New Typology, Lindsey Sank Davis
BIBFRAME, Europeana and DPLA: The Future of Open Cultural Heritage?, Laura Brown, Ellie Horowitz, Emory Johnson, Meredith Powers, and Sarah Quick
Big Ten Forms Women's Studies Permanent Consortium, Gayle Graham Yates
BIO2450L Genetics Laboratory Manual, Christopher Blair
Bioacústica en el comportamiento de los animales subacuáticos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Bio-Docklets: virtualization containers for single-step execution of NGS pipelines, Baekdoo Kim, Thahmina Ali, Carlos Lijeron, Enis Afgan, and Konstantinos Krampis
Biofluorescence in Catsharks (Scyliorhinidae): Fundamental Description and Relevance for Elasmobranch Visual Ecology, David F. Gruber, Ellis R. Loew, Dimitri D. Deheyn, Derya Akkaynak, Jean P. Gaffney, W. Leo Smith, Matthew P. Davis, Jennifer H. Stern, Vincent A. Pieribone, and John S. Sparks
Biological collections get international certification, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Biological Research on Burnout-Depression Overlap: Long-Standing Limitations and On-going Reflections, Renzo Bianchi, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Biological Signatures of Emotion Regulation in Children, Sarah Myruski
Biology Department to honor Larry Hinck, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Biology II (BIO1201) Syllabus, Tatiana Voza
Biomechanical Performances of Networked Polyethylene Glycol Diacrylate: Effect of Photoinitiator Concentration, Temperature, and Incubation Time, Morshed Khandaker, Albert Orock, Stefano Tarantini, Jeremiah White, and Ozlem Yasar
Biome Q10 and Dryness, Chuixiang Yi, Daniel Ricciuto, and George Hendrey
Biospeleologists, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Bird flu risk still minimal, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Jeannette M. Loutsch
Birds of Passage No Longer? The Mexican Population of New York City, 2000 - 2015, Guillermo Yrizar Barbosa
Birth weight and risk of ischemic heart disease: A Mendelian randomization study, Shiu Lun Au Yeung, Shi Lin Lin, Albert Martin Li, and C. Mary Schooling
Bitter Sex: The Politics of Contraception in Post-Fascist Italy, 1943–1978, Francesca Vassalle
Black Business as Activism: Ebony Magazine and the Civil Rights Movement, Seon Britton
Black-Eyed Blues Connections: Teaching Black Women, Michele Russell
Black-Eyed Blues Connection: Teaching Black Women II, Michele Russell
Black Feminists Organize Nationally, Barbara Smith
Black studies programs aid in understanding U.S, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Blind cave fishes providing important clues to human blindness, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Blind cave fish found in northern Ar. lake, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Michel Conner
Blogging Chronic Illness and Negotiating Patient-hood: Online Narratives of Women with MS, Collette Sosnowy
Blogs as Channels for Disseminating Health Technology Innovations, Ashish Joshi, Rinzin Wangmo, and Chioma Amadi
Bloomsbury's Byzantium and the Writing of Modern Art, Elizabeth Sarah Berkowitz
Body size and lower limb posture during walking in humans, Martin Hora, Libor Soumar, Herman Pontzer, and Vladimír Sládek
Bone Marrow Derived Progenitor Cells and Their Contributions to the Thymic Stroma, Mohammed Hoque
Book preservation still important in digital age, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Book review of "Righteous Transgressions" by Lihi Ben Shitrit, Anissa Helie
Books from Canada, Wendy Keitner and Lois Gottlieb
Book slated on biologists’ adventures, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Joy Trauth
Boozer Shows How Archaeologists Do Their Work, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Botánica y Medio Ambiente, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Bow-tie signaling in c-di-GMP: Machine learning in a simple biochemical network, Jinyuan Yan, Maxime Deforet, Kerry E. Boyle, Rayees Rahman, Raymond Liang, Chinweike Okegbe, Lars E. P. Dietrich, Weigang Qiu, and Joao B. Xavier
BpWrapper: BioPerl-based sequence and tree utilities for rapid prototyping of bioinformatics pipelines, Yözen Hernández, Rocky Bernstein, Pedro Pagan, Levy Vargas, William McCaig, Girish Ramrattan, Saymon Akther, Amanda Larracuente, Lia Di, Filipe G. Vieira, and Weigang Qiu
Branding matters: Reimagine your library services, Susan T. Wengler
Brane brick models and 2d (0, 2) triality, Sebastian Franco, Sangmin Lee, and Rak-Kyeong Seong
Brane brick models in the mirror, Sebastian Franco, Sangmin Lee, Rak-Kyeong Seong, and Cumrun Vafa
Brane brick models, toric Calabi-Yau 4-folds and 2d (0,2) quivers, Sebastian Franco, Sangmin Lee, and Rak-Kyeong Seong
Braque and Picasso in the Dark Years: A comparative consideration of the still-life paintings completed during the Occupation of Paris, 1940-1944, Shelley DeMaria
Breadcrumbs: Privacy as a Privilege, Prachi Bhardwaj
Brentwood, New York 11717: A Multimedia Ethnographic Study on an Immigrant Town, Ashley Mungo
Brett Stamps brings knowledge, passion to jazz, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Brexit is bad for higher education worldwide, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Brief, A-Mazing Movements: Dealing with Despair in the Women's Studies Classroom, Cheri Register
Brief Optogenetic Inhibition of Dopamine Neurons Mimics Endogenous Negative Reward Prediction Errors, Chun Yun Chang, Guillem R. Esber, Yasmin Marrero-Garcia, Hau-Jie Yau, Antonello Bonci, and Geoffrey Schoenbaum
Brighter future on the way for batteries, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Bringing Students into the Picture: Teaching with Tableaux Vivants, Ellery E. Foutch
Broad City Scrambles the Formula, Robert Leston
Broadening Our Lenses of Perception to Advance Learning: An Introduction to Multilectics, Gene Fellner
Broad Skill Focused Job Seeking: A Study of Intervention and Employment Outcomes, Eric A. Knudsen
Broadway as Global Brand, David Savran
Bronx Community College Catalog 1962-1964, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College Catalog 2016-2016, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College Catalouge 1959-1960, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College Center for Sustainable Energy Collection, 2011-2012, Allen Thomas and Cynthia Tobar
Bronx Community College Ephemera Collection, 1954-2007, Allen Thomas and Cynthia Tobar
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York 1997-1999, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York 2002-2004, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Bulletin 1979/80, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1965-1967, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1969-1970, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1971-1972, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1972-73, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1974-75, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1975-76, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1976-77, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1977-78, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1988-90, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1990-92 Gateway to Success, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1992-94 Gateway to Success, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1994-96, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 2000-2002 Gateway to Success, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 2003/2004, CUNY Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog No.4 1967-1968, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Course Catalog 1978-79, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Course Catalog 1980-82, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Course Catalog 1982-84, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Course Catalog 1984-86, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Course Catalog 1986-88, Bronx Community College
Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Gatewat to Sucess 2005/2006 Catalog, CUNY Bronx Community College
Brother Outsider: Queered Belonging and Kinships in African American Men’s Literature, 1953-1971, Debarati Biswas
Brown studies problems of “Food Deserts.”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Brunkow studies health of Midwest freshwaters, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Building Brand Kurdistan: Helly Luv, the Gender of Nationhood, and the War on Terror, Nicholas S. Glastonbury
Building bridges with Chinese universities, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Building Coalitions between Women's Studies and Black Studies: What Are the Realities?, Ann Cathey Carver
Building Information Modeling: Revit Fundamentals, Mi Tsung Chang
Building Metamemorial Knowledge over Time: Insights from Eye Tracking about The Bases of Feeling-of-knowing and Confidence Judgements, Elizabeth F. Chua and Lisa A. Solinger
Building Test Anonymity Networks in a Cybersecurity Lab Environment, John Schriner
Burden of disease resulting from lead exposure at toxic waste sites in Argentina, Mexico and Uruguay, Jack Caravanos, Jonathan Carrelli, Russell Dowling, Brian Pavilonis, Bret Ericson, and Richard Fuller
Burning Man’s Mathematical Underbelly, Seth S. Cottrell
Burnout and Depressive Symptoms Are Not Primarily Linked to Perceived Organizational Problems, Renzo Bianchi, Eric Mayor, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Burnout and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis: A Methodological Comment, Renzo Bianchi, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Burnout-Depression Overlap: Nomological Network Examination and Factor-analytic Approach, Renzo Bianchi and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Burnout or Depression: Both Individual and Social Issue, Bianchi Renzo, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Burnout Research: Eyes Wide Shut, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Eric Laurent, and Renzo Bianchi
Burnout Symptoms: Depressive Manifestations Under Psychosocial Labels?, Bianchi Renzo, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Burnout Syndrome and Depression, Renzo Bianchi, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
‘Burnout Syndrome’: From Nosological Indeterminacy to Epidemiological Nonsense, Renzo Bianchi, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Business Economics: Data for Decision Making, Brian Barnier and Kevin Foster
"But the Heart Stays Turkish": Identifications of Immigrants and Boundaries of Belonging in America, Zeynep Selen Bayhan
Buying Time: Consuming Urban Pasts in Nineteenth-Century Britain, Dory Agazarian
Caenorhabditis elegans DBL-1/BMP Regulates Lipid Accumulation via Interaction with Insulin Signaling, James F. Clark, Michael Meade, Gehan Ranepura, David H. Hall, and Cathy Savage-Dunn
Cambio de rumbo en Brasil, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Campuses struggling with mental health issues, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Campus News: University of Texas/Arlington, Jeanne Ford
Canadian Cinema 12: Bonnie Sherr Klein’s Not a Love Story, Gordon Alley-Young
Cancer cell spheroids are a better screen for the photodynamic efficiency of glycosylated photosensitizers, Patrícia M. R. Pereira, Naxhije Berisha, N.V.S. Dinesh K. Bhupathiraju, Rosa Fernandes, João P.C. Tomé, and Charles Michael Drain
Can colour vision re-evolve? Variation in the X-linked opsin locus of cathemeral Azara’s owl monkeys (Aotus azarae azarae), N. I. Mundy, N. C. Morningstar, Andrea L. Baden, E. Fernandez-Duque, V. M. Davalos, and B. J. Bradley
Can Consciousness be Lowered?, Judith Stitzel
Can evolution regress?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Canje de deuda por conservación: ¿Demonio o panacea?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Can Mindfulness Training Reduce Stress Reactivity in First-Year College Students?, Liat Zitron
Can Squirrel Monkeys learn an ABnA Grammar? A re-evaluation of Ravignani et al. (2013), Stefano Ghirlanda
Can We Trust Burnout Research?, Renzo Bianchi, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Capital Growth: Precision Agriculture and Vertical Farming in the Corporate Food Regime, Justin Taylor
Career/Interview Project, Kevin Mark
Career Opportunities: Connecting Design Students With Industry, M. Genevieve Hitchings
Caricature and Hyperbole in Preservice Teacher Professional Development, Mica Pollock, Candice Bocala, Sherry L. Deckman, and Shari Dickstein-Staub
Carolyn Williams collection, 1983-2012, Allen Thomas and Cynthia Tobar
Carter teaches effects of inequalities in society, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Casualties of Racism: Racial and Ethnic Discrimination and Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Among Racial and Ethnic Minority Emerging Adults, Lillian Anais Polanco
Catalogo dos cetaceos de Venezuela (America do Sur) depositados en museos e coleccions bioloxicas nacionais e estranxeiras, A. Ignacio Agudo and Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Catalyzed and Uncatalyzed Modifications of Nucleosides, Synthesis of Hippadine, and Deuterated 1,2,3-Triazoles, Hari K. Akula
Cave biology: It’s not a job, it’s an adventure, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
CCNY Noyce Teacher Academy Highlights 2013-2018, Martin Rosenman
CCTV as a Tool for Early Police Intervention: Preliminary Lessons from Nine Case Studies., Eric Piza, Joel M. Caplan, and Leslie W. Kennedy
Cellist, Catalyst, Collaborator: The Work of Charlotte Moorman, Saisha Grayson
CellMapper: Rapid and Accurate Inference of Gene Expression in Difficult-to-isolate Cell Types, Bradlee D. Nelms, Levi Waldron, Luis A. Barrera, Andrew W. Weflen, Jeremy A. Goettel, Guoji Guo, Robert K. Montgomery, Marian R. Neutra, David T. Breault, Scott B. Snapper, Stuart H. Orkin, Martha L. Bulyk, Curtis Huttenhower, and Wayne I. Lencer
Cell type specificity of tissue plasminogen activator in the mouse barrel cortex, Philip Chu, Eric Chen, Adesh Bajnath, and Joshua C. Brumberg
Cellular Mechanisms of Cortisol-Induced Changes in Mauthner-Cell Excitability in the Startle Circuit of Goldfish, Daniel R. Bronson and Thomas Preuss
Centers for Research on Women, The Feminist Press
Centers for Research on Women, The Feminist Press
Cerebellar tDCS: A Novel Approach to Augment Language Treatment Post-stroke, Rajani Sebastian, Sadhvi Saxena, Kyrana Tsapkini, Andreia V. Faria, Charltien Long, Amy Wright, Cameron Davis, Donna C. Tippett, Antonios P. Mourdoukoutas, Marom Bikson, Pablo Celnik, and Argye E. Hillis
Certainty about the Absence of Positive Future Events as a Unique Predictor of Suicidal Ideation over an 18-Month Period, Christina A. Rombola
Cetaceans of Venezuela: Their Distribution and Conservation Status, Aldemaro Romero Jr., A. Ignacio Agudo, Steven M. Green, and Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara
Changes in Natural Killer Cell Activation and Function during Primary HIV-1 Infection, Vivek Naranbhai, Marcus Altfeld, Salim S. Abdool Karim, Thumbi Ndung’u, Quarraisha Abdool Karim, and William H. Carr
Characteristics of HIV-Infected Children at Enrollment into Care and at Antiretroviral Therapy Initiation in Central Africa, Adebola Adedimeji, Andrew Edmonds, Donald Hoover, Qiuhu Shi, Jean d'Amour Sinayobye, Martin Nduwinmana, Patricia Lelo, Denis Nash, Kathryn Anastos, and Marcel Yotebieng
Characteristics of medication advertisements found in US women’s fashion magazines, Jennifer Mongiovi, Grace Clarke Hillyer, Corey H. Basch, Danna Ethan, and Rodney Hammond
Characterization and Quantification of Covalent Modification of Proteins Using Mass Spectrometry, Pratikkumar N. Rathod
Characterization of Fluorescent Proteins for Three- and Four-Color Live-Cell Imaging in S. cerevisiae, Ryo Higuchi-Sanabria, Enrique J. Garcia, Delia Tomoiaga, Emilia L. Munteanu, Paul Feinstein, and Liza A. Pon
Characterization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Microvesicle Genesis, Morphology and Pluripotent Content, Jing Zhou, Shima Ghoroghi, Alberto Benito-Martin, Hao Wu, Uchenna John Unachukwu, Linda Saxe Einbond, Sara Guariglia, Hector Peinado, and Stephen Redenti
Characterization of lipid rafts in human platelets using nuclear magnetic resonance: A pilot study, Joshua F. Ceñido, Boris Itin, Ruth E. Stark, Yung-yu Huang, Maria A. Oquendo, J. John Mann, and M. Elizabeth Sublette
Characterization of the FtsZ C-Terminal Variable (CTV) Region in Z-Ring Assembly and Interaction with the Z-Ring Stabilizer ZapD in E. coli Cytokinesis, Kuo-Hsiang Huang, Aaron Mychack, Lukasz Tchorzewski, and Anuradha Janakiraman
Characterizing Venom Gene Expression, Function and Species Diversity in Predatory Marine Snails of the Terebridae, Juliette Gorson
Character sums of Lee and Weintraub, Brad Isaacson
Charge State Dynamics and Quantum Sensing with Defects in Diamond, Jacob D. Henshaw
Charles Breder and the Mexican blind cave characid, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Charles Marcus Breder, Jr. 1897-1983, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Charting an Ethics of Desire in "The Wings of the Dove”, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Chasing Fools’ Gold: Whaling in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Bermuda, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Chelator-Free Radiolabeling of SERRS Nanoparticles for Whole-Body PET and Intraoperative Raman Imaging, Matthew A. Wall, Travis Shaffer, Stefan Harmsen, Darjus-Felix Tschaharganeh, Chun-Hao Huang, Scott W. Lowe, Charles Michael Drain, and Moritz F. Kircher
Chemist breaks with the usual stereotypes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Chemistry Student Attitudes and Utilization of Office Hours, Dieng Barbacar, Edgar Gomez, and Andre Rodriguez
Childhood Obesity Predicts Adult Metabolic Syndrome: The Fels Longitudinal Study, Shumei S. Sun, Ruohong Liang, Terry T-K Huang, Stephen R. Daniels, Silva Arslanian, Kiang Liu, Gilman D. Grave, and Roger M. Siervogel
Chile’s Decree-Law 1094: A Source of Immigrant Vulnerability, Joao M. Da Silva
Chinese Garden of Friendship and Sydney’s Chinatown : Friendship and Something Beyond at Darling Harbor, Wendy W. Tan
Chloride intracellular channel proteins respond to heat stress in Caenorhabditis elegans, Jun Liang, Yakov Shaulov, Cathy Savage-Dunn, Stéphane Boissinot, and Tasmia Hoque
Choline Supplementation Normalizes Fetal Adiposity and Reduces Lipogenic Gene Expression in a Mouse Model of Maternal Obesity, Chauntelle Jack-Roberts, Yaelle Joselit, Khatia Nanobashvili, Rachel Bretter, Olga V. Malysheva, Marie A. Caudill, Anjana Saxena, Kathleen Axen, Ahmed Gomaa, and Xinyin Jiang
Choosing Your Career, Janet Gonzalez
Chronic voluntaryoral methamphetamine induces deficits inspatiallearningand hippocampal proteinkinase Mzeta withenhanced astrogliosis and cyclooxygenase-2 levels, Jorge A. Avila, Roseanna M. Zanca, Denis Shor, Nicholas Paleologos, Amber A. Alliger, Maria E. Figueiredo-Pereira, and Peter A. Serrano
Ciencia útil, ciencia inútil, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Circular Dichroistic Impacts of 1‑(3-Dimethylaminopropyl)-3- ethylurea: Secondary Structure Artifacts Arising from Bioconjugation Using 1‑Ethyl-3-[3-dimethylaminopropyl]carbodiimide, Matthew B. Kubilius and Raymond S. Tu
Citizens Excepted: Limits of Belonging and Statelessness in The United States, Sara Salman
City College English 11000, Thomas Collins
Claims of demise of humanities greatly exaggerated, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Clarence Irving and the Rediscovery of Black America, Robert D. Parmet
Clifford Algebras and Their Decomposition into Conjugate Fermionic Heisenberg Algebras, Sultan Catto, Yasemin Gürcan, Amish Khalfan, Levent Kurt, and V. Kato La
Climate Change Across Seasons Experiment (CCASE): A new method for simulating future climate in seasonally snow-covered ecosystems, Pamela H. Templer, Andrew B. Reinmann, Rebecca Sanders-DeMott, Patrick O. Sorensen, Stephanie M. Juice, Francis Bowles, Laura E. Sofen, Jamie L. Harrison, Ian Halm, Lindsey Rustad, Mary E. Martin, and Nicholas Grant
Climate Change and Threatened Heritage: Archaeology's Burden, Barry R. Gordon
Climate Control of Terrestrial Carbon Exchange across Biomes and Continents, Chuixiang Yi, Daniel Ricciuto, Runze Li, John Wolbeck, Xiyan Xu, Mats Nilsson, Luis Aires, John D. Albertson, Christof Ammann, M Altaf Arain, Alessandro C. de Araujo, Marc Aubinet, Mika Aurela, Zoltan Barcza, Alan Barr, Paul Berbigier, Jason Beringer, Christian Bernhofer, Andrew T. Black, Paul V. Bolstad, Fred C. Bosveld, Mark S J Broadmeadow, Nina Buchmann, Sean P. Burns, Pierre Cellier, Jingming Chen, Jiquan Chen, Philippe Ciais, Robert Clement, Bruce D. Cook, Peter S. Curtis, D Bryan Dail, Ebba Dellwik, Nicolas Delpierre, Ankur R. Desai, Sabina Dore, Danilo Dragoni, Bert G. Drake, Eric Dufrêne, Allison Dunn, Jan Elbers, Werner Eugster, Matthias Falk, Christian Feigenwinter, Lawrence B. Flanagan, Thomas Foken, John Frank, Juerg Fuhrer, Damiano Gianelle, Allen Goldstein, Mike Goulden, Andre Granier, Thomas Grünwald, Lianhong Gu, Haiqiang Guo, Albin Hammerle, Shijie Han, Niall P. Hanan, László Haszpra, Bernard Heinesch, Carole Helfter, Dimmie Hendriks, Lindsay B. Hutley, Andreas Ibrom, Cor Jacobs, Torbjörn Johansson, Marjan Jongen, Gabriel Katul, Gerard Kiely, Katja Klumpp, Alexander Knohl, Thomas Kolb, Werner L. Kutsch, Peter Lafleur, Tuomas Laurila, Ray Leuning, Anders Lindroth, Heping Liu, Benjamin Loubet, Giovanni Manca, Michal Marek, Hank A. Margolis, Timothy A. Martin, William J. Massman, Roser Matamala, Giorgio Matteucci, Harry McCaughey, Lutz Merbold, Tilden Meyers, Mirco Migliavacca, Franco Miglietta, Laurent Misson, Meelis Mölder, John Moncrieff, Russell K. Monson, Leonardo Montagnani, Mario Montes-Helu, Eddy Moors, Christine Moureaux, Mukufute M. Mukelabai, J William Munger, May Myklebust, Zoltán Nagy, Asko Noormets, Walter Oechel, Ram Oren, Stephen G. Pallardy, Kyaw Tha Paw U, João S. Pereira, Kim Pilegaard, Krisztina Pintér, Casimiro Pio, Gabriel Pita, Thomas L. Powell, Serge Rambal, James T. Randerson, Celso von Randow, Corinna Rebmann, Janne Rinne, Federica Rossi, Nigel Roulet, Ronald J. Ryel, Jorgen Sagerfors, Nobuko Saigusa, María José Sanz, Giuseppe-Scarascia Mugnozza, Hans Peter Schmid, Guenther Seufert, Mario Siqueira, Jean-François Soussana, Gregory Starr, Mark A. Sutton, John Tenhunen, Zoltán Tuba, Juha-Pekka Tuovinen, Riccardo Valentini, Christoph S. Vogel, Jingxin Wang, Shaoqiang Wang, Weiguo Wang, Lisa R. Welp, Xuefa Wen, Sonia Wharton, Matthew Wilkinson, Christopher A. Williams, Georg Wohlfahrt, Susumu Yamamoto, Guirui Yu, Roberto Zampedri, Bin Zhao, and Xinquan Zhao
Climate, humans pose consequences for water, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Climax Structure in Late Romantic Opera, Ji Yeon Lee
Cloning and spatiotemporal expression of Xenopus laevis Apolipoprotein CI, Jyotsna Sridharan, Tomomi Haremaki, and Daniel C. Weinstein
Closeup: Michigan State University, Barrie Thorne
Closeup on Women's Studies Courses: Feminist Theory and Practice, Melanie Kaye
Closeup on Women's Studies Courses: Women's Image: An Interdisciplinary Introductory Course, Nancy Schniedewind
Closeup: Women in Management Seminar, Ellen Silber
Closeup: Women in Print, Rebecca Anne Sive-Tomashefsky
Closeup: Women's Studies Department at San Diego, Marilyn J. Boxer
Clothing tells important story for anthropologist, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Co-Curricular Report 1: Roundtable Discussion, Robin Bromley
Cocuzza teaches students how to be actors, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Coding of Velocity Storage in the Vestibular Nuclei, Sergei B. Yakushin, Theodore Raphan, and Bernard Cohen
Coincidence of Bargaining Solutions and Rationalizability in Epistemic Games, Todd Stambaugh
Collaborative Appearance-Based Place Recognition and Improving Place Recognition Using Detection of Dynamic Objects, Juan Pablo Munoz
Collaborative power: Graduate students creating and implementing faculty development workshops on multilingual writing, Brooke R. Schreiber, Dorothy Worden, and Eunjeong Lee
Collective adhesion and displacement of retinal progenitor cells upon extracellular matrix substrates of transplantable biomaterials, Ankush Thakur, Shawn Mishra, Juan Pena, Jing Zhou, Stephen Redenti, Robert Majeska, and Maribel Vazquez
Collective adhesion and displacement of retinal progenitor cells upon extracellular matrix substrates of transplantable biomaterials, Ankush Thakur, Shawn Mishra, Juan Pena, Jing Zhou, Stephen Redenti, Robert Majeska, and Maribel Vazquez
Collective Behaviour in Video Viewing: A Thermodynamic Analysis of Gaze Position, Kate Burleson-Lesser, Flaviano Morone, Paul DeGuzman, Lucas C. Parra, and Hernan Makse
Collective Influence Algorithm to find influencers via optimal percolation in massively large social media, Flaviano Morone, Byungjoon Min, Lin Bo, Romain Mari, and Hernán A. Makse
Collective Influence of Multiple Spreaders Evaluated by Tracing Real Information Flow in Large- Scale Social Networks, Xian Teng, Sen Pei, Flaviano Morone, and Hernán A. Makse
College Algebra Through Problem Solving (2018 Edition), Danielle Cifone, Karan Puri, Debra Maslanko, and Ewa Dabkowska
College Algebra Through Problem Solving (2018 Edition), Danielle Cifone, Karan Puri, Debra Masklanko, and Ewa Dabkowska
College Board Exam Places "Imprimatur" on Women's History, Mildred Alpern
College class of 2019 is a more activist one, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College decisions require careful consideration, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College education is still a worthwhile investment, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College endowments are under scrutiny, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College libraries are facing multiple threats, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College presidents see gloom from the top, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Colleges need to become better fundraisers, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College sports remain a source of controversy, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Colleges should be preparing their own leaders, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Colleges should encourage prompt graduation, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College students deserve good role models, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College students not intolerant of ideas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
College Students, Technology, and Time, Mariana Regalado and Maura A. Smale
College students want more campus mentoring, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Colloquium focuses on books, meaning, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Colorism in Assessor Ratings: Exploring the Roles of Social Dominance Orientation, Metaphorical Associations and Skin Tone Stereotypes, Tiwi D. Marira
Columbus, Christopher, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Shelly Kannada
Combatting the Illegal Pet Trade: Using Molecular Techniques to Determine the Provenience of Illegal Ring-Tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) Pets, Jessica Knierim
Combined mnemonic strategy training and high-definition transcranial direct current stimulation for memory deficits in mild cognitive impairment, Benjamin M. Hampstead, Krishnankutty Sathian, Marom Bikson, and Anthony Y. Stringer
Combining Body Mass and Shape Indices in Clinical Practice, Jesse C. Krakauer and Nir Y. Krakauer
Comedian Hosts and the Demotic Turn, Kathleen Collins
Cometa Kohoutek: el espectáculo fracasado, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Comics, Questions, Action! Engaging Students and Instruction Librarians With the Comics-Questions Curriculum, Stephanie Margolin, Mason Brown, and Sarah Laleman Ward
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes April 25, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes February 14, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes February 28, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes March 14, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes March 28, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes May 10, 2017, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes May 9, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes November 14, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes November 28, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes November 8, 2017, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes October 10, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes October 11, 2017, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes October 24, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes October 25, 2017, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes September 12, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes September 13, 2017, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes September 26, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes September 27, 2017, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Space, Facilities, and Physical Plant Minutes January 31, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Space, Facilities, and Physical Plant
Committee on Space, Facilities, and Physical Plant Minutes March 5, 2018, Bronx Community College Committee on Space, Facilities, and Physical Plant
Communicating Science through a Novel Type of Journal, Michelle T. Juarez, Chloe M. Kenet, and Chiandredi N. Johnson
Communication Based Control for DC Microgrids, Mahmoud S. Saleh, Yusef Esa, and Ahmed Mohamed
Communication is the key to career success, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Communication key to world, family relations, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Communication practices in the US and Syria, Rebecca S. Merkin and Reem Ramadan
Communications now a culture war in academia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Community-Based Settings and Sampling Strategies: Implications for Reducing Racial Health Disparities Among Black Men, New York City, 2010–2013, Helen Cole, Antoinette Schoenthaler, Scott Braithwaite, Joseph Ladapo, Sherry Mentor, Jennifer Uyei, and Chau Trinh-Shevrin
“Community in Solitude”: The Solitary Self, Social Critique, and Utopian Longing, Colin S. Macdonald
Cómo exterminar a las tortugas marinas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Compact Gene Regulatory Cassettes Support Hallmark Features of T-Cell Receptor (TCR)-alpha Gene Locus Control Region (LCR) Activity, Jordana Lovett
Comparative Evaluation of Child Behavior Checklist-Derived Scales in Children Clinically Referred for Emotional and Behavioral Dysregulation, Efstathios Papachristou, Kurt Schulz, Jeffrey Newcorn, Anne-Claude V. Bedard, Jeffrey M. Halperin, and Sophia Frangou
Comparative genomics explains the evolutionary success of reef-forming corals, Debashish Bhattacharya, Shobhit Agrawal, Manuel Aranda, Sebastian Baumgarten, Mahdi Belcaid, Jeana L. Drake, Douglas Erwin, Sylvian Foret, Ruth D. Gates, David F. Gruber, Bishoy Kamel, Michael P. Lesser, Oren Levy, Yi Jin Liew, Matthew MacManes, Tali Mass, Monica Medina, Shaadi Mehr, Eli Meyer, Dana C. Price, Hollie M. Putnam, Huan Qiu, Chuya Shinzato, Eiichi Shoguchi, Alexander J. Stokes, Sylvie Tambutté, Dan Tchernov, Christian R. Voolstra, Nicole Wagner, Charles W. Walker, Andreas PM Weber, Virginia Weis, Ehud Zelzion, Didier Zoccola, and Paul G. Falkowski
Comparative phylogeography in the Atlantic forest and Brazilian savannas: pleistocene fluctuations and dispersal shape spatial patterns in two bumblebees, Elaine Françoso, Alexander Rizzo Zuntini, Ana Carolina Carnaval, and Maria Cristina Arias
Comparative Phylogeography of Ethiopian anurans: Impact of the Great Rift Valley and Pleistocene Climate Change, Xenia Freilich, Jose D. Anadon, Jolanta Bukala, Ordaliza Calderon, Ronveer Chakraborty, and Stephanie Boissinot
Comparing CMAQ Forecasts with a Neural Network Forecast Model for PM2.5 in New York, Samuel D. Lightstone, Fred Moshary, and Barry Gross
Comparing hurricane and extratropical storm surge for the Mid- Atlantic and Northeast Coast of the United States for 1979–2013, James F. Booth, H E Rieder, and Y Kushnir
Comparing TensorFlow Deep Learning Performance Using CPUs, GPUs, Local PCs and Cloud, John Lawrence, Jonas Malmsten, Andrey Rybka, Daniel A. Sabol, and Ken Triplin
COMPARING THE VALIDITY OF FIVE PARTICIPATION INSTRUMENTS IN PERSONS WITH SPINAL CONDITIONS, Vanessa K. Noonan, Jacek A. Kopec, Luc Noreau, Joel Singer, Louise C. Mâsse, Hongbin Zhang, and Marcel F. Dvorak
Comparing Two Measures of Self-Role Integration in Their Prediction of Well-Being, Alexander Cloudt
Comparison of the Long-Term Effect of Positioning the Cathode in tDCS in Tinnitus Patients, Sarah Rabau, Giriraj S. Shekhawat, Mohamed Aboseria, Daniel Griepp, Vincent Van Rompaey, Marom Bikson, and Paul Van de Heyning
Component tree analysis of cystovirus φ6 nucleocapsid Cryo-EM single particle reconstructions, Lucas Oliveira, Ze Ye, Al Katz, Alexandra Alimova, Hui Wei, Gabor T. Herman, and Paul Gottlieb
Comprehension Strategies of Two Deaf Readers, Sue Livingston
Comprehensive Self-Study Submitted by President Jeremy Travis to the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, March 2013., John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Computational Methods in Civil Engineering, Nir Krakauer
Computer-Aided Design, Gary Benenson
Computer-Aided Design, Gary Benenson
Computer Rendering, Mi Tsung Chang
Conceptualizing Care Continua: Lessons from Hiv, Hepatitis C virus, Tuberculosis and implications for the Development of Improved Care and Prevention Continua, David C. Periman, Ashly E. Jordan, and Denis Nash
Concerns of Women's Studies Programs at the NWSA Convention: A Graduate Student's Perspective, King Ming Young
Conditions of Personhood and Property, Zachary James Acree
Connecting Science Education to a World in Crisis, Kenneth Tobin
Consciousness-Raising at the NWSA Convention: An Overview, Yolanda T. Moses and Peg Strobel
Consensus on Molecular Subtypes of High-grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma, Gregory M. Chen, Lavanya Kannan, Ludwig Geistlinger, Victor Kofia, Zhaleh Safikhani, Deena MA Gendoo, Giovanni Parmigiani, Michael Birrar, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, and Levi Waldron
Consequences of Job Stress For the Psychological Well-being of Teachers, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Renzo Bianchi, and Peter Luehring-Jones
Conservación de Cetáceos en Venezuela. Informe 1993, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and A. Ignacio Agudo
Conservación en Paraguaná: ¿Misión imposible?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Conservar, para qué?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Conserved patterns of integrated developmental plasticity in a group of polyphenic tropical butterflies, Erik van Bergen, Dave Osbaldeston, Ullasa Kondandaramaiah, Oskar Brattström, Kwaku Aduse-Poku, and Paul M. Brakefield
Considerations are many when choosing a major, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Considering Ethical Questions in (Non)Fiction: Reading and Writing about Graphic Novels, Gene McQuillan
Consistent Passion, Little Fanfare: RBG, Elizabeth Toohey
Construction Narratives, Pablo M. Diaz
Consumers' Perceptions of Patient-Accessible Electronic Medical Records, Christina Zarcadoolas, Wendy L. Vaughon, Sara J. Czaja, Joslyn Levy, and Maxine L. Rockoff
Consumption and Ceramics at the Rural Homestead of the Raddin-Badgley Family, New Providence, Union County, New Jersey, Carissa A. Scarpa
Contaminación de las aguas, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Ana Mayayo
Contemporary Archaeological Looting: A Criminological Analysis of Italian Tomb Robbers, Marc Balcells Magrans
Contesting Representations of Gender and Womanhood in Mexico The Photomontages of Lola Álvarez Bravo, 1935–1958, Alana Hernandez
Control Freak: How an injured esports athlete got back into the game, Imad Khan
Controlling the Environment: the Australian phytotron and postcolonial science, David Munns
Control of Gene Expression by RNA Binding Protein Action on Alternative Translation Initiation Sites, Angela Re, Levi Waldron, and Alessandro Quattrone
Control of the Curriculum and Standards, Florence Howe
Convention Update, The Feminist Press
Convergent Evolution of Biochemical Innovations in Polychaetes: Characterizing the Molecular Basis of Bioluminescence and Venom Production, Aida E. Verdes Gorín
Conversión ambiental en sector de los recursos naturales. Tomo 2, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Cooperative standing-horizontalstanding reentrant transition for numerous solid particles under external vibration, Satoshi Takatori, Hikari Baba, Takatoshi Ichino, Chwen-Yang Shew, and Kenichi Yoshikawa
Cooperative Stimulation of Megakaryocytic Differentiation by Gfi1b Gene Targets Kindlin3 and Talin1, Divya Singh, Ghanshyam Upadhyay, Ananya Sengupta, Mohammed A. Biplob, Shaleen Chakyayil, Tiji George, and Shireen Saleque
Coordinating Council Meetings at the Convention, Kay Towns
Cope, Caves, and Skeletons in the Closet, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Andrea Romero
Coping, productive time use, and negative mood among adults with severe mental illness: A daily diary study, Philip T. Yanos, Michelle L. West, and Stephen M. Smith
Corporate Urbanization: Between the Future and Survival in Lebanon, Deen S. Sharp
Correction: Foundation Grants to Women's Groups, The Feminist Press
Corrections/Clarification: News Briefs, The Feminist Press
Corrections/Clarification: Women's History Library Closes, The Feminist Press
Corrections: Grass Roots Women's Studies: South Carolina, The Feminist Press
Corrections: NWSA News, The Feminist Press
Corrections: Regional Women's Studies Associates, The Feminist Press
Correction: Women's Studies International at Copenhagen: From Idea to Network, The Feminist Press
Could androgens be relevant to partly explain why men have lower life expectancy than women?, C Mary Schooling
Courage, Emma: You Can Read Two Feminist Magazines Each Month in the Federal Republic of Germany!, Sandra Abelson Zagarell
Cousteau: No. 8 en USA, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Crane studies, teaches the philosophy of life, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Creating 1968: Art, Architecture, and the Afterlives of the Mexican Student Movement, Mya B. Dosch
Creating an Interdisciplinary Human Services Program, Nicole Kras
Creating Herstory: Female Rebellion in Arundhati Roy’s "The God of Small Things" and "The Ministry of Utmost Happiness", Priyanka Tewari
Creator and Creation: Artistic Development in Herman Melville’s Pierre; or, the Ambiguities and James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, Magdalena M. De La Cruz
Crime in Context: Utilizing Risk Terrain Modeling and Conjunctive Analysis of Case Configurations to Explore the Dynamics of Criminogenic Behavior Settings., Joel M. Caplan, Leslie W. Kennedy, Jeremy D. Barnum, and Eric L. Piza
Crime in Developing Countries: the Contribution of Crime Science, Mangai Natarajan
Crimmigration, Deportability and the Social Exclusion of Noncitizen Immigrants, Shirley P. Leyro and Daniel L. Stageman
Critical Paradigm Theory: A Deconstruction of the Dominant Discourse Shaping Public Education in America, Kevin Froner
Critical Research Paper: Using Literature to Explore Deindustrialization in the American Rust Belt [Composition], Jacqueline Jones
Critical Skills for Special Educator Effectiveness: Which Ones Matter Most, and to Whom?, Sara B. Woolf
Critical Time Intervention for Homeless People Making the Transition to Community Living: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Renée de Vet, Mariëlle D. Beijersbergen, Irene E. Jonker, Danielle AM Lako, Albert M. van Hemert, Daniel B. Herman, and Judith RLM Wolf
Critical Time Intervention for People Leaving Shelters in the Netherlands: Assessing Fidelity and Exploring Facilitators and Barriers, Renee de Vet, Danielle A. M. Lako, Marielle D. Beijersbergen, Linda van den Dries, Sarah Conover, Albert M. van Hemert, Daniel Herman, and Judith R. L. M. Wolf
Cross Cultural Presentation on Latin American Artists [Modern Languages and Literatures], Ernesto Menendez-Conde
Cross-dehydrogenative coupling and oxidativeamination reactions of ethers and alcohols with aromatics and heteroaromatics, Mahesh K. Lakshman and Prasanna K. Vuram
Cross-Race Effect of African-Americans and Caucasians, Bianca Vidal
Crustaceans, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Shelly Kannada
Cryptic diversity and discordance in single‐locus species delimitation methods within horned lizards (Phrynosomatidae: Phrynosoma), Christopher Blair and Robert W. Bryson Jr.
Cryptography with right-angled Artin groups, Ramon Flores and Delaram Kahrobaei
Cryptosystems Using Subgroup Distortion, Indira Chatterji, Delaram Kahrobaei, and Ni Yen Lu
CSR-Sustainability Monitor 2016 Edition, S. Prakash Sethi, Terrence F. Martell, Mert Demir, Lene Skou, and Weissman Center for International Business
CST1101–Problem Solving with Computer Programming, Syllabus, Elena Filatova
Cuban scholar building connections locally, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Cuban scholars see possibilities in relations, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Cuban scientist discusses exchange with SIUE, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Cuba trip presents surprises for SIUE student, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Cultivating Critical Reading: Using Creative Assignments to Promote Agency, Persistence, and Enjoyment, Nate Mickelson
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Implications for Educational Justice, Magnus O. Bassey
Culture Care Needs of Puerto Rican Women Receiving HIV Care from Nurse Practitioners in New York City, Michele Crespo-Fierro
Culture Clubs: Processing Speech by Deriving and Exploiting Linguistic Subcultures, David Guy Brizan
Cultures and Politics of the Global Drug War [Urban Studies/English], Justin Rogers-Cooper
Cuneiform and the Rise of Early Alphabets in the Greater Arabian Peninsula: A Visual Investigation, Saad D. Abulhab
curatedOvarianData: clinically annotated data for the ovarian cancer transcriptome, Benjamin Frederick Ganzfried, Markus Riester, Benjamin Haibe-Kains, Thomas Risch, Svitlana Tyekucheva, Ina Jazic, Xin Victoria Wang, Mahnaz Ahmadifar, Michael J. Birrer, Giovanni Parmigiani, Curtis Huttenhower, and Levi Waldron
Curcumin Inhibits the IKK:NF-kappa B Pathway in Neural Fear Circuits, Miguel A. Briones
Curriculum Committee Minutes April 1, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes April 15, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes April 17, 2007, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes December 11, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes December 2, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes February 17, 2009, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes February 19, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes February 23, 2010, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes February 5, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes March 18, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes March 4, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes March 9, 2010, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes November 18, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes November 27, 2007, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes November 6, 2007, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes October 10, 2009, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes October 21, 2008, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes October 23, 2007, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes October 6, 2009, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes September 11, 2007, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes September 25, 2007, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee Minutes September 8, 2009, Bronx Community College Curriculum Committee
Cut administrators to lower college costs?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
#cut/paste+bleed: Entangling Feminist Affect, Action and Production On and Offline, Alexandra Juhasz
Cynic and Epicurean Parrhesia in Horace's Epodes 5 & 6: Appropriating a Parallel Philosophical Debate For Poetic Purposes, Kent Klymenko
Cypriniformes II (Loaches and relatives), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Dancecult Bibliography: Books, Articles, Theses, Lectures, and Films About Electronic Dance Music Cultures, Eliot Bates
Dancing, Mindfulness, and Our Emotions: Embracing the Mind, Body, and Sole, Alisha M. Collins
Darkness as a Positive Reinforcer in Weakly Electric Fish, Amber Lea D. Kincaid
Darwin's Failures: Childless Women in the Nineteenth-Century British Novel, Rose P. O'Malley
Data and Statistical Methods To Analyze the Human Microbiome, Levi Waldron
Data Descriptor: A resource for assessing information processing in the developing brain using EEG and eye tracking, Nicolas Langer, Erica J. Ho, Lindsay M. Alexander, Helen Y. Xu, Renee K. Jozanovic, Simon Henin, Agustin Petroni, Samantha Cohen, Enitan T. Marcelle, Lucas C. Parra, Michael P. Milham, and Simon P. Kelly
Data Descriptor: Global terrestrial Human Footprint maps for 1993 and 2009, Oscar Venter, Eric W. Sanderson, Ainhoa Magrach, James R. Allan, Jutta Beher, Kendall R. Jones, Hugh P. Possingham, William F. Laurance, Peter Wood, Balázs M. Fekete, Marc A. Levy, and James E. M. Watson
Daughters and Housework, Laraine Burns and Louis Kampf
David Grandison Fairchild (botanist), Janet Butler Munch and Janet Munch
Davis studies gray areas of human sexuality, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Deaf Students Responding to the Writing of Their Peers, Sue Livingston
Dear Diary : Musings from an Invisible Mixie, Sarah C. Creagen
Dear Son of Memory: Milton's Engagement with Shakespeare, Bradley Fox
Deaths Due to Use of Lethal Force by Law Enforcement: Findings From the National Violent Death Reporting System, 17 U.S. States, 2009–2012, Sarah DeGue, Katherine A. Fowler, and Cynthia Calkins
Debate on Graduate Women's Studies at George Washington University, Rosemary Beavers, Carol Bros, Patricia McDonough, Terry Savage, Lois West, and Phyllis M. Palmer
Debt's Poetry in Timon of Athens, Laura Kolb
De-centering the Monolingual: A Psychophysiological Study of Heritage Speaker Language Processing, Christen N. Madsen II
Decisions at the Brink: Locomotor Experience Affects Infants’ Use of Social Information on an Adjustable Drop-off, Lana B. Karasik, Catherine S. Tamis-LeMonda, and Karen E. Adolph
Deconstructing City Hall Park: The Development and Archaeology of the Common, Alyssa Loorya
Defining Physician Burnout, and Differentiating Between Burnout and Depression—I, Bianchi Renzo and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Defining the relationship between maternal care behavior and hearing development in Wistar rats, Jingyun Qiu
Definition and Theories of Gentrification, William Gibbons
DeGarmo can explain the nuclear threat, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Degree of twisting and duration of symptoms are prognostic factors of testis salvage during episodes of testicular torsion, Adam S. Howe, Vinaya Vasudevan, Michael Kongnyuy, Kevin Rychik, Lisa A. Thomas, Maria Matuskova, Steven C. Friedman, Jordan S. Gitlin, Edward F. Reda, and Lane S. Palmer
Deleuze, Haraway, and the Radical Democracy of Desire, Robert Leston
Delfines y leones marinos, nuevas armas de la guerra submarina, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Delivering Justice: Food Delivery Cyclists in New York City, Do J. Lee
De los Sealabs a los Skylabs, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Demagoguery hurting higher education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
De Meo carries on tradition of teaching chemistry, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Demographic transition and the dynamics of measles in six provinces in China: A modeling study, Sheng Li, Chao Ma, Lixin Hao, Qiru Su, Zhijie An, Fubao Ma, Shuyun Xie, Aiqiang Xu, Yangyang Zhang, Zhengrong Ding, Hui Li, Lisa Cairns, Huaqing Wang, Huiming Luo, Ning Wang, Li Li, and Matthew J. Ferrari
Demonstration of ultra-high recyclable energy densities in domain-engineered ferroelectric films, Hongbo Cheng, Jun Ouyang, Yun-Xiang Zhang, David J. Ascienzo, Yao Li, Yu-Yao Zhao, and Yuhang Ren
Demystifying the Placebo Effect, Phoebe Friesen
Dengue-induced autophagy, virus replication and protection from cell death require ER stress (PERK) pathway activation, E. Datan, S. G. Roy, G. Germain, N. Zali, J. E. McLean, G. Golshan, S. Harbajan, R. A. Lockshin, and Z. Zakeri
DenHouter concentrates energy on oil paintings, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Dennis Mares has a clue about criminal gangs, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Density Functional Investigation of the Inclusion of Gold Clusters on a CH3S Self-Assembled Lattice on Au(111), Darnel J. Allen, Wayne E. Archibald, John A. Harper, John C. Saputo, and Daniel Torres
Dental Hygienists' Knowledge of HIV, Attitudes Towards People with HIV and Willingness to Conduct Rapid HIV Testing, Susan H. Davide, Anthony J. Santella, Marilyn Cortell, Winnie Furnari, B Watts, and Sarah C. Hayden
Deplete Locally, Impact Globally: Environmental history of shore-whaling in Barbados, W.I, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Joel E. Creswell
Depression, Anxiety, Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and a History of Pervasive Gender-Based Violence Among Women Asylum Seekers Who Have Undergone Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting: A Retrospective Case Review, Hazel Lever, Deborah Ottenheimer, Jimmitti Teysir, Elizabeth Singer, and Holly G. Atkinson
Descaro científico francés, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Descentralizar la investigación: tarea urgente, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Describing Doggo-Speak: Features of Doggo Meme Language, Jennifer Bivens
Descubiertos restos recientes de un megaterio, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Desde la Orilla: Fighting for a Queer Identity in the Dominican Republic, Angelina Tallaj
Desechos sólidos, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Ana Mayayo
Desiertos sin oasis sigue fabricando el hombre, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Design for the Web 2, Annette Weintraub
Designing a Summer Transition Program for Incoming and Current College Students on the Autism Spectrum: A Participatory Approach, Emily Hotez, Christina Shane-Simpson, Rita Obeid, Danielle DeNigris, Michael Siller, Corinna Costikas, Jonathan Pickens, Anthony Massa, Michael Giannola, Joanne D'Onofrio, and Kristen Gillespie-Lynch
Designing Smart Applications Using AR (Augmented Reality), Kimberly A. De La Santa
DeSpain uses latest technology to study English, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Detecting Cognitive, Functional and Behavioral Response to Donepezil in Alzheimer’s Disease: The Role of Attention Tasks, Clara Vila-Castelar
Detection of in-utero ethanol exposure via EtG and EtS analysis in umbilical cord and placenta, Jennifer Hanna
Determinants of the Acquisition and Display of Behaviors Associated with “Guilt” (Appeasement Behaviors) by Companion Dogs, Parvene Farhoody
Detrás de la industria de heroína del Bronx, la sede central del tráfico en el noreste, Monica Cordero, Constanza Gallardo, Maria Camila Montañez, and Joaquín Torres
Developing a Video-Based eHealth Intervention for HIV-Positive Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men: Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, Sabina Hirshfield, Martin J. Downing Jr., Jeffrey T. Parsons, Christina Grov, Rachel J. Gordon, Steven T. Houang, Roberta Scheinmann, Patrick S. Sullivan, Irene S. Yoon, Ian Anderson, and Mary Ann Chiasson
Developing In-House Digital Tools in Library Spaces: Introduction, Meredith Powers
Development and Evaluation of a Multi-Year Fractional Surface Water Data Set Derived from Active/Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data, Ronny Schroeder, Kyle C. McDonald, Bruce D. Chapman, Katherine Jensen, Erika Podest, Zachary D. Tessler, Theodore J. Bohn, and Reiner Zimmermann
Development and Separation of Forced Convective Flow, Adefemi Sunmonu
Development and Transfer of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) of Special Education Teachers, Aleksandra A. Kaplon-Schilis
Development and validation of measures to evaluate adolescents' knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV), involvement in HPV vaccine decision-making, self-efficacy to receive the vaccine and fear and anxiety, A. S. Forster, K. A. McBride, C. Davies, T. Stoney, H. Marshall, K. McGeechan, Spring C. Cooper, and S. R. Skinner
Development of a Journaling Application to Track Progress of Adaptation to Amplification for Adult Patients: DEarDiary, Nicole C. Snider
Development of a Wireless Environmental Data Acquisition Prototype Adopting Agile Practices: An Experience Report, Paul Celicourt, Richard Sam, and Michael Piasecki
Development of Realistic Stimuli for the Evaluation of Listening Effort using Auditory Evoked Potentials, Christie Hoo Yee Leung
Diagnosing the Will to Suffer: Lovesickness in the Medical and Literary Traditions, Jane Shmidt
Dialogicity in Written Specialised Genres, editado por Luz Gil-Salom y Carmen Soler-Monreal (2014)., David Sánchez-Jiménez
Did You Just Lie to Mom and Dad? Parental and Cultural Influences on Perceptions of Lie Acceptability, Rosaura Dominguez
Dietary Curcumin Promotes Resilience to Chronic Social Defeat Stress in a Highly Susceptible Mouse Strain, Antonio V. Aubry
Differences in neighborhood social cohesion and aerobic physical activity by Latino subgroup, Rosenda Murillo, Sandra Echeverria, and Elizabeth Vasquez
Differences in the Role of Acculturation on the Correlates of Suicidal Ideation Among Asian Subgroups, Khadijah Ahmad
Differential methylation between ethnic sub-groups reflects the effect of genetic ancestry and environmental exposures, Joshua M. Galanter, Christopher R. Gignoux, Sam S. Oh, Dara Torgerson, Maria Pino-Yanes, Neeta Thakur, Celeste Eng, Donglei Hu, Scott Huntsman, Harold J. Farber, Pedro C. Avila, Emerita Brigino-Buenaventura, Michael A. LeNoir, Kelly Meade, Denise Serebrisky, William Rodriguez-Cintron, Rajesh Kumar, Jose R. Rodrıguez-Cintron, Max A. Seibold, Luisa N. Borrell, Esteban G. Burchard, and Noah Zaitlen
Differentiation in impact melt sheets as a mechanism to produce evolved magmas on Mars, Ari Koeppel
Difficult Subjects Scatting and Scattered: A Poetics of Dissolution in Black Expressive Culture, Tonya M. Foster
Digesting Democracy: A Theoretical Analysis of American Food Regimes, Angela R. Moore
Digital AIDS Documentary: Webs, Rooms, Viruses and Quilts, Alexandra Juhasz
Digital Language & Literacy Narrative, Noelle Marie Nagales and Missy Watson
Digital Storytelling [Natural Sciences], Preethi Radhakrishnan
Dimick assesses the relationship of art, talent, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Direct Current-Induced Calcium Trafficking in Different Neuronal Preparations, Andrzej Wieraszko and Zaghloul Ahmed
Direct Experimental Evidence of Toroidal Symmetry in a Lanthanide-Based Molecular Magnet, Qing Zhang
Dirks-Linhorst looks at different angles of the law, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Disability and “Late Style” in Music, Joseph N. Straus
Disconnect Between Genes Associated With Ischemic Heart Disease and Targets of Ischemic Heart Disease Treatments, C Mary Schooling, J. V. Huang, J. V. Zhao, M.K. Kwok, S. L. Au Yeung, and S. L. Lin
Discovering Jewish Studies Collections in Academic Libraries: A Practical Guide, Izabella Taler
Discovery and characterisation of a novel toxin from Dendroaspis angusticeps, named Tx7335, that activates the potassium channel KcsA, Ivan O. Rivera-Torres, Tony B. Jin, Martine Cadene, Brian T. Chait, and Sébastien F. Poget
Discovery and Development of a Three-Component Oxidopyrylium Cycloaddition and Its Application Towards alpha-Hydroxytropolone Synthesis, Michael P. D'Erasmo
Discovery shook medical, pharmaceutical industries, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and David Gilmore
Disk Heating, Galactoseismology, and the Formation of Stellar Halos, Kathryn V. Johnston, Adrian M. Price-Whelan, Maria Bergemann, Chervin F. P. Laporte, Ting S. Li, Allyson A. Sheffield, Steven R. Majewski, Rachael S. Beaton, Branimir Sesar, and Sanjib Sharma
Disobedience Is What NWSA Is Potentially about, Adrienne Rich
Disordered: Conversations about Mental Health and Society, Rachel Brown
Disorderly Histories: An Anthropology of Decolonization in Western Sahara, Mark Drury
Displaced Once More: Armenians flee Syria to Montreal, Sean A. Shoemaker
Dissipation Effects in Schrödinger and Quantal Density Functional Theories of Electrons in an Electromagnetic Field, Xiao-Yin Pan and Viraht Sahni
(Dis)unity in the UN Security Council: Voting Patterns in the UN's Peace and Security Organ, Paul M. Romita
Divergence of CAT(0) Cube Complexes and Coxeter Groups, Ivan Levcovitz
Divergent neural responses to narrative speech in disorders of consciousness, Ivan Iotzov, Brian C. Fidali, Agustin Petroni, Mary M. Conte, Nicholas D. Schiff, and Lucas C. Parra
Diversity and Cultural Competence in the LIS Classroom: A Curriculum Audit, Nicole A. Cooke and Jennifer A. Jacobs
Diversity more than a black and white issue, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
DIY Science Sims, James Hedberg
Dobi Studies, Teaches the Marvels of Genetics, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Do Burnout Researchers Go Around in Circles?, Renzo Bianchi, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Eric Laurent
Do Catastrophes in Poor Countries Lead to Event-Related Policy Change? The 2010 Earthquake in Haiti, Denise D. P. Thompson
Doctor Miquel: “El problema del envejecimiento interesa a la N.A.S.A.”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Documentary on YouTube: The failure of the direct cinema of the slogan, Alexandra Juhasz
Does Bankruptcy Save Homes? A Further Look, Alan White
Does Cognitive Impairment Affect Rehabilitation Outcome in Parkinson’s Disease?, Davide Ferrazzoli, Paola Ortelli, Roberto Maestri, Rossana Bera, Nir Giladi, Maria Felice Ghilardi, Gianni Pezzoli, and Giusseppe Frazzitta
Does Mental Illness Affect Societal Perception of Sex Offenders?, Keely A. Bartram
Do flashbulb memories transmit across generations? 9/11 as a case study, Shanique Meyler
Do Homebuyers Care About Good Grades? Evaluating the Effect of NYC School Accountability Program on Housing Values, John I. Campagna
Doing Research on Black American Women, Barbara Smith
Doing Their Best: How Teachers in Urban Social Studies Classrooms Integrate Culturally Relevant Pedagogy with Historical Literacy Instruction, Maria Akinyele
Do-It-Ourselves Slideshow, Corrine Lucido
Dolls Who Speak: Sex Robots, Cyborgs and the Image of Woman, Victoria E. Pihl Sorensen
Dolphins learn by playing, ASU students learn on Florida trip, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Domain-Specific Knowledge Exploration with Ontology Hierarchical Re-Ranking and Adaptive Learning and Extension, Grace G. Zhao
Dominican Migrants, Plural Identities, and Popular Music, Angelina Tallaj
¿Dónde está el límite del Universo?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Do osteon morphotypes identified in the mid-diaphysis of human femurs indicate the same torsional load history as chimpanzees?, Bailey A G Colohan
Dostoevsky as a Translator of "Eugénie Grandet", Julia Titus
Double Splinters, Theresa M. Daddezio
Doula Services Within a Healthy Start Program: Increasing Access for an Underserved Population, Mary-Powel Thomas, Gabriela Ammann, Ellen Brazier, Philip Noyes, and Aletha Maybank
Downtown's Queer Asides, Lucas Hilderbrand, Alexandra Juhasz, Debra Levine, and Ricardo Montez
Do You Feel Like a Fraud? How Experiencing the Impostor Phenomenon Influences Consumption Choices, Emily Goldsmith
Draft Nuclear Genome, Complete Chloroplast Genome, and Complete Mitochondrial Genome for the Biofuel/ Bioproduct Feedstock Species Scenedesmus obliquus Strain DOE0152z, S. R. Starkenburg, Juergen Polle, B. Hovde, H. E. Daligault, K. W. Davenport, A. Huang, P. Neofotis, and Zaid McKie-Krisberg
Draft Nuclear Genome Sequence of the Halophilic and Beta-Carotene- Accumulating Green Alga Dunaliella salina Strain CCAP19/18, Juergen Polle, Kerrie Barry, John Cushman, Jeremy Schmutz, Duc Tran, Leyla T. Hathwaik, Won C. Yin, Jerry Jenkins, Zaid McKie-Krisberg, Simon Prochnik, Erika Lindquist, Rhyan B. Dockter, Catherine Adam, Henrik Molina, Jakob Bunkenborg, EonSeon Jin, Mark Buchheim, and Jon Magnuson
Drake sees SIUE Gardens as social service, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Dr. Faith Liebl works to explain what cells do, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Driptips and splash erosion, Juli K. Armstrong, Thomas J. Gush, Allan J. Hruska, Perri E. Klass, Aldemaro Romero Jr., John T. Thompson, and G. Bruce Williamson
Drug repurposing to target Ebola virus replication and virulence using structural systems pharmacology, Zheng Zhao, Che Martin, Raymond Fan, Philip E. Bourne, and Lei Xie
Due Process and the Right to Legal Counsel for Unaccompanied Minors, Marielos G. Ramos
Durán-Reynals: la gloria del reconocimiento, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Dust and Smoke: Desertification, Fire and Elephants in Togo, West Africa, Aaron Barlow
Dynamic Egg Color Mimicry, Daniel Hanley, Michael Sulc, Patricia L. R. Brennan, Mark E. Hauber, Tomas Grim, and Marcel Honza
Dynamic Gene Expression in the Human Cerebral Cortex Distinguishes Children from Adults, Kirstin N. Sterner, Amy Weckle, Harry T. Chugani, Adi L. Tarca, Chet C. Sherwood, Patrick R. Hof, Christopher W. Kuzawa, Amy M. Boddy, Asad Abbas, Ryan L. Raaum, Lucie Grégoire, Leonard Lipovich, Lawrence I. Grossman, Monica Uddin, Morris Goodman, and Derek E. Wildman
Dynamic Surfaces for the Study of Mesenchymal Stem Cell Growth through Adhesion Regulation, Jemma N. Roberts, Jugal Kishore Sahoo, Laura E. McNamara, Karl V. Burgess, Jingli Yang, Enateri V. Alakpa, Hilary J. Anderson, Jake Hay, Lesley-Anne Turner, Stephen J. Yarwood, Mischa Zelzer, Richard O.C. Oreffo, Rein V. Ulijn, and Matthew J. Dalby
Early and late components of EEG delay activity correlate differently with scene working memory performance, Timothy M. Ellmore, Kenneth Ng, and Chelsea P. Reichert
Early and late preferences in relative clause attachment in Spanish and Portuguese, Marcus Maia, Eva M. Fernández, Armanda Costa, and Maria do Carmo Lourenço-Gomes
Eco ’92: Poco pan y mucho circo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecología profunda, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecología y economía, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecologismo: presente y futuro de una nueva ideología política, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ecologismo y democracia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¡Ecólogos de todos los países, uníos!, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
ECON 10400 Introduction to Quantitative Economics, Ahmed Elkhouly
ECON 1401: Microeconomics, Syllabus, Gulgun Bayaz-Ozturk
ECON 20250 Intrermeiate Microeconomics, Ahmed Elkhouly
Economía Hoy, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Economía y ambiente: el reto de la década de los 90, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Economics, Politics and the Environment, Ron Mandelbaum
Economies and cultures can’t be separated, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Ecoturismo: Peligro o panacea?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Editoral, The Feminist Press
Editorial, The Feminist Press
Editorial, The Feminist Press
Editorial, Florence Howe
Editorial, Florence Howe
Editorial, F. H.
Editorial, F. H.
Editorial, F. H.
Editorial, Florence Howe
Editorial, Florence Howe and Elaine Reuben
Editorial, The Feminist Press
Editorial, The Feminist Press
Editorial: "But What "IS" a Women's Studies Program?", The Feminist Press
Editorial: Depression, Burnout, and Other Mood Disorders: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Eric Laurent, Bianchi Renzo, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Pierre Vandel
Editorial: Everywoman's Educational Health on the Road to Equity, The Feminist Press
Editorial: Goodbye, Women's Studies Newsletter: Hello, Women's Studies Quarterly!, The Feminist Press
Editorial: Hard Choices, The Feminist Press
EDITORIAL: International Perspectives, F.H.
Editorial: Systems Biology and Ecology of Microbial Mat Communities, Martin G. Klotz, Donald A. Bryant, Jim K. Fredrickson, William P. Inskeep, and Michael Kühl
Editorial: The Convention Issue: A Time to Reflect and to Look Ahead, The Feminist Press
Editorial: The Temporal Dynamics of Cognitive Processing, Timothy M. Ellmore, Peter F. Dominey, and John F. Magnotti
Editorial: Toward Women's Studies in the Eighties: Part Two, F. H.
Editors' Note: New Research in SoTL-AH, Virginia Spivey and Renee McGarry
Educating for justice: A history of John Jay College of Criminal Justice. [Third edition]., Gerald Markowitz
Educational Relevance as a Motivating Operation for Equivalence Class Formation: Implications for Application, Julia Brodsky
Education Through Social and Cultural Transmission, George F. Trivino
Edward Jenner’s 1798 Report of Challenge Experiments Demonstrating the Protective Effects of Cowpox against Smallpox, Alfredo Morabia
Effectiveness Compared: ASL Interpretation vs. Transliteration, Sue Livingston, Bonnie Singer, and Theodore Abramson
Effectiveness of a Combined Home Visiting and Group Intervention for Low Income African American Mothers: The Pride in Parenting Program, Kathy S. Katz, Marian H. Jarrett, Ayman El-Mohandes, Susan Schneider, Doris McNeely-Johnson, and Michele Kiely
Effect of herbivores on Pothomorphe umbellata (Piperaceae), Frank Bonaccorso, Thomas J. Gush, Linden Higgins, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Eduardo Santana C., and Peter Turchin
Effect of X-Word Grammar and Traditional Grammar Instruction on Grammatical Accuracy, Sue Livingston, Andi Toce, Cyndi Casey, Fernando Montoya, Bonny R. Hart, and Carmela O'Flaherty
Effects of a multidisciplinary weight loss intervention in overweight and obese children and adolescents: 11 years of experience, Chiara Mameli, Jesse C. Krakauer, Nir Y. Krakauer, Alessandra Bosetti, Chiara Matilde Ferrari, Laura Schneider, Barbara Borsani, Sara Arrigoni, Erica Pendezza, and Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti
Effects of CETP inhibition with anacetrapib on metabolism of VLDL-TG and plasma apolipoproteins C-II, C-III, and E, John S. Millar, Michael E. Lassman, Tiffany Thomas, Rajasekhar Ramakrishnan, Patricia Jumes, Richard L. Dunbar, Emil M. deGoma, Amanda L. Baer, Wahida Karmally, Daniel S. Donovan, Hashmi Rafeek, John A. Wagner, Stephen Holleran, Joseph Obunike, Yang Liu, Soumia Aoujil, Taylor Standiford, David E. Gutstein, Henry N. Ginsberg, Daniel J. Rader, and Gissette Reyes-Soffer
Effects of Choline on DNA Methylation and Macronutrient Metabolic Gene Expression in In Vitro Models of Hyperglycemia, Xinyin Jiang, Esther Greenwald, and Chauntelle Jack-Roberts
Effects of Divorce Risk on Women's Labor Supply and Human Capital Investment, Kristin Mammen
Effects of Structural and Electronic Disorder in Topological Insulator Sb2Te3 Thin Films, Inna Korzhovska
Effects of Synthetic Cannabinoid Use, Susan H. Davide
Efficient method for transfer of microinjected eggs to mouse ampulla for generating transgenic mice, Guang Wen, Jin Di, Qian Li, Jianling Chen, Ling Jin, Cheng Wang, and Sanqing Xu
Efficient Remyelination Requires DNA Methylation, Sarah Moyon, Dan Ma, Jimmy L. Huynh, David J.C. Coutts, Chao Zhao, Patrizia Casaccia, and Robin J. M. Franklin
EGFR Polymorphisms in Drosophila melanogaster, Stacie Chue, Neha Mehta, Samantha Poon, and Heather Trazino
Egg discrimination along a gradient of natural variation in eggshell coloration, Daniel Hanley, Tomáš Grim, Branislav Igic, Peter Samaš, Analía V. López, Matthew D. Shawkey, and Mark E. Hauber
Eggshell pigment composition covaries with phylogeny, Kaat Brulez, Ivan Miksik, Christopher R. Cooney, Mark E. Hauber, Paul George Lovell, Golo Maurer, Steven J. Portugal, Douglas Russell, Silas James Reynolds, and Phillip Cassey
Eighteen Blind Library Users’ Experiences with Library Websites and Search Tools in U.S. Academic Libraries: A Qualitative Study, Adina Mulliken
Elaboration within Compliance: Linguistic Patterns within Coercive Control in Sex Trafficking, Jessica Pomerantz
El agua: el recurso peor manejado, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El argonauta y su complicada vida amorosa, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El Auyantepuy: la montaña del paraíso, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Maria Belen Morales
El biólogo, profesional maldito, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El cangrejo ermitaño: vocación de emigrante, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El concepto de audiencia y la colaboración entre iguales en la revisión de textos escritos, David Sánchez-Jiménez
El continente de todos y de nadie: El Antártico, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El curioso cangrejo ermitaño, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El delfín, “modelo” de la ingeniería naval, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El desconocido pez luna, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El día de las orcas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El Día del Delfín, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El documento Venezuela de Eco ’92 o el tercermundismo ambiental, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Electric Light: Automating the Carceral State During the Quantification of Everything, R. Joshua Scannell
Electrode and Headgear Design for Accurate TDCS, Henry Bernstein
Electronic Design 1, Ina Saltz
Electronic devices bad for students in class, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Electronic Rhapsody: Theremin and Matryomin, Kayoko Nakamura
Electronics and the Music of Miles Davis, Darren E. Shekailo
Elementos persuasivos de la citación en el discurso académico de posgrado: los verbos introductores de las citas en la sección de la Conclusión, David Sánchez-Jiménez
Elements of Calculus 1, Nur Dean
El envenenamiento de aves por plomo: un grave problema que sí tiene solución, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El Estado agoniza, viva la sociedad, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El futuro es ahora, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El gas contaminador, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El hombre comenzó a extinguir especies hace 11.000 años, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El horno solar de Mont-Louis, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El inevitable guppy, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El Instituto Geológico y Minero de España cumple 125 años, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El Instituto Nacional de Técnica Aeroespacial, un ejemplo de muchas cosas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El lenguaje de los peces, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El mecanismo de los premios Nobel, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El mundo se desertifica a pasos agigantados, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El narcotráfico como realidad y representación en la narrativa de Germán Castro Caycedo, Edgar Augusto Verastegui
El negro y el haitiano en la literatura dominicana de la diáspora, Juan Nicolás Tineo
El ordenador y la comunicación hombre-delfín, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Ana Mayayo
El ornitorrinco, ese absurdo mamífero ponedor huevos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El oso frontino, rey de Los Andes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El pasado lingüístico colonial y las lenguas de instrucción en la educación filipina, David Sánchez-Jiménez
El pecado de enseñar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El peligro de la ignorancia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El peligro de las pruebas nucleares francesas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El penúltimo grito, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El petróleo submarino, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El próximo 3 de abril regresa Severo Ochoa, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El rápido crecimiento de la población como problema ambiental en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El regreso del Mago de Oz, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El spray nos aniquilará, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El suculento “palolo”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El tango y la cultura popular en la reciente narrativa argentina, Monica A. Agrest
El tiburón de la película “Tiburón”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
El valor de los verbos introductores de las citas en los textos académicos de posgrado escritos en español peninsular y en inglés, David Sánchez-Jiménez
El viento de las estrellas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Embers: A Project to Develop Elementary School Readers, Ruth S. Meyers
EmBody: The Transformation of Intimate Knowledges Through Generations in Liberal Societies, Lisa Kronberg
Emma and the Countryside: Weather and a Place for a Walk, Elizabeth Toohey
Emma Willard: Feminist, Anne Firor Scott
Emotional cue validity effects: The role of neurocognitive responses to emotion, Samantha Denefrio, Akeesha Simmons, Amishi Jha, and Tracy A. Dennis-Tiwary
Employers seeking skills, not robots, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Encounter with American Feminism: A Muslim Woman's View of Two Conferences, Leila Ahmed
Engagement at the theater: science in the cinema, B. D. Stillion, John M. Pratte, and Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Engaging Academics and Reimagining Scholarly Communication for the Public Good: A Report, Jessie Daniels and Polly Thistlethwaite
Engaging Biomedical Engineering in Health Disparities Challenges, Maribel Vazquez
Engineered Aptamers to Probe Molecular Interactions on the Cell Surface, Sana Batool, Sanam Bhandari, Shanell George, Precious Okeoma, Nabeela Van, Hazan E. Zümrüt, and Prabodhika Mallikaratchy
Engineered Protein Polymer-Gold Nanoparticle Hybrid Materials for Small Molecule Delivery, Min Dai, JA Frezzo, E Sharma, R Chen, N Singh, C Yuvienco, E Caglar, S Xiao, A Saxena, and JK Montclare
Engineering Semiconductor Hybrids for Sensing, Godfrey Gumbs, Andrii Iurov, and Danhong Huang
ENGL 21003: Writing for the Sciences, Caitlin Geoghan
ENGL 21007: Writing for Engineers, Danielle Carr
Engle-Friedman Studies Sleep and Sleep Deprivation, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
English 1101, In the News: Researching and Writing about Social Justice, Syllabus, Colleen Birchett
English 21002 Syllabus FALL 2018, Caroline M. Cooper Ms.
English in a Multilingual Algeria, Kamal Belmihoub
English Influence on L2 Speakers’ Production of Palatalization and Velarization, Jennifer C. Gabriele
Enhancing 3D Visual Odometry with Single-Camera Stereo Omnidirectional Systems, Carlos A. Jaramillo
Enrollment challenges could be facing country, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Enrollment numbers can mean a lot to universities, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Entropy and the Complexity of Graphs Revisited, Abbe Mowshowitz and Matthias Dehmer
Environment “74”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Environmental Factors Affecting Rapid Shear in Fibers from the Passage of a Bullet, Laura Molina
Environmental history of marine mammal exploitation in Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. and its ecological impact, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Ruth Baker, Joel E. Creswell, Anuradha Singh, Annabelle McKie, and Michael Manna
Environmental Issues in Latin America and the Caribbean - Preface, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Sarah E. West
Environmental Science for the Curious: My Perspective on Curiosity and Personal Satisfaction. In: Environmental Science for the Curious (K. Vaidya, Ed.), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Environmental studies: Here, there, and everywhere, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke Avoidance Among Pregnant African-American Nonsmokers, Susan M. Blake, Kennan D. Murray, M. Nabil El-Khorazaty, Marie G. Gantz, Michele Kiely, Dana Best, Jill G. Joseph, and Ayman El-Mohandes
Epidemiology and Management of Depression Following Coronary Heart Disease Diagnosis in Women, Siqin Ye, Ellen-ge Denton, Lauren T. Wasson, and Karina W. Davidson
Epigenetic profiles signify cell fate plasticity in unipotent spermatogonial stem and progenitor cells, Ying Liu, Eugenia G. Giannopoulou, Duacheng Wen, Ilaria Falciatori, Oliver Elemento, C. David Allis, Shahin Rafii, and Marco Seandel
Error rate on the director’s task is influenced by the need to take another’s perspective but not the type of perspective, Edward W. Legg, Laure Olivier, Steven Samuel, Robert Lurz, and Nicola S. Clayton
E.S.A., N.A.S.A. Europea…, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Es falso que los delfines se suiciden?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Es hora de vender gasolina sin plomo en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Espacios alternativos y nomadismo en tres poetas salvadoreñas de la guerra: Leyla Quintana, Kenny Rodríguez y Eva Ortiz, Juana M. Ramos
España, en la Fundación Europea de la Ciencia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
España tiene un déficit de 18.000 científicos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Espionaje científico, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Essays in New Keynesian Monetary Policy, Tzu-Hao Huang
Essays on Banking and Corporate Finance, Alev Isil Yildirim
Essays on Environmental Conditions in Cuba, Gonzalo Cordova
Essays on Innovation, Analyst Coverage, and Corporate Finance, Yang Liu
Essays on Institutional Ownership and Corporate Finance, Qijian Wang
Essays on the Economics of Health and Human Capital, Paloma Lopez de mesa Moyano
Essays on the Economics of Unhealthy Behaviors, Raul Segura-Escano
Essays on the Market Structure of the U.S. Health Care System, Ayse S. Diebel
Essays on the Transmission of Risk and Volatility Across International Financial Markets, Evan Warshaw
Essays on Wealth Inequality and Asset Pricing, Georgios Koimisis
Essence, Explanation, and Modal Knowledge, Antonella Mallozzi
Essential Methods for Planning Practitioners: Skills and Techniques for Data Analysis, Visualization, and Communication, Laxmi Ramasubramanian and Jochen Albrecht
Estamos contaminando el agua del mar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Esther Manning Westervelt: A Memorial Minute, Sheila Tobias
Estimation of Consistent Global Microwave Land Surface Emissivity from AMSR-E and AMSR2 Observations, Satya Prakash, Hamidreza Norouzi, Marzi Azarderakhsh, Reginald Blake, Catherine Prigent, and Reza Khanbilvardi
Estrogen-activated MDM2 disrupts mammary tissue architecture through a p53-independent pathway, Nandini Kundu, Angelika Brekman, Jun Yeob Kim, Gu Xiano, Chong Gao, and Jill Bargonetti
Estudio contrastivo intercultural de las funciones retóricas de las citas: la producción de textos académicos en el nivel de posgrado escritos en español e inglés, David Sánchez-Jiménez
Estudios agrarios críticos: Tierras, semillas, soberanía alimentaria y los derechos de las y los campesinos, Marc Edelman
E.T.A. Hoffmann's Marketplace Vision of Berlin, Alexander M. Schlutz
Ethics and Bias in Machine Learning: A Technical Study of What Makes Us “Good”, Ashley Nicole Shadowen
Ethics Pertaining to the Legalities of Male Routine Infant Circumcision and Surrogate Consent to Non-Therapeutic Surgery, Jason A. Domashevskiy and Artem V. Domashevskiy
Europe’s Refugee Crisis: Right-Wing Populism and Mainstream Cooption in Germany and France, Jihan Abdalla
Evaluating a Women's Studies Course, Joan Borod, Susan Dorsky, Carol Hull, and Ellen Keller
Evaluating causes of error in landmark-based data collection using scanners, Brian M. Shearer, Siobhan B. Cooke, Lauren B. Halenar, Samantha L. Reber, Jeannette E. Plummer, Eric Delson, and Melissa Tallman
Evaluating Satellite Products for Precipitation Estimation in Mountain Regions: A Case Study for Nepal, Nir Y. Krakauer, Soni M. Pradhanang, Tarendra Lakhankar, and Ajay K. Jha
Evaluating the Dietary and Nutritional Apps in the Google Play Store, Harleigh Schumer, Chioma Amadi, and Ashish Joshi
Evaluation of a direct PCR method and the Qiagen Investigator 24plex GO! Kit for typing blood, saliva and touch DNA on multiple substrates, Angelita Pierre-Noel
Evaluation of ALOS PALSAR Data for High-Resolution Mapping of Vegetated Wetlands in Alaska, Daniel Clewley, Jane Whitcomb, Mahta Moghaddam, Kyle MacDonald, Bruce Chapman, and Peter Bunting
Evaluation of Illumina’s ForenSeqTM Signature Prep Kit for Eye and Hair Color as well as Biogeographical Ancestry Predictions, Krupa Vijaykumar Jani
Evaluation: Perspectives of Students and Graduates, Christine Bose, John Steiger, and Philomina Victorine
Evaluation: Reflections of a Program Consultant, Nancy Porter
Evangelizing Neoliberalism through Megachurches in Latin America and the United States, William O. Collazo
Even Our Language Is an Ever Present Indictment, Ellen Bass
Event-Related Potential Studies of Error Monitoring to Affective and Non-Affective Stimuli in Adolescents and Emerging Adults, Rebecca K. Reed
Everybody's Magazine, Janet Butler Munch
Everyday Violence and Women's Lives in Zambia: An Autoethnography, Amina Shikupilwa
Everything I thought I was supposed to do, Jeff Conefry
"Everywoman's Guide" as an Organizing Tool on the Bowling Green Campus, Susan S. Arpad
Everywoman's Guide to Colleges and Universities, The Feminist Press
Evidence-Based Instructional Strategies for Adult Learners: A Review of the Literature, Rebecca Carlson McCall, Kristy Padron, and Carl Andrews
Evidence for energetic tradeoffs between physical activity and childhood growth across the nutritional transition, Samuel S. Urlacher and Karen L. Kramer
Evidence of the 1762 Arakan and Prior Earthquakes in the Northern Sunda Subduction, Dhiman Ranjan Mondal
Evidence: Photographic Image, Fact, Document syllabus, Ellen Handy
Evolutionary interpretations of mycobacteriophage biodiversity and host-range through the analysis of codon usage bias, Laura A. Esposito, Swati Gupta, Fraida Streiter, Ashley Prasad, and John J. Dennehy
Evolution of Floral Morphology and Symmetry in the Miconieae (Melastomataceae), Maria Gavrutenko
Evolution of hypogean fauna, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Evolution of the modern baboon (Papio hamadryas): A reassessment of the African Plio-Pleistocene record, Christopher C. Gilbert, Stephen R. Frost, Kelsey D. Pugh, Monya Anderson, and Eric Delson
Exacerbating Inequality: Public Schooling in the Era of Neoliberal Standardization, Johanna Panetti Barnhart
Examination of the Dark Triad and its Association with Antisocial Behavior and Cheating in Undergraduates, Rebecca Cheiffetz
Examining the Effects of a Content-based Peer Feedback Writing Intervention in Community College Classrooms, Jennifer M. Gilken
Examining the Impact of Study Abroad for Community College Students: Five Case Studies, Kathryn B. Wilson
Examining the roles of genetic and environmental factors in Drosophila melanogaster hematopoiesis and innate immune system, Minkyung Lee
Exhibits at the Convention, Nanette Bruckner
Existence Conditions of Super-Replication Cost in a Multinomial Model, Mei Xing
Exodusters: the forgotten migration, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Exorcising Power, John Jarzemsky
Expanding the Concept of Affirmative Action to Include the Curriculum, Nancy Topping Bazin
Expecting the Inevitable: DACA and Mental Health, Jade Gardener
Experimental Demonstration of Topological effects in Bianisotropic Metamaterials, Alexey P. Slobozhanyuk, Alexander B. Khanikaev, Dmitry S. Filonov, Daria A. Smirnova, Andrey E. Miroshnichenko, and Yuri S. Kivshar
Experimental Philosophy and Feminist Epistemology: Conflicts and Complements, Amanda Huminski
Expert: Reasons for debt partly cultural, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Explaining Animosity Towards the Roma: A Case Study of Twitter Communication in Italy during the Refugee Crisis, Mayuko Nakatsuka
Explaining Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Use of High-Volume Hospitals: Decision-Making Complexity and Local Hospital Environments, Karl Kronebusch, Bradford H. Gray, and Mark Schlesinger
Explaining the Illusion of Phenomenal Consciousness, Daniel S. Shabasson
Exploitation of cetaceans in Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr., A. Ignacio Agudo, and Steven M. Green
Exploring the Defensive Actions of Drug Sellers in Open-Air Markets: A Systematic Social Observation., Eric Piza and Victoria A. Sytsma
Exploring the Roots of Chronic Underdevelopment: The Colonial Encomienda and Resguardo and their Legacy to Modern Colombia, Pedro Bossio
Exploring the use of an iPhone App: a Novel Approach to Dietary Assessment, Melissa Keeney, Ming-Chin Yeh, Rissa Landman, May May Leung, Ann Gaba, and Khursheed Navder
Expression, Purification, and Monitoring of Conformational Changes of hCB2 TMH67H8 in Different Membrane-Mimetic Lipid Mixtures Using Circular Dichroism and NMR Techniques, Elvis K. Tiburu, Jianqin Zhuang, Heidimarie N. A. Fleischer, Patrick K. Arthur, and Gordon A. Awandare
Extinction of rare Chinese dolphin shows pollution of Yangtze River, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Face-to-Face, Day-to-Day, Racism CR, Tia Cross, Freada Klein, Barbara Smith, and Beverly Smith
Facilitating Video Analysis for Teacher Development: A Systematic Review of the Research, Laura H. Baecher, Shiao-Chuan Kung, Sarah Laleman Ward, and Kimberly Kern
Facilitators and Impediments to Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating Risk-Based Policing Strategies Using Risk Terrain Modeling: Insights from a Multi-City Evaluation in the United States, Eric L. Piza, Les W. Kennedy, and Joel M. Caplan
Factors Associated with Household Contacts' Tuberculosis Testing and Evaluation, Elvy G. Barroso
Factors associated with perceived accuracy of the Undetectable = Untransmittable slogan among men who have sex with men: Implications for messaging scale-up and implementation, H Jonathon Rendina and J T. Parsons
Factors Influencing the Choice of a Safe Haven for Offloading Illegally Caught Fish: a Comparative Analysis of Developed and Developing Economies, Nerea Marteache, Julie S. Viollaz, and Gohar A. Petrossian
Factors of Annual Reproductive Success in North American Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica erythrogaster) in Shared Greenspace, Joseph Czeisel
Facts about Women in Higher Education, The Feminist Press
Facts about Women in Higher Education, The Feminist Press
Fact Sheet on Women's Studies Programs in 1977, Florence Howe and Frances Kelley
Faculty need to reclaim narrative on higher education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Faculty retention becoming a serious issue, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Failures require new thoughts on crime, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Fair Chase: A Cinematic Essay on Hunting in the Northeast U.S., Rahul Chadha
Fair Use as Creative Muse: An Ongoing Case Study, Malin Abrahamsson and Stephanie Margolin
Fake universities are not necessarily a rarity, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Famed Communities: Trojan Origins, Nationalism, and the Question of Europe in Early Modern England, Joseph Bowling
Family–School Partnerships and the Missing Voice of Parents, Laura R. Stein
Fantasy Autobiography, Jayashree Kamble
Farewell to Joan Malory Webber, Nancy Nowik
Fathers' Time Investments in Children: Do Sons Get More?, Kristin Mammen
Feeling as Knowing: Trans Phenomenology and Epistemic Justice, B. Lee Aultman
Feeling Canadian: Television, Nationalism, and Affect, Gordon Alley-Young
Female Autistic Perspectives: Limits in Diagnosis and Understanding, Alexandra Helmers
Female role models in Bukusu folktales: Education at the mother’s hearth, Namulundah Florence
Feminism at a Rural University: A Report from the University of Idaho, Cheri Register
Feminism Under and After Franco: Success and Failure in the Democratic Transition, Kathryn L. Mahaney
Feminist Community Education at the NWSA Convention, Betsy Brinson
Feminist History Exam, The Feminist Press
Feminist Medea Premieres, The Feminist Press
Feminist Periodicals, Barbara Parker
Feminist Press Author Reveals Identity, Mary Howell
Feminist Press Children's Books: Past, Present, and Future, The Feminist Press
Feminist Publishing in Israel, Marcia Freedman
Feminist Science Fiction W/ Marleen S. Barr, Erin Bagwell and Marleen S. Barr
Fhf2 gene deletion causes temperature-sensitive cardiac conduction failure, David S. Park, Akshay Shekhar, Christopher Marra, Xianming Lin, Carolina Vasquez, Sergio Solinas, Kevin Kelley, Gregory Morley, Mitchell Goldfarb, and Glenn I. Fishman
FHF-independent conduction of action potentials along the leak-resistant cerebellar granule cell axon, Katarzyna Dover, Christopher Marra, Sergio Solinas, Marko Popovic, Sathyaa Subramaniyam, Dejan Zecevic, Egidio D'Angelo, and Mitchell Goldfarb
Fibronectin and androgen receptor expression data in prostate cancer obtained from a RNA-sequencing bioinformatics analysis, Dibash K. Das, Thahmina Ali, Konstantinos Krampis, and Olorunseun O. Ogunwobi
Fields attempting to rescue indigenous traditions, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Fighting Fire with Fire: Reinvigorating the Language of American Universities, Aaron Barlow
Fighting for Justice, Anuz Thapa
Fighting the 'Cold Civil War' Or The Inadvertent Epic Involving Roseanne and Valerie and Samantha and Ivanka, Marleen S. Barr
Final Call: Rank-and-File Rebellion in New York City, 1965-1975, Glenn D. Dyer
Finding and Studying Lesbian Culture, Toni McNaron
Finding Light in the Caves: Achieving Professional and Personal Bliss on a Journey in Cheeseworld, Mitchell Bleier
Finding New Forms: Student Autonomy in a Patriarchal University, Barbara Hillyer Davis
Finding Paths via Quantum Systems and Its Application for Quantum Algorithms, Daniel S. Koch
Finding the Beat: From Socially Coordinated Vocalizations in Songbirds to Rhythmic Entrainment in Humans, Jonathan I. Benichov, Eitan Globerson, and Ofer Tchernichovski
FIQWS 10105 Killer Stories Composition, Caroline M. Cooper Ms.
FIQWS 10113 Composition for Creative Expression- Narrative Medicine, Julia R. Brown
FIQWS Fall 2018: Phase 2 Assignment Prompt The Exploratory Essay, Sabina Pringle and Missy Watson
FIQWS Language and Literacy: Linguistic Myths and Realities, Emily Miller and Missy Watson
FIQWS Language and Literacy: Mine/Yours/Ours/Theirs, Missy Watson
FIQWS: Writing and Social Justice, Thomas Peele and Caitlin Geoghan
First trimester medication abortion practice in the United States and Canada, Heidi E. Jones, Katharine O'Connell White, Wendy V. Norman, Edith Guilbert, E. Steve Lichtenberg, and Maureen Paul
Flexible Loyalties: How Malleable Are Bicultural Loyalties?, Andy Y. Chiou and Brittany K. Mercado
Flicker Free Animation Using VRay Presentation, Mi Tsung Chang
Floquet Topological Insulators for Sound, Romain Fleury, Alexander B. Khanikaev, and Andrea Alu
FLP-1 neuropeptides modulate sensory and motor circuits in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, Ingrid Buntschuh, Daniel A. Raps, Ivor Joseph, Christopher Reid, Alexander Chait, Raubern Totanes, Michelle Sawh, and Chris Li
Flying squirrel is seldom seen, often misunderstood member of Arkansas wildlife, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Thomas S. Risch
Focus on Extreme Events and the Carbon Cycle, Chuixiang Yi, Elise Pendall, and Philippe Ciais
Food Network Fallout: Why There Are Labor Shortages in Restaurant Kitchens, Jennifer M. Dillon
Food Plight, Pauliina Siniauer, Rahimon Nasa, Lizeth Beltran, and Jeremy Ibarra
Footnotes to Footnotes: Whitehead's Plato, Nathan Oglesby
“For a Long Time Our Voices have been Hushed”: Using Student Perspectives to Develop Supports for Neurodiverse College Students, Kristen Gillepsie-Lynch, Dennis Bublitz, Annemarie Donachie, Vincent Wong, Patricia J. Brooks, and Joanne D'Onofrio
For an Afghan Minority US Involvement has been a Blessing and a Curse, Sharif Hassan
For Better, For Worse: The Effect of Maternity Leave Policy on Divorce Rates, Toni S. Forde
Force Sensitivity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Flocculins, Cho X. Chan, Sofiane El-Kirat-Chatel, Ivor G. Joseph, Desmond N. Jackson, Caleen B. Ramsook, Yves F. Dufrêne, and Peter N. Lipke
Forecasting the Senate vote on the Supreme Court vacancy, Scott J. Basinger and Maxwell Mak
Foregrounding the Research Log in Information Literacy Instruction, Louise R. Fluk
Forensic Analysis of Fiber Dyes via Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Mircea A. Comanescu
Forensics far more than what’s seen on TV, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Forgetting ACT UP, Alexandra Juhasz
Former ESTL mayor gives back to alma mater, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
For-profit colleges impact democracy, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
For the Teacher, Mary Grunwald
For Truckenbrod, being a soprano is hard work, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
“For Us, By Us": The Boondocks, Black Agency, and Black Spatial Reclamation in Comics, Luana Horry
For Vogrin, creative writing is a way of life, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Fostering Liberatory Teaching: A Proposal for Revising Instructional Assessment Practices, Jane E. Hindman
Four Legs Good, Two Legs Bad: How Slaughterhouse Safety Hasn’t Kept Up With the Times, Emily Ziemski
Framing the Question, "Who Governs the Internet?", Robert J. Domanski
Franz Roh and Visual Juxtaposition in Foto-Auge, Irini Zervas
Fraud detections for online businesses: a perspective from blockchain technology, Yuanfeng Cai and Dan Zhu
Free Energy-Based Virtual Screening and Optimization of RNase H Inhibitors of HIV‑1 Reverse Transcriptase, Baofeng Zhang, Michael P. D'Erasmo, Ryan P. Murelli, and Emilio Gallicchio
Free to Serve? Emergency Food and Volunteer Labor in the Urban U.S., Maggie Dickinson
French roots go deep in U.S., St. Louis history, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Frequently endorsed cognitive and physical activities among community-dwelling older adults, Valdiva G. da Silva, Tangeria R. Adams, Joshua Fogel, Mindy J. Katz, Krystal E. Mendez, and Laura A. Rabin
Freshman Composition Final Portfolio Assignment, Laura B. Rizzo and MIssy Watson
Frey-Spurlock studies women’s roles in society, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Frick teaches about women in the renaissance, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
From Amherst to The Other Side: The Integration of Emily Dickinson into the Italian Consciousness, Mia Jozwick
From Bulls to Music: Social, Religious, and Economic Aspects of a Pilgrimage to Nuestra Señora, La Vírgen de Altagracia, Angelina Tallaj
From College to Careers: Tracking the First Two Years for Graphic Design Graduates, Kathryn Weinstein
From Departure to Destination. Reminiscences of the Weissman School of Arts and Sciences., Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Gary Hentzi
From Establishment to Final Independence: A Study of the National Archives of the United States of America from 1934–1985, Daniel M. Frett
From Fear to Reverie: Incidents in Isolation in the American Wilderness, Serhiy Metenko
From Gorbachev to the Present: Russian Migration to the United States, Kate Slavashevich
From Humiliation to Epiphany: The Role of Onstage Spaces in T. S. Eliot’s Middle Plays, Ria Banerjee
From Mass Incarceration to Mass Education: Fostering Collaboration Between State Prisons and State Universities, Miriam Edwin
From Prison to Homeless Shelter: Camp LaGuardia and the Political Economy of an Urban Infrastructure, Christian D. Siener
From Sensory Perception to Lexical-Semantic Processing: An ERP Study in Non-Verbal Children with Autism, Chiara Cantiani, Naseem A. Choudhury, Yan H. Yu, Valerie L. Shafer, Richard G. Schwartz, and April A. Benasich
From Tenement To Trendy, John Friia
From the National Office, Elaine Reuben
From the National Office, Elaine Reuben
From the Scenes of Queens: Genre, AIDS and Queer Love, Alexandra Juhasz
Frontiers of Conditional Logic, Yale Weiss
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Front Matter, The Feminist Press
Functional Interactions of tau, Pin1, p53 and mRNA 3′ Processing Factors in Non-Neuronal Cells, Jorge E. Baquero
Functional Isolation: Understanding isolation in trafficking survivors, Liz Mahan
Fundamental Chemistry Related to the Separations and Coordination of Actinium-225, Thorium-227, and Technetium-99, Jasmine L. Hatcher
Funding science with science (and, admittedly, a lot of math), John R. Ziegler, Dylan Hunzeker, and Edward Lehner
Fund-raising challenges on horizon for schools, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Gait changes in a line of mice artificially selected for longer limbs, Leah M. Sparrow, Emily Pellattt, Sabrina S. Yu, David A. Raichlen, Herman Pontzer, and Campbell Rolian
Galois Groups of Differential Equations and Representing Algebraic Sets, Eli Amzallag
Gander thinks we need more civility in public discourse, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Gastrointestinal safety, chemotherapeutic potential, and classic pharmacological profile of NOSH-naproxen (AVT-219) a dual NO- and H2S-releasing hybrid, Mitali Chattopadhyay, Ravinder Kodela, Pascale L. Duvalsaint, and Khosrow Kashfi
Gateway to Sucess Bronx Community College of the City University of New York Catalog 1998-2000, CUNY Bronx Community College
Gender and Terrorism: A Homeland Security Perspective, Diana Rosa Rodriguez-Spahia
Gendered Violence: An Analysis of State Legal Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Amongst Refugee Women, Maria Sigalas
Gendering Flexicurity: The Effects of Flexicurity on Gender Equality, Szu-Ying Ho
Gene coexpression network analysis of fruit transcriptomes uncovers a possible mechanistically distinct class of sugar/acid ratio-associated genes in sweet orange, Liang Qiao, Minghao Cao, Jian Zheng, Yihong Zhao, and Zhi-Liang Zheng
General Acceptance among Experts of Eyewitness Research Findings: Sources of Influence, Sneha Suresh
General Biology 1 Lab Manual (BIO1101L), Jeremy Seto
Generalizing Liouville-type Problems for Differential 1-Forms from Lq Spaces to Non-Lq Spaces, Lina Wu and Ye Li
Generating the Pipeline: Addressing Bias in Recruiting and Hiring, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Generation of flower high-order Poincaré sphere laser beams from a spatial light modulator, T. H. Lu, T. D. Huang, J. G. Wang, L. W. Wang, and Robert R. Alfano
Genesis and growth of extracellular vesicle-derived microcalcification in atherosclerotic plaques, Joshua D. Hutcheson, Claudia Goettsch, Sergio Bertazzo, Natalia Maldonado, Jessica L. Ruiz, Wilson Goh, Katsumi Yabusaki, Tyler Faits, Carlijn Bouten, Gregory Franck, Thibaut Quillard, Peter Libby, Masanori Aikawa, Sheldon Weinbaum, and Elena Aikawa
Genetical, morphological and behavioral studies on the evolutionary biology of the Astyanax species complex of Middle America, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Genetic Basis of Larval Crystal Cell Quantity Variation in the Drosophila Genetic Reference Panel (DGRP), Brian Tang
Genetics answers questions and raises more, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Genetic Signatures of a Demographic Collapse in a Large-Bodied Forest Dwelling Primate (Mandrillus Leucophaeus), Nelson Ting, Christos Astaras, Gail Hearn, Shaya Honarvar, Joel Corush, Andrew S. Burrell, Naomi Phillips, Bethan J. Morgan, Elizabeth L. Gadsby, Ryan L. Raaum, and Christian Roos
Gentrification in Northern Queens? Demographic and Socioeconomic Transformations in Jackson Heights and Corona, 1990 - 2016, Lawrence Cappello
Gentrification in Upper Manhattan? Demographic and Socioeconomic Transformations in Washington Heights/Inwood, 1990 - 2015, Lawrence Cappello
Gentrification & The Cultural Identity of Harlem, William Gibbons
Geography is not just for memorizing capitals, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Geography more than just maps and capitals, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Geography of Harlem Quiz, William Gibbons
Geometry and Analysis of some Euler-Arnold Equations, Jae Min Lee
Geospatial Resolution of Human and Bacterial Diversity with City-Scale Metagenomics, Ebrahim Afshinnekoo, Cem Meydan, Shanin Chowdhury, Dyala Jaroudi, Collin Boyer, Nick Bernstein, Julia M. Maritz, Darryl Reeves, Jorge Gandara, Sagar Chhangawala, Sofia Ahsanuddin, Amber Simmons, Timothy Nessel, Bharathi Sundaresh, Elizabeth Pereira, Ellen Jorgensen, Sergios-Orestis Kolokotronis, Nell Kirchberger, Isaac Garcia, David Gandara, Sean Dhanraj, Tanzina Nawrin, Yogesh Saletore, Noah Alexander, Priyanka Vijay, Elizabeth M. Hénaff, Paul Zumbo, Michael Walsh, Gregory D. O'Mullan, Scott Tighe, Joel T. Dudley, Anya Dunaif, Sean Ennis, Eoghan O'Halloran, Tiago R. Magalhaes, Braden Boone, Angela L. Jones, Theodore R. Muth, Katie Schneider Paolantonio, Elizabeth Alter, Eric E. Schadt, Jeanne Garbarino, Robert J. Prill, Jane M. Carlton, Shawn Levy, and Christopher E. Mason
Gharib Addresses Sexism and the Decline of Media, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Gift, Lang Zhang
GIS Project Management, Jochen Albrecht
Glass polymorphism in glycerol–water mixtures: I. A computer simulation study, David A. Jahn, Jessina Wong, Johannes Bachler, Thomas Loerting, and Nicolas Giovambattista
Glass polymorphism in Glycerol–water mixtures: II. Experimental studies, Johannes Bachler, Violeta Fuentes-Landete, David A. Jahn, Jessina Wong, Nicolas Giovambattista, and Thomas Loerting
Global Pretrial Detention Use: A Cross-National Analysis, Martin Schönteich
Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency and Physical and Mental Health until Adolescence, Man Ki Kwok, Gabriel M. Leung, and C. Mary Schooling
Glycomics for Microbes and Microbiologists, Peter N. Lipke
Goebl-Parker administers cure with art therapy, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
"Going National" Together, Ann Fitzgerald
Goldstein Sees a Bright Future for Organizational Psychology, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Gradient Estimation for Attractor Networks, Thomas Flynn
Graduate Programs in Women's Studies, The Feminist Press
Graduate Programs in Women's Studies, The Feminist Press
Graduate students need advisement on life, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Graphs of bounded degree and the p-harmonic boundary, Michael J. Puls
Grass Roots Women's Studies: Chicago, Cathy N. Davidson
Grass Roots Women's Studies: Kansas City, Missouri, Betty Burnett
Grass Roots Women's Studies: Piedmont, North Carolina, Mollie C. Davis
Grass Roots Women's Studies: South Carolina, Leslie Todd and Linda Todd
Grass Roots Women's Studies: Southern Missouri, Betty Burnett
Grass Roots Women's Studies: The Nashua, New Hampshire Area, Jeannine Dobbs
Grass Roots Women's Studies: Wisconsin Women in the Arts, Estella Lauter
Green card veterans - deported and forgotten, Vicki Adame
Greenpeace en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Greer Studies, Teaches How to Improve Medicines, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Group hosting roundtables to discuss changing deltas. ASU scholars joining top universities with experiment, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Guest Editorial, The Feminist Press
Guest Editorial, Elaine Reuben
Guidelines on Hiring Women Historians in Academia: Committee on Women Historians, American Historical Association, The Feminist Press
GUITAR SUITE, Stephanie Boyer
Gun violence requires better prevention, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Gussie Klorer uses art to help children heal, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Gut Microbiome Analyses of Lone Star, Black-Legged and Dog Ticks, William Bennett and Jeremy Seto
Habit Formation in Active Avoidance, Kelsey J. Burke
Habitual coffee consumption and risk of type 2 diabetes, ischemic heart disease, depression and Alzheimer’s disease: a Mendelian randomization study, Man Ki Kwok, Gabriel M. Leung, and C. Mary Schooling
¿Hablar de contaminación?: sí, pero con prudencia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hace un siglo que partió el barco oceanográfico Challenger, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
‘Haciendas and Plantations’: History and limitations of a 60-year-old taxonomy, Marc Edelman
Hackathons as Co-optation Ritual: Socializing Workers and Institutionalizing Innovation in the “New” Economy, Sharon Zukin and Max Papadantonakis
Hair is The Root of a Revolution: How Black Women Are Embracing Their Identity With Hair, Shanel Dawson
Half a Mile to Hope, Ryan Kelley
Hall of American Artists Collection, 1923-73, Allen Thomas and Cynthia Tobar
Halogen activation via interactions with environmental ice and snow in the polar lower troposphere and other regions, J. P. D. Abbatt, J. L. Thomas, K. Abrahamsson, Chris Boxe, A. Granfors, A. E. Jones, M. D. King, A. Saiz-Lopez, P. B. Shepson, J. Sodeau, D. W. Toohey, C. Toubin, R. von Glasow, S. N. Wren, and X. Yang
Hamad studies, teaches properties of light, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ha muerto a la edad de 101 años William Coolidge, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Han de estar la ciencia y la religión necesariamente enfrentadas?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hand Issues on Scleroderma Patients, Ana Font Hernandez
Hansen probes little-known aspects of Lincoln, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Han sido publicados los resultados de la experiencia “Tektite II”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hanson brings realism to theater productions, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hardware Based Testing of Communication Based Control for DC Microgrid, Mahmoud Saleh, Yusef Esa, and Ahmed Mohamed
Harris studies African-American moments, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hashtag Activism and Why #BlackLivesMatter In (And To) the Classroom, Prudence Cumberbatch and Nicole Trujillo-Pagán
Ha sido clausurado el X Congreso de la FIAQCT, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Haunted Stories, Haunted Selves: Ghosts in Latin American Jewish Literature, Charlotte Gartenberg
Hayek y ambientalismo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hazmat Storage Near NYC Waterways Endangers Communities, Brett E. Dahlberg and Nicole Acevedo
Healing through language: Positive Physical Health Effects of Indigenous Language Use, D. H. Whalen, Margaret Moss, and Daryl Baldwin
Health Beliefs and Parenting Attitudes Influence Breastfeeding Patterns Among Low-income African-American women, Phyllis W. Sharpe, Ayman A.E. El-Mohandes, M. Nabil El-Khorazaty, Michele Kiely, and Tessa Walker
Healthcare: An Industry Unlike Any Other Goes Global, Lilac Nachum
Healthcare Coverage in the United States and New York Metropolitan Area, 2009 - 2015, Andrew S. Alger
Health communication closely tied to culture, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Healthy People Are Bad for Capitalism, Eri King
Hearing Loss and Third Party Disability: A Systematic Review, Kathleen H. Wallace
Heil studies terrorism, sex trafficking in U.S, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Heinrich Schenker as an Interpreter of Beethoven's Piano Sonatas, William Rothstein
Heterometallic titanium–gold complexes inhibit renal cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, Jacob Fernandez-Gallardo, Benelita T. Elie, Tanmoy Sadhukha, Swayam Prabha, Mercedes Sanau, Susan A. Rotenberg, Joe W. Ramos, and Maria Contel
He wanted to know them all: Eigenmann and his blind vertebrates, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hicks studies power, problems of the media, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hierarchical Meta-Analysis: A Simulation Study Comparing Classical Random Effects and Fully Bayesian Methods, Nancy R. Andiloro
High-di-High-di-High-di-High, Low-di-Low-di-Low-di-Low, Daniel Figueredo
Higher ed facing stagnation in the years to come, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher ed is in need of fresh ideas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education and immigration, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education becoming a political issue, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education being haunted by zombies, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education distortions enter into debates, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education faces quagmire with distance education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education fundraisers react to new realities, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education has had better years, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education needs high-profile celebrities, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education needs to listen better, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education needs to reassess its leadership, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Higher education should monitor its students, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
High Fructose Corn Syrup Induces Metabolic Dysregulation and Altered Dopamine Signaling in the Absence of Obesity, Allison M. Meyers, Devry Mourra, and Jeff A. Beeler
Highly Skilled Immigration in the United States in An Age of Globalization: An Institutional and Agency Approach, Marcela F. González
Hikchhiking: Europe '68, Aaron Barlow
Hildebrandt teaches lessons about tornadoes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hispanic Residential Ethnic Density and Depression in Post-Acute Coronary Syndrome Patients: Re-Thinking the Role of Social Support, Ellen-ge Denton, Jonathan A. Shaffer, Carmela Alcantra, Lynn Clemow, and Elizabeth Denton
Histomorphology of trauma in charred and decomposed remains, Mariya Bezugly
Historian studies World War I-era lynching, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Historical Effects of Electronic Interfaces, G James Mitchell
Historical Perspective on Performance Budgeting: Performance Budgeting in the United States before 1960, Dan Williams
History of Caribbean whaling is being written in Arkansas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Hitchcock Studies the Working Class in Literature, Cinema, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
HIV Glycoprotein Gp120 Impairs Fast Axonal Transport by Activating Tak1 Signaling Pathways, Sarah H. Berth, Nichole Mesnard-Hoaglin, Bin Wang, Hajwa Kim, Yuyu Song, Maria Sapar, Gerardo Morfini, and Scott T. Brady
HMGT 4702: Hospitality Services Marketing & Management, Course Outline, Ellen (Heejun) Kim
Holography for Field Theory Solitons, Sophia K. Domokos and Andrew B. Royston
Home-based pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) services for gay and bisexual men: An opportunity to address barriers to PrEP uptake and persistence, Steven A. John, H Jonathon Rendina, Christina Grov, and Jeffrey T. Parsons
Honoring The South African Khoi-Khoi People, The Crew of the S.S. Mendi and Xhosa Poet S.E.K Mqhayi Through Translation, Denise MacQuire
Hot and cold executive functions in pure opioid users undergoing methadone maintenance treatment: Effects of methadone dose, treatment duration, and time between last methadone administration and testing, Usha Barahmand, E. Tavakolian, A. Khazaee, and K. Mohammadi
Housing Affordability in New York City, Krystel Campuzano, Abraham Gonzalez, and Wenderlin Gomez
Housing and Community Development, Yana Kucheva
How and Where to Make a Fortune: Mapping the Fictions of Economic Mobility through Work in British Literature, 1719-1809, Heather Zuber
How CUNY Students Create and Negotiate Learning Spaces, Maura A. Smale and Mariana Regalado
How do musicians evaluate their musical performances? The impact of positive and negative information from normative, ipsative, and expectation standards, Ellen-ge Denton and William F. Chaplin
How important are those college rankings?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
How income and food prices influence global dietary intakes by age and sex: evidence from 164 countries, Andrew Muhammad, Anna D'Souza, Birgit Meade, Renata Micha, and Dariush Mozaffarian
How Lucille Ball Fought the Patriarchy, While Lucy Ricardo (Indirectly) Contributed to Second-Wave (White) Feminism, Anam Rana Afzal
How many lightbulbs does it take to change the financial system? Economic ideas and financial regulation, 1846–2007, Michael Lee
"How Mature Are We? The Enduring Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr.'s 'Beyond Vietnam' Speech", Kristopher B. Burrell
How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution, Brad Jon Schoenfeld and Alan Albert Aragon
How people learn English as second language, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
How the Egg Rolls: A Morphological Analysis of Egg Shape in the Context of Displacement Dynamics, Ian R. Hays
How the “Greatest Rapper Alive” Returned Hip Hop to its Political Roots, Meeran Karim
How the ‘Sidewalks of New York’ Came to Maryknoll, Janet Butler Munch
How to Develop Film, Patterson Beckwith
How to make higher public education free, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
How to Read Aloud to Deaf Children and Young Adults, Sue Livingston and Maureen Collins
HQ 1100 - HQ 1870: A Librarian's View of the Second NWSA Convention, Linda Parker
Humanities and the pursuit of happiness, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Human Rights Litigation Against Corporations After Jesner v. Arab Bank, Patrick C. Reed
Humboldt’s alleged subterranean fish from Ecuador, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Kelly M. Paulson
Humboldt State University: 1982 Convention Site/June 16-20, 1982, Suzanne Larson, Barbara Parker, and Florence House
Hydrocarbon Reaction Experiment [Chemistry], Kevin Mark
Hydrodynamic loading in concomitance with exogenous cytokine stimulation modulates differentiation of bovine mesenchymal stem cells towards osteochondral lineages, Stephen M. Goldman and Gilda A. Barabino
“I Am Going to College…Now What?!”: Becoming a College Student, Renata Strashnaya
"I am what I am": Multilingual identity and digital translanguaging, Brooke R. Schreiber
Ibroscheva looks at how the media portrays women, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
“I could study anywhere, as long as I could sit I’ll study:” Student Spaces and Pathways at the City University of New York, Maura A. Smale and Mariana Regalado
Identification and Quantification of Cyanide and its Metabolites in Lemur Urine, Jeremy Peralta
Identification and quantitation of 3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methylamphetamine (MDMA, ecstasy) in human urine by 1H NMR spectroscopy. Application to five cases of intoxication, Jonathan Liu, John Decatur, Gloria Proni, and Elise Champeil
Identification of Animal Species by Utilization of Processed Remains, Melissa I. Gaud
Identification, validation, and targeting of the mutant p53- PARP-MCM chromatin axis in triple negative breast cancer, Wei-Gang Qiu, Alla Polotskaia, Gu Xiao, Lia Di, Yuhan Zhao, Wenwei Hu, John Philip, Ronald C. Hendrickson, and Jill Bargonetti
Identity requires more than just citizenship, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
If #MeToo Came True: Author Marleen Barr and K-B Have a Chat, Kit-Bacon Gressitt and Marleen S. Barr
IFN-g Induces Histone 3 Lysine 27 Trimethylation in a Small Subset of Promoters to Stably Silence Gene Expression in Human Macrophages, Yu Qiao, Kyuho Kang, Eugenia Giannopoulou, Celeste Fang, and Lionel B. Ivashkiv
I Know You Are, But What Am I?: The Language of Trauma and Identity Formation in Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway and Vladimir Nabokov’s Lolita, Claire A. Setton
“I’ll Come Back and Break Your Spell”: Narrative Freedom and Genre in The Haunting of Hill House, Hilarie Ashton
Illegitimate Tasks as an Impediment to Job Satisfaction and Intrinsic Motivation: Moderated Mediation Effects of Gender and Effort-Reward Imbalance, Rachel Omansky, Erin M. Eatough, and Marcus J. Fila
Images of Women in Medieval Literature: A Selected Bibliography, Susan Schibanoff
Images of Women in Renaissance Literature: A Selected Bibliography of Scholarship, Elizabeth H. Hageman
Imagination or Proof: The Use of Imagery and False Evidence in Eliciting Internalized False Confessions, Kendall McMillen
Imaging thermal conductivity with nanoscale resolution using a scanning spin probe, Abdelghani Laraoui, Halley Aycock-Rizzo, Yang Gao, Xi Lu, Elisa Riedo, and Carlos A. Meriles
Immediate Blood Draw for CD4+ Cell Count Is Associated with Linkage to Care in Durban, South Africa: Findings from Pathways to Engagement in HIV Care, Susie Hoffman, Theresa M. Exner, Naomi Lince-Deroche, Cheng-Shiun Leu, Jessica L. Phillip, Elizabeth A. Kelvin, Anisha D. Gandhi, Bruce Levin, Dinesh Singh, Joanne E. Mantell, Kelly Blanchard, and Gita Ramjee
Immigration and the Public-Private School Choice, Lidia Farre, Francesc Ortega, and Ryuichi Tanaka
Impact of Clustering Microgrids on Their Stability and Resilience during Blackouts, Mahmoud S. Saleh, Ammar Althaibani, Yusef Esa, Yassine Mhandi, and Ahmed Mohamed
Impact of Health Policy Changes on Emergency Medicine in Maryland Stratified by Socioeconomic Status, Laura Pimentel, David Anderson, Bruce Golden, Edward Wasil, Fermin Barreuto, and Jon M. Hirshon
Impact of heatwave on a megacity: an observational analysis of New York City during July 2016, Prathap Ramamurthy, Jorge Gonzalez, Luis E. Ortiz, Mark Arend, and Fred Moshary
Impact of Neurodevelopmental Genes on the Trajectory of ADHD Severity: A Pilot Study, Agnieszka Mlodnicka
Impact of particle shape on electron transport and lifetime in zinc oxide nanorod-based dye-sensitized solar cells, Roger Chang, Kemakorn Ithisuphalap, and Ilona Kretzschmar
Impacts of Antepartum Health Status and Health Insurance Coverage, Anjelica Gangaram
Impacts of Climate Extremes on Terrestrial Productivity, Suhua Wei
Implementing an mHealth system for substance use disorders in primary care: a mixed methods study of clinicians’ initial expectations and first year experiences, Marie-Louise Mares, David H. Gustafson, Joseph E. Glass, Andrew Quanbeck, Helene McDowell, Fiona McTavish, Amy K. Atwood, Lisa A. Marsch, Chanetelle Thomas, Dhavan Shah, Randall Brown, Andrew Isham, Mary Jane Nealon, and Victoria Ward
Implicit prosody and cue-based retrieval: L1 and L2 agreement and comprehension during reading, Elizabeth Pratt and Eva M. Fernández
Impresiones del hombre de la calle en torno al I Symposium “Luz y Visión”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Impressions of Kansas, MaryJo Wagner
Improved genome-scale multitarget virtual screening via a novel collaborative filtering approach to cold-start problem, Hansaim Lim, Paul Gray, Lei Xie, and Aleksandar Poleksic
Improved parental dietary quality is associated with children’s dietary intake through the home environment, Karen R. Flórez, A. S. Richardson, M. B. Ghosh-Dastidar, R. Beckman, C. Huang, L. Wagner, and T. Dubowitz
Improved Student Outcomes in Biological Psychology Courses Through Scaffolded Reading and Writing Assignments., Jillian Grose-Fifer and Christopher Davis-Ferreira
Improving Disciplinary Literacy in an Electronics Course, Ohbong Kwon, Juanita C. But, and Sunghoon Jang
IMRAD Content Structure for Research Papers, Literary Reviews, and Abstracts for Science Writing, Debra Williams
“I’m the greatest”: Pride, Impression Management, and Denial of Coercive Control And Physical Abuse by Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence, Benjamin Reissman, Kendra Doychak M.A., Angela Crossman Ph.D., and Chitra Raghavan Ph.D.
In Anthropocene Air: Deleuze's Encounter with Shakespeare, Steven Swarbrick
In Brownsville, a Struggle for Revitalization Without Displacement, Katherine Warren
Incentives to change: effects of performance-based financing on health workers in Zambia, Gordon C. Shen, Ha Thi Hong Nguyen, Ashis Das, Nkenda Sachingongu, Collins Chansa, Jumana Qamruddin, and Jed Friedman
Inching Closer: Life on the Sinking Island of Ghoramara, Anjani Kapoor
Incorporation and Evaluation of Authentic Research Experiences into the Curriculum through Development of a Theory of Action, Pamela Brown, Tammie Cumming, and Joan D. Pasley
Increasing Access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Among Transgender Women and Trans Feminine Non-Binary Individuals in New York City, Augustus Klein
Increasing Student-Teacher Interactions at an Urban Commuter Campus through Instant Messaging and Online Office Hours, Nathan H. Lents and Oscar E. Cifuentes
In Defense of AID, Kathleen A. Staudt
In Defense of Sarah Lawrence College, Joan Kelly-Gadol, Sheila Tobias, Gerda Lerner, Florence Howe, and Catharine R. Stimpson
Individual Differences in Stimulus Frequency Otoacoustic Emission Phase, Joshua J. Hajicek
Ineficiencia del Estado y participación social, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Inequalities for women take a toll on everyone, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Inferring personal economic status from social network location, Shaojun Luo, Flaviano Morone, Carlos Sarraute, Matias Travizano, and Hernan A. Makse
Inflammation and bone mineral density: A Mendelian randomization study, Jian V. Huang and C. Mary Schooling
Influence of Advection on Measurements of the Net Ecosystem-Atmosphere Exchange of CO2 from a Very Tall Tower, Chuixiang Yi, Kenneth J. Davis, Peter S. Bakwin, Bernard W. Berger, and Linsey C. Marr
Influence of Perceived Stress on Dressing and Eating Behaviors of Chinese Female University Students Residing in the United States, Alyssa Dana Dana Adomaitis, Kandiah Jayanthi, Diana Saiki, and Kiya Dues
Influence of the Silk Road Trade on the Craniofacial Morphology of Populations in Central Asia, Ayesha Yasmeen Hinedi
Infodynamics: A Naturalistic Psychosemantics, Daniel E. Weissglass
Information Content, Charge Transport Properties, and Computational Capacities of Proteins, Joseph Murphy Brisendine Jr.
Inherit the Wind: Formal Essay [Liberal Arts], Luke Cardaio and Ian Alberts
Iniciativas de manejo costero en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
In Memoriam: Edward O. Keith, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
In Memoriam: Herbert L. Needleman (1927-2017), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Innervation of Gill Lateral Cells in the Bivalve Mollusc Crassostrea virginica Affects Cellular Membrane Potential and Cilia Activity, Edward J. Catapane, Michael Nelson, Trevon Adams, and Margaret A. Carroll
Innovation Under Stress, Zhaojun Huang
Input and Output in the Acquisition of Russian as a Heritage Language During the Third Year of Life, Ekaterina V. Kistanova
In Review: Fundamentals of Library Supervision, Third Edition, David J. Williams
In Review The Self as Subject: Autoethnographic Research into Identity, Culture and Academic Librarianship, Lisa Finder
In search of the elusive “eyeless” cave fish of Trinidad, W.I, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Joel E. Creswell
Insects and humans share a complex history, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Insecure Hegemony: The Cultural Construction of 'Righteous Retaliation' in the Hunt for Osama bin Laden, Marisa Tramontano
Inside the Aviary, Nikki Mehle
Inside the grassroots money machine, Elizabeth Tung
Insights into the binding mode of MEK type-III inhibitors. A step towards discovering and designing allosteric kinase inhibitors across the human kinome, Zheng Zhao, Lei Xie, and Philip E. Bourne
Insights into the Molecular Antiviral Mechanism of Pokeweed Protein from Phytolacca americana, Valentina R. Aitbakieva and Artem V. Domashevskiy
Instances of Influenza in the United States Visualized, Parth Patel
Instituting Protest (FILM), Joshua Eisenberg
Institutional Quality and Illicit Financial Flows in Developing and Developed Countries: An Empirical Assessment, Zin Kyaw Lin
In Storrs, Connecticut, Without a Pass, or Why High School Teachers Need NWSA, Rita M. Kissen
Insurgent Difference: An Ethnography of an Indian Resource Frontier, Madhuri Karak
Insurgent Knowledge: The Poetics and Pedagogy of Toni Cade Bambara, June Jordan, Audre Lorde, and Adrienne Rich in the Era of Open Admissions, Danica B. Savonick
Integrated Systems Biology Analysis of Transcriptomes Reveals Candidate Genes for Acidity Control in Developing Fruits of Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck), Dingquang Huang, Yihong Zhao, Minghao Cao, Liang Qiao, and Zhi-Liang Zheng
Integrating Human Factors Engineering and Information Processing Approaches to Facilitate Evaluations in Criminal Justice Technology Research, Anthony V. Salvemini, Eric L. Piza, Jeremy G. Carter, Eric L. Grommon, and Nancy Merritt
Integrating Social Determinants of Health With Treatment and Prevention: A New Tool to Assess Local Area Deprivation, Andrew R. Maroko, Thao M. Doan, Peter S. Arno, Megan Hubel, Shirley Yi, and Deborah Viola
Integrating Women into the Liberal Arts Curriculum: Some Results of "A Modest Survey", Ann Froines
Integration of BMP and Insulin/IGF-1 Signaling Regulates Multiple Homeostatic Functions in Caenorhabditis elegans, James F. Clark
Interaction between the Stress Phase Angle (SPA) and the Oscillatory Shear Index (OSI) Affects Endothelial Cell Gene Expression, Ronny Amaya, Limary M. Cancel, and John M. Tarbell
Interactive Whiteboards in Library Instruction: Facilitating Student Engagement and Active Learning, Maureen Richards, Marta Bladek, and Karen Okamoto
Interdisciplinary programs are in vogue, but are they “scholarly?”, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Interdisciplinary Studies of Complex Network and Machine Learning and Its Applications, Shaojun Luo
Interferon-γ Regulates Cellular Metabolism and mRNA Translation to Potentiate Macrophage Activation, Xiaodi Su, Yingpu Yu, Yi Zhong, Eugenia Giannopoulou, Xiaoyu Hu, Hui Liu, Justin R. Cross, Gunnar Rätsch, Charles M. Rice, and Lionel B. Ivashkiv
Intergroup Variability in Personality Recognition, Arundhati Sengupta
Internalized stigma as a barrier to improvement in vocational functioning among people with schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, Philip T. Yanos, Paul Lysaker, and David Roe
International Conservation Leadership and the Challenges of the Nineties, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
International "Feminology" Conference, Barbara Rubin
International News: Changing Children's Literature, The Feminist Press
International News: First National Conference on Women's Studies in India, Florence Howe
International News: Four New Feminist Presses, The Feminist Press
International News: New Feminist Presses, The Feminist Press
International Programming, Peg Strobel
International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition, Alan A. Aragon, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Robert Wildman, Susan Kleiner, Trisha VanDusseldorp, Lem Taylor, Conrad P. Earnest, Paul J. Arciero, Colin Wilborn, Douglas S. Kalman, Jeffrey R. Stout, Darryn S. Willoughby, Bill Campbell, Shawn M. Arent, Laurent Bannock, Abbie E. Smith-Ryan, and Jose Antonio
International society of sports nutrition position stand: nutrient timing, Chad M. Kerksick, Shawn Arent, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Jeffrey R. Stout, Bill Campbell, Colin D. Wilborn, Lem Taylor, Doug Kalman, Abbie E. Smith-Ryan, Richard B. Krieder, Darryn Willoughby, Paul J. Arciero, Trisha A. VanDusseldorp, Michael J. Ormsbee, Robert Wildman, Mike Greenwood, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, Alan A. Aragon, and Jose Antonio
Internet changing life in remote parts of earth, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Interplay between evanescence and disorder in deep subwavelength photonic structures, Hanan Herzig Sheinfux, Ido Kaminer, Azriel Z. Genack, and Mordechai Segev
Interpretation Bias Toward Ambiguous Information in Burnout and Depression, Renzo Bianchi, Eric Laurent, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Jay Verkuilen, and Chantal Berna
In-terracial Conversation, Cheryl Dunye and Alexandra Juhasz
Interrogating the Collective: #Critlib and the Problem of Community, Nora Almeida
Intervention in Sex-Role Socialization, Sandra Stotsky
In the land of the mermaid: how culture, not ecology, influenced marine mammal exploitation in the Southeastern Caribbean, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Joel E. Creswell
Introducing High School Students to the Women's Movement, Sharon Henricks,; Etta Magnusen; and Jodi Wetzel
Introducing Manushi: An Indian Feminist Journal, Tobe Levin
Introduction, Leonore Hoffman
Introduction: History and Conceptual Basis of Assessment in Higher Education, Tammie Cumming and Peter Ewell
Introduction to Anthropology, ANTH 1101, Syllabus, Lisa Pope Fischer
Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel and Lab Report Writing Using LaGCC Institution Data, Kevin Mark
Introduction to Islamic Art & Architecture, Abby M. Kornfeld
Introduction to Media Studies, Gregory Kent Oswald
Introduction to the Arts of Africa, Joshua Cohen
Introduction to Women's Studies: New Textbook Being Developed at Hunter College, Nancy Dean and Sarah B. Pomeroy
Introgressive hybridization in a population of Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae) at La Cueva Chica, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Intro to Theatre Arts, Brandon Judell
Investigaciones para la conservación de zonas áridas y semiáridas en Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Investigating Attitude Change Through Psychoeducational Interventions, Elizabeth Claire Toal
Investigating the Effects of Trans-Spinal Direct Current Stimulation on The Expression of NKCC1 In Mice, Pasindu Weliwaththage
Investigating the Impact of Oxidative Stress on Tetrahymena Thermophila Sirtuin,THD 18, Emmanuel Dubuisson
Investigation of Biogeochemical Mechanisms of Greenhouse Gas Production in the Urban Hudson River Estuary, Brian Alan Brigham
Investigation of Novel Electrolytes for Use in Lithium-Ion Batteries and Direct Methanol Fuel Cells, Kartik Pilar
Investing in Haiti’s Future: CUNY’s Partnership for Student Success, Ashleigh B. Thompson and Cidna R. Valentin
Invisible Invisibility, Eugina Song
Inviting Trouble: The Subversive Potential of the Outsider Within Standpoint, Jane Hindman
In-vivo Imaging of Magnetic Fields Induced by Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) in Human Brain using MRI, Mayank V. Jog, Robert X. Smith, Kay Jann, Walter Dunn, Belen Lafon, Dennis Truong, Allan Wu, Lucas C. Parra, Marom Bikson, and Danny J. J. Wang
Involuntary Sterilization Among HIV-positive Garifuna Women from Honduras Seeking Asylum in the United States: Two Case Reports, Holly G. Atkinson and Deborah Ottenheimer
IOPScience, Michelle Ehrenpreis
Iran Deal Will Impact Higher Ed, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Ireland trip exposes students to turbulent history, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Iron Oxide Nanomagnets in Polymer Matrices – Synthesis and Characterization, Shenjie Qiu
Isabel Archer's "Delicious Pain": Charting Lacanian Desire in The Portrait of a Lady, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Is a Meta-analytic Approach to Burnout’s Prevalence Timely?, Eric Laurent, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, and Renzo Bianchi
Is going cheap choking higher education?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Is Issa Amro the Palestinian Gandhi?, Micah Danney
Isokinetic Dynamometry and 1RM Tests Produce Conflicting Results for Assessing Alterations in Muscle Strength, Paulo Gentil, Fabricio Boscolo Del Vecchio, Antonio Paoli, Brad J. Schoenfeld, and Martim Bottaro
Issues of Race and Class in Women's Studies: A Puerto Rican Woman's Thoughts, Angela Jorge
Issues with diversity on campus continue, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Is the Free Tibet movement a lost cause?, Tsering D. Gurung
Is the Punishment More Certain? An Analysis of CCTV Detections and Enforcement, Eric L. Piza, Joel M. Caplan, and Leslie W. Kennedy
Is Your Campus Included?: "Everywoman's Guide" So Far, The Feminist Press
"I Think of that Mountain as My Maternal Grandmother" Constructing Self and Other through Landscape, Jane Hindman
It’s a Family Affair: Parental Configuration, Educational Attainment, and Race, Sandra Murphy
“It’s a Kind of Killing:” Afghan Refugees in Shadow of the EU Fear They’re Forgotten, Kyle Mackie
“It’s a lot to take in” - Undergraduate Experiences with Assigned Reading, Maura A. Smale
"It's like They're Right There Next to You": Maintaining Girls' Camp Friendships via Mobile Media, Elise Bragard
It’s time to discuss race relations on campuses, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
"I Was Not Sick and I Didn't Need to Recover": Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) as a Refuge from Criminalization, David Frank
Jack Goldstein in Los Angeles, Kirby Michelle Woo
Jackson teaches African-American life with literature, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Jacques Besson, Cave eels and other alleged European fishes, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Zeia Lomax
Jailing the Immigrant Poor: Hernandez v. Sessions, Michael K.T. Tan and Michael Kaufman
James Baldwin's Soundscape and Grain of the Racialized Body, Vallerie M. Matos
Jared French's State Park: A Contextual Study, Emily Sachar
Jarrell keeps dancing traditions alive at SIUE, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Jazz trumpet requires passion and practice, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Jennings studies environmental pollutants, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Jewel, Purse, Trash: Reckoning and Reputation in Othello, Laura Kolb
Jewish Germany: An Enduring Presence from the Fourth to the Twenty-First Century, John A. Drobnicki
Jobs prospects for college grads better than ever, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
John Jay as a Hispanic-Serving Institution: Meeting the Challenges and Opportunities. A Position Paper, John Jay College of Criminal Justice - Department of Latin American and Latina/o Studies, Lisandro Perez, Jose Luis Morin, and Isabel Martinez
John Jay College Performance Goals and Targets: 2007-2008 Academic Year, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay College Performance Goals and Targets: 2008-2009 Academic Year, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay College Performance Goals and Targets: 2009-2010 Academic Year, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay College Performance Goals and Targets: 2010-2011 Academic Year, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay College Performance Goals and Targets Year-End Results: 2007-2008 Academic Year, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay College Performance Goals and Targets Year-End Results: 2008-2009 Academic Year, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay College Performance Goals and Targets Year-End Results: 2009-2010 Academic Year, John Jay College of Criminal Justice
John Jay Sentinel, Vol. 9, No. 6, CUNY John Jay College
Johnson Practices, Teaches the Art of Journalism, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Johnson teaches, researches the English language, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Joint Utility of Event- Dependent and Environmental Crime Analysis Techniques for Violent Crime Forecasting, Joel M. Caplan, Leslie W. Kennedy, and Eric L. Piza
Jones seeks to engage students in Chemistry, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Jonson's Old Age: the Force of Disgust, Laura Kolb
Júpiter: sencillamente fantástico, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Just Cause Discipline for Social Networking in the New Guilded Age: Will the Law Look the Other Way?, William A. Herbert and Alicia McNally
Just Drop My Body on the Steps of the FDA: Emotion & Activism at ACT UP’s “Seize Control of the FDA” Action, Mariana Lopez de Castilla
Justice Kennedy’s exit and higher ed, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
KabanFlow, Daniel A. Sabol
Kalamazoo: A Model for Change, Carol Ahlum
Kalamazoo on Textbooks and Curriculum, The Feminist Press
Kang teaches the political economics of the Far East, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
KCNQ channel openers reverse depressive symptoms via an active resilience mechanism, Allyson K. Friedman, Barbara Juarez, Stacy M. Ku, Hongxing Zhang, Rhodora C. Calizo, Jessica J. Walsh, Depish Chaudhury, Song Zhang, Angel Hawkins, David M. Dietz, James W. Murrogh, Maria Ribadeneira, Erik H. Wong, Rachael L. Neve, and Ming-Hu Han
Killer-cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor (KIR) gene profiles modify HIV disease course, not HIV acquisition in South African women, V. Naranbhai, D. de Assis Rosa, L. Werner, R. Moodley, H. Hong, A. Kharsany, K. Mlisana, S. Sibeko, N. Garrett, D. Chopera, William H. Carr, Q. Abdool Karim, A. V. S. Hill, S. S. Abdool Karim, M. Altfeld, C. M. Gray, and T. Ndung’u
Kinetic Effects in 2D and 3D Quantum Dots: Comparison between High and Low Electron Correlation Regimes, Marlina Slamet and Viraht Sahni
Kissinger prepara una gran ofensiva de diplomacia científica, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Knight Innovation Awards: An Interview with Honoree Neil deGrasse Tyson, Jeff Jarvis and Neil deGrasse Tyson
Knowing Each Other Through AIDS Video: A Dialogue Between AIDS Activist Videomakers, Alexandra Juhasz and Juanita Mohammed
Knowledge and Representation in The Ambassadors: Strether's Discriminating Gaze, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Kpp and KKp Clusters, Roman Ya. Kezerashvili, Shalva M. Tsiklauri, Igor N. Filikhin, Vladimir M. Suslov, and Branislav Vlahovic
Kramer Studies Sexuality Through Comparative Literature, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Kushner Companies Questionable Business Practices are Another Dent for the Trump Administration, Teddy Grant
L-2-hydroxyglutarate production arises from non-canonical enzyme function at acidic pH, Andrew M. Intlekofer, Bo Wang, Hui Liu, Hardik Shah, Carlos Carmona-Fontanie, Ariën S. Rustenburg, Salah Salah, Marilyn R. Gunner, John D. Chodera, Justin R. Cross, and Craig B. Thompson
La adquisición de la lengua extranjera española por estudiantes filipinos: análisis descriptivo y explicativo de la interlengua, David Sánchez-Jiménez
La ballena gris, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Labor and the Bank: Investigating the Politics of the World Bank's Employing Workers' Index, Suzan Kang
La ciencia como prioridad, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿La ciencia… sólo para hombres?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La ciencia y la industria están peligrosamente divorciadas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
LACUNY Archivists Roundtable Meeting Minutes, October 1990, LACUNY
LACUNY Executive Council Meeting Minutes, April 2017, LACUNY
LACUNY Executive Council Meeting Minutes, February 2017, LACUNY
LACUNY Executive Council Meeting Minutes, February 2018, LACUNY
LACUNY Executive Council Meeting Minutes, March 2017, LACUNY
LACUNY Executive Council Meeting Minutes, March 2018, LACUNY
LACUNY Executive Council Meeting Minutes, November 2017, LACUNY
LACUNY Executive Council Meeting Minutes, October 2017, LACUNY
LACUNY Interlibrary Loan Roundtable Meeting Minutes, March 2018, LACUNY
LACUNY Interlibrary Loan Roundtable Meeting Minutes, October 2017, LACUNY
La deriva de los continentes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La divulgación científica en la radio. pp.:299-308, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La expresión escrita en la clase de ELE, David Sánchez-Jiménez
La extinción es para siempre, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La fuga de cerebros: sangría insostenible, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La gallina de los huevos de oro, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La hispanización y la identidad hispana en Filipinas, David Sánchez-Jiménez
La inflación está afectando en gran medida a la investigación, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La introducción de especies exóticas: el caso caribe, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Ana Mayayo
La investigación de los recursos minerales españoles ante la crisis de materias primas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La melancolía de Juan Ramón Jiménez: un estudio emotivo, Carmen Valenzuela Cervantes
La Mujer Chicana, Erlinda Gonzales Berry
Lana Hagan teaching acting a hard act to follow, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La naturaleza engendró una nueva fuerza política, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Landscape Genetics of Leaf-Toed Geckos in the Tropical Dry Forest of Northern Mexico, Christopher Blair, Victor H. Jimenez-Arcos, Fausto R. Mendez de la Cruz, and Robert W. Murphy
Langston Hughes in Turkestan: Poems, Photos, and Notebooks 1932–1933, Zahera Z. Saed
Language dependency in parsing: Evidence from monolingual and bilingual processing, Eva M. Fernández
Language is the “lens” to our understanding, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Language & Literacy: The Politics of Language, Brittany A. Zayas and Melissa Watson
La nueva revolución será azul, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La nueva Sección de Hidrobiología del Museo de Zoología de Barcelona, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La odisea submarina en aguas de Palomares, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La orca o ballena asesina, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La relación entre el científico y los medios de comunicación, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Large-Scale Off-Target Identification Using Fast and Accurate Dual Regularized One- Class Collaborative Filtering and Its Application to Drug Repurposing, Hansaim Lim, Aleksandar Poleksic, Yuan Yao, Hanghang Tong, Di He, Luke Zhuang, Patrick Meng, and Lei Xie
Large-Scale Surveillance of Captive Naked Mole-Rat Colonies Shows Caste Differences in Space Utilization, Michael Kress, Edward F. Meehan, and Dan McCloskey
Las anguilas, eternas pasajeras de las aguas, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Xavier Gimeno
Las aves marinas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las cacerolas de las Molucas, auténticos fósiles vivientes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las consecuencias ambientales de la guerra, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La sedentaria vida de las esponjas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las focas y sus extraños sonidos submarinos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las frágiles y peligrosas medusas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las guerras de ahora matan también envenenando el ambiente, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las increíbles arañas acuáticas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las insaciables pirañas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las largas manos de la petrolcracia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las novelas de la Violencia y la Revolución en la formación del Frente Nacional en Colombia y el Estado revolucionario mexicano, Luis J. Henao Uribe
La sociedad civil y la defensa del ambiente, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las pirañas ante la ciencia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las sorprendentes y devastadoras estrellas de mar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las tortugas marinas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La suerte de Paraguaná no está sellada: Guarda reservas de un gran pasado, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Las voraces estrellas de mar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La trascendencia de los premios Nobel científicos 1974, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Lauretta Vinciarelli in Context: Transatlantic Dialogues in Architecture, Art, Pedagogy, and Theory, 1968-2007, Rebecca Siefert
La utilización de la energía solar, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Lavallee teaches and studies Chinese culture, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
La Venezuela posible en materia ambiental, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Layered Histories, Interpretive Desires, Rachelle Dang
Layer-switching cost and optimality in information spreading on multiplex networks, Byungjoon Min, Sang-Hwan Gwak, Nanoom Lee, and K. I. Goh
Leadership Ineffectiveness: The Interactive Effects of Leader Personality, Job Demands, and Job Resources on Ethical Climate and Employee Turnover Intentions, Michelle D. Corman
Leaf Protein and Mineral Concentrations across the “Miracle Tree” Genus Moringa, Mark E. Olson, Renuka P. Sankaran, Jed W. Fahey, Michael A. Grusak, David Odee, and Wasif Nouman
Learning as we G(r)o(w): Strategizing the Lessons of a Fledgling Rhetoric and Writing Studies Department, Jane Hindman
Learning Communities and the Future of the Humanities, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Learning Places at the Intersection of Information Literacy and Place-Based Learning, Anne E. Leonard
Learning the basics of scholarly communication: A guide for new subject liaison librarians, Madeline Cohen
Learning the Five Lessons of YouTube: After Trying to Teach There, I Don't Believe the Hype, Alexandra Juhasz
Ledzewicz applies math to health sciences, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Left Out In The Cold, Kayla Rivera
Legal News: Cornell University, Alice H. Cook
Legal News: SUNY/Stony Brook, Judy Wishnia
LemurFaceID: a face recognition system to facilitate individual identification of lemurs, David Crouse, Rachel L. Jacobs, Zach Richardson, Scott Klum, Anil Jain, Andrea L. Baden, and Stacey R. Tecot
Leonard Bernstein's Piano Music: A Comparative Study of Selected Works, Leann Osterkamp
Lesbian Librarianship for All: A Manifesto, Shawn(ta) Smith-Cruz
Lesbian Research Projects, Charlotte Criste
Less Citation, Less Dissemination: The Case of French Psychoanalysis, Rémy Potier, Olivier Putois, Charlotte Dolez, and Elliot Jurist
Let’s never forget: Extinction is forever, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Letter from an Indian Mother to Her Daughter, Maithreyi Krishna Raj
Letter from India... Written Later, Florence Howe
Letter from the Road... At Oberlin College, Midway Point..., Margaret Randall
Letters to the Editor, Eleanor Flexner, Cheri Register, Jennifer Macleod, and Sandra Silver(wo)man
Letters to the Editor, Marilyn Weckwerth and Ann Oxrieder
Letters to the Editor, Paul Lauter, John Benedict, Emily Toth, and Agate N. Krouse
Letters to the Editor: Coeducation?, Elizabeth Newman
Letter to the Editors, The Feminist Press
Level Adjusted Exponential Smoothing: A Method For Judgmentally Adjusting Exponential Smoothing Models for Planned Discontinuities, Dan Williams and Don Miller
Levels of Development in the Language of Deaf Children: ASL Grammatical Processes, Signed English Structures, Semantic Features, Sue Livingston
Lexical Access in Individuals with Cerebral Palsy and Severe Speech and Physical Impairment, Iris Fishman
LGBT community faces stigma, stereotypes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Liberal arts education gaining recognition, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Librarians Adopt Proposal on Sexism, Racism, The Feminist Press
Librarians with Faculty Status: Reassignment Leaves in the Libraries at The City University of New York (CUNY) as a Vehicle of Professional Development, Janet Butler Munch
LIF101 Final Project: My Guide to Success, Ellen Quish
Lifestyle and vascular risk effects on MRI-based biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease: a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults from the broader New York City area, Lisa Mosconi, Michelle Walters, Joanna Sterling, Crystal Quinn, Pauline McHugh, Randolph E. Andrews, Dawn C. Matthews, Christine Ganzer, Ricardo S. Osorio, Richard S. Isaacson, Mony J. De Leon, and Antonio Convit
Ligand modulation of sidechain dynamics in a wild-type human GPCR, Lindsay D. Clark, Igor Dikiy, Karen Chapman, Karin EJ Rodstrom, James Aramini, Michael V. LeVine, George Khelashvili, Soren GF Rasmussen, Kevin H. Gardner, and Daniel M. Rosenbaum
Like Falling off a Log: Rubato in Chopin's Prelude in Ab Major (op. 28, no. 17), William Rothstein
Lincoln engage scholars and public, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Linear Progress with Exponential Decay in Weakly Hyperbolic Groups, Matthew H. Sunderland
Linguist LaFond organizes space meeting, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Linking Hostile/Helpless Maternal Representations in Pregnancy and Later Child Protection Involvement: A Pilot Study, Madeleine Terry
Linus Pauling: científicos para la paz, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Liquidity Premiums in a Levy Market, Mei Xing
LIS Open Access E-journal -Where Are You?, Izabella Taler
Listening to Babbitt, Joseph N. Straus
List, Sample, and Count, Ali Assarpour
Literacyscape: The History, Politics and Practice of Basic Writing, Tim McCormack
Literary Analysis Assignment [Composition], Tuli Chatterji
Literary Analysis Paper [Composition], Lauren Navarro
Literary Translingualism: Multilingual Identity and Creativity, Steven G. Kellman and Natasha Lvovich
Literature, religion influence scholar’s work, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Little Trumpie Runs Amok At Mar-a-Lago, Marleen S. Barr
Liver Enzymes and Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Mendelian Randomization Study, Junxi Liu, Shiu Lun Au Yeung, Gabriel M. Leung, and C. Mary Schooling
Living/Learning in Women's Studies, Judith Ann Sturnick
Locality, bulk equations of motion and the conformal bootstrap, Daniel N. Kabat and Gilad Lifsch
Local mapping lab serves many interests, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Local sociologist studies unions and feminism, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Location means a lot for college enrollments, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Logemann Studies, Practices Corporate Communication in Today’s World, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Longitudinal associations between body mass index, physical activity, and healthy dietary behaviors in adults: A parallel latent growth curve modeling approach, Youngdeok Kim, Jung-Min Lee, Jungyoon Kim, Emily Dhurandhar, Ghada Soliman, Nizar K. Wehbi, and James Canedy
Longitudinal Changes in the Motor Learning- Related Brain Activation Response in Presymptomatic Huntington's Disease, Florian Holtbernd, Chris C. Tang, Andrew Feigin, Vijay Dhawan, Maria Felice Ghilardi, Jane S. Paulsen, Mark Guttman, and David Eldelberg
Long-term data storage in diamond, Siddharth Dhomkar, Jacob Henshaw, Harishankar Jayakumar, and Carlos A. Meriles
Long-Term High Fat Diet Has a Profound Effect on Body Weight, Hormone Levels, and Estrous Cycle in Mice, Tandra R. Chakraborty, Laxminarasimha Donthireddy, Debasis Adhikary, and Sanjoy Chakraborty
Long Vacation In BK, Doll Chao
Long Working Hours and Occupational Stress-related Illness and Injury: Mini Review, Harrynauth Persaud and Shawn Williams
Lo que todos debemos saber: Las reglas de la nomenclatura zoológica, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los cañones submarinos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los cetáceos recientes de Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Ana Mayayo, and A. Ignacio Agudo
Los científicos catalanes hacen públicas sus disconformidades y aspiraciones, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los ecosistemas como modelos de caos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los fabulosos moluscos del Océano Indico, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los genes asesinos, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los huracanes: eterna, triste y necesaria actualidad, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Losing Its Way: the Landmarks Preservation Commission in Eclipse, Jeffrey A. Kroessler
Losing protection from predatory colleges, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los insectos: herederos de la Tierra, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los peces voladores y su falso vuelo, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
¿Los restos del Hombre de Pekín?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los sirenios: entre el mito y la tragedia, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los tiburones encontraron la horma de su zapato, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Los tiburones también se extinguen, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Lost Wisdom of the Elders, Miamichelle Abad
Los zoológicos: ¿último recurso?, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Louisa May Alcott on the Concord Centennial, The Feminist Press
Love, sex, disability, coming out and John Travolta in New York and Jerusalem: A twenty-year journey, Scott Sheidlower
Low frequency transcranial electrical stimulation does not entrain sleep rhythms measured by human intracranial recordings, Belen Lafon, Simon Henin, Yu Huang, Daniel Friedman, Lucia Melloni, Thomas Thesen, Werner Doyle, György Buzsáki, Orrin Devinsky, Lucas C. Parra, and Anli A. Liu
Low-income minority mothers’ reports of infant health care utilisation compared with medical records, Kennan D. Murray, Ayman El-Mohandes, M. Nabil El-Khorazaty, and Michele Kiely
Luncheon, Tomasz Gubernat
Lyman teaches importance of scriptwriting, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Maätita studies issues of motherhood, sexuality, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Machine Learning Meta-analysis of Large Metagenomic Datasets: Tools and Biological Insight, Edoardo Pasolli, Duy Tin Truong, Faizan Malik, Levi Waldron, and Nicola Segata
Macroeconomics Course Outline and Syllabus, Sean P. MacDonald
Madison Washington’s Journey to Freedom: Protagonist Development in Frederick Douglass’ The Heroic Slave, Hallie Rene Gleasman
Mahoma en dos textos aljamiados del siglo XVI: La filosofía perenne y el monomito de los moriscos, Emil L. Cruz Fernández
Making Connections: Developing Learning Resources for Students in Dining Room Operation, Bannesa Espinal
Making It Pay to be a Fan: The Political Economy of Digital Sports Fandom and the Sports Media Industry, Andrew McKinney
Making “Made in New York” Matter, Adeline Trento
Making Sounds, Patrick Costello
Making the Most out of Scarcity: Role Models in Motion, Ellen Kimmel
Making Waves in the Bronx: The Story of the U.S. Naval Training School (WR) at Hunter College, Janet Butler Munch
Making Writing Matter: Using "The Personal" to Recover[y] an Essential[ist] Tension in Academic Discourse, Jane Hindman
Managing Ambiguity: Nurses Caring for the Mother of a Stillborn Baby, Natasha J. Nurse
Managing Race and Race-ing Management: Teachers’ Stories of Race and Classroom Conflict, Sherry L. Deckman
Mañana comenzará el Simposio sobre Evolución Molecular y Biológica, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mañana volverá el sol, Ana Mayayo and Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Manatee, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Shelly Kannada
Manatee found in Mississippi River, then lost, remains mystery with experts, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mandates of Maternity at a Science Museum, From Should to Must, David H. Lee
Manifest Density: Decentering the Global Western Film, Michael D. Phillips
Manifiesto ecológico para la nueva Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Manipulating Goal States and Brain States: Using EEG and HD-tDCS to Investigate Mechanisms Underlying the Influence of Achievement Goals on Declarative Memory, Yuliya Ochakovskaya
Mann studies French and French culture in the modern world, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mapping an epitope in EBNA-1 that is recognized by monoclonal antibodies to EBNA-1 that cross-react with dsDNA, Pragya Yadav, Matthew T. Carr, Ruby Yu, Alice Mumbey-Wafula, and Linda Spatz
Mapping Regional Inundation with Spaceborne L-Band SAR, Bruce Chapman, Kyle MacDonald, Masanobu Shimada, Ake Rosenqvist, Ronny Schroeder, and Laura Hess
Mapping Student Days: Collaborative Ethnography and the Student Experience, Andrew Asher, Jean Amaral, Juliann Couture, Barbara Fister, Donna Lanclos, M. Sara Lowe, Mariana Regalado, and Maura A. Smale
Marcia Guttentag: We Will Miss You, Florence Howe
Margaret Fuller Mystery Continues, The Feminist Press
Marginalidad y subversión en tres novelas de Juan Filloy de la década de 1930, Sonia M. Tejada
Marinelandia del Pacífico, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Marine mammals laboratory manual, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Kristen Irwin
Market Integration Predicts Human Gut Microbiome Attributes across a Gradient of Economic Development, Keaton Stagaman, Tara J. Cepon-Robins, Melissa A. Liebert, Theresa E. Gildner, Samuel S. Urlacher, Felicia C. Madimenos, Karen Guillemin, J. Josh Snodgrass, Lawrence S. Sugiyama, and Brendan J. M. Bohannan
Martha J. Lamb (1826-1893) Brought American History to Life, Janet Butler Munch
"Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Greater Vision: Manually Bending the Arc of Time Towards Justice", Kristopher B. Burrell
Mary Salome Cutler Fairchild (librarian), Janet Butler Munch
Mask On: How Fashion Erased the Politics of Streetwear in 2017, Frances Sola-Santiago
MAT 2675 Calculus III, Spring 2019, OER Syllabus, Caner Koca
Matemáticos: una mano de obra necesaria, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Materialism without Matter: Deleuze, Steven Swarbrick
Maternal Age of Menarche and Blood Pressure in Adolescence: Evidence from Hong Kong’s “Children of 1997” Birth Cohort, Tsz Chun Lai, Gabriel Matthew Leung, and C Mary Schooling
Maternal Characteristics and Clinical Diagnoses Influence Obstetrical Outcomes in Indonesia, Asri Adisasmita, Carl V. Smith, Ayman A.E. El-Mohandes, Poppy Elvira Deviany, Judith J. Ryon, Michele Kiely, Quail Rogers-Bloch, and Reginald F. Gipson
Mathematical Inquiry with Loops, Jeanne Funk
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 10 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 11 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 12 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 13 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 1 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 2 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 3 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 4 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 5 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 6 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 7 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 8 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 9 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mathematics in Contemporary Society - Chapter 9 (Spring 2018), Patrick J. Wallach
Mather explains the known and unknown universe, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Maybe That's What It Means, Anael Berkovitz
Maynard teaches art of journalism, television, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
McClinton teaches sensitivity toward other cultures, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
McCraken knows ulcers and parasitic worms, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
McGee teaches students art of persuasive writing, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Meaning Beyond Words: A Musical Analysis of Afro-Cuban Batá Drumming, Javier Diaz
Measures of greatness: A Lotkaian approach to literary authors using OCLC WorldCat, Alon Friedman and Jay H. Bernstein
Measuring the effect heterogeneity of police enforcement actions across spatial contexts, Eric L. Piza
Measuring the Energy of Ventilation and Circulation during Human Walking using Induced Hypoxia, Masahiro Horiuchi, Yoshiyuki Fukuoka, Yoko Handa, Daijiro Abe, and Herman Pontzer
Mechanism and Development of Peptide-Based Inhibitors to Human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (hIAPP) Self-Assembly, Jayson Vedad
Mechanisms Adopted by Dengue-2 Viruses to Induce Autophagy in Mammalian Cells, Sounak Ghosh Roy
Mechanisms and Effects of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation, James Giordano, Marom Bikson, Emily S. Kappenman, Vincent P. Clark, H. Branch Coslett, Michael R. Hamblin, Roy Hamilton, Ryan Jankord, Walter J. Kozumbo, R. Andrew McKinley, Michael A. Nitsche, J. Patrick Reilly, Jessica Richardson, Rachel Wurzman, and Edward Calabrese
Mechanisms for Survival and Drug Resistance in Cancer Cells, Matthew B. Utter
Meddling goes on in higher education, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Media Framing of Wrongful Convictions, Eza B. Zakirova
Mediating the Tourist Experience: From Brochures to Virtual Encounters, Gordon Alley-Young
Medicaid Forecasting Practices, Dan Williams
Medio Ambiente 1974, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Medusoid cnidarians from the Montral-Alcover Lagerstätten (Triassic), Northeastern Spain, Aldemaro Romero Jr., Raymond R. Rogers, and Lisa A. Gershwin
Meine Mutter sagte zu mir / My Mother Said, Ute Reich and M. Grunwald
Melbourne’s Chinatown: Continuous Chinese Enclave For 168 Years In Australia, Wendy W. Tan
Melting Crayons, Ho Lam Tang
Memorable Audiovisual Narratives Synchronize Sensory and Supramodal Neural Responses, Samantha S. Cohen and Lucas C. Parra
Memory for Stimulus Sequences: a Divide between Humans and Other Animals?, Ghirlanda Stefano, Johan Lind, and Magnus Enquist
Memory in Memoir & Biography: Science, Place, and Agency, Johnathan E. Longo
Mental Hell, Jesenia De Moya, Hanaa' Tameez, and Maritza Villela
Mentalized affectivity: A new model and assessment of emotion regulation, David M. Greenberg, Jonela Kolasi, Camilla P. Hegsted, Yoni Berkowitz, and Elliot L. Jurist
Merchant Seamen, Sailortowns, and the Shaping of U.S. Citizenship, 1843-1945, Johnathan Thayer
Mercurio: el redescubrimiento de un planeta, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Merging Subsistence Perspective and Buen Vivir: An Alternative to Damming the Mekong, Aaron B. Eisenberg
Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate: Applying Biomaterials for Control of Stem Cell Behavior, Hilary J. Anderson, Jugal Kishore Sahoo, Rein V. Ulijn, and Matthew J. Dalby
Metathesis key in production of pharmaceuticals, plastics, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Michael J. Panigot
Métodos Qualitativos e Quantitativos na Pesquisa Sobre Stress Ocupacional, Irvin Sam Schonfeld and Edwin Farrell
Mexican Technoscientific Arts, 2000-2015: Art and Science, Machine Inventions, and Political Ecologies, Carlos R. Guzman
Michele Murray (1934-1974), The Feminist Press
Microenvironments in epiphytic plants at Cerro de la Muerte and La Selva, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
MicroRNA 1207-3P in Prostate Cancer, Dibash Das
Midbrain circuit regulation of individual alcohol drinking behaviors in mice, Barbara Juarez, Carole Morel, Stacy M. Ku, Yutong Liu, Hongxing Zhang, Sarah Montgomery, Hilledna Gregoire, Efrain Ribeiro, Marshall Crumiller, Ciorana Roman-Ortiz, Jessica J. Walsh, Kelcy Jackson, Denise E. Croote, Yingbo Zhu, Song Zhang, Leandro F. Vendruscolo, Scott Edward, Amanda Roberts, Georgia E. Hodes, Yongke Lu, Erin S. Calipari, Dipesh Chaudhury, Allyson K. Friedman, and Ming-Hu Han
Midterm Paper: Comparative Analysis of Black Film Aesthetics in Daughters of the Dust and Yeelen (Brightness), Boukary Sawadogo
Migration, Colonialism, and Belonging: Tunisians Around the First World War, 1911-1925, Chris J. Rominger
Milch Sees a Great Future for Art Administrators, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries and Their Implications on Changes in Event Related Potentials: A look into Visual Gating (P50), Katelynn M. Kozak
Militarization of Conservation, Daniel Ryan Michel
Military Citizenship in the Post-9/11 Homefront, Estefania Ponti
Miller studies Germany’s economic history, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mills College Conference on Women's Education, Kathy Salisbury
Minchin studies, teaches conservation issues, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Minear teaches the art of teaching singing, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Minority College Women’s Views on Condom Negotiation, TyWanda McLaurin-Jones, Maudry-Beverly Lashley, and Vanessa Marshall
miR-1207-3p Is a Novel Prognostic Biomarker of Prostate Cancer, Dibash K. Das, Joseph R. Osborne, Hui-Yi Lin, Jong Y. Park, and Olorunseun O. Ogunwobi
miRNAs associated with prostate cancer risk and progression, Hung N. Luu, Hui-Yi Lin, Karina Dalsgaard Sorensen, Olorunseun O. Ogunwobi, Nagi Kumar, Ganna Chornokur, Catherine Phelan, Dominique Jones, LaCreis Kidd, Jyotsna Batra, Kosj Yamoah, Anders Berglund, Robert J. Rounbehler, Mihi Yang, Sang Haak Lee, Nahyeon Kang, Seung Joon Kim, Jong Y. Park, and Giuliano Di Pietro
Mitocondria se escribe con M de misterio, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mixed Feelings: Growing Up Biracial in America, Alexandra Boothe
Mixed Methods Not Mixed Messages: Improving LibGuides with Student Usability Data, Nora Almeida and Junior Tidal
Mixing for Parlak and Bowing for a Büyük Ses: The Aesthetics of Arranged Traditional Music in Turkey, Eliot Bates
Mobile Alcohol Primary Prevention: Feasibility with Urban Communter College Students, Janice Chisholm
Modeling and Measuring the Nocturnal Drainage Flow in a High-Elevation, Subalpine Forest with Complex Terrain, Chuixiang Yi, Russell K. Monson, Zhiqiang Zhai, Dean E. Anderson, Brian Lamb, Gene Allwine, Andrew A. Turnipseed, and Sean P. Burns
Modeling and Predicting Future Stock Prices Using Stock Options, Xuebin Zou, Julio C. Salazar, Jiehao Huang, and Kevin Mei
Modeling Initial Response: Firefighter High-Rise Access Time Simulation, Robert Till
Models for Decision-Making, Steven Cosares
Mode of delivery and child and adolescent psychological well-being: Evidence from Hong Kong’s “Children of 1997” birth cohort, Cherry Y. Leung, Gabriel M. Leung, and C. Mary Schooling
Modern Arts and Pueblo Traditions in Santa Fe, 1909–1931, Elizabeth S. Hawley
Modernism, History, and Censorship: The United States vs. Two Books: Pay Day and Ulysses, 1930-1933, Václav Paris
Molecular Basis for Strain Variation in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Adhesin Flo11p, Subit Barua, Li Li, Peter N. Lipke, and Anne M. Dranginis
Molecular interactions between PVT1 transcripts and c-Myc, Onayemi Titilayo Onagoruwa
Molecular Mechanisms of Stress-Induced Increases in Fear Memory Consolidation within the Amygdala, Antonio V. Aubry, Peter A. Serrano, and Nesha S. Burghardt
Molecular Self-Assembly Strategy for Generating Catalytic Hybrid Polypeptides, Yoshiaki Maeda, Justin Fang, Yasuhiro Ikezoe, Douglas H. Pike, Vikas Nanda, and Hiroshi Matsui
Molecular Tracking of Individual Host Use in the Shiny Cowbird – a Generalist Brood Parasite, Ma Alicia de la Colina, Mark E. Hauber, Bill M. Strausberger, Juan Carlos Reboreda, and Bettina Mahler
Monitoring the Progression of Spontaneous Articular Cartilage Healing with Infrared Spectroscopy, Megan P. O'Brien, Madhuri Penmatsa, Uday Palukuru, Paul West, Xu Yang, Mathias P. G. Bostrom, Theresa Freeman, and Nancy Pleshko
Monóxido de carbono: amenaza para la salud pública, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
MOOCs 2.0: Reviewing n.paradoxa's MOOC on Contemporary Art and Feminism, Parme Giuntini, Anne Swartz, and Kathleen Wentrack
MOOCs are not the promised technological fix, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Morality as Social Software, Jongjin Kim
Moral Mode Switching: From Punishment to Public Health, Stephen Koppel
More Bad News from Virginia, Suzette Henke
‘More private gain than public good’: whale and ambergris exploitation in 17th-century Bermuda, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
More Than You Wanted to Know About Music, Stephen Jablonsky
Morphological variation accompanying cave evolution in Astyanax fasciatus (Pisces: Characidae), Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Morpho-phonemic analysis boosts word reading for adult struggling readers, Susan H. Gray, Linnea C. Ehri, and John C. Locke
Motherfuck, Emily Furr
Mother Joseph, Builder and Architect, Erika Gottfried
Motherlogues, Barbara Rubin and Doris Friedensohn
Mothers in Trouble: Coping with Actual or Pending Separation From Children Due to Incarceration, Katarzyna Celinska and Jane A. Siegel
Motor Experience Reprograms Development of a Genetically-Altered Bilateral Corticospinal Motor Circuit, Najet Serradj and John H. Martin
MouSensor: A Versatile Genetic Platform to Create Super Sniffer Mice for Studying Human Odor Coding, Charlotte D'Hulst, Raena B. Mina, Zachary Gershon, Sophie Jamet, Antonio Cerullo, Delia Tomoiaga, Li Bai, Leonardo Belluscio, Matthew E. Rogers, Yevgeniy Sirotin, and Paul Feinstein
M. Riesz Theorem on Conjugate Harmonic Functions for Octonion-Valued Monogenic Functions, Sultan Catto, Alexander Kheyfits, and David E. Tepper
mRNA Processing Factor CstF-50 and Ubiquitin Escort Factor p97 Are BRCA1/BARD1 Cofactors Involved in Chromatin Remodeling during the DNA Damage Response, Danae Fonseca, Jorge Baquero, Michael R. Murphy, Gamage Aruggoda, Sophia Varriano, Carmen Saplenza, Oksana Mashadova, Shadaqur Rahman, and Frida E. Kleiman
"Mrs. K.": Oral History of a Korean Picture Bride, Alice Y. Chai
MSW Interns at Public Libraries: Fostering Collaboration For Change, Sarah C. Johnson
Mucha agua, muchos problemas, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mud: an insect hotspot, Juli Armstrong, Ruth Buskirk, Tom Gush, Allan Hruska, Perri Klass, Aldemaro Romero Jr., and John Thompson
Mujeres verdes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Multimodal Depression Detection: An Investigation of Features and Fusion Techniques for Automated Systems, Michelle Renee Morales
Multiple Perpetrator Sexual Assault: The Relationship Between the Number of Perpetrators, Blame Attribution, and Victim Resistance, Yi Jin Genevieve Lim
Multi-scale Assessment of Bone Mechanics and the Mineral Phase of Intramuscular Bone of Atlantic Herring Fish, Svetlana Zeveleva
Murals take on new form and purposes, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Murmur/Murmuro, Paola M. Di Tolla
Muscle Activation Differs between Three Different Knee Joint-Angle Positions during a Maximal Isometric Back Squat Exercise, Paulo Henrique Marchetti, Josinaldo Jarbas da Silva, Brad J. Schoenfeld, Priscyla Silva Monteiro Nardi, Silvio Luis Pecoraro, Julia Maria D'Andrea Greve, and Erin Hartigan
Music a pathway to cultural understanding, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Music education is a key to student success, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Music for AI Reports: Dual Prospects in Music Production, Achim Koh
Music from the Harpsichord House, Julie Zhu
Music Intensity in the Ear Canal in Quiet and in Subway Noise Using Four Different Headphones, Meghan A. Joyce
Musicking and Literacy Connections in the Third Space: Leveraging the Strengths of a Latinx Immigrant Community, Angelica Ortega
Musicking, Discourse, and Identity in Participatory Media Fandom, Aya Esther Hayashi
Music student shares dream for native country, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Music Therapy and Autism: A View from Disability Studies, Joseph N. Straus
Mussels have plenty to say about state of environment, Aldemaro Romero Jr. and Alan D. Christian
Mutant TDP-43 does not impair mitochondrial bioenergetics in vitro and in viv, Hibiki Kawamata, Pablo Peixoto, Csaba Konrad, Gloria Palomo, Kirsten Bredvik, Meri Gerges, Federica Valsecchi, Leonard Petrucelli, John M. Ravits, Anatoly Starkov, and Giovanni Manfredi
Myelinating glia differentiation is regulated by extracellular matrix elasticity, Mateusz M. Urbanski, Lyle Kingsbury, Daniel Moussouros, Imran Kassim, Saraf Mehjabeen, Navid Paknejad, and Alicia Meléndez
Myers: Stimulating minds, teaching art, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
“My Sexuality…It Creates a Stress”: HIV-Related Communication Among Bisexual Black and Latino Men, New York City, Kirk D. Henny, Kathryn Drumhiller, Madeline Y. Sutton, and Jose Nanín
Myth and reality of the alleged blind cave fish from Pennsylvania, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Mythology and the Black Female Body, Zatara McIntyre
Naïve Beliefs About the Natural World in a Case of Childhood Onset Amnesia, William Winter
Nanoparticle elasticity directs tumor uptake, Peng Guo, Daxing Liu, Kriti Subramanyam, Biran Wang, Jiang Yang, Jing Huang, Debra T. Auguste, and Marsha A. Moses
Narrating Refuge, Collete Daiute
Narrative Review of Vitamin D and Its Specific Impact on Balance Capacity in Older Adults, Ray Marks
NARRATIVES OF VIOLENCE: The White ImagiNation and the Making of Black Masculinity in “City of God”, Jaime Alves
Nastasia is all about interpersonal communication, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
National Academies, U.S, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
National Conference on In-Service Education, The Feminist Press
National Science Foundation, U.S, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Nature, the New Rx, Christina Dabney
Nature versus Nurture, Matilda Nikehasani
Nearest Neighbor Search with Strong Location Privacy, Stavros Papadopoulos, Spiridon Bakiras, and Dimitris Papadias
Nearness and Distance, Ben Browne
Neath studies, teaches the uncertainties of life, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
Neighborhood Matters: The Impact of Hispanic Ethnic Density on Future Depressive Symptoms 1-Year Following an ACS Event Among Hispanic Patients, Ellen-ge Denton, Jonathan Shaffer, Carmela Alcantara, and Esteban Cadermil
Neighborhood Research Essay, Dominique Zino
Neighbors Link's Parent-Child Together Program: Supporting Immigrant Parents' Integration to Promote School Readiness Among Their Emergent Bilingual Children, Carola Otero Bracco and Judith Eisenberg
Neural Hypervigilance in Trauma-exposed Women, Seungyeon A. Yoon
Neural Underpinnings of Walking Under Cognitive and Sensory Load: A Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Approach, Brenda R. Malcolm
Neuroanatomical Alterations in High-Functioning Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Tehila Eilam-Stock, Tingting Wu, Alfredo Spagna, Laura J. Egan, and Jin Fan
Neurophysiological and Behavioral Responses of Mandarin Lexical Tone Processing, Yan H. Yu, Valerie L. Shafer, and Elyse S. Sussman
Never Trust Anything That Bleeds for Seven Days and Doesn’t Die: Menstruation, Cultural Materialism, and Autoethnography, Anastasiya Panas
New (And Still Sexist) Scholarship, Katherine M. Rogers
New Curricular Focus in Women's Studies Programs, Florence Howe
New Dyes for Cancer Theranostics, Waqar Rizvi
New Law in State of Washington, Sally Bader Mackle
New method used to research mollusks, cavefish, Aldemaro Romero Jr., David Hayes, and Kapil Mandrekar
New national park for Venezuela, Aldemaro Romero Jr.
New Overview of Women's Studies Courses, Deborah Silverton Rosenfelt
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, Jeannine Dobbs and Phyllis Zatlin Boring
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press
Newsbriefs, The Feminist Press