Content Posted in 2023
124 Notebooks, Andrea Lerner
16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing of Urban Prokaryotic Communities in the South Bronx River Estuary, Eugenia Naro-Maciel, Melissa R. Ingala, Irena E. Werner, and Allison M. Fitzgerald
16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing of Urban Prokaryotic Communities in the South Bronx River Estuary, Eugenia Naro-Maciel, Melissa R. Ingala, Irena E. Werner, and Allison M. Fitzgerald
A Biological Lens on Food Deserts [Biology], Claudette Davis
A Blackgirl Artivisionary Mosaic: Art-Based Participatory Refusals to School Punishment, Tyese A. Brown
Abstract Syntax Trees (ASTs) and the Visitor Pattern, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Abuse Victimization and Impulsivity in Incarcerated Males: Examining the Roles of Affective Instability and Trauma Symptoms, Jacqueline K. Douglas
Academic Librarians and Pedagogical Approaches to Deterring Predatory Publishing, Monica Berger
Accelerating Parameter Identifiability of Differential Models with Applications to Parameter Estimation, Ilia Ilmer
Accuracy, Precision, and Efficiency: Comparing Mapping Techniques in Nixtun-Ch’ich’, Petén, Guatemala, Gabriela Zygadlo
A Citizen-Science Approach for Urban Flood Risk Analysis Using Data Science and Machine Learning, Candace Agonafir
Acknowledging the Relevance of Elephant Sensory Perception to Human–Elephant Conflict Mitigation, Robbie Ball, Sarah L. Jacobson, Matthew S. Rudolph, Miranda Trapani, and Joshua M. Plotnik
A Consecutive Case Series Evaluation of Tummy Time With and Without Preferred Items, Rika Ortega
A Critical Study of Contemporary Palestinian Musical Culture, Karl H. Hausmann
A cross-level information transmission network forhierarchical omics data integration and phenotypeprediction from a new genotype, Di He and Lei Xie
Activity Measure for Post-Acute Care “ 6-Clicks ” Basic Mobility Scores Predict Discharge Destination After Acute Care Hospitalization in Select Patient Groups: A Retrospective, Observational Study, Burke Rehabilitation Hospital, Divya Rajaraman, Sarah Taylor, Kirollos Agayaby, and Suzanne Babyar
Adapting a conceptual framework to engage diverse stakeholders in genomic/precision medicine research, Karriem S. Watson, Elizabeth G. Cohn, Alecia Fair, Usha Menon, Laura A. Szalacha, Selena M. Carpenter, and Consuelo H. Wilkins
A Day at the Races in Black and White: How an 1898 Horse Race Led to a Whipping, a Lawsuit, and a 1901 Arrest, John A. Drobnicki
“Addiction” in U.S. Political Culture, Be Stone
Addressing Extremism Through Literature: An Online Cross-Cultural Conversation on Mahi Binebine's Horses of God, Habiba Boumlik and Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Addressing Gender-Based Violence Using Evidence-Based Practices During COVID-19: The Case of Puerto Rico, Ayorkor Gaba, Roseanne Flores, María Rebecca Ward, and Bailey Pridgen
Adhesively Bonded Multi-Material Single Lap Joints Under Static Tensile Loading, Yesim Kokner
A Difference of One's Own: Race, Sex, Modernism, Ryan L. Tracy
A Digital Toolkit for Teachers About Artificial Intelligence, Benjamin Moerch
A Direct Mechanism of Ultrafast Intramolecular Singlet Fission in Pentacene Dimers, Eric G. Fuemmeler, Samuel N. Sanders, Andrew B. Pun, Elango Kumarasamy, Tao Zeng, Kiyoshi Miyata, Michael L. Steigerwald, X.-Y. Zhu, Matthew Y. Sfeir, Luis M. Campos, and Nandini Ananth
A Divided Community: The Ethics and Politics of Activist Research, Christopher Anthony Loperena
Adsorption Kinetics and Phase Behavior of Particles Adsorbed at an Interface, Shaghayegh Darjani
Aesthetic Reading: Struggling Students Sensing their Way to Academic Success, Cheryl Hogue Smith
A Female Pharaoh and The Emperor’s Wife: Hatshepsut, Julia Domna, and Female Authority in Antiquity, Gabriella E. Ramalho
Afghan Refugees Engagement Journalism, Angrej Singh
A Field of Relations: A Mixed Analysis of Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif” with Voyant, a Text Analysis Tool, Asma A. Neblett
Africa’s Coastal Archaeological Record and Climate Change, Michael Murphy
After Being Ignored, Autistic Adults Find Their Place on the Spectrum, Leonardo A. Lopez Carreno
A full-factorial randomized controlled trial of adjunct couples HIV testing and counseling components addressing drug use and communication skills among sexual minority male couples, Tyrel J. Starks, Kory D. Kyre, Christine B. Cowles, Juan Castiblanco, Catherine Washington, Jayelin N. Parker, Erin M. Kahle, and Rob Stephenson
A Fused Radar–Optical Approach for Mapping Wetlands and Deepwaters of the Mid–Atlantic and Gulf Coast Regions of the United States, Brian T. Lamb, Maria A. Tzortziou, and Kyle C. McDonald
Age and sex of wild Asian elephants observed in and around protected areas in Kanchanaburi, Thailand, Leah D. Wersebe
Agency and Contemporary Recording Production, Eliot Bates
A Genealogy of Open, Betsy Yoon
A Gift To My Self: A Psychoanalytic Approach To Understanding The Experiences of Women Who Choose Not To Have Children, Irina D. Tchania
Agreement in Languages that Do Not Agree: The Processing of Accented Speech in Chinese-English bilinguals, Stanley Chen
AI-driven Automated Medical Imaging Analysis, Jingya Liu
A Journey Through the Library, Anne Hays Adkison
Alexander in the Himalayas: Competing Imperial Legacies in Medieval Islamic History and Literature, Anna Akasoy
Alfred Barr, Water Lilies, & the Resurrection of Claude Monet, Ally Huchro
Algorithmic Sovereignty: Machine Learning, Ground Truth, and the State of Exception, Matthew Martin
A Lifetime of Heroin Addiction: Jose Hernandez's Story, Pumla Kalipa
All onboard! An Exploration of Perceived Organizational Support in Onboarding Best Practices of Academic Librarians, Patrick J. Raftery Jr and Jeffrey Delgado
Allowed to Stay: An Exploration of DHS New Guidelines to Dismiss Certain Immigration Cases, Jazmin E. De La Cruz Sanchez
“All the Evil Music Has:” Musical Representations of the Vamp in Interwar American Popular Media, Martha Schulenburg
"All Truly Great Thoughts Are Conceived While Walking": Academic Inclusion through Multimodal Walkabouts, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Almost Human, Sarah Huang
Alpha Oscillations and Feedback Processing in Visual Cortex for Conscious Perception, Tony Ro
Ambivalent Scales: Methods for Reading Scenes of Sexual Violation, Natalie Ruby
Amplifying Civil Rights Collections with Oral Histories: A Collaboration with Alumni at Queens College, City University of New York, Annie E. Tummino and Victoria Fernandez
A Multifaceted, Non-Militarized Approach to Security Dynamics in Protected Areas: From Foot Patrols, to Tourism, and Local Communities, Monique Sosnowski
A Municipal Modernity: Women, Architecture, and Public Health in Working-Class New York, 1913–1950, Jessica Fletcher
An Affective Technology of Heimat: Whiteness, Nation Building and Social Media in Germany, Friederike Windel
Analog Matters: Labels, Cassettes, and Alternative Economies in Argentina’s Independent Music Scenes, Maria Agustina Checa
An Alternative Policy for Obtaining Cadaver Organs for Transplantation, James L. Muyskens
Analysis of Electrophysiological Markers and Correlated Components of Neural Responses to Discourse Coherence, Kurt M. Masiello
Analysis of Eye Movements to Cartoon Faces in Videos, Kaustubh Sapru
Analysis of Imaging Database and Identifying Novel MRI Diffusion Abnormalities in Alzheimer’s Disease, Analia Basilicata, Jennifer Padilla, Anjalee Rabbani, and Anam Riaz
Analysis of Polymer-Coated Bullets Using Spectroscopic Methods, Liana R. Albano
Analyzing ‘Fight the Power’ Part 1: Music and Longevity Across Evolving Marketing Eras, Shokolatte Tachikawa
Analyzing Real Life Scenarios through Linear and Exponential Functions using Open Pedagogy., Lili Grigorian
Analyzing Relationships with Machine Learning, Oscar Ko
An Analysis of Feminist Care Networks in the Editorial Intern Position at Women's Studies Quarterly, Angela G. Boscarino
An Application of the Coercive Control Framework to Cults, Sarah E. Feliciano
An Archimedes' screw for light, Emanuele Galiffi, Paloma A. Huidobro, and J. B. Pendry
An Archival Exploration of Lineup Fairness in Eyewitness Research, Phoebe Kane
André Mocquereau's Theory of Rhythm, Charles Weaver
An Empirical Study of Refactorings and Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems, Yiming Tang, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Rhia Singh, Ajani Stewart, and Anita Raja
An Empirical Study of Refactorings and Technical Debt in Machine Learning Systems, Yiming Tang, Raffi T. Khatchadourian, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Rhia Singh, Ajani Stewart, and Anita Raja
An Epic (Fail): Humor, Play, and Politics in Chilean Contemporary Art from the Early 1980s, Paula Solimano
A New Beginning: Early Refugee Integration in the United States, Van C. Tran and Francisco Lara-García
An Examination of Coping Strategies and Intent to Leave Child Welfare During the COVID 19 Pandemic, Francie J. Julien‑Chinn, Colleen C. Katz, and Eden Wall
An Explicit Construction of Sheaves in Context, Tyler A. Bryson
Annihilator dimers enhance triplet fusion upconversion, Andrew B. Pun, Samuel N. Sanders, Matthew Y. Sfeir, Luis M. Campos, and Daniel N. Congreve
An Offer You Cannot Refuse: Understanding the Elusive Construct of "Voluntary" Plea Decisions, Melanie B. Fessinger
A novel non‑selective atypical PKC agonist could protect neuronal cell line from A β ‑oligomer induced toxicity by suppressing A β generation, Dongmei Zou, Qian Li, Wenyang Pan, Peng Chen, Miao Sun, and Xiaofeng Bao
A Novel Therapeutic Strategy for Alzheimer’s Disease: Sex-Dependent Mechanisms Altered by the HDAC Inhibitor RG2833 in a Transgenic Rat Model, Kelechi Ndukwe
ANT 211: Cultural Anthropology Summer -Asynchronous Online Syllabus, Antonia M. Santangelo
ANTH 103: Introduction to Archaeology, Timothy Pugh
ANTH201: Cross-Cultural Perspectives (Fall 2023), James Tolleson
ANTH 210: Anthropology of East Asia, Tomomi Emoto
Antidepressant Effect of Ketamine on Inflammation-Mediated Cytokine Dysregulation in Adults with Treatment-Resistant Depression: Rapid Systematic Review, Shiryn D. Sukhram, Grozdena Yilmaz, and Jianying Gu
An Updated Look at Mental Health Services in American Public and Private Prisons, Lieren E. Tyira
Anys d’aprenentatge: Solfeig, teoria, harmonia i contrapunt (¿i si tot hagués estat un malson racista?), Antoni Pizà
APA PsycINFO on EBSCO, Sonali Sugrim
A Paradigm for Peptide Hormone-GPCR Analyses, Fred Naider and Jeffrey M. Becker
A Place Under The Sun, Maya B. Baran
Applying Linguistics to the Adult ESOL Classroom: A Guide for ESOL Teachers in Community Centers, Lenore Costello
Approaches to the Erdős–Straus Conjecture, Ivan V. Morozov
Approach with initiative or hold on passively? The impact of customer-perceived dependence on customer forgiveness in service failure, Xin Chen, Shuojia Guo, Jie Xiong, and Shuyi Hao
A Quantum Approach to Language Modeling, Constantijn van der Poel
Aquell estiu del 66. L'actuació de Merce Cunnigham a Sitges, ara fa 50 anys, Antoni Pizà
A Race-Police Regime: NYPD Technology and Urban Governance in New York City, Elliott Liu
A recusa de Marx da teoria do valor, David Harvey and Carine Botelho Previatti
A remark on conservative diffeomorphisms, Jairo Bochi, Bassam R. Fayad, and Enrique Pujals
Are Postmodernism and #MeToo Incompatible?, Seo-Young J. Chu
A Research Note: Race, Slavery, and the Ambiguity of Corporate Consciousness, Herman L. Bennett
A Result in the Theory of Twin Primes, Nelson Carella
Are the Cans in the Store “Volume Optimized”? [Mathematics], Bukurie Gjoci
A Review of SARS-CoV-2, Responsible for COVID-19: History, Biology, Infection Mechanism, Antigenic Vaccines, Their Risks and how an Alternate RBD Vaccine is Safer?, ZMG Sarwar Jahangir and Arleta Helena Marnik
A review of Theropithecus oswaldi with the proposal of a new subspecies, Dagmawit Abebe Getahun, Eric Delson, and Chalachew Mesfin Seyoum
Armenian Painterly Modernity and the Union of Armenian Artists, 1916–1921, Sato Moughalian
A role for myosin II clusters and membrane energy in cortex rupture for Dictyostelium discoideum, Emmanuel Asante-Asamani, Daniel Grange, Devarshi Rawal, Zully Santiago, John Loustau, and Derrick Brazill
ART 25500: Identity, Community, and Culture in Art Education-Spring 2023, Marit Dewhurst
Artificial Intelligence: moving forward to a new era of education, SALFARINA RAMLI and Vyacheslav Dushenkov
Artists, Activists, and Therapists Making Meaning of Collective Violence in Lebanon: A Community-Engaged Participatory Research Study, Nawal Muradwij
Artist-Scholar: Tradition and Modernity in the Work of Tseng Yuho, Jennie Tang
A Sentiment Analysis of "Filipinx" on Twitter Using a Multinomial Naïve Bayes Classification Model, Clarisse Taboy
As Fewer Young Americans Say They Believe in God, a Look at Why So Many Have Abandoned Religion and What Motivates Others to Keep the Faith, Briana Ellis-Gibbs
Asian American Perspectives on Immigration Policy, Van C. Tran and Natasha K. Warikoo
Asian hate speech detection on Twitter during COVID-19, Amir Toliyat, Sarah Ita Levitan, Zeng Peng, and Ronak Etemadpour
As’lem: An Ethical Diagnosis of the Contemporary, Miriam Ticktin
A Sociology of Gab: A Computational Analysis of a Far-Right Social Network, Nga Than
Asses and Wits: The Homoerotics of Mastery in Satiric Comedy, Mario DiGangi
Assessing the Impact of an Information Literacy Course on Students' Academic Achievement: A Mixed-Methods Study, Wilma L. Jones and Tara Mastrorilli
Association Strength between Concepts as the Origin of the "Foreign Language Effect", Emilia Ezrina
A Statewide Analysis of the Impact of Restitution and Fees on Juvenile Recidivism in Florida Across Race & Ethnicity, Alex R. Piquero, Michael T. Baglivio, and Kevin T. Wolff
ASTR 1: General Astronomy, David Goldberg
A Stronger Strong Schottky Lemma for Euclidean Buildings, Michael E. Ferguson
A Study of Geo-Regional Place-Consciousness in American Literature, Eugene Slepov
A Study of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Performance of an Internal Combustion Engine Operating on Landfill Gas Blends as Fuel, Lauren T. Creadore
A Study on the Design and Production of a Desktop Vaccuum Cleaner, Aaryan Manoj Nair, Emanuel Pichardo, Isaiah Ortiz, and Naeem Kotadia
A Study Protocol to Prepare an RBD Protein for Vaccine Against COVID-19, Z.M.G. Sarwar Jahangir and Arleta Helena Marnik
A Transnational Conversation on French Colonialism, Immigration, Violence and Sovereignty, Miriam Ticktin, Ruth Marshall, and Paolo Bacchetta
Attenuated Typicality Effect in Category-based Inferences: Implications for Autism Spectrum Disorder, Janani Rajagopalan
Attorneys’ questions about time in criminal cases of alleged child sexual abuse, McKenna N. Cameron
A Typological and Chemical Analysis of Roman Oil Lamps from Poggio del Molino, Brandon Tejo
Audible Futures: Scenes of Sonic Encounter in Cold War Kurdistan, 1923–2023, Nicholas S. Glastonbury
Audiological Management of Children with Down Syndrome: A Toolkit for Caregivers, Natalie Lisiewicz
Augmented & Virtual Reality: Advancement of technology and its impacts on medicine, education, and other industries, Yassine Chahid
Authoritarian Coalitions in Democracies: The Politics of Elite and Mass Engagement with Democratic Backsliding, Dean G. Schafer
Automatic Analysis of the Frequency, Vigor, and Complexity of Spontaneous Locomotion Bouts of Mice with Loss and Gain of Function of the G Protein-Coupled Receptor Smoothened in Cholinergic Neurons, Aleksandra Feshchenko
Automatic COVID-19 lung infected region segmentation and measurement using CT-scans images, Adel Oulefki, Sos Agaian, Thaweesak Trongtirakul, and Azzeddine Kassah Laouar
Avoiding Success: How Does Fear of Success Impact Today's Workforce?, Bradley E. Gray
Axonal architecture of the mouse inner retina revealed by second harmonic generation, Arafat Meah, Vinessia Boodram, Festa Bucinca-Cupallari, and Hyungsik Lim
Babel, Daniel Horowitz
Back to the Roots: Black Veganism, Kiara R. Thomas
Backward design: Framing research questions to create personalized learning, Junli Diao
Bad Bunny, un fenómeno imparable sin etiquetas, Lucy M. Cabrera
Bargaining in the Shadow of the Truth: How Client Assertion, Perception of Guilt, and Predictive Inaccuracy Influence Plea Recommendations, Anna D. Vaynman
Barriers to Optimal Audiological Care for Members of the Deaf Community, Joyce Orenshein
Basic Writers and the Echoes of Intertextuality, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Basic Writers as Critical Readers: The Art of Online Peer Review, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Battery Energy Storage Systems Applications and Deployment in Dense Urban Areas, Mohamed K. Kamaludeen
Beam-Based Target Alignment for Mu2e, Helenka Casler
Bearer Negotiable Instruments: Addressing a Financial Intelligence Gap and Identifying Criminogenic Weaknesses, Hollis B. Kegg
Beat Construal, Tempo, Metric Dissonance, and Transgressing the Groove in Heavy Metal, Drew Fleming
Becoming George Lucas: From Avant-Garde, Auteur, Independent Artist to Studio Executive, Ryan Thompson
Belief and Success Health Management Self-Efficacy: A National Survey of Black Adults, Stephanie Y. Store
“Bending the Law” – Weimar Judiciary and the Political Bias Paradox of the Legal System, Irit Bloch
Benjamin Franklin: America’s First ‘Modern American’, Christopher Motta
Berlín era una festa: Capllonch vist pels seus contemporanis a Alemanya, Antoni Pizà
Best Practices for Surface Disinfection, Khrystyna Vyprynyuk
Between Concealment and Revelation: Oblique Modes of Female Self-Expression in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Life Writing, Sophia N. Sunseri
Between Two Messiahs: An Ethnography of Settler-Colonizers in the West Bank, Amir Reicher
Beyond Participation: Hélio Oiticica and Neville D’Almeida, Jocelyn Elliott Rodriguez
Beyond Punishment: A Critical and Interpretive Phenomenology of Accountability, Cameron Rasmussen
Beyond The Songs on The Vistula: Chopin and Poland, a Mythical Construction, Juan Carlos Fernandez-Nieto
Bi Erasure and Bi Invisibility in Media and Medicine: Moving Beyond, Lacy M. Telles
BIO 013: Writing in the Sciences - Human Origins, Esther Muehlbauer
Biomimetic Water-Responsive Structures: From Fundamental Mechanisms to Evaporation Energy Harvesting Applications, Zhi-Lun Liu
Biotechnology Lab Manual Course BI-453, Sarbani Ghoshal and Nidhi Gadura
Birthing, Nursing, and Grieving: An Anthropological Archaeology of Healing Shrines in North Lebanon, Sarah Mady
Black College Students Perceptions of the COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate, Rickae Rodney
Black cosplayers push for proper dark-skinned character representation in media, Taylor K. Johnson
Black Feminist Citational Praxis and Disciplinary Belonging, Bianca C. Williams
Black Feminist Thought: Black women's emerging power as agents of knowledge, Oluremi Alapo
Blacklash: Phenomenological Hermeneutics in Black Dance, Darvejon A. Jones
Bloody Show, Leonie Weber
Blueprints, Lauryn E. Welch
Body Check: Transgressive Body Politics of Gina Pane, Orlan, and Deborah De Robertis, Avant-Garde Performance Artists in France, 1960s–Present, Patricia Anne Winter
Body Movement Syllabus - The City College of New York - Department of Theatre - Prof Timothy Allen, Timothy J. Allen
Book Review, Abalone: the remarkable history and uncertain future of California’s iconic shellfish, Claire Stewart
Borders: A Story of Political Imagination, Miriam Ticktin
‘Botched Performances’: Rising to the Challenge of Teaching Our Underprepared Students, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Bow Articulations in the Late Galant (1775–1812): An Analysis of Bow Strokes in Selected Violin Sonatas of Mozart and Beethoven, Julia E. Danitz
Boycotting vs. Canceling: Exploring Consumer Activism Against Corporations, Erica Buchman
Bozo the Clown: An Icon as American as an Apple Pie in the Face, Gregory Kent Oswald
Brain Development: Why the young sleep longer, Budhaditya Chowdhury and Orie T. Shafer
Brainwaves, Memory, and Reward, Rebecca McCune
Brazilian Portuguese-Russian (BraPoRus) Corpus: Automatic transcription and acoustic quality of elderly speech during Covid-19 pandemic, Irina A. Sekerina, Anna Smirnova Henriques, Aleksandra Skorobogatova, Natalia Tyulina, Tatiana V. Kachkovskaia, Svetlana Ruseishvili, and Sandra Madureira
Bridging the Research/Teaching Divide with DAH and SoTL-AH, Renee McGarry and Virginia B. Spivey PhD
Broadcasting La Presencia Latina: Tracing Identities Across Fields of Interaction in Rural Minnesota, Anthony J. Harb
Broken Poet, Martin Cloutier
Building a Feminist Commons in the Time of COVID-19, Miriam Ticktin
Building an AST Eclipse Plug-in, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Building a Pedagogy of Idea Generation and Embodied Inquiry, Kate Joranson
Business Information Security Officer (BISO) Responsibilities and Role Development, Kaung Myat Thu and Hudda Siddique
But Is It Material? A Case Study Evaluating Climate Risk’s Place in Financial Disclosures, Matilda Lindberg
Can You Really Build a Crypto Empire in the Empire State?, Cheyenne Ligon
Capital Structure Decision and Separating Risk from Optionality, Yang Xu
Career and Calling: Designing Your Self in Society, David Crismond
Caregiver decision-making concerning involuntary treatment in dementia care at home, Vincent RA Moermans, Angela MHJ Mengelers, Michel HC Bleijlevens, Hilde Verbeek, Bernadette Dierckx de Casterle, Koen Milisen, Elizabeth Capezuti, and Jan PH Hamers
Caring for Children with Mental Health Concerns: The Experience of Being a School Nurse, Jeannine Kaskoun
Caring for Individuals who are Experiencing Homelessness: An Audiologist’s Toolkit, Jenna Marie Sparacio
Carlos Chávez: A Guide to Research [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Cartographic Subjectivity in Fernand Deligny’s lignes d’erre, Anya Komar
Case 3847 – Simopithecus oswaldi Andrews, 1916 (currently Theropithecus oswaldi; Mammalia, Primates, CERCOPITHECIDAE), proposed conservation by reversal of precedence with Cynocephalus atlanticus Thomas, 1884., Eric Delson, David M. Alba, Stephen R. Frost, Dagmawit Abebe Getahun, and Christopher C. Gilbert
Cashing Out (Documentary), Girard Tecson
CEO Narcissism: An Unconventional Approach to Understanding the Importance of Further Research, Melissa Goldsmith
Challenges for Successful Transfer From Community to Bachelor’s Colleges: Views of Staff and Faculty With Transfer Responsibilities, A. W. Logue, Kerstin Gentsch, Yoshiko Oka, David Wutchiett, and Stephanie Abbeyquaye
Changes in the Epigenetic Landscape of Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells with Time, David K. Dansu
Changes in Utilization of Birth Control and PrEP During COVID‑19 in the USA: A Mixed‑Method Analysis, Rachel A. Fikslin, Alison J. Goldberg, Amanda N. Gesselman, Mora A. Reinka, Omaima Pervez, Elissia T. Franklin, Olivia Ahn, and Devon M. Price
Changing Behavior of Cyclone in Bangladesh and its Risk Assessment for Adaptation, Sareea Rahman Heea, Muhammad Qumrul Hassan, Abdul Mannan, and Nazrul I. Khandaker
Changing Homelands: The Election of Menachem Begin and The Diplomatic Campaign to Bring Ethiopian Jews to Israel, Abraham Silberstein
Characterization and Modulation of the Emergent Material Properties of Biomolecular Condensates, Alfredo Vidal Ceballos
Characterization of Pathological Tau Mutants, Charles J. McDonald
Characterization of the Conformational Binding of N-methyl Mesoporphyrin IX with DNA Model Telomeric G-Quadruplex Forming Sequences, Jessica Desamero
Charting the Rise of the Queer Criminal Trope in the Age of “Peak TV”, Natalie I. Rash
Chemical, microbial and safety profiling of a standardized Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) extract and Withaferin A, a potent novel phytotherapeutic of the millennium, Pawan Kumar, Samudra P. Banik, Apurva Goe, Sanjoy Chakraborty, Manashi Bagchi, and Debasis Bagchi
Children and Technology: Why Technology is Important for our Children, Jill MacTiernan
Children and the Cold War: Race & Hypocrisy Amid Fear of Nuclear War, Richard D. McTaggart Jr.
Chosen Family: One Woman’s Fight to Become Her Best Friend’s Next of Kin, Yessenia M. Moreno
Chromatic Dissensus: An Otherwise Archive of Natural Dyes, 1700–1856, Luke Church
Cinema and Ritual: Decolonial Feminist Approaches to Image-Making in the Americas and the Caribbean, Natalie M. Erazo
CITE Faculty Spolight: Dr. Ascenzi-Moreno, Anne Drew Hu and Jessica Velez Tello
CITE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Espinosa, Meg Ray and Sara Vogel
CITE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Mitchell, Sara Vogel and Sarane James
CITE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Saint-Hilaire, Meg Ray
CITE Faculty Spotlight: Drs. Kennedy, Kostadinov, and Masuda, Nadia Kennedy
CITE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Smith, Indranil Choudhury
CITE Faculty Spotlight: Drs. Noble and Powietrzynska, Anthony Wheeler
CITE Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Tribuzio, Olamide Ogungbemi
CITE Values Card Game, Sara Vogel, Indranil Choudhury, Aankit Patel, and Rafi Santo
Civil Society Organizations Serving Children in Vietnam: Opportunities and Constraints Working with Government Agencies, Trang P. Kelly
Classical Mechanics, Mark D. Shattuck
Classification Accuracy of Mixed Format Tests: A Bi-Factor Item Response Theory Approach, Wei Wang, Fritz Drasgow, and Liwen Liu
Classification of Normal versus Pneumonia from Chest X-ray Using and AI Model, Tassadit Lounes
Classroom management #Karen: What can educators learn from a meme?, Sherry L. Deckman and Lizette Aguilar
Climate Change and Critical Agrarian Studies, Ian Scoones, Saturnino M. Borras Jr., Amita Baviskar, Marc Edelman, Nancy Peluso, and Wendy Wolford
Climate Change Impact on Bridge Scour Risk in NY State: A GIS-Based Risk Analysis Model, Muhammad Hassan Butt
CMLIT 100: Writing about World Literature (Philosophical Literature), Victoria Tomasulo
CMV-Responsive CD4 T Cells Have a Stable Cytotoxic Phenotype Over the First Year Post-Transplant in Patients Without Evidence of CMV Viremia, Lauren E. Higdon, Ayah A. Amad, Steven Schaffert, Kenneth B. Margulies, and Jonathan S. Maltzman
COH 1500 Healthcare in the US OER Syllabus, Shannon Caravello
COH 1700: Health Care Coordination Syllabus, Sasha Harry
Collaborative Book Assignment: New York and the World - What Migration Stories Teach Us, Maritsa Poros
College Senate Minutes August 31, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate
College Senate Minutes May 11, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate
College Senate Minutes November 16, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate
College Senate Minutes October 26, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate
College Senate Minutes September 21, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate
Colonial Geographies of Gendered Violence and Mental Health in the United States and Puerto Rico, Lorraine Lizbeth L. Torres Colon
Colonial Investments: The Global Coordinates of the English Political Imaginary, 1628–1668, Nathan D. Nikolic
Coloniality, Western Science, and Critical Ethnic Studies in STEM Education, LaToya M. Strong
Combinatorics Syllabus, Tugce Ozdemir
Comentarios críticos escritos por estudiantes de Medicina sobre la evaluación del paciente, David Sánchez-Jiménez
Coming Together: The Street Vendors of Corona Plaza, Hannah Bottum
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes April 26, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes February 22, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes February 8, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes March 22, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes March 8, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes November 9, 2022, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes October 11, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes September 13, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Academic Standing Minutes September 27, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Academic Standing
Committee on Governance and Election Minutes November 14, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Governance and Election
Committee on Governance and Election Minutes November 7, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Governance and Election
Committee on Governance and Election Minutes October 3, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Governance and Election
Committee on Governance and Election Minutes September 19, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Governance and Election
Committee on Instruction and Professional Development Minutes December 6, 2022, Bronx Community College Committee on Instruction and Professional Development
Committee on Instruction and Professional Development Minutes February 7, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Instruction and Professional Development
Committee on Instruction and Professional Development Minutes March 14, 2023, Bronx Community College Committee on Instruction and Professional Development
Committee on Instruction and Professional Development Minutes November 8, 2022, Bronx Community College Committee on Instruction and Professional Development
Communication Use in Non-Profit Maternal Health, Marliatou Barry
Community engagement education in academic health centers, colleges, and universities, Chyke A. Doubeni, David Nelson, Elizabeth Gross Cohn, Electra Paskett, Seleshi Ayalew Asfaw, Mehek Sumar, Syed M. Ahmed, Rhonda McClinton-Brown, Mark L. Wieland, Anita Kinney, Sergio Aguilar-Gaxiola, Lisa G. Rosas, and Cecilia M. Patino
Comparison of Hydrolysis Efficiency and Performance of Four Recombinant β- glucuronidase Enzymes for the Detection of Opioids in Urine Samples by LC-MS/MS, Christina Fernandez
Compassion-Based Resilience Training (CBRT) For Frontline Healthcare Workers In Contact With COVID-19 Patients, Michael Perez Sosa
Competitive Frontoparietal Interactions Mediate Implicit Inferences, Martijn E. Wokke and Tony Ro
Completive 'todo': Implications for Possessives, Existentials, and Locative Expressions, Carolina Fraga
Complicating the Narrative with the Adoption Constellation, Amanda K. McHugh
Computational Model of Electroconvulsive Therapy Considering Electric Field Dependent Skin Conductivity, Gozde Unal
Concerned Student: Institutional Violence and Embodied Abolition in the University of Missouri Protests, Gaurav Jashnani
Conflict and Nature: How War in Cambodia Shaped Its Natural Landscape, Emily Lifs
Confronting the Doppelganger: Mapping the Ontological Terrain of an Afro-Caribbean Woman as She Rebrands Diasporic, Feminine Identity Politics: An Autoethnography, Aysha E. Todd-Stone
Confucian Thought and Contemporary Western Philosophy, Andrew Lambert
Confusion of Tongues: Translation and Transfers of Attachment in a Post-monolingual Condition, Hiji Nam
Conservative and Cultural Clashes with Comprehensive Sexuality Education, Bryan Z. Anderson
Consistent Failure to Produce a Cognitive Load Effect in Visual Working Memory Using a Standard Dual-Task Procedure, Timothy J. Ricker and Evie Vergauwe
Contact Sheet, Jiwoong Jang
Contamine de Latour, gimnopedista desconegut, Antoni Pizà
Contextualising tragedy in places of assembly through cases of New York City social club fires, Susan Brandt and Anne Marie Sowder
Contrafreeloading in kea (Nestor notabilis) in comparison to Grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus), Gabriella E. Smith, Amalia P. M. Bastos, Martin Chodorow, Alex H. Taylor, and Irene M. Pepperberg
Contrafreeloading in the Domestic Dog (Canis lupus familiaris), Liza Rothkoff
Conversations That Matter: Engaging Library Employees in DEI and Cultural Humility Reflection, Angel Truesdale, Kimberly Looby, Christin Lampkowski, and Abby Moore
Cookies, pop-ups and commercials: How tech companies' privacy promises are preserving their data dominance, Cailley LaPara
Coping with Constant Obsolescence: A Lifelong Task, Di Su
CopyrightX [Course Review], Jill Cirasella
Correlation of Road Network Structure and Urban Mobility Intensity: An Exploratory Study Using Geo-Tagged Tweets, Li Geng and Ke Zhang
Correlations Between the Rotations and Magnetospheres of the Terrestrial Planets and the Sun's Formation in Our Solar System, Fred J. Cadieu
Correspondencias sumergidas: latinoamericanismo, performance y archivo en Manuel Ugarte, Fernando Degiovanni
Cost-Effective and Performance-Preserving Secured Application Management in Cloud Environments, Minh Nguyen
Countering Dispossession: For Palestinians in the Diaspora, Maintaining Cultural Identity is a Means of Resistance, Reem Farhat
Country Tech: The Adaptive Reuse of a Former Theatre in the Catskill Mountains, Isimamwen Imarhiagbe, Calvin O. Walters Jr., and Cheriyah Wilmot
Coupled Spherical-Cavities, Stanislav Kreps, Vladimir Shuvayev, Mark Douvidzon, Baheej Bathish, Tom Lenkiewicz Abudi, Amirreza Ghaznavi, Jie Xu, Yang Lin, Lev Deych, and Tal Carmon
Course Project Overview Biology 1400, General Biology II, Kristin Polizzotto
Course Syllabus ESC 414 Special Methods in Art/ ESC 714 Teaching Art in Middle and High School, Deborah Yasinsky
"Courts and State-Building: The Welsh Marcher Lordships and the Somali Union of Islamic Courts," Polity 54(2): 197--25., Zachary C. Shirkey
Covering the Beatles: Tribute, Tradition, and Transformation, Alexander J. Prezzano
COVID-19 Multi-Targeted Drug Repurposing Using Few-Shot Learning, Yang Liu, You Wu, Xiaoke Shen, and Lei Xie
CP6200 JavaProgramming2 OER - OOP assignment - Item and Shopping Cart classes, Shoshana Marcus
CP6200 JavaProgramming2 OER - OOP Course Project, Shoshana Marcus
CP 6200 Java Programming 2 Syllabus (OER), Shoshana Marcus
Creating a Culturally Relevant Statistics Assignment on z-scores, Grace Pai
Creative Figures: Portraiture and the Making of the Modern American Artist, 1918-1930, Sasha Nicholas
Creative Writing Assignment, Felice Neals
Creative Writing Introduction, Keith Gandal
Critical Dialogue: The Stupidity of War: American Foreign Policy and the Case for Complacency and American Dove: US Foreign Policy and the Failure of Force, Zachary C. Shirkey and John Mueller
Critical Issues in Community Health course at Kingsborough CC (COH 1200) - Fall 2023, Jose Nanin
Crop Water Deficits and their Season-ahead Climate Determinants Across the United States, Siena W. Dante
Cruzar fronteras em espaços acadêmicos: Transgressing “the limits of translanguaging”, Brendan H. O’Connor, Katherine S. Mortimer, Lesley Bartlett, María Teresa de la Piedra, Ana Maria Rabelo Gomes, Ariana Mangual Figueroa, Gabriela Novaro, Marjorie Faulstich Orellana, and Char Ullman
CSC 10400 Discrete Math Recitation - tutorial playlist, Rose Wong
CSc 71010/CSCI 77100: Programming Languages/Software Engineering, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Dalí's Musical Roundabouts, Antoni Pizà
Dancing with the Devil: Carnival and the True Witch of The Witch of Edmonton, James B. Barone
Darkroom, Alexandra Romero
Data Analytics for Decision Making at Academic Departments, Ashwin Satyanarayana
Data Fusion and Synergy of Active and Passive Remote Sensing; An application for Freeze Thaw Detections, Zahra Sharifnezhadazizi
David versus Goliath: The Power of Weakness in Asymmetric Warfare—Lessons from History, Nicholas K. Petaludis
Death Becomes Her: Rejecting the Muse and Reclaiming the Female Body in Leonor Fini’s Skeleton Women, Janna Singer-Baefsky
Death Doulas and the Changing Face of Passing On in America, Uvie M. Bikomo
Death Spaces and Distant Skies (Every Day We Say Goodbye), Renee Estee
Debating Ethnic Governance in China, Yan Sun
Decolonization of Knowledge Production in African Societies: Contextual Analysis of Language of Instruction, Oluremi Alapo
Deconstructing Biopolitical and Performative Modes of Gender in Spanish Science Fiction, Emma Navarro
Deep learning prediction of chemical-induced dose-dependent and context-specific multiplex phenotype responses and its application to personalized alzheimer’s disease drug repurposing, You Wu, Qiao Liu, Yue Qiu, and Lei Xie
DeepREAL: a deep learning powered multi-scalemodeling framework for predicting out-of-distributionligand-induced GPCR activity, Tian Cai, Kyra Alyssa Abbu, Yang Liu, and Lei Xie
Defining Twice Exceptional Learners: A Study of Self-Concept, Alyssa D. Landau
De-identified raw data for Prasada & Leus, Sandeep Prasada and Olga A. Leus
“Delicious Libation”: The Art of the Coffee Trade from Brazil to the United States, 1797-1888, Caroline L. Gillaspie
Dels territoris tribals als territoris globals: Una etnografia personal, Antoni Pizà
Demarcating Psychopathologies: Nosology, Validity, and the Taxonomic Problem in Psychiatric Medicine, Julia Zentz Kolak
Democratizing bioinformatics through easily accessible software platforms for non-experts in the field, Konstantinos Krampis
Demonstration Speech Guidelines, Anuradha K. Herath
Dendritic Spine Density and Morphology in the Dorsolateral Striatum Following a High Fat Diet, Tikva Nabatian
Departments and disciplinary gatekeeping: the sociolinguistics of Spanish in US Academia, José del Valle
De Rafael Edward a Ted o com s'arriba a ser "blanc" als EUA, Antoni Pizà
Design and Applications of Fmoc-Histidine and Aspartic Acid Tripeptides as Proton Conductive Materials, Shejla S. Pollozi
Design and Control of Quasi-direct Drive Actuation for Lightweight and Versatile Wearable Robots, Shuangyue Yu
Design and Synthesis of Substituted N,3,3-Triphenylpropanamide and 1-Benzhydryl-N-phenylazetidine-3-carboxamide Analogs and their Biological Evaluation, Michael Dorogan
Design and Synthesis of Surface-Functionalized Nanomaterials for Cancer Theranostics, Hailin Huang
Design aspects of deep water distribution shafts, Navid Allahverdi and V. Nasr
Detection of Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and Cannabidiol In Utero Exposure by Umbilical Cord Analysis, Emily Pagano
Determined to Be American: Regulating Immigration and Citizenship in the Early American Republic, 1783–1815, Cody E. Nager
Determining the Influence of Abiotic and Biotic Predictors on Ecological Niche Models, Erica Johnson
Developing a Culturally Responsive Assessment Model for Short-Term Study Abroad at an Urban Community College, Grace Pai and Katie Wilson
Developing a Method to Study to Examine Lookism on Social Media, Shana Ramnarain and Alyssa Dana Adomaitis
Developing a Scale to Measure Internalization of Oppression Among Latinx Living in New York City, Jeannette A. Sucre
Developing Inclusive Partnerships Between Home and School, Kristen DuMoulin
Developing Mexico: History, Architecture, Photography, and Esther Born’s The New Architecture in Mexico, Tyler Considine
Developing Standards for Cultural Competency Training for Health Care Providers to Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual Persons: Consensus Recommendations from a National Panel, Mandi L. Pratt-Chapman, Kristen Eckstrand, Amorie Robinson, Lauren B. Beach, Charles Kamen, Alex S. Keuroghlian, Scott Cook, Asa Radix, Markus P. Bidell, Daniel Bruner, and Liz Margolies
Development and Modification of a Culturally Tailored Education Program to Prevent Breast Cancer in Korean Immigrant Women in New York City, Jin Young Seo, So-Hyun Park, Sung-Eun Choi, Minkyung Lee, and Shiela M. Strauss
Development of a Raspberry PI-Controlled VEX Robot for a Robotics Technology Course, Lili Ma, Justin Bartholomew, Yu Wang, and Xiaohai Li
Development of Chemical Probes for Two Pro-Metastatic Enzymes: Cysteine Cathepsins and Nek2 Kinase, Ashif I. Bhuiyan
Development of Microfluidic 3D Cell Array with Tumor-Stroma interaction for Cancer Immunotherapy Drug Screening, Chun-Wei Chi
Devil in the Details: Witchcraft in Reformation England, Angela A. Luna
Devlopment of a Practical Method to Quantify Infiltration Rate through Building Entrance, Eric Reed, Ferasuddin Siddiqui, Louidelson Deguerre, and Steve. Boodram
Diagnosis and Management of Adults with Hidden Hearing Loss: A Scoping Review, Chana Flohr
Dialogue in the Margins, Cheryl Hogue Smith and Nicole Callahan
Diasporic Women’s Mutability in South Asian Postcolonial Literature, Tasnim S. Halim
Differentiability of correlations in realistic quantum mechanics, Alejandro Cabrera, Edson de Faria, Enrique Pujals, and Charles Tresser
Diggin’ in the Racial Literacy and Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Crates, Jordan Bell
Digital Against the Digital, Gemma Stevanella
Digital and Ebook Publishing, Philip M. Rappaport
Digital Humanities at Work in the World, Sarah Ruth Jacobs
Digital Imaging and Illustration, Lynne S. Foster
Dimensionality Reduction Techniques in Macroeconomic Analysis, Abigail Rogot
Direct Control of Visual Perception with Phase-specific Modulation of Posterior Parietal Cortex, Andrew Jaegle and Tony Ro
Disability and Star Trek: Analyzing Half a Century of Science Fiction, Heather Rose Harris
Disciplines, Institutions—and Desires, Will Stockton, Mario DiGangi, Ruth Mazo Karras, and Melissa E. Sanchez
Disclosure Harmonization and R&D Investment Efficiency, Lu Tong
Discovering the Indian Diaspora in France and Beyond, Shweta Deshpande
Discrimination against Veiled Women in the West: Social Isolation, Amina M. Abdallah
Diseased Lineage: An Intersectional Feminist Perspective, Kelly McIntosh
Disordered Protein Aggregates Are Linked to Changes in the Histone Post-Translational Modification Landscape in Disease and Non-Disease Models, Samantha Cobos
Disputas de origen: Américo Castro y la institucionalización de la filología en la Argentina, Fernando Degiovanni
Distinct properties of the triplet pair state from singlet fission, M. Tuan Trinh, Andrew Pinkard, Andrew B. Pun, Samuel N. Sanders, Elango Kumarasamy, Matthew Y. Sfeir, Luis M. Campos, Xavier Roy, and X.-Y. Zhu
Distinct Thalamic and Frontal Neuroanatomical Substrates in Children with Familial vs. Non-Familial Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Rahman Baboli, Meng Cao, Jeffrey M. Halperin, and Xiaobo Li
Distress in the workplace: Characterizing the relationship of burnout measures to the Occupational Depression Inventory, Irvin Sam Schonfeld and Renzo Bianchi
Divergent water requirements partition exposure risk to parasites in wild equids, Kaia J. Tombak, Laurel A. Easterling, Lindsay Martinez, Monica S. Seng, Liana F. Wait, and Daniel I. Rubenstein
Diversity Still Matters: School-Level Racial Diversity, Poverty and Performance of New York City Public Schools, Byunghwa Kim
Diving in Deeper: Bringing Basic Writers’ Thinking to the Surface, Cheryl Hogue Smith
DIY The Process of Healing from Trauma through Woodworking, and Living Off Grid, Rachel A. Pollock
DNA Shedding Propensity and Individual Characteristics, Genesis Echavarria
Do Ask, Do Tell: Lessons Learned from Marginalized Gay or Bisexual Males in Male-Dominated Organizations, Charles Tienken
doc/u/ment: Affinities in 20th and 21st-Century Documental Poetics, Katherine Payne
Does Gender Matter? Gendered Relations in the Recording Studios, Diane Wong
Does Low-Income Housing Change Neighborhoods? Evidence from the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program, Maria Dikler
Does Music Theory Need Musicology?, Kofi Agawu
Does the APOE-ε4 Allele Differentially Influence Cognition: A Longitudinal Investigation in Healthy Older Adults at Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, Aditya Kulkarni
Do mothers Affect Daughter’s Behaviors? Diet, Physical Activity, and Sedentary Behaviors in Kuwaiti Mother–Daughter Dyads, Lemia H. Shaban, Joan A. Vaccaro, Shiryn D. Sukhram, and Fatma G. Huffman
Don Quixote (1950) [Music review], Antoni Pizà
Dora María Téllez interview, Marc Edelman
Droplets in an Electric Field: Surface Rheology, Coalescence and Rebound, Yu Han
Drug Repurposing Using Gene Expression Data Mining, Yue Qiu
DRYing Our Library’s LibGuides-Based Webpage by Introducing Vue.js, Mark E. Eaton
dulce sueños de tierra, sweet dreams of earth, Jordany Genao
Dynamic Risk Trajectories, Community Context, and Juvenile Recidivism, Kevin T. Wolff, Michael T. Baglivio, and Jonathan Intravia
Dynamics in Designed Elastins and Enzymes, Jonathan M. Preston
Dynamics of Alpha Control: Preparatory Suppression of Posterior Alpha Oscillations by Frontal Modulators Revealed with Combined EEG and Event-related Optical Signal, Kyle E. Mathewson, Diane M. Beck, Tony Ro, Edward L. Maclin, Kathy A. Low, Monica Fabiani, and Gabriele Gratton
Dynamics of Spin and Charge of Color Centers in Diamond under Cryogenic Conditions, Richard G. Monge
Early Adversity, Emotion Regulation, Object Relational Functioning, and the Moderating Effect of Gender Identity: A community sample study, Victoria Schilder
Early Pleistocene large mammals from Maka’amitalu, Hadar, lower Awash Valley, Ethiopia, John Rowan, Ignacio A. Lazagabaster, Christopher J. Campisano, Faysal Bibi, René Bobe, Jean-Renaud Boisserie, Stephen R. Frost, Tomas Getachew, Christopher C. Gilbert, Margaret E. Lewis, Sahleselasie Melaku, Eric Scott, Antoine Souron, Lars Werdelin, William H. Kimbel, and Kaye E. Reed
Eavesdropping on animals: Can bioacoustics help save species?, Zoe Grueskin
Eclipse, OSGi, and the Java Model, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Economic Factors and Theories of Decline and Reform in the Late Ottoman Empire C. 1789–1911, Peter S. Gomori
ECPEL 894: Supervisory Practicum, Nathalis Wamba
ECPSE 711: Advanced Seminar in Childhood Special Education, SunA Kim
Eddie Ellis, Credible Messengers and the Neo-Liberal Imagination of Anti-Violence, David C. Brotherton
Educating the Diaspora: In Search of Liberatory Educational Experiences, Daicy Diaz-Granados
Edward Said and the study of music, Kofi Agawu
Effectiveness and Safety of Apixaban vs Warfarin in Patients with Venous Thromboembolism with Risk Factors for Bleeding or for Recurrences, Alexander T. Cohen, Janvi Sah, Amol D. Dhamane, Dionne M. Hines, Theodore Lee, Lisa Rosenblatt, Birol Emir, Allison Keshishian, Huseyin Yuce, and Xuemei Luo
Effects of Climate Change on Human Health, Sara El Houzaly and Richa Gupta
Effects of Genes and Gene-Environment Interactions on Work-Family Conflict and Enrichment, Peter Yu
Effects of the Form of Address “You Guys”, Jocelyn Sawyer
Effects of the OTX2ECR2 enhancer & PROX1 overexpression in murine retina development, Erick J. Subillaga
Eight Essays, Suanny Y. Vizcaino
Eight Essays, Yao Xiao
Ejercicios de sí: escritura, cuerpo y deporte en el Cono Sur (1964–2019), Pablo Yankelevich
El árbol-narrador en La sangre de Elena Quiroga: Lugar femenino de memoria y trauma en la posguerra española, Ines Corujo Martín
El bell i el sublim de la mà de Benet Casablancas, Antoni Pizà
El Cuerpo Armónico (The Body Harmonic), Luis Emilio Romero
Electrochemical Resistive-Pulse Sensing in Biological Systems, Rui Jia
Electromagnetic Theory and Applications, Nicholas Madamopoulos and George Kliros
Electrophysiological Signatures of Stress Adaptability in the BNST-VTA Pathway, Yuka Miura
Elementary Science & Engineering Teaching Methods, David Crismond
Elevated growth and biomass along temperate forest edges, Luca L. Morreale, Jonathan R. Thompson, Xiaojing Tang, Andrew B. Reinmann, and Lucy R. Hutyra
El Poder de las Tierras Estatales: Conflictos de propiedad, formaciones estatales y la construcción de los Llanos en Colombia, Julio Arias Vanegas
Els tristos tròpics de Joan Bordoy, emigrant a Amèrica i terrorista accidental, Antoni Pizà
El Valle Del Río Grande siempre ha sido bilingüe. ¿Por qué sus escuelas no?, Karina Guerrero and jesus chapa-malacara
Emancipatory and Retributive Labor: Conflicting Representations of Enslaved Labor in US and Caribbean Literature, 1830–1855, Michael Druffel
Emotional Landscapes, Jin Young Jeong
Emotion Recognition With Audio, Video, EEG, and EMG: A Dataset and Baseline Approaches, Jin Chen, Tony Ro, and Zhigang Zhu
Emphasizing the Economic: Nancy Fraser, the Cultural-Redistributive Divide, and Social Justice’s PR Crisis, Michael Kirby
Employment Experiences of Nigerian Immigrant women in the United States and Canada, Maryam A. Oguntola
Energy Harvesting Sensors and Their Role in Fostering Sustainable Air Quality Monitoring, Tomas Valentin and Li Geng
ENG 113: Writing about Literature, Joseph Donica
Engagement Journalism in Action: Supporting New Yorkers with Long COVID, Sarah Luft
Engineered PLGA Nanofibers for Drug Delivery, Andrew Mancuso
ENGL 157: Great Works of Global Literature, Scott R. Kapuscinski
ENGL 200: Writing about Writing (The Problem of the University), Flora de Tournay
ENGL 211W: Intro to Nonfiction (Points of Entry and/or Exit Wounds), heather simon
ENGL 351: Nineteenth-Century U.S. Literature, Duncan Faherty
English Learners In NYC, Raquel Neris
Entextualización del Discurso Político en Colombia. Análisis Glotopolítico Del Proceso de Escritura de la Constitución de 1991, Jorge Luis Alvis-Castro
En torno de una perspectiva glotopolítica: diálogos, investigaciones, acciones, José del Valle, Fernanda Castelano Rodrigues, and María Teresa Celada
Entrepreneurship, Ouafaa Hmaddi
Entrepreneurship at the Base of the Pyramid, Ouafaa Hmaddi
Environmental Drivers of Dispersal in Black-and-White Ruffed Lemurs (Varecia variegata), Amanda Mancini
Epistemic Virtue and Receptivity to Science in Policing, Braden L. Campbell
Equality, Solidarity, and Exploitation: An Essay on the Philosophical Foundations of Socialism, Callum Zavos MacRae
Equity Among Equity Workers: Public Service Motivation in an Educational Nonprofit Organization, Russell C. West Jr
Ernesto Deira, Rogelio Polesello, and the Esso Salons of 1964–65, Jonas Albro
Essays in Health Economics, Chuxin Liu
Essays on Structural Transformation and Inequality, Yaoqi Lin
Essays on Tax Impacts on Corporate Finance, Corporate Governance and Regional Disparity, Mei Li
Establishing a Mouse Model of Glioblastoma (GBM) And Developing Strategies to Eliminate Cancer Cells., Juliet N.E. Baidoo-Kanneh
“Etc. Etc.” Reliquias y fragmentos de una sonata de Schubert, Antoni Pizà
Ethical HIV research with transgender and non-binary communities in the United States, Augustus Klien and Sarit Golub
Ethical Subjectivism: A Lost Cause, Carlo Alvaro
Ethnic Tensions in the Western Balkans and the Experience of Ethnic Minorities, Nadina Resulani
Ethnographic activism and critical criminology, David C. Brotherton
Etiology of Injustice, Susan Erck
Eukaryotic initiation factor 4F promotes a reorientation of eukaryotic initiation factor 3 binding on the 5 and the 3 UTRs of barley yellow dwarf virus mRNA, Paul Powell, Usha Bhardwaj, and Dixie Goss
Eustache Deschamps' "L'art de dictier", Deborah M. Sinnreich
Evaluating Growth Rates of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and Water Quality for Oyster Restoration Sites at City Island, Bronx, NY, Cody L. Jernigan
Evaluating Indoor Air Phthalates and Volatile Organic Compounds in Nail Salons in the Greater New York City Area: A Pilot Study, Inkyu Han, Jin Young Seo, Dana Boyd Barr, Parinya Panuwet, Volha Yakimavets, Priya Esilda D'Souza, Heyreoun An-Han, Masoud Afshar, and Ying-Yu Chao
Evaluating Neural Networks as Cognitive Models for Learning Quasi-regularities in Language, Xiaomeng Ma
Evaluating the Effect of CCTV on Crime Occurrence and Case Clearances in Fayetteville, North Carolina: A Microsynthetic Control Quasi-Experiment, Amanda L. Thomas
Evaluation of Snow and Streamflow in the National Water Model with Analysis using Machine Learning, Engela Sthapit
Evaluation of Symmetric Functions and Boolean Functions over Stochastic Input, Naifeng Liu
“Every Beat You Make Has a Time of Day or Color”: How Producers and Rappers Changed the Course of Sampling Music, Elvin M. Castellanos
Every Force Evolves A Form, Nicholas Fusaro
Everything you wanted to know about teaching and learning with technology but were afraid to ask: an online facilitators' inquiry-based investigation group, Sarah Brennan, Sandy Figueroa, and Sherese Mitchell
“Everywhere You Go It’s Morning”: Photo-Topographies in Bernadette Mayer’s Memory, Liz Janoff
Evidence-Based Practice in the Management of Tinnitus in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review of the Literature, Rivka Deutsch
Evidence of mirror self-recognition in beluga whales, Alexander Mildener
Evocative Visualization of Void and Fluidity, Tomiko Karino
Evolution from the plasmon to exciton state in ligand-protected atomically precise gold nanoparticles, Meng Zhou, Chenjie Zeng, Yuxiang Chen, Shuo Zhao, Matthew Y. Sfeir, Manzhou Zhu, and Rongchao Jin
Evolution of microscopic heterogeneity and dynamics in choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents, Stephanie Spittle, Derrick Poe, Brain Doherty, Charles Kolodziej, Luke Heroux, Md Ashraful Haque, Henry Squire, Tyler Cosby, Yong Zhang, Carla Fraenza, Sahana Bhattacharyya, Madhusudan Tyagi, Jing Peng, Ramez A. Elgammal, Thomas Zawodzinski, Mark Tuckerman, Steve Greenbaum, Burcu Gurkan, Clemens Burda, Mark Dadmun, Edward J. Maginn, and Joshua Sangoro
Evolutions in Suicide Bombing: Exploring the Relationship Between the Tactic and Its Application by Non-state Armed Groups Across Various Conflict Zones Over Time, David E. Firester
Evolving Identity: Hellenistic Greece vs. Arthurian Legend, Irene A. Bougatsos
Examination of Korean Feminism from the Intersections of Colonialism, Modernity, and Nationalism in Colonial Korea (1910–1945), Yae hee Choi
Examinations of the Close Relationship Processes and Health Framework Among Adult and Adolescent Sexual Minority Men, Trey Victor Dellucci
Examining Factors Related to Tobacco Treatment Engagement Among Tobacco Dependent Black/African American; Hispanic/Latino Cancer Patients: An Analysis of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s Tobacco Treatment Program, Gleneara E. Bates-Pappas
Examining inequities in rates of undiagnosed HIV and rectal STIs in a large nationwide cohort study of sexual minority men, H Jonathon Rendina, Ali Talan, K Marie Sizemore, Nicola F. Tavella, Brian Salfas, Ore Shalhav, Drew Westmoreland, Brian Mustanski, and Carlos E. Rodríguez- Díaz
Examining Metacognitive Access to Low-Level Ensemble Representations, Vladimir Mudragel
Examining Past, Present, and Future of Agricultural Labor: From the Bracero Program to the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Francesca Paradiso
Examining the Effect of Talker Familiarity Using Familiar and Unfamiliar Talkers on Noise-Vocoded Speech Perception in Normal-Hearing Listeners: A Training Study, Daria N. Collins
Examining the Effect of Training Using Natural and Noise-Vocoded Sentences on Noise-Vocoded Speech Perception in Normal-Hearing Listeners, Alexis Leiderman
Examining the evidence base for burnout, Renzo Bianchi and Irvin Schonfeld
Examining the evidence base for burnout, Renzo Bianchi and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Examining the Prevalence and Psychopathological Correlates of Paraphilic Interests in a Non-clinical Sample, Dylan H. Abrams
Examining the Recovery of the MTA in NYC, Angel Adegbesan
Examining the Role of Evidence-Based Suspicion in Racial Disparities in Wrongful Convictions, Jacqueline Katzman
Examining transcriptional regulators during muscle development in Drosophila melanogaster, Chaamy Yapa
Example SIOP / Translanguaging Activity for TESOL methods course, Sara Vogel
Excerpt from Novel, The House of Bad Spirit, Balim Barutcu
Exciton Dynamics, Interaction, and Transport in Monolayers of Transition Metal Dichalcogenides, Saroj Chand
Exosome- and Microrna-based Therapeutic Approach for Tendinopathy, Angela Wang Ilaltdinov
Expanding the Role of the Temporal Dimension in Ecological Niche Models: A Study on Mexican Montane Small Mammals, Gonzalo E. Pinilla Buitrago
Experienced and Anticipated Stigma among People with Mental Illness when Interacting with Healthcare Workers, Shaindel Feuer
Explicit Instruction in a Second Grade Picturebook Author Study, Ted Kesler
Exploration of chemical space with partial labeled noisy student self‑training and self‑supervised graph embedding, Yang Liu, Hansaim Lim, and Lei Xie
Exploration of Dark Chemical Genomics Space via Portal Learning: Applied to Targeting the Undruggable Genome and COVID-19 Anti-Infective Polypharmacology, Tian Cai, Li Xie, Muge Chen, Yang Liu, Di He, Shuo Zhang, Cameron Mura, Philip Boume, and Lei Xie
Exploration to Brand Communication on TikTok, Victoria M. Priola
Exploring Algebraic Thinking: In-Service Teacher Experiences, Outcomes, and Perceptions from an Algebra for All Capstone Unit Plan Project, Alexander J. Lord and Tallin Lamonaca
Exploring Dante’s Sources Online: Interactive Reading, Visualizations, and the Study of Dantean Intertextuality in the Digital Age, Julie Van Peteghem
Exploring Friendships in J.R.R. Tolkien’s Novels and Adaptations: A Study in Social Media, Fandoms, and Variations, Ashley D. Anderson
Exploring Methods for Recycling Filament Waste in 3D Printing, Max Rios Carballo
Exploring Motivational Factors Related To Teachers’ Retention And Attrition In Urban Schools, Andrew Wintner
Exploring opportunities to expand and improve PrEP uptake in vulnerable US communities., Pedro B. Carneiro
Exploring relationships between dog training approaches and aggression, fear, and dog-owner relationship, Janee Wise
Exploring the Potential of Hearing Screening Smartphone Applications to Enhance Access to Hearing Healthcare: A Literature Review, Adam Sulaiman
Exposing the Governmental Amnesia of the Human Rights Violations that Occurred in the Magdalene Laundries, Sarah G. Gallagher
Expression, Purification and Refolding of a Human Na V 1.7 Voltage Sensing Domain with Native-like Toxin Binding Properties, Ryan V. Schroder, Leah S. Cohen, Ping Wang, Joekeem D. Arizala, and Sébastien F. Poget
Extinction of Threat Memory via Reconsolidation Interference: A Behavioral Intervention Meta-Analysis, Chris M. Andrae
Extraction of Challenging Forensic Samples Using the MicroGEM DNA Extraction Kit, Falyn R. Vega
Extraction, Property, and Rights in Southeastern Arabian Seascapes c.1820–present, Scott Erich
Extradition in Post-Roe America, Alejandra L. Caraballo, Cynthia Conti-Cook, Yveka Pierre, Michelle McGrath, and Hillary Aarons
Extreme E-Service Learning: Remote Learning for Undergraduate Students and Telehealth Intervention for Children with Autism, Madiha S. Muzammal
Extremism in America: Explaining Variations in Ideologically Motivated Fatal Violence, Celinet Duran
Facebook avatars, or doppelgangers, for the academician: eMentoring turned educational campaign, Jennifer Tang and Sarah Brennan
Factors Associated with Hepatitis B Medication Adherence and Persistence among Underserved Chinese and Vietnamese Americans, Aisha Bhimla, Lin Zhu, Wenyue Lu, Sarit Golub, Chibuzo Enemchukwu, Elizabeth Handorf, Yin Tan, Ming-Chin Yeh, Minhhuyen T. Nguyen, Min Qi Wang, and Grace X. Ma
Factors Associated with Technology Adoption by Community-Dwelling Older Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Elizabeth A. Sutton
Factors Associated with the Life Satisfaction of Gay and Bisexual Men and Their Variation by Race, Robert G. Considine
Faculty’s Perception on Student Performance using vSim for Nursing® as a Teaching Strategy, Leighsa Sharoff
Fairness Doesn't Have to Be Egalitarian: Evidence From Bargaining Games, Kevin Wong
Fall 2023 Human Resources Management Syllabus, Joseph A. Abbondandolo
Fall 2023 Organizational Change Syllabus, Joseph A. Abbondandolo
Fantasmas compartidos: Posmemoria, herencia y reescritura de la Guerra Civil española en México y España, Mayte Lopez Sanchez
Federal Climate Policy Successes: Co-benefits, Business Acceptance, and Partisan Politics, Roger Karapin and David Vogel
Feeding Memories: A Conversation with Writers who Write About Food, Rochelle Spencer, Tara Christina, Dera R. Williams, and Shannon Holbrook
Females exhibit higher GluA2 levels and outperform males in active place avoidance despite increased amyloid plaques in TgF344‑Alzheimer’s rats, Osama Chaudry, Kelechi Ndukwe, Maria Figuiredo-Perira, Peter A. Serrano, and Patricia Rockwell
Feminine Performance in The Taming of the Shrew: Final Speech and Missing Soliloquy, Laura Kolb
Feminismos del exilio: devenir mass media y militancia de las escritoras republicanas en Buenos Aires (1938–1963), Lorena Paz Lopez
Feminist Abolitionist Nursing, Martha Paynter, Keisha Jefferies, Leah Carrier, and Lorie Goshin
Feminist Erasures: The Development of a Black Feminist Methodological Theory, Alex J. Moffett-Bateau
Fighting for the Right to Dance in NYC’s Public Parks, Caithlin Peña
Fighting the Invisibility of Domestic Violence, Yesenny Fernandez
Financial Institutions Continue to Adopt Crypto Despite Industry Turmoil, Andre Beganski
Finding Autonomy Under the Russian Bear: Explaining Central Asia’s Response to the Invasion of Ukraine, Ryan Hitch
FIQWS 10008 Syllabus Fall 2023, Hayley M. Hancock
FIQWS Killer Stories Syllabus for Writing Section, Serhiy Metenko and Serhiy Metenko
FIQWS The Politics of Language (Composition Section), Sarah Z. Perez
First Year Composition Syllabus, Krystal M. Orwig
Flamboyant Abundance: Performing Queer Maximalism, 1960–1990, Jack Owen Crawford
Flamenco Deep Song [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Fluidity of Ptolemaic Tomb Architecture: Third to Second Centuries BCE, Caroline Gerkis
Food for Harlem, Izania Gonzalez
Football can save America, Francisco Attie
Footnote Forum’s Moderated Conversation With the Authors of The Domestic Violence Survivors Justice Act and Criminalized Immigrant Survivors, Assia Serrano and Nathan Yaffe, Assia Serrano and Nathan Yaffe
For Critical Language Awareness and Against the “Exclusive-use-of-the-target-language” Myth: The Effects of Sociolinguistic Content in English in an Elementary Spanish Classroom, Beatriz Lado and José del Valle
Forensic Investigation of Building Failure – The Harbour Cay Condominium Disaster, John Airis
Form in Hip-Hop Music: Sections, Songs, and History, Stephen M. Gomez
“For ‘Their Own Good’”: Education, The Performing Arts, and Social Justice at the Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1915–2023, Anna S. Harb
For What Cannot Be Reached, Yasmeen Alkishawi
For What Is a Man?: Towards Languaging Contemporary Dance in a Black, Queer, Male-presenting Body, Thomas Ford
Fostering Epistemic Equality with Library-Based Publishing in the Global South, Monica Berger
Foundations of Bilingual and Bicultural Education, Demet Arpacik
Fractured Reading: Experiencing Students’ Thinking Habits, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Fragments d'un diari musical, Antoni Pizà
Freedom Song: Uncovering a Politics of Dignity in Black Feminist Thought and Praxis, Abegail M. Dobson
Friendship in the Confucian Tradition, Andrew Lambert
From Allegory to Revolution: The Inca Empire in the Eighteenth-Century French Imagination, Agnieszka A. Ficek
From Antipolitics to Post-Neoliberalism: A Conversation with James Ferguson, Nils Gilman, Miriam Ticktin, and James Ferguson
From Prostitution to Sex Trafficking: Dilemmas of Victim Service Workers Helping Chinese Immigrant Women at the Courts, Yen-Chiao Liao
FROM SURPLUS TO SCARCITY: Restaurant Labor along the Brooklyn Waterfront, 2020-2023, Emily Holloway
From the human to the planetary: Speculative futures of care, Miriam Ticktin
From Voting Rights to Voter Turnout: Three Papers on the Interplay of Racial Resentment, Racial Threat, and Politics, Kevin Morris
Fuglede's Conjecture in Some Finite Abelian Groups, Thomas Fallon
Fundamentals of Communication, 2nd ed., Teresa Fisher
Fundamentals of Microgel Flooding and Nanoparticles-Stabilized Foams in Enhanced Oil Recovery, Shuaijun Li
Fusiones y confusiones del Concierto de Aranjuez en el jazz: reflexiones de un oyente, Antoni Pizà
Future Trash, Xinan Ran
FYW: College Writing Basics, Serhiy Metenko and Jeffrey Robin
Gaps of Speculation: Refusing Representation in Queer and Postcolonial Fiction, Sarah Schwartz
Gender Role Conflict, Campus Climate, and Satisfaction among Male Undergraduate Nursing Students, Randelle Sasa
Gender & Sexuality in New York Politics, Bianca M. Guerrero
General Review of Elements Quiz for "Write or Left" textbook, Kylee C. Pastore
Genomic Data Mining Reveals Abundant Uncharacterized Transporters in Coccidioides immitis and Coccidioides posadasii, Hong Cai, Hao Zhang, Daniel H. Guo, Yufeng Wang, and Jianying Gu
Genres of Labor: Wageless Work and the Aesthetics of Stagnation, Martin A. Jensen
"Gent de forca i de presó": Jueus i xuetes als dietaris de Joan Estelrich, Antoni Pizà
Geochemical Analysis of Recent Volcanic Ash Blanketing Barbados and Constraints on Magma Composition (V32E-0112), Nazrul I. Khandaker, Krishna Mahabir, Surendranauth Mahabir, Lloyd Kiefer, Juan C. Campo, and Andrew M. Singh
Geografía abolicionista y el problema de la inocencia, Ruth Wilson Gilmore
George Floyd in Papua: Image-Events and the Art of Resonance, Karen Strassler
GERM 203: Intermediate German I, Christa Spreizer
Germanic Latin Lyric Diction: Regional Variations in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, James A. Worley
Getting Back: The Chiffons’ Sonic Reclamation, Hilarie Ashton
"'Gi Dunu,' 'Nyekpadudo,' and the Study of West African Rhythm", V. Kofi Agawu
“Girl Power, Selfies, and Sexiness”: An Investigation into the Neoliberal and Postfeminist Era of Influencer Marketing, Amalie A. Werenskiold
Global attractors from the explosion of singular cycles, Carlos Arnoldo Morales, Maria José Pacífico, and Enrique Ramiro Pujals
Globalization and Transnational Organized Crime: Family Disintegration in Africa and The Impact on Women and Girls, Oluremi Alapo
gloria rehearsal (excerpt) A Feminist Mechanism for Metabolization, Eleanor Smith
Graded Quivers, Generalized Dimer Models and Toric Geometry, Sebastían Franco and Azeem Hasan
Grand Strategy at the End of History: Chinese Strategic Thought in the 21st Century and its Western Perceptions, Daniel A. Rogers
Greening the Campus: Contemporary Student Environmental Activism, Ashley Dawson
Green Meets Blue, Claire Bendiner
GRKMD 41W: Modern Greek Literature in Translation (2023), Fevronia Soumakis
Grouping Against the Groove: Metrical Dissonance in Hiromi's "Voice", Sam Falotico
Guidance for management of free-roaming community cats: a bioeconomic analysis, Valeria A. Benka, John D. Boone, Philip S. Miller, Joyce R. Briggs, Aaron M. Anderson, Christopher Slootmaker, Margaret Slater, Julie K. Levy, Felicia B. Nutter, and Stephen Zawistowski
Guillem d'Efak, invent i simulacre, Antoni Pizà
Hail, Caesar!, Kel R. Karpinski
Hair and Drugs: The Impact of Dry Shampoo and Gel on Cocaine-Contaminated Hair, Marialejandra Faure Betancourt
Hands. Words. Mirrors. A letter to my mother., Iliana Emilia García
Haunted Homelands: Mary Hunter Austin's Search For Belonging in California's Central Valley, Aimee M. Maddalena
Haunting at Troy: Troy Narratives, Trauma, and Desire for the Past in Late Medieval English Literature, Woo Ree Heor
HE-4200 Health and Nutrition Syllabus, Mary Lou Fierle Ms.
Healthcare Administration Database, Sonali Sugrim
Health Care Providers' Attributions of Blame for Unintended Pregnancy and HIV Acquisition Among Cisgender Women, Alison J. Goldberg
Helium-Air mixing in simulated reactor cavities of Very High Temperature Reactors, Abdullah Abubakar
Henry James's "Poor Sensitive Gentlemen" and the Quest for Meaning (and Happiness) in Three Late Tales: "The Altar of the Dead," "The Beast in the Jungle," and "The Jolly Corner", Phyllis E. VanSlyck
“Here in America”: Broadway Musicals and the Making of Jewish Americans, Barrie Gelles
Heterogeneous Effects in the Prospects of Upward Mobility Hypothesis: The Roles of Risk and Political Beliefs., Nathaniel Badalov
Higher Law and Lincoln's Antislavery Constitutionalism: What It Means to Say the Civil War Was Fought Over Slavery, Joel A. Rogers
High Risk Hustling: Payment Processors Sexual Proxies and Discrimination by Design, Zahra Stardust, Danielle Blunt, Gabriella Garcia, Lorelei Lee, Kate D'Adamo, and Rachel Kuo
HIST 104: America since 1865, Douglas Manson
HIST 190 Writing & History, Tracey L. Billado
HIST20600: Modern Europe, Benjamin Diehl
Historian-for-a-Day, Elyse Singer
History of European Conservatism Fall 2022 Syllabus, Jim Lewis
Household Costs and Resistance to Germany's Energy Transition, Roger Karapin
How Adults Use Reddit to Cope with Being Children of Divorce, Tamera A. Joseph
"How" as a Signal of an Invariant Meaning, Andrew S. McCormick
How Can I Get COVID?: Understanding Diferences in American Heterosexual and Sexual Minority Men’s Risk Perception, Devon M. Price, Amanda N. Gesselman, Rachel A. Fikslin, Alison J. Goldberg, Omaima Pervez, Mora A. Reinka, and Elissia Franklin
How Do Authoritarian Regimes Win Re-Election During an Economic Recession?, Mst Sarmin Akter Mazumder
How do classroom-turnover times depend on lecture-hall size?, Joseph Benson, Mariya Bessonov, Korana Burke, Simone Cassani, Maria-Veronica Ciocanel, Daniel B. Cooney, and Alexandria Volkening
How do graduate students approach college teaching? Influences of professional development, teaching assistantships, and Big Five personality traits, Elizabeth S. Che, Patricia J. Brooks, Anna M. Schwartz, Ethlyn S. Saltzman, and Ronald C. Whiteman
How Do You Meme?: Using Memes for Information Literacy Instruction, Christina Boyle
How Granular Do You Want to Go? Analyizing MARCXML Data with Python, Rebecca Hyams
How much are Ecuadorians Willing to Pay to Reduce Maternal Mortality? Results from a Pilot Study on Contingent Valuation, Maria-Isabel Roldos, Phaedra Corso, and Justin Engel
How Peer Specialists Can Enhance a Library’s Services, Sine Rofofsky
How Phantom Networks, Provider Qualities, and Poverty Sway Medicaid Dental Care Access: A Geospatial Analysis of Manhattan, Destiny Kelley and Shipeng Sun
How Smoking Became a Moral Issue: A Complex Systems Perspective on Moralization, Matthew Vanaman
How the presentation of electronic gateway pages affects research behavior, Lisa Finder, Valdeda Dent, and Brian Lym
How the U.S. Mainstream Media Perpetuates Cis White Masculine Hegemony, Yelena Dzhanova
Human Composting Is Changing The Landscape Of Death Care (Literally) — And It Could Be Legal In New York State As Soon As Next Year, Rachael Robertson
Humanitarianism's History of the Singular, Miriam Ticktin
Human MST But Not MT Responds to Tactile Stimulation, Michael S. Beauchamp, Nafi E. Yasar, Neel Kishan, and Tony Ro
Hydrodynamic and Physicochemical Interactions Between an Active Janus Particle and an Inactive Particle, Jessica S. Rosenberg
Hyper-selectivity, Racial Mobility, and the Remaking of Race, Van C. Tran, Jennifer Lee, Oshin Khachikian, and Jess Lee
Hypo-Cathexis and Impotence in the Facilitating Environment of the Anthropocene: Towards Digital Humanities, Brian W. Millen
'I Can’t Vote if I Don’t Leave My Apartment’: The Problem of Residential Violence and its Impact on the Politics of Black American Women Living Below the Poverty Line, Alex J. Moffett-Bateau
Icons in Lyari: Resonance, Visibility, and Global Blackness in an Indian Ocean Port Town, Zehra Husain
I Could Never, Chad Kaydo
Identification of Different Hair Dyes in Dyed Hair using Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR FT-IR), Surface Enhancing Raman Spectroscopy (SERS) Techniques, Nicholas Lovera
Identifying Socially Sensitive Populations Susceptible to New York City’s Coastal and Pluvial Flooding: A Vulnerability Analysis, Gowri A. Anand
Identity, Access, and Equity: An Exploratory Mixed-Methods Study of Mathematics Identity and Socialization in Pre-service Teachers, Ashley Renaire Davis
Identity and Complexity in Chaya Czernowin’s INA, Eliav Kohl
I, Discomfort Woman: A Fugue in F Minor, Seo-Young J. Chu
If you live in New York City, you’re (probably) at risk of flooding. Here’s what to do about it. Digging into the information needed to live in NYC as the climate changes, Christine A. Zirneklis
Illness Intrusiveness and Psychosocial Adjustment Among Older Adults with Multimorbidity, Irina Mindlis
Illuminating the Drivers of Genomic Diversification in Lamprologine Cichlids of the Lower Congo River, Naoko P. Kurata
Illustration, Lynne S. Foster
“I’m Especially Sorry to Those Impacted”: Conventional Visions of Leadership in the 2022/2023 Tech Layoffs, Jared J. Watkins
Immigrant Risk, Self-Discontinuity, and the Role of Nostalgia, Leila Talhouk
Immigrant Therapists’ Perceptions Of Transference, Countertransference, And Racial Experiences In The United States, Lian Malki-Schubert
Immigration Status as a Social Determinant of Health: Provider Perspectives, Elisabeth Brodbeck
“I’m Now Always Thinking About Math”: Exploring Mathematics Identities, Beliefs, and Lived Experiences Through YPAR, Maya A. Severns
I mondi incrociati di Machiavelli: il Principe e la Mandragola, Carrie Tighe Cristiano
Impact Melt Rocks from the Late Paleocene Hiawatha Impact Structure, Northwest Greenland, William R. Hyde, Adam A. Garde, Nynke Keulen, Sebastian N. Malkki, Steven J. Jaret, Tod Waight, Pierre Beck, Iain McDonald, and Nicolaj K. Larsen
Impact of Blood Preservatives and Anticoagulants on Cannabinoid Quantitative Analysis, Bridget O'Leary
Impact of sex in luxury fashion advertisements on brand attractiveness and identification, Alyssa Dana Dana Adomaitis, Diana Saiki, and Juan del Pozo Severino
Impacts of COVID-19 And the Policy Responses on The Aviation Industry., Islam Ahmed
Importin-Mediated Pathological Tau Nuclear Translocation Causes Disruption of the Nuclear Lamina, TDP-43 Mislocalization and Cell Death, Robert F. Candia, Leah S. Cohen, Viktoriya Morozova, Christopher Corbo, and Alejandra D. Alonso
Importin-Mediated Pathological Tau Nuclear Translocation Causes Disruption of the Nuclear Lamina, TDP-43 Mislocalization and Cell Death, Robert F. Candia, Leah S. Cohen, Viktoriya Morozova, Christopher Corbo, and Alejandra D. Alonso
Imposter syndrome in academic libraries: Indigenous women edition, Emilee Bews, Kaia MacLeod, and Bethany Paul
Impressions of an Urban Vision: Art Across the Park (1980 and 1982), Marie N. Catalano
Improving a Library FAQ: Assessment and Reflection of the First Year’s Use, Vanessa Arce and Michelle Ehrenpreis
Improving Collagen-Mimetic Fibrils to Study Fibrillogenesis and Effects of Disease-Causing Mutations on Fibrillogenesis, Faizunnahar Dewan
Improving Disability Inclusion Through Professional Development, Carli Spina
Improving Long-Term Adherence to Monitoring/Treatment in Underserved Asian Americans with Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) through a Multicomponent Culturally Tailored Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Grace X. Ma, Lin Zhu, Wenyue Lu, Elizabeth Handorf, Yin Tan, Ming-Chin Yeh, Cicely Johnson, Guercie Gurrier, and Minhhuyen T. Nguyen
Improving Microbiome Research Through Enhanced Reporting and Modeling the Effects of Antibiotic Usage, Chloe A. Mirzayi
Improvisation for Actor Training and Performance in 20th Century America (with Special Emphasis on the Spolin and Sills Tradition), Jeff David Brone
In a country obsessed with Mexican food and culture, why do Mexican people not receive the same reverence?, Elba T. Rodriguez
Incarceration-Related Stigma and Caring Self-Efficacy Among Long-Term Care Nurses, Sandra D. Langston
Incels, Violence, and Masculinity: How Masculinity and Membership to Online Communities Shape Perceptions of Violence, Meghan Scarlott
Incidence and factors related to nonmotorized scooter injuries in New York State and New York City, 2005–2020, Peter Tuckel
Incision Precision: Engaging Students During Dissection Labs, Azure N. Faucette
Increase in Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) after COVID-19 Infection, Nana Dufie Akowuah
Indígenas, africanos, roma y europeos: Ritmos transatlánticos en música, canto y baile, K. Meira Goldberg and Antoni Pizà
Indigenous Performances in Contemporary Indian Urban Public Theatres: Coloniality, Globalization, and the State, Mayurakshi Sen
Inducing Empathy in Jurors in a Capital Penalty Phase Trial: An Examination of how to Reduce Jurors' Death Sentence Decisions, Klaudia Zuraw
Industrial Design, Husnain Khan
Inequalities in Infant Birthweight by Social Position and Residential Neighborhood Characteristics in New York City, 2012-2018, Christina I. Nieves
Inequality and Violence: The Case of Brazil, Kimberly Forsyth
Infant motor development predicts the dynamics of movement during sleep, Aaron DeMasi, Melissa N. Horger, Anat Scher, and Sarah E. Berger
Informational Interview Assignment Prompt, Brenna E. Crowe
Information, Communication, and Technology in Developing Countries: The Impediment to Nigeria Economic Growth, Fatima Ali Muhammed
"Inherently Expressive": BDS Organizing for Palestinian Liberation at CUNY School of Law and Beyond, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA), City University of New York (CUNY) School of Law
Inhibiting glutamine utilization creates a synthetic lethality for suppression of ATP citrate lyase in KRas-driven cancer cells, Ahmet Hatipoglu, Deepak Menon, Talia Levy, Maria A. Frias, and David A. Foster
Inmigración, nacionalismo cultural, campo intelectual: El proyecto creador de Alberto Gerchunoff, Fernando Degiovanni
Innovations in Implant Therapy, Catherine Monchik and Isis Marsh
In NY’s Prisons, People Have Started Programs to Wrestle With Their Crimes, Wyatt L. Stayner
In Plain Sight: Oppressive Dynamics and Learning Challenges in Adult ESOL Programs in the United States, David A. Housel
Insidious Fibs: Early Stories of Henry James, Katherine Shloznikova
Integrating Natural Language Processing and Interpretive Thematic Analyses to Gain Human-Centered Design Insights on HIV Mobile Health: Proof-of-Concept Analysis, Simone J. Skeen, Stephen Scott Jones, Carolyn Marie Cruse, and Keith J. Horvath
Interaction of ADHD severity and neighborhood-level SES on Preschoolers’ Risk for Obesity at School-Age, Ramya V. Jayanthi
Interactive Kinds, Muhammad Ali Khalidi
Internalized Gender Role Stereotypes Within Young Women and The Presentation of Somatic Symptomatology of Major Depressive Disorder, Michelle Miselevich
International Student Orientations: Indian Students at American Universities Around the Turn of the Twentieth Century, Param S. Ajmera
Internet Programming, Kwame A. Baffour
Interrogating Texts: From Deferent to Efferent and Aesthetic Reading Practices, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Intersecting Mobilities: Beyond the Autonomy of Movement and Power of Place, Miriam Ticktin and Rafi Youatt
In the U.S., MENA People Are Legally White. But Their Lived Experiences Say Otherwise, Youcef O. Bounab
Into the Unknown: Exploring the Role of Uncertainty in Threat-Safety Discrimination, Maia Kinney-Petrucha
Introducción, Raquel Paraíso, K. Meira Goldberg, Jessica Gottfried Hesketh, and Antoni Pizà
Introducing ROS-Projects to Undergraduate Robotic Curriculum, Lili Ma, Yu Wang, Chen Xu, and Xiaohai Li
Introduction, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Introduction to Film, 2nd edition, Teresa Fisher
Introduction to Human Biology, Sharon S. Ellerton and Christopher Roblodowski
Introduction to Jewish Life and Religion, Dimitry Ekshtut
Introduction to Music, MUS 10100, Daniel Beliavsky
Introduction to Psychology, Gail Hayes
Intro to Jewish American Literature, Amy W. Kratka
Investigating and Mitigating the Harmful Impact of Precarious Employment on the Health and Well-Being of New York City Food Workers, Emilia F. Vignola
Investigation into the utility of the submaxillary gland androgen-regulated protein 3B (SMR3B) as a normalizing factor in oral fluid, ALEJANDRO OCAMPO
Investigation of Reactions Occurring in Municipal Solid Waste Residues, Tasnuva T. Moutushi
Investigation of Recyclable and Renewable Crude oil from Biomass and Plastics, Golam Chowdhury
Investigation of the Effect of Senescence on Daily Activity Patterns in Male Octopus insularis, Mariam Steinblatt
“Investment in Inertia”: Language Ideologies of Instructors and Students of Spanish as a Heritage Language, Michael E. Rolland
Invisible Hand of Socioeconomic Factors in Rising Trend of Maternal Mortality Rates in the U.S., Disha Kanada
In vivo data: treatment with the F11R/JAM-A peptide 4D decreases mortality and reduces the generation of atherosclerotic plaques in ApoE-deficient mice, Anna Babinska, Cristina C. Clement, Yan Li, Joanna Wzorek, Tomasz Przygodzki, Marcin Talar, Marcin Braun, Maria Swiatkowska, Yigal H. Ehrlich, Elizabeth Kornecki, Cezary Watala, and Moro O. Salifu
Involuntary treatment in dementia care at home: Results from the Netherlands and Belgium, Angela M. H. J. Mengelers, Vincent R. A. Moermans, Michel H. C. Bleijlevens, Hilde Verbeek, Elizabeth Capezuti, Frans Tan, Koen Milisen, and Jan P. H. Hamers
Ipsilesional Biases in Saccades but not Perception after Lesions of the Human Inferior Parietal Lobule, Tony Ro, Chris Rorden, Jon Driver, and Robert Rafal
Is Gifted Education and Its Program a Brand?, Farzana Begum
Islam and Buddhism: The Arabian Prequel?, Anna Akasoy
“Islamization” and Crackdown in Ningxia: Another Xinjiang?, Yan Sun
"I Stayed There the Whole Night": Exploring Caregivers' Experiences With the Healthcare System When Caring for a Parent at the End of Life, Lillian Mehran
Iterated Aluthge transforms: a brief survey, Jorge Antezana, Enrique R. Pujals, and Demetrio Stojanoff
It Has Always Been the “Business Model”: Racism and Sexism in Creative Arts Therapy Higher Education, Yasmine J. Awais
“It's (Not) Like the Flu”: Expert Narratives and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mainland China, Hong Kong, and the United States, Larry Au, Zheng Fu, and Chuncheng Liu
It’s Time for Class: Examining Economic Inequality in Fourth and Fifth Grade, Debbie Sonu
“It wasn’t just about learning how to speak Spanish”: Engaging Histories of Oppression and Enslavement in Spanish Heritage Language Education, Tania Avilés and Anthony J. Harb
Japanese Empire, Seiji Shirane
Japanese Society Since WWII, Seiji Shirane
Jews in Film and Fiction, Amy W. Kratka
JLSC Board Editorial 2021, Anne Gilliland, Rebekah Kati, Jennifer Solomon, Dave S. Ghamandi, Jill Cirasella, David Lewis, and DeDe Dawson
Jogakpo Window (7 feet x 4 feet), Seo-Young J. Chu
John Singer Sargent in Spain: Eluding the Stereotype, Cristina Domenech
Juror's Perceptions of Evidence-Based Suspicion, Nicholas Welter
Jus Soli and Jus Sanguinis: Politics, Race, Culture, and Citizenship in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, Guido A. Proano
Justice, Pandemics, and Museums in Cyberspace: Archaeology Museums’ Decolonization Projects During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Samuel Besse
Keeping Both History and Magic Alive: Judson Dance Theater: The Work Is Never Done (2018) at The Museum of Modern Art, Beatrice M. Johnson
Kinetics of Photochemical and Mechanochemical Organic Reactions on Surface, Yerzhan Zholdassov
Kingdoms Becoming: Dialectic of Black Romanticism, Rasheed M. Hinds
Konohana, Jean-Patrick Besingrand
La descortesía en los comentarios digitales de la prensa deportiva. El tenis, mucho más que un juego, David Sánchez-Jiménez
La France contemporaine face au défi de la créolisation, Nathalie Etoke
La hispanofonía en debate: alternativas, resistencias, y complicidades reunidas en Córdoba (Arg). Una conversación glotopolítica con José del Valle, Alejandro Néstor Lorenzetti and José del Valle
La invención de los clásicos: nacionalismo, filología y políticas culturales en Argentina, Fernando Degiovanni
Lake Satellite Temperature Data Validation, Mamadou Balde and Pascal Kouogang
L'amic mallorquí de Rossini, Antoni Pizà and Maria L. Martínez
La musique dans les cultures tech. La synthèse modulaire en temps de Covid-19, Eliot Bates
Language And Conjuncture in Populist Strategy: Podemos And Contemporary Spanish Political Thought, Francisco J. Fortuño Bernier
Language Bias on College Campus, Sumiya Jahan and lsrat Korno
Language of the Enemy: Impacts of the 2022 Russo-Ukrainian War on Linguistic and National Identity Paradigms in Ukraine, Julia Panter
La posible consolación de la música, Antoni Pizà
Large-herbivore nemabiomes: patterns of parasite diversity and sharing, Georgia C. Titcomb, Johan Pansu, Matthew C. Hutchinson, Kaia J. Tombak, Christina B. Hansen, Christopher C. M. Baker, Tyler R. Kartzinel, and Robert M. Pringle
Las Cuestiones Sicilianas de Ibn Sab‘īn: el texto, sus fuentes y su contexto histórico, Anna Ayşe Akasoy
Las ensaladas (Praga, 1581): Con un suplemento de obras del género [Music review], Antoni Pizà
La souffrance animale à distance: Des vétérinaires dans l’action humanitaire, Frédéric Keck and Miriam Ticktin
Lasting Inequalities: Gender Earnings Inequality Across Generations, Periods and Countries, Juliana de Castro Galvao
Late Talkers: Maternal Input and Attention Allocation in Mother–Child Dyad Play, Toby B. Mehl
Latin American Classical Composers: A Biographical Dictionary [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Latinos Move the US Economy, But Hardly Get to Write About it, Ana T. Sola
Latino Voter Participation in the 2018 and 2022 Midterm Elections, Laird W. Bergad
La vida sexual de Chopin, Antoni Pizà
La vida sexual de Chopin, Antoni Pizà
Lawn Story Short, Sarah Johnsrude
Laypeople’s Perceptions of Secondary Trauma in Criminal Justice System Workers, Mariah Simone
LBSCI 717: Digital Humanities, S E. Hackney
LBSCI 730 Archival Appraisal, Arrangement, and Access OER syllabus, Caitlin Colban-Waldron
LCD 322: Disorders of Speech, Yael Neumann
LCD 720: Teaching English Sound Structure, Dana Calvet
Lead Self to Lead Others: Intersection of Courage, Self-Awareness, & Leadership Communication for Self-Leadership & Development, Maribel Paulino
"Leaning into the Wyrd: Confessions of a Recovering Basic Writer", Cheryl Hogue Smith
Learning from Their Flocks: Analyses of Power on Hudson River Valley Livestock Farms, Mark D. D'Alessandro
Learning to Fly while Staying Grounded: How Forcibly Displaced Individuals Develop a Sense of Belonging in Disempowered Cities, Janina L. Selzer
Lenguas, naciones y multinacionales: las políticas de promoción del español en Brasil, José del Valle and Laura Villa
Leonora Carrington’s "Down Below": Transgressive Renderings of the Grotesque Female Body, Kelsey King
Lessons from Health, Health Care, and Health Disparities Among Latinx Populations Scientific Panel, in New York City-2021, Andres Valcarcel, Maria-Isabel Roldos, and Judith Aponte
Lessons to Build an Educational Model for Higher Education Institutions Defined as Anchor Institutions to Tackle Public Health Crises: A Pilot Study on COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Faculty and Students in Herbert L. College in the Bronx, NY, Maria-Isabel Roldos, Katherine Burt, and Jacob Eubank
L’ètica de l’estètica ¿Caldria debatre l’antijudaisme del ‘Misteri d’Elx’?, Antoni Pizà
Leveraging Bio-Inspired Molecules for Cancer Theranostics, Douglas S. MacPherson
Leveraging Local Perturbations to Map Allosteric Networks of Phosphatases, Tamar (Skaist) Mehlman
LGBTQ+ and dental education: Analyzing the present and recommendations for the future, Diana V. Macri, Colin Haley DDS, Herminio Perez DMD, and Scott Schwartz DDS
Library Instruction Lesson Plan for FAF101 and HAF90, Ian McDermott
Library Publishing in the Global South: Research in Progress, Monica Berger
Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self-healing in perovskite solar cells, Wanyi Nie, Jean-Christophe Blancon, Amanda J. Neukirch, Kannatassen Appavoo, Hsinhan Tsai, Manish Chhowalla, Muhammad A. Alam, Matthew Y. Sfeir, Claudine Katan, Jacky Even, Sergei Tretiak, Jared J. Crochet, Gautam Gupta, and Aditya D. Mohite
Lighting in the Computer Rendering, Mi Tsung Chang
Limpieza de asbestos en la ciudad de Nueva York, Ariana G. Perez-Castells
Linguistic Predictors of Engagement on Anti-Incel Forums, Daniel Beutler
Linking Authentic Leadership With Employee Initiative Behavior and Task Performance: The Mediating Role of Emotional Sharing and Communication Satisfaction, Jeong Sik Kim, Jong Gyu Park, and Hyun Jung Park
Linking critical consciousness and health: The utility of the critical reflection about social determinants of health scale (CR_SDH), Liliane Cambraia Windsor, Alexis Jemal, Jacob Goffnett, Douglas Cary Smith, and Jesus Sarol Jr.
Listening to The World: A Brief Survey of World Music, Antoni Pizà
Literature and Censorship during Fransisco Franco's Dictatorship of Spain, Adriana Cuca
Literature, Development, and the Reaches of Literacy, 1979 to the Present, Stephen Tremaine
Lives in Musicology: My Life in Writings, Kofi Agawu
Lives Unbound: A Tribute to Mike Rose, 1944-2021, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Llegir, escriure, escoltar: els paisatges sonors de Guillem Frontera, Antoni Pizà
Lliçons magistrals, Antoni Pizà
Loca, Alejandro Heredia
Long covid and medical gaslighting: Dismissal, delayed diagnosis, and deferred treatment, Larry Au, Cristian Capotescu, Gil Eyal, and Gabrielle Finestone
Longitudinal Patterns of Suicidality Among Heroin Users in Johannesburg, South Africa: A Need for Suicide Screening and Intervention, Nirvana Morgan, Ellen-ge Denton, Ugasvaree Subramaney, William Daniels, and Tilman Steinert
Longitudinal trends (2011–2020) of premature mortality and years of potential life loss (YPLL) and associated covariates of the 62 New York State counties, Maria-Isabel Roldos, John Orazem, and Talita Fortunato-Tavares
Longitudinal trends (2011–2020) of premature mortality and years of potential life loss (YPLL) and associated covariates of the 62 New York State counties, Maria-Isabel Roldos, John Orazem, and Talita Fortunato-Tavares
Lorathia, Kasey L. Dugan
Los Barrios Populares en el imaginario de América Latina durante el periodo neoliberal: La construcción de los mitos de las Villas, Favelas y Colonias populares en Argentina, Brasil y México, Roberto Elvira Mathez
Los Días de la Calle Gabino Barreda: The Social Circle of Remedios Varo and Benjamin Péret in Mexico, 1941-1947, Esther R. Levy
Los problemas de las fronteras humanitarias, Miriam Ticktin
Losses and Gains of Teletherapy: The Impact of the Pandemic on Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Dan-Bi Lee
Low-Intensity Ultrasonic Neuromodulation of the Rat Hippocampus, Duc Nguyen
Machine Learning in Finances, Elma Kastrat, Akinyemi Apampa, and Satyanand Singh
Machines Don't Stop: Stories & Novel Excerpts, Alexander N. Richardson
Mad about late buses or broken trains? Blame your governor, Peter Tomao
Made for Export: How U.S. and Philippine Policies Commodify and Traffick Filipino Nurses, Emlyn Dy-cok Medalla
Made in Italy: Gli effetti della musica italiana (t)rap sulla società e sulla lingua, Paraskevi Z. Gkana-Alberico
Magnetic-field-dependent stimulated emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, Felix A. Hahl, Lukas Lindner, Xavier Vidal, Tingpeng Luo, Takeshi Ohshima, Shinobu Onoda, Shuya Ishii, Alexander M. Zaitsev, Marco Capelli, Brant C. Gibson, Andrew D. Greentree, and Jan Jeske
Maintenance of Visual Stability in the Human Posterior Parietal Cortex, Erik Chang and Tony Ro
Making and Taking: Evaluating the Ethnographic Gaze in Graciela Iturbide’s Los que viven en la arena, Lauren Gonzales
Making Publishing Less Painful: Shifting to a Relational Peer-Review Process, Sajni Lacey, Kristina Clement, Lalitha Nataraj, and Nicole Pagowsky
Mallorca: Centers for Musical Historical Research, Antoni Pizà and Joan Parets i Serra
Managing information for innovation using knowledge integration capability: The role of boundary spanning objects, Chandan Acharya, Divesh Ojha, Rahul Gokhale, and Pankaj Patel
Managing in Remote & Hybrid Work Modalities – A Training Course, Audrey Nichols
Manhattan Beach Cleaners: A Teacher’s Misreading, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Maniobres de resistència personal, Antoni Pizà
Mapping the COVID-19 Pandemic in Staten Island, Vincenzo Mezzio
Mapping the Theaters of Brooklyn's Past (1825-1925): A GIS Project, Elena Shefsky
Marginalized communities are facing the brunt of student homelessness, Alicia Gajraj S. Gajraj
Markovnikov alcohols via epoxide hydroboration by molecular alkali metal catalysts, Guoqi Zhang, Haisu Zeng, Shengping Zheng, Michelle C. Neary, and Los Alamos National Laboratory
Marriage Stories: Legal Reform and the Novel in France and Britain, 1780–1860, Tatiana Nunez-Bright
Masochism: A Queer Subjectivity?, Amber Musser
Master Integrals for the two-loop, non-planar QCD corrections to top-quark pair production in the quark-annihilation channel, Matteo Becchetti, Roberto Bonciani, Valerio Casconi, Andrea Ferroglia, Simone Lavacca, and Andreas von Manteuffel
MATH 115: College Algebra for Pre-Calculus, Seth Lehman
MATH 301: Abstract Algebra I, Nicholas Vlamis
Mathematics Preparatory Workshops to Foster Student Success, Sandie Han, Diana Samaroo, Janet Liou-Mark, and Lauri Aguirre
Maui Wildfires: A Case Study in Local Government Crisis Communication Response, Joshua A. Voda
MCA 20500 - Editing (Fall 2023), Zachary Finkelstein
Me3Al-mediated domino nucleophilic addition/intramolecular cyclisation of 2-(2-oxo-2-phenylethyl)benzonitriles with amines; a convenient approach for the synthesis of substituted 1-aminoisoquinolines, Krishna M. S. Adusumalli, Lakshmi N.S. Konidena, Hima B. Gandham, Krishnaiah Kumari, Krishan R. Valluru, Satya K.R. Nidasanametla, Venkateswara R. Battula, and Hari K. Namballa
Measuring Phases of Employment Decision-Making and the Need for Vocational Services as a Social Determinant of the Health of Employed People Living with HIV, KB Boomer, Liza M. Conyers, Yili Wang, and Yung-Chen Jen Chiu
Mechanisms of Bacterial Charity, Reima S. Ramsamooj
Mechanistic and Engineering Studies of LOV Photoreceptors in Yeast, Matthew M. Cleere
Mediated Locality: Assembling the Independent Music Scene in Brooklyn, New York, Frank Meegan
Medical avoidance among marginalized groups: the impact of the COVID‑19 pandemic, Amani R. Holder‑Dixon, Olivia R. Adams, Tianna L. Cobb, Alison J. Goldberg, Rachel A. Fikslin, Mora A. Reinka, Amanda N. Gesselman, and Devon M. Price
Medical Norm of Psychiatric Misdiagnoses in Rare Disease Patients, Rachel Han
Memetic Epidemiology: A Mathematical Model for Tracking the Spread of Linguistic Features across Western Europe, Benjamin Shavitz
Memoria y Fractura Social en El Ruido de las Cosas al Caer de Juan Gabriel Vásquez, Luis Mora-Ballesteros
Memory, Violence, and Detours: Strategies of Resistance to Epidermal Invisibility within the French Republic, Claudine E. David
Mental Illness and Ethnic Identity and Their Relationship with Internalized Stigma Among Individuals Identifying as Latinx and Diagnosed with a Mental Illness, Melissa V. Martinez
Més enllà dels tòpics d’Espanya. Tete Montoliu en context, Antoni Pizà
Metabolic Control of Proliferation and Differentiation in Oligodendrocytes, Sami Sauma
Metabolic Reprogramming in KRAS-driven Cancer Cells, Ahmet Hatipoglu
Metamorphis, Luca Lee Sobarzo Faust
Metaperceptions of Interactions Between Asian and African American Adults, Ariana Schlegel
Method Development and Validation of Controlled Substances on a Gas Chromatography - Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer, Regina E. Filus
Methods and Techniques of Sociological Research, Larry Au
Methods for Drone Trajectory Analysis of Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus), Jillian D. Bliss
mHealth for transgender and gender-expansive youth: an update on COVID, venture capital, and the cultural in/congruence of revenue-driven sustainability models, Simone J. Skeen and Demetria Cain
Microalbuminuria and Hypertension Among Immigrants with Type 2 Diabetes: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study, Shiryn D. Sukhram, Gustavo Zarini, Lemia H. Shaban, Joan A. Vaccaro, and Fatma G. Huffman
Microalbuminuria and Hypertension among Immigrants with Type 2 Diabetes: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study, Shiryn D. Sukhram, Gustavo G. Zarini, Lemia H. Shaban, Joan A. Vaccaro, and Fatma G. Huffman
Microstructural Origin of the High-Energy Storage Performance in Epitaxial Lead-Free Ba(Zr 0.2 Ti 0.8 )O 3 Thick Films, Jun Ouyang, Xianke Wang, Changtao Shao, Hongbo Cheng, Hanfei Zhu, and Yuhang Ren
Mike Rose's Two-Year College Advocacy, Cheryl Hogue Smith and Darin Jensen
Millenial & Gen Z Experience- A Meta-Analysis, Karrine S. Rahman
Mimar Sinan, Aleesha Hafeez
Mind-Dependent Kinds, Muhammad Ali Khalidi
Misogyny in Contemporary Populist Authoritarianism, Maxine Mannheim
Models for Decision-Making - Second Edition, Steven Cosares and Fred Rispoli
Modern impressions: Getting to know your library website users, Robin Naughton
Modulatory Effects of Schreckstoff on the Startle Escape Response of Goldfish (Carassius auratus), Denis Shor
Molecular helices as electron acceptors in high-performance bulk heterojunction solar cells, Yu Zhong, M. Tuan Trinh, Rongsheng Chen, Geoffrey E. Purdum, Petr P. Khlyabich, Melda Sezen, Seokjoon Oh, Haiming Zhu, Brandon Fowler, Boyuan Zhang, Wei Wang, Chang-Yong Nam, Matthew Y. Sfeir, Charles T. Black, Michael L. Steigerwald, Yueh-Lin Loo, Fay Ng, X.-Y. Zhu, and Colin Nuckolls
Monarch Butterflies, Ralph Mendoza
MOOD: A Zine Exploring the Value of Youth-Oriented Media, Patricia K. Paul
More Muslim, Salman Ahad Khan
Mother Monster, Alexae Levin
Motor Milestone Acquisition and Sleep-Related Learning and Development in Infancy, Aaron DeMasi
‘Moules & Frites’: De Valtònyc a Josep Miquel o la transformació d’un bandoler adolescent, Antoni Pizà
Moving Beyond Niceness: Reading bell hooks into the Radical Potential for the Discipline, Alex J. Moffett-Bateau and Jenn M. Jackson
MTH 125 - Modeling with Exponential Functions, Stivi Manoku
MTH 50 Syllabus, Koby Kohulan
Multi-Target Ligand-Guided Selection (LIGS) Against B-Cell Specific Antigens Expressed in a Single Lymphoma Cell Population, Nicole B. Williams
Multivariate Analysis of Open Field Exploration Identifies Latent Spatial and Social Behavioral Axes in Domestic Dogs, Budhaditya Chowdhury, Moira van Staaden, and Robert Huber
Muscling Through: Athletic Women in Victorian Popular Representation, 1864–1915, Julia G. Fuller
Musical Borrowings, Copyright, and the Canard of “Cultural Appropriation", Peter L. Manuel
Musical Inspiration as Seen through the Artist's Eyes, Antoni Pizà
Music in the Funeral Traditions of the Akpafu, V. Kofi Agawu
Music in the Holocaust: The roles of music in Nazi Concentration Camps, Jennifer L. Lefleur
music lessons, Cecilia-Rose Louise Bender
Music Meets Algorithm: How TikTok is changing the music industry for independent artists, Tatiana Krisztina Morales
Mutant C. elegans p53 Together with Gain-of-Function GLP-1/Notch Decreases UVC-Damage-Induced Germline Cell Death but Increases PARP Inhibitor-Induced Germline Cell Death, Jorge Canar, Prima Manandhar-Sasaki, and Jill Bargonetti
Naming Venus: An Exploration of Goddesses, Heroines, and Famous Women, Kavya Beheraj
Nanoparticles for Applications in Specific Diagnostics and Precision Medicine, Naxhije Berisha
Nanoscale Hybrid Electrolytes with Viscosity Controlled Using Ionic Stimulus for Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, Sara T. Hamilton, Tony G. Feric, Sahana Bhattacharyya, Nelly M. Cantillo, Steven G. Greenbaum, Thomas A. Zawodzinski, and Ah-Hyung Alissa Park
Nanoscale Imaging of Electrocatalytic Nanomaterials by High-resolution Scanning Electrochemical Microscopy, Xiang Wang
Nanostructured fibers as a versatile photonic platform: radiative cooling and waveguiding through transverse Anderson localization, Norman Nan Shi, Cheng-Chia Tsai, Michael J. Carter, Jyotirmoy Mandal, Adam C. Overvig, Matthew Y. Sfeir, Ming Lu, Catherine L. Craig, Gary D. Bernard, Yuan Yang, and Nanfang Yu
Narradores Colombianos en Nueva York, Carlos Aguasaco, Carolina Chaves O’Flynn, Alister E. Ramirez, José Jesús Osorio, and Carlos Velásquez Torres
Narratives In, On, and Around Contemporary Queer Film: A Study of Adam and its Paratexts, Jeremy Stoller
Natural Language Processing for Disaster Tweets, Akinyemi D. Apampa and Nan Li
Nature and Nurture in Cognition, Muhammad Ali Khalidi
Navigating Families, Negotiating Identities: Asian-White Mixed Family Experiences, Hayden Daeshin Ju
Navigating food affordability in the Two Bridges neighborhood, Aina S. Izham
Navigating the Unprecedented: A Behavioral Theory of the Firm's Perspective on COVID-19's Impact on Workplace Practices, Jeffrey Augugliaro
Navigating Through World’s Military Spending Data with Scroll-Event Driven Visualization, Hong Beom Hur
Negotiating Liberty: Fine Ceramics for the U.S. American Market Before 1860, Presley Rodriguez
Negotiating With Myself: A Grounded Theory Study of How Women With Sporadic Unilateral Early-Stage Breast Cancer Choose Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy, Nancy Ellen Roecklein
Nelson i la bombolla electoral de Nova York, Antoni Pizà
Neo-Nazi Postmodern: Right-Wing Terror Tactics, the Intellectual Neue Rechte, and the Destabilization of Memory in Germany since 1989, Esther E. Adaire
Network + Publication + Ecosystem: Curating Digital Pedagogy, Fostering Community, Rebecca Frost Davis, Matthew K. Gold, and Katherine D. Harris
Neural Network vs. Rule-Based G2P: A Hybrid Approach to Stress Prediction and Related Vowel Reduction in Bulgarian, Maria Karamihaylova
Neural processing of semantic content in movies, Maximilian Nentwich
Neural Substrates of Sound–Touch Synesthesia after a Thalamic Lesion, Michael S. Beauchamp and Tony Ro
Neuromuscular Factors Contributing to Reductions in Muscle Force After Repeated, High-Intensity Muscular Efforts, Benjamin J.C. Kirk, Gabriel S. Trajano, Timothy S. Pulverenti, Grant Rowe, and Anthony J. Blazevich
Never-Ending Parenting: Challenges Experienced by Caregivers of Adults with Severe Autism, Andrea Palerino
New Approaches to Peer Leader Training, Nadia Kennedy
New Frontiers of Integration: Convergent Pathways of Neighborhood Diversification in Metropolitan New York, Kasey Zapatka and Van C. Tran
New Gender Identity in the Fashion Global Workforce, Malik Lee
New insights into the design of conjugated polymers for intramolecular singlet fission, Jiahua Hu, Ke Xu, Lei Shen, Qin Wu, Guiying He, Jie-Yu Wang, Jian Pei, Jianlong Xia, and Matthew Y. Sfeir
New Music for a New World: Robert Ashley’s Television Operas, Nicole Kaack
Newtown Creek and New York City, Peter Spellane
New York City lacks the resources to keep cyclists happy (or safe) but help is on the way, Richard Heaton
New York City’s Wage Theft Crisis, Amanda Rozon
New York City Yoga Studios Archive (NYCYSA), Allison Daugila
New York Running, Kellen Bulger
New York set high sights on a progressive retail weed industry. But the state now stands to fall short., Trina Mannino
Nikki S. Lee’s Self-Stereotyping and Refiguring Cultural Stereotypes, Somi Lee
Nonlinear Light - Matter Interactions of Ultrafast High Intensity Laser Pulses, Henry Meyer
Nonlinear Processes in Room Temperature Exciton-Polaritons, Prathmesh Deshmukh
No Reason Without Rhyme: Rhetorical Negotiation in Shakespeare, Cheryl Hogue Smith
North Bergen outcrop field and geochemical data, Jane L. Alexander, Sean T. Thatcher, Jay Tobon, and Victoria Rivelli
No Settled Law on Settled Land: Legal Struggles for Native American Land and Sovereignty Rights, Laura Waldman
Nosotras no somos Ayotzinapa: Transfiguraciones feministas del México contemporáneo (2000–2022), Laura Pavón Aramburú
Notas para una teoría glotopolítica, José del Valle
Notes from the Co-Editor, Derek Stadler
Notes from the Editor, Derek Stadler
Notes from the Editors, Derek Stadler
Notes on Insurgent Universality In Ambedkar’s Social and Political Thought: A Critique Of Postcolonial Anti-Universalism, Sitharthan Sriharan
Nothing About Youth Without Youth: Involving Youth in Participatory Action Research Conducted With Health Departments, Vivian Cortes
(Not) Knowing, Jared Friedman
Novel mechanisms of DC and kilohertz electrical stimulation, Zeinab Esmaeilpour
Novel technologies to characterize and engineer the microbiome in inflammatory bowel disease, Alba Boix-Amorós, Hilarly Monaco, Elisa Sambataro, and Jose C. Clemente
Nuclear Tau, p53 and Pin1 Regulate PARN-Mediated Deadenylation and Gene Expression, Jorge Baquero, Sophia Varriano, Martha Ordonez, Pawel Kuczaj, Michael R. Murphy, Gamage Aruggoda, Devon Lundine, Viktoriya Morozova, Ali Elhadi Makki, Alejandra del C. Alonso, and Frida E. Kleiman
Nueva York se ha convertido en la mesa común donde los pueblos se sientan a compartir, Gustavo Garcia
Numbered, Weighed, Divided: Revolution and/as Apocalypse in the Modern Liberal Tradition, Asher J. Wycoff
Number Theoretic Arithmetic Functions and Dirichlet Series, Ivan V. Morozov
Nursing Perspectives on Intimate Partner Violence Screening in the Emergency Department, Justin Cabrera
NYC Vendor Voices - Highlighting the Voices of NYC Street Vendors, Hafeezat A. Bishi
NYFW Can't Handle Texture On The Runway, Yvette M. Brown and Treashure Lewis
NYFW Can't Handle Texture On The Runway, Treashure Lewis
NY State Marijuana Law Clears the Records of Thousands, But Will It Help Immigrants?, Jaime Longoria and Harsha Nahata
Obesity Indicators and C - reactive Protein in African and Haitian Americans with and without Type 2 Diabetes, Fatma G. Huffman, Joan A. Vaccaro, T. M. Rowe, Gustavo G. Zarini, Shiryn D. Sukhram, Lemia H. Shaban, and Susan Himburg
Obesity Risk and Comorbidities Among Colombians in New York City and in Colombia, Carlos A. Devia
Occupational depression in Italy: Associations with health, economic, and work-life characteristics, Renzo Bianchi, Caterina Fiorilli, Giacomo Angelini, Nicoletta Dozio, Carlo Palazzi, Gloria Palazzi, Benedetto Vitiello, and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Ocean currents break up a tabular iceberg, Alex Huth, Alistair Adcroft, Olga Sergienko, and Nuzhat Khan
OER Course Map & Syllabus - Spanish 117 (Advanced Spanish Composition), Salvador Salazar
OER Hub for Teaching Introductory Level Sociology Courses, Diana Mincyte
O Espaço e o Tempo do Valor, David Harvey and Artur Renzo
Older Adults in the Great Recession: Labor Force Transitions, Perceived Workplace Ageism and Life Satisfaction, Duygu Başaran Şahin
Oligomerization of Mutant p53 R273H is not Required for Gain-of-Function Chromatin Associated Activities, George K. Annor, Nour Elshabassy, Devon Lundine, Don-Gerard Conde, Gu Xiao, Viola Ellison, and Jill Bargonetti
On a New Framework for Detecting, Classifying, and Forecasting Floods for Large-scale Flood Risk Analysis, Equisha Glenn
On C^1 robust singular transitive sets for three-dimensional flows, Carlos Arnoldo Morales, Maria José Pacífico, and Enrique Ramiro Pujals
One-Loop Corrections to Dihadron Production in DIS at Small x, Filip Bergabo
One Man's Pregnancy Story, Yvonne S. Marquez and Paige A. Perez
Online Technological STEM Education Project Management, Fangyang Shen, Janine Roccosalvo, Jun Zhang, Yun Tian, and Yang Yi
Only for the Pleasure of Telling: Filling the Void in Pasolini's Trilogia della vita, Courtney Munson
On My Father, Anita Anburajan
On the Order-Type Complexity of Words, and Greedy Sidon Sets for Linear Forms, Yin Choi Cheng
On the Second Case of Fermat's Last Theorem over Cyclotomic Fields, Owen Sweeney
On The Spectrum of Quaquaversal Operators, Josiah Sugarman
Open Educational Resources Adoption Reduces Textbook Costs without Sacrificing Student Performance in Business and Economics Courses at a Community College, Dorina Tila and Dawn Levy
Open Fire: The Expansion of 9mm Hollow Point Bullets in Relation to Tissue Thickness, Abigail Wilson
Open Textbook for Art 27, Nate Cooper
Òpera, diversitat, inclusió: una reflexió a partir d'una estrena a Nova York, Antoni Pizà
Optimization and Application of Graph Neural Networks, Shuo Zhang
Optimized Peptide Nanomaterials as Delivery Vehicles for Hydrophobic Metal-Based Anticancer Agents, Yaron Marciano
Orbital decay in the classroom, Miguel C. N. Fiolhais, Luis Gonzalez-Urbina, Tomasz Milewski, Carlos Chaparro, and Andrea Ferroglia
Orientalisms in the interpretation of Islamic philosophy, Muhammad Ali Khalidi
Ornamentalism: Costuming and the Portrayal of the Chinese Woman in Film, 20th-21st Century, Andrea Yepez
Oscar Esplá in Belgium (1936-1949) [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Osseointegration of a Cementless Total Knee Arthroplasty in a Murine Model of Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis, Elexis C. Baral
O tonalismo como força colonizadora na África, Kofi Agawu and José H. Padovani
Out-of-Distribution Generalization of Deep Learning to Illuminate Dark Protein Functional Space, Tian Cai
Overdose prevention for injection drug users: Lessons learned from naloxone training and distribution programs in New York City, Tinka Markham Piper, Sasha Rudenstine, Sharon Stancliff, Susan Sherman, Vijay Nandi, Allan Clear, and Sandro Galea
"Overture" (For Emmanuel), Katherine Gordon
Overture: Love—Love is a pink cake, or, Queering Chopin in times of homophobia, Antoni Pizà
Overview of the Intern Position at SexGenLab and the Importance of Public Scholarship, Elizabeth S. Chapin
¡Oye!: Língua e negócio entre o Brasil e a Espanha, Laura Villa and José del Valle
Pairings in a Ring Spectrum-Based Bousfield-Kan Spectral Sequence, Jonathan Toledo
Pakistan, India and the Indus River Basin, Muquadas Ilyas
Paper, Clay, and Thread: Tools of Decolonization in the work of Guadalupe Maravilla, Juan Javier Salazar, and Julieth Morales, Alexandra J. Goldman
Paradoxical Insomnia, a Chronic Insomnia Subtype in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorder, Christy Chan
Parent-Child Relationship Quality, Emotion Reactivity, and Suicide Ideation among Adolescents, Deborah Schaeffer
Parent Perspectives on Early Childhood Education Integration, Maria S. Mavrides Calderon and Gregory Brender
Party Time: The Working Families Party and the US Political System, 1998–2018, Luke P. Elliott-Negri
Pasión de juventudes: la Reforma Universitaria y la emergencia de la literatura latinoamericana, Fernando Degiovanni
Pedagogies of Reform: The Role of Game-Based Learning in Recontextualizing Education, Hamad Sindhi
Performance Modeling for Network Anomaly Detection and Sensor Networks, Jie Chu
Perspectives on Determinism in Quantum Mechanics: Born, Bohm, and the 'Quantal Newtonian' Laws, Viraht Sahni
Perspectives on determinism in quantum mechanics: Born, Bohm, and the “Quantal Newtonian” laws, Viraht Sahni
Phantom Shootings, Allan Ambris
Phase Transitions and Thermal Stability of the Magnetic Dual Chiral Density Wave Phase in Cold, Dense QCD, William G. Gyory
Philosophy and the Analysis of Music: Bridges to Musical Sound, Form, and Reference [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Philosophy in the Narrative Mode: Alexander the Great as an ethical character from Roman to medieval Islamicate literature, Anna Ayşe Akasoy
PHYS 275: Intro to Scientific Computing, David Goldberg
Physics 422 Spring 2023 Syllabus, Ronald Koder
Physics 422 Spring 2023 Syllabus - Medical Physics, Ronald Koder
Picturing Women and Food in Casta Paintings, Costumbrismo, and the work of María Izquierdo, Paris Starn
Pillars for Nuclear-Weapon States to Make Material Progress on Nuclear Disarmament, Madina Zhetenova
Pixel Predicament, Francisco J. Lahoz
Plasmon Damping Rates in Coulomb-Coupled 2D Layers in a Heterostructure, Dipendra Dahal, Godfrey Gumbs, Andrii Iurov, and Chin-Sen Ting
Play Makes Perfect: An Exploration of Game and Play Elements in Composition and Performance, Gabrielle Chou
Pleasure and Power in a Cover Culture: Audiences, Musicians, and Venues in İzmi̇r’s Popular Music Scene, Yılmaz Onur Sönmez
Police Academy Attrition Rates: A Long-Term Analysis of Female Candidates in California, Texas, Wisconsin, Arizona, and New Jersey, Shamus W. Smith
Policing the Borders of An Empire: A Political History of Tagging (1960–2008), Maria Heyaca
Policy Effects on New York City Early Education Centers: Ecological Case Studies, Maria S. Mavrides Calderon
Political Economy in Lettres d'une Péruvienne: Françoise de Graffigny as Philosophe and Reformer, Marguerite J. Van Cook
Political Theatre After Occupy: Participation, Interpellation, and the Search for New Subjectivities in the Theatre, Andrew J. Goldberg
Politics of Refusal: Justice and Liberation for Black Trans Lives, Quincy Smith
Polyphenols content and antioxidant activity of Artemisia sieversiana willd. in Western Pamir, Gulazor Miravalova, Sh. Kurbonbekova, Sh. Satorov, Akobir Mirzorahimov, Dovudsho Navruzshoev, Vyacheslav Dushenkov, and M. Vakhidova
Population Genomics, Ecology and Conservation of Asterias Sea Stars in the North Atlantic, Melenia I. Giakoumis
Population structure of the lizard Ecpleopus gaudichaudii coincides with a biogeographic barrier - the Doce River, Alexander J. Garretson
Portals to Learning: Threshold Concepts in Art History Teaching and Learning, Rhonda L. Reymond
Positive Psychology Assignment: Character Strengths, Ann Marie Yali
Possible Causes of Leaks in the Transfer Pipeline: Student Views at the 19 Colleges of The City University of New York, A. W. Logue, Yoshiko Oka, David Wutchiett, Kerstin Gentsch, and Stephanie Abbeyquaye
Postcards from the Beach, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Posthuman Lessons for Writing and Well-Being: Reparative Practices, Anna A. Larsson
Power and Authority in Karl Marx, Niccoló Machiavelli and Thomas Hobbes, Ekim Kilic
Powering Connections: Teacher Candidate Perspectives on Computing-Integrated Education, Ifeoma Nwoke, Ezra Posner, and Sara Vogel
PR 101: A Resource for New Public Relations Professionals, Ilana M. Weinberger
Practices and Attitudes Towards Infant Hearing Protection at Orthodox Jewish Weddings, Rebecca Weiss
Precarious, Abby Sumner
Predatory Helpfulness: A Replication (And Expansion) Study Examining Grooming and Recruitment Tactics in Sex Trafficking, Tatum E. Kenney
Pre‑K teachers’ professional identity development at community‑based organizations during universal Pre‑K expansion in New York City, Sanae Akaba, Lacey E. Peters, Eva Liang, and Sherryl B. Graves
Preparing Preservice Teachers by Building Content and Pedagogical Knowledge of Integrating Technologies, Patrice Morgan
Preservando la playa del pueblo, Tasha A. Sandoval
Pretrial Consequences: The Impact of New York State Bail Reforms on Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pretrial Outcomes, Esther Laaninen
Prevalence of Non-self DNA on Three Different Sebaceous Skin Locations, Jan Kirstine Zamora
Principles of Financial Management Chapter 1 - 4, Dorina Tila
Principles of Marketing Eco 21250, jennifer v. lavayen
Proceedings of the CUNY Games Conference 9.0, Robert O. Duncan, Grace L. Axler-DiPerte, Joseph Bisz, Christina Boyle, Devorah Kletenik, and Carolyn Stallard
Promoting STEM Learning through a Multidisciplinary SENCER Framework at a Minority-Serving Institution, Diana Samaroo, Sandie Han, Liana Tsenova, and Urmi Ghosh-Dastidar
Pronunciation Ambiguities in Japanese Kanji, Wen Zhang
Propensity Score Analysis and Machine Learning: A Comparison and Application to Post-Secondary Education Data, Khudodod Khudododov
"Prophecies of Loss": Debating Slave Flight During Virginia's Secession Crisis, Evan Turiano
Prostitution, Hustling, and Sex Work Law and Policy, Polly Thistlethwaite
PSCI 246. Social Movements and Political Power, Antonia Cucchiara
PSY 2813: Cross Cultural Psychology, Desiree Byrd
PSY 390 Evolutionary Psychology, Dan McCloskey
Psychology in the Modern World, Kutay Agardici
Psychology of Addiction: Discussion & Essay Questions, Brent Maximin
Psychology of Adolescence, Brent Maximin
Public Awareness Campaign Sciences, Caitlin Geoghan
Public Perceptions and Punishment of Sex Offenders, Emily R. Ives
Public Privacy and Info-Liberal Authoritarianism, Christopher Hongach
Publishing Inequality in LGBTQIA+ Research in Psychology: A Content Analysis, Mackenzie L. Fingerhut
Publishing the Pan-Jewish: The First Hebrew Newspaper and its Modernities, Philip E. Keisman
Pulling It All Together: Teaching Genre, Disciplinary and Career Literacies, and the Framework for Information Literacy in an Associate Degree Capstone Course, LINDA MILES and Elisabeth Tappeiner
Quality Management and Oversight of Texas Forensic Science Service Providers, Sarah P. Chu
Quan Barcelona era ‘absolument moderne’, Antoni Pizà
Quantification of Phosphatidylethanol in Whole Blood and Dried Blood Spots by LC-MS/MS, Elizabeth Yulianto
Quantifying Separability in Limit Groups, Keino Brown
Quantifying Temperature-, Pressure-, and Nuclear Quantum Effects on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Water-Mediated Interactions, Justin T. Engstler
Queer Aesthetics in Dancehall Lyrical Content: 2013-2023, Robert Guchinov
Queering Sugar: Kara Walker’s Sugar Sphinx and the Intractability of Black Female Sexuality, Amber Jamilla Musser
Queer Mother, Hybrid Monster: Serpentine Hybridity and Monstrous Motherhood in D’Arras and Spenser, Farah R. Paterson-Cisco
Queer Stories Don't Change Queer Lives, Bhaskar Choudhary
Qui té por dels ‘Rosalía studies’? Guia de perplexos, Antoni Pizà
Race, Gender, Physical Activity, and Cancer: A Quantitative Investigation, Shawna A. Townsend
Racial Bias in Health Information Technologies, Kimora H. Toussaint and David H. Lee
Racial/Ethnic Disparities of Cancer, Metabolic Syndrome, and Lifestyle Behaviors in People under 50: A Cross-Sectional Study of Data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, Lin Zhu, Areebah Rahman, Ming-Chin Yeh, and Grace X. Ma
Radical Interrelated Qualitative Space in the Midst of Multipandemics: A Collaborative Scholarly Personal Narrative, Lisa Delacruz Combs, Maretha Maretha Dellarosa, Myung-Jin Kim, Alexander G-J Pittman, Chelsea Chelsea Gilbert, Spencer J. Smith, Tessa Tessa Smith, Shay N. Valley, and Penny A. Pasque
Raphael Montañez Ortiz and Alternative Art Spaces, 1966–1971: From Repulsion to Exaltation, Ana Cristina Perry
Raw data files for the manuscript 'Elastin Recoil is Driven by the Hydrophobic Effect', Nour M. Jamhawi, Ronald Koder, and Richard J. Wittebort
Razing the Bar: Developmental Students Shattering Expectations in a First-Year Learning Community, Cheryl Hogue Smith and Maya Jimenez
Realisms and the Body after War: Document, Truth, and Critique in Postrevolutionary Mexico and Weimar Germany, Eliana Blechman
Recent Advances in Bone Research 2022 Edition, Jean-Philippe Berteau and Laurent Pujo-Menjouet
Reclaiming Narratives of Sexual Assault: An Examination of the #MeToo Movement and Social Media, Katherine V. Marano
Reclaiming South Asian Beauty, Rizwana Zafer
Recognizing and disrupting stigma in implementation of HIV prevention and care: a call to research and action, Sarit A. Golub and Rachel A. Fikslin
Recording Studios since 1970, Eliot Bates
Recursive Functional Learning in Nonfluent Aphasia, Gerald C. Imaezue
Redesigning Program Assessment for Teaching with Primary Sources: Understanding the Impacts of Our Work, Jen Hoyer, Kaitlin H. Holt, John Voiklis, Bennett Attaway, and Rebecca Joy Norlander
Redrawing the Contours of Care: Ethical Commitments and Gendered Politics in the Work of Government Psychological Counsellors in Sri Lanka, Nadia Augustyniak
Red: Stories and Novel Opening, Josephine Sloyan
Reducing Liver Cancer Risk through Dietary Change: Positive Results from a Community-Based Educational Initiative in Three Racial/Ethnic Groups, Lin Zhu, Ellen Jaeson Kim, Evelyn González, Marilyn A. Fraser, Steven Zhu, Nathaly Rubio-Torio, Grace X. Ma, Ming-Chin Yeh, and Yin Tan
Reducing Multigenerational Poverty in New York Through Sentencing Reform, Jared Trujillo
Reengineering and Refactoring, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Reflections on the Digital Memory of Trans-Atlantic Slavery, Vinh T. Pham
Refugee Higher Education & Participatory Action Research Methods: Lessons Learned From the Field, Hadas Yanay and Juan Battle
Regulating the Care Boom: Labor Standards Enforcement and Paid In-Home Care Work, Isaac Jabola-Carolus
Reimagining the Inner Ear: A Morphometric Modeling Approach for Establishing Shape Change in the Evolution of the Human Otolith System, Christopher M. Smith
Relationships between sports, physical activity participation, and Phys-Ed GPA: Results and analyses from a national sample of Asian American students, Howard Z. Zeng, Raymond E. Weston, and Juan Battle
Remedios Varo: Inspirations and Creative Strategies, Margaret Colbert
Report Card: NYC's Student-Powered Newsroom, Julian Roberts-Grmela
Representaciones ideológicas de la lengua, la conversación y la comunicación en manuales de urbanidad del siglo XIX en México: guías para la civilización, el orden y el progreso nacional, Luis B. Quesada Nieto
Representaciones Ideológicas Del Lenguaje Entre la Población Mexicana en Nueva York, Maria del Rocio Carranza Brito
Representation in Animation — Bringing Diversity Behind the Screen, Elizabeth Short
Representing African Music, Kofi Agawu
Re-Presenting the Un-Presentable: Annie Ernaux’s "L’évènement" and Cristian Mungiu’s "4 Months, 3 Weeks, and Two Days", Victoria Tomasulo
Reproduction: The Ultimate Enemy of Racial Passing in Harlem Renaissance Literature, Veronica Kordmany
Rescue of deficits by Brwd1 copy number restoration in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome, Sasha L. Fulton, Wendy Wenderski, Ashley E. Lepack, Andrew L. Eagle, Tomas Fanutza, Ryan M. Bastle, Aarthi Ramakrishnan, Emma C. Hays, Arianna Neal, Jaroslav Bendl, Lorna A. Farrelly, Amni Al-Kachak, Yang Lyu, Bulent Cetin, Jennifer C. Chan, Tina N. Tran, Rachael L. Neve, Randall J. Roper, Kristen J. Brennand, Panos Roussos, John C. Schimenti, Allyson K. Friedman, Li Shen, Robert D. Blitzer, Alfred J. Robison, Gerald R. Crabtree, and Ian Maze
Research Methods in Psychology, Megan V. Caldwell
Research & Program Evaluation, Laura Brandt
Resource Management in Mobile Edge Computing for Compute-intensive Application, Xiaojie Zhang
Responding to Xenophobia: Politics, Populisms and Our Teaching, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
Response to Rice, Kofi Agawu
Restoration of Bone Material and Microstructural Properties after Long-Term Remodeling Suppression, Abigail A. Coffman
Resummation for (boosted) top-quark pair production at NNLO+NNLL' in QCD, Michał Czakon, Andrea Ferroglia, David Heymes, Alexander Mitov, Ben D. Pecjak, Darren J. Scott, Xing Wang, and Li Lin Yang
Retention of Female Minority Students in Bachelor STEM Degree Programs: An Exploratory Study of Five Cohorts, Elizabeth Milonas
Rethinking Early Modern Sexuality through Race, Mario DiGangi
Rethinking First Language–Second Language Similarities and Differences in English Proficiency: Insights From the ENglish Reading Online (ENRO) Project, Noam Siegelman, Irina Elgort, Marc Brysbaert, Niket Agrawal, Simona Amenta, Jasmina Arsenijevic Mijalkovic, Christine S. Chang, Daria Chernova, Fabienne Chetail, A. J. Benjamin Clarke, Alain Content, Davide Crepaldi, Nastag Davaabold, Shurentsetseg Delgersuren, Avital Deutsch, Veronika Dibrova, Denis Drieghe, Dušica Filipovic Ðurđevic, Brittany Finch, Ram Frost, Carolina A. Gattei, Esther Geva, Aline Aline Godfroid, Lindsay Griener, Esteban Hernández-Rivera, Anastasia Ivanenko, Juhani Järvikivi, Lea Kawaletz, Anurag Khare, Jun Ren Lee, Charlotte E. Lee, Christina Manouilidou, Marco Marelli, Timur Mashanlo, Ksenija Mišic, Koji Miwa, Pauline Palma, Ingo Plag, Zoya Rezanova, Enkhzaya Riimed, Jay Rueckl, Sascha Schroeder, Irina A. Sekerina, Diego E. Shalom, Natalia Slioussar, Neža Marija Slosar, Vanessa Taler, Kim Thériault, Debra Titone, Odonchimeg Tumee, Ross van de Wetering, Ark Verma, Anna Fiona Weiss, Denise Hsien Wu, and Victor Kuperman
Retórica de la predicación e ideología dominica en la quinta parte de El Conde Lucanor, Fernando Degiovanni
Retrat del ‘clubber’ adolescent, una mirada retrospectiva als ‘Balearic Beats’, Antoni Pizà
Revealing The Three-Dimensional Magnetic Texture with Machine Learning Models, Shihua Zhao
Review Java Basics in 2 Weeks (Slides), Shoshana Marcus
Review of 1900: Art at the Crossroads, Antoni Pizà
Review of Analogías musicales: Kandinsky y sus contemporáneos, Antoni Pizà
Review of La imagen de nuestros músicos: Del Siglo de Oro a Edad de Plata, Antoni Pizà
Review of Raíces: The Roots of Latin Music in New York City, Antoni Pizà
"Review of Stephen Huggins America's Use of Terror: From Colonial Times to the A-Bomb," 2020. Journal of Interdisciplinary History 51(2): 328--29., Zachary C. Shirkey
Review of the book Denial of Genocides in the Twenty-First Century, John A. Drobnicki
Review of Treasures of Castilla y León: A cultural season in New York, Antoni Pizà
Review of William Blake, Antoni Pizà
Reviews of Applications for Smartphone-Connected Hearing Aids and Implications on Counseling, Rebecca Strong
Revolutionary Women, Fredgy Noël
Revolutionizing the Stage: The Impact of the Revolving Stage in 'Hamilton', Amanda L. Padilla
Rewiring the Spokes: The Future of U.S. Bilateralism in Asia, Gian Marc Lombardo
Rigidity and Adaptation, Roger Karapin and Leonard Feldman
Robert Gerhard i la seva obra [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Robustly transitive sets and heterodimensional cycles, Christian Bonatti, Lorenzo J. Díaz, Enrique R. Pujals, and Jorge Rocha
Role of the G Protein Beta Gamma Subunits in Serotonin Transporter Dynamics, Nora Awadallah
Role Played by Edge-Defects in the Optical Properties of Armchair Graphene Nanoribbons, Thi-Nga Do, Godfrey Gumbs, Danhong Huang, Bui D. Hoi, and Po-Hsin Shih
Romancing the University: BIPOC Scholars in Romance Novels in the 1980s and Now, Jayashree Kamble
Roots and Branches: Mimetic Reconstruction of Women's History Through Nature in Post-Colonial Literature, Jessica D'Albero
Rotation Period Distributions and Light Curve Morphologies of Low Mass Stars and Young Associations, Mark Popinchalk
R-Symmetries and Curvature Constraints in A-Twisted Heterotic Landau–Ginzburg Models, Richard S. Garavuso
Rupturismes: Art sonor a Mallorca, un poc de context, Antoni Pizà
Ruth Bass Papers, 1939-2011, Alexander Rettie and Cynthia Tobar
Safety and Belonging in Immigrant-Serving Districts: Domains of Educator Practice in a Charged Political Landscape, Rebecca Lowenhaupt, Dafney Blanca Dabach, and Ariana Mangual Figueroa
Safety and Silence in a Shakespearean Space, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Salty: A Diffractive Inquiry of Visceral Knowing and Embodied Aesthetics, Mei Ling Chua
Sanctuary Says, Alexandra Délano Alonso, Abou Farman, Anne McNevin, and Miriam Ticktin
Sanitary Government: AICP, Public Baths, and the Battle To Clean New York City, Micah Blaichman
Satirical Essay Assignment prompt & calendar, Brenna E. Crowe
Schubert's Sexuality: A Prescription for Analysis?, Kofi Agawu
Scientists and Activists Work to Save the Planet, Myriam G. Vidal Valero
Searching for Mami & Abuelita: Reimagining Ethnic Studies Praxis Through Women of Color Feminisms, Art, and Archiving, Wendy S. Barrales
Seasonal Crop Foraging Habits of Asian Elephants and the Response of Farmers Near the Salakpra Wildlife Sanctuary, Kanchanaburi, Thailand, Scott J. Gulizio
Secondary Electrons and Compton X-Ray Generation in Solid and Heated Biological Sample in the Presence of Radiologic Contrast Media, Vanessa Robinson, Daler Djuraev, and Fatima Ahmed
Second Generation Phenyloxadiazolyl Methyl Sulfones for Thiol-Specific Bioconjugations, Guillaume Dewaele-Le Roi
Secondhand Shopping Is Now The Coolest Way To Get Your Clothes, Camryn Quick
Seeing Africans in China: Defining Race and Racial Hierarchy in Contemporary China, Xuemeng Li
Seeing Whiteness: the Progression and Regression of White Identity in Four Post-Civil War Literary Generations, Sara N. Stone
Seeking Justice for Jews from MENA Countries through International Law: Comparing the Cases of Morocco and Iraq, Jessica E. Yeroshalmi
Self-Employment Industry Selection: An Evaluation of Wealth and Demographics on Industry Choice in the U.S., Samuel Ramirez
Self-Listening & Envisioning Audience Exercise & Assignment, Jacob Kose
Senate Executive Committee Minutes May 8, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate Executive Committee
Senate Executive Committee Minutes November 13, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate Executive Committee
Senate Executive Committee Minutes October 23, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate Executive Committee
Senate Executive Committee Minutes September 18, 2023, Bronx Community College Senate Executive Committee
Senior Design Project - EV Charger and Distributed Energy Resources, Eric Iliyev, Mostafa Younes, Abanoub Said, Carlos Figueroa, and Ahmed Mohamed
Sensing Brownness: On Racialization, Perception, and Method, Amber Jamilla Musser
Separation of Zr from Complex Matrices for Isotope Harvesting Applications, Jake A. Bence
Ser escriptor en Català a Mallorca a finals de segle xx. Sobre les memòries de Gabriel Janer Manila, Antoni Pizà
SERS for the Detection of Trace Materials, Omari Kirkland
Serum cotinine as a predictor of lipid-related indices in Turkish immigrants with type 2 diabetes: A clinic-based cross-sectional study, Shiryn D. Sukhram, Gustavo G. Zarini, Lemia H. Shaban, Joan A. Vaccaro, Avinash R. Sukhram, and Fatma G. Huffman
Settling Into Inequality: Resettled Afghans in the Washington DC Metro Area, Harry Frey
Sexuality and borders in right wing times: a conversation, Alyosxa Tudor and Miriam Ticktin
Sexual Slander and Working Women in "The Roaring Girl", Mario DiGangi
Sexual Violence as the Language of Border Control: Protecting exceptional difference, Miriam Ticktin
Sexual Violence as the Language of Border Control: Where French Feminist and Anti‐immigrant Rhetoric Meet, Miriam Ticktin
Shaping an Inclusive LIS Workforce: Insights from Information Professionals, Rajesh Singh
Shaping the Body of Grief: Converging the Personal, Academic, and Visual in Memoir to Create a Broader Way of Mourning, Hilarie Ashton
Shear Thickening In Dense Bidisperse Suspensions By Dynamic Simulation, Nelya Malbranche
Shifting Frontiers Economic Consequences of the Polish Partitions, Andrew J. Fox
Shocking, Heartbreaking, Transformative, Jess Shane
Sibling Affection and Domestic Heterosexuality in Lodovick Carlell’s The Deserving Favorite, Mario DiGangi
Simone Martini's St. Louis Altarpiece: Materiality, Franciscan Propaganda, and Sacral Angevin Dynastic Object, Charles Morrow
Single-Cell Approach Reveals Intercellular Heterogeneity in Phage-Producing Capacities, Sherin Kannoly, Gabriella Oken, Jonathan Shadan, David Musheyev, Kevin Singh, Abhyudai Singh, and John J. Dennehy
Singlet fission in a hexacene dimer: energetics dictate dynamics, Samuel N. Sanders, Elango Kumarasamy, Kealan J. Fallon, Matthew Y. Sfeir, and Luis M. Campos
Singlet Oxygen-Mediated Conformational Flexibility, Antioxidant, and Isomerization Studies in Chemistry and Biochemistry, Oliver Turque
Sit Less, Move More: A National Study of Physical-Activity Behavior and Cancer, Stella O. Nwogugu
Situating the Corrido in Diego Rivera’s Murals at the Ministry of Public Education, Calla Flood Tardino
Skilled Workers’ Mobility and Attrition: The Case of Florida Emergency Medicine Physicians, Vassina Hassane Meite
Skin Echoes, Andreia Santana
Slow Speed Rail: The Social, Psychological and Environmental Benefits of Long-Distance Train Travel, Vincent Gragnani
Small molecule modulation of microbiota: a systems pharmacology perspective, Qiao Liu, Bohyun Lee, and Lei Xie
Smartphones: A Game Changer for Psychological Research, Wei Wang and Jibo He
Smoking Addiction in Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Its Perception and Intervention in Healthcare Personnel Assigned to Psycho-Rehabilitation Programs: A Qualitative Research, Pasquale Caponnetto, Marilena Maglia, Marta Mangione, Chiara Vergopia, Graziella Chiara Prezzavento, Riccardo Polosa, Maria Catena Quattropani, Jennifer DiPiazza, and Maria Salvina Signorelli
SOC 331: Foundations of Sociological Theory, Anahi Viladrich Dr.
Social and Cultural Processes that Impact Physical Activity among South Asian Americans Managing Hypertension: A Mixed Methods Study, Sugandha Gupta
Social Capital, Social Support, and Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults in Ghana and South Africa: The Moderating Role of Country, Paul K. Ayernor
Social Identities and Campus Belonging as Predictors of Flourishing Among College Students, Christine Gilchrist
Social Identity, Scientific Practice, and the Production of Social Knowledge: An Ethnographic Investigation of American Social Psychology Laboratories, Donald V. Brown Jr
Social Impacts of Robotics on the Labor and Employment Market, Kelvin Espinal
Socially Safe on Smartphones: How Smartphone Use Reduces Social Risk Taking, Diogo Koch Alves
Social Media in the Corporate World, Linelle C. Lestrade
Social Media Reactions to Apologies from Public Figures, Brands, and Companies and its Impact on Reputation, Melissa N. Dolan
Sociology Ethnographic Film Review, Kristen S. Addessi
Sociology of the Family (Asynchronous), Francine Almash
Sociology of Work Textbook, Amy Traver
Soft X-ray and Susceptibility Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Map Iron Distribution in Apples: Initial Results to Model Iron Storage in Water-deficient or Dehydrated Biological Tissue, Subhendra Sarkar, Eric Lobel, Evans Lespinasse, Zoya Vinokur, Analia Basilicata, Sonia Orellana, Maria Orellana, Aaliyah Salmon, Joanna Syska, Aravis McBroom, Jian Wang, Anam Riaz, and Jody-Ann Douglas
Solos y juntos: Dos al tres por ciento de la población en los Estados Unidos tienen escoliosis. Muy pocos de ellos están preparados para las tensiones emocionales que trae la condición., Anacaona Y. Rodriguez Martinez
Somebody Gave Somebody Some Kind of Heat About Something: Teaching Controversial Topics in the Politically Polarized Suburbs, Melanie Waller
Some in Corporate America Have Followed Through on Their Commitments to the Black Lives Matter Movement, But The Black Community Has Yet To Be Convinced., Brianna M. Monsanto
someone will remember us / I say / even in another time, Paul Anagnostopoulos
Somos Boricuas y Estamos Despertando: Decolonial Education, Collective Identity, and the Struggle for Puerto Rican Studies, Ricardo Gabriel
Song of the Outcasts: An Introduction to Flamenco [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Sonorous Movement: Cellistic Corporealities in Works by Helmut Lachenmann, Simon Steen-Andersen, and Johan Svensson, John Popham
“Sons of Adam”: Text, Context, and the Early Modern African Subject, Herman L. Bennett
Soundness and Completeness Results for the Logic of Evidence Aggregation and its Probability Semantics, Eoin Moore
Sources and Types of Social Supports and Their Association with Mental Health Symptoms and Life Satisfaction among Young Adults with a History of Out-of-Home Care, Rhiannon Evans, Colleen C. Katz, Anthony Fulginiti, and Heather Taussig
SPAN 290 - Survey of Spanish-American Literature II, Mariana C. Zinni
SPAN 34100 - 001 Hispanic Civilizations I, Isabel Estrada
Spanish Music in the Twentieth Century [Book review], Antoni Pizà
Speakers and Addressees as Creative Interpreters, Svitlana Novikova
Spectacle on the Fringe: Masks, Materiality, and Movement in South Asia, Deepsikha Chatterjee
Spouse and Unmarried Partner Choices Among Largest Latino Nationalities in the New York Metropolitan Region, 1980 – 2021, Laird W. Bergad
Staging Nature: Performing Environmental Crises in War, Housing, and Labor, 1935–1990, Erik Barrett Wallenberg
Standard Deviations of MR Signal Intensities Show a Consistent Trend during Imaging Follow-Ups for Glioblastoma Patients when Corrected for Non-Biological Heterogeneity Due to Hardware and Software Variation, Subhendra N. Sarkar, Rafael Rojas, Evans Lespinasse, XiangFu Zhang, and Ruth Zeron
Stand-up Comedy Visualized, Berna Yenidogan
Starting the Conversation: The Origin, Execution, and Future of TYCA’s First National Conference, Cheryl Hogue Smith, Jeff Andelora, and Joanne Baird Giordano
Statistical and Biological Analyses of Acoustic Signals in Estrildid Finches, Moises Rivera
Staying, Flowing, Resounding: Children's Interactions and Space-Based Attachments on a Manu'a Island, Mariapaola Gritti
Stereospecific Cross-Coupling Reactions of Enantioenriched Secondary Alkyltricyclohexyltin Nucleophiles, Meruyert Binayeva
Stereospecific Cross-Coupling Reactions with Enantioenriched Electrophiles, Iv Kraja
Stock Splits and Corporate Peer Effects, Albert J. Saad
Stock Stories Versus Counterstories: A Contemporary Retelling and Centering of Disenfranchised Narratives, Karen C. Pitt
Stokes Vector Modulation of Optical Signals; Coherence, Noise, and Digital Signal Processing, Mario Bnyamin
Storytelling in Modernist Fiction: A “Method of Presence”, Laura Malhotra
Structural Anomaly Detection, Shoufu Luo
Structural Basis of Signal Transduction within Environmental Sensing PAS Regulated Ser/Thr Kinases, Roksana Azad
Structural Identification of Pair Trades, Yi Liu
Structural patterns at all scales in a nonmetallic chiral Au_133(SR)_52 nanoparticle, Chenjie Zeng, Yuxiang Chen, Kristin Kirschbaum, Kannatassen Appavoo, Matthew Y. Sfeir, and Rongchao Jin
Structural Perspectives: Mitigating Information Poverty among Afro-Caribbean Immigrant Populations in the Queens Public Library System, Richelle L. Frederick
Students and Parents: How Academic Libraries Serve a Growing Population, Marta Bladek
Students Speak: Animating Stories about the Value of Information, Vanessa Arce and Rena D. Grossman
Styling Sweatshops: Seamstress Imagery, Industrial Capitalism, and Nationalist Agendas in Nineteenth-Century Europe and the United States, Alice J. Walkiewicz
Subject to Change, Shauna Steinbach
Subjunctive Desires: Becoming Animal in Green Porno and Seduce Me, Cynthia Chris
Summer 2024 Internship Search Plan Report- Course Assignment, Layana Abu Touq
Supply chain organizational infrastructure for promoting entrepreneurial emphasis and innovativeness: The role of trust and learning., Divesh Ojha, Jeff Shockley, and Chandan Acharya
Supply, Demand, and Minimum Wage: Unraveling U.S. Wage Inequality from 1963-2021, Daniil Frolov
Supporting women’s research in predominantly undergraduate institutions: Experiences with a National Science Foundation ADVANCE Institutional Transformation Award, Vita C. Rabinowitz and Virginia Valian
Sustainability Matters: Advocating for the Establishment and Continuation of Peer-Led Team Learning, A.E. Dreyfuss
Sustainable to the Core: Essays on Strategy and Sustainability, Junghoon Park
Syllabus College Now BA11 - Introduction to Business, Erika Gershuni
Syllabus for COM 310/ENL 313 Writing for Advertising and Public Relations, Rachel Kovacs
Syllabus for Computational Physics (PHYS 39907), Mark D. Shattuck
Syllabus for Writing for the Social Sciences, Brenna E. Crowe
Syllabus GEO101, Yuri Gorokhovich
Syntactic Parsing of Relative Clauses and Wh-Questions in L2 Italian, Pamela Franciotti
Synthesis and Analysis of Novel Troponoid-Based Chemical Probes, Alex Berkowitz
Synthesis and Biomedical Applications of Hollow Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, Aloka S. Paragoda Arachchilage
Synthesis and Characterization of Polymer-Based Complex Nanomaterials, Prashun G. Roy
Synthesis of Biologically Active Tropolones and Stereochemically Rich Compounds via Cross-Coupling Reactions, Nana B. Agyemang
Synthesis of Fluoroorganics and Applications of Novel Fluorinated Building Blocks, Wei Wei
Taking Advantage of Opportunities for Informal Leadership, LINDA MILES and Susanne Markgren
Targeting HIF/Coregulator Complexes in Cancer: Characterizing Fragile Fold and Inhibitor Binding Sites of ARNT, Xingjian Xu
Teaching Engineering Design-Based Integrated STEM in Rural Contexts: Nurturing Future Designers, Jung Han, Euisuk Sung, Todd Kelley, and John Geoffrey Knowles
Teaching in the “Home Language” Is not Enough: Navigating Spanish Raciolinguistic Ideologies in a Dual Language Bilingual Program, Gladys Yacely Aponte
Teaching the Past to Protect the Future: Degenerate Art as a Modern-Day Cultural Warning, Cheryl Hogue Smith
Teach Me How, Asmy Fayad
Techniques for Tree Species Classification with Hyperspectral Imagery at NEON Science Sites, Anthony T. Albanese
“Tell Them about the Dream Martin!”: The Retelling, Reframing, and Re-examination of the Civil Rights Movement through a Black Feminist and Postmodern Lens, Damele Elliott-Hubbard
Ten Steps to Organize a Virtual Scientific Symposium and Engage Your Global Audience, Jiye Son, Jasmine Sabio, Ankit Jain, and Rein V. Ulijn
Teoria da crise e a queda da taxa de lucro, David Harvey
Ternary Flow Simulation Based on The Conservative Phase Field Lattice Boltzmann Method, Chunheng Zhao
Testimonio and Counterstorytelling by Immigrant-Origin Children and Youth: Insights That Amplify Immigrant Subjectivities, Ariana Mangual Figueroa and Wendy Barrales
TGF-b Signaling Mechanisms in Caenorhabditis elegans Response to Bacterial Pathogens, Emma J. Ciccarelli
The 2012 Economic Burden of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) in Ecuador: Setting the Agenda for Future Research and Violence Prevention policies, Maria-Isabel Roldos and Phaedra Corso
The African Experience and Heritage in the Caribbean and Brazil Project, Willie Mack
“The American Dream” and The Second Wounding: An Exploration of the Institutions of America Through a Millennial Narrative of Self, Brittany B.C Vicars
The Antagonistic Anatomy of Anti-shippers: A Thematic Analysis, Adrian A. Stone
The Anti-Plantation Uprising: Indigenous Kinship, Territories, and Communal Politics in Guatemala, 1966-1982, Sergio G. Palencia Frener
The Archival Impulse: English Family Record Keeping and Archives, ca. 1450–1700, Maura Kenny
The Association Between Depressive Symptoms and Accumulation of Stress Among Black Men in the Health and Retirement Study, Roland J. Thorpe, Jr.; Ryon Cobb; Keyonna King; Marino A. Bruce; Paul Archibald; Harlan P. Jones; Keith C. Norris; Keith E. Whitfield; and Darrell Hudson
The Association between Mental Health Diagnoses and Trial Competency Assessments in Defendants: A meta-analysis, Danielle C. Severe
The Association between Rape Myths and Continued Contact with the Perpetrator Following Sexual Abuse, Jainee Smith
The Blind Spots of Sociotechnical Imaginaries: COVID-19 Scepticism in Brazil, the United Kingdom and the United States, Renan Gonçalves Leonel Da Silva and Larry Au
The Bracero Program and the Exploitability of Migrant Workers, Kayla E. Dantona
The Bronx solidifies itself in the fashion world with borough-based nonprofit, Nicholas R. Hernandez and Demetria Osei-Tutu
The Capabilities and Limitations of Flywheel-based Energy Storage System Pertaining to Subways in the Event of a Power Outage, Jaskaran Singh
The Case of the Disappearing Owner: Do Dogs Show Behavioral Evidence of Violation of Expectation?, Rita Kanagat
The Changing Realities of Open-Access Reading: Where Are We Now? Where Might We Go Next?, Cheryl Hogue Smith and Joanne Baird Giordano
The Chicana Mural Movement: A Reclamation of Mesoamerican Iconography, Jennifer Vander Els
The Complexity of Asian Americans in Higher Education, Akampreet Kaur
The compound risk of heat and COVID-19 in New York City: riskscapes, physical and social factors, and interventions, Janelle Knox-Hayes, Juan Camilo Osorio, Natasha Stamler, Maria Dombrov, Rose Winer, Mary Hannah Smith, Reginald Blake, and Cynthia Rosenzweig
The Confounding Body: Female Corporeality, Androgyny, and Disgust in the Work of Virginia Woolf and Zinaida Gippius, Yelizaveta Shapiro
The Connective Tissue of Well-Developed Interests: A Case Study of a Science Research Classroom, Deborah M. Brand
The Construction of Marijuana Possession Laws and Policies: How Policymaking and Enforcement Racialized the War on Marijuana, Edwin Grimsley
The Contribution of Syntactic Awareness to Vocabulary Learning, Harry M. Steves
The Cosmicomica, Corinne Bernard
The cost of living in larger primate groups includes higher fly densities, Jan F. Gogarten, Mueena Jahan, Sébastien Calvignac-Spencer, Colin A. Chapman, Tony L. Goldberg, Fabian H. Leendertz, and Jessica M. Rothman
The Cultic Lifecycle: A Thematic Analysis of Fulfillment and Fear in Cult Membership, Shaelen Grant
The Customer at the Brothel: Student Enlightenment through ‘Degenerate Art, Cheryl Hogue Smith and Maya Jimenez
The Dangers of NYC Non-Union Construction Work, Laura T. Bratton
The Development of Novel Radioimmunoconjugates for the PET Imaging and Radioimmunotherapy of Cancer, Samantha M. Sarrett
The Development of Novel Radioscandium and Hydroxypyridinonate Based Radiopharmaceuticals, Michael Phipps
The Devil Is in the Details: Witchcraft Materiality and Systems of Belief in Early Modern France, Ryan Evelyn
The dialectic transformation of teaching and learning in community colleges through ungrading., Grace Pai, Jennifer Corby, Nicole Kras, Dusana Podlucká, and Midori Yamamura
The Dissonant History of Tristan and Isolde, Amanda Persaud
The Double Entry Journal, Doreen C. Bowens
The Effect of an Elephant Conservation Education Program on the Knowledge Base of Children in Thailand, Angela Larios
The Effect of Body Mass Index on Brain Volume and Cognitive Function in Relapsing – Remitting Multiple sclerosis: A CombiRx Secondary Analysis, Aliza Bitton Ben-Zacharia, Malvin N. Janal, Abraham A. Brody, Jerry Wolinsky, Fred Lublin, and Gary Cutter
The Effect of Google Fiber on Incumbents' Average Broadband Speed, Erick J. Solis
The Effect of Henna and Bleach Treatments on Cocaine Hair External Contamination, Alexandra Dombroski
The Effect of Race on Housing Stratification Among Latinos, Julia T. Gomez
The Effect of Resource Quality and Species Interactions on Dermestes maculatus, Sarah Aliahmad
The Effect of Word Predictability on Proofreading Accuracy and Reading Time, Sam Prasad
The Effect on Mood of Social Media Posting Among People with Mental Illnesses, Andrew Croiter
The Effects of Isolated Affordances on Preschool Counting Improvement when Using a Digital Coloring App, Katherine Papazian
The Effects of Lower Speed Limits on Fatalities and Serious Injuries, Naufa Nuha
The Effects of Music Therapy on Elderly Adults with Dementia, Jeante J. Jackson
The Effects of the Social Security Amendments of 1983 on Employment Status, Alcohol Consumption, and Depression, Adam J. DelGenio
The Enduring Role of Conflict in the Perpetuation of Famine: Advancing 'The Right to Adequate Food' for Sustainable Peace, Robert M. Bane
The Experiences of NYC's Social Equity Cannabis Initiative, Jimmie J. McKinney II
The Face in the Dogwood, Joshua Barnett
The Feminization of Mexico City in the Late Twentieth Century: Polvo de Gallina Negra, Pola Weiss, and Lourdes Grobet, Alexis N. Corral
The Final Straw: The Battle for Puerto Rico, Samantha N. Marrero
The Flex Voice in the Soundtracks for the Nintendo Game Boy, Matthew Dineiro
The fusions and confusions of the Concierto de Aranjuez in jazz: A listener’s musings, Antoni Pizà
The Gendered Interpretation of Child Marriage: A Niger Case Study, Melissa Safi
The Gilded Tropics: Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent in Florida, 1886-1917, Theodore W. Barrow
The Global Jukebox: A public database of performing arts and culture, Anna L. C. Wood, Kathryn R. Kirby, Carol R. Ember, Stella Silbert, Sam Passmore, Hideo Daikoku, John McBride, Forrestine Paulay, Michael J. Flory, John Szinger, Gideon D'Arcangelo, Karen Kohn Bradley, Marco Guarino, Maisa Atayeva, Jesse Rifkin, Violet Baron, Miriam El Haljli, Martin Szinger, and Patrick E. Savage
The G Protein-Coupled Serotonin 1A Receptor Augments Protein Kinase C ε -Mediated Neurogenesis in Neonatal Mouse Hippocampus—PKC ε -Mediated Signaling in the Early Hippocampus, Sreyashi Samaddar, Sudarshana Purkayastha, Souleymane Diallo, Subramanyam J. Tantry, Ryan Schroder, Pranavan Chanthrakumar, Michael J. Flory, and Probal Banerjee
The Health Impacts of the Trump Administration among California Immigrants, Claudia M. Calhoon
The “Heaven Ab Initio” Argument from Evil, Carlo Alvaro
The Heirs' Property Problem: Racial Caste Origins and Systemic Effects in the Black Community, Brenda Gibson
The Iconography of an All-American Icon: Sailors, Homoeroticism, and Mid-Century Queer Cultural Politics, Kel R. Karpinski
The Impact of COVID-19 on Building Energy Consumption in New York City, Martha A. Olaleye
The Impact of COVID-19 on Employment Characteristics, Eliana Shatkin
The Impact of International Technology Education Standards on the Development of a National Curriculum: A Case Study in Korea, Euisuk Sung, Yuhuyn Choi, Ji Suk Kim, Eunsang Lee, and Yunjin Lim
The Impact of Language on Musical Composition in Ghana: An Introduction to the Musical Style of Ephraim Amu, V. Kofi Agawu
The Impact of Municipal Broadband Restrictions on COVID-19 Labor Market Outcomes, Saket Hegde
The Impact of Overseas Study Experiences on Chinese Students’ Attitudes Toward the United States, Xufeng Fang
The Impact of Perceived Social Support on Complex Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Elizabeth Eng
The Impact of Pharmacogenetics on Oral Fluid Steady State Drug Testing Results, Aliya D. Lewis
The Impact of Political Affiliation on Performance Judgements, Kajal Patel
The Impact of Semantics and Syntax on Lexical Retrieval in Individuals With Aphasia, Marta M. Korytkowska
The Impact of the CUNY Algebra for All Program on Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices About Teaching and Learning Mathematics, Celia C. Cruz and Rabab Abi-Hanna
The Impact of Utilitarian Public Policies on Minority Communities: A Comparison of New York City and New South Wales, Australia., Nicholas Reyes
The Impact on Gay Men of Support and Enforcement of Workplace DEI Policies: A Meta Analysis, Steven M. Vega
The Importance of an Onboarding Process for Librarian Success, Sonali Sugrim
The Importance of an Onboarding Process for Librarian Success, Sonali Sugrim
The Importance of Data Privacy and Security During Emergency Remote Learning, Emma Antobam-Ntekudzi
The Imposter Among Us: How Imposter Syndrome is Fueled by Diversity Discourses, Tina Liu
The Incurable Fanny Price: Disabled Perspective and Resistance to the Cure Narrative in Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park, Aurora C. Soriano
The Individual And Their World, Gail Hayes, Jennifer Brogan, and Gregory Bernardi
The Intersection of Religion and Mental Health Help-Seeking: Themes Within Youth Experiencing Early Psychosis, Breanna Nichols
The Invention of "African Rhythm", Kofi Agawu
The Invisible Box, Rafael Yaluff
The Jews of Harlem, Dimitry Ekshtut
The Landscape of Daughterhood: A Redefinition, Sarah Goldstone
The Language of Legal Violence: The State’s Role in Silencing Capitalist Dissent, 1877-1915, Jaclene Paolucci
The Lived Experience of Using Opiates Among Young Adults, Catherine Mbewe
The Lives and Afterlives of the Arenberg Gospels: Materializing Medieval Oaths, Sarah Ganzel
The "Llibre de franqueses i privilegis del Regne de Mallorca": A Source of Music Iconography, Antoni Pizà and Ramon Rosselló
The Making of Counter-Insurgent Geographies in Post-Revolutionary Cairo, Baltaga and Maslaha at Bulaq Abule’lla, Omnia Khalil
The Makings of Creativity and Empathy: Maps of Maternal Representations, Anielle M. Fredman
The Man-Made Disaster: Fire in Cities in the Medieval Middle East, Anna Akasoy
Thematic consistency between criminal history and crime scene behaviors: Comparing sexual homicide offenders with and without criminal histories of sexual offenses, Shannon E. Ettinger
The Mere Mention of Asians in Affirmative Action, Jennifer Lee and Van C. Tran
The Moderating Roles Of Racial Discrimination And Covid-19 Stress On The Association Between College Students’ Cannabis Use And Psychosocial Functioning, Shannique Richards
The Musical Language of Kindertotenlieder No. 2, V. Kofi Agawu
The Myth of Measure in American Poetry, Joshua M. Barber
The naming of Homo bodoensis by Roksandic and colleagues does not resolve issues surrounding Middle Pleistocene human evolution, Eric Delson and Chris Stringer
The Nawat Language Revitalization in El Salvador and How Its Digital Activism Transcends Borders, Sergio J. Mendoza Gallardo
The Neural Correlates of Bodily Self-Consciousness in Virtual Worlds, Evan A. Owens
“The New Pinkertons”: Anti-union consultants and surveillance tech thwart organizing, Jo Constantz
The Numbers Don’t Lie: A Quantitative Examination of Trauma Outcomes Among Black Homeless Women, Lisa Marie Persad
The Origins of the Iraq War: The Role of Anthrax in the Weapons of Mass Destruction Claims, John P. Koenig
Theorizing Racial Democracy, Teófilo de Souza Carmo Reis
The Pandemic Anxiety Inventory: A validation study, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Tasmyn Prytherch, MarK Cropley, and Renzo Bianchi
The Pandemic Anxiety Inventory: A validation study, Irvin Sam Schonfeld, Tasmyn Prytherch, Mark Cropley, and Renzo Bianchi
The Party’s Over: How Russia’s War on Queers Spelled its Downfall, Lucy Papachristou
The Persephone Series: Storytelling, Art, and Making Sense of Myself, Katie M. Frank
The Personal and the Planetal: Essaying the Ecological, Eric Dean Wilson
The Pleasure in Cruelty is the Point: Reflections on The Souls of White Jokes, Jessie Daniels
The Political Viability of Carbon Pricing: Policy Design and Framing in British Columbia and California, Roger Karapin
The Possibilities and Limitations of Parent Organizations to Advance Equity, Nildania Perez
The Potential of the Implementation of Offline Robotic Programming into Automation-Related Pedagogy, Max Rios Carballo and Xavier Brown
The Promise of Universalism Deferred: Political Economy of Social Policy in 21st Century Latin America, Juan C. Ferre
The Provocative Strangeness of Camus's L'Etranger and Coetzee's Disgrace, Phyllis E. VanSlyck
The Punitive Laboratory of Neoliberalism: A Cross-national Examination, Beth A. Fera
The Queer Comedy Boom: The History of LGBTQ+ Stand-up Comedy, Marcelle Karp
The Queer Life of Lorena Hickok, Samantha D. Leyerle
The querelle des clés: an episode in Francisco Frontera de Valldemosa's exuberant life, Antoni Pizà
The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors During the COVID-19 Pandemic, E. Paisley Shultz
The Relationship between Democratic Measures, LGBTIAQ* Rights Acceptance, and U.S. Foreign Aid Allocation in the Global South, Jacqueline Biergans
The relationship between sexting behaviors and Image-Based Sexual Abuse (IBSA): Does sexting predict IBSA?, Seunghye Yang
The Relationship between The National Family Caregiver Support Program (NFCSP) and Help Received by the Elder Population, Symone Biggerstaff
The Rent Is Too Damn High:the Spatial and Longitudinal Dimensions of Housing Affordability, Kasey Zapatka
There’s No Space in History: Affiliation, Eros and Colonial Entanglements in North American Nuclear Poetry, 1945-Present, Marguerite Daisy Atterbury
The Rhythmic Structure of West African Music, V. Kofi Agawu
The Ring Quarry Mining Complex: A Preliminary Archaeological Investigation into Ancient Native American Sites in Northwestern New Jersey, Joseph D. Cusack
The Rise and Fall of Dopamine: A Two-Stage Model of the Development and Entrenchment of Anorexia Nervosa, Jeff A. Beeler and Nesha S. Burghardt
The rise of mercury: the economic and health impacts of artisanal gold mining in Colombia, Jilmar D. Robledo Caicedo
Thermodynamics of Learning With Parametric Probabilistic Models, Shervin Sadat Parsi
The Role and Impact of the Communications Department and Investor Relations Functions on the Process of Privatization, Iulia Erhan
The Role of Developmental Stage, Compensatory Support, and Coping in the Relationship Among Adverse Childhood Experiences, Mental Health, and Resilience in Emerging Adults, Melanie Abbondola
The Role of Intersectional Stigma and Social Anxiety in Black, Latino, and Multiracial Young Sexual Minority Men, Jorge L. Cienfuegos Szalay
The Role of Linguistics in Education, Laiba Zia
The Role of Nuclear Quantum Effects in Supercooled Water and Amorphous Ice, Ali H. Eltareb
The Scholarship of Rock Music: Knowledge Mapping through Bibliography, Monica Berger
The Science and Practice of Coping with Pet Loss, Michayla Savitt
The Search for Existential Meaning: Tracing Leo Tolstoy’s Nihilism Through his Later Works, Elisabeth Koyfman
The Social Construction of Authorship: An Investigation of Subjectivity and Rhetorical Authority in the College Writing Classroom, Johannah Rodgers
The social provision of healthcare to migrants in the US and in China, Van C. Tran and Katharine M. Donato
The State of the Unions 2023: A Profile of Organized Labor in New York City, New York State, and the United States, Ruth Milkman and Joseph van der Naald
The Structures of Intra-national Class Divisions in Neoliberalism: The women of “light” and “dark” in The White Tiger, Sneha Madimi
The Study of 3D Micro-fluid Printing in Aqueous Two-phase System, Mian Huang
The Study of Excitons in 2D Novel Materials and Their van der Waals Heterostructures in the Magnetic Field, Anastasia Spiridonova
The Switch: Understanding the Perception of African American Linguistic Repertoires, Alyssa Powell
The tale of two leagues: Is there a wage gap between the NBA & WNBA, Isaiah D. Johnson
The Teaching Zone: Square Pegs in Round Holes, Cheryl Hogue Smith
The Ticker, September 13, 1988
The Ticker, September 17, 2002
The Ticker, September 22, 2008
The Ticker, September 26, 2005
The Ticker, September 29, 2003
The Ticker, September 30, 2002
The Ultimate Privacy Field Guide: A Workbook of Best Practices, Junior Tidal
The Unitary Executive Theory: Benefits and Dangers, Dani Heba
The Unknown Terror: Credit Card Debt Among The American Middle Class, Eamonn Maher
The Use Of Multiple Saliency Techniques As an Explanation Interface In General Image Recognition, Robert N. Moss Mr
The Vertical Transfer Pipeline and Its Leaks: Tracking Students From Associate’s Programs to Bachelor’s Degrees, Kerstin Gentsch, Yoshiko Oka, Sarah Truelsch, and A. W. Logue
The Water, ji kim
The Wehrmacht Experience in World War II, Tyler Masterson
This Article is Considered Terrorism in the Philippines: The Role of People's Lawyers in Class Struggle, Amanda Katapang
This Little Light of Mine: The History of The Amalgamated Nursery School, Kimberly F. Vanderbilt
“This Little Patch of Earth is Inexhaustible”: Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and the Outdoors Movements, Erica Evans
"Those common everyday things we all know": Roger Brown's American Art, Jake Brodsky
Three Settings of "Cruda Amarilli:" Examining Melismatic Cadences and Word Repetitions that Convey Meaning, Peter Richardson
Tied Together, Eiko Nishida
TikTok: A Path to Stardom… Sort of, Giselle G. Medina
Time series analysis for psychological research: examining and forecasting change, Andrew T. Jebb, Louis Tay, Wei Wang, and Qiming Huang
To Cite or Not to Cite? Confronting the Legacy of (European) Writing on African Music, Kofi Agawu
To destroy or transform? Two fossil fuel transitions offer glimpse into industry’s future, Chloe Bennett and Sarah Kerson
To Love, and To Be Loved: The Art and Relationships of Gwen John (1876-1939), Karina Grady
Tonal Strategy in the First Movement of Mahler's Tenth Symphony, V. Kofi Agawu
Tone and tune: the evidence for Northern Ewe music, V. Kofi Agawu
Tongues Out of Place: Narratives of Hereness and Images of Be(long)ing, Christopher Hoffman
Topics for He but not for She: Quantifying and Classifying Gender Bias in the Media, Tyler J. Lanni
TopoRadio: Mapping Research on Spanish-LanguageRadio in the United States, Eric Silberberg
To See or Not to See: Prestimulus α Phase Predicts Visual Awareness, Kyle E. Mathewson, Gabriele Gratton, Monica Fabiani, Diane M. Beck, and Tony Ro
Toward a new approach to job-related distress: A three-sample study of the Occupational Depression Inventory, Renzo Bianchi, James Sowden, Jay Verkuilen, and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Towards an Artificial Intelligence based Decision Support System to Evaluate Various Transit Projects, Patricio F. Vicuna
Towards an Unsupervised Bayesian Network Pipeline for Explainable Prediction, Decision Making and Discovery, Daniel Mallia
Towards Interpretable Machine Reading Comprehension with Mixed Effects Regression and Exploratory Prompt Analysis, Luca Del Signore
Towards Safe Automated Refactoring of Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution, Raffi T. Khatchadourian Ph,D,; Tatiana Castro Vélez; Mehdi Bagherzadeh; Nan Jia; and Anita Raja
Towards Safe Automated Refactoring of Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution, Raffi Takvor Khatchadourian Ph.D., Tatiana Castro Vélez, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Nan Jia, and Anita Raja
Tractatus de herbis, Botanical Guide to the Universe: A Case Study for Morgan MS M.873, Darya Badikova
Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Studies Investigating the Role of the DLPFC in Memory and Metamemory, Casey M. Imperio
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of the Prefrontal Cortex Delays Contralateral Endogenous Saccades, Tony Ro, Avishai Henik, Liana Machado, and Robert D. Rafal
Transfer Information Online: Websites and Articulation Agreements at The City University of New York, A. W. Logue, Chet Jordan, Matthew Townsell, Nicol Bellettiere, and Rhina Torres
Transformation and Abstraction to Aid Comparison of Binary Executables Across Compilation Environments, Jeremy D. Seideman
Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Individuals and Intimate Partner Violence Resources in LGBTQ+ Organizations, Claire Herr
Transnational Dominican Activism: Documenting Grassroots Social Movements through ESENDOM, Nelson Santana, Amaury Rodriguez, and Emmanuel Espinal
Transnational Ritual Poetics of Blackness in Performance, Nina A. Mercer
Traumatized defendants, troubled attorneys: The impact of vicarious trauma on the defense attorney-client relationship, Charise Peters
Trust but Verify: The Influence of Social Media and Core Values on Consumer Trust in Business, Zoie M. Lagoudis
Tunable Linear and Nonlinear Metasurfaces Based on Hybrid Gold-Graphene Plasmons, Matthew Feinstein
Turkish-German heritage speakers’ predictive use of case: webcam-based vs. in-lab eye-tracking, Onur Özsoy, Büsra Çiçek, Zeynep Özal, Natalia Gagarina, and Irina A. Sekerina
Type of Glossing Affects Cognitive Load and Retrieval of Meaning During L2 Reading, Camilo Andrés Bonilla Carvajal
Types of Cyber Attacks and Incident Responses, Kaung Myat Thu
Typography Fontstruct Assignment, Donald Partyka
Typologies of Battering: Uncovering Patterns of Coercive Tactics Used by Abusive Men in a Mixed Methods Study, Abbie L. Tuller
UAV Mapping vs Manned Aerial Mapping, Calvin O. Walters Jr.
Uber, the gig economy, and African Americans: Digital anti-Blackness in the new technological age, Bill Kaso
Ultrafast thermal modification of strong coupling in an organic microcavity, Bin Liu, Vinod M. Menon, and Matthew Y. Sfeir
Un cementiri a Brooklyn. Claudi S. Grafulla, l’improbable inventor del jazz, Antoni Pizà
Uncertainties in Retrieval of Remote Sensing Reflectance from Ocean Color Satellite Observations, Eder I. Herrera Estrella
Unconscious Priming Requires Early Visual Cortex at Specific Temporal Phases of Processing, Marjan Persuh and Tony Ro
Unconscious Processing of Unattended Features in Human Visual Cortex, Tatiana Aloi Emmanouil, Philip Burton, and Tony Ro
Understanding and Controlling Failure Mechanisms of the Zinc Anode for Rechargeable Alkaline Batteries, Michael J. D'Ambrose
Understanding Data Mining and Its Relation to Information Systems, Malak Alammari
Understanding Failure Mechanisms using Multi-Scale Analyses to Improve the Performance of Zinc Metal and Lithium-ion Batteries, Brendan E. Hawkins
Understanding Influenza Vaccine Hesitancy And Uptake Among U.S. Hispanic Adults During The Covid-19 Pandemic, HELEN J. Arteaga
Understanding Karaoke’s Popularity in America, Aki Camargo
Understanding the Experiences and Associated Symptomology of Disclosers and Non-disclosers of Sexual Victimization, Kaitlin Carson
Understanding the Impact of Incentive-Driven Changes in Hospital and Physician Practice Styles, Ke Zeng
Understanding the relationship between urban areas and the boundary layer using remote sensing methods, Gabriel A. Rios
Understanding the Relationship Between Working Memory and Long-Term Memory, Kelly Cotton
Understanding Victim-Offender Overlap Among Youth in Custody in the United States and Taiwan, Tzu-Ying Lo
Unlocking Potential: The School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students with Disabilities, Navena F. Chaitoo
Unmasking Shadows: Unraveling Crime Patterns in NYC's Boroughs, Jack Hachicho and Muhammad Hassan Butt
Un piano «tòxic»: Chopin i el seu ‘pianino’ en temps de la COVID, Antoni Pizà
Unpure: Serving the Purity Culture Deconstruction Community, Julia Capizzi
Unsung Heroines in Black and White: Sixties Girl Groups as Sonic Rock Rebellion, Hilarie Ashton
Untangling the Nature and Timescales of Magmatic Processes Driving Eruptions at Quiescent Volcanoes: Examples from Momotombo, Nicaragua, and Cumbre Vieja, Canary Islands, Samantha Tramontano
Untenable Spaces and Inconceivable Futures in the 21st Century Anglophone Indian Novel, Shoumik Bhattacharya
Untitled Alien Project, Sophie Janus
Uprooting Patriarchy: Meditations on Gender, Masculinities, and Healing Through Buddhist Practices, Noah Souder-Russo
Urban Plateaus: Alienation, Disappearance, and the Random Encounter in Post-1945 Literature and Film, Ethan Goldberg
Urban Space, Genre and Subjectivity in African and Latin American Cinema, Matthew Marcus
Use of Battery Systems for VAR Support in Con Edison’s Distribution Network/Substation, Elihu Nyemah
Using Bayesian Generalized Structural Equation Modeling to Analyze Latent Agreement, Sydne T. McCluskey
Using Economic Evaluation to Hasten Health Equity, Maria-Isabel Roldos and Nancy Breen
Using NYC Open Data to Improve Accessibility for People with Mobility Impairments in New York City., Said Naqwe
Using Zines in the Classroom and How to Make a Single Page Booklet Zine, Anne Hays Adkison
Validating a New In Vivo Model to Study ALS, Izabela J. Cimachowska
Validation of the Occupational Depression Inventory in Brazil: A study of 1,612 civil servants, Renzo Bianchi, Danísio Calixto Cavalcante, Cristina Queirós, Blezi Daiana Menezes Santos, Jay Verkuilen, and Irvin Sam Schonfeld
Validity evaluation of the genetics and genomics in nursing practice survey, Alexandra Plavskin, William E. Samuels, and Kathleen A. Calzone
Variation in compensatory strategies as a function of target constriction degree in post-glossectomy speech, Christina Hagedorn, Yijing Lu, Asterios Toutios, Uttam Sinha, Louis Goldstein, and Shrikanth Narayanan
Variation Procedures in Northern Ewe Song, V. Kofi Agawu
Variations in Family Child Care: Providers' Experiences Crafting Spaces In-Between School and Home, Eleanor Luken
Va ser homosexual, Chopin?, Antoni Pizà
Veggie Meat Alternatives: A Virtue-Ethical View, Carlo Alvaro
Vibration of a Cantilever Laboratory, Mark D. Shattuck
Vinyl as event: Record Store Day and the value-vibrant matter nexus, Eliot Bates
Virginia Woolf: The Bookbinder and the Bibliophile, Geoffrey Bridgman
Visual Enhancing of Tactile Perception in the Posterior Parietal Cortex, Tony Ro, Ruth Wallace, Judith Hagedorn, Alessandro Farnè, and Elizabeth Pienkos
Visualizing Dopamine Activity in Deletion of D2 Receptors in Medium Spiny Neurons, Kunhee Lee
Visual Modulation of Resting State α Oscillations, Kelly Webster and Tony Ro
Voice Leading in Fugue, Yuval Shapira
Void fraction measurements in large (0.3 m) diameter bubble column using Wire Mesh Sensor and Pressure transducers- Effect of sparger, Afolabi Gabriel Ojo
Voiding the Unwanted Self: An Examination of Racialized Violence in the United States, Benjamin Stark
Vortices and chaos in the quantum fluid, D. A. Wisniacki, E. R. Pujals, and F. Borondo
Wage Theft in Construction is the Greatest Form of Theft and We Do Nothing About it, Alexandra B. O'Connor
Waiting for the Crash, David W. Westenhaver
WALA Quick Start, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Wanting Under Surveillance: A Critical Analysis of Young Women’s Sexual Desire, Jennifer Chmielewski
Wave Engineering in Time Modulated, Nonlinear, and Anisotropic Metamaterials, Ahmed Mekawy
Ways of Silence and Other Absences in the Music of George Crumb, Jean-Patrick Besingrand
Weathering the Perfect Legal Storm: Novel Virus, Novel Instruction, Novel Course, Marissa Moran
Web Design, Kwame A. Baffour
We Didn’t Know: How a Mid-career Research Project Taught Us about Disability, Advocacy, and Ourselves, Lee Ann Fullington and Jill Cirasella
Weird Winter Weather in the Anthropocene: How Volatile Temperatures Shape Violent Crime, Christopher Thomas and Kevin T. Wolff
“’We Know What We Are, but Not What We May Be’: Student Transformation through Commentary Blogs", Cheryl Hogue Smith
‘Welcoming’ Guests: The Role of Ideational and Contextual Factors in Public Perceptions About Refugees and Attitudes about Their Integration, H. Ege Ozen, Aysenur Dal, and Efe Tokdemir
“We’re Still Here:” Evaluating Academic Library Instagram Posting During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Julie Turley
West 219 Show: Bail Reform, Anslem Michael Joseph
“We Talk, I Believe, All Day Long”: Forms of Communication in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre, Kara Vacalopoulos
Wettability Dynamics of Kerogen: Insights from Molecular Dynamics Simulations on Thermal Maturity and Reservoir Temperature Impact, Wei Liang, Xin Chen, and Rajat Sharma
What Adorno Makes Possible for Music Analysis, Kofi Agawu
What an Interesting Video to Put on the Internet (An Amusing Economic Indicator), Dahlia S. Bloomstone
What are Library Graduate Students Learning about Disability and Accessibility?: A Syllabus Analysis, JJ Pionke
What BEFORE Means: Teaching about the Communicative Contribution of the English Pluperfect, Max Miller
What Could We Be? A Queer Latinx Mennonite Memoir, Daniel Shank Cruz
What Faith Teaches Us: An Essay on Faith Adiele, Rochelle Spencer
“What if You’re Disabled and Undocumented?”: Reflections on Intersectionality, Disability Justice, and Representing Undocumented and Disabled Latinx Client, Elizabeth Butterworth
What is the ‘E’ in ESOL? Three Papers on Linguistic Borders, Normativity, and Race in Adult English Education, Kelsey Swift
What Kinds of Comparison Are Most Useful in the Study of World Philosophies?, Nathan Sivin, Anna Akasoy, Warwick Anderson, Gérard Colas, and Edmond Eh
What’s art got to do with politics? Show me the evidence, Nandi Prince
What’s Missing? The Role of Community Colleges in Building a More Inclusive Institutional Repository Landscape, Megan Wacha, Michael Kirby, Jean Amaral, Elizabeth Jardine, Meagan Lacy, and Kate Lyons
Where Do Community College Students Go for their Reference Management Needs: Findings from a Survey StudyManagement Needs: Findings from a Survey Study, Ajatshatru Pathak and Sarah Johnson
"Where Sex is Directly Concerned" Agatha Christie and the Feminization of Detective Fiction, Barbara Javori
White Supremacist Movement(s) in a White Supremacist Context, Jessie Daniels
White Supremacist Print Culture and the Creation of White Working-Class Ideology in 1860s New York City, Anna Meyer
Who Are Our Teachers? The Impact of the Composition Teaching Practicum on Writing Studies, Maxine Krenzel
Whose Imagination Are We Living In?: An Examination of Feminist Utopia through the Lens of Pragmatism, Mia A. Gindis
Wild Women of Anatolia: The Critical Construct Validity of the Liberation of Women in Turkey, Sedef Ozoguz
William Gibson and the Futures of Contemporary Culture, ed. Mitch R. Murray and Mathias Nilges, Sean Scanlan
Witnessing Climate Change in the United States Virgin Islands: Emotional Responses and Calls for Action, Thomas Bane
Woman FlyTrap, Brianna Jo Hobson
Women's Dignity, Women's Prisons: Combatting Sexual Abuse in America's Prisons, Erin Daly, Paul Stanley Holdorf, Kelly Harnett, Jane Doe, and Domonique Grimes
Word into Idea Online, Stephen Fried and Sam Tamburri
Word into Idea Online -- User Guide for Group Activity, Stephen Fried and Sam Tamburri
Working towards promotion to full professor: strategies, time management, and habits for academic librarian mothers, Marta Bladek
Working With Control-Flow Graphs, Raffi T. Khatchadourian
Writing as Liberation: Challenging Yemeni Patriarchal Practices, Sheema Alamari
Writing for the Humanities and the Arts, Olivia Wood
Writing for the Social Sciences Course Calendar, sarah Z. perez
Writing the Unwritten: Politicians, Celebrities and Activists on Lebanese Twitter, May Ahmar
Writing Workshop in Prose, Brenna E. Crowe
“W”: Women in Afropop Entertainment At the Intersection of Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Culture, Coreen Robledo
YA Banned Books Analysis, Amanda Birro, Jennifer Pappas, and Briana Cimino
You Don’t Even Need the Ghosts: A Writer’s Look at The Turn of the Screw, Andrea M. Schenkel
YouTube, Cyberbullying and COVID-19, Ani Shavliashvili
Zebras of all stripes repel biting flies at close range, Kaia J. Tombak, Andrew S. Gersick, Lily V. Reisinger, Brenda Larison, and Daniel I. Rubenstein
ZEUS IV, Lauren Holmes
μAkka: Mutation Testing for Actor Concurrency in Akka Using Real-World Bugs, Mohsen Moradi Moghadam; Mehdi Bagherzadeh; Raffi Takvor Khatchadourian Ph,D,; and Hamid Bagheri